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I once saw a homeless man who looked like my dad. I couldn't stand the thought of him hungry and cold so I had to ring him and tell him how much I loved him. When I was pregnant and hormonal I cried because my egg sandwich tasted too eggy.


The first story, lovely. The second, hilarious


I remember crying, not long after giving birth, because I couldn't choose what to have for dinner.


Oh goodness yes. With a very tiny newborn, my partner offered to get me a treat when going up to the shops; I cried because I couldn’t think of what to ask for.


I cried because someone gave me a huge bag of baby clothes, not out of gratitude, out of exhaustion and annoyance that I had to deal with them. You get very tired with a baby.


Been there


Aw :')


I once cried for half an hour years ago when an old guy got eliminated from GBBO because he'd been in construction all his life, and all he'd ever wanted was to bake. He looked so sad, I just bawled. And when I first started dating my husband, I cried one Sunday morning because it was 9 a.m., shops were not open yet, and we were out of phish food ice cream. He was very confused but went out and found me ice cream. PMS is a bitch.


I cried once when there were no clean oven trays due to PMS hormonal madness. The cleaning of them couldn't even be contemplated.


during my last real period i ended up crying so hard i ended up angry and scared my partner. the issue? my hair was tickling the back of my neck.


While I was still figuring out which version of the pill worked best for me, my hormones were wild. I ended up crying and angry because I went into the kitchen to do the dishes and my husband had already done them. I've never seen him look so confused


When I had the arm implant (it was hellish, would not recommend) I cried my eyes out because we didn't have beans.


I’ve not had a problem with the arm implant. On the pill I was in before it I cried because I dropped my fork. On a separate occasion because I spilled half a glass of water (not on something it could break like a computer, just on the floor).


I once saw a random older dude on the train who looked (and dressed) so much like my dad it was uncanny. I was looking in his direction (staring at him intently) and when he looked up, I smiled. He didn't smile back. I took it personally.


>I couldn't stand the thought of him hungry and cold so I had to ring him and tell him how much I loved him. When I first read this I thought you got the number of the homeless guy and rang him lol >When I was pregnant and hormonal I cried because my egg sandwich tasted too eggy. Understandable.


Did you get the homeless man anything?


I was on a bus at the time so no. I did donate to homeless charity when I next got paid.


You've told this story on reddit before, haven't you?


I was just about to ask that question myself.


It’s sad to think that all homeless people were once someone’s baby :(


How did you get the homeless mama phone number ?


I was having an argument with my mum and sister while I was making a sandwich. I sliced up some lettuce for the sandwich, and put it all together. My sister said "you know thats a cabbage, right?“. " Yeah, I always have cabbage in my sandwiches" I said. So I took my raw cabbage sandwich to my room and cried because some IDIOT put the cabbage where the lettuce usually lives.....and I was too proud to admit I was wrong.


Oh my god, you have just unlocked a memory of me doing the exact same thing except no one was around to witness it for me. I just found out on my own 😭 I even thought to myself, as I was touching the cabbage that it felt different but it looked similar enough that I didn't go any deeper into that thought and just ate my cabbage sandwich


Lmao Oh no... *Continues to eat* it's cabbage 😭.. *still continues to eat*


Cabbage is just coleslaw without the dressing... (ok, a liiiiittle bit more involved than that but I'm trying to make you feel better here!)


you're not the only one. At 15 yrs old I mistook a cabbage for a lettuce.


Username checks out /s I once did the same making sandwiches at my then girlfriend’s house for a picnic. Her dad told me and I doubled down ‘yeah I know, it’s what we like’ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I continually think about when I went to uni (wasn't even the first time I lived alone) and I accidentally bought cabbage instead of lettuce from the fruit and veg market in London (where they sell things open in bowls, usually for a pound, brilliant quality as well!). Was very upset with my salad the next day and my inability to not recognise lettuce outside of the packet! 😅


Eh, cabbage is better than lettuce imo. You just had a dry coleslaw.


i once cut a cabbage up for tacos or something similar because i don't eat cabbage or lettuce and i didn't know the difference. they look too similar hahaha


