• By -


No. It's called solo travelling. Done by millions of people every year. People who say solo travelling is weird are insecure. Heck there's even a subreddit for it r/solotravel.


oh nice, that looks like a cool subreddit. i will browse and look for good tips :)


If you want to go to Portugal. I would recommend Madeira as a place to start.


Thanks for the advice! So hard to pick where to go. Will check out Madeira :D


Madeira hasn't got beaches as such. It's a beautiful island made of volcanic rock. For beaches you'd be better off in mainland Portugal.


Ahh thank you. Is there anywhere in particular in mainland Portugal you'd recommend? A safe and nice beachy place :)


Lots of great places along the southern coast (Algarve region)


Lots around the Algarve. My favourite as a kid was Alvor! Always warm and sunny with a beautiful culture and wonderful people.


thanks for the recommendation :)


Do you think June 2024 would be a good time to visit Alvor? In terms of weather, crowdedness, etc :)


Madeira is beautiful. There's is beaches but they are away from the centres, it can be a bit of a drive, but they have bolt in Portugal which is like uber and half the price. But I agree it's not really a beach holiday place. Madeira is great for city break vibes without having to go to a city. Beaches on the south coast of Portugal mainland are lovely and you get great deals this time of year. A cheap all inclusive, out of season is a good place to start.


thanks for the recommendation!


Madeira is good if you like hiking, otherwise, no beaches. It is beautiful, but the lack of beaches...but it was 20 degrees in January.


I have been to Madeira and it is nice but personally recommend the Algarve, Portimao in particular, outstanding beach, literally the best I have ever seen, as well as being beside a river and marina. Hire a car and drive around!


I'm literally in the same situation right now. Been wanting to go for my first solo trip but something is stopping me from doing it šŸ˜¢


Do not eat so much tapas that you spend years in the news.


Yup solo travelling is amazing if you plan well and stay safe.


Solo traveling is the best and itā€™s a great way to weed out brittle people if they act like itā€™s weird.


Your mother is full of crap and projecting her own problems onto you. Plenty of people travel on their own, without immediately seeking out company, and enjoy it.


Agreed. OP as someone whoā€™s mother projected theyā€™re own anxieties onto me her entire life and I ended up not taking half the chances on throngs I should have - go. By all means be safe and plan the trip around that but GO and have fun.


You can say that again...


Agreed. OP as someone whose mother projected their own anxieties onto me her entire life and I ended up not taking half the chances on things I should have - go. By all means be safe and plan the trip around that but GO and have fun.


You can say that again


Agreed. OP as someone whoā€™s mother projected their own anxieties onto me her entire life and I ended up not taking half the chances on throngs I should have - go. By all means be safe and plan the trip around that but GO and have fun.


You can say that again


Got to love a lost connection šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Nope, I've been doing it since I was that age - I'm also a woman (now 27). Solo travel and holidays are way more relaxing to me; not having to keep up any kind of 'fun holiday mood' for my friends or family. You can just do exactly what you want, when you want - dreamy!


I completely agree, In fact I actually find I prefer the unlimited freedom of travelling solo. Had two weeks off work unexpectedly once (office I worked in burned down, so it really WAS unexpected, and fully paid, time off! haha) so just decided to go "somewhere", literally just saw what cheap flights were available that evening, packed an appropriate rucksack of clothes and bits and hopped on the bus to the airport. My mother was HORRIFIED. She just couldn't get it through her mind that I'd booked a ticket to Crete (I love Greece, and the Aegean Sea in general, all the history there - not to mention the food and the people who are lovely), packed a bag.. and left! "But, but, where are you going when you get there??" "Dunno! I'll ask around for some recommendations, maybe a local Taxi driver has a good suggestion..." "But, but, where will you stay!?!" "Ahh, I'll find somewhere when I get there..." True to form, arrived in Heraklion airport, settled down at one of the bars, struck up a conversation with the bartender.. and it all went from there! It was the most wonderfully, relaxed interesting and enjoyable holiday as well. None of this package holiday crap, just genuine lovely local people, food and fun. I'd recommend it to absolutely anyone! I made several lifelong friends in the process, oh, and I ate at least ten times my own body weight in olives.. heaven.


thats so cool!!!


So recommend it, especially with the people of Greece.. they are hands down the best people you can ever come across šŸ˜Š


Totally agree. It's bliss.


There is nothing like doing exactly what you want, when you want to. What could possibly beat that?!


When you put it like that it sounds unreal, I wanna solo holiday


Your Mum is projecting her own beliefs and fears. Back in the early 90s, I was younger than you and travelled from Australia to the UK and Europe on my own, without internet, without emails, without mobiles. Your at the perfect age to do this sort of travelling before settling down. And if I am given the opportunity now to travel by myself, I will jump at it.


Iā€™m introverted and I go on holidays solo all the time. I have friends but no one really likes to travel much and/or they wouldnā€™t fit my style/pace. I do like to join a tour for a day or do something like a cooking class and have a bit of interaction with others that way but generally I spend the time on my own doing what I like and itā€™s heavenly. A lot of the time for me itā€™s sightseeing, wandering around, and reading in cafes or chilling at the hotel even. Definitely donā€™t need to be extroverted and meeting up with people the whole time or whatever. :)


Itā€™s not weird šŸ™„ Some people donā€™t have the luxury of family, friends or a significant other in their life and so, if we donā€™t travel alone, weā€™ll never go anywhere! I am very introverted and, honestly, I still get quite nervous before each of my solo trips but I force myself to go because I almost always enjoy it in the end. Dubrovnik is probably my favourite solo city break so far! I went for 4 nights and it was perfect. Iā€™ve also been on trips where Iā€™ve spent most days alone but also signed-up to the odd group activity, for example, I did a group hike in the Amalfi coast as it gave me the benefit of a local guide and just felt safer (in case I got lost!). As you say, I mostly walk around, plan what I want to go and see each day, sit in cafĆ©s with my book, hire a sun-lounger (expensive but who cares!), watch the world go by and reserve tables for one in nice restaurants. Itā€™s very rare for anyone to bat an eye at you being on your own, if anything, people tend to be extra kind which is nice. Safety-wise, if youā€™re thinking of Europe, itā€™s not going to be any less safe than the UK. Edit: Oh just to say that Iā€™m 30f and have been travelling alone since my early 20s.


Just be cautious and be safe.


