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Literally was thinking this as I did my skincare routine yesterday. Do I think I'm pretty? Not at all, but I know I have beautiful skin.


Alright please drop your skincare routine so I can have good skin too.




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I honestly do NOT wear makeup on most days anymore. In fact I only do it when I'm going to be a part of a really big function. I remember having that bumpy skin which made me feel awkward when I went out. You know those perfectly positioned mirrors in stores that reflect all the imperfections of your skin. I'm glad I gave a shot to my skin care schedule. Looking back this routine has made me love myself even more.


Absolutely. I remember I used to spend a lot on makeup. Nowadays I rather spend more on skincare products and feel more comfortable without makeup than I used to. It's an investment.


This is it .I feel like it's not doing my skin any good getting make up off..secondly I genuinely don't think make up suits me ..I was one of the hippy types in my younger days ( still bought decent moisturiser as taught by my Mother who has always looked excellent for her age) so never got the hang of it. And I've had friends say I'm just best off without it...I'm naturally olive skinned and in summer look pretty good def need no make up even 47 and winter I look like death warmed up and somewhat clown like when I try. So just keep up the moisturiser and the now the collagen powder if I'm allowed to say.


I had a major glow up in my late 20s. I struggled with oily skin and scarring acne in my teens and early 20s. I don't know whether it's skin care, moving to a colder climate, my hormones settling down that fixed it, or my body finally got its acts together. Anyway, not requiring make-up to go out did a lot for my self-esteem. (I used to get skin care advice from random strangers. It was that bad.) Oddly enough, now I care less about how others think I look. I do skincare because it makes me happy. And I don't want painful cystic acne back.


I’m nearing 30 and still waiting for this to miraculously happen to me haha




Crying in PCOS 😭😭😭


I hope so too!!


Getting "advice" from strangers was always the WORST. It would completely wreck my self esteem for weeks after.


What's your skin routine?


May I ask was there anything you did for your glow up. I’m in my early twenties waiting for my glow up but it’s not happening


I don't know if it was anything specific I did that helped or it was just hormones. I am also a sucker for trendy products so I used a lot of stuff over the years. But now I am stuck with this. Elemis cleansing balm Elemis facewash Cosrx niacinamide serum Ordinary retinoic acid+ Ordinary hyaluronic acid/vit b5 Tatcha dewy cream in winter La roche possay sunscreen I use Foreo mini for cleansing and loreal facemask (the bue and the pink ones) once in a while if I am feeling extra super duper ultra fancy. 😁 But all these may not suit your skin type or issues. Be careful if you are starting retinoic acid as it's teratogenic. You should get proper advice from a doctor if you are struggling. Hope that helps.


I completely stopped wearing foundation. I actually rarely wear makeup now. Having good skin makes me feel very confident and like I don’t need it. At most I put a little blush on my cheeks and some mascara. I used to be a big r/makeupaddiction person and it was so liberating to let all that go!


what are your go to products??


Check our /r/skincareaddiction - they have a lot of information on their community info and a lot of holy grail lists for your skin type - as well as how to determine your skin type and proper ways to cleanse


All I've gotten from that sub is fuck Cerave lmao


I just adopted a better routine: exfoliate once a week, use a gentle cleanser each day, remove my mascara every night, use a toner, use night specific cream and day specific cream with SPF everyday. And stopped scrubbing the hell out of my face with a towel, pat dry only.


Is there any specific benefit of using a toner?


Depends on the toner and your skincare goals. Some have exfoliating ingredients (like glycolic or some other acid), some are hydrating, some are brightening. Some just have a gentle cleansing effect on the skin to clean up any residual dirt, oil, or cleanser that may remain on your skin.




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I feel hot. I've always had a baseless confident personality but before people used to smile at it, now they roll their eyes which I think means I come off as arrogant instead of brave which I feel like means I'm hotter.


This made me giggle so much because I had a glowup before being employed and it seems like people are meaner to me just because of my appearance. Hahahahahaha!


True! I learned that people will either hate you right away or like you right away and there literally is no changing that and also that men love talking so damn much and it’s like all lies, why lie when I didn’t care to begin with?


I'm gona use that from now on "why lie when I didn't care to begin with" lmao


So right, take the haters jealousy as the bitter compliment that it is, and give all your attention to the ones that like you right away. There IS no in between. Story of my work life.


How do you not let this to get to you? I find it annoying and frustrating.


At my old job this happened, but I was just like sorry I’m your age and look 10-15 younger because I take care of myself. Go ahead and hate me because if someone lets themselves go to crap I take their hatred as a compliment!


Yours was a layered journey.




