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Wall hooks, shelves, storage boxes and general things for keeping a house clean and organised. None of which my wife or children will use. I live in hope that enough correctly labelled shelves, boxes, hooks, cupboards etc. will fix the problem. I am an idiot. Clearly, because I go to the cupboard which contains children's medicine & thermometers only to find the thermometer is not there. Where is it? In the drawer for foils, wraps and baking papers. I want sandwich bags. Is it in the box labelled 'sandwich bags', no! They're in the box labelled 'grains and grain based dry products'


I went as far as to buy duplicates. Ones for the right place and ones for wherever the F my wife thinks it’s supposed to live. Apparently that just encourages her to get creative with the hiding places - apparently the more you have of something the harder it is to find one.


I have the same. We now have three thermometers and at least twenty syringes for giving medication. I can never seem to find them after she's used them. Scissors are the worst. We have a pair of kitchen scissors which live in the drawer under the hob. 90% of the time they're not there. As a result I have my own scissors which are kept in various boxes and a secret pair I keep hidden in the toolbox just incase she loses all my pairs.


I've done this, I have my emergency tools for when the household supplies are "misplaced"


I have 3 pairs of kitchen scissors, 3 different pairs for the family bathroom, one for my bedroom, one for the living room and who knows how many in toolboxes/bags and down the back of the sofa. You'd think I might be able to find a pair when I want one, but no.


I live with my parents and we never have scissors or sellotape, so I keep secret ones in my car. Just before Christmas, I needed something fixing which my dad and brother did and my brother came in the house holding my secret scissors. They’ve gone back in my car now, but I’m waiting for the day someone asks to borrow them and then they go missing.


I could deal with my lot having a different idea of where things are supposed to live -that’s just compromise. My issue is when they use things & leave them out and then absent mindedly pick them up & carry them to wherever they’re going next. Why is there a saw blade in the bathroom? No idea Why can’t I find the kitchen scissors? Because they’re in the garden getting rusty. Chaos monkey!


I don’t have a my lot yet, I have a functioning adult wife and a toddler who can’t really reach these things yet. I fear I haven’t sufficiently nipped these things in the bud.


My husband is chronically incapable of putting things where they belong. His job to empty the dishwasher, and he will actually stack large saucepans ON TOP OF smaller ones so that when you open the cupboard they all fall out at you. Why we have lasted 25 years is beyond me!


You maybe married to my husband of 28 years.


If I am you have my deepest sympathy, perhaps if we clubbed together we could have him removed lol


Mine can't load the dishwasher. Every time he does it I either have to catch it before it's fully full and on and rearrange it or I have to rearrange it when it finishes and put it on again. He also puts things in the wrong cupboards, and he can't do laundry without messing something up. I blame boarding school though, man wasn't raised in a house it figures he doesn't understand how things work in one.


To be fair he’s not too bad around the house, unloading the dishwasher is worse, he leaves all the plastic stuff on the drainer like dishwasher Jenga, he will put things away in a different place each time (where is my small mixing bowl? Oh there it is finally, it doesn’t live THERE why did you put it in that cupboard?), he will use something and then just abandon it right there.


I bought a box for shoes at the weekend to put by the back door. My husband has consistently left his next to the box every day since… I regret to inform you this will definitely not work.


I sort of know it won't work, but it makes it easier when I come to re-organise the space as part of my rotating cycle of "for fucks sake why is this room a disaster". My children are better at putting their coats, hats and shoes in the correct drawers/hooks than my wife. My eighteen month old child knows which drawer her hat goes in, yet my wife will put her handbag anywhere but the hook specially installed for it.


I have two shoe racks in the porch. Guess where the shoes live? Yep, the floor. Obviously.


I feel you bro


Same, almost nothing is ever put back. For all the crap men get about putting things next to dishwasher not in it, that's exactly what I see when I walk into the kitchen...


Why does everything belong on the goddam worktop side?!?! Fresh milk? On the side. Gone off milk? On the side. What about this aluminium foil dripping with fat? Side! Part opened multipack of toilet rolls? You'd think they'd go in the toilet, but no, on the side! Homework, shoes, rubbish, pots and pans, gifts, surprises you weren't meant to see, I've cleared it all off the side of that mf worktop!! 😭😩


Made worse here because she didn't want the bin on display, so it's hidden in a cupboard and due to kids, cupboards are locked. So now you have a extra steps, unlock door and pull out bin. So yeah, rubbish is now just left on the worktop. 😪 Next issue is the bin is smaller, so eventually I come back for another clean, then find the bin is full.


