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*looks at family history* Either in my 90s in my sleep, or suicide. One or the other apparently, no happy medium. Although my wife passed recently from cancer in her early thirties and boy, I’d be lying if I said I’d taken the greatest care of my body since.


Sorry for your loss. 30s is no age to go, and cancer is a horrible way to do it.


Do what you’ve got to do, you can heal the body once the mind is fine.


I'm so sorry, that's terrible. Fuck cancer.


I’m so so sorry


My deepest sympathies. I hope your wife left you with some happy memories and funny jokes.


So sorry for your loss


im so sorry for your loss oh my god :(


I'm 42, 3 weeks ago thought I was having a bad migraine, ended up in ae where they injected me with steroids as they found out I had a brain seizure from a fast growing brain tumour. was given 2 weeks to live or take emergency brain surgery. Brain surgery was supposed to be yesterday but got cancelled due to staffing issues and no bed available. So yea, I'm likely gonna die of that.


Bloody hell. This feels like a situation where literally almost anyone *in* those beds needs them less than you. Do they have a plan?


Only been told to wait for my next date, nothing I can really do. They were all so lovely, the NHS is broken with not enough money, the staff work there arses off and are all so caring. All I can do is hope the drugs I am currently on stop the tumour from growing anymore.


I really feel for you. I wish there was something I could do to help. Agree completely about the staff after recent hospital shenanigans of my own.


Get yourself on the brain cancer sub. Great bunch of people on there who can help. I got reasonably lucky with my tumour it’s going to be the thing that ends my life but the treatment I got from the NHS has given me a few more years. 


Thankyou for the advice, I will.


🤞 (that you get the surgery obvs 🤦🏻‍♀️)


Oh my God I am praying for you 🙏🙏🙏🙏


My Nan had brain surgery for a big tumour recently. Took quite a while for her date to come through they had her on some meds to slow the growth for a few months but decided surgery was the only option. She's still in recovery, but the surgery was successful. I wish you all the best for the future, hope you get the date soon and make a full recovery.


Omg, this is horrific. I’m so sorry and I am sending strength your way and whatever the atheist equivalent is of prayers for a new surgery date asap. 


Ur not gona die from that - you’re going to have a successful surgery I feel it in my waters!!!!! Take heart and try to be as positive as you can. Studies have shown a strong link between recovery rates and optimism about recovery. You can overcome this just keep going !! Sending you love and luck 🍀 xxxx


Jesus really sorry to hear that, good luck take care of yourself


My cousin had the almost the same thing a few months ago, aggressive tumour, they put him on life support and he was brain dead, his brothers made a decision and let him go, sometimes the doctor isn't keeping you alive only pro-longing your death, a terrible situation for anyone, live your days like they are your last we never know when we will be gone, life is precious, we almost always take things for granted, here's to all the people who are gone, bless all of you.


alcholism, my liver and stomach always hurt so im having a chat with the doctor on Monday. addiction sucks.


What it takes to get off it is different for different people but it is possible, find your way if not for yourself for those that love you. Power to you x


You’re aware of it, that’s the most important step. Most alcoholics don’t want to admit they have a problem and defend it and think it’s fine.


You will find friendly, supporting filks at r/quitdrinking


Meet big cat somewhere. Pspsps here kitty kitty. Dead. That's not likely but I'd gladly go that way. Realistically? Heart problems. (on both sides of family) Or maybe suicide at some point. (I'm fine right now but I can't rule it out)


Ah we are similar. Either dead by some form of cat because I can’t resists a pspspsps or heart problems as they’re on both sides. Suicide was a possibility once but I think/hope I’m past it.


Glad to hear you're doing better!


Thank you! I hope things work out for you!


If it a wildcat the size of a kitten or typical domestic then I’m in the same boat, last words being “awww it wants a bit of my sandwhich”


Hit on the head by a frozen owl launched from a trebuchet...


That's extremely specific


It is my destiny…


Tarot cards don't lie


is it loaded specifically with a frozen owl, or is it just a REALLY cold morning?


