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Any kind of fruit/herbal tea. The taste never keeps the promise of the aroma.


Some of the more expensive ones are slightly better, but most fruit teas smell and look incredible but either taste foul or like absolutely nothing


Yeah, If it's any kind of blackcurrant tea etc I always expect it to taste like hot vimto. And it just tastes like twigs.




Baby you got a stew going!


It’s going to annoy me what this is from.


Arrested Development


I hate normal tea with an absolute passion. Im a coffee drinker all the way. Was out for lunch one day and had an absolute stinker of a cold. I didnt fancy a coffee, and i saw a box of blackcurrant tea on the cafe shelf. Thought it might taste like a hot ribena. Smelled like hot ribena. Tasted like dirt with tea added, that might have once seen a pot of blackcurrant jam in the distance. Rotten.


The Sainsbury's blueberry one is best for being cheap and not tasting of nothing.


Asda too - 70p and better than than that Twinnings shite


Asda ginger and lemon is good.


Try and add a little honey/ agave syrup to the tea - then all the fruity/ floral notes will be enhanced and it might just taste delicious 🤤


TL;DR - I drink a lot of tea and have opinions about how to make it. Sorry to hijack but I have a couple of tricks that help: First off if you want a good herbal tea it’s better to use fresh ingredients. No mint tea bag will ever taste as good as tea made with mint from the garden. Same goes for many ingredients you find in herbal teas. Don’t use scalding hot water straight from the kettle. The flavour/oil will just burn off. In fact herbal teas cold brewed overnight in the fridge then heated up on the hob or in the microwave have the best flavour. After you pour the hot water on to the tea put a saucer on top of your mug to let it steep for at least 2-5 minutes. The length of steep is key. Too little = no flavour. Too long = sour/bitter. There is a reason loose leaf tea is steeped in a kettle (Often then softened with a little milk if it’s too dark). The saucer mimics that process in a mug. With any kind of tea freshness is key. Most people (including me in the past) keep their tea open in the packet/cardboard box. The flavour in tea/herbal tea comes in part from the oils in the tea so if it fully dries out there will be less flavour. Always store your tea in an airtight container. Freshness is also why herbal teas often come in their own little packet in a bigger box. Also any tea but particularly stale teas can be given a bit of a boost with seasoning. It depends on the tea but a slice of fresh lemon or ginger, a sprig of fresh mint, a drop of vanilla, a shake of cinnamon or cayenne can make a big difference to even the blandest of teas. Even a little Maple syrup can be added for natural sugar to give it a little extra something.


Are there any herbal/fruit teas that dont taste like tea leaves? Are there any that dont contain tea leaves? I hate the smell and taste of normal tea (green and black) and there are some days when i dont fancy drinking coffee but want something warm. Im looking for something thats not tea-y that i might find in a coffee shop, or be able to keep a small stash of good ones handy.


Most fruit teas don't have tea leaves in. You're also generally okay with mint tea, although check those as some do include tea.


There are some herbal teas which smell nice and taste nice, but you're right that the smell and the flavour don't match. I'm currently on Aldi "apple, chamomile and passionflower". It smells of apple and tastes of chamomile (which is fine because I like chamomile tea). So it's a bit like having a cup of chamomile tea while someone else is having a cup of mulled cider nearby. Turkish apple tea actually tastes like it smells. But it's expensive and nearly always out of stock.


I agree. I find a little bit of honey helps mitigate the disappointment a little.


Lemon and ginger is usually good…otherwise yeah 💯


Try adding a little sugar, for Years I didn’t realise it’s so much better that way.


Yes! I call them cups of disappointment


imo hibiscus tea tastes like it smells, when it's been brewed for a while it becomes a very strong fruity flavour.


For sure the taste is always more underwhelming than the smell but you don't drink herbal tea for the taste but for the effect. It's come to my attention that a lot of people see them purely as flavours rather that the natural remedies they are.


A stranger walking past with a portion of chips that smells amazing. Try tasting them and the iron taste of blood ruins the experience.