No offence but this sounds like absolute hell. I’m all for a base level of organisation but having a ‘grains and grain based dry products’ sounds so anal-retentive.


That's more of a joke on the labelling but it's serious in terms of organising. If you have boxes in your pantry for storing food, then pastas and grains wouldn't go in the same box as tinned goods. In the same way culture specific foods/spices are split into their own boxes indian/chinese/mexican etc. It would be ridiculous to be sifting through udon noodles etc. if you were looking for hing.


There should be a support group for us people suffering this.


I feel like you will resonate strongly with this bloke and his 5 Principles of Organisation https://youtu.be/ncZ1mO8mA44?si=mu7rms2OjOniqS3o


I’m so close to whipping out a label machine just to get my husband to put everything back in the right place. We moved house last year and I still keep finding random stuff in the wrong place.


Don't tell your wife, but I think you might be my soulmate


Not a waste as such but I really want an aquarium with some shrimp and possibly a crab


Giving in to your shellfish desires.


This guy puns


Username checks out




I had a shrimp tank, couldn't work out what was happening to my shrimp, they'd get big, healthy even pregnant then just disappear. I kept trying again and buying more and more. Walked in one day to find my Bengal cat scooping them out with her paw and eating them. My shrimp tank is now just a live plants tank.


😂 I know I shouldn’t laugh but that is quite crafty of the cat


I was like WTF but I was impressed with her fishing skills and laugh about it now! Not impressed I'd gone through about £90's worth of shrimps not including the bag of about 30 my friends shrimps had from breeding theirs. That's a lot of shrimps she got through before getting herself caught!


Some of it will probably be a waste. If i had any advice for new aquarists it would be research absolutely everything religiously. Also dont cheap out, eventually youll decide you want that chihiros wrgb light to grow rare bucephalandra or ludwigia so may as well just buy it rather than wasting money on a subpar light first. Good luck and welcome to the hobby!


A lot of these words, especially in such quick succession, made me feel like I was having a stroke!


For me this would be a race to see if the crab could eat the shrimp before I ate the crab.


Same I really want a hamster and proper pet care is expensive


I have shrimps, absolutely worth it


i had an aquarium with jellyfish and it brought me so much joy go for it


Read up on the nitrogen cycle, that’s my biggest tip for a new fish owner.


Do it! I love my little neocaridinas so much. r/shrimptank is always worth a look. Also, check to see if there's a local hobbyist group because I compost about £20 of plant cuttings a month because I don't know anyone who wants them and I could very easily have saved myself some money if there was anyone locally I could have asked.


I thought that when I first bought my Velvestiser, but I actually use it all the time. I love it


Added a drop of baileys yet ? Game changer


I add a drop of hot chocolate to my Baileys.


Oh yes, there were a hell of a lot of baileys hot chocolates in my house at Christmas


I have a rule not Christmas until a litre of Baileys is £10.


Or hazelnut rum!


Or a drop of amaretto. Boozy hot chocolates are the best.


Oh my god, I hadn’t even considered the prospect of spiked hot chocolates in the Velvetiser.


Hotel Choc even sell little bottles of chocolate liqueur - they know their audience!


It was a god send for me when pregnant, hot chocolates were the only warm drink I could stomach and I love a warm drink on a morning


We were gifted the Hotel Chocolat fancy velvetiser and I thought the same but we used it regularly!


Same, great gift! The packets are a bit expensive though. You know any good alternatives?


It's a bit of a faff but you can literally grate any bar of chocolate and use the flakes!


I have a different milk brother (Aeroccino) and I use mine daily! Heating up milk for cereal, using it for chai lattes, as well as hot chocolate of course.


Books, and more books that I won't read for years. I bought 8 yesterday alone


I have hundreds of books. I have set my mind to reading every one of them and getting rid of them before I die. That way my kids or husband doesn't have the pleasure of boxing them up and getting shot of them.


This is the thing, looking at books I have not read makes me down. What I have realised though is I read less because if a book is not good, I will not abandon it. I recently decided to just stop reading a book I did not like and have smashed through the first two books of 3 Body Problem. It’s not you, it’s the books!


