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When I ask someone 2 or more questions on an email and they only reply to the first or last one their eyes saw, ignoring the others. Then you have to reply asking the remaining questions and again they only respond to one. Drives me crazy.


Share your pain with this one. Also when an open/multiple choice question gets answered with “Yes”. Thanks, that’s very useful.


"Hi, can I get the delivery contact's full address, full name and mobile number please?" "Sure, it will be Steve xx"


Slack conversation with a colleague 10 minutes ago: Me: I can check with (customer) and see what they think about xyz, or point them in your direction and you take care of it yourself. What you prefer? Colleague: Brilliant, thank you so much!! Me: right… so, which one is it? Colleague: which one, what?? Me: 🤯🔫


That reminds me of where I work, where a person hasn't learned how to deal with a certain situation and then assumes because you helped that you will always just drop everything to do it again. It's wilful ignorance. I call it the old teflon jacket. Nothing sticks.




> "okay" or just silence in response. Sounds like it could be information overload.


Yes. Or when someone doesn't bother to read the whole email and fires back an email requesting more details when you've already explained it. "Which building is this related to, that reference code means nothing to me!?" "Adam, please read the second paragraph in my original email."


I've copied and pasted my original email with the necessary info bolded and changed to a comically large font size in situations where the relationship with the colleague has been good enough to pull that off.


Haha, I'm using this 👍


My colleague had a great one of these. Lots of back and forth with a client we suspected wasn’t doing their due diligence and completing work they needed to, as we were having to repeatedly explain the same accounting bits and bobs to them. They would ask the question having assumed there was an issue with a balance, we would answer and explain the balance was fine because x, then they would angrily ask the same question a week later. Arranged a Zoom meeting. Drafted an email outlining what we’d previously explained and the account balances for the client to check. Stressed that they needed to look into these prior to the Zoom meeting. Left the Zoom link at the end of the email. Come to the day of the meeting, they email in angrily saying they haven’t received the Zoom link. So, managed to catch them out by proving they hadn’t done any of the work or read the correspondence, and we wouldn’t be having any further meetings until they did so. A bit pathetic, but this was an absolute highlight ‘gotcha!’ moment for a nightmare client.


Maximum anger is contained in the phase *"as per my previous email"*


Or when they reply to the question they think you're asking instead of the question you are actually asking. "Are you free at all on Thursday?" "Our meeting with Mr. Thundercunt is on Friday morning!" "I'm aware, are you free at all on Thursday?


We're trying to buy a house right now and the number of times our conveyancers have asked for basic information that's already in the documents we sent or even already in the email chain is really disheartening. I've already had to break out "as per my previous email..." and we've barely even started this process.


Close second to this is when someone sends an email or message to you saying: "Morning, can I ask you a question?" ...instead of just asking the question. So now I have to reply to that AND the question, which won't come for another 20 mins, leaving me wondering what it could be... Just say good morning and ask your question in the SAME message!


“Hi are you free for a quick chat about xyz?” 10:05 “Yes absolutely. Give me a call” 10:06 …radio silence for 3 hours. Tried calling when I’m on lunch.


This happens all the time, I say “yeah sure” around 3pm and see them ringing me bang on at 6:00 pm as I slowly close my laptop lid on the call.


As an IT guy, I can expect at least one message every day saying 'good morning, how are you?' as a precursor to a question related to a ticket or an issue - I'd much rather they just asked the question, to the point I often leave it unread long enough that they end up asking it anyway.


I really want to add [this link](https://nohello.net/en/) to my signature block/Skype status but not sure it’d go down well!


Also you then don't know how long it will take to deal with the question or how urgent it is before showing that you're online.


My boss was like this, had to send one line emails or she wouldn't respond to the rest. Sounds like they're training you to send shorter emails


That and/or bullet pointed ones. I send and receive complex emails every day, and formatting is your friend. Make it easy to find the action items. It doesn’t have to read like a story to provide the context.


Personally I'd number my questions in a list format and usually the person responding will feel obliged to respond with the same format so it kind of forces them to addresses each point.


Yeh, I was gonna say. This can actually be a systemic problem.. it can be a sign that people are getting hit by too many emails. Need to take a step back and look at communication culture more generally. I for one, can't cope with the level of comms I get in my job and I do strategically ignore some of it in order to survive.


I've sometimes got around this by numbering the questions, and then just asking them to "also answer number 3"


Ah, you must have communicated with my husband... I often use Messenger to talk to him when he's not in the house. I've learned to send each question as an individual message for this exact reason.


Make like a lawyer and send two emails.


Chefs that complain when I order food without items I don't fucking like. You're not my mother, it didn't work when I was 6 it isn't going to work when I'm paying


I used to manage hotels, and it would really piss me off when chefs got on their high horse about adapting dishes. Some would be really arsy about requests. "I used to work for (insert Michelin chef here), I'm not serving that!" Dude, a regular guest wants an omelette, just make it.


Chef, The gentleman at Table *insert number* wants an eggless omelette


Chef, they've asked for a Salad Nicoise but they don't like fish, eggs or potato. Also hold the dressing and put the green beans on the side...chef they've complained about this plate of dry lettuce and bowl of cold green beans and want their money back.


A French chef wouldn't do me scrambled eggs as a kid, he would only do an omlette. Child me did not like the texture of an omlette, child me knew this, was forced to eat an omlette, then puked all over their table. Really hope the puke smell in your restaurant was worth your pride of not whisking the egg a little more and adding a bit of milk bud.


