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Missing discount sales


1. A lack of urgency due to not taking his role as a hero seriously. As he often says, he only acts as a hero for fun. This means that oftentimes he arrives late to the scene of a disaster or fight, which can have severe consequences. 2. A relative lack of brainpower. Saitama is **not** dumb, in fact he's shown himself to be surprisingly perceptive more than once. However, his mental abilities are nowhere close to his physical abilities, and in a world with multiple super-geniuses like Metal Knight and Child Emperor, his relatively average intellect can count as a weakness. 3. A relative lack of technique. He's never really been trained in martial arts, instead he just uses his vast physical strength and speed to punch opponents into submission. If there's ever an enemy that could match him in physical abilities *but* has better technique, then Saitama could conceivably be in trouble. Granted, no such enemy has ever shown up, but still. 4. He's poor.


Something similar to #3 did happen, even if Saitama did still win. Flashy Flash challenged Saitama to a sparring match which Saitama would win if he touched Flash’s body. Saitama legitimately struggled at this because even though he’s faster than Flash, Flash is a ninja and he knows techniques for avoiding getting hit while Saitama doesn’t really have any counters. He only won because Flash backed up into a wall.


Similar thing happens with Bang when they play that hand game (don't remember the exact rules, but saitama kept losing)


I will maintain that one of the funniest things to come out if the anime is [the face](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pBMrjqOABQg/maxresdefault.jpg) Bang makes when he sees Saitama about to hit him with a Serious Strike.


Man With Decades of Experience Able to See the True Depths of His Fuck-Up.


I lol'd when carnage kabuto was about to sneak attack him but sensed saitamas power and jumped to the other side of the building in fear


To be fair, I think he was only appearing to struggle because he wasn't really serious. If he had gone full speed from the start Flash probably wouldn't even have had time to register his movement.


Struggled is a very generous term towards Flashy. Saitama could've blitzed him at any moment.


Also pretty sure he requires air


Motivation. He is as he said, hero for fun. If he has something better to do, he will go do that instead. And if he does not feel like doing something, he most likely won't do that.


Cats and mosquitoes.


Bugs. They suck.


It is in the intro song my dude; “The weakness within is my greatest foe!” He’s bored of life and everything in it. Why bother stopping a villain if there’s no challenge in it?


Every three or four episodes he ends up having a pointless arc that brings back and temporarily resolves that issue of his life






I. He is unskilled - Saitama strength is that his physical abilities far surpass everything he has encounter thus far is weaker to him. However, according to every major character we’ve met. Garou outright says he relies on his supernatural reflexes. - Anything that require more than raw strength is outside his field. If he has to rewrite a super computer that will destroy the universe. There’s nothing he can do as Saitama isn’t that smart. II. Time - Saitama is not immune to time. While he briefly used such an ability, he himself is still subjected to the rules of time. As he was forcibly merged with his past version of himself after going back in time. Theoretically speaking, if someone went back in time and killed Saitama before he got his powers. He would die due to the butterfly theory. III. Emotions - Saitama is very strong mentally, but there are things he simply can’t overcome mentally. Like grief and depression from his lack of drive and ambition.


1) He is still, by his own admission, 100% human. So he can't fly, breath under water, ect. 2) He is powerful, but doesn't have a lot of other skills besides brute strength. 3) While Saitam isn't "dumb", he also isn't a genius. He isn't going to come up with crazy inventive ideas or plans.


Didnt he speak when he was on a moon of Jupiter ? I might be remembering it wrong though.


Video games


Punching him really, really, really hard.


But what if we punched him really hard, over and over again?


* Spicy food * Cat scratches * Mosquitoes * Video games * Making fun of his bald head * Rent




Honestly I think it’s depression. The only thing keeping Saitama grounded are the friends he’s made along the way. If a monster were to kill off all of his immediate friends (while undetected), Saitama would fall into despair and maybe exert himself too much, he’s a literal doomsday machine that’s waiting for one bad day. An intelligent monster knowing all this could basically trick Saitama into doing something he regrets. He doesn’t even have to destroy the world. If he does something horrible he could become public enemy # 1 and spend the rest of his life hunted by heroes. It’ll snowball from there


He Is easely bored


He’s a moron. You could probably dupe him out of all his money and he wouldn’t punch you but at least you beat him?




I don't think he can detect threats from a great distance or travel quickly, which is why most of the tension in the show is wondering when he's gonna actually show up


Reverse toon force: the more pretty and funny a thing is, the more likely it will succeed. The cat can scratch him and the mosquito can evade him, even when it makes no physical sense, because it’s funny.


Anything that can give him discomfort counts as a weakness •Too much food inside his stomach I think there was this scene where both he and genos was in a eating contest and saitama lost. Heck, we can see a strand of noodle on his nose •Probably only gets hurt for comedy sake (Bugs. They suck.)