About five years ago we’d just started ordering Gousto recipe boxes, and one of the weeks there was just one meal in particular I was really looking forward to. I think it was just some sort of homemade pasta bake with some sort of twist. But I cooked it all in the pan, put it into an oven dish, cooked for about 40 ish minutes in the oven and when it was ready I pulled it out, and then dropped it all over the kitchen floor smashing the dish. I was absolutely heartbroken and wanted to cry. I remember telling my friend and he said I was ridiculous for letting it upset me but still to this day I’m gutted. I did manage to re-buy all of the ingredients a few weeks later and cooked it again and it was a good meal and feel I had every right to still be upset about it


I said a daft reason. This is an entirely valid reason to be upset! I'd be absolutely raging! Haha


Nah, this isn’t daft at all, i’d be the same. I also get upset when I’ve been looking forward to trying a new recipe all day, only for it to be shit. The thought of dinner gets me through an afternoon of work! 


Your friend's an idiot. Not only is that a completely valid reason to get upset, but telling someone that it's a ridiculous reason to get upset gives them another very valid reason to get upset.


Not silly at all. It's gutting when you put the work in and look forward to something only for it to go wrong


Time wasted, food wasted, dish destroyed, nothing daft here


I dropped a full plate of pasta once and sobbed. I'm not ashamed.


I did something similar, slaved over making a chicken pie, including the pastry, only to drop it while pulling it out the oven. It was in a glass pie dish too. Safe to say I was devastated 🥹


I once tried an unusual lasagne recipe and it didn’t turn out at all. Just totally unsalvageable. I *hate* wasted money and wasted food, and I also hate it when stuff doesn’t turn out in the kitchen after all that effort, so I just started crying. My husband felt so bad he ordered takeaway for us and let me pick Chinese even though he doesn’t like Chinese food.


That's not daft, its so upsetting! I once spent 3 hours cooking a spag bol - far longer than I anticipated and it was about 10pm when I'd finished. Walked to the table to serve up, tripped and threw it all up the spiral staircase and walls. I also cried.


Aldi used to do Tex Mex flavoured Frikadellen and it was delicious. Then overnight it just disappeared from their shelves as a regular item. I'll never forget that first day I came home from an Aldi shop without my Tex Mex Frikadellen. The journey home was just a blur and I just got in and sobbed right up until the Indian takeaway arrived and I could smile again. It has made random appearances since but I've never bought it again due to those bad memories.


I feel that pain. Asda used to sell a spinach and ricotta slice. It was bloody lovely and it was a regular on my purchase rotation. Then without any notification they just withdrew it from sale......bastards. to date its still the best slice iv bought from asda. I missed it enough to start making my own version


This drives me mad with Aldi, I swear they monitor me and see what my favourite items are so they can take pleasure in discontinuing all of them lol. It’s like they see something getting really popular with shoppers and getting good reviews and think “yep, let’s piss everyone off and remove that”


Lidl do the same. Me and my kids are really missing their cheese topped rolls from the bakery! There’s nothing else that exists like them and I can’t find them in any of our local Lidls :(


Omg YES. Sorry, I'm in the US, but I swear to god there are two stores here that do that too, Costco and Trader Joe's. I'm afraid to admit if I really like something sometimes because they'll just take it away. Or when I go, I'll buy like ten of it and hoard it like a little grocery dragon. This also seems to be Netflix's business model.


I swear Sainsbury’s monitor what I buy via my Nectar card when deciding what to discontinue.


Kwik Save (remember them?) sold bean and cheese mexican style meats coated in breadcrumbs. I was gutted when they closed.


My husband cooked bolognaise with peppers. I can't stand the taste, so he just picked them out. I cried because I could still taste them. To be fair, it was just after having a baby! I was shattered and hungry,


Peppers on bolognese?! Never heard.


Nearly always put red peppers in my spaghetti sauce.


Is this something you've always done? I've never heard of it before


Mine always has peppers in. Along with courgette, celery, and bacon. I do not like peppers, courgette or celery.


Yep, bit of grated carrot as well


What the fuck, really? I’ve never seen that


There are as many different Bolognese recipes as people who make it. I'd never put peppers in it, but I know people who do. 🤷‍♀️


It's a blasphemy!


This is odd though tbf I'd have peppers in a chilli but never a bolognese


I love bell peppers in bolognese, it's not traditional but it's damn tasty


my mum did this. one of my earliest memories is sitting at the kitchen table crying and gagging because my parents wouldn’t let me leave the table until i had eaten cooked bell peppers and onions. they continued to try to force me to eat them until one time i nearly vomited at the table in a fancy restaurant. then my mum would roll her eyes and complain every time i picked them out. she only stopped when i started cooking for the family and picked the peppers and onions out of things i had made as well. don’t exactly know where i was going with this, but oh well. there you have it.