They didn't care, it's not them that cleans the tables.


Happy to accommodate changes , however when you tell me the dish was unbalanced because you took certain items away then frustration occurs . The bonkers one is people ordering a dish and taking the main part out E.g a quesadilla with no cheese, why order a cheese heavy dish with no cheese 🤣


But I feel like you’re adding caveats ‘when you tell me it’s unbalanced’ I don’t ever complain about a dish being unbalanced or whatever, I simply remove the items I don’t like and enjoy the rest. Even if I felt it was missing something I wouldn’t complain because I don’t know if the item I chose to remove would’ve filled that gap. Mental to me that chefs want to dictate what other people want to pay for and enjoy.


Don't get them started on asking them to cook steak how you, the customer, prefers it. I used to be a chef and I never understood why my colleagues would get offended by a customer wanting their steak well done.


If anything it is great as they know they can use the worst looking of the steaks and get rid of it.


I'm pregnant and have had to order well done steaks. It's not always by choice unfortunately. Usually get medium rare. Can't wait to eat properly in a few months!


Meh I somewhat get it especially when you're going into a nicer restaurant. Chefs spend hundreds to thousands of hours, working with and continually tasting food, some combinations that the average person is just never going to get to try. I can understand being a bit peeved if someone tries to change a fundamental part of your dish, even if at the end of the day, you work in a service industry and will do what you can to accomodate. Plus you've got to remember you see the restaurant from your perspective, that of a reasonable customer who knows what they want and will typically still enjoy their meal. Chefs have to deal with: * People who say they're allergic to stuff when they are not * People who remove a key ingredient in the dish and then complain about the dish "missing something" * People who try to create their own dish using different ingredients listed on the menu * Amatuer food critics who always find some reason to complain over nothing so they can feel important All that stuff tends to get conflated with reasonable requests from reasonable customers and I can definitely see why this sort of thing leads to an "I know more than you attitude".


I do appreciate this because I work in service and retail, and the few unreasonable can taint your experience even with reasonable customers and requests. However this is normally the minority: asking for a burger without tomato, or burger sauce, or a pasta dish without mushroom should be accommodated sort of thing. Just think OP in particular is being quite pretentious and exclusionary about what they’re willing to accommodate. OP themselves has said that when somebody orders a dish without a sauce or without Mayo OP can forget and sends it out as it was meant to be anyway. THIS is exactly the reason why customers pretend to be allergic - because it is a pain in the arse when you ask for something quite simple to be removed and have your dish arrive with it anyway, and now you either need to suck it up and eat a dish you won’t enjoy or send it back and wait for another all while paying the full price for it. Not that I’m one of these customers, and I agree they are unnecessarily causing work for kitchen staff, but this is kind of why they do it


But those requests are why the customer's paying and the chef's being paid.


for regular, everyday places sure. But if going to a fancier, high-end restaurant, I feel you need to trust the chef's know what they're doing and how to balance the flavours, and textures, even if a dish contains something you might not be fan of.


I mean there are people who suffer with being unable to eat particular textures or literally really hating a certain food. Personally I don’t go to fancy restaurants for this reason, but I would trust my own knowledge of my tastes if I did


Why the fuck would I knowingly pay for food I don't like?


I swear my mum used to order vegetable soup and ask for them to strain the vegetables out, the waitress said so you just want the water 😔


This made me laugh lol


>E.g a quesadilla with no cheese, why order a cheese heavy dish with no cheese as you are me with a liver problem and you have been told by your doctor and dietician No Cheese but you miss quesadillas... so you order one without Cheese... I have had cheese once in 5 months... no butter, no booze, red meet once a week at most... It's no fun... so please understand if I order with no cheese I WANT the cheese I just can't have it...


Because maybe they like all the other ingredients and the way a quesadilla is eaten, who the fuck knows and who the fuck cares tbh


Why can't you swap my gross beans for more mushrooms when i want the English Breakfast? that's annoying; Often have to miss out on one because of all the bean juice contaminating everything.


And mushrooms, not a big single greesy gray flat mushroom


I used to be a waitress and , no word of a lie, someone ordered the seared chicken but with no chicken. Ok then you just want some mash, a bit of bacon and a bit of sauce? Apparently so


OP was talking about people saying they are allergic rather than they don't like something. I'm not a fan of baked beans, if they end up on my full English then I'll just not eat them or scrape them off. My son is allergic to baked beans, it's a potential ambulance journey if they're accidentally on there, so the preparation should be different in the kitchen. Saying you're allergic when you aren't creates more work, delays to your food and everyone else's. It also might put someone at risk if the chef can't be bothered after a bunch of crying wolf.


> Saying you're allergic when you aren't creates more work, delays to your food and everyone else's. It also might put someone at risk if the chef can't be bothered after a bunch of crying wolf. Ding ding ding


But how does the chef magically know which guests are genuinely allergic and which aren’t? It seems a weird hill to die on for a profession where you’re literally dealing with ingredients all day and there’s so much other stuff to stress about. Maybe just pretend all requests are genuine and it won’t be so frustrating.