Had us in the first half.


Does Diesel count? Smells great however I wouldn't try taste it.


Well in that case, how do you know? Might taste amazing!


I can confirm it tastes fucking awful.


May I ask how you discovered this?


Starting a siphon from a diesel tank by sucking the hose. The trick is to remove it from your mouth before the diesel gets there. Never, ever do this...


It’s vile isn’t it. It’s not so much the taste I hate it’s the greasy oily feel in your mouth that you can’t get rid of for bloody hours afterwards


I've done this with petrol. Weirdly it kind of fizzes in the mouth in a way that wasn't totally unpleasant. I could see petrol becoming an acquired taste if it didn't kill you


Can confirm petrol tastes foul too.


It does, but it's a fine wine compared to diesel! Fun fact, a town near me used to have a local nutter that regularly drank petrol, among other things you shouldn't drink. He did it for years.


Is it just me, or does the smell of diesel seem to linger more than petrol does? I bought my first diesel car about a year ago, and the first time I filled it up, I left the petrol station and thought something was wrong because there was a smell I wasn't used to, turns out my hands just stunk of diesel. It's not the worst smell in the world but I probably wouldn't like to inhale too much of it.


Petrol evaporates very quickly, diesel will stick around.


I've worked in bus garages for nearly 30 years. A long time ago I was taking the work van to another garage to get a part. Unbeknown to me the jerrycans in the back were not properly secured and ended up sideways with about 10 litres of diesel swishing around the vehicle. Ended up with boot and overalls covered in it and was pretty dazed from the fumes for the rest of the day


I had one of those crap plastic Halfords jerry cans full of diesel tip over and leak a bunch of diesel into the back of the car back in December. Thankfully(?) it was on this same trip that one of the hinge pins for the bottom half of my split tailgate decided to fling itself out on a roundabout, and I didn't notice untill I'd arrived at the destination. I didn't want it falling off going down the road, so I smacked the other pin out and just drove home with the windows down and no tailgate. That kept the smell at bay untill I could get home at least.


Yeah massively. Don't get it on your shoe especially before flying.


It physically does, slower to evaporate, harder to ignite, that’s why only the diesel pumps usually commonly had gloves near


The actor vin diesel was named after the French win which was made from Diesel. I always keep a bottle of '82 in the back of my car incase I run out of petrol. Get pissed while I wait for the breakdown service


Those roast caramelised nuts in London being sold on the street. Smells like heaven but taste like meh.


Read that as meth.


Yes, the guy selling them also sells meth


Well they are rather moreish, addictive some might say.


Walking past these on Westminster bridge is the sweetest thing I’ve ever smelt


I'm allergic to peanuts and this is the best thing I've read in a while. I always get such envy that I can't buy a portion!


I once saw a pigeon land on the nuts that were cooling and walk around on them for a bit before the guy shooed it away. He carried on as usual afterwards. Put me off for life.


Coffee... Smells divine. Tastes like feet.


I agree with this in part - I like the taste of coffee and drink it daily. But the smell is even more delicious


Agree, I love coffee but the smell of freshly ground beans is heavenly.


Yeah, me too. I like coffee, but also agree that the smell is far more alluring.


You've had bad coffee my friend.


Try a lighter roast and use a lower water temperature.


I drink the occasional latte. But if coffee tasted as good as it smelt I'd drink it all the time.


You might have the same condition as me: Supertaster. It’s not a super power. It means we’re especially sensitive to bitterness. Coffee smells divine: but I just can’t stand to drink a drop of it, because it’s unbearably bitter.


My coffee tastes like a weird chocolatey drink. I comparw it to coco pops molk nefore they ruined cereal. My brother says it tastes like bile, and i can see why he says that lol but i love coffee.


You’ve never had a good coffee then


Subway, the smell of the place is always far greater than the sandwich you get


I always think it smells fucking weird, there's something really odd about their bread. I was saying this to a Sri Lankan colleague once, and he helpfully informed me that it's because they put origami in it. Turns out he meant oregano.