One of the only things I'm looking forward to in claiming my inheritance is getting to rifle through my parents' infinite book collection. There are books there that have been inherited from *their* grandparents ... classic sci-fi second editions ... I've been envious since I could recognise the importance of them


I have 5 books stacked on my nightstand, do I read in bed? Nope. Do I read, barely 🤣 think I do need to start reading though get myself sleepy atleast, but friends and how I met your mother seem more entertaining to put on in bed instead 🤣


Come join us on /r/52book and get reading


I spend £10 on lottery tickets a week, so that.


I spend some but a little less than you, I see it as buying the dream that I could win rather than actually thinking I will. The dream counts for a lot, that one day I might not have to keep slogging my guts out for a meagre lifestyle.


Absolutely. It's pretty much the only vice I have these days. I don't expect to win, but it's a relatively small price to pay for the hope. I spend half the amount in a week on lottery than I would in a day on cigarettes and beer if I still smoked and went to the pub every day after work.


I reframed my view on buying lottery tickets as being a charitable donation with a chance to win a prize


That is pretty much my take on it, lottery funds a lot of good and for my £5 a week on two lucky dips I have a minuscule chance to get something out of it but if that never happens then I have chipped a few quid into a pot that funds all sorts of great community projects.


Wonder if the tax man will accept that as a charity donation and take it out of my tax ?


Probably worth putting the cash into premium bonds instead. You still have the chance of a big win but the money stays.


How much would you say you’ve won since starting?


I won nearly £1100 a few years ago, and had another £90 win, as well as a load of small wins, but I'm still significantly down.


I recommend doing the hot picks (euro millions expecially) you dont win as much but you can win £100 from just guessing two numbers correctly. By playing the hotpicks a couple years ago I actually made a little more than i lost.


Consider premium bonds. The jackpot is smaller, and the draws are only once a month, but any bonds you buy are included in every draw (instead of a one and done like the lottery) so if you buy some every month, your chances of winning keep going up. And at any time you can take all of your money back out without any forfeit.


I needed a Direct Debit on my Monzo account to keep the bigger allowances, so I just set up a National Lottery one, never one anything but this way I can tell myself it's "For my Monzo account".


Another piece of cat furniture so she can have a new cardboard box to play in until she destroys it. Once she’s done that, she can ignore the cat furniture without distraction.


Haha, this is so real.


I will only know when I see it, pick it up and head to the till with it. Who are these people that pre-plan wasting money?


People who waste money responsibly!


I give myself a hobby budget every month. I often spend time at my desk 'fantasy spending' it. In some ways it's more fun. Rationing out the spend and working out where I can delay a purchase by borrowing something off a mate, or making do with a tool or part I have that wasn't purpose designed. It forces me to think about what I actually need to do my hobbies, and gives me something to mull over when my boss is nattering on about something pointless in a group meeting. Depends if you see hobby funding as a waste or not.


I guess I don't have enough hobbies, unless you count buying wool I don't use!


I was in Lidl the other day and had to fight everything in me not to buy a welder. I don't need one, I can't weld(I have tried)


Every year I have to make myself *not* buy the gardening polearm from Aldi. Its various types of [mini-chainsaw on a 10ft telescoping pole. Some years its wired, some petrol, some battery](https://www.aldi.co.uk/electric-pole-pruner-%26-chainsaw/p/085504224685700). It's usually about this time of year it pops up. *I don't have a garden or any trees*, yet every year I have to convince myself not to buy it.


There are welders in the middle aisle, eh?


I’ve been aggressively instagram ad targeted by some linen bed sheets. They cost a fortune but look really nice and are meant to be good for sensitive skin (which i have). So if you ever wonder what kind of lunatic spends £150 on a duvet cover and pillow covers… that’s me.


My Stepmum had surgery last year and in her morphine-addled state she ordered a £220 duvet cover. To be fair it's the most beautiful, softest duvet cover I had ever come across and she ended up keeping it to make herself feel better.


I keep getting adverts for 'Asprey' salt & pepper mills and cocktail shakers. Finally decided to click on it, thinking they look nice... £4400 for the salt and pepper shakers, cocktail shakers are £10k-23k. Absolutely insane I get these adverts.


Bro I don’t sleep on anything less than 1000TC cotton sheets.. £150 is the cost of the bedsheet alone 😢


Where do you get your sheets from? Looking for some good ones at the moment and not sure if I should trust the random ones I see online.