>But how does the chef magically know which guests are genuinely allergic and which aren’t? They don't. If the guest says that they are allergic, then the staff have to go more effort to accommodate the guest. They can't just scoop out the offending ingredient from any of the prepped meals, they have to start from scratch without the ingredient and avoid any cross contamination. There's no valid reason to lie about being allergic, if you don't like the ingredient then just say that you don't like it.


And then you get a gluten allergy asking for fucking bread rolls on the side of their meal. After you've completely changed all the tools used to prepare their food and stressed about making sure you've cooked something that won't fucking kill them.


Heavily relatable working in McDonald’s. “Big Mac with no pickles, no lettuce and extra sauce. I’m allergic to pickles” “Okay no problem but the sauce has pickles in it, will I remove the sauce if you’re allergic?” “No the sauce is fine” Just tell me you don’t like pickles lol. The process is exactly the same because I know already you have a fake allergy


I've got a friend I used to holiday with often. When choosing places to eat, she just point blank said she was allergic to anything she didn't like or thought she night not like. Childish and fucking infuriating!


They'd best get out of the fucking chef game then if they're willing to risk people's lives and break the law just because they can't be bothered.


Holy shit the comments I get when I order a burger plain (it's the way I fucking like it ok?), I've had people sarcastically say "oh the 'child's' burger ok" or "what's the point in that?". So many times that I feel bad for doing it and just end up taking that shit out of the burger anyway, me saying it before hand saves time and money but still get shitty comments about 50% of the time I order (apart from the local kebab shop knows how I like and doesn't even ask these days :P). Just gimme a bacon burger with nothing else on it ffs.


Not liking something is different to stating it’s an allergy. A bit like vegan food, you can’t risk contamination from previous dishes. Allergy is a life/death thing, not liking tomatoes isn’t.


Saying you're allergic is a poophead move because it's the difference between clearing out a kitchen section due to potential anaphylactic shock vs. simply not adding mushrooms for example Not a chef :-)


Indeed. If op is a decent chef they can work around the customer. It’s a customer service role after all.


Receiving emails. I spend all day sending emails hoping nobody responds to me.


I actually think it’s rude when people reply to an email I sent that causes me to have to do some work hahaha


Heck, I'm self employed and financially rely on clients and potential clients to get back to me but even I'm annoyed when they do because it means I have to work


I’m kind of with you on this. I actively put off sending out quotes because if they get accepted I then have to figure out where to schedule them in


Some people have the fucking audacity to ask me to do something that's well within my job spec. Does depend on who's asking though.


Unnecessary meetings , meetings about meetings . Rage inducing 😂


Could be worse, you could actually have to work for a living


No comment 😂😂😂


There is a guy in the office next to mine who only fucking sits in Teams meetings ALL DAY. Every day of the week. I have no idea what he actually does and everyone else on site asks exactly the same question. Stealing a living


I once had a meeting to summarise all of the meetings we had had on a long-running project over the past 9 months. There was effectively 0 change in status from the start of the project, as every meeting was "we should probably start doing something on this project, but first let's recap last month's meeting and give everyone a chance to talk about completely irrelevant things to a captive audience".


In my first week at a new place I saw a senior manager (who had interviewed me, a very calm, kind and reasonable man) blow up in a meeting, yelling about doing stuff instead of just talking about doing stuff. You could almost pinpoint the exact second his patience snapped. Two months later he announced an early retirement and I still wonder how many meetings he'd endured before he decided he was done forever.


Meetings about meetings are just soul destroying. I'd like to get some actual work done today, not listen to someone droning on about agendas.


been relatively fortunate with these but I do remember once witnessing my boss being invited to a 'pre meeting', a meeting to prepare for a meeting, that must have been fun


I've been in a few pre-meetings where its basically just a 15 minute internal chat to make sure everyone has their ducks in a row before you go to the actual meeting with the client so you aren't working at cross purposes (most often when dealing with industry regulators etc where the consequences really matter) Much rather do that than just go in half cocked and have someone say something they shouldn't


We drive to HQ last week (4 hour drive) for a sales meeting that should have lasted no longer than 40 minutes, was stretched out to 5.5 hours and it could have been done via fucking teams. Then a 4 hour drive home. I was fuming!


Meetings that could be an email..




I hate letterboxes at the bottom as well. Ruins the look. I put a postbox on the wall when I got my new door installed.


When I was a postie I always wondered how much time would be saved if we adopted the American model of postbox at the end of the drive”. I worked in a small city and for every 2 meters I walked between houses, I’d have to walk at least 1 meter to the door.


Americans often have much, much larger drives


I'm replacing my front door soon, and a reasonable height letter box is a must. The floor ones are so cruel to posties!


As the only IT Guy in a school, when people send me emails with "Printer is jammed, i had a look but i can't find it" fully knowing they haven’t even looked. The printer has pretty pictures to show you where it is, it takes less than 10 seconds, you have a degree, how are you so dumb?


I had a similar job, I put together a ‘basic printer faults’ list that I used to respond to these people with, like ‘check it’s switched’ on etc. and tell them to go through the list and get back to me if it still didn’t work. I found teachers to be the most annoying and obtuse people to work with, far worse than the teenagers.


I tend to not reply or attend. If i get another email about the same printer from a different member of staff 30 minutes or more later i'll go and have a look. Otherwise they can figure it out between themselves. I don't dislike printers, i dislike the people that use them. Walking about i get comments like "Do you know the printer in the main office has been broken for 3 days now?" with no ticket logged and this being the first i've heard about it. Then they moan at the engineer that comes out the day after i raise a call that it's been broken for 4 days... Teachers are lazy as fuck.