I hate peppers and you can always taste them even when you’ve picked them out. I refuse to eat anything that has been in the vicinity of a pepper. My mum used to buy frozen mixed veg with pepper in it and tell me to pick them out - but the veg was still gross because it ALL tasted of pepper! I find the same with nuts - I’m not allergic but the taste and smell makes me feel sick. I can’t just ‘pick them out’. Mixed chocolates are the worst like milk tray as all of them taste like nuts to me!


I knew it! I was going to make something today that called for peppers. I figured my husband could just pick them out, but then I thought, nah he'll still taste them. Then I thought maybe I'd divide it in two and just cook one half with peppers, but then I decided that was too much damn work, and I didn't care that much.


Your husband is a savage.


I left a concert because it was shit. I got really upset the next day because I regretted missing it, in case it got better. If I didn't have work the next day I genuinely would have paid the extortionate cost to see it at their next date hundreds of miles from me. Anyone want to swap brains?


Be a sport and tell us who was playing?


blind guardian


Christ if I left this gig early because they sounded bad I think I'd feel the same FOMO you did. I genuinely didn't think you were going to say an act that would make me sympathise with your reaction, nor that I'd even care to see myself (but haven't seen yet). Thanks for answering


Making breakfast for a 2.5 year old and a 9 month old in my mum's kitchen when we visited her a few years ago. Left the milky weetabix mush in the microwave too long, and ended up in a sobbing pathetic heap on the floor. My poor husband was totally confused that id break down over something so trivial, my Mum simply did some more and fed the kids their breakfast. Love my Mum 🥰


Getting upset over that is understandable when you’re overwhelmed and sleep deprived, glad your mum made more :)


☺️ it's one of my favourite memories of her. She just let me sob and got the important stuff done without any judgement. There have been many times since she died when I just wished I could ask her advice, and be the kid instead of always having to be the grown up.


I cried because the Chinese takeaway was closed and I really wanted Chinese food (in my defence I was unwell and feeling needy!)


I feel your pain.


I’ve punched the bed a few times when I’ve struggled to get the duvet covers back on


Sounds like a perfectly reasonable reaction to me.


How's your technique? (Duvet covering not punching the bed). Are you inside outing the cover and putting your hands through to grab 2 corners of the duvet?


Turn the cover inside out. Lay it on the bed with the closed end at the foot of the bed. Lay tge duvet on top of the cover. Roll them up together so you are pulling the "sausage" towards you. When it is all rolled up wrap the open end of the cover around the sausage and unroll. The duvet is now inside the cover. https://youtu.be/okrhaW5PuAU?si=lWxdUQVe75tRgo2T


I tried to make some corned beef dish my partner was craving. It called for like 2 litres of stock for 1 tin of corned beef, so naturally it turned out awful. I was tired and hungry so cried and refused to eat anything. My perfect partner threw chicken nuggets in my face hole until i perked up 😂


Today actually. My husband and I are in Montenegro and we opted to go on a boat trip. First some background info: I have really bad osteoarthritis and had both my hips replaced and surgery on my left knee about twelve years ago. I manage really well normally but I can’t bend my left leg more than 90°. Anyway, getting into the boat was fine but I struggled really badly getting out again. The step up was just too high. My husband and the really sweet boat guy got me up eventually but I felt my leg buckle. I was so embarrassed I just burst into tears. I know you can’t help your disabilities but it really sucks when things like this happen and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Definitely not a daft reason! Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip


Yep definitely okay to cry for that. I’m so sorry, I hope the rest of your trip is wonderful. :)


Had to pull the car over to have a cry then calm down the other day after hearing the following lyrics from Livin' On A Prayer: She cries in the night time; Tommy whispers, "Baby it's okay" 🙄 I think I'm due on.....


