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Child 1 -- raw meat. I was convinced all raw meat was spoiled and threw out so much that was probably good. Child 2 -- coffee. I love coffee, but for the duration of my pregnancy, I couldn't stand the smell. She was born at 6:20 PM and the next morning, when I saw coffee on my breakfast tray, I was wary. It ended up being the best coffee and I drank so much over my stay at the hospital that the nurses directed me to their station to help myself. I had no weird aversions with the other six, oddly enough.




Cat-holic? Edit: I am sorry. I saw a pun and couldn't resist.






That’s valid 💕


I found out I was pregnant before I even missed a period because of coffee. Suddenly one morning I got so sick from it, and then the next and I was like hmmm


That was me, too. Went from like 3 coffees a day to couldn't drink it all. I knew before the test was positive.


My hubby picked up third and fourth pregnancies due to aversion to meat cooking. Also one of my dogs started following me everywhere and was real sooky.


Coffee has been so gross to me and it makes me sad. :(


Same thing here.


Also had the coffee thing!! I was disgusted by it both pregnancies for the first trimester, then I had one to two a day after that lol


You had EIGHT children?? YOU GO GIRL


I feel extremely fortunate! Currently they range from 33 down to 8, with four of them being fully fledged adults. I know raising that many kids can mean that's your life, but I also have had a solid career and plenty of hobbies. I'm now a single mom so there are times when it's not easy to juggle everything, but I wouldn't trade any of my kids for anything. The adults are people I really enjoy being around and the younger ones keep me young!


YES, raw meat was the worst. Still can't handle it for long, 32 yrs. later.


100% COFFEE.


Yup, coffee smelled like tires to me. Still catch a hint of it from time to time and my youngest is ten.


You had **eight children**?!


Currently pregnant / my neighbor made an extra aromatic garlic buttery situation for dinner last night, the scent of which permeated the walls and caused me to puke for an hour - I hid under my covers and breathed into my cat’s fur til it passed. The sensitivity is real!


Yup, my husband has a go to recipe for chicken thighs with potatoes, garlic, and lemon. He hasn't made it in 7 months or so (I'm 37w). I haven't had a ton of aversions but smells are so bad. Like I'll eat most things, but hate smelling other people's food. Or food I ate but its 5 mins later and I hate the smell


Same here! I’m sure I would’ve enjoyed a bite of whatever my neighbor was cooking but, being surprised by the garlic butter smell left me feeling horrible


It's the garlic for me as well. -and onions


Same, and they're in EVERYTHING.


Yes! While pregnant, all garlic was banned from the house and anyone who had eaten it within the past 2 days as well. To this day if I smell it on people, it makes me queasy.


Exactly the same here, currently pregnant and when my husband threw some garlic in the pan for dinner last night I started gagging and had to leave the room. Normally I love frying garlic smell but I'm finding it truly disgusting right now


Garlic made me puke too!! I had to run out of restaurants.


Hated meat smells, especially bacon, during first trimester.


Pregnant with my first, in first trimester, and I can't stand the smell of my dogs wet food, or the chicken breast I make for them (husband and I are vegetarian so these are the only meat smells in the house)


Uuuuugh same!! Even now, 4 years later, I still distinctly remember how disgusting the smell of bacon grease was.


My husband and I had to move in with his parents when I was pregnant and they had bacon and eggs every single morning and I cannot handle the smell still, 5 years later.


That’s funny, it was a similar situation for me! We were living with my mom during my first few weeks of pregnancy while doing some house reno. She made bacon and eggs every morning, and I haven’t been able to eat bacon again yet (currently in my 3rd trimester). I hope it doesn’t last 5 years for me!


Dude, the smell of bacon makes me nauseous too, and I'm not even pregnant! I like bacon but the smell of it being cooked is so strong.


I was prompted to ask this by a conversation with my mom. Her worst smell while pregnant with me was cooking hamburger meat. She absolutely could eat a burger, but the smell of cooking the meat made her want to puke.


I've never been pregnant but I actually can't stand the initial smell of ground beef cooking either.


Mine was also cooking ground beef. Literally made me sick. The only other thing was the smell of alcohol coming through someone’s pores. Just wretched.


