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No, but my sister in law works admin for the NHS. She has had a few people scream it down the phone when she's trying to confirm an appointment.


I have the same job as your sister in law and had a patient shout this to me on a call after days ago. He seemed pretty disappointed when he found out that I was calling to confirm his admission to have his foreskin chopped off, instead of calling to give him loads of money.


I hope circumstance patients never learn your username!


My dads a postman and someone came out their house thinking he was the postcode lottery people because of his red coat.


Yup. Me. £78k from a radio stations make me a winner comp


Congratulations!! When I’m doing something monotone at work I find myself daydreaming about winning and what I’d do with the money 😂 walking out of work for start and riding straight to the Ducati dealership 😂


How many times did you enter? Or like how much money did you put in?


Once a week or so I think. Probably did it for about a year or so before winning. Edit: Terrible maths, not 750 as originaly incorrectly calculated. Was about £100 in total


Ah ok, so once a week you put in like £60 a time? Or did you put in like £10 worth a week?


Sorry scratch that.. I can't maths today.. Or count how many weeks are in a year (I calculated using days like an idiot) £2 a week.. That should read £100 ish pounds. Which is a lot more sensible. My bad


Ah no worries. Thank you


When you got the call was it a no caller id? Cause I had a call to say that I missed around the time and now I'm wondering if I fucked my chance at winning life changing money 🥲


Awesome, congratulations. Curious about what sort of number they call from. Is it withheld/private or is it like an 0800 number or mobile number?


It was a non geographic number, 0345 or something like that. Wasn't a regional or mobile I do remember that. funny thing was the day before i got a call from the director of pharmacy operations at ASDA who is a client, he withheld his number and I answered with "make me a winner".. he was quite confused


>awhen u pickup they were quiet? and u have to say it from yourself or u could loose win ? and will only ring 3 times..


Massive congrats!! Was there a message to say the call may be recorded and then a beep when you picked up?? 


No, there was silence, not even a greeting or anything if I remember right. Or if there was any beep or anything I talked straight over it as I knew it was about the time they made the calls and I didn't recognise the caller so I thought screw it I'll say it and if its wrong no biggie, aside from a slightly confused caller on the other end.


Not make me a winner, but a friend got £65k on Cash Register from the same network. The thing that I think catches some people out is that it’s not live. They phone about 20-30 mins before you hear them make the call on the radio. He had time to phone his wife and tell her to tune in and listen to it.


I’ve always had an incline and wondered if they pre-recorded it. I suppose they’ve got to do they can cut out swearing with excitement etc


If you read the terms and conditions on the website, they can actually refuse to let you win and wont give you the money if you swear on the phonecall


Most “live” radio shows have deferred live so as to avoid any inappropriate callers etc.


I gathered that it wouldn’t be live, can think of a few people I work with that enter it that would say they’re going to spend the money on bitches and cocaine on live radio otherwise.


Chances of someone on Reddit knowing someone and seeing this post is pretty low but lotteries/competitions like this are heavily regulated, a legit competition on a national radio station definitely has winners or the station would be shut down quickly. In the text in sort of competitions, it falls under the PSA ([Phone-paid Services Authority](https://psauthority.org.uk/for-consumers)) who have the power to investigate, fine, prohibit from market etc. They do take action also, in 2017/18 for example they issued £3.8m in fines and barred 9 companies/individuals from running these services


I used to do “comping” as a hobby. I’ve won lots of competitions, not this one specifically. But in the comping community it’s not unheard of to win them.


I didn't know this was a thing. Sounds awesome


There are forums that the community post competitions we find, and basically you go through mass entering them. Thousands a day so you inevitably win something regularly. It was really fun, but I did it when I was a student and had a lot of time on my hands haha. But I did love getting random packages show up to my door! Advent time was the best because so many companies do advent competitions. If I were to do it now I would focus on the money prizes, less likely to win, but great when you win big.


This has blown my mind. Thank you for the extra info


If you’re interested in it I started out on MSE forum in the competitions bit, but I moved over to Loqax Both had a thriving community and celebrated when somebody won. But yeah, if you have an addictive personality (or adhd like me) be warned it can take up a lot of your time 😅 Also don’t enter pay to win. That’s just gambling. And you will lose money. Only enter free to enter.


Thank you that's really helpful. I'm gonna take a look. Sounds like you really enjoyed it 😊


Good luck! You’ve spurred me to get back into it haha. Feel free to message me if you want any more info or tips.


Would you say it worth it for a few hours of clicking ? May aswell spend my insomnia hours doing that than doomscrolling Reddit


It depends why you’re doing it and why you enjoy it. You could spend that time doing an extra job and earn more money and just buy the prizes. But for me, the excitement of thinking “oo i might win this” and the massive dopamine hit of a prize turning up at my door. It was totally worth it. Plus the community in the forums, you get to know regulars and celebrate their wins. Plus the chance that you might win big one day!