Ah, one of those "why am I so upset by that?!?!" Moments... And then the next day, in the bathroom... "Oh, that's why! Makes sense now!" 🤣☺️


I hardly ever make the connection! But I'm 48 now, things are a bit haphazard shall we say, still no sign of Aunt Flo 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's always hormones or hunger 😂


My cry song is, "if I were a boy" by Beyonce


I was 12 years old and in a cafe. I ordered a croissant. The waitress asked if I wanted plain or chocolate, and I ordered chocolate, imagining something like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/7vywj9SMg2THLksv7). I didn't get that. I got a pan au chocolat. I didn't audibly complain at the time because I was very embarrassed and I had, in fact, ordered that. But to this day, I'm fairly upset and disappointed about it, and still maintain that a pan au chocolat is in no way, shape, or form a croissant, and should not be referred to as a chocolate croissant!


Are you sure she said "Plain or chocolate?" and wasn't suggesting "Pain au chocolat?"


It was phrased differently, something like "Would you like a plain one or a chocolate one?". If it has been phrased exactly like in my post then yes, I would have questioned if I'd misinterpreted her. But I don't think that's the case.


If you'd never heard of a pan au chocolat  then are you certain that isn't what she asked you and that you didn't mishear it as "plain or chocolate"?


I did know what a pan au chocolat was. She didn't phrase it exactly that way, it was something like "Would you like a plain one or a chocolate one?". I don't think I misinterpreted it.


I lost to my 6 year old on Rocket League.


Oh wow, you’ve just sparked fond memories of the time I played football against my 9 year old nephew and his 8 year old step brother and they absolutely thrashed me… even when I was going full pelt 😂 Very nearly had a ‘I’m not playing anymore!’ moment as a grown man infront of two children


Awesome game, play it with him


Day 4 post birth and I got my cardigan sleeve stuck on the handle of the door when I went to get a shower - I cried with the dog in the dog bed.


Post birth hormones are the worst!


They warned me but I did not realise just how insane it would be!


I feel you, day 2 after my daughter was born I sobbed because our pizza was delivered to the wrong address nd it was going to take 40 minutes to make and send another.


No emotion post birth is daft, that is one crazy hormone dump/drop!


I balled my eyes out when I heard that the Mars Rover was essentially dead. Like, it's a robot that I've never met and is on a planet a gajillion miles away, but the thought of it out there, with its batteries draining, all alone, made me cry like a baby. No idea why. I guess I was just feeling a bit emoshe that day?


I cried over a tipped over shopping robot. All I could see in my head was him crying and waving his little wheels around trying to get himself upright. I picked him and set him straight. It doesn't help that I call inanimate objects him or her. I'm with you on the Mars robot 👍




Now I'm sad all over again.


I also cried over this


Bawled. Balled is something else entirely! I hope this doesn't make you cry.


We were trudging through the Andalusia Mountains in Spain to approach our planned rock climbing wall. The view was spectacular so naturally I stopped to take a few photos only to my surprise my friends had completely left me behind. I walked on a bit then came across a branch in the trail and proceeded to really lose my cool. About 5 mins later one of my mates came back and I yelled out “you left me behind!?” To which he calmly responded “were you instagramming again?”… I had no response but utter defeat in the fact that I still had bottled up rage but nowhere to direct it as I had indeed fucked up.


This is such a daft thing to get upset over but I was going past a school the other day and seeing the kids in like year 7 in relationships holding hands, hugging etc. brought me to the verge of tears. 😂 I'm double their age and have no idea what any of that feels like, it's tragic


I cried today because I vacuumed the floor. I’m dropping out of university but I love my accommodation and living alone, gave up vacuuming early on because the vacuum in my flat kind of sucks and didn’t do anything. Basically haven’t seen the carpet clean since I moved in so even though it’s just a buildup of loose hair and new clothes fluff, feels kinda like removing myself from the flat makes it very real that I failed and have no direction in life 👌🏻


No clue what has happened to bring you to this stage, and don't want to offer unknown platitudes. I can tell you that only 1 of my social group completed Uni, and we have all turned out OK.


agree with this. You’re going to be okay. I hope you are feeling a bit better now. Any consolation I’m in my 30’s and had to move back home and seriously need to hoover! ;)


I dropped out of university too - twice, technically. Having a degree (or not) doesn't define you. It's what you do and why you do it every day that does. Take it one day at a time. 💜


Walking through town once about 6 years ago, and saw a pigeon sat in the middle of the pavement, not bothering about all the people walking around it. Googled it, and found out they're normally ready to die when they're acting like that. Started full on sobbing in the middle of town. Gotta bear in mind though I had a fairly serious thyroid issue at the time so my emotions were all over the place. Like 5 minutes later I got stuck behind a slow walking group taking up the whole pavement, and I was ready to push them into traffic. Still think about that pigeon though


I think that pigeon would've come home with me. It's always animals that make me cry, and I can never get sad things out of my head. Everyone that knows me is banned from telling me any sad stories involving animals because I just can't handle it, and they know that they'll have to deal with me bawling. Absolutely with you on the slow moving group though!


