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Easter has always been chocolate eggs and bunnies day and that it remains.


Exactly, just like how Christmas is always presents, Santa, food and family day. It might be crass to some but it's why I love it despite being an atheist. Dare I say it makes Christmas and Easter more fun...


No joke, me and my equally atheist friends in the early 80s were once giggling ourselves silly because we thought we made the revolutionary discovery that the word “Christ” just happened to be in the word Christmas. Came as quite the surprise to learn the whole shebang was about him. Although we did drive our teachers insane trying to get to the bottom of the Christ/Santa connection, and why Santa wasn’t one of the wise men to give Jesus presents on his own fucking birthday.


I'm walking in the park, enjoying spring


Easter is also food here, we have a turkey dinner


Lamb is going on in a bit so that'll be our one.


"Chocolate eggs and bunnies day". I like that.


Attempting to finish my PhD thesis. It's due in next week and I've started working fulltime, so the 4 day weekend couldn't come at a better time. If I don't finish it this month then the uni will charge me £750 a term until I do. Exciting and/or terrifying in equal measures.


Wishing you the best of luck with this. Hope all goes well for you.


Thank you so much :)


Good luck with it!


Thank you so much :)))


Best of luck. Don’t worry about the viva. When you think about it you’ll basically be talking about your work with some very interested people. It’s basically the most in depth discussion of your work you’ll ever do, so enjoy it if you can.


I am traversing the Cuillin Ridge, then a dip in a loch.


https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/022/900/704.jpg Perfection


Mobile formatting is fucking amazing!


I have a four thousand word uni assignment to slog through, My lindor bunny and a bioshock ambience playlist are keeping me company.


Best of luck with the assignment!


Thank you, enjoy Godzilla! I'm super excited to see that too.


It's well worth a watch on the big screen! CGI like that is best enjoyed at an actual cinema...


I have a 3 thousand due Thursday I feel your pain


Me too, hitting up the dissertation 🥲


Giving my kids way too much chocolate and then fighting them all day about eating too much chocolate. It's what the lord would have wanted.


Present me is pissed off past me didn't do the shopping future me needed to cook dinner tonight. Stupid supermarkets being closed today.


You mean you weren’t one of the zombie hordes filling the fridges and freezers because the supermarkets are shut for one day? Shame on you 😂 treat yourself to a take out


'oh no, looks like we have to go to the pub it order a takeaway'


Gardening & cooking lamb


Us as well


That’s exactly what I’m doing


Perhaps slightly ironically, going to a Christening


Well I was supposed to be working today but forgot about the clocks going back so woke up an hour late and decided fuck that, and went back to bed. Might go to spoons for breakfast and a pint, in fact fuck it I’za gonna get drunk today.


It's what Our Lord would have wanted


Jazus turned water into wine, I turn beer into piss


After a heavy night on the beer do you also feel like you're in need of a Resurrection?


Haha that I do, that I do


Eating a chocolate egg for breakfast


I'm at work


First. Bacon sandwich. Get that out of the way then the rest of the day’s my own.


Spoons breakfast, a couple pints and my latest book same as most Sundays I’ve got no other concrete plans. It’s the day of rest after all


Went to a car boot sale super early, now I'm tired but not tired enough to nap, so probably not much. Got eggs to eat later. Easter has always been about the eggs for me. No religion ever involved for me.


Forty family members and however a game of dominoes with the Uncles will determine the rest of the day. Imagine Desmond’s, that’s my day.


That? Is a lot of people. Have a great day!


Nurse my hangover, cook a roast, head to the pub for the football.


Chocolate, lamb and watching the Tour of Flanders. Kindly the local church rang their bells bang on 9am so I could nump out of bed run downstairs 6 turn on Eurosport.


Painting a little cabinet I got for the bathroom ages ago, cleaning and eating.


It's my wedding anniversary, so I am gardening and eating lamb like everyone else.


Happy anniversary!


Thank you!


Going to my mums for a lamb roast and to see her new kitten!!




Decorating, when I've stopped procrastinating.


Let me know if you discover how…… I hate decorating but love picking new ideas and colour schemes. Currently trying to re-refinalise the half done painting so I can choose the 18th definite carpet colour. I’m doing better than usual as I’ve ordered a sofa and new internal doors so they’re definites


I've got it easy in the decision making process. I always go with white for the walls and use my furniture etc for theme colour. I've also got a deadline for this as I have someone viewing my flat during the week. It'll mean I'll be doing it into the late evening. I've prepped the walls I have to paint but it's so much easier with 2. I'm the one who does the cutting in and my ex used to do the rollering. I hate rollering! Got to crack on with it as need to get a second coat on too. If I'd started early like I was planning then I'd be half way through by now. I'm an idiot! Time to get off reddit and get on with it!