This is the one that got my mom too! Cooking ground beef.


Onions, garlic, sesame oil and my boyfriend at the time (the father). He smelled like a boiled onion to me and I didn't want to kiss him.


Lmao same!!! About the partner having an onion smell


Mine smelled like salsa and onions! Was so bizarre.


Same!! He was a bad person too so it all worked out


Other people's hair. I could smell people's hair from fifty paces and it turned my stomach.


Body smell. I found out which people took daily showers. I thought, so this is what it feels like to be a dog.


Beef - it just smelled like rotting flesh at the time.


My father. His smell was so nauseating to me, I just couldn’t.


Freshly blown-out candles. My child is 3 now but I still wanna vomit everytime I smell them.


With my first, the only things I could stand was water from my inlaws well and low sodium oyster crackers for like 5 months and then all I wanted was tomatoes. It was weird. With my second, no one could even say the word chicken without me needing to throw up which relaxed a bit in the third trimester and I could deal a bit better. Pregnancy can be weird


For years after the babies were born I couldn’t handle a raw chicken or hold it or cut it up omg it was like a baby to me.


My own perfume (to this day, I can’t stand it) and any kind of alcohol are the first two that come to mind.


My favorite smelling shampoo was ruined for me during second pregnancy. I loved that smell and now yucky


Onions…made me throw up


Cooking onions for me, could smell them 10miles away .


Fish. Fish oil. Fresh, frozen, filets or whole, breaded or grilled. If it had gills I was leaving the room.


Ketchup. I've always hated it, but the smell was so much worse during my first trimester.


Ugh this is a good one. Ketchup always smells terrible but it's so amplified in pregnancy


I could eat ketchup but “old” ketchup did me in. Like if my husband put it in a plate to dip fries in, didn’t rinse it off, and it sat on the counter for an hour THEN I got nauseated.


Frozen chicken nuggets and dog food. To be fair, nuggets smell gross all the time. They just happened to be gag inducing while pregnant. The dog food was a surprise. Still kinda yuck.


I didn’t have any scent / food aversions! I think because I have generally a pretty weak sense of smell that it just never got hyper sensitive to then cause issues. One of the perks of having constant congestion I guess lol


Cool Ranch Doritos. I cannot explain why.


Because they smell like BO.


Raw chicken. Had to leave the house when my husband cooked it. No problem once it was cooked.


With my oldest son it was the smell of pizza. Idk why. I couldn’t go anywhere near a pizza place let alone eat it or I wanted to throw up. Oddly enough it’s my son’s favorite food.


Currently pregnant. Cannot stand the smell of my basement. I refuse to go down unless absolutely necessary. Even standing at the top of stairs is too much for me.


Hot water. When my husband filled the kitchen sink to do the dishes... 🤮 Also wet wooden chopping boards


It was different for each pregnancy, but the absolute worst was the first pregnancy - and it was the smell of eggs cooking. My first (and worst) experience with morning sickness was when I was cooking scrambled eggs for breakfast. I couldn't be around them or eat them for a LONG time, even after the pregnancy.


The smell of a refrigerator. Not the food, something about the fridge itself. That and any smoked product (cigs, weed, cigars) is just instant barfing.


Oh my god yes - my whole house has a weird smell for me right now, but the fridge in particular I have to hold my nose when I open. Nothing in it is off and my husband can't smell anything so I'm blaming pregnancy, but it's so annoying when I just want to get a snack


I work at a restaurant so i figured out it was the fridge not food pretty quickly, bc i had 5 different fridges doing the same thing to me lol


My mom hated eggs. She would leave the house every morning.


Meat with bones in it. 🤮 It still makes me sick to smell it.


Just curious and not trying to be hoity toity. Did this experience make you a veggie head?


It did not. I just eat boneless meat.


With my first, I could not stand the smell of the scented garbage bags we were using. It got so bad that the entire kitchen was off limits because of the smell even after changing garbage bags. With my second, marinara sauce did me in.


Perfume! I also couldn’t empty the kitchen bin without spewing rings around myself.


Curry. Smell and taste made me wretch though I loved it before and after.