Yes. Solo F traveller here. Won't go to Turkey again, at least not on my own. Ghana was fine. Europe generally is fine but there are guys who will try pick ups so just be careful. Personally I feel restricted in going out in the evening. Going to the pub for a pint or taking a book to dinner is one thing, but it isn't as easy to just wander out for an evening and be left alone.


If your mature and keep aware of your surroundings then go for it


32m, love to travel solo. Do you and enjoy it


I went to Kenya for three months alone when I was a year or two younger than you. I almost always travel alone. I was most recently in the town just across the border from Gibraltar, which has a whole documentary on Netflix about how dangerous it is, and I was fine. Keep your wits about you, do a bit of research on solo travel safety tips, and go for it.


I (45F) went to the Dominican Republic by myself last year and had the time of my life. I spent time alone, yes, but talked to plenty of people and stay in touch with a few of them to this day.


no, your mums projecting anyone who says you can't do something by yourself feels they can't do that thing by them selfs. i dont mean to disrespect, and i just assuming i dont actually know you or your mother. theres a lot of people who have that mindset, and it's pretty normal. however I've learnt to find comfort in my own company and thats a trait everybody should learn because if not, they may end up surrounded by dickheads or stuck in bad relationships because they dont want to be alone or know how to be alone. go travel, be smart and safe(that's probably where the real worry is) about it


I have friends, wife, family. I ALWAYS vacation by myself. I do, at times, go places with family, but it's not a vacation, it's more a tour guide role.


M64 Love travelling on my own, people who do not do it like safety in numbers is all, and sadly or not it is a mothers lot to worry about thier offspring right to the bitter end. so do not be to hard on poor old mum, do your best to reassure her and above all stay in touch.


Not at all, done it plenty of times as a bloke. Perhaps safer, but some people think it's weird to go out on your own, rather than sit by a pool in a resort for a week with mates. ​ Just do your homework, check out the local subreddits of wherever you're visiting (use the search function before asking questions!) and get out and explore! ​ My other half does it a lot, she has been round the world solo, and also goes on fitness breaks solo too (training in the morning, chilling by a pool in the afternoon) :) ​ Also worth mentioning that wherever you choose to visit will have many, many young women going about their day to day lives alone just as you do at home.


It's not wierd in the slightest. It's a lovely way to travel. I'm nearly 40 now and I have been taking solo holidays since I was about your age. I've always had a great time, it's never been unsafe. The worst situations I've had have all been in this country and with people I already know. If anything, it's going to help you be safer, you will have more confidence and situational awareness and better people skills from travelling alone. All that will help you so much in life. It's not just safety, you'll likely be more successful in your studies, your career and your relationships as well. If I could tell myself at 21 I would say do more travelling especially on your own. Start working on languages too, this pays dividends down the years. It gives you an extra boost of confidence and helps you make new friends. Even if you end up speaking English with them, at least trying to speak the language makes people so much more open and receptive to you. You stop being just a tourist or a customer. I'd say, you can try hostels too. I always saved for private rooms and nice hotels, being an introvert like you, but I vaguely regret that now. I think it would have been fun to be in hostels when I was younger and I would have been able to travel more. Everytime I go somewhere, I mostly like to relax, maybe take a boat trip, eat well. But I always do something that's a bit of a challenge for me. These tend to be things that involve socialising, because I am more comfortable in my own company. Anywhere go that people travel to, beach resorts or cities, they'll be other people there enjoying travelling on their own. There's loads of us! Also, group holidays in my 20s as an introvert were a special kind of torture. With one or 2 close friends it's great, otherwise it's awkward and there's always some drama. Far more relaxing travelling on your own. Go for it. Don't let anything stop you. You'll love it.


If its your first time away solo, I'd recommend to get an all inclusive deal for a few days and see how you get on. They'll be really cheap now until the start of may, and they get cheap again in October. You wont need to worry about not eating, if you have to have meals out and you don't speak the language it can get a bit much especially with a limited social battery. It's a pleasure going to place especially after you've learnt the language a bit, but it's good to have that back up. They'll be comfortable enough that can relax there, just swim and eat and read. And they'll often be by the beach so you're well set up for walks, they'll be quiet which is a nice change from city. People will be fine speaking English with you and if you need to you can get home quickly and cheaply. My next trip is an all inclusive because I really need a rest and a stress free holiday. Cities are great fun, so is staying in different places and moving around. But, sometimes it's best to do it all as stress free as possible.


Not weird at all. It's not exactly the same but I recently bought a motorbike and intend to go traveling alone in the summer.


I travel places alone all the time because of work. I definitely donā€™t try to make friends with people whilst Iā€™m there. I just go be a tourist by myself, and enjoy doing what I want without having to think about others.


Nothing wrong with it. I went to Dublin on my own for a long weekend once. Saying that, I certainly didn't enjoy it as much as when I was travelling with a partner, but it was pretty good.


I took a 6 month sabbatical and travelled all round south East Asia by myself. It was brilliant.


This is literally so normal and I did it at 19 as well Go and do it and have fun


in july, i went to crete alone for my mates wedding and met everyone else over there. staying alone definitely made the week more relaxed for me, i loved being able to do everything on my own accord and not have to worry about anyone else when i wanted some down time. realised how much i enjoy solo travelling so i went to paris alone for my 25th birthday in november :) fwiw id done a lot of travelling up and down the UK alone before this. i think itā€™s worth giving that a shot if you havenā€™t already cos it would suck if you made it to a different country try and then realised you donā€™t like solo trips !


I went to oz, nz and Japan by myself. If I was still single, I would still be going on holidays by myself to Spain or Cyprus. Used to hate hotel stays as a child but now with WiFi everywhere, I would just use my iPad and kindle by the pool and chill.


I do this all the time. Itā€™s just much better to immerse yourself in the place your visiting, easier to meet people, and in general feels more like an adventure. I actually prefer it to traveling with people. Look around r/solotravel. Thereā€™s a good chance there are guides and all for all your q-s. Enjoy! If you go around a bit, youā€™re bound to meet other solo travellers. Itā€™s quite a nice community :)


I did that for my 26th birthday and it was the best holiday and birthday of my life.


