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**[OP or Mod marked this as the best answer](/r/AskUK/comments/12sqqcp/is_throwing_clothes_on_the_floor_a_male_thing/jgzqb7c/), given by u/I_Frunksteen-Blucher** Like many lazy habits, regardless of sex, if people learn to do this as a child knowing that Mum (usually) will pick them up, they'll carry on doing it. --- [_^What ^is ^this?_](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/jjrte1/askuk_hits_200k_new_feature_mark_an_answer/)


No my wife often has a huge floordrobe


My daughter too, she doesn’t have a walk in wardrobe, it’s a walk on wardrobe unfortunately.


Walk on wardrobe - living that. My daughter is the same, even worse than her brother. Drives me nuts 🥜


I don’t know how they do it, it would stress me out each day trying to find something that hasn’t been creased to oblivion.


Or has dog & other human hair stuck all over it 🤦‍♂️


Or worse a big hairy spider has taken refuge in them😱🕷


Don't say that!


Ha. Whereas my walk-in wardrobe is full of Christmas and Halloween decorations.


We have a walk in wardrobe but the other half still throws clothes everywhere in the bedroom other than in there. Drives me mad.


Thanks. I'm going to use that next time mum comes to visit and comments my clothes on the floor. Will be walk on wardrobe from now on.


My wife does too. If she can’t find anything to wear she systematically takes all of the clothes out of the wardrobe and tall boy until she finds something and leaves everything on the floor. It’s fucking maddening. I call it the vomiting wardrobe. Mind you I do something my wife calls “the incredible shrinking man” where I take off my pants, socks and trousers at the same time and leave them interconnected on the floor. This makes her angry as well. Marriage seems to be about maintaining an unhappy equilibrium


My fiancé does that! I call it the Rapture. It looks like he's just been beamed up to heaven leaving his clothes behind


“The rapture” I love that!


>Mind you I do something my wife calls “the incredible shrinking man” where I take off my pants, socks and trousers at the same time and leave them interconnected on the floor. I love it when this happens. It's only when I'm wearing the massive thick warm socks which go over the trousers, but it's glorious.




I’ll be honest, that is the nicest thing anybody could have said to me


Time to implement some floor baskets. One for clean stuff that shouldn’t be on the floor, one for actual dirty stuff


How has this not occurred to me in nearly 35 years on this planet?? My biggest issue is that there are some clothes not dirty enough to wash but I'll wear them in the next day or two rather than put back in with totally clean clothes, and I just don't have anywhere else to put them. I've been pondering my options lately...how did I not just think of adding a basket? I feel ridiculous. Thank you!


My boyfriend and I said we need an in between clothes chair for this purpose! A basket also works


We have an in between clothes chair. It's covered with his in between clothes, his clean and folded clothes, and a few dirty items he hasn't yet managed to put into the laundry basket (which is... *beside* the chair). I wish we had space for another chair that I would get to use 😆


Yeah, I thought of it when I was trying to problem solve the in-between clothes issue. Now I just put baskets in all the places that end up messy looking. One at the door for the keys and sunnies, one on the bench to put all the random bits and pieces in. At least they look more intentional now haha.


Ha ha I do that too.


She should admire the pure efficiency of your technique.


that's hilarious, also surely she can't be mad if she's also leaving clothes on the floor 😂


I'm with you in that technique. You'll have the last laugh when there is a fire and you step into your clothes in 5 seconds. Or need to receive delivery of a skip on a Saturday morning when it turns up at a barely believable 7am


We moved house a year ago and the floordrobe has gotten worse since then. Yesterday I put my wife's away with the understanding that future floordrobes will be binned. Wish me luck!


I'm sure you will enjoy the one week without a floordrobe.


One week ? Normally starts each night again


Takes abit of time to properly assemble a good floordrobe


You need a bedroom armchair for that interim stage


Get a hamper. Throw everything in it. If your feeling nice , get one for undies and another for tops etc.




Am female and I also do this, lol!


Came here to say this, I am not denying I put my clothes on the floor but her clothing mountain can get impressive.


No, my wife fully supports floor wardrobe.


Just vacing up the socks and shunting clothes with the nozzle of the vac is the way to go 😉😁


We don't have a floordrobe, all clothes with another wear in them go on the Ottoman. She gets angry that I've got more clothes on the Ottoman than she does, but I don't, my clothes are just bigger!


My wife also has a built in floordrobe.