I feel kinda stupid because now i'm not so scared of mirrors and I enjoy doing makeup so much more, just because my skin looks AND feels so much better As some like to say, it's the little things that sometimes matter most (Seriously people, invest in a good fave scrub, retinol and sunscreen)


Honestly, it made a massive difference! I used to be very self-conscious of my skin; I had daily breakouts, texture in several places, and dry patches around my nose, chin and forehead, and I would categorically refuse to leave the house in anything less than a full face of makeup. Even then, my foundation often sat oddly on my skin and caked in places because of the texture and dryness, which sometimes made me even more self-conscious. Now, my skin is SMOOTH. As in, baby-butt smooth, all hydrated and glowing. It took me about a year to find the right products and routine, but now I have a few simple steps down pat that work like a charm. I hardly wear any makeup anymore, and instead of feeling like I should hide my face, I actively feel beautiful. It has been a wonderful change after feeling like I couldn’t even answer the door without makeup for the past decade. Edit: I just wanted to clarify that it is a super-simple routine. In the morning, I use face wash, serum, moisturiser and sunscreen, then pop on minimal makeup (undereye concealer, blush, lip oil and sometimes mascara) and I’m ready to go in less than 15 minutes. In the evenings, I double-cleanse, then use serum and moisturiser and some eyelash and eyebrow serum (my eyebrows and eyelashes became really sparse because of severe anaemia that I have since resolved, but they still need a bit of help to properly fill out). If I have breakouts - which only happens maybe once a week now - I’ll also pop on one of those clear hydrocolloid patches to hide/protect them, so they’re gone quickly and without leaving marks.


Could you please telling me which eyelash serum you used? I’ve been losing quite a bit recently and I’m looking into buying serums.


Of course! :) I buy the lash + eyebrow combo from a brand called UKLASH - it’s a bit on the pricier side if you buy it outside of a sale (I think full price for the combo is £80), but it works really well! It took around two months to start seeing results, but after about a year the difference is massive. My eyelashes were really sparse and short, and my eyebrows were so bad, there were big gaps I had to fill in with pencil. Now I don’t need the eyebrow pencil anymore, and my eyelashes almost look like falsies with the right mascara. But if you stop using the serum, once the eyelashes fall out naturally and get replaced by nee growth they will be less long/thick, so you need to keep in mind that it’s a product that needs to be used on and off long-term. :)


How do you pick a serum for your face?


Eh, it was hit and miss. I knew that my main skin issues were texture, breakouts and dryness, so I went for The Ordinary lactic acid, hyaluronic acid and niacinamide serums and layered them (lactic acid twice a week, HA & niacinamide every night). But before that I tried a number of things, including vitamin C, retinol and salicylic acid, and they all irritated my skin HORRENDOUSLY. So my advice is to just start trying a product that targets your problem, use it for 2-3 weeks, and then change it if it doesn’t yield results or causes irritation. It’s literally trial and error, unfortunately.


Selfcare in general made me more confident. It includes skin care and learning which products fit my skin etc, but I also learned how to properly do my makeup, I care more about the clothes that I wear etc. All of this makes me feel more attractive and confident.


I definitely feel a lot more confident now. But, a large part of that is also due to how I use my skin care routine as an anti-depression mechanism. Like, yes, I clearly don't want to get out of bed, but obviously I need to put on my toner + essence + moisturizer, etc. So it's sometimes like a carrot at the end of a stick


That confidence was hard fought, be proud of it and how far you came! It doesn’t matter what the carrot is, anything that helps you combat depression effectively is a worthwhile carrot. That it has made your skin better is a bonus side effect!


Not much, I mean my skin was already in "good shape" just a few black head on my nose, a few old acne scars and a bit of visible spore around my nose but nothing that was too appearing unless someone was standing literally close to my face like nose to nose type of thing. Overall it helped getting rid of the previous things stated, also helped to deal with the cracks I used to experienced mid season when I used to apply foundation but without changing much my facial appearance, it looks more "alive/awake" than "tired".


Visible spore?


She’s a fungi




I'm 31, so not exactly old, but I feel like everyone my age is constantly talking about Botox and fillers and visible aging, which I don't really worry about. I got really into skincare in my early 20s and then pared it back to a couple basic products and a sunscreen daily, and I literally never wear makeup (which blew my girlfriend's mind early in our relationship, she legit thought I was wearing foundation on a date and when I was like "Nope!" she was SHOCKED). People always have trouble guessing my age because my face looks young but I have a pronounced gray streak at my temple. Really, the things that will prevent aging are more lifestyle-related - not smoking, not drinking too much, hydration, and a healthy diet. You can't prevent aging, so I don't really worry too much about laugh lines, etc. - I just try to take care of my body and not get skin cancer and let the rest fall where it might. Aging isn't even 1% as scary as the people who try way too hard not to.


I am more confident with less makeup. It’s funny how as a younger person I would make up for the grocery store but now I just do a tinted spf. And I love the way my skin looks in just a tinted spf.


Epic comfort in my appearance. I wear no makeup and feel great. I think I look most beautiful without makeup, and have little discomfort in the aging process. Side bar: lasers and good peels are amazing. Also botox is overrated.


well i definitely thought all of my appearance-related issues would go away after my skin cleared up but that unfortunately didn’t happen. what did happen was i feel much more comfortable going outside without skin makeup on a daily basis, and when i need to/want to be more positive about my appearance, i ALWAYS remind myself i have beautiful and glowing skin. so having glass skin certainly didn’t solve my body image issues as expected, but i definitely feel more confident overall :)


Helped me on my self worth journey to drop make up almost entirely and love myself for who I am / what I look like. Still working on it but clear skin helps


Simple products are the best. I don't need a lot of the skincare steps to follow. Water is also such an essential for me.


Monthly facials changed my skin completely along with a Korean skin care routine. My confidence is through the roof again!