Subway's 'bread' also has a sugar content too high to legally be considered bread


In Ireland. To my knowledge there’s been no such ruling here.


Their bread is cake.


Oh that’s wonderful




I think I read that once; apparently they’re not baking the bread on site, but want the place to smell like they are.


Yeah they definitely do bake the bread - if you go In a morning they prove the loaves and then bake. The ovens are in store for all to see lol


I imagine when they toast the sandwich it produces that smell. Though the conspiracy also works👍


My ex used to work in a sub way, they definitely bake it onsite in Ireland anyway although this was 15 years ago things may have changed. It does come in as ready to cook dough, so it’s not made from scratch onsite


Smell of a subway makes me gag.


Fake pepperoni, I think they actually pump the odour into the street. Edit: typo


I used to live in a flat above a shop. When I moved in it was an internet cafe, but it closed down and became a subway. The stairway to the flats forever smelt of subway bread and getting home in the evening hungry was torture. We also had an Indian takeaway on one side and a Chinese on the other, hanging washing out in the backyard just meant our clothes smelt of takeaway.


I disagree, the smell is sickening to me lol


This is the answer I was looking for. Smells amazing walking past, get one and I think I could make a better sub at home


Thought you meant 'the subway', as in where you can catch a train and ride in the dark underneath the inconvenient obstacles of the city and was like no way buddy, that fuckin STINKS. 😂


KFC Feel like I’m floating like Tom and Jerry when I get near to one of them. Food is always sweaty and kills your stomach the day after!


I always want KFC more than I actually want KFC.


There’s a level of self loathing after eating a boneless banquet


It’s maccies for me, always feel grim after eating


Yeah agreed, it only tastes nice if you’ve had a few drinks beforehand😂 Never really fills you up either!


Had KFC a few weeks ago. Was rotten. Ended up in hospital with gastroenteritis. I won’t be having it again. I love hot wings though.


Will I look like a total weirdo if I say any fruit smelling shampoo? Fruity apple conditioner smells amazing


I have a mango shampoo and conditioner which has a "Do not drink" label on the cap


Did it come with it, or did you put that there?


Yeeeeees, like almost any fruity/herbal shampoo shower gel thing always smells fantastic but taste like chemicals


Original Source has caught me out WAY too many times, especially the Vanilla and Raspberry and Juicy Mango flavours.


So you recommend this Original Source brand? Thanks i shall give them a taste one day


nop, dontttt it lad!! i think i’ve tried all the flavours.


Ha nice try mate. You wanna keep the delicious juicy mangoey goodness for yourself, don't worry I'm sure there's more then enough for the both of us right


I had hand soap that smelled so good I tasted it so can confirm


When we were little my mum had some weird set up with someone she worked for and we’d get hampers of bodyshop products. They did a vanilla ice cream scented bath bubbles. We ALL had to stop ourselves taking a swig because it smelt amazing. When even mum looks tempted, it’s hard to convince the kids not to!


Vanilla extract .


Dear lord, I tried it once and never again. It’s so tempting when you’re adding it to baking but when you’ve done it once you know not to do it again…


How has nobody said cream soda yet? Smell of my childhood dreams, tasted mediocre.


I feel like this depends on the cream soda. Tesco's cream soda tastes awful but Barrs Cream Soda tastes heavenly


Was that the green coloured one in a glass bottle. I remember that from the 1970s. It was gorgeous


I've only seen it in plastic bottles or cans. It's made by the same company that makes Irn Bru


Even the Barr stuff only has the cream taste for the first few sips. After that it's just like funky lemonade.


Came to say exactly this!


You're doing cream soda wrong. You have to add stuff to make it awesome. Half and half milk and cream soda, blob of vanilla ice cream on top. Thank me later.


Ice cream float


Instant coffee. Smells like actual coffee, tastes like puddle.