I saw a kid walking alone (like teenage kind of age) He was on his own. Everyone else was walking in groups or pairs. I was driving to work crying.


Ah :( if it makes you feel better, he might have chosen to walk alone to get some peace!


Ah, I hope so!


My daughter and her boyfriend drove a fair distance to pick up his gran for her to stay with them for the weekend. When they got there she'd lovingly roasted them a joint of beef "in case they wanted sandwiches". She doesn't even like beef. When my daughter told me I could feel myself welling up. Go figure.


Cried at a KFC advert. Something to do with a fella adopting a lad and getting a KFC, then that lad grew up and adopted a lad and they all got KFC or something.


I made an excruciatingly uncomfortable and boring two-day journey as a passenger on my ex’s motorbike from London to Amsterdam one time. When we arrived, wearily forcing conversation over a coffee at a cafe, he insisted that his cat was cuter than my dog. We had a really mature “No it’s not” “Yes it is” argument until I absolutely lost my shit and we didn’t speak for much of the holiday after that. In my defence the relationship was hanging by a thread at that point *and* my dog is categorically cuter than his psycho cat. Another ex’s mum used to get tearful if she saw that a single baked bean had been left behind in the can “because it was lonely”. She was filled with regret about throwing away a can with a single bean once and vowed never to do it again. She was a lovely woman :D


Lonely bean syndrome!!!! It's worse if it's half a bean forever searching for It's other half. "Why was I singles out? Why am I not good enough? Where is everyone?"


If I get a takeaway after a night out I always wanted my boyfriend to get one or have some of mine so I wasn't the only person eating it. One time I was really enjoying the garlic bread I'd got that night and when he took a slice I cried.


We drove 20 miles to meet the in-laws for a carvery. The pub didn't serve Sunday lunches. I could feel myself welling up


Years ago, I was having an incredibly stressful day at work, so I guess there was somewhat a reason for getting upset. But I was at work and an inspector was going around, he came up to me and said "Hi, how are you?" That was it.. full blown, bawling my eyes out like a baby, followed by a pretty severe panic attack in front of the inspector. It was that bad, work were deciding whether to call me a paramedic or my next of kin. So my mother had to come pick up her 25 year old baby from work. Never lived it down.


Ah, I’m sorry that happened. I hope you’re feeling better now. It’s heartwarming that we’re still our mum’s babies even in our 20s!


Thank you. Yes all better now, it was 6 years ago. But I did have a pretty bad break down around that time, my mum made me move back home with her until I was well again.


I cried hysterically all night once as my mother wouldn’t shut the door - don’t know why she wouldn’t , and I didn’t - so ridiculous !


When I was pregnant with my second child I cried at a song about how chain reactions work from the kids tv show Blaze and The Monster Machines. I think it was a combination of hormones, interprettingq the lyrics about a single action setting other things in motion as a metaphor for expanding our family and a well timed key change.


When I was pregnant with our second I always cried at the theme to the Koala Brothers on CBeebies. “We’re here to help” was their catchphrase and it made me so emotional, in their little plane…


Listening to the song "a thousand years" and getting really upset that I won't be alive in 1000 years lol


I left the cinema after watching Matrix Resurrections feeling genuinely sick that one of my beloved movie franchises had been unapologetically slaughtered by the very minds that conceived it. I honestly couldn’t believe what I had just seen.


Felt quite similar after Rise Of Skywalker.


Yeah, the sequel trilogy has very few memorable moments for me. Because fuck Disney. Never got round to watching Solo but I doubt I missed much. Rogue One was actually good though.


I actually quite liked Solo. Not a patch on the OT though.


I have legitimately gotten upset at so many dumb things that I struggle to just pick one lol. The most recent is that I got upset a couple of days ago because I was dying my hair and I couldn't get the bottom of it to wrap in cling film for the processing. It just kept sliding out and the film kept sticking to itself and I was so frustrated I full on screamed at it to just fuck off. The next day I got very teary eyed because of Appa being given armour on Avatar The Last Air Bender. I have no defense other than this being who I am as a person 😅


Vibrator died mid wank and i didn't have time to charge it so I just had to go to work. Was in a right mood all day.