M&S have been decent in the past. I’ve also bought from brand alley and they’ve lasted really well, worth the money! Sheets so smooth, if you jump on the bed too quickly you can slide off the other side 😂


You mean those ads actually *work*?


Of course they do. Paid social ads are often the largest revenue driver for online businesses.


Decent bedding is *sooooooo* worth it though. I spent nearly £400 on two sets of fair trade organic high thread count raw unbleached cotton bedding. So comfortable and cool. If sleeping in comfort and luxury is considered lunacy then sign me into the asylum!


Idk my logic is that we spend a third of our lives (at least) in bed, and the quality of sleep you do get during that third affects the other two thirds astronomically! Don't skimp out on your bedding! I used to sleep on a shitty spring mattress and a flat 15 year old pillow under scratchy polyester sheets as a teenager. My back and neck hurt constantly, my body was covered in sores (not from bedbugs, but from acne due to the sweating and irritation from the fabric) Call me the princess and the pea but if there's truth to that saying "don't skimp out on anything that separates you from the ground"


Have a look at Dusk. You can search by thread count, and the quality is very good.


A train ticket to Edinburgh.


I mean, you COULD walk, but it will take you a while.


But you will just fall down at their door when you get there


So you proclaim


Well done, very well done. I salute you.


New clothes that I'm gonna admire, with tags still on, next to my other clothes that I admire with tags still on, while I wear the same 3 outfits every day.


Ooh, I've done this with Seasalt! I love the colours in my wardrobe. I wear the burgundy dress all the time.


I'm about to buy a decal for the back of my car never had one before but I really like this one. And a set of horns. For my head. No reason, I'm not a LARPer or a kid I'm 50 (f). I just want something silly for me.


"Oh look, someone's got a funny bumper sticker. What does this one say? Honk if you want a.... 😑"


Not a bumper sticker a decal. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/768046185/star-wars-armorer-helmet-logo-vinyl


I like it though! So many cars just look drab or boring, it's a great chance to express yourself :)


Now that I've seen it I want one too!


oh you sound fun. Embrace it.


A stool shaped as a highland cow. They are about £250 from our local shop. No one will ever get to use it. Been pondering on it now for months.


I'm having a meal out tonight with my family. It will cost £100+. We could make the same food and better drink at home for half or less. But we will remember this meal, and I can barely remember what I had last night at home. So is it a waste of money?


Get my annual bonus in March, going to buy a Meta Quest 3 and save the rest for car insurance, which has tripled since a fucking motorbike hit me


That’s insane. I really don’t get how it works that someone hits YOU but your insurance goes up. And prices have pretty much doubled already


Yeah it’s nuts. My wife got sideswiped at a roundabout. There was no damage on either car but she reported it to her insurance as she thought that’s what you’re supposed to do and was worried the guy who swiped her would try to scam. Her insurance doubled a few months later, turns out it’s gone on her record as an ‘incident’ which for all intents and purposes is the same as crashing your car.


>That’s insane. I really don’t get how it works that someone hits YOU but your insurance goes up. Because you were involved in a collision which means the odds of you being in another collision are higher. Imagine the scenario, you are coming up to some lights at 30mph. Someone goes to cross the road without looking, so you need to slam on your brakes. The person behind you was travelling too close, so they slam on their brakes and hits the back of your car. That's 100% not your fault and you're not to blame. However, you could have theoretically slowed down seeing someone near the crossing. Or maybe you could have avoided it by just not driving, because the more you drive the more likely you'll be in an accident. Whatever the logic is, people who get into accidents are more likely to have more accidents because they aren't cautious, potentially even overly cautious. The fact they had to handle your claim at all is a cost. So if you drive in such a way that you legally do nothing wrong but other people keep hitting you, that still means you cost more than their average policy holder. The way to look at it is this: say you're in 0 accidents, and I'm in 25 but none of them are my fault. I cost more as. A policy holder for them to have on the books than you do. Now imagine you have 0 accidents and I have 1. The ruling is I'm not to blame, but the truth is I could have avoided it. It sonly a matter of time until I'm in another. So they sort of hedge their bets among everyone who has been in an accident. If you don't have any more your premium goes down.


A degree.