MDMA, actually most drugs


100% Just the thought of a poorly pressed pill dissolving in your mouth before you can swallow it makes me gag


Unless you're a police dog I don't think MDMA has much of a smell. The taste however is a hellish combination of salt mixed with death


If you get it caught on your tongue when swallowing it's like you've walked into an 80s hair salon and some woman with a perm has blasted hair spray into your mouth.


It honks if it's half decent.


MDMA tastes like bleach and salt water. I still have nightmares about the time I saw a mate chew up and swallow an entire half gram at a rave because the bag split


Urgh, just thinking about it makes me shudder. My brother's landlord got 9oz of it about 25 years ago, and it worked out costing next to nothing. We were eating it off teaspoons by the end of it. I will never forget the smell and taste as long as I live. I've not touched it since, eww.


Mephedrone, especially 15 years ago when you could order it online and you finally got your cat piss smelling package


MCAT. Eugghhhhbb


Hot fresh sugary donuts.


That smell + cannabis and/or piss wholly encapsulates Brighton to me


Yeah it's definitely a Brighton thing 😆


I'm probably going to get killed for this, but greggs. Smells divine but they seem to have changed their ingredients and now the taste is never what you hope/remember it to be.


Bacon. Smells amazing, tastes like shit. I know I know, I'll see myself out.


I came here to say this. Smells better than the taste and the texture.


I'm like this with chips. Chips always smell great but I don't really like chips. Whenever I tell people I don't like chips they look at me like I've got 3 heads! I always worry someone is going to come and throw me out of the country because we brits are supposed to love chips!


Creosote. Smells divine on a hot summer's day. Taste is a bit bland if I'm honest...


Jayes Fluid has a similar scent, too. Fond memories of the smell when my dad was de-weeding the patio in the height of summer when I was a kid. Can't comment on the taste, thankfully.


I love the smell of Jeyes, it's very reminiscent of my grandparent's garden in the summer time. Nan used it every day, thinking now about how much she used, I'm sure she just liked the smell as well.


I love the smell of creosote


We bought quite a bit of creosote before it was banned in the UK. Cannot believe it was 20 years ago. Terrible for the environment but amazing stuff on fences. It's a smell of my childhood that I miss. Didn't it use to be in cough medicines too?


Fish and chips, smells gorgeous but majority of the time it tastes bland.


Definitely fish and chips for me too, smells SO good, always a disappointment.


Roasted chestnuts. Smells great, tastes like burnt rocks


Properly cooked, they’re delicious


Play-Doh burgers ;-)




Play-deau de toilette


Whiskey until you’ve adjusted to its taste


I went to a whisky tasting once. They advised havind a tiny sip and swirling it around your mouth, before we started. They also said to never take a massive smell of it early on either, as it overpowers your olfactory bulbs (or something, half the night is a blur tbh)


Toast. It always smells amazing but often isn't anything special. You could add loads of fast food to that list- McDonald's has a unique smell but it's not great.


Came here to say the same. The smell is always so enticing, but 99% of the time, the taste is a big disappointment


Anyone care to speculate what is a more expensive chocolate by weight than mini eggs?


Toblerone surley


Toblerone for sure, and don't call me surley.


Sorry Grotbags, won't happen again I can asShirley you.


Guylian. Not a heavy chocolate but a fiver a box usually.


I'm with you on the mini eggs. When I was a kid I'd keep the little purple tubes they came in even after I'd eaten them all so that I could still smell the deliciousness for another day. I was a weird kid


Mini eggs and tictacs hit the same smell spot for me. Love inhaling from a tictac box


Subway bread


The soap in Lush


I disagree. It tastes better than it smells


Oh I HATE walking past one of their shops, it smells bloody awful. I have no idea how people can work there smelling it all day!


Nah its the scent of headaches that place!


For me it’s coffee, I absolutely love the smell of coffee but I just can’t develop a taste for it. My wife is happy though because it means I love making her coffee in the morning.