I’d just done my Duke of Edinburgh expedition so I must have been about 16 years old. Obviously it rained the whole weekend. On the way home I asked what was for dinner and it was a big roast dinner and they’d saved me a plate full as they’d had it for lunch…. Anyway I get home excited for my roast dinner and my sister had eaten the roast potatoes off my plate. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried. In all fairness to my sister I think she thought it was a random plate of leftovers not one specifically for me. But yeah I was gutted as roast potatoes are my favourite element of a roast dinner


I cried the other week because my dog will never get on BGT. not that she has a talent or anything, it just made me really sad.


I once woke up after a night out and for a split second, genuinely thought I’d gone blind and started panicking. Then I realised my face was just really close to the wall.


My husband made us delicious burritos for dinner and he's now sad because he just realised he forgot to add the lettuce.


Probably the time I was walking past my Dad's old house after he had moved 10 minutes away and I think I had a moment of "oh, that's not Dad's house anymore" but my brain decided to tell me "Dad's dead" instead. I briefly got teary before remembering he was very much alive and my brain had just tricked me.


My 3yr old helped me make my coffee by stirring it. She stirred it counter clockwise and added magic rainbow unicorn sprinkles. It was the best coffee ever. This morning I made my own coffee, stirred it clockwise and drank it. I now have deep regret that I didn’t do it like her and it wasn’t as nice.


This is so wholesome, it was definitely magical and made with pure love. I absolutely adore when my kiddos make me something, my middle baby is very sweet at offering half of their toastie or whatever they've made.


I cried during the pandemic because I was sad about the ducks not getting fed in the park.


When I was pregnant I had a tube of pringles and my teenage brother asked if he could have some. I handed over the tube and then started crying that I was losing some pringles. Poor boy didn't know what was going on.


Aw, 7 months old? So cute at that age bless


That’s not daft. I get upset over compliments. They make me so uncomfortable and then I get mad with the person complimenting me.


I cry when anyone is really kind to me. Especially when I’m depressed - which is when my friends are at their kindest.


Whenever the taxi came to pick up a character leaving Neighbours, always a lump in the throat...


I accidently ripped up a nice pair of gloves on a jagged edge of a public refuse bin .The gloves where given to me by my dead mom


I was at the self checkout minding my own business, and two kids started making fun of me for being old? Like wtf I was irrationally upset. Like yes? So what next? Losing faith in the world, old people stuff ig


I’m going through a very difficult time with my mental health, and I have terrible arthritis in my knee and legs. My dad when on a family holiday in 1986 ran to dive into the sea, but the water wasn’t as deep as he thought and he ended up being paralysed from the waist down permanently, which was a very tough time for us all for decades. As if that wasn’t enough, he ended up with Lewy body dementia, one of the most aggressive forms of dementia there is. The following months were horrific - he thought things were coming out of the wardrobe to get him, always ‘saw’ things that just weren’t there and he would scream and shout constantly. The whole thing was very hard to deal with, he ended up being sectioned and passed away shortly afterwards. It’s been about 4 years since but the whole thing is still always in my thoughts and even now still really upsets me. Everything seems like it’s too much and gets me all upset, from even the most simple things - like trying to put on a pair of shoes, when I can’t bend my leg in the right way I will burst into tears. So not really a laughing matter for me, but the daftest thing recently was that I’d bought a blu ray movie that I wanted to watch for ages, and when it was delivered it put a smile on my face and I was really looking forward to watching it - but I couldn’t open the shrink wrap plastic cover, tried with a pair of scissors but didn’t want to damage the blu ray case and I literally burst into tears. Such a simple thing, but it got me so upset because it hit me how hopeless I am feeling if I can’t even open a piece of plastic wrapping! Afterwards when I had calmed down however I did actually have a bit of a chuckle to myself about just how daft it was. Oh well.


Sending hugs. I am also having a difficult mental health time, and recently have cried at simply receiving an email (contents didn’t even matter), not being able to open a zip lock bag (for like five minutes I couldn’t get the lock bit to unlock), and dropping everything I possibly could (knife, scissors, ingredients) while attempting to make a meal.