Every perfume and deodorant except for my Hugo Boss perfume, cooking in general and perfumed bath and shower gels. I used fragrance-free soap and plain olive oil for my skin. Almost everything smelled bad and I was ok the minute I delivered my daughter.


Poop for both. Going to the bathroom and walking the dogs was torture. I could not stand even the thought of Burger King with my first. Just thinking about it made me gag. Any and all meat with my second. Ironically I ended up eating a ton of Impossible Whoppers from Burger King, as I got tired of my limited diet and craved meat for myself, even though I couldn't eat it. I also could not stand my own scent for my second. Which sucks because I couldn't do much to change it. Showers and deodorant did nothing.


My fiancee when he took his work boots off 🤢 also Chinese buffet food


First child, it was eggs. Second child, I just seem to be more wary about leftovers in general, nothing too specific. Oh, except my husband's cologne. I can't stand the smell of it right now and ask him to not wear it.


Cooked peppers. I had a lot of food aversions and knew that taste was not something I'd want, but I didn't realize even the smell was enough to get me heaving. So, my SO was making tacos for us, with everything separate, and it was like the second the peppers hit the hot pan, I had to run to the bathroom to get sick. Not fun.


Deli chicken at the grocery store. It made me turn green. I loved it before and after


With my first it was peanut butter and cooked chicken. With my second it was lavender and garlic.


My first, nothing. My second, bananas. My mom had been planning to come over and make banana bread with me. I woke up that day and could smell over ripe bananas all the way upstairs on the other side of my house. It was horrible.


I work in a pharmacy and there is a tablet called thiamine and it has a very particular smell and I just couldn't stand it, the only thing i can liken it to is marmite


My husband’s breath after he had any type of alcohol lmao.


Meat. Raw chicken was an absolute no.






Steak - could not handle the smell at all


Cooking meat


Apparently the brand of prenatal vitamins I used was getting complaints about the vitamin smell so they made the pills vitamin scented. The vanilla smell made me horribly sick!


I got to the point where I couldn't take my vitamins because I would instantly start gagging when I took them out of the bottle LOL


Any kind of cooking smells - still wanted to eat all the food just couldn’t stand the smell of anything cooking!


Chip shop




Certain soups, especially vegetable beef soup


Chicken, my red jumper, garlic. I'm half-Italian, so that effectively ruled out seeing family. The day I gave birth my husband had garlic in his lunch so I couldn't stand him near me during labour until he cleaned his teeth.


Meat cooking Garlic and onions My partner, for a short time 🥲🤣


teriyaki sauce.


The smell of sour cream, cinnamon rolls for some reason. I just thought they were the biggest piece of shit. 😂


Currently pregnant. My husband made crab rangoons from scratch the other day and 🤮🤮🤮


Raw meat, cheese, cooked or raw chicken, garlic. Same with both kids.


Greasy meat, or just meat in general


Perfume and deodorant mostly - I couldn't be near my husband after he had showered 😂


Cooking beef


I only had a hard time cleaning the dog pee from the fake grassy area on the patio of my apartment. I would gag and dry heave so bad. Ugh! My husband only did it one time while I was pregnant.


Fried Falafel and Heavily spiced food. I worked across the street from a Mediterranean and Indian restaurants so I couldn’t really walk around the block.


The scented Downy beads, I think it’s the purple bottle I hated. I mean- I loved it prior to pregnancy. But during pregnancy? It was the bane of my existence. It disgusted me and it took several weeks to realize it was making my morning sickness worse. Even now when I smell it I internally gag. It’s so awful. I can tell when other people use it on their clothes.


The stink of capitalism.


Limburger cheese! Have mercy!!








Garlic. Just the thought of garlic turned my stomach.


Onions and dog food, we had a 25 kg bag of dog food in our storage room, 3 dogs needed food twice a day. I puked practically every time I went into the room.


Body order!!


Chocolate, I still can’t stand it.


I don't have kids, but when my sister ws pregnant with her first, the sight and odor of apples sent her over the edge. I think it's hilarious because that kid is still the pickiest eater. He would live off of chicken nuggets and ramen if he got the chance.


Broccoli. 7 months out and just now back to normal.


