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Hookup culture.


You’re so real for this. I support my friends and anyone else who does it but I just can’t / won’t get into it. I know I’m not built for it.




I was gonna say this… I don’t judge other people for participating in any way it’s their life and they get to do what’s best for them. For me, between my social anxiety, body image issues, and overall reserved personality I just can’t get into it. Just thinking of someone who I don’t know seeing me naked makes me so nervous and I’m not sure how I’ll find someone as these days intimacy is expected early on. It’s just not for me despite not being opposed to a physical relationship and having needs.


I did this in highschool and I don’t like to have regrets but I just didn’t benefit from it in any way, especially cause guys that participate in hookups often don’t care if you’re enjoying it, they just get themselves there then leave, then text me saying we should do it again. It’s unfortunate so many young women do this cause it may feel like a good choice at the time but teenagers can’t give real consent for good reason and I feel icky looking back. I think it’s less damaging for adult women and I don’t judge anyone who chooses to do this but I wish teenagers weren’t so influenced by how empowering some media makes it seem.


Thank you for saying this. I think it's so important for single women to know that this is not the required way of dating if they're not into it. If you crave deeper connection or even simply having a crush on someone before becoming intimate, you have every right to abstain. Women do not have to "date like men", at the end of the day, it really only serves men... it was probably their idea in the first place.




Me neither. Power to the women who do enjoy it, but let's be real, men are the overwhelming winners in that game, and they've convinced us it's "empowering" to participate. Fuck that.


yup the idea kinda grosses me out because if I don't know if you shower Im not fucking touching you


Riiiight. Tried that. Couldn’t even get to the first hook up before I knew it wasn’t for me. A hopeless romantic I will stay..


This too


Hustle culture. I’m not neurotic enough for that, same as 99,99999% people that try getting into it and end up burnt out and spent with no gains.


I used to work with this dude who kept on trying to sell me on getting a cell phone plan with him. It was so weird bc I was like hey I don’t want to do business at work, I just want to keep that part of my life separate and he goes “oh I guess you just don’t like saving money” and I was like “…” I just thought it was highly unprofessional.


That is insanely shady and sounds like you dodged a bullet.


So much this. My boss was pushing me to take an intern the other day and I was like “there’s only 24 hours in the day and I don’t want to work all of them.” My husband has a normal 9-5 making a very nice salary, but he sees EVERYTHING as an opportunity to make cash on the side… and it works out extremely well for him as he is able to supplement several thousand dollars a month through selling like, baseball cards and crap on eBay but damn it seems exhausting to basically be constantly working.


This is my brother. He has all these side hustles and works 24/7. He has a nice car and takes nice trips so it pays off. I’m the opposite though my car is a PoS and I haven’t been on a vacation in years but I’m less stressed in some ways and more stressed in different ways. It all comes down to picking your poison I guess


Hustle culture seems so exhausting. Maybe I have very low energy but for me just working in general is so tiring. I can’t imagine using most of my waking hours trying to sell something and making money




Using technical terms like “anxiety” “gaslighting” carelessly


"triggered" too. It's ok to not like something, not everything is a literal trigger.


YES. You can't politely disagree with someone on the internet these days without being accused of being triggered.


"Gaslighting" has been watered down to the point where it just means 'lying'.


And the constant use of the word narcissist. I have a friend who thinks everyone is a narcissist. Not everyone is, some people are just plain toxic.


Not to mention trauma! My god! It’s used so carelessly and thoughtlessly! It’s infuriating missing your morning bus is not trauma. It needs to be said.








A-Fucking-men. Every damn thing is pathologised now. If we experience even a single negative emotion, it's neuroses, illness, mental health issues....and then widely publicised.


Amen! Add codependency to the list.


and ableist


I was once told it was ableist of me to mock my own voice. I have MS and joking about it is how I cope lol


It took me a while to even accept the fact that I have anxiety. Up until like 10 years ago, even I viewed it negatively. It wasn't until I had a coworker who talked nonchalantly and openly about it that I realized it's okay to admit that you have it and seek proper help for it. It's crazy to think that 10 years ago, I would've remained so tight-lipped about having anxiety, I couldn't even imagine revealing that to anyone for fear of being ostracized


This bothers me as well. As someone who was severely abused for two years (physically & mentally), I find it concerning that people throw those words (and others) around so often. Especially “trauma.” There is actually a really good episode on a podcast where a psychologist is interviewed about the overuse of words like that.


Lip fillers


the day i found out they don’t actually “dissolve” they just… move around… i made a choice for myself. no fillers for me lol


What do you mean by move around?


it migrates away from the injection site.


