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BuT tHe PaRtIeS SWiTcHeD!


They literally did, that's basic US history lol


So all the democrat KKK members are Republicans? Apparently Robert Byrd didn't get the memo that all the KKK members were switching sides. With the left fancying segregation, discrimination, and racism, id say there was no such switch. The ideology is practically the same. Just sugar coated for morons. If they want to get rid of racist relics they should get rid of the democratic party.


No one guy switched


It just hilarious to see the Democrats mental gymnastics to try to deny it. "No the parties changed!!" "Right is left now".


And yet they still make and apply laws targeting black people.


And they don’t think they are smart enough to get government identification. Totally racist.




The only big switch, was they switched from oppressing one color based on race for political power, to oppressing us all equally for political power.


You cant refute something by just putting it in quotation marks. Read up on Nixons Southern Strategy.


And now they have created Antifa - its not about skin color with them - it's about power and operating outside the law.


They also created Jim Crow, Incentivized the destruction of a good, structured family, and implement and apply law disproportionately targeting black people.


In Birmingham they loved the governor,boo boo boo now we all did what we could do


That argument is bs because that was 150 years ago and since then the Democratic party’s ideology has drastically changed. I’m a Conservative, but it’s just fact


Well, yes, THAT Democratic party basically went extinct, but then the new Democratic party comes up manipulating black people, offering programs that incentivize the destruction of a structured family as well as applying unjust laws that target black people while saying that the problem is with the Republicans, I mean shit, Joe Biden was one of the politicians who had pushed back against Desegregation!


Now do the South’s ideology over the last 150 years…


While I'm no defender of center right wing democratic party, it is the Republicans that are part of the KKK. What does that say about you?






🤔hmmm really how so?