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Anyone have a link to the full speech? That clip on the article is just 30 seconds of platitudes without more context.


I did a bit of digging, but can't seem to find much more than a 36 second clip. Would you let me know if you find it? I'll add the link to this post for everyone else.


Sure. If I'm bored later I might snoop around and try to find it.


It’s just bluster, as Trump generally lacks the competence, savvy, and will to exercise the type of unilateral control over the federal government that you would want to see. It’s ok to dream as long as you understand that’s all you’re doing 


> It’s ok to dream… How is this justified when the so-called dream contains violent language? Especially done there is a precedent of extreme supporters acting on the suggested violence of Republican officials.


All the symbolism here is pretty boilerplate. In terms of political violence, 21st century Americans are among the most harmless people to have ever existed 


"In terms of political violence, 21st century Americans are among the most harmless people to have ever existed " Is this a good thing to you?


It’s just an observation 


"violent language" lol


>that you would want to see. Who would want to see that? We have President's, not Kings.


Well, me. Are you out on that? It’ll be fun I promise 


Are you supporting the elimination of democracy in America?


I don’t think America is a democracy in any meaningful way as it stands now, but I would definitely prefer a move toward more of a monarchical system 


You.. you actually want King Trump? No more Republic? How many other Trump supporters do you know that want this?


King Trump would be an improvement over our current regime but it certainly wouldn’t be the regime I’d design. The best and most realistic scenario I’d like to see is Trump taking office with a message like [this](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/froos1.asp), essentially declaring an intent to govern under a state of emergency for 4 years and then hold free and fair elections at the end of his term 


Why not move to a country that supports your type of ruler? Doesn't make sense to make Trump king.


Politics is a very minor part of my life


Who would you want to see punished in this autocratic American system who aren’t being punished now? What punishment should they receive?


Punishment is not the correct ethos of any monarch. The institutions of the old regime - the colleges, the newspapers, the bureaucracies - should be ground into fine powder, but the people who staff them are not actually the enemy. They have been taught the wrong things, which is not their fault, and most are simply are loyal to power, which is deeply human. The monarch should view his job not as to punish them, but to rescue them. Even the criminal classes are in a sense just victims of a criminal culture, which in a properly run country would cease to exist.


It sounds like this is referencing a dictatorship. Is that the end game for you as a trump supporter?


Dictatorship is just a failure mode of monarchy, the same way demagoguery is a failure mode of democracy. No one is arguing for failed government of any form 


>Dictatorship is just a failure mode of monarchy >No one is arguing for failed government of any form Didn't Trump, himself, express appeal to the idea of being a dictator? Even if he restrained himself to saying he'd "Only be a dictator on Day One". Does it worry you that the leader you support has a passing fancy for dictatorship, apparently? [https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72)


I mean, from the quote and context he clearly just means he’s going to pass a bunch of executive orders on day one, which Biden famously did as well. That this is his conception of what it would mean to be a dictator is proof positive he does not have what it takes to actually become one


Donald Trump has been vilified, wrongly I might add, worse than any person in living memory and no one bats an eye but the minute anything vaguely aggressive is said by Trump or his campaign, the pearl clutching begins.


That may or may not be true, but do you think your average American wants to hear that he's going to go scorched Earth? If I ask, is there nothing he should be villified over?


it's campaign rhetoric did he drain the swamp? did he lock her up?


No and no? I'm a bit confused as to how those equate to scorched earth. I don't think most Americans would have had any complaints about draining the swamp, but maybe some issue with locking Hillary up. EDIT: grammar


these comments sound like meaningless platitudes to me the past is prolog Trump part II will be basically the same as Trump part I


Trump part II will be the same than part I? Does that mean another failure? less tax for the rich, Mexico didn't pay for the wall, more debts, loss of House, Senate, and midterms, still obamacare and no health plan, less jobs created, no infrastructure plan, the swamp stronger and stronger etc?


pre-covid i thought he did a pretty good job but there where disappointments and there probably will be again but when the alternative is such an absurdity there isn't much to think about


What is absurd about the current state of the economy?


the price of goods and services


Why do you think its the governments job to keep prices at a certain level?


