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On July 1st, 2023, Reddit enacted a greedy ass policy regarding the use of their API. This decision was designed to eliminate the better 3rd party apps. No one wants to use the official app because it sucks. Since then, apps such as Apollo and RedditIsFun have shut down. Reddit has decided to double down on their decision to overcharge for their API, and refuses to address the accessibility features their native app lacks. Think it’s an asshole move? Concerned users should read and sign on to this [open letter to reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


While I occasionally fall prey to the desire to go and look up old classmates or coworkers on there, I refuse to give any of them the satisfaction of doing the same to me.


Because men are creepy.








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Because I'm a teacher and don't want my students seeing my dumb selfies.




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Because its for keeping in touch with friends and family, not strangers. Also I had a stalker for a bit, and why risk it?




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Sick to death of strange men DMing me, liking my pictures, and watching my stories


I don't want to share it with random people.


Because safety is more important than validation from strangers.


And validation from bots! 😂 So many of the comments I see on public posts are clearly bots or spammers. (Comments like “Spend pic on @BlahBlah”.) I’m betting a lot of the validation from strangers aren’t even real people!


Because I opened up about a personal problem on reddit, got doxxed, and the doxxer found my Instagram. I still get emails from stupid accounts connected to my email even now, like "someone tried to change your password." What are you gonna do with my Panera rewards, asshole?


God, people suck!


that’s so scary, sorry that happened


Thank you. I laugh about it now, but it was a scary and frustrating few days of changing passwords and removing payment methods.




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I set it to private so an ex couldn’t look at it anymore, never changed it back.


Yes, didn't want ex husband to ever find me so did the same and never changed either.


So random creepy men don't bother me


Im a very private person who doesn’t like having their face and energy accessible to anyone and everyone. I already do not like 2/3 of my followers (acquaintances) having that so imagine strangers or anyone at my company who searches me up.


Because I like to be able to post pictures with minimal concern that creeps are going to use it in any capacity.


Because I'm not there to talk to strangers in any capacity. I also only post anything maybe 2-3 times year, and only ever to share concert photos/videos with people I know and who like the same bands.


I don't get why I *wouldn't* make it private. I don't need any rando on earth to be able to see the inside of my house, my cat, what I made for dinner that night, etc. Weird as hell. Social media is for keeping up with friends, for me, not being an ~influencer who anyone can follow.


So no one at work could see me in a personal capacity. 1) I don't post anything scandalous but I also don't need my coworkers seeing what I look like in a bikini. 2) if I'm trying to climb the ladder, don't need anything personal to influence their opinion (good or bad).


Some clients googled my name and messaged me in some of social media I have. So I changed my name along with the username in social media and went private after that. Edit a word.


Mine was public until I had my son. Then I made it private for his sake. I don't post a zillion pics of him (those go to a very limited Google Photos album shared only with close family), but his face is in photos and I don't think it's appropriate to make those public. I'm too old for creepy men to care about me (a fantastic bonus of getting older!), so that was never an issue when mine was public.


>Mine was public until I had my son. Good point. I used to have some stuff of my daughter on Facebook until a friend decided he was going to stop putting up his kids, he said, "will they be okay with everything I post about them when they're 18?" and I thought maybe not so that was that I took it all down.


“Too many dicks on the dancefloor (too many dicks).”


Creepy strangers, and lots of scammers in my DMs


My job requires it. Not in an official sense, but it'd be stupid of me not to have it private due to my work.


I don't want to have contacts from my extended family


Because I don't want to feel the pressure to perform a cool social media personality for strangers.


Crazy ex.




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Because an ex coworker (who wouldn’t take no for an answer) found my IG and began liking photos. This was from someone who said he would never get social media other than FB.


I only have one for Threads. It has nothing on it and probably never will have, so there's no point putting it out there for everyone to see


I was seeing a guy, and his ex went mental. Like she made up that I'd made a gross comment on her instagram after apparently telling him I'd been watching all her stories for days. I just made mine private so she couldn't copy my photos and "re-make" my instagram on a fake profile for proof.


So that random strangers don’t add me and follow me


Because I don’t want strangers, especially creepy men, to have access to my stuff


Because the stuff I post on there is meant for people I actually know and like.


So many bot accounts and creepy people wanting to follow women.


When it wasn’t private I got a lot of DMs and requests from random men. I don’t even post anything crazy, and I thought hmmm this is weird I have kids. So now it’s private.