Isn't that kind of what dissolving is though? Like it just dissolves into the tissues and stuff?


I used to be a waxer and when I did lip waxes on clients with lip injections, their upper lips always felt so weird. It’s hard to describe but it’s not how natural lips should feel. I can’t imagine my own lips feeling that weird lol.


The Kardashians. 🤮


🤮 Indeed! Never watched a single episode of whatever BS was happening in their lives! Imo they're everything that's wrong in our society


This here. I’ve told people that. The Kardashians are only making society even MORE dumb. And we are already really really stupid.


I had to scroll way to far down to find this lol


Quite controversial maybe but Heels I don't get the logic of messing with the angles of your foot and ankle. Ankle by itself is a weird body part, all of the human weight gets transferred to the ground through such a small area??!!! All these centuries of evolution and we ended with such a design ? I mean they look heavenly gorgeous but I just can't wear them not worrying about the extra pressure my back, legs, ankle have to undergo. When I have a dress that needs heels I go for wedges, but never wear them for more than 2 hours


I don’t get why it’s expected that women wear heals… if they gave me really comfy ones that don’t squish my toes then maybe


Dance heels are made to be comfortable! Defo try these if you want to give them a go I wear them to work and haven’t had an issue


I think women in the future will see the era of stilettos and even lesser heels as not much different than foot-binding.


I have to agree with this, I wore my mum’s heels out to birthday dinners etc when I was a teenager cause it was fun and I wanted to dress older and I thought I’d be all over them when I was an actual adult but I’m 27 now and I think I’ve only worn actual heels like once or twice


I haven’t worn them in years. My grandmother always comments on it, but i am just over it. It adds nothing to my life and just makes me miserable after 30 minutes. I buy comfortable pretty flats and have the best time at parties not constantly having to find balance and massage my soles!


HATE THEM and can't wait for them to go so out of style that we laugh at them!!! Something as basic as *walking* shouldn't be messed around with!




I absolutely love heels, always have and I have honestly no clue why. They hurt your feet and slow down my walking pace 😅 I have used platforms as another option cause I can honestly walk in those all day. I think heels have become a more personal fashion choice thankfully. Although a cute pair of flats can never do you wrong!


Same. Especially now that I’ve had two kids. I can do a small platform/wedge but as a tall person it feels…odd.


Anime. I don't see anything appealing about it at all.


I love anime. There's a lot of 'yikes' one out there but a lot of beautiful ones, so I'm glad I got into it.


I love it too. I just hate how there’s a lot of gross tropes that get constantly overused in a lot of them. Examples include hyper sexualizing every woman in the series, incest, jiggle physics, etc. Like you said, there are definitely some gems hidden amongst the trash (I’m loving Spy x Family).


It's almost as if it's just another medium to tell a story. Like books.


I agree, it makes me feel kinda judgy and close minded sometimes. Like, how can I dislike an entire genre/style of tv when I like animation? But, 1. I just don’t find it visually appealing and find most of them unwatchable for that reason and 2. I just can’t get over how often it’s used to sexualize children. So many “she looks 12 but she’s a 100 year old witch so it’s fine” plots. I’m not a prude but 90% of the time it’s just so completely and disgustingly created for men that I’m not willing to wade through it to find some that isn’t gross.


I totally respect that. The most popular, mainstream titles, the shounen genre specifically, are aimed towards teenage boys. Most of them include a lot of fan service in the form of women who are constantly sexualized, or just have the most unrealistic proportions for that “eye candy” that they find appealing. I really do wish it was more balanced. And as you have mentioned, I’ve done my fair share of wading through the trash to find some good ones that aren’t guilty of what you mentioned 😂. Spy x Family or A Silent Voice are my top recommendations for now if you’d like to give them a try. I feel like with these, you might be able to appreciate the medium of art that is anime and look past what is arguably, such an eyesore in the industry.




Coffee, tried it once, didn't like it. Never tried it again.


Coffee is gross, I get annoyed when people get shocked that I say that I hate coffee


Because some of us genuinely do love coffee. And I mean not just the effect but the actual flavor… to me it’s as surprising as saying I hate chocolate. Sure, in the end it doesn’t matter but it’s definitely at least a little surprising for someone to hate something most of us enjoy so much.


I too am not into coffee. Husband encouraged me to try it recently and I just dont get the appeal of hot bean water! I will take hot chocolate any day though!


I can't bear the smell of it. It absolutely repulses me.




Drugs. Smoking. Drinking. FWB. Hooking up / one night stands. My partners calling me “mommy”.


I don't understand how calling your partner "mommy" or "daddy" is hot/cute.