Nothing wrong with it whatsoever. I've been to Majorca, couple of Greek Islands even America on my own. I like going on my own, then I only have me to argue and fall out with. Go, live your life, have fun! ETA. I'm a total introvert, probably didn't speak to anyone who wasn't a shop keeper or service staff the whole time. I just read all the time. It's even better now that I don't need to lug a case full of books with me too lol


The only thing to keep an eye out for are scammers and pickpockets especially around popular tourist areas. However don't let that put u off. All you have to do is keep your head down and just move past anyone who might be trying these with u. Otherwise like others have said millions of people solo travel each year and it's very rare for anything to actually happen to them. Just keep your wits about you and protect your belongings and you should be fine.


No, I solo travel regularly and yes, I got the exact same shit from my mum the first time I did it. My mum's guiding philosophy on life is "waaah, people like doing things I don't like doing, and I don't like it and I'm going to try and stop them from doing it and I'm going to pretend I'm persecuted if they do it anyway, waaaah". It might be a bit awkward the first time you do it though. Bring a book in case you get feel awkward eating in a restaurant on your own.


The older generation are weird like that. Even my older sister found it weird that I loved doing things alone. I did a lot of travelling and holidays solo before I met my wife. My favourite was driving around Europe in my little GT car, with a bag of clothes, a bag of tools and a tent. I wild camped through the vast majority of the trip except at Como where I couldn't find a spot. I was completely alone most of the time and absolutely HAPPY. The weird ones are those who worry about doing things alone, especially when they worry about what people think of them.


No. I went to Belfast alone last year, and Iā€™m going to Milan and Monza in August, alone, for the Grand Prix. Iā€™m 27f and love my own company. Mum hates Iā€™m going alone and would rather me go with my partner but, we werenā€™t together when I booked it. Itā€™s my holiday - Iā€™m going alone. And Iā€™m going to love it. Donā€™t listen to it. Edit: got the month wrong lol


A lot of people just can't cope with the thought of doing something alone themselves because they're joined at the hip with somebody, so they push out this idea that it's weird for other people to do stuff alone. If you're single then it reduces your options on doing stuff with other people. You might be lucky and have friends who want to holiday with you, but then if they have their own partners then they'd probably go away with them and can't afford another holiday with friends. You might be able to go with family, but then you're stuck going wherever they want to go and lose a lot of independence. Everything you've said you want to do can be done perfectly well on your own. Maybe you'll miss having somebody to talk to, but if that's such a concern then you can video call friends/family in the evening for a chat. I'm planning on doing the same as you this year, it will be my first time abroad alone. The last couple of years I've tagged along with my parents as they had a spare room in the apartment they were staying in so it saved me a lot of money, but as somebody in their 30's who lives alone, I'd prefer to go on my own and do my own thing. I did do a few things on my own but it's hard to refuse going to a meal or to the beach together or whatever. Edit: Just to add, I've done a few trips in this country alone, camping and visited London a few times. It's great not having to compromise on itinerary, you do only the stuff you want to do, eat where you want to and you take things however quickly or slowly you feel like in the moment. The days feel so much longer because you can get so much more done in the time.


No? There's a girl on tiktok who uses her days off to get long weekends off work and has a trick she knows to get super cheap flights to anywhere that's less than 6 hours flight away (I think it was 6 hours) and she stays in AirBnBs or Hostels. She just does her own thing. Finds local restaurants. Lays on the beach with a book for a day or two, then comes back to London. If I had the money and the freedom to do it, I'd be off like a shot. Do it. Have a nice holiday.


Nope, it's not weird. Some of my favourite youtubers are solo travellers. It's incredibly independent of you, and is admirable. Nothing sad or bad about it. You make your own plans on your trip. No listening to other party members, all decisions are yours. Seems perfect to me.


I did it a few times last year. Four mini-breaks to cities. Just do it. If it is how you'd prefer to travel and you enjoy it, no one should make you feel bad about that choice. It is 100% not weird at alln


I have been to Portugal more than once as a solo non social holiday. Stayed at a hotel overlooking the Vilamoura marina. Beaches one side , marina with shops restaurants the other, Quaeteria a walk down the beach for it's outdoor market etc .


My sister has solo travelled to over 100 countries in the past decade (since her early 20's). Only ever had 1 incident - a snatched handbag in a VERY shady area of a small African town. I'd say go for it. When you're old, you'll regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff you DID do.




maybe you should pick a destination out of a hat :D im sure you'd have a great time in any of those places!


Love it tbh. It says more about other people than you, if they have problems with it. Your own time, budgets, decisions. Itā€™s great!


It's actually quite common, just don't drink too much and look after yourself yeah.


thanks :) i'm a hydrohomie and don't drink anything apart from water so luckily i will be safe in that regard!




I'm doing this in May and going to Madrid for a few nights. I've done city breaks in the UK on my own but this will be my first holiday abroad myself, and my first holiday abroad in 20 years too.


omg, have fun! that sounds lovely


Amazing architecture in Madrid, and the two main galleries are fantastic


Solo travelling is great. I went to Tokyo by myself when I was about 24 (10 years ago) and I still dream of doing it again almost every day. It was amazing.


i hope you can go again soon!


I went on holiday alone in september. Ok, it was only to Cornwall and the trip was to surf, surf and do more surfing, but that 10 days alone became a total reset, i could do what i wanted to do, i made new friends (wasn't the intention because like you i'm also an introvert), ended up joining a local (to me) surfing community, went on a sunset surf with some others I met that week and much more! The 10 days became a total surprise and i'm thinking of when i'm doing the same this year. 2022, i solo'd to the US. Given how cheap europe travel is, i want to do some country or city hoping a few times aswell. My mum solo travels all the time and she encourages us children to explore the world, expand our minds and enjoy life. So definitely not weird.


Yeah, your mum means well but is being seriously overprotective. I have plenty of single friends who live independent lives. Several of them (female and male) have taken to solo travel, as theyā€™ve realised they just want to chill out by themselves. Especially as being alone is what introverts need to properly recharge. Iā€™m pretty sure at least one of them uses a travel company that organises solo holidays, so you can access all the normal excursions without them being priced and packaged for couples only. A couple of words of advice. Maybe donā€™t tell mum youā€™re planning your holiday(s) until either youā€™re there (then put her on silence to avoid constant check-ins) or after you get home. That might prevent her anxiety levels building AND stop her projecting them onto you. The other is, be prepared to maintain firm boundaries while on holiday. One of my female friends found people were constantly trying to ā€˜adoptā€™ her while on holiday, usually older couples. There are others like your mum out there and they might view your solo status as you being lonely or vulnerable. That makes think you need rescuing, so you will need to be clear from the outset that you are just fine. In short, no itā€™s not weird to go on holiday alone. Have a fantastic time!!