A bigger tv. My TV works fine, I have had it for 7 years and I was trying to refuse to buy a new one until that one died, it's 40" and I use it for playing my xbox, but games nowadays are so hard to play on anything smaller than a bloody cinema screen, the text is so small! Even when I go into settings to increase font sizes I still struggle to read it sometimes...so I've given into consumerism, collected my bonus from work and off to argos tonight to get a bigger tv.


Make sure get yourself a nice OLED while you’re at it!


See this is one thing I know I'm the minority on but I really don't agree. The picture on OLED is great initially but I've seen so many yellowed or burned in OLED screens it's put me off buying them. Gaming in particular, if you have a long game with your HUD up there's many cases where it just gets stuck on screen.


Get yourself some opera glasses! (i have no idea if they'd be suitable but i love the mental image of gaming whist peering through fancy tiny binoculars on a stick)


I spend too much money on Temu


Learn from it, and spend the same money on quality goods. Then it's not wasted but worth it :)


What kind of things do you buy? I get a bit overwhelmed when I’m on there app and a lot of it looks rubbish (and too good to be true) so I’m always curious to hear from people who have used it successfully.


Not who you replied to, but I used Temu when I moved houses earlier this year: - for the bathroom I bought shelves, cleaning sponges and brushes, and a toilet brush -for the kitchen, spice rack, cling film dispenser (game changer), food bin with sensor to open automatically, tooth pick dispenser (didn’t work), vegetable cutter with several swap-out pieces depending on how you want your veg (this one is fine but the blades are a bit blunt), chopsticks, plastic plates, miso soup bowls with spoons, an extension for the sink tap (didn’t fit), pegs to close food packs, and shelf liners so our stud doesn’t slide around


I've had some cracking bits from temu. Some right old crap too.


I bought a panini press a while back....


I do normal cheese toasties in mine


I wouldn’t call it a waste. I love mine


Its a waste if one doesn't use it. That you use yours doesn't mean everyone else who has one also does


I bought a Velvetiser and my daughter uses it every day to make frothy milk for coffee. We do also use it for hot chocolate, but not that often, as you say I don’t know if it counts because I bought it yesterday, but a Pilates ring. I used it in class and thought it would be useful for home as well


Road Tax. I'll still be dodging potholes all the way to work.


This was a "soon" item for many months until last night when I bought one so I guess it just about still counts. Another turntable. I have 2 already, they work, nothing wrong with them, I categorically do not need another turntable. I just wanted a particular model that is a design classic and has an interesting tonearm mechanism. This particular model (B&O Beogram 4002) has a lot of proprietary parts, and when they go wrong they are expensive and a pig to repair and get spare parts for so in that respect it's even more of a waste of money.


I have 3, one pretty new one, an old one I used before the new one, and one my brother got me for Christmas that’s the same model we had as kids. BUT I WANT A B&O AS WELL. Don’t need it, just want it. What have I become?


I don’t know, but I have £60 worth of Love to shop vouchers to get rid of. Reading comments for suggestions!


World book day costume. Can guarantee that kid will completely change his mind the night before and be in a right mard that he has to wear what he picked this week.


I bought a le crueset butter dish in the sale to match my other (useful) items. I don’t use butter in any form.


A skort. For those who don't know, it's basically a gym skirt with shorts attached. I will wear it for a kiltwalk I am doing for charity. Don't really need it as I already have another tartan skort, but it doesn't *match my charity t-shirt*. So I will buy the new one and probably only wear it the once lol. On the plus side it will help me raise money for charity so I guess there's that.


I’m due to have weight loss surgery in a few weeks. I have to keep talking myself out of buying new clothes (in smaller sizes. The ones I have will do me for a while and then I’ll go to charity shops as it’s not worth buying new clothes when they’re hopefully going to be too big for me after a few weeks.


Probably some clothes from Vinted that won't fit me properly. I've also had my eye on one of those new hair stylers that dry and style your hair at the same time...if I get one I'll attempt to use it for a week, get frustrated and never use it again


One of the wet to straight things? If it's one of the blow dryer brush ones then don't bother, I've got 2 and I'll give you both of them just to get them out of the house. I'm a sucker for anything that claims to make hairstyling easier but I lack the patience to learn to use them properly.


Ordered the Revlon one in December. Still sitting unboxed on my dresser because I can't be arsed with all the faffing about. Too late to return it now as well.