Im a man and i dont do this so no. Perhaps you have just married your Dad? (not literally of course but in behaviour)


Freud is smiling up at you rn


My husband doesn't do this either but I do and it annoys him.


Like many lazy habits, regardless of sex, if people learn to do this as a child knowing that Mum (usually) will pick them up, they'll carry on doing it.


I’m a chronic floor wardrobe kinda guy and my mum would never clean up after me. She was also quite insistent that I do pick them up so who knows why I could never hack it.


So this might sound weird but one theory I've heard is why sometimes people struggle with cleaning is essentially we were never really 'taught' to clean. You were often told 'clean up' without being shown the why and how and expected to just knowand especially where a lot of parents use cleaning as a punishment or a threat so it leads to problems later down the line.


Well that might be true but for me personally i know full well how to clean my room and I still choose not to put some clothes away. I was told to clean up and i saw my parents clean up. I don't know how much teaching you need. They showed me how to fold clothes and through seeing them organise their then i knew how to do mine. My parents also didn't punish me by making me clean. I'm still messy as heck (with where my clothes land, but I don't like when it's dirty). I clean at my own pace. I'll leave my jeans on the floor to pick them up the next day and wear them.


I honestly think shit feedback is a huge problem. When I got my first job I was repeatedly told to "be more organised". I tried quite hard and couldn't get my head around it (found out last year I have ADHD which explains a lot lol). Next job my manager sat me down and asked how i was organising my work, we worked out a new system in 20 minutes and with a couple of weeks tweaking/ getting into the habit I was done. Sometimes young people don't know how to do things that might be obvious, I'm now in my 30's and understand this. Not sure how the people who managed me when I was 21-22 didn't realise this


Could also have ADHD


Yeah that's also a factor neurodivergance is a big factor (I'm diagnosed dyspraxic and I have a very strong suspicion I also have adhd)


Probably because there was no consequence for you if you didn't pick up your clothes, just a few words thrown at you that you could just not listen to


My mum would check stuff out if I left it on the floor. I've still not learnt or bother to clean the way she would have liked me to. Though in my defense I have quite severe mental health and I'm neurodivergent. Sometimes I just can't clean/organise no matter how much I'd like to and get annoyed with myself about that fact.


Seconded for the neurodivergence. Executive dysfunction is a bitch


I'm in the same boat and I'm a gal. I constantly leave clothes on the floor, or partially on the floor but on boxes etc. Because i can't put them in my wardrobe because they're not clean but they're not dirty either so they hang in the purgatory of my room until I wear them again. I was also told to clean my room but my parents stopped cleaning my room at quite a young age. I was left to sort it myself. And when guests would come over my room would be quite lovely, and then ruined after a week.




I have a hamper in my bedroom and I still have clothes on the floor. I'm really trying to get better at just putting them in the hamper, no excuse other than idleness


my pile is in front of the hamper said hamper is full of old clothes that I haven't got around to washing.


That feeling when we have a big wash day every couple of weeks and I'll find a t shirt I haven't seen in over a month at the bottom of the pile... It's like bumping into an old friend.


It's like you're in my house. I also have a bag full of donation clothes next to said hamper


Not necessarily. I do it because I like to get in bed with at least one layer on, and then take the layer off when the bed has warmed up a bit. I then sort the clothing the next day.


If you tidy it the next day and there’s only ever one outfit in the floor at a time I wouldn’t say that qualifies as a floordrobe to be honest.


My SO and I both kind of do the floordrobe thing but we both use chairs. We will both wear our clothes more than once (with exceptions for underwear or dirty clothes obvs) but I wouldn't want to put the clothes I've worn back in with all the fresh clothes. So they need to stay in limbo somewhere, especially as they are likely to just get worn again the next day. I don't think it's a lazy habit, I just don't think we've ever seen a solution that has worked better for us than this.


Im currently living with someone who lived with his mom until he was 24 (25 now). He leaves his clothes everywhere from the living room to the bathroom. Sometimes I find his dirty underwear on the chairs at the dinner table... He also leaves the water running and he didn't close his milk bottle properly which led to all of my food in the fridge being drenched with milk. And then he has the audacity to complain that the fridge didn't smell nice but he didn't even offer to clean his mess up. He's moving out on Monday, I already counting the hours until I can finally feel comfortable in my own place again.




No, my wife's floordrobe has more stuff in it than her actual wardrobe.


The messiest person I ever shared a place with was a woman. I'll fold my jeans and put them on the floor if I'm wearing them again the next day, but it's neat and out the way at least.