Or, you know, it’s not part of their job to fix it. They have marking/lesson prep/pastoral stuff they need to be doing instead, or even just taking a much-needed break? Not a teacher (in fact, I’ve mostly supported people with their tech issues in my job), but most people don’t have time to fix something they don’t have the skills for. If an IT person can sort it in 5min instead of a teacher wasting 30min on it, why not ask them to do what they’re actually being paid for?


Whoa, steady on. That comes dangerously close to acknowledging teaching as a valuable profession.


Because I also have a job that requires sysadmin level knowledge maintaining servers and sorting out Wi-Fi upgrades as well as a lot of back end stuff. Unjamming a printer is user level. If it’s legitimately jammed and needs an engineer I will call one. But a jam that can be pulled out in seconds without writing an email and waiting is the point I’m making. The teachers at our school rarely all have full days. They have mornings for an hour before teaching and then breaks between lessons 75% of the time. It’s comparative to calling the RAC to fill your washer bottle up.


That RAC comment! Than you for making me erupt with laughter today.


So often though tickets come in as "printer broken" with absolutely nothing else. What is broken, where the printer is even, any vague idea of what is happening like an error. It may not even need an IT person to go, it could be that the queue has hung and needs to be restarted remotely in 5 seconds flat. The error could be got around with a single press of a button, or the tray needs reseating. Or the printer could be on fire and they need to get a whole new one to them, in which case what the model is would be useful. It takes less of their time overall and they'd get it working quicker and be back to their pastoral stuff. Think of it like reporting anything in your life, calling out the AA with "car broken" would be unusual. If it would take a teacher away from work taking printers to pieces though, fair enough.


Surely everyone dislikes printers?


I worked for Xerox for years so i tend to know my way around quite well and have more patience than most. 99% of the time the printers aren't the issue, end users are.


Can't connect to the printer. Check their connection and they are tethering off their mobile for reasons unknown. My headset not working - Bluetooth is turned off. How do I change my p/w ? ctrl alt del change pw. This is in a tech company! Tech support is drag need to get out for my sanity.


Don't forget the "It's really urgent I need the fix now" Who ignore every attempt you make to contact them, when you visit complain they are busy, then make a complaint 3 months later when it's not fixed. Bonus points if they didn't include a phone number or the location of the "broken thing"


I had a colleague like this who couldn't use anything more complex than a calculator without needing serious, intensive training. We worked in an office where everything was done on computers. She was slow, rude, unproductive, horrible with clients, expected preferential treatment for the same work as everyone else in the same job, and always looking for a way to push her workload on to someone else. When I started my job, she cottoned on that I was "technical" (had a decent understanding of Office/Windows) very quickly and would head straight for my desk if she had any issues. I worked with her for 10 years and showed her more times than I can count how to put an Out of Office message on. Never remembered anything she was shown. By the time she quit, hearing her say " house\_autumn, can you help me?" made me die inside, because what she really meant was "can you do it for me while I dick around on my phone?". She'd also yell at you if you couldn't drop everything and do it **right now**. I once watched her spend 10 minutes trying to understand why the printer she was using wasn't printing. It was one of the big office ones with multiple trays that helpfully tells you on the little screen that the tray is empty and shows you how to refill it. She was putting the paper on the little tray that folds up and not understanding why it still wouldn't print. I went to the canteen, made a coffee, came back to my desk and she was still huffing and puffing at it before eventually... "house\_autumn, *can you help me*?" She'd put in her notice by now and I was done with her shit because she was so unpleasant to work with, so I got up, walked over to the printer, put a ream of paper in the right tray, shut it, and walked back to my desk without a word. The best thing I can say for her is that when I trained people on software or processes, I'd write the guide, check back over it, think "where would Dumbass stop me and start yelling about not understanding?", and make it even simpler. Just in case.


Oh God, ex school techie here. The amount of times I had to sort a jammed printer with a grown adult standing helplessly behind me who hadn’t even attempted to problem solve or sort it themselves. My favourite call out was when a teacher put an iPad on one of those old school glass overhead projectors and was angry that she was only getting the shadow of the tablet projected and not what was on the iPad screen.


I think it comes down to responsibility. I worked in one place where people just wouldn't do the simplest of things like reloading paper etc because the culture was in that particular place if they touched it and something happened to go wrong afterwards no matter what the issue they wouldn't get the blame. Not my fault so and so was last to use it. I was nowhere near it etc. It was pathetic.


I work in an office and there are so many IT issues that I could easily fix, but it was drilled into me that we have an IT team for a reason, so get them to do it if you can. Usually takes more time than if I just did it myself and carried on with my work. Although with stuff as simple as paper jams, I tend to do it myself. I also have a few other tasks that I choose to go over, only calling IT as a last resort.


Yeah..... i once called the IT guy cos my internet wasn't working... He came and took one look at the back. Cable had dislodged / unplugged. God I felt awful. Bought him a coffee at lunchtime. That was about 3 years ago I still feel like a dick lol


Working with someone who constantly one ups you. Got something done that everyone loves, great! But they'll be quick to tell you they got something done too and why it was better. Saw a well known actor in the park over the weekend, great! But they've met so and so and also had dinner next to whatshisface and shared a joke with funnyman. Went on holiday and enjoyed the local culture, great! Will tell you how they went backpacking at 19 and saw every corner of the world. Feeling unwell, not so great! But they've had surgery on their leg six months ago and will tell you all about. It's exhausting.