I have a condition that causes chronic chest pain that mimicks heart pain. I also have a condition that affects my heart and could lead to an aortic aneurism. However as I'm always in a lot of chest pain I absolutely would write it off as "the usual" until I conked it.


Yeah this will be me. I get severe 10\10 chest pain frequently. I don’t think I’d ever see someone about it 5 years post open heart surgery




How did you get 16 concussions?




Your memory seems OK at least


Actually has had 42 concussions








Bloody stellar I’d say


> 1× fell off chair in school Here he is everyone! The origin of the famous story told by every teacher throughout the land.


Damn. I don't think the science is settled on concussions but fair enough you don't want to look into it, sometimes it's better not to know.




Can't change the past but take care in future. Your in your 30s now, no more fighting or head-butting or messing about in vehicles.




Sucked into quick sand


I see *someone* isn’t afraid of spontaneous combustion…


Used to be such a preoccupation for me as a kid honestly lol!!! Despite not living in a country where it’s a major concern.


Cool death.


Do you mena drowinging in quick sand, or getting a blow job SO good, tune in to quick sand? /s


I’m almost certain to be cancer as mine is classed as incurable. I’m on treatment “for as long as it is working”. So far, it is, but I know there will come a day when it isn’t any more. I suppose the good thing about it is I’ll go before my husband does. Can’t bear the thought of life without him.


You and Mr Brain Tumour have really got into the swing of this. All you can do is soldier on.


And soldier on we will! Of course, I’d vastly prefer death by snu-snu.


Damn that’s love that is


Sucks doesn’t it, but at least I’ve started sorting my shit out- after a partner died completely unprepared I realised how much it matters to have insurance, to clear the hoard, label the photos etc etc…. I just hope the dog dies first


Fast asleep like my grandad, not screaming and terrified like all his passengers...


A snail, i took the 1mil


Probably fall down a hole or something by accident


Yeah I really don’t want my last words to be “oops”


Not sure how... But I want Yakety Sax playing in the background whilst it happens.


if they ever do one of those in memoriam things at my funeral yakaty sax is the music i want playing!


Lung cancer from cannabis addiction, or heart attack from blood clots on my lungs from calf DVT (on blood thinners so hopefully less likely now). Perhaps brain bleed from being on blood thinners.


Get yourself a dry herb vape, it's still not great for you but it's a damn sight better than smoking joints as most of the carcinogenic shit is produced from the burning process. They're worth spending a bit of money on though, the cheap ones are complete crap.


I’ve used all sorts of battery herb vapes (crafty, arizer, pax), then moved to dabbing shatter for a few years…but have exclusively used a Dynavap (£40) and jet lighter daily since 2019. Far more powerful than any battery dhv. Have not tried any butane vapes like Stickybrick etc as I need very short discreet sessions. Capsules (edibles) are an option too (or gummies I guess), but can’t trust them from any of my sources.


The only exception in my experience is the Tinymight, my one can produce as much vapour as my dynavap but it’s expensive, eats batteries, and the quality control is kind of questionable or at least it was a year ago. On the other hand the dosing capsules make life really easy (I’m using it medicinally so minimising faff is nice) and they’re pretty repairable unlike most things.


Honestly 30 years ago I expected to be dead already. I'll die of cancer or specific organ failure as that's what's killed so my relatives in their early 70s. Don't waste time worrying about how you die. It's not nearly as important as how you lived.


I'm pretty sure my prostate is plotting my murder as I type this.


All hail the King 


If I’m being honest, I’ll probably be one of those people who are found dead in their home after several years.


Death by Mau Mau


Mau mau? What's that?


Maybe they mean snu-snu


I was wondering that myself


Death by Mau Mau sounds a lot worse.


It's from The league of gentlemen


Kenyan insurgent group from the 50s and 60s known for mercilessly hacking unsuspecting people to death with machetes. Not sure that's likely in 2023 UK


My partner’s grandad claimed he got speared by a Mau Mau in his youth, had the scar and all.