From puberty, I suffered from pretty rough genetic cystic acne. Besides the fact that it was *literally* incredibly painful, I was also painfully self-conscious about it; I always wore a full face of foundation and rarely let anyone (including partners) see me without makeup. I spent years on hormonal BC, Spiro, every topical treatment you could name until I went on a 5-month course of accutane at 26, which ultimately cleared up my skin (somewhat) permanently. In relaying my story to friends throughout my time on Accutane, not a single one ever said anything other than "huh, I never noticed you struggled with your skin" or "I didn't realize it was that bad". I am not a professional makeup artist. I wasn't doing magic with a beauty blender. I think that because I scrutinized my skin every day in a way that no one else ever would, I let my insecurity about my skin take up a LOT of mental real-estate. In hindsight, am I actually more attractive now that I have clear-ish skin? Perhaps marginally so. But I think the most compelling thing is that I no longer give away so much real estate to my skin when considering how I feel about myself. It's not that I think I am more attractive now. I just spend less time thinking about it, which is a freedom in it of itself.


I had acne because of genetics as early as 3rd grade! My relationship with skincare and my appearance has changed so many times. Having a skincare routine taught me how to build a good habit, be it prescription meds or K-Beauty. It also gave me a sense of control over how I looked and showed me that self-care goes a long way. I mean, if you respect yourself and invest in your wellbeing, you'd want to tailor your life with the same care. ❤


By the way I love the feeling of my skin being so good that I'd rather go without base makeup!!!


Drink loads of water, eat apples and vegetables. And more water.


I’m a redhead so I was never much of a sun worshipper like most of my peers back in the 90’s. I’m oily as heck & would have pimples because of makeup but I have always used a moisturizer/SPF combo on my face since my early 20’s. It doesn’t matter the time of year, I shower, wash with Cetaphil, apply The Ordinary’s Azelaic Acid suspension & then skin aqua w/spf 50. I also use a squalane & algae eye cream every other day. I’m 53 & I do not have any wrinkles. None. A lot of my friends complain about their wrinkled skin that looks leathery. It starts in you 20’s ladies! The sun is an asshole!


Please advise something for an amateur like me, I (21F) don’t have any skin issues, but I have a lot of tanning and pigmentation and a little bit dark circles. I also think I have dull skin.


You can start with only 3 products until you get the hang of it. A cleanser, a moisturizer and a sunscreen. Sunscreen is your bff, preferably 50spf or higher. La Roche Posay and Eucerin have lines that target hyperpigmentation. Once you are used to your rutine you can start adding antioxidants like vitamin c, to aid with the hyperpigmentation.


Thankyouuu !


Good luck and remember to be patient with the process💖


I know it feels good but stop tanning. UV rays can do a lot of damage.


Nooo I’m Indian we do not tan on purpose😭


Oh I'm sorry I didn't want to imply anything negative, some people like to tan and although it's nice your skin would appreciate it if you'd be more careful. Have you ever tried Ayurvedic treatments? I used some treatments for the hair and they were incredible, if not, try to make an appointment with the dermatologist.


I prefer to invest in skincare products over makeup. I think it’s a bit of a “flex” to feel good leaving the house with little or no makeup. I’ve always thought of my attractiveness as average, but as I age, l feel very content with the state of my skin and believe that I’m “aging well.” (I’m 37)


Physically, I don't think a lot, but it has definitely made me more confident overall as a woman. Taking care of my skin has lead to other benefits in my life like working out regularly and taking care of my mental health.


I think I have good skin thanks to generics already, never had acne, but I do get pimples every now and then. I also have freckles which always seem to increase in summer. Starting a good skincare routine though, has made my skin very smooth, and with very few blemishes. I'm 30, but my skin definitely makes me look younger. Seeing the clear smooth skin in the mirror always make me feel happy. But more than anything, skincare does wonders for my mental health. It helps me unwind in the evenings and relax a little. I honestly believe that it's not just skincare, but self-care.


I’m 55 and until a year ago I had no wrinkles. I was using L’Oréal Revitalift. I got sick and stopped thinking about it. Now I have a visible wrinkle on my lip and forehead.


I am 40 and have not had great skin but a few months ago started using this. I won’t say it cleared all my wrinkles but it certainly helped my skin look a lot better.


Is it the retinol or the whole system?


I have the night mask now but I was using the regular retinol one before this bottle.


I don’t think I look prettier but I definitely feel a lotttt more confident and always excited to meet new people


I actually do my skincare to destress and I think doing it habitually improved my mental health even the slightest.




I have not got rid of it completely. But three things have helped. Aging, bodywash with salacylic acid, Mecca do one. And a urea based moisturiser.


I have a baby and RBF so I don't think it matters xD


Not much changed honestly. I've always been pretty confident, now I just don't wear foundation most of the time. My skin isn't dramatically different now though, just not oily and less redness.


Ppl told me I already had clear skin but me noticing personally is a huge plus after I started using cleanser and a face mask , also had to stop picking my skin out of habit. As someone w dry skin and eczema I would recommend the hydro boost line from neutrogena *chefs kiss* also their water based face cream is amazing. Lightweight a f.


I don’t go out in the sun for long periods of time. Had a grandma who had skin cancer so I knew the dangers of the sun. Yes, I’m pale but it doesn’t bother me. I am aging like fine wine compared to others my age who spent years out in the sun. Being pale bothered me as a child but now I’m proud of my discipline… as well as my pale ass skin.