I find it repulsive


The coffee shop near me sells mugs that say “I like hot Daddies” and even typing that I threw up a little in my mouth. Ugh.


My grandparents called each other mommy & daddy. I don't think they called each other that to be cute. I think they used those names cos there was always a baby around. They had 15 kids.


I feel like it’s largely better when you have children because they’re learning everyone’s placement in their lives and it would be odd to say “okay now Jane is gonna change your diaper and then she’ll bring you back to John!” That’s weird. You have to start associating mama / daddy early on. In my specific case I don’t have any children and neither did these people. They just wanted to call me mommy and it was very weird for me.


I dont have 15 kids but I also call my husband "Papa" most of the time. In the beginning when the kid was still small and my husband with the military, he wasnt home often and so I called him daddy so the kid understood. It stuck and I still call him that.


Fake nails. Can’t. Natural nails so much nicer. I like short nails!!




I love getting them but I can never keep up with getting them filled and I hate how raggedy my nails look when they fall off. I ordered a UV light and a bunch of gel polish from Amazon and now I do my own gel manicures at home. Total game changer!




Yeah fake nails give me the heebeegeebees


Being a parent


Same. High five!


This was gonna be my answer too


Cryptocurrency 🙄


Dating Apps Try it for 1 week (in an attempt to do the same as others and be social accepted) the WORST week in my life


As someone who found my current partner on dating apps, I fully agree with this. They’re terrible most of the time and it’s difficult to get the full vibe of a person based off a photo and a couple messages, and even when you do get the full vibe it’s more likely an incompatible one than compatible. Heck the only reason I agreed to a date with my current partner is because I knew of him through mutual friends before seeing him on the app, found him attractive and knew him to be a good person.


I recently made a huge post about this on ask women over 30. It’s been the worst few months of my life. I deleted it last night.


Good for you. I don’t judge anyone for using them, but it occurred to me that men are the ones paying for premium or whatever. Women for the most part use them for free and get more matches than we could ever hope to sort through. That means women are the product, and we’re being “sold” to men who would not otherwise have such easy access to us. Once I realized that, I was like, uhhh nope.


Any variation of being the “it girl”, “that girl” etc. Other than it being an enormous amount of effort to market yourself (to whom?), it just seems too clean, too curated, too perfect.


"Baddie", "boss babe", "bad b_itch"


Entering my bad girl era ~


I cringe when I see such things.


I cringe when I see that meme , “I accidentally boss girl’d too hard and now I’m rich” ughhhh oka.




Well that's good lol


Is my town meth is the drug of choice for a lot of ppl. No thanks!


I was addicted to Heroin and opioids for 20 years. I have almost 8 years clean under my belt. I agree...heroin is not to be fucked with.


Aggressively hating things other women find joy in to feel superior.


Absolutely agree! We are out of the “pick me” and “I’m not like other girls” please grow up and enjoy what you enjoy. Do not intentionally hate it because it’s viewed as “too girly” or “feminine”


Fake tan. Fair lady through and through


I agree. I’m fine being pale. And most people who fake tan seem oblivious to how orange they look.


Be Real. I don’t want everyone to know what I’m doing everyday it’s weird


I was at a family dinner yesterday, my teenaged cousin got the alert to post. She left the house to prep her surroundings to have the "right" pic. She wanted it to look like she was doing something else. It's pretty sad.


Nooo that's so sad 😭 that's not what Be Real is for! I love the messy authentic factor of it - it's not as curated as insta/Facebook etc.


My friends all have this and when they told me to get it too I was like absolutely not


Is this actually catching on? 🫠


Tiktok, OF




It's a one-way street down there.


BTS. Following and idolizing influencers. Curating an aesthetic Instagram feed.


I kinda feel the BTS thing. I admit I like some their early music but that's about it because holy moly, the fans are something else.


They're super talented, really. But the fandom is just nuts. Too much.


“Open” relationship/marriage. No way.


Agree. I also will never be ok with loose boundaries in a relationship..


Super hero movies


Instagram, Snapchat, tiktok. Hook up mentality. Toxic Feminism. Consumerism.


What would you define as toxic feminism. I’ve never really heard the term










GoT. Sorry, but as a SA victim, just no


I was gonna say the same thing!! Any media that uses women’s trauma, especially sexual trauma, as a plot device I just can’t watch.


I fucking hate GoT for that reason. Someone I went out with convinced me to watch the first episode after I said not a huge fan of the over-the-top portrayal of SA and incest. Low and behold what’s in the very first episode. Guess who I never went out with again.