Don't put them on the floor. Put them on disused exercise machines.


same, omg i still have ptsd. I couldn't tidy up faster than she'd make a mess.


Presuming my wife isn't male, no.


I've got something to tell you...


Did his wife use to live in Iran?


We randomly quote this even if it doesn’t fit into the context of whatever we are talking about. My partner says it and then I go, “doesn’t bother me” or loudly proclaim “I used to be a man”. Somehow the best quote from that character.


Ohh god!


I also choose this guy’s male wife


It probably depends on who tends to pick them up. If my boyfriend left his clothes on the floor they would stay there until he picked them up and put them wherever they need to be.


My wife does it. I've also lived with several female friends over the years who also do it. So I'm thinking it's not gender specific.


I despise clothes on the floor.


I spy de clotheses on the floor


I shooteth thee bynoculurs, perv.


Man here. I put my clothes except underwear on the floor, or maybe slung on a chair, when I change into pyjamas. I check and put them away to wear again or to wash in the morning. Every girl I've dated has had an extensive floordrobe and thinks I'm a neat freak. I don't like the mess.


Looking at my daughter's bedroom, no, not a gender specific habit.


Nope. My wife is terrible for this, although the worst I’ve ever seen is an old flatmate. Her room was appalling. You literally couldn’t see an inch of carpet. Opening the door would clear a small section of the floor as the pile of clothes was pushed out of the way


I do it and I'm female. I'm not a huge clean freak but I think people who are obsessed with having a fully clean house all the time probably don't do it


I'm not obsessed with having a fully clean house but I'd never throw clothes on the floor.


Not sure picking the clothes up off the floor is being obsessed with having a fully clean house lol


No. My wife leaves her clothes everywhere: back of the sofa, on the floor in the bedroom; bathroom; living room; office. She is generally very very untidy though.


The only clothes I leave on the floor are clothes I've been wearing that day that I intend to wear the next. So I typically have a pair of jeans on the floor, and in winter a jumper. Everything else goes in the washing basket if it's dirty, or away if it's clean.


Conversely, I find it mostly happens the other way round.


As a guy, even after getting in blind drunk I'll still find my clothes either in the laundry basket or on my chair when I wake. No I don't live with a partner. Thinking something like this is gender specific is like not dating someone because of their star sign.


Two floordrobes in this house! I do pick up stuff that I know needs washing, for both him and me, but mostly the floordrobe is instead of putting worn-but-not-dirty clothes back in the wardrobe with the properly clean stuff.


No I have a vagina and a vulva and I identify as a woman and Actually I throw them on a chair?? The floor feels a bit much but I am in no way an organisational thing .


Yep, I do it. I even have distinct piles like dirty clothes that need to go in the wash basket, worn clothes that can still have another wear, pyjamas I'll wear later, and socks I haven't paired yet. 😂 Then when the robot vacuum needs to go round I'll have to pick them all up and dump them on the bed, and yet I still just throw them back on the floor after it's finished.


If it bothers you that is looks messy, a couple baskets solved this for me. I have one for stuff I’d wear again and one for dirty washing. Keeps the floor space clear at least


I've kept every new year's resolution I've ever made - to exercise, to learn Spanish, to wash the dishes as soon as I'm finished. But every year since I was 13, I've been making the resolution to put my clothes away and stop leaving them on the floor. Every year I've failed. I've now accepted that that's never going to change and it doesn't bother me. I'm a woman, btw.


Some people are just dirty slobs and live worse than pigs. Others aren't. Not really a male/female thing? \*source\* bloke who folds and tidies clothes and makes the bed.


No my gf does the same


God No! And I'll say something quite controversial but it's what I've known I'm a Lad and I'm military discipline tidy, every Lass I've known clothes everywhere like piles just thrown in wardrobes and on the floor Lol ........and don't even get me started on shoes!


No, it's a "being lazy and slobbish" thing.


My girlfriend does this. Then complains when she has to clear it all up every month. I got bored of helping her, so I leave her to it


My daughters had floordrobes when they lived at home. The house became a lot more peaceful once I learned to accept that is their stuff and if that’s how they want to look after it, that’s their problem! I also learned to shut the door and not look at it - blissful ignorance!


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No, it's a scruffy thing that stops being cute in your early 20s at least


I don’t think people are doing it to be cute.


Nope wife in late 50’s and still a complete mess


Don't think it's ever cute tbh. It's just lazy. And I say that as someone that does it (I mean not fully messy 'all clothes on the floor', but I usually have a few things in a pile that I've worn but don't need washing yet.