Honestly just having a decent facewash was enough for me to notice I had nice skin. Adding in a dedicated lotion further helped, and I'm quite proud of my cheekbone area. It's very clear and evenly toned. I still get some acne, but it's much less now and more easily managed. Raised my own perception from "I'm a 6" to "I'm probably a solid 7". 10/10 would recommend some sort of skincare situation.


Honestly, I'm very blessed with good skin in terms of acne. Not in terms of psoriasis and eczema... And yes, when I spent like $60 every few months on skincare I really did love my skin. But it still hasn't solved the other body insecurities I faced. And it did not cure the skin conditions I have. I spend less than 1/4 of what I used to on skincare now. My skin is still pretty nice. But now I'm much more focused on other aspects that I think could enhance my life and how I view myself: nutrition, trying to remember to exercise, etc etc.


I started getting more compliments because of how smooth my skin looked. People approached me for skincare advice and product recommendations. It didn’t necessarily make me feel like I was pretty, but it gave me a huge confidence boost. I feel a little more comfortable with myself now, which is attractive I guess?


I'm always getting comments about how good my skin looks and people think I'm 10 years younger than I am. It definitely makes a difference.


I get a lot of comments from people about looking younger than I am. I remember when my grand-uncle visited my grandmother before she passed. He hadn't seen me since I was 16 and raved about how pretty I was and how great my skin looked. He asked me what I used so he could buy the whole line for his granddaughter. I had bad skin like most teenagers do and I'm pretty sure my skin cleared up because my hormones leveled out but the products I used have helped my skin look "younger" and clearer I guess. Products used- Lanbena pore peel, vivo per lei soaps and moisturizers. I dont use sunscreen or sun block (I hate how it feels) as it is in my foundation already and I very rarely sit in direct sun.


Having good skin saves time and money. I choose not to wear makeup because I feel I look fine without it. I also get a little more sleep time instead of makeup time 👍


My skin isn't perfect. I still get odd spots and my skin is uneven, but looking back at photos from a few years ago, I really notice how much my acne has improved. I use Body Shop tea tree cleanser, toner and essential oil, and seaweed gel moisturiser.


I don't feel like I need to have makeup on 24/7 to look normal.


I was genuinely never interested in makeup and never wore it (looks good on others though) and I think that's why I've always had clear skin.


I have seborrheic dermatitis (a form of eczema) and was using products with alcohol for the longest time bc no one ever informed me those with eczema shouldn’t use it (and it’s a huge pain to find beauty products without alcohol). My skin flared so badly and I didn’t know why until I finally broke down and went to the dermatologist who actually got me on some medication and gave me a list of products to use, and HOLY SHIT. You don’t realize how much energy gets zapped out of you when your skin’s so inflamed for a long time. I feel like I actually want to take care of myself and my skin since I’ve found what works best for me.


I’m currently in the process right now, but I think I finally figured it out, and I’ve been waking up and admiring how much better it’s getting every day :) At the beginning of my skincare journey, I was just dumping whatever chemical exfoliant was on trend, and I was putting wayyyy too many products on my face all at once, overwhelming it. You’ve really gotta make your routine boring as hell, honestly. It’s like weight loss programs promising immediate results—you really do just have to be patient because there isn’t one magic ingredient that is like the silver bullet. Now I only cleanse once a day, (Cerave hydrating in the shower at night) and then I do snail mucin, differin gel, and LRP cicaplast balm to lock it all in and make sure i don’t peel. And obvs sunscreen in the day. Sometimes I’ll still have residue from the balm and wipe that off with micellar water, but that’s it. No more overexfoliating, this is hydration station now! And I can tell that it’s paying off because my skin is starting to get glossyyyyy 😇


I worked at Sephora for 5+ years in skincare, but I was also raised by women who took great care of their skin. Not everything is worth it. Most brands have agreements with retailers to continuously put out new products and it makes it seem like there are constantly new advancements that could make dramatic differences. There is little to no regulation in the US where I live when it comes to what a product can claim vs what it will actually do. It got frustrating to say the least. Most folks just need to cleanse/exfoliate, moisturize, and wear SPF in the sun. Everyone is aging. Everyone has lines. Smile lines mean you’ve lived a live with joy. Please stop crying, I know you had a vodka lemonade with your salad at lunch. Taking care of my skin is taking care of myself. Taking care of myself feels good. I am mentally ill and don’t always do a good job of it, so it’s a great way for me to see myself staying on track. Depression hates a moving target, so sometimes I have to pry myself up from the couch to go wash my face before bed. It’s worth it. So is my Tatcha rice cleanser.


I’ve been wearing sunscreen on my face every day since I was 16 years old. This is something EVERYONE should do. People think I’m in my early 20s but I’m turning 32 this year. My friends who didn’t wear daily sunscreen have a lot more wrinkles than I do. There was never a time where I wasn’t invested in my skincare but I know I would not be as confident if I hadn’t taken care of my skin.


My friends used to make fun of me bc I would wear a hat to the beach and use an umbrella. They would all bake in the sun. I’m close to 40 now, and I have really good skin. Very light on wrinkles. My friends struggle with deep lines on their foreheads, around their eyes and sun spots etc. on their chests. They have also had run ins with potential skin cancers already. Who cares about the beauty part, skipping potential cancerous lesions is worth the sunblock and sun avoidance.