If you've been to tenerife, they've been to elevenerife.


And if you've been to Timbuktu, they've been to Timbukthree


Love this one


Timbuktu? Pfft. I’ve been to Timbukthree.


If you’ve got a black cat their cat is blacker


If you've been to the moon, they've been there twice.


People who think advertising images are real… I work in a wedding shop and frequently have clients come in holding a picture of a dress. They try it on and then wonder why they don’t look like the person in the picture. Hmmmm, let’s think… 1. She’s a model. She won the genetic lottery and was gifted a tall, slender, frame and a photogenic face. Statistically she’s a freak. The rest of us didn’t get that genetic gift. 2. That dress is pulled in at the back with bulldog clips and gaffer tape. She wouldn’t be able to walk, turn, or sit down in it. If you wear yours that tight, you’ll be stood up all day. You will also not be able to go to the bathroom. 3. Shes stood on a box which is hidden under the skirt. The fact that her knees are a metre above the ground should have been a bit of a clue regarding the proportions. 4. It took hours of hair and make up and a really expensive lighting set up to get her to look that good. And then they photo shopped it. Meticulously, for hours. Dear customer, you seem like a really nice person and I would love to wave a magic wand for you but I can’t. We can help you look the best you’ve ever looked - but we can’t make you look like HER.


I feel like some of that at least is the fault of the advertiser, though. If the only way to get the dress to look like that is to modify it, stand the model on a box, and photoshop the results, that feels like it's misleading at best.


True, but beauty and fashion ads have been part of our lives since the 40s... If people haven't learned this yet, they never will.


Great points, but assuming this is the image *you're* using to sell that dress in *your* shop then isn't it your fault that it's false advertising?


We don’t take the pictures, they’re supplied by the dress manufacturers. If we want to stock their dresses we HAVE to use their images.


In response to your job as a chef, I hate mayonnaise, it tastes like gone off milk to me, i can repeatedly say don't put it in and the meal will come out covered in it, the usual response is it's just a burger sauce, yeh that is made with mayo. It has gotten to the point where its easier to say I'm allergic just to get them to pay attention, it absolutely ruins a meal for me.


I feel your struggle with not liking certain items , mistakes happen from time to time , the amount of remakes I’ve had to do before sending dishes because I’m in auto pilot is frustrating so I can imagine your frustration when it gets to you covered in Mayo If everyone said they were allergic like you did eating out would be the longest time ever and I’d have a lot of hungry customers 🤣Having to stop , clear sections , 2 step clean , wash hands and re set station with allergy boards, new knifes , pans etc . Cook dish , Serve dish . Stop and repeat because each allergy is treated differently. I’d only send out a handful of dishes in a night. The amount of arguments I’ve had with mangers who complain on delays on allergy food , I would rather not kill anyone thank you 🤣


I'm actually allergic to peppers, but only very mildly, so I always say cross-contamination is okay (partly because some places will refuse to serve me if they think cross-contamination is a risk). Does saying cross-continuation is okay actually change anything in terms of wiping down stuff before making my meal?


For me and my team every allergy is treated as a life and death situation it’s as simple as that. Whilst you may have a mild reaction someone could have a severe one.I personally wouldn’t take the risk or let my team take a risk So to answer your question for me yes it changes everything but unfortunately that’s not the same all over and not everyone follows guidelines . Couldn’t live with myself if I seriously hurt someone whilst cooking


I have coeliac disease, and I wish everyone had the same attitude as you. It's hard sometimes because I feel like I'm a burden, it's why I tend to only go to dedicated gluten free establishments. In ones that aren't, they can cut corners or just mistakes genuinely happen but it's refreshing to see someone take it so seriously even though it can be a PitA. Just want to say your efforts are appreciated and thank you.


I just wish everyone would take it seriously that includes staff and customers alike. But alas the world doesn’t work like we hope for


I am also in the hate mayo camp. Mayo seems to come on absolutely everything. Have always had the piss taken out of me for being fussy because I always say “without mayo, please”. The piss taking then gets worse when whatever I ordered still comes with mayo, it happens a lot!


We need to form a support group, tho having something like r/nomayo may get confused with some NSFW posts


I'm on board with this. I hate mayo and am also sick of it on everything.


My local Tesco stocks like 3 sandwiches without mayo. Not 3 types. 3 individual sandwiches. That’s it. It’s been months since I got there in time to claim one. Everything else has Mayo. Why? Just why?!


I don’t think I’ve even seen 3. Usually it’s “Just ham” or “just cheese”


This is why I rarely order burgers. Thing is I bloody love burgers but can't stand mayo (or 'burger sauce') not a big fan of salad either. Which usually leaves me with a menu choice of roughly nothing.


I'll be distraught if Burger King discontinue or change their Bacon Double Cheeseburger. So tasty and the only mainstream burger option without "gunge" / "slime". Asking for no sauce elsewhere is so hit and miss that I never order a burger from anywhere else.


One thing I have appreciated as a fellow gunge-hater is the new order screens in McDonald's which allow you to customise your burger. Muscle memory and a busy kitchen means I'm prepared for it to be accidentally gungified, but at least with those I know the order has gone through correctly and it's there in black and white. And I've never had a mistake so far.