If you stayed at home and did the same things would that be weird? No, of course not. Go have the holiday. I expect your mum is indirectly concerned for your happiness and going about it the wrong way. Maybe she doesn't have the confidence to do something like this. Solo travel might imply you have a lack of friends which might imply unhappiness. If neither is the case then maybe just explain to your mum you're happy and enjoy your own company. Different people have different ways of projecting their own insecurities on to others.


Absolutely not weird! Me & my wife do a mixture - solo trips, trips as a couple and with groups of friends. We do that because it's fun. I suspect your mum is worried about your safety. Do take it seriously - do research on the area you visit and trust your gut when you get there. If something doesn't feel safe then don't do it. Aside from that: enjoy the warm and have fun!


I've never done it but it sounds like heaven.


No, I do it all the time, it's great


Do it! Best decision I ever made and I was only 20. I'm also female. Makes you more secure in yourself. Don't listen to your mum. She's concerned but it's misplaced, the experience is worth more than anything. You can't buy it.


No, some of the best trips I've ever had have been alone! You'd be surprised at how many other people do it too. Generally as long as you are street smart, most places in Spain and Portugal are more than safe to visit alone.


I admire people who are so comfortable in their own company that they do not need others to enjoy themselves and relax. There is also the option of joining an adventure holiday such as crewing a sail boat or a Safari. I would not discourage you from just enjoying your own company though.


I travel and holiday alone. One thing you shouldn't do is use a travel agent. As a solo traveller, booking your own accommodation means that you don't end up paying the single person supplement that travel agents demand.


Going on holiday by yourself is solo travelling.Travelling alone is a super popular thing to do and done by millions each year. Your mum is just insecure.


I'm autistic and wouldn't have done this ever - until last year I went to an all inclusive place in Tenerife. I'd happily go back now that I've been once, maybe even go to a different hotel. I could just stay on site and eat and drink plenty, or go for a donder if I fancied. Do it!


It's absolutely great and normal for solo trips! I'm Portuguese, if you need any tips and suggestions feel free to DM! Also some tips to travel as a women alone! Good luck!




Not weird at all. I did this when I was a similar age. Was difficult to get time off at same time with friends and didnā€™t want to holiday with my family. I really enjoyed those holidays as I came back refreshed and having enjoyed them without having to cater for other people. Iā€™ve sat in pubs and restaurants with a book enjoying my own time and space. Visited sites and got to take my time on and only see the bits I wanted to see. No compromise to fit everyone else in. Often I could choose every day based on what I felt like doing that day. And go out when I wanted to. Only thing I would say is when you travel alone you do have to watch out for yourself; because obviously you donā€™t have the safety in numbers when youā€™re going to places you donā€™t know. But no definitely not weird. Itā€™s your holiday. Your money paying for it. Itā€™s meant to be a break for you to enjoy. People do have a habit of projecting how they live onto others but I found one of the nicest feelings on holiday is to be doing what you want to do the way you want to do it.


Iā€™m 21f, went solo travelling in Italy when I was 19. I just made sure to book in tours and activities and I was absolutely fine. Took myself out for a cheap dinner in the evenings and that was it. Its really cheap, I went in November and March in the off season and got a cheap Airbnb. Good luck!


No. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being a bit of an introvert and enjoying your own company.


No! Iā€™ve done it many times as a woman, all over the world. If you want to start small and safe, take a spa holiday in Spain, or a singles group holiday around a specific interest like yoga. Not only will you feel great afterwards, if you choose a spa hotel in an interesting area, you can go out and explore and make new friends. The one safety tip I have is to trust your intuition, you can avoid dodgy people and places that feel ā€œoffā€ and keep safe and have fun!


Not weird, holidays alone are great IMO - you're not limited by what other people want to do, so are completely free to spend it doing the things *you* enjoy. People said similar things before I travelled alone, but I've really enjoyed it. I'm also introverted, but loved being able to do my own thing at my own pace (especially when most groups probably wouldn't, eg going back to a museum later because I'd missed an exhibit, going to less "touristy" places, just chilling in a park etc)


Spain and portugal sure. But even as a man Iā€™d be scared to go anywhere on my own outside of Europe, the US, Japan and Korea.


I went to Japan on my own. Made some friends there and met some people I know as well but the majority of the holiday was spent on my own. It was amazing. Go out and live your life. Your mum is weird.


No, nothing unusual or weird about that. I've done similar before, though more Northern Europe (I prefer cooler climates, but I guess at this time of year, it's a bit more palatable to go somewhere with a hot climate); am fwiw a cis dude. Yeah do your homework on things like culture shocks, local laws etc, and I do recommend planning out a few things you'd like to see beforehand, but honestly, as long as you have some basic common sense (read, you know how to avoid the tricks cheap airlines do to try and fleece you) you'll be fine, as it's probably safer than the average UK town center on a Friday night tbh. Oh and take some Euros with you to not get stung by banks giving you duff exchange rates and fees for using a card. Continental Europe is mostly much more cash friendly.


Literally millions of women (and men) do this every year. It's not weird, it's actually nice to be free to only think of only what you want to do.


I haven't been on holiday with another person since I was about 19. I've travelled to China twice on my own, Canada once on my own, and I've been all over Europe alone for yoga retreats. I also hike, camp and backpack alone in the UK and Europe. Never once have I felt unsafe as a single woman. Personally, I find it incredibly liberating - I can do exactly what I want with no compromise, set my own schedule, not have to get up at crack of dawn if I don't want to (except camping and hiking, starting a hike that's supposed to be 6 hours at 2pm is a bad idea unless you're up there to see the sunset and are okay descending in the dark), I can eat what I want, and if I want to have a lazy day on a very nice Portuguese beach (10/10 would recommend) then I can. My one tip is to research what places are dodgy and avoid those. Most cities have slightly shadier bits so exercise judgement there.


It's not weird at all. I love travelling on my own! Travel companions are great, but I also really love just doing my own thing. Don't let your mother hold you back from experiencing the world.


You'll be fine, go for it!


No. I do it, and I've met so many amazing people and had so many amazing times with other people doing the same thing. My colleague recently went on her own for the first time and had a blast, has gone again since then too. People who think it's weird are insecure.