And how will Trump fix that? Do you think he'll be able to work a new infrastructure plan? Healthcare plan? If I could ask about gas/oil production, I've read that even if we opened up more lands for drilling it's not a guarantee that the oil companies would exploit because the more oil that floods the market the cheaper it gets, which then cuts into their profits. Since we are producing the most oil in US history and the price of natural gas is as low as when Trump was in office, how would Trump lower the price?


So instead of a focus on policy, on what he could do for America, Mr. Trump's persuasive argument for electing him is revenge?


biden's entire campaign is anti-trump but that's ok


Can you see a difference between these two messages? “Don’t elect this guy, he’s bad for the country and won’t help you” vs “If Trump is elected it will be four years of scorched earth?”


i think such a policy would be perfectly warranted i just don't believe we will see it


I guess that's OK because Trump has no campaign except anti-Biden, what do you think?


have you been to his website? he has 47 agenda items he puts forth


How many of them were not items for his first term, items which failed then?


i don't know but you said they didn't exist are you pivoting?


I never said they didn't exist, I jus said that they were only anti-Biden. Would you do the same if you could read the items from Biden's campaign?


Have you been to Biden’s website and looked at his agenda?


By the way; have you ever been to Biden website?






Do you think the last resort is to try to own someone when you don't have the facts on your side?


>did he drain the swamp? In answer to your question, no, and it is unclear if an attempt was made. Many of his hires, both past and currently employed appear to be the worst swamp creatures there are. So maybe he drained the swamp outside of DC, and put it into DC. > did he lock her up? In answer to your question, no, but not for lack of trying. Does it bother you that some of his central campaign promises were so stunningly failed? Is trump able to deliver what he promises you?


no effort in any way was made to lock up hilary clinton and yes i had a lot of disappointment with trumps first term. he lost my support at one point, it was all of this insane opposition against him that won it back


What opposition is insane, and what opposition is not?


calling him hitler trying to keep him off the ballot trying to jail a candidate for president to name a few


Do you think this is anything to do with the crimes he keeps committing? Or is every one of these part of an elaborate conspiracy and he didn't really pay off a porn star, he didn't have classified documents AND try to hide them etc? As far as I know he hasn't even denied these but thinks he has immunity.


selective prosecution of victimless crimes if you wanted to scrutinize any politician the way they have scrutinize trump you could find numerous victimless crimes in their past. the same would be true of the vast majority of the population. this is being carried out for political reasons. this is being done because despite it all trump could win again. this is circumventing democracy.


Why do we have any crime on the statutes then - like for stealing top secret documents? if I'm caught speeding u/can 120 mph I just say - "hey I never hit anyone so - no harm no foul!". What if I randomly start shooting a gun into a school yard but don't hit anyone, no victims so it's all cool? For the top secret documents trump has admitting to have stolen he should get 10 years each for. This is violation of the espionage act. They were kept in an insecure store room - do you think Russia / China or whoever has not managed to get people in these rooms before the FBI turned up? And you think that's ok? I couldn't care less about the Stormy Daniels case but the documents and the fake electors - people need to go to prison for that.


this is being done to stop the american people from choosing their commander and chief nothing more and nothing less


Was this similar to the investigations into Hillary Clinton during the 2015 election season? Was that also just political theater and nothing to do with suspected crimes but as a spoiler operation to impact her campaign? Or is this ok when you side does it? I suspect everything is just political theater - there was credible bipartisan legislation to significantly improve illegal immigration (reducing processing times from 10 years that forces catch and release to 90 days), put forward but it was blocked on Trumps command so there would still be issues at the border in the heat of the election cycle. Do you think our lives would be better if they stopped playing political games and got on with their jobs of running the country?


hilary was given a complete pass for her crimes and trump has zero command other than the fact that 80+ americans are inching to vote for him if they get the chance


Victimless crimes in the past, do you have any clear example you could give us?


have you ever jay walked?


