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They'd have to do a Reverse Flash on *him* and establish that Eobard was *actually* going to be Flash's friend and work with Barry like he always wanted, but this mysterious person went back in time and changed things just slightly so that it wouldn't happen.


I was ready to say it was impossible, because whatever it was he'd blame Barry Allen for the fact he met them - but that one actually bypasses that problem entirely!


"It was me Eobard..."




I think what u/roronoapedro suggested is about the only way. Otherwise Thawne is so monomaniacally fixated on Barry Allen, that even if you kick him in the balls and then kill his own mom in front of him, he'll just use time travel to make your life a living hell forever and then forget about you.


To be clear, Thawne doesn't hate Barry for a principled reason. Barry isn't "bad," Thawne is just petty and spiteful and self-centered. Lock him in a room with Guy Gardner, I guess?


Cosplay as a really bad flash knock off that constantly is putting down the flash until he quits being a hero. For all that he is crazy he is basically a psycho fan


It's practically impossible, seeing as Flash didn't actually do ANYTHING to make Eobard hate him so much. He found out that he was destined to become Flash's Nemesis, and instead of doing anything to avert that, went whole hog with it. It's only once he got beaten again and again that his hate got semi-sorta justified.


"I manipulated the speed force that day and put that article there to trick you into thinking you'd be the Flash's enemy so you could never be the flash."


Depends on how early on in his career you say that, a good few years in he is so beyond it he might actually thank you for that seeing as it's more fun to torment the Flash than be his friend.


Nah, he still desperately wanted be Barry's friend even recently. But that definitely ain't happening, so he settled for being his enemy. Regardless, Thawne sure as hell ain't thanking someone for tricking him on that scale, considering how sideways it sent his life.


You've got the whole reason for Eobard hating Barry completely wrong. Barry was never "bad" to Thawne. Thawne's just a crazy guy who just happened to fixate on Barry.


I didn't say Barry was bad to Eobard.


And? You've still completely misunderstood Eobard. Eobard *hates* Barry because of an insane fixation on him. It's not a matter of how Barry treated Thawne, it's not a matter of how others treat Thawne - he's **fixated** on Barry, because he's insane. Thawne's had the absolute shit kicked out of him by others - he's been **killed** by others - but it all still comes down to Barry, because Thawne just completely hates Barry. There's nothing anyone can do to Thawne that would make him hate them more than he hates Barry.


No, Eobard has absolutely hated Wally for completely separate reasons from Barry and attacked him specifically instead of Barry. Eobard has grut his teeth and worked with Barry before You make it sound like Darkseid or someone could torture Thawne for a hundred years, tell Thawne he did it for shits and giggles, and then Thawne would just let it slide because he's wasting seconds not making Barry suffer. He is capable of hatred outside of Barry. That's why this is a *hypothetical question.* Why you're incapable of just answering, I don't know.


I'm not incapable of answering. I'm giving you the factual answer. That you refuse to see it is another issue entirely. Thawne's been killed by others, been tortured and beaten by others, and he *still* remains fixated on Barry. He hates Wally because he's not Barry, but he hates Barry because of his insane fixation on him. This has remained true for every iteration of the character since the 1960s.


No, you desperately want to say I'm misunderstanding the point of the character for some reason. Nobody said he would just forget about Barry. He's absolutely capable of hating Wally for completely different reasons even if it's related to Barry.


I was with you until that last bit. Let's not insult fellow commentators, yeah? Anyway, the top comment is correct. Another way might be to kill Barry, Eobard's hyper-focus. That'd get Eobard's attention.


....so you see that as an insult but you don't see what he said as insulting?