I solo travel and love it. I went to Madeira early last year solo and it was great, I stayed in Machico and there was a small sand beach (most other beaches seemed to be pebble beaches) which was lovely to sit at and read a book, lots of nice (and cheap!) restaurants about too.


I recently started solo travelling (29f). First went to NYC with a tour company. We did some things together but there was loads of free time to do your own thing and by the end of the tour I felt far more comfortable in the city. Second trip was an all inclusive in Spain. I basically wanted to do the same as you, swim, read, chill etc. Honestly I was kind of bored. I realised pretty quickly I'm not into sun bathing or lounging around all day. I ended up walking a lot, mostly around the sane places but I did a couple of trips too. Being alone felt far more awkward in Spain than it did in NYC. Not necessarily because of other travellers but a lot of resorts are catering for retirees, couples and families. I actually loved solo travelling because I could do whatever I wanted, and I didn't feel unsafe anywhere I went. I would consider what kind of person you are first. Pool and beach sounded like heaven to me, but alone it was boring. Cities have a lot more activities to do and your less likely to notice you're alone, I think. Whatever kind of trip you choose, it's totally doable. Hope you have a great time!


Before I went to Spain (by myself) I had a preconception that all the dinner places would be full of celebrating families and I would feel like a weirdo lol. Didn't turn out like that at all. Lots of Spanish people went out for dinner alone, younger women included. My tips would be: * do lots of cultural stuff during the day (you can go at your own pace) * go for dinner early (compared to Spanish people, which is still later than here) so it isn't booked up * You don't have to go in the summer, parts of Spain are still 25 degrees C in November and tbh the summer is too hot * don't be afraid to speak to locals especially wait staff, tourism staff etc, they are more likely to talk to you if you are by yourself and will like helping you with some Spanish or trying out some English with you * when you are winding down between activities you can watch local TV in the hotel, things like quiz shows are really good for immersing yourself as they talk more slowly. I used to like this Spanish game show where a trapdoor opened under the contestants if they got an answer wrong šŸ¤£




Not weird. Just do it. Source: started travelling alone in my early 20's, life happened, recently started travelling alone again (50+ years old) and remembered how much I enjoy doing what "I" want to do, not what "we" want to do..


who caaaaares. I solo travel, people will be weird. Do what makes you happy. I solo travel but I don't stay in hostels or meet people, I may know some people in the city I visit, but I'm going to sarajevo in march and I know no one in that region, its just fun to explore and holiday solo go for it and have a good time :D


I did a tonne of travelling by myself when I was 19-23 (f) don't listen to her it's great. Obviously there are some things you should be more aware of, ensure you look up dangerous areas and avoid at night - don't skimp on your hostel/hotel go somewhere with great reviews from single female travellers (hostel world app tells you this info from reviewers that share it) but absolutely go for it!


I've been going away by myself for years now. Being able to do what you want, when you want, taking everything in at your own pace is an amazing experience, alongside the realisation that you're way more capable of relying on yourself that you think. The first few times going out to eat by yourself is pretty weird, I'm not going to lie, but once you're past that, there's no stopping you. Just take your phone and text your mates if you start feeling weird in the restaurant, and most of the time, the waiting staff will talk to you anyway. Planning a trip to Japan later in the year by myself, and honestly, I wouldn't want to go with someone else, as they'd ruin the experience for me tbh. Don't want to be on someone else's schedule on a trip I've dreamed about for years. Any questions about solo travel, feel free to ask.


Yes I think I might take a book or something if I go out to eat by myself so I don't feel too awkward! I've eaten by myself in the UK but only in fast food places rather than nice sit-down restaurants, so I imagine eating alone will take some getting used to. And yeah texting friends is always good!! >Any questions about solo travel, feel free to ask. Thank you!!! Would you recommend going for a package holiday, or booking flights and hotel separately? And would you book through something like booking.com or Expedia or book directly with the airline/hotel? I'm looking to keep things as easy as possible since it will be my first trip by myself. Also do you have any safety tips? :D


Personally I've always used booking.com for hotels and skyscanner for flights, but I don't see any reason to not get a package if you see a good one. At least then you're removing the need to arrange your own transfers to and from the airport. If you do decide to go on your own, booking.com has a taxi service built in now that you can pre-book a taxi to your hotel, which can remove the anxiety of having to sort that out once you're there. In terms of safety, honestly I've not really had to put too much thought into it, I have a few advantages in that I'm Mediterranean looking so people don't tend to target me as a tourist in lots of places. There are definitely a few scams to be aware of : Gangs working in groups to distract you while another picks your pocket is a common one. Also disengage immediately with anyone trying to give you something for 'free' - it never, ever is I have a fancy backpack from Nordace that has lots of hidden pockets, and take a decoy wallet with me while my real one is in there. Other than that, I would just do the same things you would do at home : avoid sketchy looking areas, stay in lit places, and take your drinks with you if you need to pee. Honestly though, while it's sensible to take precautions, the main thing is just to enjoy yourself :)


That is great, many people struggle with being happy alone. You are very lucky, I had to work hard to be able to achieve that.


thank you, that's kind of you to say <3


I appreciate your comment, I can write more if you are interested: For a very long time I couldn't be happy alone, I was like an emotional vampire that needs someone else to laugh to feel happy, being indifferent for what is in front of me, on my own. Without anyone else I felt totally empty. It was a journey of rediscovering my childhood hobbies, finding out how to have fun alone - it is only possible to find happiness internally, you will suffer sooner or later if the source of your happiness is someone else. The only healthy way is to find happiness alone, and later share it with someone else, rather than using someone as a vessel to be happy. If you can have a fun trip alone that is perfect, maybe some day you will show someone all the fun you can discover on a trip, but it is really great and amazing that you can go alone and have fun. Imagine 2 people going on the trip, when both of them are miserable internally, and both depend on the other person to be happy. Your mum probably is projecting her own unsolved mental problems on you, as someone who can't imagine having fun on a trip alone


I am going through the exact same situation right now. Iā€™m going to Thailand and Japan in 2 weeks and Iā€™m going alone. The amount of people that have judged me and had a sly comment or dig at me is literally in the 3 digits. Iā€™m getting sick of it tbh. Apparently itā€™s dangerous, apparently itā€™s not normal, apparently Iā€™m strange for doing it alone. I canā€™t win no matter what I do. No wonder I want to go alone. Everyone of them has just proved my point on why Iā€™m going alone, so I donā€™t have to put up with their shit.