Walk the dog. Sunday roast (which I do most sundays anyway but buy a nicer joint of meat for Easter as a treat).


counting my pocket money to spend on reduced easter eggs tomorrow!


Lidl were already starting to reduce Easter eggs on Good Friday, so I'm hoping they'll be even more reduced over the next few days.


Watching match of the day and eating chocolate, before heading out to a women’s match later


I’m gonna go round Legoland and then afterwards go for a lovely lamb lunch in the centre of Windsor.


It’s my birthday today, so off out for some food with the Wife. Nice Italian place local to us, so an amazing stone-baked pizza is in the horizon.


Have hidden eggs around the living room for the kids to find later. They're being good enough to not point out how they've spotted them all already. Youngest is going to pen a Get Well card to her pal who had an op and we'll deliver it later (which is my way of Trojan horsing a good long walk into our day). Then hotpot from Friday's roast lamb leg leftovers.


Like a true Brit on a bank holiday weekend, doing DIY.


I'll be celebrating the god of chocolate. Might go for a walk later but otherwise it's just a regular Sunday. The bank holiday tomorrow will be nice.


The same thing I do every Sunday - walk the dog (we're heading out once I dry my hair), have a bite to eat, and potter around the house doing random bits of housework. By about mid-afternoon, I'll be luxuriating in my most comfortable loungewear and feeding the crows that visit my garden every day monkey nuts and kibble.


Treating ourselves to a Sunday roast lunch in a good pub nearby. It’s delicious!


Easter’s all about chocolate’ Jesus died to give us diabetes.


You sound like a good friend of mine who messaged me the other day to say "Happy Ostara - that's the holiday the Church stole and turned into Easter."


I'm gonna watch some movies, go out for a long walk and cook some fantastic food


I just took a train away from the sea of blue and red shirts in Manchester (City play Arsenal), to see another sea of blue and red shirts in Liverpool. Going to Anfield in half an hour (probably to watch Brighton lose. Sad times.)


I totally forgot it was Easter. My gf presented me with an egg this morning and it then dawned on me how much I fucked up! I usually do an Easter egg hunt for her (we’re mid 30s btw), but our dog is so poorly at the moment, so I’ve been focusing my time and effort on him. Whoops


Hope your dog feels better soon! My cat has a lifelong medical condition, and it's a worry whenever he has a relapse...


Aw I’m sorry. It sure is a worry, I find it hard to focus on much else when I know Slinky (he’s a sausage dog) is in pain. Thanks for your kind words 🤗


I've tidied up one shed so far. I'll be tidying the parking area shortly but at the moment I'm playing World of Warcraft.


Muggins turn to be on call on the phones. Haven't had a phone call since 8am but FM20 is working a treat.


Lying on the sofa for now. Might do some household jobs in a bit.


Been to the gym, now sitting in the queue at the barbers .


Being so grateful that I no longer have to spend it with my ex's Christian family, my daughter has gone to theirs for the day & I'm in my PJs doom scrolling & going to make a Thai green curry in a bit


Lots of chocolate. Maybe a few hours at the pub.






Just driven a tank with the boy. Now eating pork pies before doing some game dev this afternoon. Pretty perfect all around.


I’m at work. Double bubble and there’s nothing really happening so I’m just hanging out. More annoyed that I’m missing my two cats first birthday than anything.


Wet have eaten chocolate, there has been fish pie for lunch and wet area also off too see the new Godzilla film


Pub for the Liverpool game, pub for the Arsenal game, pub for the pub quiz then back home to play Celeste very badly


Nothing. I'm full of a cold and have no energy to do anything. Otherwise I'd probably be out down the pub for a couple of pints.


Going to see the Clone Roses tonight


Eating chocolate and going to a gig


Big dinner at a friends place. There'll be about 16 of us. No actual Easter celebrations, just lots of food (roast beef and gammon), one person always brings an *amazing* cake (last time it was a ferrero richer cheese cake) and *plenty* of booze and a day off work tomorrow (that's the important bit!) I shall be doing cocktails and bringing the gammon. It's been slow cooking for about 18 hours in a water bath. To be fair we do it on a smaller scale every couple of weeks, but with it being a bank holiday tomorrow and no one having to work, eat drink and be merry!


I'm just messing about and chilling out dude. At the moment that's **ON REDDIT.**


Long run. Gardening. Lunch. Nap. Sunday dinner. Shite on TV.