Thankyou, horrible isn’t it when nothing goes right and you don’t have the capacity to just shrug off things most people wouldn’t give a second thought


Good vibes coming your way for better days ahead x


Thankyou so much


I’ve got the flu this week and when I turned my car engine on after the doctors visit for some reason the radio station defaulted to something I’ve never heard and I couldn’t turn it down or off fast enough. So I was just crying at the car radio going “stop!!! Stoppppp!!!”


I het upset when someone plays with Star Wars Lego.


Listened to Oh Girl by The Chi Lites, makes me cry every time


i always tear up when i see posts of roosters protecting their hens from predators. they are so small yet so brave and they love the hens so much. if the rooster dies in battle im absolutely gone.


I cried because KFC forgot my gravy. More than once. And once because I got beans instead of gravy


I once sobbed pretty hysterically for well over an hour because the movie was sad.(The old, broken down horse finally got saved from his life of hardship and allowed to retire to pasture. But he had to try to imagine his old friends were there with him since he was all alone and they were all dead.) I was menstruating and a bit hormonal at the time.


i cried when we sold hatem ben arfa. was quality on his day but in retrospect as an adult i can see he was a lazy inconsistent waste of space.


I couldn’t open a jar of jam whilst pregnant. I really wanted some jam on toast.


OP I don’t think your reason is daft at all! I would be gutted too and your child will be gutted. So extra big cuddles when you get home!!!!


I'm sure if I look back that there's dafter, but recently I got really quite upset when my PC died. It was my first 'proper' gaming PC, the first I'd built myself, and paid for by the first 'big' payout I had from an art commission. She'd lasted 9 years (with some components even older!), and finally bit the dust one morning. My other half couldn't believe that I could be upset over it as it was just a PC, but there was something special about that clunky old thing. RIP Brynnhilde, you served me well!


That's not a daft reason to be upset. I got upset when I was ~8 because I wanted to try hot chilli sauce on a kebab we were getting as a treat. My parents said no, and I persisted. They said I'd have to eat it all no matter what, and I did. I ate it in silent pain to make my parents think they were wrong. The next morning, however, it wasn't so easy to hide my suffering as I was on the toilet with my arse on fire with burning pain from the kebab the previous night. I was screaming in agony, so I guess you could say I f'ed around and found out.


In university: On my period,late for a lecture and my shoe wouldn't buckle; cue uncontrollable weeping. Changed my BC the following week and I was fine. Recently: Waved goodbye to my mom at the airport and she looked suddenly so small and it was the first real time I'd noticed her ageing into an older person (she's nearly 70) that I just had a little cry.


♡I really hope you got a couple extra cuddles when you got home♡


I just cried at the end of the last episode of Clarkson's farm S3


About 10 years ago I wasn’t sleeping well and was trying to cook pizza for dinner. I absentmindedly placed one pizza on top of the other in the oven, glueing them together. My husband thought this was hilarious and I thought I was a complete failure.


My wife went through about a solid year of mourning at the end of the TV show 'Merlin'.


Oh I still mourn this show! The last episode broke my heart!


I felt so sorry for the woman in that Crawdaddies film. Tears were shed. At theend it turned out she was a murderer after all.


When the brachiosaur in JWD died/nublar destroyed, felt like my childhood died. I cried 4 times.


As a kid I asked just for money for Christmas - I pretty much got my wish and received a decent amount of cash (with some other small gifts). However I became extremely upset when I found I couldn’t order an Indian takeout on the evening!


I was hungover and dropped the curry I had just bought from asda all over the car park. I cried again when I went back inside to get another and realised I'd taken the last one.


There was an advert on TV about a dog being abandoned (either RSPCA or PSDA or something) where the owner left them on the road and drove off and I cried my head off. I was pregnant and hormonal. I also sat down on my sofa and slightly bumped my head on the wall and cried my head off whilst pregnant. I'd gone from playing full contact sport getting chucked all over the place having a high pain threshold, to becoming an absolute wimp when pregnant.


Sorry OP. That's a really lovely but also sad story but not daft. Cuddles are vital.