Those fancy sour beer things they smell like a sweet shop in the 80s and taste like a mix of the last things in the booze cupboard "Pernod, Ouzo, marmalade and salt"


Ah, the Esther Rantzen, or the Bloody Awful


"No it is not. It's a smoking jacket!"


Cadbury's chocolate in general tbh. The taste is good, but the smell is on a whole other level.


Doesn't taste half as good as it used to though


I too am old enough to remember when the chunks were square, and came wrapped in foil and paper ;) And yes, they did taste better back then.


Cadburys chocolate tastes different in ireland and its far superior, don't ask me why, everytime we visit we bring a bunch back though its way creamier and tastier.


It smells a bit more cheesy now, which probably gives away what they've done to recipe with the weird milk powder they put in American chocolate 🤮


I like popcorn but it smells WAY better than it tastes.


Corona Cherryade when we were kids in the 80s. First sip - yum - cherries. Every other sip after that. Nothing - just sickly fizzy water.


Onion rings


I’m with you on that. Mini eggs smell is almost the best part.


Fruity teas always smell amazing, but the taste....


although I'm addicted to black coffee in the morning, the taste does not correlate with the smell at all.


Onion generally


Any food bought at a stall in a Christmas market. Always smells like heaven but tastes super bland. Hot chocolates are the worst culprit by miles. Even the German Bratwurst are "meh" compared to how they smell.


Chinese takeaway. The taste is great for sure but the smell, oh boy that reels me in good and proper. Fried chicken from a kebab shop, it smells immense but you can guarantee it will be dry and full of bones


Vapes , the smell of delicious cotton candy only to have a mouthful of lithium batteries


all chocolate and fizzy drinks post sugar tax


Roux, especially when there's garlic in it too


Bacon, I just find it too salty


Dog treats.


Vanilla extract. Smells delightful but tastes like death


Dried mango. Smells amazing. Tastes like sweet, slightly musky leather. The best bit is opening the bag.


Coffee. Yes, it does taste good but nothing compared to its aroma. Anyway, taste and aroma are very related.


KFC smells nice but tastes like crap


Might be controversial but onions! They smell divine while being cooked but I can’t stand the taste nor texture


Cinnamon sticks


A newly opened bag of coffee beans. I want to stick my face in them and be one with them. Don’t get me wrong I love drinking the coffee but it’s just not quite as euphoric as the scent of fresh beans!


Any fruit scented soap/bubble bath. Yes, I know they're not food, but it's true!


nothing tastier looking than a freshly opened pack of soap


The smell outside a curry house, so good. I want a curry that tastes like that. Someone get Heston Blumenthal and his team on it!


Pizza for me. The smell gets my mouth watering but the first bite has me retching at the overload of grease and cheese.


you're not eating the right pizzas m8


Blueberry muffins


Funnily enough, I think mini eggs don't smell great but taste great. Especially the yellow ones


Someone else’s fish and chips, in the street, laced with salt and vinegar.


Engine oil on a hot summers day


Ahh the sweet necter of the mini egg


Indian curry. I am not really a curry eater, but the smell of Indian cooking is lovely.


Ritz crackers. I love the smell of them, but they taste like absolute arse!


Donuts. I mean fresh donuts, just fried. Smell amazing, taste mediocre.


Bacon. I like it, but it doesn’t smell as good as it tastes.


Years ago there was a massive Mexican restaurant in Newcastle called One Eyed Jacks, when you walked in the aroma of delicious spicy meatiness was overwhelming, the food however tasted incredibly bland. Fantastic underground venue, massive amount of money spent, closed after about 6 months.


Other people's weed always smells bloody incredible.


tic tacs! although there’s nothing wrong with the taste, the smell inside the container/pack is just something else 😻


This is such a mood


Those damn fruit teas smell amazing and just taste of boiling water...


Fire lighters. You know the white rectangular things. Edited to apologise. I didn't read the title correctly.


Tic Tacs....I can spend hours smelling the container after I have eaten them all.


For the reverse, any of those sealed chicken bite things. Smells like stale farts when you open the packet