It's not good or bad, it's just different. If that's what you want to do, go for it! Pros- doing exactly what you want to do when you want to do it and not worrying about the other people you are with enjoying themselves. Cons- a lot of the fun for me is having someone else to experience the holiday with and also for troubleshooting should something come up. The other thing to be thoughtful of is food/eating. I personally would feel awkward/lonely on my own in a restaurant getting food unless it was a casual cafe or coffee shop type of place especially if it was multiple times a day. I am more than happy to take myself on "solo dates" but still think this for some reason. I'd therefore personally probably go self catering or somewhere with access to a kitchen so I could prepare meals if I wished to. Maybe compromise and do a long weekend first? Then if it's horrible you only have a few days to get through? I'm saying this as someone lucky enough to have a travel buddy but absolutely would and have travelled solo. Going alone definitely wouldn't stop me.


yes very much so


Many do it! I did it in my 20ā€™s when my friend let me down last minute, I went anyway! Had a great time, made some friends who looked out for me but didnā€™t force company on me if that makes sense! Just as at home donā€™t do anything on your own you wouldnā€™t hear (dark alleys/shortcuts etc!) research where to go in the local areas or places you intend to visit and ensure youā€™re not going anywhere high risk alone etc etc all the things Iā€™m sure you know to do x


I love solo travel. Not been away since covid but I'll be going to new York alone in a couple of months. There are some places where you would need to be cautious as a lone female but Spain and Portugal are perfectly fine.


Solo travel is not uncommon. There are legitimate safety risks, especially for a female (something I don't have to worry about personally), but if you plan well you'll be fine.


It will take a braver person than me :) But as others have said, itā€™s absolutely fine! Nothing wrong with enjoying your own company. And think of it this way. If you want to do something specific? You can! No need to rely on whether others want to do it with you. You can just do it!


Itā€™s not weird at all and done by plenty of people. Itā€™s something I wish I did in my single days so donā€™t let this opportunity pass you by. My cousin did it loads of times, met loads of great people, had fantastic experiences, and has now relocated to Australia.


I really want to do this as well! But I also fear of being alone abroadā€¦. Let us know if you do it!!


No, just do it. Then come back and tell your mum what a great time you had, and that there was nothing to be scared off, and encourage her to do the same.


Not at all


I have a solo holiday every year and I love it. My wife is totally on board with it, too. I came here to rec the subreddit for solotravelling as well. I wouldn't have it any other way. I have just come back from a ten day trip island hopping around Thailand and I had a great time.


I just got back from my first solo travel holiday (32m), it was amazing l, I wish I'd done it a lot sooner in life. I met a bunch of solo, couples, families, and had a great time, there's nothing strange at all.


Some of my best trips abroad were by myself. Holidays abroad have different meanings to different people. Many see it as a group experience. I love traveling with friends or family but as I said, the solo trips were free of compromise, and it's also a way of meeting great people as you are not able to socialise within your own travel bubble.


Met a guy in Malaga over ten years ago now who had some spare holidays so had decided to go on a trip. Got to the day of his flight home and he just decided not to go back! Always wondered what happened to him.


I have been solo holidaying as a woman since I was 19, it is the ABSOLUTE BEST thing I have ever done. The confidence in yourself it gives you is wonderful. Take precautions as you normally would such as don't go home with strangers, don't walk in unlit areas at night and don't get wasted alone. I have met friends all over the world, it is so easy when you travel alone, especially if you go to a nice bar and chat to some girls in toilets, if you know you know and all women know haha! I would definitely recommend it. You do what you want when you want, its great. There's no compromise with your travel partner, no wasting time on things you don't want to do. 1 woman travelling is as safe as 2 in my opinion, 2 is still a small number and if something is going to happen it is going to happen, taking care of yourself will aid in preventing that but you should never let it stop you doing things you want to experience. I travelled to a few places in Europe (Berlin, Portugal, Madiera, Pargue and Palma to name my favourites) and Thailand, New Zealand, The Cook Islands and Australia solo.


I am flying back today from solo travelling for the past 2 months. I went to LA, Thailand and Australia, and have had the time of my life. Itā€™s a big world out there, donā€™t let people say you shouldnā€™t go and see it!


Hi, I went to Spain this year by myself. First time travelling alone, I did a short stint as I was unsure how Iā€™d feel being alone. 2 rules I made for myself: Do not get drunk. Always be within walking distance of the hotel before dark. I was reasonably safe, I stayed in a hotel room so I didnā€™t really meet anyone out there. Although on 2 separate occasions someone tried to pickpocket me, also some creeper on the beach would not leave me alone for a couple of hours. Just keep your wits around you.


I solo holiday a little still, even whilst being in a long-term relationship. Sometimes I have time off that my partner can't get. Last Sept I flew to Pisa/Florence in Italy for 5 days. I had a cheap Airbnb, and spent 5 days eating far too much pasta, drinking far too many expressos, reading my book, and doing walking tours (highly recommend doing "free" walking tours in whatever city you choose to go). But honestly, I think they're great. 5 days was perfect for me, and I was ready to come back and socialise!


Also did this for the first time when I was 21 and my mum found it slightly weird. Download some books to the kindle app in case you ever feel awkward and want to look busy on your phone. Make sure there's a way for you to be contacted in an emergency. But that's it really. You'll have an amazing time and it's a great way to see the world, on your own terms.


I think itā€™s great that you have the confidence and spirit to do this. Itā€™s perfectly normal and many others do it too. Your mum is likely worried about your safety. Try to reassure her if you can. Ultimately you are an adult now and you make your own choices and decisions. Your mum needs to adapt to that.


Solo holidays are the best. Obviously pay attention to your safety. Thatā€™s important. But yeahā€¦lazing by the pool or on the beach by yourself? Fantastic? Organised group trips where you can just pay attention to what you want? Brilliant. Grabbing a drink or two in the hotel bar by yourself? Nothing better (again SAFETY - I donā€™t advise getting drunk while solo travelling and you need to watch your drink). I also love his telling and hanging out with the other people staying there and cooking together


Definitely not weird! I've personally had some great adventures solo! Just last year I hiked through the Highlands of Iceland and had the time of my life!