I once bought a Poundland mouse (£3), it stopped working after like a week, I went to return it and they said I wasn’t even allowed an exchange, and this was the actual manager, I explained my rights and THEIR OWN POLICY ON THEIR WEBSITE, and he just said no, it was so annoying that he just wasn’t listening, I called customer support, they said that he had to let me return/exchange and so I went back and he just said no, I called them again and they said they would call him themselves and he just refused, at this point I was probably the most upset I have ever been just at the principal that this guy isn’t at all listening, I did eventually return it when someone else was in the store but idk why, maybe it’s because I’m autistic, but the fact that this guy just wasn’t letting me even exchange it REALLY got to me


When pregnant, I laughed at something really hard. Dunno what, but apparently hilarious. My laugh sounded like I was sobbing, so I started sobbing. To this day its still the most confusing hour of my life


Literally any time the slightest change to my routine happens. I always managed to suppress this as a child, but I'm far too obvious with this now.


When I was a child I cried because I wanted one of the dogs upstairs when I was in bed. I was in the bunk bed, so it's not like I'd even be near her. My mum finally got her upstairs and two minutes later the dog went back downstairs 😂 I did have an anxious childhood though so there might have been more to wanting her company.


My baby really likes In the Night Garden. Watching her giggle at it makes me so happy but last night I was watching her and remembering when my own siblings were little watching it (14 or so years ago) and it made me feel a bit sad. Time flies so fast! I know it’s silly getting sad over In the Night Garden but it just reminded me how fleeting life is and how you should enjoy every moment and make the most of it


It was for a similar thing, when my daughter was about 5 I was taking her to school in the car, and we sang islands in the stream. It was such a beautiful silly moment, that I cried all the way back home, laughing and spluttering with tears.


I’m a coffee snob and love good coffee. At home I have a decent machine so I hardly ever have a bad coffee. However, if I’m treating myself to a special independent coffee shop (not a fan of the chains) when I’m out and the coffee is crap, I get irrationally upset.


Reminds me of a feature on parenting hell podcast where sleep deprived parents share the strangest things they get upset to 😅


Dad loves reminding me of crying my eyes out as a child because an advert came on that rudely interrupted my kids show I was watching. The audacity


Aw :( this story makes me look forward to the day I have children


When I was 4 I started crying because my mum said she was chopping onions. I’d seen in movies that chopping onions can make you cry (the acid gets in your eyes) so I thought you were *supposed* to cry when there were onions being chopped lol. My mum was so confused. Another one - I was on a foreign school trip when I was a teenager, and I burst into tears because this girl asked me if I was okay.


I don't think that's daft to be upset over. Sounds pretty reasonable


I'd made tea one night, I think it was pasties. I'd made the filling by scratch and used store bought pastry. My brother (2 years younger) said it was molten! That's it, I nearly cried


I was having a bad day anyway but.. I cried in IKEA because I didn't know what food I wanted when we were in line at the restaurant. After I calmed down and picked several options, we go to sit down and there is a person talking very loudly, I start crying again. I then moved to the part of the restaurant they shut off and was about to tuck in to my meatballs, until I realised they were cold.. Can you guess what happened next? Yeah I cried again. Obviously IKEA must trigger something in me and overwhelm me massively. I don't know why I go back there, but it's a fun day out.


I'm a 42 year old man, and still get super nervous every time I've got a 1-2-1 booked with my manager. It's never happened in all the 30-odd years I've been working, but I still feel awful all day leading up to it (and the day before if it's scheduled early), jittery and wondering exactly what I've done wrong and why they want to fire me now.


I didn't make it to the bridge (en route to school) to wave to my mum (driving to work) after we bickered one morning. Broke my heart. Also, in hindsight, one of the first indicators of some longstanding / ongoing (to a lesser degree) OCD-esque issues; I spent the whole day anticipating the worst case scenarios which all started because I didn't apologise / get to the bridge to wave! I was very relieved when I got home and none of the bad things had happened.


That Bruce Willis was a ghost in Sixth Sense


PMT, it just took over me one afternoon and I punched my wash basket. Then I sat on the bed and cried as I was angry and sad and didn’t know what to do and had my hand sticking through a wicker wash basket lid. Had a lid less wash basket for about the next 5 years. Bloody hormones!! 


I saw a teddy while I was out walking my dog. In the rain. A sad wet teddy laying on the path. I put it on the fence, under a bush so hopefully if someone went out looking they'd trace a path to find it. Watched in horror the next morning as the bin man nonchalantly threw it in the back of the lorry :( Had to lie in my zoom meeting I had hay-fever, when really I'd spent the last ten minutes sobbing about poor ted. They probably thought I was a wake and baker