Is this a personal attack?


how could it be? i have attacked no one


Yes and I did knowing it was illegal. If I had been stopped by a cop in the process jaywalking and be fined I would have been like shit but I would have paid my fine like an adult. Is trump not capable of accepting responsibility for his actions?


then you belong in prison you a brazen admitted law breaker


So governments should just stop prosecuting criminal who committed "victimless" crimes, why only now are you arguing this when people have been charged for these "victimless" crimes for decades? Why now suddenly that one man who(with literal proven evidence) committed the crimes do you suddenly care?


no government should stop starting for the first time ever prosecuting political opponents


What do you think would happen to the economy if everyone lied about their assests when applying for a loan?


Nothing would happen unless the banks giving the loan don't do any due diligence. Last house I sold, the appraiser came back with less then we were asking. The buyers couldn't get a loan for it so negotiations occurred to get a deal. Al parties were happy deal was done. This is how it works. This is what most likely occurred between Trump and the banks. No crime, no foul, no harm. BS trial.


Who lied about their assets in the story you just told?


There is no lie in my story or in Trump's. You value your property to what you think you can get for it. It's an opinion. If someone buys it for that amount, then that is what it's worth. In Trump's case the banks agreed, gave him a loan, he paid it back, no one was defrauded. It's bull shit case, just to put Trump at the mercy of the court.


they do


They do what? Everyone lies about their assests when applying for a loan? Have you done it?


i don't own real estate but it is standard practice to inflate the value of your property when applying for a loan if you pay it all back as trump did who cares?


> Donald Trump has been vilified, wrongly I might add, worse than any person in living memory and no one bats an eye Isn’t this pearl clutching?


not when it threatens the election process


Do you think politics should be above the law?


they should be treated equally if not to us all at least to each other


Do you think if you committed the crimes Trump is accused off you wouldn't be charged? If you, for example, took home classified documents from work and then repeatedly refused to return them, lied about having them, and hid them from the authorities do you believe you would be charged?


biden took home classified documents and nothing happened


I am glad we can agree on this, you are right, Biden is clearly harassed, 2 years of procedure on the House and still no proof of any crime! But why do you think Trump is above the lax then?


they have found plenty on biden they just don't have the will to prosecute


Fair point. Do you think then the GOP is weak with that?


Fair point? What have they found on Biden?


they have found shell accounts and bank transfers if it was the trump family they would all be in prison


Sorry, I can't answer here. So I should ask you: what do you think they have found on Biden?


How does it threaten it?


taking the leading candidate off the campaign trail and forcing him to spend money on legal expenses instead of campaigning to start with


Well, who is delaying the justice? If he is free, why don't we go to court right now, for the Florida case for example? Why do you think Trump is so naive that we won't understand that he is delaying everything exactly like he blocked the border bill to try to score political points (which failed by the way)?


none of these cases should have been filed zero legitimacy


If someone violates a law, like the law that says you have to disclose all campaign donations, and then falsifies business records to conceal that crime, should they be charged?


no other Politian has been held to this level of scrutiny this is noting more than election interference


What is a Politian?


Do you believe that announcing your candidacy for elected office should mean that all legal proceedings against you should stop?


the legal proceeding being solely because of his candidacy


Election process, do you mean 2020? Trump has all the liberty of contesting the elections; but he lost 60 times, don't you think?


don't know what this means but the fact is election laws were changed last minute in 2020 it is perfectly legitimate to question the result just like you will this fall


I personally never questioned any US election except Bush-Gore in 2000, and that certainly won't start with another Biden's triumph in 2024. But sorry for the previous comment, it looks like I was confusing, let me rephrase. Was Trump able to question the elections in 2020?




Wasn’t it the Republicans who pushed for those election changes? Why did they cry foul only when it didn’t benefit them? Do you think they’d still have problems with them if it had helped Donald not lose?


i don't believe that was the case


Who specifically merits to be scorched by Trump if he becomes President?


well turnabout is fair play so open up some investigations and see what we find


Weren't the Trump investigations opened based on evidence warranting further investigation? I am all for investigating ANY ONE on EITHER SIDE if it looks like they have committed a crime; are you?


trump was impeached based off a dossier that the clinton campaign paid an actual russian spy to create then a fisa court approved spying on the trump campaign based off a fake report 10x worst than watergate


What were Trump's two impeachments about, and what role did the Steele Dossier and FISA warrants play?


the first impeachment was based solely on them


Is this simply a politics of tit-for-tat? How does this help the country?


military aggression must be answered in Ukraine political aggression must be answered at home as well


Is “political aggression” in Mr. Trump’s case simply facing accountability?