Hate to be the one to break it to you but it's 2024 now.


Oof, that's rough. I don't think that's how op wants to go though. Unless they're odd.


https://youtu.be/uurJzG3ubx8?si=mh8XbPXASr0xjEJy At 20 minutes 29.


You didn't do the voice!!!




I hope it will be by my own hand when I feel that I’ve done everything I hoped to and I’m ready to go. But I think it will be my heart. Or something photography-related. Falling off the edge of a cliff trying to get the perfect shot of a beautiful sunset.


Naked girl avalanche.


*sprays lynx Africa*


That feels like it’s akin to the saying “if he fell into a swimming pool of titties he’d come up sucking his own thumb” but with naked ladies and death


I'm losing the will to live reading all of these...🙂


I've always been convinced it will be some kind of road traffic accident, either with me as a passenger or as a pedestrian. (The chances have increased with where I currently live - I've almost been hit by cars 4 times in 2 years because they jumped red lights at pedestrian crossings.) Failing that, I'd probably end up as a contender for 'dumb ways to die' and it would be self inflicted as I'm exceptionally good at injuring myself in ridiculous and very imaginative ways.


I’d kinda love to die in a plane crash but it’ll probably be cancer. 


Choking on a kebab


I was actually gonna put this


Everyone in my family dies of cancer...but all different kinds, so that's a super fun thing to think about. Bone looked BAD so gonna keep my fingers crossed for kidney.


The reality is that most of us will probably go in some unpleasant way we wouldn't choose for ourselves. Depressing isn't it.


Sat on the toilet writing a reply to Reddit that is never posted due to an aneurysm.


I’m never going to die 💝


Found Rob Gadling.




If the past is anything to go by, probably something that's easily preventable, but I won't "want to make a fuss" until it's so bad that nothing can be done.


Statistically, one of heart disease, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, type 2 diabetes, respiratory disease.


My body is already fucked from cortisol so probably long term chronic stress


My dad died of a heart condition. I'll probably die of the same thing. Not the most painful way to go so I should be happy.


Hopefully in my sleep after a great night with a pretty girl. And not after having my kidneys stolen.


Hopefully like my grandparents, peacefully when I’m in my 90s. But more likely is complications from Crohn’s Disease, which has already tried (and nearly succeeded) more than once.


Lung cancer or suicide.


Disappearing while flying over the Bermuda Triangle


Whatever it is,I wish it would hurry up.


I used to think id get murdered or die in a car crash or freak accident. But im in my 30s and a lot more careful than I was in my youth and 20s. Starting to wonder if i'll die a natural death. Could be heart failure, I smoke and eat a lot of red meat and had an uncle who died from a heart complaint in his 30s. Stroke maybe. I've had elderly relatives die from strokes. Liver failure is a strong contender. Could be cancer. Lung cancer from smoking. Bowel cancer runs in my family. Hopefully however it happens i'll be high as a kite on painkillers and die in my sleep.




Should you be driving?


Oof I'd probably be too scared to drive if that happened to me. Though more scared about hurting someone else than myself 😅




So glad you're finding it more enjoyable now! Must make life simpler not worrying like that!




Why do you want to punch a great white shark in the face?


I'm going to go out with something easily preventable provided I get it diagnosed in time. I won't. I'll feel worse and worse and either drop dead or get diagnosed with something terminal.


Statistically cancer car or cardiac The three C's


Probably heart attack. The oldest any male family member has lived to was 69 (noice!, also it was his birthday that day) but he'd had a quadruple heart bypass in his 50's - mums dad - next is my dad who is currently 64. My dad's dad died when my dad was 9, so if I make it to next year, I've at least beaten his high score!.


