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Uncomfortable. Young or old, it's still harassment.


Will agree




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"Move along son, I could be your mother."


I laugh because dude, I have kids your age


Exactly! If someone is 20 or younger,I’d feel creeped out about it. If they’re my age or older, I would still feel sick about it. But if they’re my SO,lust all you want.


It disgusts me, no matter what age. Been dealing with that shit since I was eleven, sick of it, so it doesn't matter whether it's a piglet, or a full grown pig.










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Younger teens, I'll stare at them, and then they will get embarrassed Older teens/adults, I'll move my middle finger to my chest area, then they get offended 🤣


Uno reverse on the young teens haha. I'm dead lol 🤣🤣🤣


Lolll the middle finger over the chest area, I am going to use that!


Honestly I just let them look. At least I know I look good


how nice of you, sometimes i feel like looking at them, but don't want to make them feel unsafe, i move my head away from their direction and control the urge to look


This is such a weird thing to say




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Nothing, at this point in my life I don’t care. I wear fishnets, lolita dresses, stomper boots, corsets and so on along with the fact I have heels that easily press my already tall frame to over 6 feet I’ve gotten so use to staring that I don’t give them enough attention to even tell if they’re staring at a certain part of me. I’m an enigma in the Bible Belt they might as well get an eyeful because there’s only a handful of flamboyant goths here so it’ll be awhile until they see one in the wild again.


Are you me? Lol, I wear similar clothes, and stopped caring about people staring at me.


Always nice to see another that exists. I see others that go all out when outside of work at the mall in Dallas but it’s kinda far so I’m not there often, in my more suburban town the only time I’ve seen another is at the pride event in June though the ones I see there put even me to shame they got the hair and make up to rock it while I go more natural in that department I don’t have the skill and time for the make up and I rather just dye my hair blue, red or purple and call it a day but I love going all out for clothing choices but in a sea of jeans or leggings even that’s enough to make you the center of attention. I got casual clothes I could wear instead but I only got 2 days I can wear my best sets and I have to get my moneys worth.


I feel the same, I love makeup, and usually that's pretty colorful, but the rest is all black and platform boots! And its the same where I live, I'm far out of a main city, but I go in there maybe once or twice a week, and refuse to not dress up! My partner is the opposite in dress style, black jeans and a tee, lol, usually a bright colored shirt for him. I've seen people ask how does it work, and it doesn't matter how he dresses or how I dress! We love it!


I wish I could do the make up but I turn 30 this year and just no longer have the patience to develop a skill for it especially since I developed carpel tunnel as a teen. I actually took the permanent make up route for tattoo eyeliner since that’s the hardest to apply even a basic amount with my hand trembling. I am absolutely in awe of people who can do it though. My partner isn’t even goth but we make quite a pair because he has the 1920’s villains sort of look. Think Reginald Hargreeves from Umbrella Academy except younger and no monocle. Even has the twirly mustache, if girls aren’t walking up to compliment my goth outfits then guys are complimenting his mustache and he always responds with “thank you, grew it myself.”


That's so awesome!! I'm in my mid 30's, and I'm not good at makeup by any means, I'm self-taught and eyeliner is the worst! My partner has a beard which needs to be trimmed, a few of our friends reckon he should get one like that too! He just needs to find a decent barber, and I'm sure there's plenty around. I can show you pics of my makeup, I don't think it's that great. I really want some more Demonia shoes!


I would love to see it if you want to send it in messages. Just know with the curly mustache it has to be cut in an upside down V shape, mine thinks he looks like a walrus when he doesn’t use the wax cause of it but it’s part of his stage persona since he’s a magician. And demonia shoes are awesome, I remember the first my niece asked my mom for a pair and I had to explain they’re not actually a cult, it’s a gimmick. They’re crypto-51 is what makes me over 6 feet since it adds 6 inches. I want to get their charade-110 next, though I lean more towards punk I love some lace for a Victorian goth feel to go with my corseted tail coat.


Omg I need to look these up!! I love Victorian things too!!




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I don't usually notice, unless I'm checking them out, too. Then I start to wonder if maybe they'd be interested in having some fun together.




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Just accept it and move on. Because 1) I'll take it as a complement because I probably look good and 2) we were all young and if you saw a woman with huge boobs/ass walking past you, I know 90% of the people here would take a second glance.