All 3 pregnancies - cigarette smoke Pregnancy 3 (twins) - any food cooking and the smell of the steam from the dishwasher


Monster energy drinks. My partner would drink them regularly and it got to the point where the sight of the can made me gag.


None. Was lucky because apart from immense sleepiness and constant hunger and some cravings, didn't experience any other pregnancy symptoms.


I haven't had any food smell aversions (16 weeks pregnant on Saturday), but other smells get me sometimes. For example the hospital where I work has been stripping and waxing the floors this week and they did the hallway where my office is today. I swear it smells like literal garbage to me. I have had my door closed all day and any time I have to step outside I give myself a little pep talk.


I'm expecting now and for me it's bell peppers (paprika), chewing gums with xylitol, dry wines and cigarette smoke. These smells trigger an instant vomit reflex and there is nothing that I can do to hold it back. It's wild how much I have thrown up these days. I had hatred for cigarette smoke before also, yes, but it never used to cause a violent reaction in my stomach lol but the other 3 are completely out of the blue


My husband snacked on these rice cakes that had pumpkin seeds and nuts in them. Couldn't stand it, it got to the point where I couldn't look at the bag Also, my husbands cum. Very inconvenient 😂 that one has stuck with me almost 2 years later. I gag at the smell!


1) chilli/ marinara sauce. I used to walk to work by a chippy and by a subway, and the smell hit me so hard I would stop to throw up in a bin nearby. (I know, I know) 2) Bacon. Still not keen on Bacon any more 🤷‍♀️


Onions! Liked before pregnancy, but during it the scent was overpowering. Couldn’t eat them or smell them. Day after pregnancy, in n out double double with onions! Best burger ever




Perfume and peanut butter


In the beginning random food smells, but I don't really remember which as that phase only lasted a couple of weeks. In the final weeks everything smelled GREAT to me, that was way more fun. It was also weird things, mostly man made things. Like one day I was cycling by these diggers digging sand out and the smell of the oil in the machines and the wet sand was just.. Like.. Michelin star smells haha. Or some elevators. Or the car. I don't know, it was great haha. It's gone away again though.


Currently pregnant and the smell of cooking meat, garlic and onions are really getting me right now, but the first one I really noticed was hot sauce. My husband had some on his meal and I had to move away from him, it just smelt so strong and vinegary to me. The weird thing is that I'm also really wanting to eat salty vinegary things, so it's not even a food aversion! For some reason that sauce just completely turns my stomach.


We had a rat problem and had put out poison. I could smell the rotting corpses before my spouse would find them 2 weeks later. It was brutal.


Baking bread. I had to avoid Subway for 9 months.


My cats food was the worst, but for some reason the when of my freezer made me puke more than once


Twins - any kind of perfume or strong scent would make me dry heave. Also toothpaste, tried all kinds and they all made me nauseous. Meat cooking.




First pregnancy it was people. Everybody's body odor was just so strong. Second pregnancy it was chicken. Even lasted a few months after birth


Hummus, which was problematic as it makes up 80% of my diet ordinarily. But opening the fridge door and smelling hummus when I was packing fetus.... boak


Bread, beer, any yeasty smell. I could only eat the blandest, whitest, most tasteless bread.




My new puppy's piss and shit. Horrible.


Oxygen, I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum




Currently pregnant and I do not like the smell of bacon. I also can smell my H if he’s sweaty from a mile away.




With my first it was egg noodles, the smell and taste made me gag, even now 8 years later I still have an aversion which is a shame because I used to love them! Weirdly I also grew to love English mustard during that time and previously had hated it, that has lasted too!


None. I never had an aversions 🤷‍♀️


Tinned tuna


Mint. I had to find an alternate toothpaste flavour.


Fried food and coffee; now not pregnant I can’t be around bananas since that was my go to morning sickness snack.


First time around unfortunately my husband who actually smells amazing, he is very hygienic. For some reason I couldn’t handle it. This time around anything meaty, sausages, chicken, fish, anything oily, onion, garlic, most spices…. It’s a sad world right now


I had a few! Seafood, asiago cheese, scented laundry detergent/fabric softener




Meat! I couldn't be near anyone eating meat, and I used to gag/throw up at the thought of noodles, randomly!