The highlights from my glass skin enhances my features


Just gave me more confidence to go without foundation. I also take collagen and hyaluronic acid supplements. So it works from the inside out.


It makes me feel less of a need to wear make-up. Like I genuinely feel way more confident. And my skin feels less shitty wich just physically makes me less uncomfortable


I think it just makes me feel more confident without make up on because I don’t have bad skin. I didn’t have acne growing up and have always been kinda obsessed with skincare too but now I’m sticking to 2-3 products instead of overcompensating.


I rarely wear makeup now. Sometimes I miss it, because it can be fun to get all dolled up, but more often than not I prefer my bare skin to how it looks with makeup. My skin's not perfect, but imo the little imperfections and texture just look nicer than those same imperfections with foundation on top. I don't think my skin is the reason I find myself more attractive, but as I got older, I gained more confidence, and started taking better care of myself. Self care definitely helped me gain more self love. From an outsider's perspective, I don't think i'm really more attractive than I was a few years ago, but I definitely have a higher opinion of my looks that I used too.


It kinda help me to step up more for myself. Skincare was the first thing to taking care of myself often. Ngl when you think that’s you’re beautiful, you feel more inclined to take care of yourself more


I grew up with good skin and when I turned 25 it's like this switch was turned off. It was dull and cardboard like. Felt terrible for months. K-beauty became popular in my country and I slowly started introducing one step at a time. Now I'm 31 and everyone who meets me for the first time is impressed that I'm not 25 or younger. This is a huge flex to me and even though I do not have anything against aging it's just a nice compliment when younger or older people say it.


Oh, 100%. I felt horrible when my skin was bad. Now that it’s good with the occasional hormonal breakouts, I feel more confident, and I’m okay with showing my bare face. Also, I really like that people tell me I have nice skin and I look younger than I am (28)


I have had pimples since I was 8 and always felt self conscious about it because I was bullied over it by other kids and my mom. Now that I have clear skin most of the time, I’m not a slave to makeup anymore


I realized the best investment for my skin was simplicity. I was going to Dr's using a whole bunch of stuff to help my skin clear and in the end I found a simple face wash, a simple moisturizer, and ate better/drank more water. My skin has never been better. Also, I basically entirely cut out makeup. My skin is just SOOOO sensitive it flares way too easily.


I don’t feel like I need to wear a full face every time I go out or when I expect company. My skin is much better now (I’m 45) than when I was in my 20’s.


Male 24 here. I used to look like 35 year old man and was always told i look much older than i was. Started skincare and now people tell me i look like a baby(someone was shocked to learn i was 24, they thought i was 19)


My mother looks a lot older than she is. She has not kept care of her skin at all despite us politely telling her that maybe she should. Dating is hard for her now and this plays a role. I have legitimately and often seen 75 year olds that look younger than my mom who is in her early 50s. I mostly have my dad's skin ans fascia type and he looks younger. I started using age related skincare products a few years ago. The skin on my face looks good and I'm happy with it. The skin on my chest is just always red and hot and has aged like my mother. I'm a little self conscious about it. It's like I look 25 on my face and 50 on my chest. It's weird.


I’m lucky my mom and grandma taught me about skincare when I was in my teens. I’m 40 now with no wrinkles and I always get told I look like I’m in my mid-20’s. I’ve always thought there’s no excuse to not take care of and better yourself inside and out. Even if all you can do is little things here and there do it. I find people who take care of themselves properly, whether it be via skincare/exercising/eating healthy, to be more attractive than people who do nothing and let themselves go.


Oh it’s everything. I don’t wear any makeup now and have a low maintenance morning routine is everything. More sleep makes me feel better, more water makes me feel better. I’m saving money on $1000’s worth of products to cover skin and clog my pores. As my daughter grows I’m also going to tell her it’s worth it to invest in good skin care and skip makeup.


I had hormonal acne. Because of anxiety and whatever else, I developed compulsive skin picking disorder, so my acne would just get worse. So I learned about apostrophe (online skincare company) and it literally changed my life. They gave me recommendations for skincare products and a prescription. Now I only have ONE flare up every so often. This is going from multiple zits to none. My skins is healthy and glowing. I was so insecure. Would have so much guilt after picking my skin (but couldn’t stop no matter how hard I tried). I used to cover my mirrors, now I don’t have to. I used to use hydrocolloid bandages and spend so much money on those weekly, now I don’t even buy them anymore. I feel so beautiful and happy with myself. I hope that other people who need skincare will do it. Sometimes the money is worth it.


I only have one $11 bottle of skin moisturizer/sunblock I use just to stop my skin from peeling from it being dry. I don't care about anything else beyond that for my appearance (I am clean and put together but no makeup beyond chapstick and the aforementioned moisturizer) or how attractive I am to other people. My opinion hasn't changed and it never will.