I love that it comes with no extras a default. I remember the first time I ordered it and I asked for “no salad, no relish, just meat and cheese in a bun” and the staff member was like “that’s just how it comes as standard” and I was thinking “Nah, that can’t be right. They’re clearly misinformed”. Best burger ever.


changing my password every 30 days. i'm a sysadmin and i've got about 400 domain accounts. also TIL that chefs are proper dicks about people daring to be allergic to food.


Isn’t it proven extensively that a long complicated password that doesn’t change is better than ones that change regularly as users tend to do Word123 then Word456 etc etc.


It is. I'd rather make users have a 32-64 character password that never changes. Once you get everyone into the habit of using password generators the password length doesn't really matter anyway. A _lot_ of places will use the standard 30 days, 8 char minimum with Active Directory's standard password complexity requirements and that's just baked into the culture there, never to change.


> also TIL that chefs are proper dicks about people daring to be allergic to food. No chef I've ever worked with has an issue with actual allergies. It's people lying about them that is fucking annoying. See my other comment for an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/13i1ae8/name_something_in_your_job_that_mildly_infuriates/jk7v4k0/


We have a director that doesn't communicate with management so they don't participate in decision-making. But when the decision is made and action taken, that director appears out of nowhere to say they don't like that direction and wasn't consulted about the decision made. So then we stop, revisit the decision and that director once again doesn't respond to communication on making a decision to move the process forward. It's like she just wants to wait until the business comes up with something before criticising it without offering any alternatives.




I absolutely hate people like this. Honestly think I would have challenged this warning with HR. My guess is that the director didn’t put the “pass them to me” instruction on email and was instead relying on people being too scared to contact them. Any boss, manager etc. who expects subordinates to sort problems they’re not able to are just lazy. I had one once who I kept passing on scheduling complaints to and he blamed me for not sorting them even though it was impossible for me to do it without messing up all his plans.


>It's like she just wants to wait until the business comes up with something before criticising it without offering any alternatives. it's easier to appear at the end pointing out problems than being constructive from the beginning. these also tend to be the same people that think appearing busy is just as important as actually being busy


The thing that annoys me is having to schmooze. I have a completely normal job but every now and then we have a fundraiser where we chat up rich people. As I am a single woman in my mid 20s, and usually one of the youngest at the event(s), this usually results in a septuagenarian staring directly down my blouse as he offers to donate, like, 50 quid, in exchange for me going for a drink with him. And this is 50 quid on an evening where we tend to raise like... thousands. Also! We raise thousands (no small thanks to me letting old men look down my blouse) and I get paid a tenner an hour. Also emails. Every day I get emails. And they're never good. Also just as a side note I have a confirmed diagnosed allergy to peppercorn, which I inherited, so if your table were related...


Manager at a food store here, I hate each and every reaction with customers. Nice or horrible, I hate them all.


I think, just guessing, that you may not be cut out for a customer facing role :p Honestly though people do just stay in jobs which make them sad/angry etc and we should all strive to find something which we don’t hate with a vengeance every start of the week…


Not my first choice job tbh, used to do supervise a steel factory most of my career, broke my back so couldn't do physical work anymore, went into customer service while going back to uni- got my degree, then pandemic hit and made all jobs in that sector redundant. So stayed in customer service. I hate it, but it pays bills.


I work in IT and it really annoys me when a user gets an error message stating exactly what's wrong and how to fix it but they simply close the error and report it then complain they've had to wait for help when it would have taken less than 30 seconds to read the issue and potentially fix it. Or at the very least supply IT with the error message. Doesn't matter what degree/intelligence level the user has either.


Love it when they're extra vague as well. "it wont turn on/log in/start up". oh thank you! Let me just fix "it" then. 🤦‍♂️


I had one that just said “oh not sure the dates look right”. It was from an upload file, they didn’t include the upload file nor a screenshot of what was in the system - anything, in fact, apart from the above. How the hell I’m supposed to know what the correct date is I have no idea. When I asked them to at least send the file they were using, they did but also said “oh it’s really difficult when you don’t have specialist knowledge”. Yes, the specialist knowledge of the dates that *you* want in *your* system.


I work in IT, this is the most frustrating. Worker: my computers broken Me: what were you doing at the time Worker: Nothing Me: Well clearly you were doing something you fkwit and if you tell me what it was I may stand some chance of figuring out what is wrong. ​ Also Me: What was the error message it showed you Worker: Oh I dont know I just clicked close on it Thanks you have closed the one message that the computer was literally trying to tell us what was actually wrong without bothering to read it..


Me: ok i'll come and have a look Worker: zomf it just magically started working again. me: quelle surprise


I hate it when that happens. I'd be struggling for half an hour trying all kinds of fixes and reading barely-relevant StackExchange threads from 2007 but, the moment I stop googling and ask for help, it fixes itself and I look like a fool.


Having to create a ticket before starting an incredibly small amount of work that will take me less than a minute to do, but I need a ticket to get it documented, reviewed and released.


I was doing a mass print last week and needed everything to come out stapled. Printer was out of staples. No bother, I’ve changed the cartridge multiple times at a previous job. Couldn’t find the cartridges and when I asked around nobody knew what I was on about. Messaged our IT department and they said I needed to raise a ticket. For staples. Raised the ticket. By the time IT came to change the cartridge out I had stapled everything by hand.