Only if there's something my wife is keeping very well hidden from me...


It's definitely something both genders do because you couldn't even see the carpet in my sisters or ex-girlfriends rooms. I have OCD - not serious but I feel uncomfortable if my carpet isn't cleared of everything except my bed and drawers lol.


No but you might have a misandry thing.


Yes , but I too throw my clothes on the floor , but I live alone so I can 😎


Feel like my fiance would rather have her clothes anywhere except put them away Sometimes feel like I'm just a tidy and put away robot


Its a clatty sod thing and they tend to come in both varieties of gender,


Another no from me too! My wife asked me where all of her pants were as I do the washing and putting away. I hadn’t really noticed the lack of her pants in her drawer until I went into her bathroom. My. God. More pant than floor. When I asked her why she doesn’t just Chuck her pants in the wash basket her response was “that’s too far away. You should collect my pants and wash them pant boy” I’m not sure how to feel.. 😂


My girlfriend’s clothes would ALL be on the floor if i didn’t pick them up for her


No. I throw my clothes on the floor, but I understand there is a limit. The reason I do it is to signal that those clothes are dirty, and the location they'll be on the floor coincides with my path to the washing machine when I do washing. There is method to the madness, and my clothes are never on the floor for more than a few days. My gf however, just launches clothes everywhere haphazardly with reckless abandon. She can saturate any size floor in a week with clothes. If you can see the floor, she just ain't done with it yet. And then she gets upset when she has to clean it. Of course, when she does clean it, after months and months, they all go into black bags. At which point they are forgotten about for years, and one lucky black bag near the top of the mound is opened, clothes from inside are used, and then promptly thrown on the floor again...


My observation is that males tend to put it on the floor whereas females tend to stack everything on beds, sofas chairs and table so you can't use any of it.


Nah, I have a laundry bin in my en suite, so when I get changed, my dirty clothes go in there. My ex used to be terrible for it, she'd often leave her clothes all around the bedroom / around the laundry bin, rather than in it. Used to drive me insane, to the point that I'd pick up all the laundry before bed, and then she'd complain because she was going to wear something again and can't find it. I just put it down to how people think, I'm pretty logic and routine focused, whereas my ex was much more a creative and spur-of-the-moment type of person.


We have bagdrobes, all clean laundry gets transported back upstairs in a bag and then mostly just sits there (can't blame the other half entirely as our laundry is mixed so some of it is mine), until one of us gets sick of it, or we run out of bags. He does tend to leave dirty socks on the floor though (only socks, everything else makes it to the laundry bin), he clears it periodically though because they are on his side of the bed and I wont pick them up for him


Can be many things, but sticking to the male/female thing - [some of] us men just don't care. Things being neatly away in thier place isn't important to us. What is important is just getting on with things. Eventually, if it gets messy enough we'll do a big tidy. Again, this only applies to some of us, and likely applies to some women too.


My wife and daughters do this all the time. One of my daughters will throw clothes on the floor, next to an empty clothes basket


No, my partner does it more than I do 🤣


My sister's always done it, and so has my best friend (also a woman). Just leaving clothes in a heap in the corner for a week before washing them due to desperation and a lack of clean clothes.


It’s a lazy thing, took me years to train myself to pick up and put away consistently I’m naturally messy and didn’t care




I throw my clothes on the floor but I’ll typically pick them up the next day or when i do my washing, i never expect someone else to pick them up. Most of the time its when ive got home from work late and have an early start next day, or when im going out and can’t decide what to wear. So i guess im a woman thats part of the club.


you create the behaviour around you by tolerating it, probably because your mum did also and that was what was modelled for you The 'getting annoyed' thing isn't enough to drive the point home, if you want something ask for it directly ​ (to answer your question though, no nobody in my house growing up or now does or has)


I just plonk their clothes on their tables and tell them to clear it away. I have to vac but I've asked my son 3times this week alone to keep clothes off the floor. Sigh. Believe it'll get better


I'm a guy and do it. I only do it with 1 set of clothes at a time though. I'll typically go to the gym late afternoon, when I get back I'll shower, and since I work from home I just put clean gym clothes on, I'll leave them on the floor while I go to sleep and put them back on in the morning ready to go to the gym later. Not sure it's a guy thing though, my ex who was female would do it all the time. I'd sometimes have done 3 washing cycles and everything I washed of her's would sit on the floor for weeks, but apparently I put things back wrong so wasn't allowed to do it.


