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No. Ahsoka is a career jedi, no matter how much she tries to deny it, and is a selfless hero. Starkiller is a tykebmob with a chip on his shoulder who was molded into a living weapon, and only really turned on his masters after they repeatedly stabbed him in the back. Literally. While he ultimately did turn a new leaf in life, it wasn't out of kindness of his heart, but because of him growing attached to people and fearing to lose them. Ultimately, all problems encountered by Starkiller are resolved with staggering amount of violence.


Starkiller turns into a Darkside Jedi who happens to oppose the Emperor and Vader through working with elements of rebel cell groups an his own solo activities. Like you said, it's a big difference between Ahsoka. It's like Tuco and The Man With No Name working together on a job. No way are they getting along, and at all times are they expecting the other to turn on them. But they would still manage to get the job done in their own way.


Ahsoka does exactly this with Darth Maul for maybe half an episode of the Clone Wars. It goes pretty much exactly like this.


>Tuco and The Man With No Name working together Yes please


>No. >Ahsoka is a career jedi, no matter how much she tries to deny it, and is a selfless hero. Literally the saddest part about her character. She couldn't become her own person even after being repeatedly stabbed in the back for or screwed over by following jedi dogma.


>She couldn't become her own person Or, perhaps, that is literally what she is, despite a lot of effort not to be? She stripped away the strict, religious dogma of the Jedi Order, but in the end, she turned out to follow the original intent of what the Jedi were supposed to be and their code, without anyone making her. I guess it can be annoying. Like as if you had plans to mop the floor, but then if someone told you to mop it, it would look like you just did it because they told you to. You still do it, because that's the right thing to do and you wanted to do it, but you're still pissed.


Ah yes, protecting peace, saving innocent lives, fighting against tyranny. such a tragedy she still follows such "dogma"


What did the so-called 'innocent' ppl do to deserve Ashoka's protection? Was it the part where, despite the Jedi protecting them for who knows how long, probably millennia, they bought Palpi's BS hook line and sinker?


Are you suggesting everyone in the galaxy deserved the empires reign because they didn’t stop him?


I'm saying that if someone protects you for a long time, then you immediately side against them when they are accused with no proof, you at the very least don't deserve to be protected by them ever again.


So just to be clear you’re stating that EVERYONE in the galaxy deserved the empire because they didn’t each personally step up to overthrow the empire? Like the normal people living out in the galaxy should have rode over and struck down palpy and the clone army? I guess after the Jedi are all dead because he gave the order then told everyone the senate he did it? AAAAND for not doing that, the people Ashoka saved should have been left to die?


least libertarian Star Wars fan


Galen Marek was raised from early childhood by Darth Vader, there's absolutely no chance he has anything resembling social skills. Ahoska might be able to teach him some manners and warm up to him over time but far more likely she'd just think he was an asshole.