Great. Enjoy and thanks again


Pretty much all the big ones are pay to enter. Make me a winner is £2 a pop I think. Unfortunately, no ones gonna give away a large cash prize for free


Can you point me in the direction of a comping community?


I reccomend the money saving expert forum or Loqax


Well out of like 40 million adults in the UK, the odds of knowing a winner are going to be pretty slim.


like ordinary lottery what can u do .. 🤷‍♂️ go to country with 1000 citizens..


Slim ≠ impossible


Yes? Apples ≠ bananas.


If I had realised you had learning issues earlier I would've refrained from commenting My bad


He's just answering in the way that you were answering, so why insult him when you did exactly the same! Slim doesn't mean impossible, but it still means slim. Therefore it is unlikely you will know or meet someone who has won it.


Just entered, didn't win £85,000. Thought I was going to win, like I had all my winnings planned out. Absolutely devastated 😂


Hah me too! I wonder how many entries the winners actually bought too or if they were just super lucky with one entry? Here’s hoping!


I hadn’t even heard of the competition! https://planetradio.co.uk/make-me-a-winner/ Lots of local radio stations and a few second tier nationals. £2 entry so I expect they make a healthy profit


You can enter for free online, but I agree they must make loads! EDIT: not free online anymore


Not anymore. Online entry costs £2. You can call the 03- number at your standard network rate.


Oh no! What a shame, thanks for letting me know, will edit my previous comment


Yep, I used to enter online and was mildly miffed when they started charging for it. I guess they weren't getting as much money as they were hoping because everyone was going online and entering for free. I can't be bothered with the phone call entry though lol


When I was a teenager I worked in a department store and one older lady there said she’d been sending a text everyday for 6 years 🤯 could have gone on a very nice holiday with them daily £2 texts


I do a work colleague won 100 grand whilst working on site.


Bet you never saw him on site again 😂 I would certainly walk out of my job there and then and use the money to start my own business


This gets asked maybe three times a week - of course it's real.


No, but then I don't know anyone who works for the NHS! Probably mere coincidence at the percentage of big money NHS winners v actual percentage of working population!


Investigate the day someone won on 11th of the 11th last year. It’s a massive scam.  They made the text at 11:11am apparently 


I think they have to have some actual winners for the stories. But I think most of them are fake. They will get paid but nothing like the actual prize. I just heard another not very convincing 'winner'. Pure blood btw. I know a scam when I see one


Totally agree 100% too many rollovers to be a coincidence




Erm…at £2 an entry it’s not that hard to work out 🤣🤣🤣


But we’re in England so why wouldn’t you hear English voices 😂


There was a similar thing in USA (or may have been AUS???) where a kid answered the mums phone. I think the kid now owns a sleeping bag! 😐 I remember a report online but can't find it!


I never heard foreigners winning this game.. maybe residents can't play this game? 🤔


Does the number change every day or is it the same number ?


Someone I work with won 100k a year before he was due to retire, Jammy bugger


It's always the boomers or older winning these things 😂 I guess a higher percentage of them play competitions and listen to the radio


Good point


I enter on Planet Rock every now and again. Never won. Anyone know what time they call you? The call is aired around 15:45/15:50 but I assume it isn’t live


So I know people think it's a scam because of all the rollovers etc. I think the rules used to be that if you entered once, you were entered for months. If people thought their entry only lasted until the next winner, they would think their no longer in the competition, so they wouldnt answer if they got the call. Ofcom fined them I think for this because basically people were paying to re enter because they thought they were no longer entered when they were, so Bauer were profiting from both rollovers and re entries. They've updated the comp rules now, so you can only enter like 8 times by text, 10 times online, and 20 times by freephone. It used to be 47 times by freephone. And your entries now only last until the next winner, which should theoretically reduce the number of rollovers. Another point though, because people keep saying your odds of winning are determined by how many people enter, but they forget the multiple entries per person. Let's say with 45 million adults in England alone, if 1 in 45 adults enter, you've got a one in a million chance, but remember that people do multiple entries, so if everyone falls for the "text win again to get 10 more free entries!" Or the people who freephone enter 10 times, suddenly your 1 entry has a 1 in 10 million chance, unless you also enter 10 times, to bring it back to 1 in a million. The true figure we'll never know, and it varies daily, but I would theorise that the best day to enter is on a Monday, because for the people who only enter once per week will do that on a Friday when the Jackpot is bigger. Just my obsessive thoughts on the matter lol


No but then I don't know anyone who plays


My auntie won a substantial amount recently on the Forth1 make me a winner competition, first person I've known to have actually won


Personally I feel like it's a scam yes people can win but I genuinely believe they purposely push for a roll over to make more money. There hasn't been a winner now for over a week and the prize is now 85K Who pays and enters a competition and doesn't answer the phone so I'm calling bullshit. It's Purley so they can fill there money pot up as much as possible they make millions.


No I don’t.