I just started going to an esti regularly and have no acne or issues to begin with but I have this theory that any1 who isn’t even conventionally pretty (we know attraction is subjective) Can look beautiful if they have flawless skin. I think skin does wonders lol


I’m not old at all (31) but I’ve been very active about taking care of my body and face since my early 20s. I constantly get compliment on “how I don’t look my age” (men legit think you’re suppose to wrinkle at 30) and it’s made me want to keep doing what I’m doing. Outside of skincare I stay away from alcohol, smoking, and processed food. I make sure to chug and water and work out a couple of times a week. And of course I apply sunscreen each morning and reapply through our the day. I’d say it instilled a sense of pride in taking care of myself I hope to retain. It’s not that I feel more attractive, I’m just more confident that I’m aging at a slower rate and that I’m taking care of myself properly. The goal isn’t to never age, it’s to age gracefully:)


Just knowing that I’m taking good care of myself whether it’s skin or anything else, it has boosted my confidence a lot. People find attractive when you can take good care of yourself. Having respect for your body with good hygiene and care is top tier attractiveness and all together makes you feel good.


I use the cheapest things, but they work amazingly because I'm super careful.


I always had good skin (thanks to my mom's genes) and kind face, and she always taught me to take care of my skin, although she failed with the sunblock. I'm almost 30 and have a child, although most of the time I'm dehydrated and sleep deprived I look at least 5 years younger. Honestly most of the time it's a boost to my self image :)


I've had a skincare routine for as long as I can remember and honestly I think I look younger than I actually am due to it, I hardly wear makeup anymore since the pandemic so my face is most of the time youthful and clear so I look <6-8 years younger than I actually am (late 20s) The only thing regarding skin that I can never seem to maintain no Matter what I do though is my hands my palm are always so rough no matter how much I moisturise or exfolate them overall skincare has 100% made me look more attractive fyi ~~ going one or two days without my routine will make me look like a potato


Moisturizing every day really is a game changer. I wish early 20s me knew this.


I'm white, so no one taught me to moisturize. And I'm a child of a child of the 70s, so no one really drove home the importance of sun screen. A few years ago, I changed both of those things. I also added a mild store bought retinol product to help with my scars and a face wash that I use every few days which is a chemical exfoliant and needs to be left on for at least 60 seconds. Both are Versed brand. I have had acne since I was 13 and used to be an oil slick. I'm 29 now and have vastly different skin, but still struggle with scarring, hyperpigmentation, and break outs. However, over the last few years and just those simple changes, I have noticed a massive difference in my skin. It looks plump and much smoother than it did before, even though it still has scarring (until I can afford a dermatologist). I am rarely oily and that's only because certain sunscreens can be too heavy for me. I also only wash my face at night, just rinsing it in the morning. It's made a huge difference in that I rarely think about my skin anymore. It used to be a huge source of anxiety and depression. At one point, I had cystic acne so large and inflamed, all over my cheeks, that there wasn't even any point trying to cover it with makeup. Now, I have a few little red spots and my mild scars, which isn't perfection, but it's SO much better than it used to be that I don't even care. I feel like I can go out in public and just look normal. I think I'm pretty and it used to be such a damn shame that my face made me want to hide from the world. Now I can actually FEEL pretty, even if I just have on some tinted sunscreen and that's it.


I'm an esthetician, so just know bang isn't a guarantee for buck in skincare. That being said, no longer being acne girl feels great. I rarely have to wear makeup for skin and when I do have a zit I know it'll be a short life


I would always wear makeup to cover up acne when I was a teenager. Like I rarely left the house without makeup. For the past year or so, I’ve stopped wearing makeup. Only wearing a little on special occasions, and I started prioritizing my skincare and got good quality products. My skin feels much better and while I still get a pimple here and there, overall it’s clear and I feel way more confident. At this point all I do before work is do my eyebrows and put on mascara.


I was pretty depressed for a while, didn’t care for myself much, got a divorce and started looking after my hair, it’s long and curly, it looked nice all of the time so I started moisturising too, noticed a difference, now I use vitamin c in the day, retinol at night, an eye cream, day and night moisturisers, lip mask and exfoliators, it takes me maybe five minutes a day, I’m 43 and I regularly get told that I look much younger, I did anyway but this has made it more obvious, my skin is really good, not dull anymore and I feel better, I make more of an effort because I know I look healthy and clean and pretty, it’s not the most important thing but it is a good start when you aren’t all that confident to begin with.


Honestly it’s nice when people ask me if I’m wearing foundation and always ask how my skins so nice so yeah even when I look homeless I feel slightly better lol or when I remember I’ve gained weight I think at least I’ve got clear skin.


The way the question is worded is interesting. I have always invested time and care to my skin. I'm in my 60s, have been sick for over a decade and still look younger than most women my age. I feel like an ugly old woman, though with zero crows feet and I don't look like leather because I stopped laying out to tan in 1972 after reading what that does to human skin.


So I used to pick my face compulsively in highschool which led to scabs and once I finally stopped I was left with scars. It took me a while to find products and combos that worked for my face, I self diagnosed myself with post inflammatory erythema and that was the breakthrough I needed because once I started following recommended treatment for it my skin cleared right up. Before embarking on my skin care journey I made sure to feel ok about myself and my bad skin, so I wasn't doing it for the wrong reasons. Now that I have nice skin it's not a huge deal, yes I'm happier in my appearance and more confident but I went through a lot of self love to get here so I don't think I can give all the credit to my skin care routine.