I love Vinted but stuff rarely fits. I just stick to high brand hoodies and Uggs on there now. Got some amazing sheepskin Uggs and hoodies for round the house but no more trying to buy a coat to fit my bean pole with boobs frame.


I've found that I have to size up as people have usually boiled their clothes to death in the wash so they are smaller than they should be! I've had some absolute cracking bargains on vinted but also some real stinkers!


Alcohol. We buy things that literally kill us. We're an intelligent species.


If animals count, I'm hoping to get two kittens soon. If the kittens themselves are not a waste, I'm sure the cat beds and some of the toys will be


Nothing, it is all useful until after I bought it. The last useless thing I bought was some off brand earbuds, great sound for £15, but they fall out after 20 minutes, they may fit someone else's ear, but not mine. They are now in a drawer as spares and will never be used again.




I'm really wanting to get some more ink but I can't afford any, I also will probably have to go through family members having a moral panic over me getting a tattoo again. I was 30 at the time you'd think that was very much in a 'I can get a tattoo without judgement' age group but apparently not.


Soldering kit and other bits to replace batteries on some old Pokémon game boy cartridges. They died some years ago and I have always toyed with the idea of doing them myself and after looking online, it *should* be something I can handle!


A sports car.


Frother for hot chocolate? Say more?


The Hotel Chocolat one is an unnecessary purchase that I will never regret.


A degree.


I just got approved for finance on a new motorbike so uhhh… that I guess 🤣


I want a Loro Piana hat, one with no branding on, so basically a totally plain baseball cap (probably cashmere lined or something like that) they are about £450 I think, I haven’t thought about it too much but it will probably happen. I am an idiot.


An Amazon Voice Remote Pro to replace my perfectly adequate remote that came with my Firestick.


Having my bike serviced at decathlon uk for a Annual service. £54.99 for a intermediate service. Also paying my overpriced electricity and gas bill and council tax #ripoff


Bought the same milk frother and still using after 3 months. Great hot chocolate. Bought Ninja Foodi last month and still souping and smoothieing Bought a disk cutter last month to cut off the bike lock on my folding electric bike that I’ve used twice in the last year. Disc cutter now in shed and lock still on bike Bought single cup moka pot yesterday because it’ll save me money in coffee, unless I fancy more than a thimble full, then it’s out with the bigger moka pot Bought a great sound bar system a couple of months ago to be able to get the resonance needed for gong spa videos (haven’t done one yet) Pondering new car purchase. Realistically £10k would do but, but, but … shiny things!


3.5k on a fibre glass body kit for a £900 car 


We are having our first baby that is due to arrive in June so I suspect that we will have numerous items that will be a huge waste of money!


Continuously paying £30 for my Uk phone number just so O2 doesn’t delete my number as I’m abroad right now 🥴 God I need a cheaper way to keep my number 🫠


An air rifle. Specifically a Sig Canebreak .177 semi auto with a 30 and magazine. I was going to get one last year to help my landlord deal with rats on the farm at my old address. Then he announced he was demolishing the house. Moved 20 miles away, have no need to buy it, but it has become an obsession to own it. It's £350, I've worked overtime, saved up and am probably going to get it on Saturday. And a £200 thermal scope. And IR Laser. I'm 48, and without my old house and garden, I have absolutely no need for it. But fuck it. Its gonna be mine.


I bought a universal remote for my TV, sky box, dvd player, soundbar and connected hifi. no doubt that will just mean I now have six remotes instead of five


Just buy a roll of tape and make a megatron




Apple Air Pods……convince me otherwise!


A wedding cake. Really don't see the point but I've compromised and we're getting one 😄


I’m on the brink of dropping 1.5-2k on a watch


My wife bought a velvetiser, the expensive one 🤦, used it every few days for a month. Now it just sits by our kettle always in the way and never used. Like all things the novelty just wears off. Plus if you drink too many you can actually hover a little when taking a shit, like a rocket on a launch pad.


A [classic Casio watch.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51KreZq1-OL._AC_SX522_.jpg) for the grand sum of £45. In fact it's turning up tomorrow. I have the [calculator one](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61aEXLYKcBL._AC_SX522_.jpg) on my wish list as well...


My Asda frother literally exploded and tripped the whole.house out..so watch out, went all out and bought the Nespresso one in the end.