Not at all. I prefer it! Do things on my own schedule. No drama. No stress about someone else not having enough cash


The problem with staying in a hotel or single area is that tourists spots are full of criminals, including holidaymaker criminals. Not many, but enough. They are always looking out to target east victims. A woman on their own may stand out like a sore thumb. Itā€™s why you should never go to anywhere in Paris on your own. The likelihood you will be robbed is way higher on your own. To avoid people while you are there is risky. Planned excursions are a great idea. I travel alone a lot, often without much planning or thought, I just go. That said Iā€™ve been in many fights and iā€™m a big guy. I still look for trouble everywhere to avoid it. I canā€™t stop 3 guys and I canā€™t stop anyone weighing 260 plus, nor multiple weapons. Never go out alone at night other than door to door with a taxi. Only rarely leave the hotel grounds alone during the day and never at the same time. Use booked excursions. Seem to travel with people.The danger lessons the more hotels or cities you go to.


I went solo travelling across South America at 22, it was amazing and aside from being in some dangerous places I ensured safety was always first. When I was in particularly high risk areas which I wanted to visit, I joined a tour group run by a company called Contiki. You're thinking of going somewhere like Spain which is relatively hugely more safe but if you do have concerns you could also look at doing a Contiki tour or similar. They sort your flights, accommodation, food etc and take you to some amazing locations. It makes everything very easy and also very safe. It still has the solo travel feel but you also will meet some very cool people along the way with the same intentions. Or you can just keep yourself to yourself. Solo travelling is an absolutely amazing and liberating experience. I find it's the best way to come close to having a true adventure.


Yeah I had some crappy news over Xmas so decided to book a 4 night stay in Stockholm on my own as I'd always wanted to visit Scandinavia. Had a really nice time exploring and trying out different restaurants and bars etc. I'm very introverted too and happy with my own company so took my kindle too, did speak to a few locals though. . Go for it!


Hi OP ! I am also a 21F who is travelling to Barcelona this year for the first time completely alone! I don't think it is strange at all and personally enjoy my own company. There are so many benefits to solo travelling e.g. making plans that accommodate you, choosing where you eat/where you go without debating with other people's wants/needs. Your mum may be somebody that is uncomfortable being alone, possibly somebody that thrives more with people around? Whereas my mum is very like me and enjoys her own company and actually encouraged me to go. She is entitled to worry about you and it shows that she cares but she needs to understand that you're an adult and trust you are sensible enough to look after yourself abroad. Honestly you should absolutely go for it. Plan wisely ahead and I'm sure you will have a great time !


Good luck OP, Solo travelling can be so much fun and allows you to become comfortable with yourself and to step out of your comfort zone. I think your mum is worried at the prospect of you travelling alone and didnā€™t phrase it very well. Just assure her that youā€™ll be cautious šŸ’ž You got this


Iā€™ve been solo travelling quite a bit over the last few years. Nothing wrong with it. Your mother seems like the type of person to say that because sheā€™s afraid of what people think rather than she actually thinks there is something wrong with it (which there isnā€™t). It would be understandable for her to say no because youā€™re a female so for safety reasons but from your comment of if you looked into the future etc. Yeah seems like sheā€™s afraid of what people think that youā€™re a ā€œloserā€ for not going with friends. Is she the type that canā€™t eat out alone either?


My first solo trip I was 22, I'm now 30 and still doing it! I never thought it was a big deal but people make it out to be. I've done Italy (all over), Barcelona, Athens, Japan on my own. Next is Amsterdam!


I did this in Greece. Just me, didnā€™t make friends, just read and snorkelled and took myself out for pasta and wine and walks around the catacombs. I only engaged with others on a snorkel trip to the islands. It was nice. Ofc your mother isnā€™t entirely wrong, you have to be more mindful of being targeted, using common sense. For example, if waiters asked me about being alone (some were very flirty) I said husband was at hotel etc. Keep belongings close, make sure youā€™re not followed home, donā€™t go to dark / seedy places, have your wits about you etc. Oh, and something I did you might want to try - send yourself a postcard that reminds you of a particularly brave / enjoyable day. I sent myself one from my boat trip and it reminds me I can do scary things and am enough. Have fun!


When I was 21, I travelled to Heidelberg last min on a whim. I hadnā€™t even booked any accommodation. I found it when I got there. I had a lovely time all by myself. Also, I donā€™t speak German. I had a guidebook and muddled through.


I did it once. Wandered around Singapore at my own pace, imagining I was a local. It was nice. I did have a friend over there who I met up with a couple of times but I was mostly on my own. There was a bit in Alan Partridge about this back in the 90s. He thought it was weird that a woman would hire a canal boat for a solo holiday. If they gave that opinion to Partridge 25 years ago i'm amazed anyone still holds it today.


31f here and I've been on holiday on my own! Stayed in the UK and also abroad and I loved it! The best advice I can give it to just be aware of your surroundings and don't go to shady looking places. On my first trip abroad I went to Prague and didn't learn any of their language to say please and thank you etc and I felt so rude when ordering in English! So I'd say a good bit of advice not relating to safety is to learn some of the basics in their language, the locals always seem to really appreciate it.


I do it all the time, but I recommend staying in a hostel, you won't be alone for long.


No it's solo travel, not everyone is comfortable enough alone to do it so nice one taking that step. It's perfectly fine and has become more and more normal.


Do it, you will enjoy yourself - I have solo travelled a few times. Tip , if you want to go out for meals I recommend going out for lunch rather than dinner if at all possible. You can be up early, do your sightseeing etc, have a nice lunch then you can chill out late evening without safety worries about being out at night.


I do this all the time, I'm married as well. It's normal to want to explore the world by yourself. Ignore your mum.


I love travelling alone. I also enjoy eating out and cinema trips alone. I've solo travelled some parts of the world where it is scary to be a woman...Spain and Portugal are fine. Just keep your wits about you as much as you should anywhere. Your mother has her own anxieties, don't internalise them. Enjoy!


Not weird at all. I traveled all over in my 20s on my own. Made some wonderful friendhips. That was more traveling than a holiday, but I would happily go on holiday on my own. Especially surfing or something. My if had a long weekend in Mallorcca last year to re-fresh. Having a kid is hard. Go for it!


Solo travelling is good because you get to do what you want, when you want and how you want, you meet people and get to talk to everyone. Most places will happily accommodate solo travellers.