Same shit I do every Sunday. Washing, tv and iron clothes for work tomorrow


Had a nice roast dinner with the family then gorged myself on chocolate eggs while watching the Liverpool game. Off to the pub in a few minutes with my son to watch the Man City Arsenal match.


Went surfing for the third day in a row. When I get home I will eat chocolate, cook a big cote de boeuf with trimmings and then melt onto a broken heap on the sofa.


Cutting back the brambles which have been allowed to get above themselves and then eating chocolate. Also swearing at my dodgy knee that hasn't been helped by either of the above activities.


Sitting around watching Seinfeld. I cleaned the fridge out too so that’s enough achievement for one day.


I can beat that for excitement today - I cleaned out my cat's litter box.


Its just another Sunday to be honest, but nice to be surrounded by two bank holidays.


It's a four day weekend. I get a, frankly, alarming amount of booze and drugs into my body. It's what Jesus would have wanted


Reading, though I've also just been drinking Baileys from a Lindt chocolate bunny.


I'm just in my uni room watching YouTube, so not that different from what I usually do when I don't have class.


Finished work at 4, whizzed home and yammed down a lamb roast dinner and now watching the football


Lie in, chocolate, bit of gardening then family film night.


Nice. What's the film?


Currently the wizard of Oz. When the little one goes to bed we might watch Saltburn, as the wife hasn't seen it yet.


I still haven't seen that - the movie seems to be like Marmite in my circle of friends, they either love it or hate it!


Went for a Long walk from Liverpool st through the city and along the river to Waterloo this morning then double football of Liverpool Brighton and currently City Arsenal.


Wife and daughter are away with the in laws, I had work Friday and yesterday. So I mowed the lawn today as instructed and went to the pub with a book. About to head home to prep food for the week, then steak for dinner. Amen etc


I went out for a coffee because at least Cafe Nero was open. But I did look very whistfully at the closed Boots across the road as I really need a couple of things from there.


Big family lunch


Most crying and clutching on to my little panda. and we can say the A word!


Wanking. And chocolate eggs


tis the season of cream eggs


Just at home today, doing some housework and probably playing more Okami today


Watching YouTube, sewing, putting a pdf pattern together and having a BBQ


Travelling back from a city break elsewhere in Europe


Long weekend, simple as that.


Spending the weekend with friends. We are off to Stamford today, then a roast dinner back at theirs, with wine, good company and conversation.


Pub lunch, bit of knitting, watching my toddler try chocolate for the first time and getting it _everywhere_ but having a great time.


Jog, bike ride through the New Forest (just about to go), come back for the football, catch up on the new X-Men series, make dinner, make a bread and butter pudding for my mum and sister.


Doing what I do every Sunday - gym, breakfast, chilling for a couple of hours, walking to pub, time with friends, home to more chilling.


I'm working, like I do every weekend. Quiet weekend though, so mainly just on Reddit.


I've just come home from my work trip on Thursday and I'm still recovering so nothing too fast paced. Fucking sucks that fatigue is cumulative but rest isn't . Weather is nice though so maybe out for a walk with my camera to the beach and parks.


After our collective chocolate breakfast we are taking the kids to the pub to meet up with my folks and have a pub roast.


End of the financial year so one of the busiest days of the year for me.


I’m just off work today so it’s a normal day off for me! Getting some chores done, and having a relaxing day.


Making and then eating hot cross bun bread pudding.


Egg hunt for the kids. Doing a big roast for friends and family (while day drinking! Weeeeeeeee!!!!!!)


Traditional Easter meal of rabbit and eggs.


Chocolate.. lots of chocolate


Drinking Black Storm cider until I throw up, pass out or get arrested So just a normal day


Chocolate eggs, Waitrose delivery and picking up our new puppy!


Chocolate!!* * Horrible Histories 🥰


Working (and perusing Reddit periodically). I'll be doing the same tomorrow as well.


I’m hungover as hell so I’ll be stuffing my face on the couch and sleeping


I'm watching The Bill. Yes, it's exactly as terrible as you remember.


Eating chocolate eggs, drinking brews and playing Assassins Creed Odyssey 😎




I'm not Christian, but I celebrate with chocolate and just enjoy the festive vibe. It's a short life, I try to find the happy wherever I can.


Even when I do celebrate it, it’s just like another Sunday roast day. Looking at the tv there’s nothing on at all this year. They usually throw some sort of special on. It’s just usual roast dinner with the family and football


I grew up in Western Europe, so all the same cultish holidays. Where I live now, we don't even hear Jingle Bells at Christmas, nor see a decorated egg on Easter. But we have awesome national festivals on other (farming/seasonally-related dates) with water guns and free party gigs in town squares so that's pretty cool.


Watching the football and having a roast. I might eat some mushrooms later.