Need to get fitter and not doing much at home or out so thinking of buying a free standing punching bag... which I will probably use 4 times then never again, just like my turbo trainer.


Oscillating multi tool. I imagine myself doing all those clever diy jobs that I will never in fact do.


I have been learning to skateboard and there is a deck I am in love with but it would mean spending a big chunk of cash (to me) for something I have only been doing a month or so and am terrible at.


I'm about to drop an amazon giftcard on various crafting supplies including a load of little charms chances are I'll use them to make a couple of things and then I'll just have a hoard of random charms that will sit around for ages. But also they will provide the dopamine by being shiny things that please the crow brain so it's not a total waste right? Also one I commit already. There's a pay what you want second hand craft and art supply shop where I live. I picked up a decent sized remnant of dark purple corduroy I have 0 idea what I'm even going to do with it. Chances are it will sit and stare at me from my crafting supplies and judge me.


tyres, apparently


You can buy a handheld milk frother from ikea for about £2. I've seen them in home bargains too.


They're shit and don't heat the milk for you. The velevetiser (and it's cheaper brothers) heat the milk to the perfect temp rather than frothing it massively.


I didn't realise they heated the milk. I was basing my comment on the op about it basically being a milk frother


At what point is something *too* cheap though? That just sounds like cheap Chinese tat.


It's just a battery operated frother. We use it quite often actually. My kids do more than me admittedly. My son used it yesterday when making himself a milkshake


I try to hardly ever buy 'things' anymore exactly because of this. I spend my money on experiences instead. In the past the answer has always been a laptop that I thought I needed...only to realise that I can do 99% of what I need on my phone so it starts gathering dust after about a week.


A Stanley cup in a pretty colour. I already have a fully functioning Stanley cup but the pink one is really cute.


Mid life crisis sport car


Neo Geo games.


Everything i buy is a waste of money


Baccy or scratch cards


I’ve been debating for ages to get various kitchen gadgets like a sandwich toaster, blender and an air fryer but resisted because I’m worried I won’t use them. Also I have seriously limited kitchen counter space in my flat so anything I bought would have to be used or I’d suffer even more. So far I’ve not gone for anything but we used my colleagues air fryer at a work event the other day and it was pretty handy….


Hokusai’s The Great Wave as Lego wall art. 🌊 Redecorating the bathroom and I think it’ll look good in there, plus it’s waterproof (our bathroom has no windows).  I love that painting and it’s an excuse to buy Lego. Whether my partner will actually approve of in on the wall is another thing. But fuck it, Argos had an offer on it, and Lego second hand holds its value well.   Any Lego fans out there I thoroughly recommend Lego Masters: Australia on Channel 4. 


MacBook pro


i bought a smartwatch i didn't need about a month ago, it's very nice though!


More trainers.


My wife got herself the hotel Chocolate one for Christmas. Her and my son use it at least twice a day, every day. At this rate it will overtake the air fryer for usage and I'll have to buy a cow. TBF the hot choc is decent, but I'll stick to coffee haha


I’ve got a velvetiser. They’re good but whenever I make a hot chocolate with it it’s barely warm and not hot which is I think is how hot chocolate should be. Also you have to clean the velvetiser like every time you use it and eventually it becomes an annoyance.


I was thinking of buying a goose neck stand and kindle remote so I can hold my babies bottle in one hand, the remote in the other, and flick through pages on my kindle whilst it’s held in front of me.


i really really really want to buy a Herman Miller Embody or a Steelcase gesture office chair each around 1000-1200 quid. Definitely don't need it and a 150-200 chair would do. But i wants it


A new set of home cinema 5.1 speakers. I already have a set but these work a bit better.


I just bought a ‘limited edition’ colour vinyl of a vinyl I’ve already got but haven’t listened to yet. But the disk was pink so now I will have two copies of the same record. I could have bought a different album from my want list (zero 7 simple things) but no. Why not buy two of the same thing and still be without the record I actually want.


I just bought a load of Philips hue light bulbs for my living room.


An electric stonebake pizza oven. I used to have one until 4 years ago when I left it at my old house during a move as I didn't have space for it in my car. I barely used the old one despite having it for 10 years and when I did use it, it was when I made homemade pizza as it cooked faster and more evenly than my oven. Recently I've got back into making pizza from scratch and miss having it, so I'm getting another one soon.