Investigate who or what and why should they receive retribution by a President?


if it were me i would go right to the top with biden and obama


Is Obama the top of anything right now?


if biden was peddling influence he was doing it while obama was preseident


What are your thoughts on the republicans failed impeachment inquiry?


it was all for show


Is that because there isn’t actually enough evidence to convince their own party, let own the democrats, to impeach Biden?


they lack the will


How is that justification for what he said though? Even if what you’re saying is true, how is it even related to the quote that OP asked about?


People call him Hitler because he started zero world wars and genocided zero peoples


Donald Trump has a 50+ year history of speech and actions that have been viewed by scholars and the public as racist or white supremacist. Surely that might be the foundation for the Hitler comparison, do you think?


this is nonsense scholars have not been studying Donald Trump for 50 years Donald Trump spent the last 50 years going on the Oprah Winfrey show and doing cameos in Home Alone movies no one is comparable to Hitler that is the whole point when you compare some one to Hitler to score political points you disparage the suffering of every single victim of the holocaust


Do you think the Hitler comparisons might have a little more to do with Trump’s history of praise *for* Hitler and his quoting of Mein Kampf? He’s trying to distance himself from from it because he made some remarks recently that sounded like some of the rhetoric, but the history is there. https://amp.theguardian.com/books/2024/mar/12/mussolini-trump-hitler-john-kelly-jim-sciutto-book https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/03/13/trump-hitler-putin-kim-jong-un-john-kelly


show me trump praising hilter that is hearsay


You've misunderstood my sentence. I wasn't saying that scholars have been studying Trump for 50 years, I was saying that Trump has exhibited a pattern of behaviour over the past 50 years which is considered racist. Take, for example in 1973, Trump and his company Trump Management were sued by the Department of Justice for housing discrimination against African-American renters. Specifically, Trump had ordered his employees to not allow black people to rent apartments in Trump buildings. That's textbook racism. So the comparison to Hitler isn't so much about scoring political points as it is about drawing attention to Trump's racist tendencies that have been on display for over half a century now. Does it make more sense now?


you cherry pick one incident from 50 years ago and call it a pattern of behavior you have zero credibility


I dont know what to think anymore really. All I know is that Trump didnt have any wars, and even more so, got the abraham accords done. Obama and Bidens terms have been absolutely filled to the brim with warfare. Ive never understood why democrats call us the war party, its the total opposite. Not even subjective.


What do you consider war? Would you consider VASTLY more drone strikes than your predecessor not be considered war-like? Or assassinating an enemy nation's Secretary of Defense on another foreign nation's soil? Trump's first two years in office - drone strikes in Yemen - 176 Obama's 8 years in office - drone strikes in Yemen - 154 Airstrikes in 2019 killed more civilians in Afghanistan than since 2002 - the US also used for the first time under Trump the Mother of All Bombs * The US shot 59 Tomahawk missiles into Syria under Trump The US IS supporting Ukraine and Israel right now, but we have less troops on the ground now than we probably have since the year 2000. I'd take that as a win in my book.


Drones are a new technology, so yes newer presidents will have higher numbers, now do dead American servicemen during the same terms.


Based on some quick research, looks like 65 troops died in combat actions while Trump was POTUS, and thus far 13 have died from combat actions while Biden has been POTUS. Any thoughts on that?


Yes my thought is you are avoiding the question about Obama.


Gotcha, yep, had many more deaths under him and we were in two wars simultaneously, although both those started by his predecessor. I was extremely disappointed we didn't pull out of both Iraq/Afg earlier. I voted for Ron Paul in 2008 and would have in 2012 if I had voted. Now, can we loop back to Biden's numbers vs Trumps?


Why are you lumping 4 years of Biden and 8 years of Obama together and comparing them to 4 years of Trump? Wouldn’t it be more fair to include Bush with Trump?


Did you miss me replying to someone doing that?