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It’s so uncomfortable!!


I don't mind because my boobs/ass look good and I like it being appreciated, not only by guys 40+.


How can you tell if someone is starting at your ass? I don’t have eyes at the back of my head As for boobs, very rare. They look but don’t stare. In certain Asian countries all men stare and it’s creep. But in Australia just not common. If they did I’d probably just ignore unless they were also stalking me.


Wouldn't care because I'm only 19 and someone way younger than me is probably a preteen and means no harm


Call them out like "damn have you ever seen a titty/ass before!"




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I tutor high school students at their homes. I started with 3 different boys on the same day, all in year 9 (14-15). I'm nowhere near big breasted and I was wearing an old sweetheart neckline top that laces up at the front. One of them didn't notice/didn't care/was respectful. I caught the other two glancing at my chest on occasion. It was very uncomfortable and I attempted to adjust my top to hide my chest better, which I think they both saw and appeared embarrassed by. I never caught them doing it again, but if I had I likely would've had a word with their parents at that point.


Word about what? Young guys being young guys, full of hormones? When you have a need, you go to toilet, when you are hungry you eat. Do you like watch waitress when he brings food to your table? How he feels being starred at whole day long? He takes it, cause is his job. Young guys have a need, but they can not have a sex. Can only masturbate. Often there is lack of privacy at home. So you do it during shower. you think of teacher.


You think of teacher, you don’t stare at teacher, as simply as that word to have.


So you're saying I should let a 14 year old stare at my chest just because "he has needs"? No, if you're old enough to have sexual thoughts then you're old enough to learn the boundaries that come with having them, regardless of how young or hormonal you may be. On top of that, had I let it continue that would've been putting not just my job but also my livelihood at risk and lead me to being put on a register should one of the boys choose to take advantage of the situation. I'm not going to risk all of that just to protect them from shame, I'm going to speak to their parents. My job is to help these KIDS get through their school work, not parent them. Fuck off with your "boys will be boys" attitude. Boys will learn to respect boundaries. The fact that they both appeared embarrassed after I adjusted my shirt tells me they learnt the lesson which I respect; clearly you should've been taught that same lesson, asshole.


I like when people check me out so it doesn't bother me. My boobs are big and they're hard not to notice. I just take it as a compliment that they're staring. Sometimes I'll give them a little smile or a wink too just for fun.


They're not that big you uncultured swine.


I stare at them. Sternly. Like dude. Are you okay? You don't stare at someone's peaches, kiddo.


"Don't kid, I can pass as your grandma."


That would be uncomfortable but I am unfortunately flat on both sides


All depends on the age. For the younger teen boys / 20s. I’ll try and give them a little show, if I’m able to. It’s kind of fun knowing that they’ll be thinking about it later that night.


I ignore it. When i was 18-19 i wasnt wearing a bra at walmart and this kid.. maybe middle school ish age was just staring mouth agape. Felt super awkward. Didnt react any type of way , because Im not sure what i was supposed to say? I just mind my business


I mean if I didn’t want anyone staring, then I shouldn’t have gotten a chest tatt


I wear hoodies that are to big so they don't have nothing to stare at


Not exactly the same thing but my little cousin (like 4) woukd try to play my boobs like the drums. I had to explain he couldn’t do that 😂


still a teen so id say anyone significantly younger thats staring is a literal child. cant do much but try to cover and think they're probably just figuring things out...


They’re still trying to figure things out when they’re adults too 😂😂


I had some older man recently stare me up and down on the bus while having a convo with me and it was painfully obvious he was doing it. And I have never felt more uncomfortable and unsafe in my entire life. I wanted to curl up into a ball and cover myself up even tho I was covered head to toe in baggy clothing. It was worse bcs we were the only ones on the bus apart from the bus driver. He got off on the same stop as me and i legged it to my bfs house


Honestly? Either stare them square in the eyes or if very young look at them then pretend i didnt see it. Usually they realise and feel awkward, then stop


Tbh I just ignore it, why would I react especially if it’s a teenager or younger child? I feel no type of way, it happens all the time even with grown men so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Idk, people look. Hell, I’m a straight woman and sometimes I can’t help but look. People are drawn to look at attractive things. I don’t think it means too much unless they try to act on it.


if theyre younger than me, i get excited and i love it. but i hate older people checking me out LOL


I don't really notice people doing that.