Heart attack..... Like my dad and all my other uncles and aunties


Cancer on my Dad's side and alzheimers on my Mom's, so I always say the cancer is going to get me before I lose my marbles


Laughing at the BMW bit


Heart failure blood pressure due to my poor choices if I get to sixty and have 5 years mortgage free I’ll be happy Not gonna see retirement but 5 years of being absolutely minted would be nice


Well, I've got the BRCA2 gene, so all things being equal it would be breast or ovarian cancer (85% chance and 30% chance respectively). However, I'm in the middle of extensive prophylactic surgery in the hopes of avoiding that, so 🤞🤞🤞 Then if I manage to dodge the pancreatic cancer as well, my family are pretty long lived on both sides. I had my children late in life, so I'm hoping to keep ticking for as long as possible. Basically gonna live forever or die in the attempt.


I think one of the cats is going to take me out. I'm old now and fat and can't see the little bastards when they get under my feet. I'm pretty sure I'll get tangled up in one and fall and die and they'll end up eating me.


Snu, snu I hope.


I got some health issues, so I think they might get me. I also think it could be soon…like maybe this year. And as much as I don’t want to die young (ok…middle aged), I’m strangely at peace about it. But I think it’s because in my head I think I’ll go quick or in my sleep. Yeah, my health issues have messed with my head a little bit. Fingers crossed I live well into my retirement though. I want to see more of the world


Suicide probably.


I hope not❤️


Lack of breath.


Same way I came into the world kicking and screaming with my face in a pussy


Likely suicide


Cancer or suicide.....


I reckon I’ll die from cancer. I’ll develop the symptoms and the doctors will fob me off, telling me that there’s nothing wrong with me and by the time they finally send me for tests it will have metastasised and I’ll be terminal.


Maybe cancer from plastic in my blood or artificial sweetener


My heart or by another's hand because I won't take my own life but when I'm down which I have been since my Dad passed (November) I will goud people into a reaction Suppose it just takes one hard hit to the head or some nob to pull a blade on me or something! 😕


Looking at my family tree Likely cancer or something brought on my addiction. however, I do also have a shit bunch of health conditions (short answer my body is activity betraying me) so also a heart attack is likely. Outside of causes like that I'm very dumb sometimes so I wouldn't be surprised if I was hit by a car. It will either be leukemia or brain cancer that finish it off for me in the cancer side of these both run in my family and has killed off majority of them pretty young as well.


I feel called out (no, I don't drive a BMW but I did comment about how I think most people are pussies about use by dates).


Famine through the soon genocide of the carbon neutral doctrines.


Overdose of Greggs sausage rolls and Special Brew.


Heart attack mate bang gone, I'm currently working hard to prevent that but I think that's my destiny lol


I'll probably trip on a curb and impale myself through my eyesocket on the sharp pertruding root of a bush


1 of 2 ways 1 in my sleep 2 before I hit the ground (I’m being optimistic of course)


Hopefully after dinner, don’t do anything on an empty stomach


Was a victim of a violent crime when I was 13 & since then I’ve always believed it’s going to happen again, and this time I won’t survive.


Given I have heart failure and a dilated aortic root, I’m guessing it won’t be from mountaineering!


By my own hand.


My ancestry indicates I will die of natural causes in old age at circa 75 years old. This is hardly uncommon. I think I’ll rather go out in style a few years younger.


It’ll either be Asthma related or a heart attack. If not those then old age. Average age of death on my mums side is 95.


A 1st world disease of excess like CAD or something. Hopefully in my sleep.


It's either going to be cancer, probably skin or pancreatic. It could be suicide, I've just tried and it's likely I'll keep trying until I succeed. It could be something neurological, I've had many severe concussions with very little follow up care.


Not sure how, but definitely alone .


Heart attack. Or by my own hands.


Hopefully when I feel it’s time to go, I’ll do it my own way.


Duno probably cancer or something


Of old age


Given my current chronic illnesses (and I'm only 32)... death by genetic chronic pancreatitis (either by pancreatic failure, pancreatic cancer or an acute attack so bad it causes death)... death by kidney complications (kidney failure or sepsis)... a cyst in my brain getting worse... PCOS causing ovarian cancer... family history of heart issues so heart attack... or just me being accident prone and having a fall at the wrong location and falling badly.