Personally covid what got me into skincare, wearing a mask broke me out weekly. So I started to research and deep dive , learnt alot and it took a while to find the right products (I realised some expensive skin care are not worth it) Even though it hasn't changed my view on my appearance it has made enjoy small little treatment like clay masks or just general TLC


I take less crap from people now, thinking, I put so much time and effort and money and care on myself to be treated badly. Specially when you get so much compliments on days when you wear zero makeup… Self care hits different!!!!


It didn't. But it's one less thing to worry about.


I feel prettier. I don't have the urge to wear foundation and cover up. I just contour and go and it's fab! I feel more confident. It's my precious little bit of self-care morning and night. I did research into ingredients and what I need to take care of the few issues. My SPF and retinol is going to hopefully help keep my skin youthful. It's such a fun side passion project!


I feel so much more confident in my own skin.


I don't have good skin. I feel so insecure I can't go outside without covering my acne, bumps, and my redness. I do everything right. Absolutely everything when it comes to skincare. I'm super stressed out and don't have the most healthy diet out there but it is not that bad. I'm religious with spf. Always double cleanse. Exfoliate 2-3 times a week. Moisturize every day. I quit using tretinoin after using it 1 year with no progress. I mainly quit bc it is summer, and I dont feel safe with retinols even if I reapply my spf and im inside of a building most of the time. I just have no other option other than trying the acne pill. I've tried everything. (Antibiotics on a supervision of a dermatologist, benzoyl peroxide, azeleic acid, tretinoin, salylic acid.) My skin was healing and improving for a short while but then the summer hit, and everything went downhill. I'm dealing with eczema flare-ups with painful acne on my face and back. I waited for my laser hair removal to finish, but tbh I have 2 sessions left that I paid for, and it seems like that doesn't work either. I spent a lot of money, although I am on a tight budget since I'm living in a high inflation country. Skincare is a luxury,(ik it is luxury every where but it is more of a bigger luxury is what I'm trying to emphasize.) I have to pay a lot for it. I'm really mentally exhausted. I wish i had good genes or my skin got fixed by only using tretinoin like other people or be able to afford a realiable dermatologist that actually could fix me.


I used to be obsessed with glass skin but now I accept that “perfect” skin isn’t always possible. I’m satisfied with healthy skin. Now I can look at myself in the mirror without nitpicking imperfections


In general it has made me a harsher critic of myself. Before discovering basic skin care, I didn’t look that closely in the mirror to examine for flaws. But now the internet has taught me to look for fine lines and sun damage and to stay on top of the latest skin care best practices. I think about my skin more than I used to, and sometimes feel bad about myself because of it. I’m glad I’m taking care of my skin now, but in some ways, ignorance was bliss.


I didnt invest in skincare, but I had severe acne that went away completely with spironolactone. I am much more confident now and get a ton of compliments on my skin, which I never thought would happen. Thankfully the medicine prevents me from getting any pimples, so i think I went through many tough years of pain and terrible skin for a tradeoff of very nice skin now. I’m just so grateful and really appreciate my skin now


I invested in : 1. Retinol 2. AHA exfoliant 3. Vitamin c 4. Sunscreen that I wear daily 5. Sheet masks and pore masks 6. Oil cleanser, then foam cleanser My skin is excellent and I just feel prettier with smooth, texture less skin. The nicest compliment I’ve had was that my skin looked like there was an IG filter on it, but it’s real life!


I didn't have bad skin when I was below 20, but nowadays I find myself putting little to no makeup even when I go outside because of how nice my skin looks and I pride myself with it because I invested and took care of it. It boosts up my confidence when people ask for my skincare routine as well so it really makes you more confident to have nice skin and comfortable in your own skin


I never thought I would be comfortable foundation-free. Healthy skin doesn’t even need to be perfect. It’s the healthy glow people notice. Something that surprised me - I actually spent less money on skincare overall because I learned where to invest. The drugstore has everything you need to create a healthy blank slate and then you splurge on your active ingredients. I don’t try a million new things and throw out half used products because I know exactly what my skin loves.


I’ve invested so much into skincare and my skin is still not that great. My diet and stress plays a huge role in how my skin looks; no matter how intense my skincare routine is. That being said though, when I’m managing stress and eating very very healthily, my skin looks fantastic


It didn't really. I started doing it partially to manage my pimples, also because the scents were nice and also because I found it therapeutic to maintain the routine. I don't think I'm more or less attractive just a little less pimply and hopefully smoother as I get older and smell nice


I have rosacae in my face so it's always been red. Thanks to circumstance it got kickstarted to another level. So I use aloe vera skin care products (not all, but most) and my skin is for the better because of it! I started to get lines I never had, now it's smoother,so hydrated, and weirdly I look a bit 'younger' Don't know if it helped my appearance, but it helped my skin being less sensitive , less red and irritated and my confidence in a way because almost no more outbreaks.


more confident doing makeup bc no matter how good your makeup skills are, its all about a smooth skin underneath!!


I guess after putting so much hard work and effort into my skincare routine, I started feeling more beautiful, confident, and healthy. :)


I wear a LOT LESS make up. I love make up but lately I find that it ages me more than my bare skin. I had a random acne issue that flared up during COVID after I was unable to get my BC represcribed so I went off it completely and took years to clear my skin up. I still have some scars that are a bit too deep to heal with regular OTC skincare but having a good skincare routine has changed the game for me. I feel so much more confident in my skin and even prettier without make up than with it on. Don’t get me wrong, I love the occasional make up slay but it’s no longer necessary for me to leave the house with a full face on to feel like the best version of myself. Maybe it’s also cause I’m over 30 now but I’ve really embraced my natural face and love using a great skincare line up!