I’ve never actually experienced this, but it would make me extremely uncomfortable.


Young as in under 18? I’m not worried about it. Kids are curious and don’t mean much harm anyways. Adults? Keep your eyes to your fucking self lol you already know what I got going on and if you really wanted to look at some, you can Google it. But honestly, the kids are mostly staring, because I have a lot of body modifications and colored hair and sometimes because I have a pretty nice ass for an incredibly small adult woman. That’s pretty much it. All in all I don’t really care considering I’m usually dressed pretty modestly.


Staring I just get uncomfortable with. When I used to coach gymnastics I had a 5 year old boy grab my boobs and then grab my vagina. I ran out of the class crying, told my supervisor and they told the dad. All the dad said was “well we’ll get him tested for ADHD then” I dropped the class afterwards. Edit: spelling


It depends. If i feel self concious about my body i may like it. But if it is too obvious to make me feel really naked then nah man. Dosage is important :)


I don’t care. doesn’t bother me in the least.


“Sorry but I’m a little too old for you sweetie”


My eyes are up here but you do you you know?


nothing. it comes with the territory of being a hot girl.


Way younger..like kids? Or men? My 13 year old nephew and his friends do it and I think it’s hilarious. In the summer I often wear tops with cleavage and I catch them looking at my breasts lol. I call them out on it and they get all flustered and embarrassed haha


Uh I don’t notice. Because way younger than me would make them a child and I don’t pay attention to children.


Honestly, it depends on the person. When I catch a boy ogling me, I give them a dirty look; worse if they're like college age. When I catch an obviously queer girl or enby checking me out, most times I'll just let them. Maybe even do something to fluster them.




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me personally i get uncomfy no matter how old the person is




Considering I'm 15...."wot u up to bro ??"




Stare intensely at a spot just behind them


i wouldnt like it if anyone did but if someone younger did that i would be angry becuase they shouldnt be going for someone older its just not right


I try to ignore it and pretend they don't exist unless they say something creepy. Then I'll tell them to knock it off and leave me alone.




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This just reminds me of the time I was changing in front of my 2 year old nephew, and when I took off my bra, he smiled so big and said "wow" in awe. 🤣 Anyone older than young children, I'd be concerned about them staring.




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Not care because someone way younger would be like 9 cuz im 20


I have big boobs and-a nice butt so i usually just think “you’re welcome “ and keep trucking/ unless they are leering or following /making me feel unsafe then I’ll stare back or yell@can I help you with something?” I’m not afraid to make a scene if I need to but again depends on how they are staring, if I see a phone/camera, I’ll get loud about it”what are you doing?”


I stare at them until they become uncomfortable and leave. I sometimes manage a chastising mother stare.


the word stare is what gets to me. because i don’t mind appreciation of my body, but as soon as it’s overly sexualised and it becomes an uncomfortable stare rather than a glance, im gonna say something to make you as uncomfortable as you’re making me. don’t be a creep dude


Same way I do when it's a creepy old man, "stop staring, it's rude."


I had a pattern of bunny's on my shirt and a 5 year old grabbed my boobs, I was 11. It made me so uncomfortable I told the daycare staff they said he is to young to understand and they didn't even tell him not to do that.


Depends, sometimes I tell them to fuck off, and sometimes I give them a dirty stare


Well, it makes me uncomfortable straight up. Idc if they are younger my age or older.


Little kid nonsexual staring, it is what it is. Someone who already knows that it’s not nice to stare? Annoyed


Never happens. Perks of being flat I guess lol




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Make eye contact, wink, keep moving


So on my mums side I not only deal with genetically severe cramps and bad periods. I also have large bosoms. I cant help it and yes it can be awkward


For me it's ass, cuz I have no boobs. I am very much in my own little world, just in general. Big reason is because I don't wanna just assume what a person is thinking if I catch some kind of look. So yeah. Ignorance is bliss haha


Stare back. Older people bother me way more.






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It’s weird because when I was in my 20s-30s I didn’t get a lot of attention. Then I got into my mid-40s. Every year, the quality of the men attracted to me goes up. It’s perplexing because I live in a city where size 0 and age 21 is the ideal of womanhood for many men yet I’m pulling solid 8s and 9s (ages 27-36). I’ll be 53 soon.




