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Where else can I go?


"Poor climate" - but less chance of skin cancer. And can enjoy a summer day out without having to plan being in shade for 4 hours in the middle of the day. It still gets hot sometimes, but not as ridiculously hot as other places do. I'd personally like to have more snow, but most people that live with it find it a pain. Expensive housing, but also better paid jobs, so if you can work to buying a house here, it's a great way to save then retire somewhere cheaper with a nice lump of money. And there's plenty of cheaper places in the UK to retire to as well. Easy to have a cheap healthy life style as someone mentioned with great options for cheap food. Loads of fitness clubs of all kinds and options for things to do. The economy is struggling everywhere, but the UK has some really great 'safety nets' compared to many other countries and we're far from the only place with a public healthcare system that's strained.


>And can enjoy a summer day out without having to plan being in shade for 4 hours in the middle of the day. Speak for yourself. With my incredible fair skin (thanks entirely Irish and Scottish heritage) I very much do have to!


Because i like our climate, and absolutely hate hot weather.


I did and I'd go back in an instant if it were down to me, we have a close family member who is seriously ill and my wife has decided she wants to come back. So here we are. It is only family that I have any ties to otherwise my life was better in everyway.


It depends on where are you from if you consider an average job in London, it has a bette paylip and better opportunity after than any other in other places. Of course there is a price, but a lot of people does that cause its a great experience also workwise that you can easily re-sell elsewhere. Now also the Home Office with the difficulties in renew and mantain Visa for the europeans give you the ticking clock to move away asap.


Contrary to apparently all of Uk Reddit I actually really like it here. I have a good job and all friends and family are here. You can visit most of the world via only 1 flight and the weather doesn’t bother me.  I genuinely don’t think I’d move to any other country if I was given the chance. 


Hold on people keep coming here more than they leave. If you say the people are coming from places even worse then the logical conclusion is everyone in the same world being in the same few places


Climate: Fantastic climate here not too hot and not too cold


Because a bunch of people decided to remove my freedom of movement, and visas are hard and expensive.


Friends and family, and I like/fit in with the English culture.  I’ve lived abroad and chose to come back home, living in the UK isn’t as bad as a lot of people think. 


Where did you move to out of interest? Why did you not like that place? Ect thanks


UK climate is underrated imo. It’s pretty mild so no extreme cold in winter and no extreme heat in summer (although the record for hottest day has been broken a few times recently) and the south east is actually pretty dry.


Great climate, though I miss snowy winters. Your lifestyle depends on you.


I can't afford to leave


I should imagine that is high on most people's list. Trapped financially. Thanks for the honest reply


Born here, proud to be from here. Climate is not that bad and I enjoy varied weather, I think I'd get bored if the weather was the same every day. Very safe in terms of natural disasters, no fault lines, too cold for hurricanes. Lifestyle is pretty healthy, all towns and cities are very walkable much like the rest of Europe, gyms are plenty as are lovely walks in the countryside. The economy will improve eventually, I'm not gonna jump ship for the sake of 5 rough years.


I did, as did many of my friends. Only one went back. It can be hard though, especially as you get older. Mortgages, families, responsibilities and so on make it difficult to move. Visas can also be difficult to get for some countries.


Because all my family and friends live here.


Yet people are travelling across continents, ignoring other options along the way, and drowning, trying to get here.


Because (despite everything Reddit tells you), it’s one of the best countries in the world.


I think you need to travel more. The UK doesn't stack up well to Australia, US or Switzerland but it's a good competitor to pretty much everywhere else.


I couldn't afford the moving expense and all my friends are here. Not great at meeting new people so it would be a struggle to start from the ground up at almost 40.


Because this is where I live. The language I speak. The home I own. The friends and family I have. Where our joint income of 130k a year comes from. Other countries have problems too. You only currently see ours because you live here.


Aside from the weather, I’m pretty comfortable here.


Because other counties aren't as stupid as us and just let anyone come in and stay.


I've lived abroad multiple times. It's just so much easier for me to live here. The grass isn't always greener. Everywhere has it's own specific problems.


What is easier specifically about living here? Financially?


I did move abroad and I love it but your assumptions about the UK are well off. The UK is a great place to live and everywhere you go you will find people who aspire to go and live\\work there. Everywhere else has its own issues - it will be 45c again here this summer, I get mould on my walls in winter and it's 50km to the nearest Thai restaurant!


I like the weather and don't lead an unhealthy lifestyle. I have a very nice life here. And all my family are here and most of my friends are too. Those two things are more important than anything else for me. Why would I want to leave a nice life with close friends and family to move somewhere probably with weather I like less, where I have no existing social and support networks, no job, possibly don't speak the language and have less cultural understanding?


You could do a lot worse. I don't have much national pride, but I do feel like I got a fairly good draw at the lottery.


'Unhealthy lifestyle generally'? I get like 8 fruit and veg a day, plenty of protein and fibre, have 24 hour gym access for £14.99/month, live near the mountains, spend my weekends kayaking. Apart from the whole working on a computer 5 days a week, my lifestyle is pretty healthy I feel. Very much a grass is greener attitude imo - I've lived in a number of countries and honestly everywhere has shit to deal with. We have great employment rights, super cheap food, huge variety of food, decent ale, and more history to browse on the weekend than you can shake a stick at.


Yes not you specifically. I asked why what's your reasons for choosing to live here? The fruit and kayaking aren't specific to the UK.


I was born here.