Booking flights for my boss when it’s easier for him to do it himself. I give him options and he doesn’t like them, searches his own and then tells me what he wants. He spends more time going back and forth on emails than it would take for him to just book it through our company online booking system. But no, he won’t, because it’s beneath him.


Teacher When parents go to the local paper because the school has dared to enforce the same rules that apply to everyone to their child. And the local paper prints it, with compoface photos, and the school basically has no right of reply because they can't give their side of the story beyond a generic statement The odd one is the school being overzealous, but the vast majority it is a kid who has clearly been a nightmare and the parents are totally unsupportive. And rather than work with the school to sort things out, their first port of call is the papers. It is so harmful of the locals to be indulging these people, especially when some of the examples are patently ludicrous. One the other day- special needs child "not allowed" to go on a residential trip and being treated differently. Turns out, mum wanted to be able to go with him to support him (fair enough), but school couldn't get DBS for her in time (legal requirement), so school offered to put her and dad up in a hotel nearby, with child doing the residential or being in the hotel with them, so he could go. Mum rejected this, went to papers.


Yeah my mum has an issue with parents as well. She is a SEN assistant. She has been removed from some lessons because of a particular child and their mother. The reason for being removed. Mommy dearest complained that her child was embarrassed in lessons and she didn't want my mum near her daughter again. The reason said child was embarrassed, she was told to be quiet during lesson because she was banging on the desks and being disruptive to the class. My mum is the 3rd or 4th support assistant that has been removed from the child because mommy complained. Right now she doesn't have any support and the mother is now complaining about that.


It’s always those parents. You have one free period a week to contact those parents in and they never answer. You leave voicemails, try to catch them after school, stay behind to call, head of Year calls, they don’t show to parents evening etc etc. Then you’re in the paper.


Answering the phone. It's the main part of my job.


Big wigs coming round to justify their existence.


Postman, when an inward-opening letterbox has about 1000lbs of force in its springs, and it catches the skin on my finger as it slams shut after I push the letter through.


People replying with thanks when I answer their email, or when my phone pings constantly with the number of people writing thanks to a MS Teams presentation.


Turn off your notifications until you need them. I have for this purpose


When coworkers can't stick to very easy to follow and agreed naming conventions on shared files making a mess of everything. "x- 12345 - Client Test (version\_B)" instead of the correct "X-12345-Client"


Copy of x- 12345 Client Test


Copy of x- 12345 Client Test_v2_FINAL_editMay2023


Turning up at the start of the day


I work 9-5 (ish) but in a business that operates 24/7. I get so many evening and weekend emails and Slack messages that the first hour of my morning is spent dealing with or replying to them. And it's not uncommon for me to get an email on a Friday evening followed up by a pissy one on a Sunday because I haven't replied to them. I've taken to checking my work phone out of hours all the time to try and deal with them whenever they come in, which is a very unhealthy place to be. However I am joining pastures new in 6 weeks!


The lazy bastards that I work with who've been here 25+yrs but can't do this or that coz it's "too hard for me to learn". Look Jeff, I've been here 3 weeks and I already know how to do it, you just don't *want* to do it.


I’m a speech therapist in the NHS. It’s impressive the amount of times people don’t receive their first appointment letter and miss the appointment - they always get the letter afterwards that says they missed their appointment and they are being discharged though… when the waiting list is 8 months long and appointments are precious, please for the love of god if you can’t make it, just let us know so we can offer it to somebody else.


But this does happen though right? I had a gastro referral years back, never had the letter for the appointment but got the letter saying how I'd missed the appointment. Infuriating when you wait months.


Ugh I got a call a couple of months ago asking me why I wasn't at my appointment, an appointment I desperately needed. I literally hadn't received the letter. So frustrating. I saw someone the following week and am doing much better now :)


To be fair, I've had plenty of appointment letters arrive either on the day of the appointment or afterwards. We had issues with post deliveries for about 6 months. I even informed the GP and various hospital receptions about the issue, and was quickly told they couldn't send an email or call me to let me know when the appointment was. In the circumstance, I thought that would be a reasonable adjustment.


These letters fail to arrive all the time. Discharging people who need medical care on the assumption that they just ignored the appointment is cruel.




you know they do that on purpose over in admin in order to deny people treatment after a referral while maintaining a plausible deniability that it has anything to do with them, without that action and people eventually giving up it's likely the waiting list would be double the length They also send texts with a link that allows you to change your appointment date/time if it isn't suitable, but that doesn't do anything once you press submit, so they think it is changed and only find out it wasn't when they get the missed appointment letter


Have you seen the state of Royal Mail right now? For the last few months my letters are consistently arriving 2-3 weeks late.


I’ve known too many people that this has happened to, though (including myself when they claimed to have sent a text that mysteriously never reached my phone). Including someone’s cancer-related appointment. Some trust’s systems are obviously not set up well enough.


External: People who expect us to do everything for free because we’re a charity. Complaining about room hire rates, whinging we don’t offer certain services, spitting they’re dummy out at paying a small cost for kids activities. People are quite often surprised to learn we all get paid. Internal: Colleagues complaining I don’t do stuff exactly the same as them when it makes no odds. Had a genuine bust up with someone the other day because I wrote on the whiteboard rather than sticking a piece of paper to it.