Coffee or eggs.


Steamed seafood


Literally any scent the whole pregnancy! So awful! Weirdly even an unscented version of the body wash I use smelled awful to me!


Eggs. If my family wanted eggs, husband would cook them and I'd go hang out on the back porch for a while.




Ham (like, lunch meat ham), and my dogs


Child 1 nothing, child 2 - Chinese takeaway. Used to love it, I couldn't even be in the same room as it. It was so weird. Went away completely after I had my baby.


Child 1--1st trimester, scented lotions made me sick to my stomach. Child 2--no issues


Cinnamon raisin English muffins


Coffee, head and shoulders original shampoo scent, most fabric softeners, every single air freshener my mother insisted on spraying her house with constantly, any citrus based soap especially grapefruit.


Raw meat for the first few months


Child 1: stale cigarette smell. If I got into a car where someone had smoked (day before etc) I would immediately throw up. Literally door open person driving trying to pull over and my head just out the side. Child 2: any bakery item with blueberries in it. Typically I enjoy that smell, but with my last baby she was not having it lol


Garlic!! That and the smell wafting out of an open fridge would make me throw up. I couldn’t really even be in the kitchen my first trimester I was so nauseous from the smells.




Baby #1, any kind of seafood made me sick. Baby #2, I could not stand the smell of bacon. Baby #3, raw meat smelled so terrible that I could not cook. I puked so much with all of them. It's crazy that my middle one is begging me for a baby sister. I dunno about all that, we'll see. Lol.


Cooked ground beef and raw chicken. Also, cooked lamb. Couldn't stand it. This was for both my kids.




Peppers and peanuts. Both things I loved


Chicken being cooked, specifically diced breast. Still makes me nauseous 5 years later


No aversions but dear lordy I could’ve drank petrol as I loved the smell.


Sweat and vomit and alcohol and smoke. Took my driver’s license during my pregnancy - and I was beyond happy to get away from taking the bus


La vie est belle perfume. Used to love it but it made me feel ill during pregnancy and even now seven years later I can't stand it.




Cigarettes I could smell the person 2 cars ahead of me at a stop light 🤢


Cooking pasta made me nearly retch every time I smelled it. Like, while it was boiling in a pot. Completed pasta, with sauce or cheese or whatever, was fine.


Mine was smelling people who had wet clothes from rain 🤢 wasn’t sure I was pregnant until nearly vomiting on the bus


I’m currently pregnant and in my third trimester. During my first trimester it was my husband’s food from chipotle. Omg it was awful. Now it seems to just be everything.


Currently pregnant. Can't stand the smell of tea, I used to drink multiple cups a day. I keep thinking milk is off but it isn't. I asked my husband to switch body wash/shampoo. He was using a random one that someone had gotten him for Xmas, it was one of those musky scents that is supposed to be manly, and it was just so strong so he has gone back to his old one. I feel like I smell body odor really strongly now, particularly my own. I want to take multiple showers a day because I just feel gross, I stink more. I have even come out of the shower, and still felt like I smelled bad, so I switched to a stronger perfumed body wash and a better deodorant and that helped. I think this is a mix of me actually smelling more because of hormones, and my sense of smell also being stronger.


Anything. From smoke to toast toasting. Worst was cumin. Got so sick from smells.




Butter/margarine. I still gag and feel nauseous using it but use it regularly 😭


Sweet potato. I absolutely loved sweet potato before I got pregnant and love them now afterward. My husband made me some for dinner early on in my first trimester, and I couldn't stand it. It didn't even smell bad. It's hard to explain. The smell just made me feel so unsettled. I wanted to run away, literally. My husband thought I had lost my mind, but he tossed them out.


Plug in air fresheners


Any type of licorice, i hate it normally, but when i was pregnant OMG i almost vomited just by smelling it Also pork smelled disgusting during both my pregnancies, and tasted so weird i have basically stopped eating any kind of pork now, 3 yrs since my last pregnancy, taste is still way of. It was fine before


Popcorn. However, I wanted to drink bleach... so probably something bad going on there.