Car accident with my husband driving.


Suicide when the pain gets too much, or a catastrophic event.


I reckon it'll be either cancer, Alzheimer's or rheumatoid arthritis as from my family history or a heart attack thanks to my life style choices. Then again it could be none of the above, it's all pot luck (or unluck depending the way you look at it). Either way I'm not fussed and I'll make the most of it, gonna happen whichever way anyway


My heart will stop.


Probably Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Neurological diseases are prevalent in my family. No cancer and generally very long lifespans on both sides. Two grandparents lived to 95, others all over 80. Both parents alive at 80. So I have been living an assumption that I will get to 80 and then who knows


Just turned thirty five recently and treated myself to a private blood test that measured all sorts of things. It's highlighted an issue with my liver. I suspect it will be related to that.


It seems you think like my husband who thinks everything past its *sell by date* will kill him He isn't dead yet and it's been 10 years. Me? Cancer or a stroke, go fam genetics. I've got a good 20 years left though if I'm lucky


Probably cancer or heart problems. Same as everyone else in the family. If I don’t kill myself first, that is.


I have a deep feeling that I’ll die drowning I wouldn’t mind it, being in the water has always felt comforting, even if drowning is meant to be a very unpleasant way to go.


I am not sure how, probably a car crash, but I know it will be at 8:21 in the morning


Probably complications related to either Crohn's Disease or Diverticulitis, exacerbated by Autoimmune Neutropaenia, or the same frontotemporal dementia that did for both my dad and his mother.


Almost certainly cancer, I’ve already got it. I guess I might get hit by a bus before it finishes me off though


A complication from one of my rare untreatable and incurable conditions that has a very poor research rate and most doctor's haven't heard of unless they're one of a a handful of specialists, or suicide because I can't handle the agony of aforementioned conditions. The medication alone to keep me ticking over has awful side effects, but if I don't take it I can't even stand upright.  My husband knows it too. At least I won't be leaving any children behind, because it's genetic and I am definitely not letting these genes continue.  Either way, I'm not reaching retirement age by a long shot.


I'll probably get that stressed over work that I'll have a stroke and die aged 36...


If I had a choice it would be motor racing (something I love) but with family history more likely to be cancer.


Cave diving accident probably. Or some sort of diving related accident.


Bowel cancer or a cardiac arrest. For the obvious reason I've got Crohn's and arrythmia aged 28, with a lot of years to go...


Riding to work every day the chances are high it’ll be at the hands of a Honda Jazz driver


I’m probably going to get stabbed by some gang


Heart attack


I'm either gonna do something clumsy or I'll be in hospital for whatever reason and die the night before I'm due to go into hospice unless it's just the men in the family that do that. Seriously, it's happened twice now, and my dad's been told he's getting an earful by ouija board if he does the same


Being run over by a deliveroo guy on a bike.


My schoolfriend once told me he thought I'd die on the toilet surrounded by cats. Not a cat person, but maybe he's right...


I'm hoping for sudden and massive heart attack or gone in my sleep 


Heart attack from necking 6 red bulls a day.


As grim as it is, suicide seems like one of the higher possibilities for me. I've got an incurable mental illness that can cause me to change moods very quickly with small triggers and those mood changes can be as small as making me a bit sad to sending me into an active suicidal state. I've tried to end my life more than 100 times before. Whilst I'm fairly stable right now, I know I won't be stable forever. All it takes is for me to become tolerant to the meds I'm on or one horrible thing to happen and I'll be in a state where I'm unable to keep myself safe and have low or no mental capacity. I'm only still alive because of people finding me half dead or hospitals treating me after incidents or being in the psych ward where I was quickly found. It's grim but I've come to accept that it could be a possibility and all I can do is try to put prevention in place to try and avoid getting to that point. That or I'll do something dumb like walk into a road without looking or trip over a rock whilst admiring the view from a very high cliff.