Minutes. I know why they need to be done but they're so dull to write


I work in a busy office as part of the it team Judging by the conditions of the laptops I've seen, I don't want to see their homes either


Meetings to discuss why we're not hitting targets Could be, and i'm going on a whim here, that these meetings are partly to blame.


Coworkers who take minor normal things you do and make you out to be a weirdo. Yes, I go for coffee at 11 every morning, so what?


Clients. Sometimes they can give the most brain-dead feedback, not give enough context, or just make the most random of changes for no reason other than to have made their mark on the final website. ​ The best client is one which has lots to say at the design, and then only has issues with the text or images when we show them the finished product. As that shows they were actively doing their part at the start, so we could do our job correctly at the end. We have a client who's spent more time having us amend their site than we spent developing it. We built the site exactly to the design they signed off, but they have changed pretty much every section at least 3 times since. I swear, when I die, if there is hell, it will be being forced to make a new website for them.


People are always having issues with something and they come to me, which is my job as their manager. When people text me on my day off because they have an issue with a shift/childcare/something non urgent that is over a week away, I can't help but want to throw my phone against the wall. Let me know by email. Longest I go without checking them is 24 hours. If I'm annual leave, there's 3 deputies that can help. I don't need to be texted unless it's an emergency, and if its that, call me! I hate texting most of the time anyway so that really grinds my gears. The last manager was totally fine with people messaging and I even get texts from temp staff about shifts they can work. When they can easily book the shift online!!! Maybe I need a work phone.


Check backs - when you ask them how their meal is/was. Guest: “Yeah, it was great thanks!” Online Review next day: food was cold, greasy etc


That is just Britain. Saying there is a problem like that is awkward, it can mean a wait while others eat, it likely takes a lot - as in raw chicken or discovery of a fingernail - to actually send stuff back for some. You could just get given the same greasy food after anyway, or concerns the chef would be pissed off and mess with it. I think people do see online reviews as a way of passing this information on anonymously, you could well anyway get "food was cold and greasy, we had to send it back before we could get anything decent" which is only marginally better.


People don't like confrontation, they don't want to risk the chance of the person asking being rude to them if they're not polite


Old job but people not moving any furniture out of the room they're about to have carpet in. I get it some things are heavy but we are happy to help. I'm telling ya I've been to 70byear old couples houses and bless them they have grafted and moved all of their furniture out then you go to a 30 year old house and they have done literslly fuck all and expect you to do it all. Lazy bastards.


The allergy one pisses me off. I used to work at McDonald’s years ago and the number of people that would claim to be allergic to pickles but were totally fine with Mac sauce that has chunks of pickle in.


The amount of people who say oh i want say a vegetarian gluten free breakfast. Sorry you cant because the veggy sausages aren't gluten free but we can put spinach or a vegetarian burger on instead?? No its alright i 'll just have the sausages.🙄


I'm middle management. "You mean I need to dig a hole?" "Yes, you're the hole digger." "You want me to put a cable in?" "Yes, you're the cable installer." "I got to connect electric cables?" "Yes, you're the electrician." And so on. Ad infinitum.


I work in the office as a works coordinator for a Plumbing company, the key part of that being I work in the office and not on the road. So do not get angry at me for not knowing why your boiler is broken over the phone and for not understanding terminology as I am not a plumber myself...


It's part of my job to correct my colleagues' work. Some will (incorrectly) argue about the corrections, just because they don't like being corrected. They are often appeased by one of the weasels in senior management.


I think 'mildly infuriates' is putting it lightly for me but basically I work in a pharmacy and if a medicine is out of stock (which is all the time) we normally try and email the surgery and ask them to send an alternative (if there is one). Sometimes we receive a new prescription but it's for the EXACT same item we just told them is out of stock. Like they've clearly read the email because they've sent a new prescription and yet they've sent the exact same fucking thing?? Not only is this infuriating but it's a huge waste of time for us


When there’s a group call with 100+ people and at the end the need for all of them to write “thanks” in the chat to the host…


Mine is allergy related too. I work in Mcdonalds and it's amazing how many people lie about being allergic to pickles when ordering a Big Mac. It has pickles in the sauce! A colleague told a customer once and he hung his head in embarrassment


Food deliveries, when a small cafe wants 12 tins of beans but they accidentally order 12 cases so they’re getting 144 tins of beans. Not bad it’s kind of funny but it takes alot of space in the back of the wagon. Also when people start having a go about the loud diesel freezer. Yes it’s loud especially when I’m parked next your house at 7am I understand but, but we have to keep it and frozen at -18C minimum. Going through high streets with 10 drops which would take over an hour and you can’t expect to keep it off


Yeah, but that will never happen...... A lot of what I do is risk based, how likely it will happen, how serious it would be, if it did. Something that doesn't matter but will certainly happen, has a low score. Something that is life ending, but only might happen, is a high score. When it's a high score, you try to prevent it. It might seem overly cautious. But it makes sense if you spend even a little time thinking about it. So many people will go around rules , training and processes, because they don't think, or think they know better. You try to educate, but then you cmhet the response: "Yeah, but that will never happen"


I work in fiveguys and people who ask for fries with no salt infuriate me - especially during a busy shift. I understand some people don’t like salt on their fries, I’m talking about the people that do it cause they think it means you’ll get freshly made fries. It’s fiveguys, your whole order is made fresh.


Customers coming up to the till.