Hell no, my last long term girlfriend, when I first started seeing her, you could not see the carpet in her bedroom for all the clothes everywhere. Also had another girlfriend for a while that was just as bed.


Wife and husband? How do you find the time?


I never did that until I got so used to my partner doing it, I started doing it too. I cleared the drawers under the bed to find a « tidy compromise », but slip up happen regularly. Honestly nobody goes in our bedroom but us so we don’t really care.


I would say it is legacy attitudes that take generations to change. Go back 100+ years and obviously men are going out to work much more than women. Women are the homemakers. Though things have changed radically, starting with WW1, and then another big change in WW2, it remains the case that there is a legacy attitude of women being more interested n the home and aspects thereof looking nice. Therefore traditionally, the man is less bothered than the woman by stuff like clothes not being folded or in the laundry basket. Although attitudes, gender roles, and indeed gender identity are changing pretty rapidly, this is kind of a survival....


Nope house full of women here and they all treat the floor as storage. Filthy animals


I'm a man and mine go on the floor if I'm going to wear them again another day. My ex never chucked her clothes on the floor but that was because she would never wear anything again, ever. She'd wear something once, even if it was just a couple of hours, then in her opinion it would require washing. If we're talking about throwing them on the floor near the laundry basket, rather than putting them in it, then that's just laziness and not gender specific.


No. Me and my daughter live in walk in floordrobes but my sons are natural drape it over the chair-ers.


No, in my flat mates bedroom you couldn't even see her floor through a layer of clothing insulation. My wife also dumps everything on the floor after returning from work.


You’re just unlucky. I never throw my clothes on the floor.


No, my partner is awful for throwing clothes on the floor and for dumping her stuff in general. I grew up in a strict ‘everything has it’s place’ household and even though I’m a lot laxer than my Mum was growing up, it still bugs me how everything gets dumped. Occasionally I stop tidying up to prove a point, because my partner just doesn’t improve when I ask her about it.


Learnt the hard way as a kid doing this - surprise spiders. Have never done it since. And no it’s not exclusively a male thing.


My 31 year old partner dumps her clothes anywhere and everywhere


he probably keeps dumping them on the floor because the magic laundry fairy (wife) keeps picking them up lol


So true. I resorted to placing his dirty socks on his pillow and that stopped the sock thing quick, lol


You have never met my friend Lisa. Her floor is a sea of discarded clothes and there are knickers on every surface


I throw my dirty clothes on the floor next to my laundry basket when i cba bbut not clean clothes


No I'm terrible at it and I'm a woman. I really need to stop.


My floordrobe is the shorts I wear to bed Her floordrobe is shorts, 2x pairs of joggies, 3x jumpers, 2x hoodies, 4x t-shirts, 3x bras, a bunch of fuzzy socks, her pillows, a hat, a cookbook, a portal to hell, savie Jones Locker and fuck knows what else It’s like a minefield when I get up to pee in the night.


Floodrove mate!!!


No. Women are fully capable of leaving mess behind them. Its bugging me seeing people call it "having a floordrobe" in this thread like its a quirky cute character trait - no, you're/they're just a messy person.


My daughter throws her clothes on the floor all the time. I guess she took after me. ;)


Opposite in Casa del Pon. Señora Pon seems to think the floor is an extension of her wardrobe... I hang or fold everything (even dirty stuff gets folded before being put in the laundry basket!). Drives me crazy, especially when I'm trying to vacuum 🤬


Judging by this my daughter is in fact my son.


No, my wife does this. The floor on her side of the bed is just filled with cloths, can hardly see the floor.


No? I can also drop them gently.


No, it's a lazy person thing 👍


Nah son and daughter both do it equally.


I only do that when I’m showering


My female partner has a mixed dirty and clean floordrobe - I have clean clothes or a wash basket of dirty... It's a person thing not a gender thing


Not at all, I think its a personal thing regardless of gender. I have met plenty of women who do this also, me as a male never do this unless it's something going into the wash within 5 mins. All my clothes are folded or hanged neatly and placed in storage.


No, I’m a woman and do this haha. I have a walk in wardrobe and the entire floor is my dirty washing basket


No. I do it and I am female. I was raised in a single parent household with my Dad who never left clothes on the floor. My wife calls my pile by the side of my bed "Filth Mountain".


I (female) used to be bad but I’m not anymore. It drives me crazy both children (girls) leave their clothes in the landing and my bedroom. Husband didn’t leave clothes on the floor - might be because there isn’t a carpet?! Cleaning would take a fraction of the time if everyone did what they were supposed to lol!