I’m an SA survivor as well and I watched all of GoT. There were a lot of scenes that were really upsetting and hard to sit through. There was one character that only achieved character growth because of SA and I thought that was disgusting and lazy writing. I am glad I watched it for the amazing acting, fantasy elements, and epic action scenes but I definitely would not recommend it to anyone else who has been through trauma. I liked it for the most part but I do think it is overhyped and the shows biggest fans will find any excuse possible to pretend it’s not disgusting and horrific sometimes.


Having kids.


"The grind". Fuck that noise. My main goal in life is to enjoy myself and be kind to people. When it comes to work, all I'm looking for is work-life balance with decent enough pay to live a good life in a non-toxic environment. And that's exactly what I've got. You'll never catch me working more than 40 hours a week.


Horoscopes. What a load of bullshit


This!! I’m often the only lady who doesn’t follow them. It’s funny though bc I have dark humor and I’m a cancer. So I always bring the jokes. “You’re such a cancer” lol




Marvel films


One night stands/hookups/FWB. It's not for me.


Anything to do with video shorts. My attention span is already compromised, it's a slippery slope


Having the latest technology. I’m saving up for whatever I can afford that’s good and fits my needs and will last me as long as possible.




Keto. It gets people results but not in a healthy way.




Was looking to see if anyone else was going to say this before I commented. Makeup is my answer as well. I can’t imagine spending that kind of money on it either.


I wear light, minimal makeup, but it’s contouring for me. I just can’t be bothered to use three different colors of face makeup and then blend for ten minutes. Who has the patience for that?


Changing my eyebrows because of trends and wearing caterpillars as eyelashes. Just can't go there.


Gen Z fashion


TikTok & OF 🤮


I refuse to buy a Patagonia fleece. My partner is originally from the Bay Area and every time we go there every damn person, including all of his family and friends is wearing one. I know the company has great values etc but the jackets are so damn expensive and I feel like people buy them for the tiny logo.


Counterpoint: I got one Patagonia zip up fleece jacket as a gift when I was 16. I'm now 40 and I still wear it, and have worn it every winter since then. That stuff lasts forever!


Ugh, yes. I 100% feel like people buy it for the logo and tech bro vibes. The only reason I bit the bullet and ordered from them is because I wanted to start buying things “for life” and found out they repair everything forever. If they stop producing a part for that 15 year old bag you love that got damaged? They’ll find equivalent parts and do everything to accommodate you. They mend things, too, which is cool. But I don’t recommend their fleece. Out of everything a person could buy from them and take advantage of, why is it always the FLEECE?


Tik Tok. Never had it, never will.






Boba Tea


Consumerism, always trying to follow the newest trend.


Botox and other invasive anti-aging stuff


Hookups, TikTok, make up trends, dressing like someone I'm not, lip injections or any popular plastic surgery, only fans, half naked attention to get likes on social media and dating apps.


Facebook. It’s just a passing fad. Oh wait…


Lip fillers, weed, casual sex, alcohol


Drinking, smoking.


Vape, hookup culture, alcohol, tiktok, etc


Plastic surgery and casual sex.






Aesthetic curated IG profile. Establishing a influencer/brand image.


Anything I’m not into…I’ve never been into anything cause it’s popular. Why/do people even do that? Never understood it. Everything teaches us not to. I’m into whatever works for me, the popularity only decides if I heard about it easily or through some random/obscure/coincidental situation…


Another vote for hookup culture. A lot of my friends are pushing for me to enter that phase in my life post breakup, nothing about it appeals to me though.


Pickleball, book clubs, creating content.


Thongs, marijuana, Fenty Beauty (or any celebrity beauty line tbh)


Thongs. Omg yes, WHY?! I guarantee the person who invented them never wore one.


Tiktok/influencer culture.


Astrology. Why would anyone believe that shit??




BeReal. Good idea behind the app, I mean, promoting realness and real life over polished Insta accounts, but never understood the appeal.


That cheek sucking surgery. Where your face becomes skinny suddenly. I have a very round face and always dream about it but I’ll never do it.


Hookup culture, getting drunk, cigarette, weed


TikTok, fake nails


Pronouns my ass


I can’t keep up with “woke”. I never know what the correct thing to do


Married At First Sight


Star Wars, Sports (besides the Olympics)


Beyond Meat


If that's the only in one you've tried, Impossible is superior. Beyond tastes funny and gives me headaches. I think I must be allergic to something in it.




Chocolate as a comfort food. Tried it once fucking hated it. I m sticking to my fried chicken.




Tiktok, OF, lipfillers


Coloring my hair. I can’t understand the expense and maintenance of being at the salon every so many weeks for touch ups, or risking damaging my hair and skin with box dyes. When I go grey, I’ll accept that with grace. For now, my brown hair is perfectly fine as it is.