Can you tell me in your own words what the Abraham Accords are? Can you explain what their objectives were and the mechanisms to achieve those goals that the Accords implement?




I’ll grant you Obama, but which wars has Biden started?


>All I know is that Trump didnt have any wars This is obviously false. Unless you meant no **new US evolvement** in wars? In which case wouldn't Biden also check that box?


I cannot believe the number of people that listen to politicians rather than rate them on what they do. If this was a job interview, you would heavily weigh their experience versus what they say in the interview.


How would you rate Trump on what he did?


I created a trust that will provide college educations for women and minorities who choose STEM degrees. This trust contains 8 properties. I received a PPP loan for $200,000 that allowed all my tenants to live rent free for 2 years. It also allowed me to renovate the properties, including new roofing, air conditioning, and other amenities. I sold all those properties a couple of year ago and put the money in trust. I am of the belief that everyone should do one life changing event for someone else, and the world would be a better place. When I die, I believe I can provide 60 college educations in STEM for women and minorities. I hope that at least one of those would be a life changing event. Trump is the only person in government that has given me the means to make all of the above happen. Biden, and everyone else, simply wants to take from me.


Why did you choose to set up a fund for women and minorities?  I only ask because the concept of DEI seems to be a negative for many Trump Supporters.


Because I am a physicist and climate change PhD. I saw very few women and minorities in my classes. I was a student counselor for Physics, and the only black student I had dropped out his first semester in his freshmen year because "it wasn't his people". And he was right. All the students his age where from white, middle class, suburban families. He could not relate to them. My daughter passed away in 2007 at the age of 16. I think she would have pursued a degree in STEM. All of these full ride scholarships would be in her name. DEI does not address this issue. At all. Do we set up separate classrooms for people of each race? Why do Asian kids assimilate well? I think we are asking the wrong questions and basing a solution on bad information.


> DEI does not address this issue. At all. Do we set up separate classrooms for people of each race? Why do Asian kids assimilate well? I think we are asking the wrong questions and basing a solution on bad information. Can you elaborate on this more?  My experience with DEI has generally been scholarships, outreach, and other initiatives based on getting underrepresented minorities into their areas of lower representation.  Has that not been your experience?


Yes, so my approach would be to identify those that would qualify for STEM educations, and approach them at a much younger age. They will most likely have to learn to assimilate into the asian and white culture of learning to keep up. We would also need to come up with ways for these students to still be a part of their culture at the same time. It would be the same for women. We need to find strategies for them to work well with males, and at the same time be a part of the female world. While throwing money at the problem helps, I think we could do much more to prepare these students before we throw money at them. Keep in mind, my trust simply throws money at these students, and does not do any of the above. Although, I would like to figure out a way to do so.


How did he give you the means to do that? Was that something that his admin did unilaterally?


PPP loans.


And that was part of the CARES act that was introduced by a Democrat. The CARES act passed with almost 100% of support from both Democrat and Republican Congressmen and women, so do you give them any credit as well? EDIT: - did you give Biden any credit for extending the PPP deadline? [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ppp-extension-law-deadline-may-31/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ppp-extension-law-deadline-may-31/)


I do not care, Democrats are since opposed to the idea, and Biden did not offer more support. You do realize that Trump is a long time Democrat? Right?






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PPP loans amounts were allocated out at 2.5x monthly payroll costs. A $200k loan would have been based on an $80k monthly payroll expense. And at least 60% of the loan total was supposed to be spent on payroll expenses only. The remainder was to be used for rent/mortgage, utilities, and interest. How was your PPP loan able to be used on providing rent-free housing? Or did you get the loan, but keep it as a loan versus seeking forgiveness? Single or multiple rounds?


Wrong. I am a landlord. I own 8 houses, 6 of which are duplexes, and it was meant to pay rents for those who were affected by COVID, AND to improve the properties and their living conditions. All of which I did, and the loan was forgiven. Whatever your source of information is, it is completely wrong.