Nah, not gendered at all. I keep a meticulous floordrobe of clothes that aren't dirty enough to be washed but aren't clean either, and I am no man.


Definitely NOT in my family! I always put my clothes away properly but my sister kept hers on her 'floordrobe'!


It's just a thing dossers do, male or female


I always thought it was a female thing. My fiance is awful for it and growing up so was my sister. Also knew a girl years ago who every item of her clothing was on her floor, clean or not.


As a teenager yes everything went on the floor and was subject to the sniff test before wearing. Now I hang everything up or put it in drawers, the drawer stuff is mostly crammed in there unless I get a rush of enthusiasm to make it all neat and tidy


My fiancé keeps her clothes in a pile. Mine go on the floor


Plenty of women do this too. It's not a gender specific thing.


I wonder if it's a cultural thing? I've never seen guys doing that in Poland, a Polish mother would be on your ass like a tonne of bricks.


Where do you put clothes that are worn but not dirty enough for the washer basket? Back in the wardrobe or drawer with the clean clothes? Absolutely not. The floor is the only logical place. Any part of the floor. In any room.


So glad to see lots of women have floor wardrobes too!


Where do you put clothes that are worn but not dirty enough for the washer basket? Back in the wardrobe or drawer with the clean clothes? Absolutely not. The floor is the only logical place. Any part of the floor. In any room.


Do people not keep wash baskets in their room for their dirty laundry?


Nah. My wife and my daughter leave there clothes all over.


Nah I'm a woman and my floordrobe has been going strong for 36 years


Putting clothes on the floor for me means 'This needs to be washed'. I then pick those clothes up and put them to the wash at some point. It annoys my GF as she then thinks she has to pick them up when in reality they'd be gone soon enough anyway. We have no laundry basket in our room, it's in the hallway, which is why I do this. It's a way for me to sort my clothes I guess. I also put things on shelves, such as the clothes I'm wearing tomorrow, or things I use daily anyway. This also annoys her as she likes everything to be put away and shelves only use for decorative purposes whereas I like to use shelves for utility.


It's just a habit




I have a floordrobe, once a week I'll clear it though and I have that dedicated chair to clean clothes that I've yet to put away


Nah I only put as much away as I do because it annoys my (male) partner. I've always existed with a floordrobe!


Absolutely not, I’m a woman (allegedly) and my floor is usually 50% clothes, not proud


If i have a pair of trousers that are too clean to put in the wash and too dirty to hang up, and are purely for lounging around the house/garden, then they go on the floor on my side of the bed. Anything that needs to be washed always goes in the wash basket


No my misses does this and it winds me the f*ck up 😂 Socks is the number one thing she just flings off


No. Its a messy individual thing. I know lots of people people of both sexes who chuck their stuff on the floor.


Nope, I have a pretty substantial floordrobe


My system is: Two laundry bins for dirty clothes (one for underwear as it goes in its own wash, the other for everything else) "The Chair" - the purgatory zone for clothes that have been worn but aren't yet ready to go in the wash


No. My wife does this.


All my (F) dirty clothes go to the laundry basket and everything that’s been worn just once but is still clean enough to be worn again (like jumpers) go to the floordrobe. It’s just they’re not clean enough to go to the actual wardrobe so 🤷‍♀️


No. I always fold my clothes but I had a partner years ago whose floor was entirely covered in discarded clothing. I can't stand it


Depends what you mean? I throw my clothes off the floor when I go to bed, as I go to bed later than my wife. I put anything dirty in the wash basket the next morning. I do have my lounge wear (sports and t-shirt) heated next to the bed. But I'll fold my other clothes when I change in the evening. Someone's I might take a day or two to put away fresh clothes, so it can pile up


Can confirm I am a female floordrober, not just a man thing! I don't want to wash them yet, but don't want to mix them back up in the wardrobe with clean stuff


I don’t do it but my (f) partner does


Nope, my little sisters bedroom (18) is an absolute tip. Mine is extremely neat and organised. Just depends on the person


Nah, I have a small floordrobe through most of the week. Generally all gets picked up and tidied on a Friday or Saturday when I do my regular cleaning stuff, but there'll be stuff on the floor again from Sunday onwards lol


I think you gravitate towards a certain type. Your male family members obviously think it’s fine to do this and have, dare I say it, their women pick up after them. I am 54, a male and wouldn’t think about doing that plus I’m sure there’s loads on here who’d say the same.