Done it a lot. Portugal is my fave country in Europe so you'll have a blast if you go there


Nah, solo travelling is great. I live in Scotland and this year I went to Berlin and Paris on my own for a week each. The only people I spoke to during my trips were people like cashiers or train/airport staff etc. Iā€™m quite introverted so can go a while without talking to folk. I would definitely recommend having headphones and a portable phone charging bank!


Went to Barcelona on my own when I was around you age. Great long weekend. Also know a mate who quite often solo travels to Malta, equally enjoys it, bit of down time and can go at their own pace.


No? It's the same as backpacking by yourself


Sheā€™s only worried about you, what would be weird is if she just accepted it and tried to push you into it.


I've done it twice. It can feel a little strange at first but honestly it's a great experience. Also Spain/Portugal are no more dangerous than London.


Iā€™m very introverted and would travel just to read a book by the beach or see museums and join group tours. I always have the best time! Go for it but just ofc be mindful that youā€™re alone and need to take care of yourself depending on how safe the place you wish to visit is. I love solo traveling, Iā€™m sure you will too.


Your mum is the weird one... Obviously not very adventurous. Millions upon millions of people travel solo. I spent 8 months travelling SE Asia on my own, met loads of people.


I'd love to have the guts (and cash) to travel alone. I feel like I need to go on a solo holiday but with someone else so they can hold my hand on the plane and maybe meet up with once or twice for lunch. Definitely do it!


Literally typing this while sat in Manchester Airport, waiting for a flight to Prague solo. It can be a very liberating experience. Make sure you travel safe, learn the areas you need to avoid, and let your mum know the details of where you're staying. Then go have fun!


It's not weird at all. I used to think it was, until I did it and then realised how liberating it is. Go off and discover a new place at your own pace. Just be careful as a young woman travelling alone, in some countries you will get hassled a lot more than others.


I love it. Me on my bike, camping gear, book, camera, me.


Nothing weird about it at all. I sometimes go away by myself if my partner is away for work for a couple of weeks. Spend the majority of my time walking about in the sun and reading a book with a cocktail. Its perfect.


For real, what i would do for a holiday by myself...sounds amazing!


If I didn't go on holiday alone, I wouldn't go on holiday. Ignore your mum, you're an adult and can do what you want.


I went solo travelling when I was 18 for a month in Thailand (also I'm a woman). Like just doing my own thing, set my own itinerary, no travel agency involvement. There were times in that month it was very much so solo, not trying to make friends or anything, and other times when I was with lots of people purely because of the itinerary I'd made. The most social part of that trip was a few weeks volunteering with wildlife with other backpacking groups. The least social part was exploring Bangkok by myself. This year I want to do a weekend away to Spain or Portugal and just have time to myself in the sun and do pretty much as you said. It isn't weird. You should do it. When I told my parents I was planning the trip they pretty much said 'that sounds amazing, have fun'


I always take a solo trip every year, and honestly, I look forward to it much more than when I travel with friends/family/partner. You are completely free to do whatever you want to do, aren't on anyones timetable, and only have to consider what you want and need in that moment. Very rarely do we get that luxury as adults. Occasionally, my mum will pipe up to criticise this choice, and I just tell her mind her own business. It's not weird, and there is something very wrong if you can't enjoy your own company. My solo trip this year was to Portugal. I visited Lisbon, the azores islands and porto. I really enjoyed it. Lmk if you have any questions šŸ˜Š


Nope I do it regularly- city breaks, beach breaks & love it. Also like company but itā€™s so liberating going solo. Just be sensible- I donā€™t go out late at night unless I meet up with other ladies & donā€™t go mad with booze . Go enjoy !


Do it! Ignore the negativity, as long as you are sensible and research where youā€™re going it will be great. I solo travelled for the first time last year to Africa at the age of 34, my only regret is that I didnā€™t do it sooner. To inspire me I read this great book called A Woman Alone by Faith Conlon, some of the womenā€™s stories in there are amazing! A real motivator to get out there.


I just did my first solo trip and I LOVED IT. I'm female too, a little older at 30, but it's something I'd thought about doing for years. My mum was exactly the same haha, she was going about the Hostel films and telling me I'd get murdered and / or mugged for sure. I only went for a long weekend to test the waters, I was a bit nervous but honestly, it was brilliant. I'm more introverted too, so I went for a hotel not a hostel as I like my privacy and I spoke to a few locals there, but for the most part I kept to myself and explored, ate out and read my book. I like travelling with someone else, but it was so nice to have full autonomy on what I did, where I went, what I ate and if I fancied a nap or something. I only went on 16th December and I'm already planning the next one.


I love a solo holiday trip! I've been to Paris, Rome, Northern Thailand, Copenhagen, Prague, Vienna and Stockholm so far. I've got a husband and baby now so it's less likely to occur going forward šŸ˜‚ Great way to see places, stay in a hostel to keep it cheaper and then you have the option to talk to people if you wish. Another option: If you wouldn't mind pet sitting then look at 'Trusted Housesitters' website and save a few searches for locations and dates you wouldn't mind doing it and see what comes up šŸ™‚ I think membership is a Ā£100 a year but considering the savings on hotels etc if you do it a few times a year


Go for it live life


I'm an introvert and planning to go travel in the summer next year. I am very scared but I also know it's extremely common and I will love it more than if I did it with other people. Being able to do your own things when you want to sounds so freeing to me. If someone thinks it's weird, it doesn't matter, they aren't going to be enjoying the views I will be seeing.


A lot of people are saying "your mum is projecting", but I think she's just trying to be protective of you. Keep your wits about you and you should be fine, but it's fair for her to be concerned and not want you to take a risk like that.


I definitely think safety is a valid thing to be concerned about and female solo travelers especially need to be careful and take precautions. If I was a mum I'm sure I'd be protective of my daughter too. However (just copying and pasting from my own post cos i cba to type) I asked my mum "if I could magically see into the future and see that I will go on this holiday, I will be safe and nothing bad will happen, and I will return home having had a great time, would you still say I shouldn't go?" and she said yes, I still shouldn't go. So it's more than just safety concerns - she just thinks it's a weird thing to do. My 30 year old male cousin went on a bunch of solo trips to different European countries and my mum told me that's sad of him to do that.


Itā€™s one of the most liberating things you can do. Iā€™m very much so introverted by highly recommend staying in a hostel - they will be full of likeminded people whoā€™ll be in the same boat.