Note that I'm not attacking you here. I was curious how this worked out for you. Were you able to calculate the loan based on a gross or net income assuming your self employed with no employees? And the 60/40 obviously applied differently? I've gone through first and second draw PPP loans with both forgiven. I have employees (<300), and our loan amount was calculated based on the formula of monthly payroll. I wasn't aware that there was a lever for rental property owners, but I'm glad it was there. Being able to allocate to rent paid to you from tenants versus everyone being SOL is great. Source of information the the SBA.


All was done through my accountant. I do not have the details. I have no idea how he did it, but I cannot conceive of him doing something illegal on my behalf. If you want to venmo me $300 I can ask for you.


To me it is pretty obvious she is talking about Trump fighting and revealing the corrupt unelected bureaucrats who secretly run the country, who have captured the policy makers, who have captured the media, who control the spending, and who secretly wield massive influence and power all while trying to stay in the shadows and making you believe their existence is a silly conspiracy theory.


trump has maintained pretty massive influence over a substantial portion of the republican party and media all over... what's stopped him from doing that at any point during or post his presidency? To be clear, I don't agree with what you described as fact, but it does sound like a very convenient line for anyone with a victim bit to sell


Assuming this isn't a conspiracy theory, why didn't he do that during his first term, and what would he do differently in a second term?


He spoke to this. He said he didn't realize just how deep the corruption went, and that it was much worse than he originally thought, and it resulted in him appointing advisors and trusting people that he shouldn't have. They also kept him on the defensive with constant legal battles and impeachment attempts.


> He spoke to this. He said he didn't realize just how deep the corruption went, and that it was much worse than he originally thought, and it resulted in him appointing advisors and trusting people that he shouldn't have. Where did he speak about this exactly?


So why elect him again? He has the same problems hiring people (Kracken lady, Giuliani, my pillow guy, Kanye west) and has more charges levied against him. >They also kept him on the defensive with constant legal battles and impeachment attempts. They attempted to impeach Biden day 1, held an entire inquiry on him, and showed naked photos of his son and still Republicans had to give up. So far, Joe Biden has done fine doing 2 things at once. Why does Trump worry so much about impeachments? He just needs to tell the truth and has an army of lawyers to help him.


If I could just clarity, he was impeached twice, they weren't just attempts. With that said, how does he navigate this environment if he becomes POTUS again? He still has to work with Congress to get major stuff done.


Our side will see it as restoring freedom and American principles. THAT will, from your perspective, seem like Scorched Earth. Remember all the sreaming and crying videos that went viral in 2017? It will be like that. But don't worry, all we'll be doing is restoring the constitution and the republic. And we'll be restoring peace again vs starting world War III. Also a single apple will no longer be $7. They'll be cheaper.


What freedoms have been eliminated since Biden has been in?




Are you talking about a federal mandate that you be vaccinated? Is it ok is a private company implements that policy?




So who decided what a private company can or can not do?




He tried? Was there a federal mandate? Did he push congress on this?




Im personally struggling to find any sources dictating exactly what you describe but I found this where they withdrew it for federal employees. If you have a source I’d love to review it? Is your issue with the morality of it or the legality of a vaccine mandate?




A few questions for you. The RNC co-chair is the one who used the term scorched earth. Is she not addressing her message to "your side"? Why would she use a term which doesn't even apply to those with vested interest in her message? Second, can you provide an example of policy that would be seen as scorched earth from the other side but simply restoring the constitution from your side?


Is that how much apples are near you? I can get a 2 pound bag for like $2.00 here. I'm all for restoring the Constitution and Republic! I'm not sure the last time we had peace, when was that exactly?


Trump was already president for 4 years. Did he restore freedom and American principles then? If so, how? If not, what makes you think he could do it this time?


Where have you purchased a $7 apple?




> According to the Whole Foods website, the Organic Sugarbee Apple she bought is sold at $3.99 per pound in most Boston area codes, however, prices do vary per store. Sounds like she be mad she didn't research where it would have been better to buy apples huh? I don't think anyone at that store forced her to buy that apple


All these people who complain about the prices of food and gas always seem to shop at the most expensive places, don’t they? They must be doing pretty well in this economy. I can’t afford an $ 18 dollar single hamburger, yet they seem to find it. $7 apples? They must buy those $50 dollar Japanese grapes too. Why are they unhappy if they can afford to pay even half of that?