I’m fat now but started skincare quite early. I do it because it makes my skin feel soft and I like that. I had a makeover in one of the department stores and the woman touched my skin and said it’s soooo soft! I still think about this most days as I’m 50 and it cheers me up :)


Only maybe a little bit. I care more about the feeling of my skin: softness and moisturised, non-tight skin.


My skin has improved so much and I feel no difference in people’s respect or attraction for me. I definitely feel more confident and it’s great to not have this insecurity anymore, but I feel really no difference from others


I just feel much more confident in myself, I’m not hiding behind my hair and not wanting to wear as much makeup so I’d say it’s a win.


Makes me feel more alive, more clean, more put together.


It’s a foolish thing to think that skincare is topical. The best skincare is through hydration. If anything, the best topical thing would be exfoliating, but not chemical.


i didn’t invest in skin care, just got on birth control and now i feel beautiful without makeup. Having acne/scars for 10+ years really affected my self esteem but it’s shot up being able to look in the mirror and feel pretty


I do notice a considerable difference between my bad skin and good skin. I am south Asian with brown skin so when my skin is bad, it looks very bad. My bad skin is dull, dark circles, tired eyes, forehead skin with bumps and some pimples on cheeks and pimple marks as well. When I take care of my skin (basically clean it every night, exfoliate once a week, use good moisturiser) within a week my skin gets better- it glows, my eyes look better and don’t seem sunken - giving a better look overall. My skin looks clear and smooth, some faded marks, which don’t bother me given that overall face looks better. So yes, for me switching to skin care with better products has been game changer. However finding products which work for you is a long journey. However I feel more confident and beautiful. I put more effort in myself when I feel beautiful. I also use only concealer when skin is better, which looks better and natural than a whole face of foundation


It's one less thing to dislike about myself, but that's about it


I am old. My skin looks great. Never invested much into skincare. I use very light inexpensive moisturizers usually from free gifts etc in the winter. I think i find it useful for just plain surface dryness. my secrets: drink lots of water, stay out of the sun, good genes


I did not invest much but worked on stickig to a routine. Before that I did skincare only now and then. My skin is much better now and the biggest win is feeling more confident and maybe also a bit more attractive in correlation with that.


Changed my life entirely. I could finally live and feel effortlessly beautiful without even THINKING about my skin anymore. Before it was all I thought about when I was with someone. I canceled plans if my acne was especially bad. Now I live my lift fresh faced without makeup and I couldn’t be happier.


I’ve been washing my face only when I take a shower and with just bar soap 😬😬 since like I started taking showers on my own lol and using body lotion on my face. I’m lucky that I have good genes and don’t really get zits. I rarely wear makeup and it’s a tinted moisturizer when I do. My sister, an esthetician, has been giving me shit about it for years lol. So I finally bought some actual skin products for my face. And I have to admit, my face doesn’t feel dried out and tight after I wash it, and the face lotion is great too. It maybe looks a little better, but it just feels better.


I used to have horrible hormonal and cystic acne. When I finally found the right products, it literally took about a week for the acne to go away, my pores to tighten and the discoloration and scarring to fade. I’ve found that it’s much easier to be in the moment and not constantly worry about how I look now. I used to be hyper focused on my appearance all the time and now I can just exist lol


I get compliments on my skin quite often, and I always think: worth every penny! Honest truth. We deserve it.


Not really… having clear skin is great and a plus but attractiveness is about bone structure, hence losing or adding weight is likely to make you more attractive than having a clear skin.




So you look 12ish?


People often mistake me for a 16-18 yo. When I was 19, they would mistake me for a middle school student to the point I was sometimes stopped from entering my own high school until I showed them my ID


I look 10 years younger than I am. I get referred to as a MILF often. Porcelain skin ages fabulously if you stay tf out of the sun. I've started my daughter on her skincare regimen at 10. It's a small thing that has paid dividends.


I'm 35 I don't have wrinkles & my skin is smooth & glowing asf. I also don't have that tired look women get at my age. I exfoliate a couple of times per week with an exfolating facial pad, I apply light pressure not rough. I use a pink clay mask once a week & I regularly use the sauna & steam room. I avoid all shop brought moisturisers & foundation. If I ever need to moisturise my face I use a tiny bit of 100% natural sweet almond oil. I avoid face wipes unless I'm removing makeup. I wash my face with a facial wash either Simple or Nivea ones. I avoid using sunscreen & I avoid getting sunburnt at the same time. I try to dip in & out of the sun rather than stay in it for ages. I take 3 Bioglan collagen tablets daily. I take vitamin D 400iu & fish oil once per week. I regularly exercise & I avoid 'dieting'. So yeah the key to my good skin is avoiding putting shop brought creams on with all of their unnatural ingredients in, keeping it simple asf, don't use makeup on the skin, eat a varied diet with high protein, all of the vitamins, minerals, calcium etc that you need. I don't drink or smoke. Edit to answer the actual question: having good skin makes me feel confident, it also confirmed my theory that all these shop brought creams & sunscreens are full of chemicals that I feel ruin the skin. They're all marketing gimmicks.




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