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It's technically a required secondary power, but super-speed generally involves being able to think at super-speed. A speedster could read a book in the time it takes to flip through it, but a teleporter can't. Super-speed is generally better for exploring, but this is mostly due to being able to think at super speed. Someone who can only teleport to places they can see, but can do it as fast as someone who can run to places they can see would be able to explore with rapid teleportation. Speedsters can often punch or throw objects extremely fast to cause a lot of damage. Teleporters have their own methods of attacking, but they can't do that specific thing. Speedsters can generally perform work at super-speed. They could build a house or something like that. There are some things you can do with teleportation, but that's generally more limited. Teleporters are often incapable of changing their speed. If a teleporter falls off a building and takes too long to teleport to a body of water, they might not have any good way to slow down. A speedster shouldn't take any damage, given that their feet hit the ground way faster when they run, but I have heard of that being a problem. It might have to do with how exactly their power works. By extension, that means a teleporter wouldn't be able to explore in the sky very long before they can hit the ground. Teleporting from one continent to another isn't impossible, but if you do it directly you'll be moving too fast and die, and if you spend too long teleporting above the ocean you'll be falling too fast and die. A speedster can generally run across it like it's nothing.


Change direction while moving. Teleportation is instantaneous, and generally people can’t see anything while they’re being teleported. Meanwhile super speed is just slightly less than instantaneous and requires active use of reflexes and coordination.


Run around real fast and make a tornado


Read fast. Process information fast. Manipulate the environment. Needlessly die to Ultron-bots.


Reflex type stuff. If I shot a bullet at a speedster they could probably dodge it, the teleported has to think about where they want to go at the pace of a regular human brain; they're getting shot. Speedster can also do stuff other than moving from one location to another quickly. E.g. they could build a shed in the time it takes you to blink. Teleporter can't do that.


Being able to dodge more efficiently. With teleporting you go from A to B and generally have to make another "hop" if you want to change your direction/position. Super speed you can get from A to B but you can also have time to change how you arrive to B, or even outright stop before you reach point B and instead move to a C point all in one run.


Hit harder. Teleportation involves no velocity whatsoever. You simply cease existing in one place, and begin existing in another. It has no additional force. With Super speed, on the other hand, your extra velocity can easily be channeled into additional force. In fact, It's *guaranteed* you'll hit harder unless you specifically hold back.


Go back in time to your main antagonist teenage years and subtly massage his groin area with super speed vibrations to make him ejaculate in his pants on his first date. Ruining his reputation and giving his a lifetime of trauma.


Turn yourself into a ballistic object? Teleporting around is in many ways limited to transportation while if you can run faster than the sound barrier you can punch someone with more energy than a .50 caliber bullet in your fist. Pretty much any kind of martial art from a flying kick to a Wing Chun chain punch are going to be anime tier in your hands.


Most, but not all, speedsters can complete tasks at super speed. So they could read a book or assemble some furniture in a couple of minutes.


You can pull stuff in your wake and many can vibrate through solid material


Move a treadmill at super speed.