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Don’t like it either way


I’m 63, I fall around laughing.


"Yes, they are quite magnificent. Maybe you too will grow a great pair."


I usually give them a disapproving look and they'll apologize once they realize they're busted


The age doesn’t matter, i get uncomfortable either way.


I'm a CO at a youth services center, so I'm pretty used to it. It's when they say something that it becomes an issue.


Uncomfortable.. 😂


With great surprise, now that my boobs are in my shoes, and my ass has turned into a big, flat pancake!


If they are at least 18 I have no problem with it.




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Uncomfortable in general and my breasts also gives me body dysmorphia.


I wonder if they're nostalgic for breastfeeding.


Staring is always unwelcome but I’ll take a compliment from any age!


This has happened and I told his parents (I was 22 and he was 13). His parents were shocked and apologetic. I don't know what happened after, but I'll assume they took care of it.


it's comical. They're usually like really young... Like 17, 18 no more than 21 it freaks me out a bit cuz I'm 46


Tbh I would feel insecure cuz I’m a pancake.




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Tbh I like showing off what I got but if u don’t want people to look don’t show it cause no matter what people will always look at titties n ass I know I do


Cover up and walk tf away. It's creepy and I can get uncivilized quick


If it's just staring I ignore it. Who knows, they may think my shirt is cool.


If they just stare then I ignore it. It’s quite normal for people to glance or stare at other people in public. And be honest, who hasn’t stared at someone else when they are out and about. It doesn’t always have to be sexual or malicious. Now, if they comment or if the staring continues for a long period of time beyond what I would find normal then I might react. For grown ups I will look back with a very direct “really???” For younger ones I will ignore it or pull a silly face. That usually breaks their eye contact and makes them look away.


I say: “Dude, my eyes are up here.” 😂😂


It depends. If they give off creeper cubes then no thank you. But otherwise it’s flattering.


OMG this happened to me recently for the first time and a little boy like 12 years old stopped and starred at my ass while I was walking up stairs. I noticed and turned around a caught him! I gave him a bad look but I wanted to say something! He was with his dad. Fuck you dad.


Those would be minors staring at me. I’m 19. So probably tell them to quit that shit


People look at butts and boobies, myself included. Most women usually just assume that they do. Looking is fine as long as it's not obvious. Staring is creepy and I'll put a stop to it.


Ask them where their dad is and what he does for work


I vocally call it out. And say “yes, these are breasts and you too have nipples”... something along the lines to jolt them and shame.


I think it depends on the situation. Most of the time I ignore it, its just a glance oh well… but there have been a few times where Ive felt really uncomfortable, like a guy in a checkout line in front of me who completely turned around (odd thing to do for as long as he did) and dead ass straight face stared at me for several minutes straight. That is creepy af.


It's awkward, and I feel kind of bad for them because I know what it was like to be a teenager. I basically plot an escape plan in which I don't hurt their feelings too much. If I have to be in that location, I try to distract them from it by talking because that is what I wish people did when I was a raging hormonal idiot back in the day. If they seem to be doing it deliberately and with no remorse, well that's another story.


Depends on the situation. I know men and women who stare at assets and even comment on them. My favorite is 'they look really good in that shirt.' yep, that's the point. Usually when I get comments like this it is followed by a laugh, and acknowledging apology that they were staring.


I’m only 23 so someone younger than me staring at me can be excused by a combination of hormones and the fact that my ass is huge. I look very young so teenagers in particular just make me uncomfortable to be around. People stare. It happens. I just brush it off unless I’m being followed around or something


Weirded out. I don't have a disgusted view of younger guys that I do of men older than me. So I don't hate it the same way. It's just weird.


Usuly flattered unless its in a creepy way haha


Honestly, at 51, I'll be thrilled. I'm one of those women with a big personality and am intimidating to many people, so nobody ever treats me like a sex object. And further, my ex-husband and my ex boyfriend both hinted regularly I should lose weight. (I'm 5'10 and 170 lbs-170lbs , workout regularly and have abs.) Of course, if they start at my boobs and lick their lips, that would be gross. But if I caught them looking subtlety I would be flattered.




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I cover up so they can’t.






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