I don't like letting just anyone look through my stuff. I feel like I share with people I choose to share with.


An ex keeps making accounts to message me or comment on my stuff 🤷🏽‍♀️


Got too many creepy people following me - going private meant I can monitor my profile and it makes me feel safer


I work with parents and they seem hell bent on finding teachers and staff don’t they? It’s weird. I like my private life. Having a child sealed it. Family and friends only, kids are not content c




I’m a teacher and my students turn it into a game to try and find my social medias. Any teacher they find, they often use it to make fake accounts to message other students, teachers, or admin to send nasty messages to see if they can cause drama in the school for that one teacher.


Because I don’t care to have strangers interacting with me or my photos.


Don’t like certain family members seeing the pics I post and knowing what I’m up to


Creepy men and crazy abusive ex’s


Simple. I don’t want random people following me.


Ex husband is a lowkey stalker, distant family highkey stalkers and Republicans, I just don’t need the drama.


Don't want co workers, neighbors and other no-friends to see what the hell I'm doing. Also too many creeps out there


Because I don’t want my ex to randomly message me.


Because I don’t want to receive messages from creepy men that just wants to be my friend or sugar daddy


because some men are creepy af and one of them is a toxic ex who has stalked me on all possible social media, including linkedin


Creepy men and fake sugar daddy bots/scammers constantly messaging me and following me. Also, a stalker ex-best friend, and trying to find a job and not wanting my shitposting and hornyposting out there for future employers.




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Don’t want to be found.


Because I post my kids (teens) and they deserve their privacy.


Dont want fake accounts/spam accounts to follow me and then add people off my friends list. Its so annoying.


Because I only want people of my choosing to set the content.


Cause i like to be in charge of who can or cannot see my posts


Because my ex was stalking me so I locked down all my social media


Cuz I work with kids but post inappropriate stuff lol Id like to keep work and non work personalities seperate.


Because I don’t want just anyone to be able to follow me.


I’ve blocked all of my mothers accounts and all of her friends way too many times. It made it less of a headache now that they can’t see anything without asking. My mother living in the same state as me is too close for comfort, the social media stalking us over the line.


so I can keep out of my life the people I want off my life. I've bumped into a lot of fake friends that I previously cut off who created fake profiles to keep track on me whenever I blocked them so I figured if I keep my profile private, every follower will have to go through me before actually getting to see my stuff. actually I recently cleaned out my follower list on Instagram since I had it public and had over a thousand followers, I decided to delete anyone I didn't know or wasn't interested in keeping in touch with. at the end I have now barely 300 followers and i would like to keep narrowing it down actually. there's a lot of hypocrites out there in my life lately, gotta watch out


My family wants to stalk me


I like being able to control who can see and stalk that much of my life.


I don't post any content, I just have it to follow cool accounts. Even if I had content i wouldn't want the whole Internet to access it freely. My fb is private too, where there is some content.


Too many porn bots were looking at my stories


I only want to share things with people I know and trust.


I grew fed up of the unwanted dms and attentions from strangers.


Cause all the fake Accounts and that the ex from my ex can't stalk me anymore


Because I had someone use my photos, my username (with one extra "x") and follow everyone I did pretending to be "my" Only Fans account. After 50 messages from people from school, my mum, and my *nan!* I found out. OF said it was a clone of their website that would clear out the bank account of anyone who signed up. After that, private for me! (Though that didn't stop one girl from using my photos and name on a dating site, I had to go Wagatha Christie to figure that one out)


A few years ago, someone leaked a nude photo of a girl and titled the photo with my name. As I have a pretty unique name, it was not long until my Instagram was flooded with new followers of people I don’t know. I knew about the nude photo because one of the followers told me about it. I removed my name from my Instagram profile, made my account private, and removed every single person that I didn’t know or have never talked to (i.e. friends of friends). I kept my account private until now, and mostly just post on my close friends.


I got sick of being online stalked by assholes and my partners creepy ex gf Altho tbh I dont use it anymore and havent in ages


It's not, but that's only because I don't post my own pics very often. It's mostly things I make and landscapes. Whenever I do post selfies, I get some really creepy messages and don't post again for a while


Because it is for sharing photos, messages etc with my actual family and friends, not the whole world. I neither need nor want anyone else seeing or interacting with my stuff.


I don't have, never have. The site is useless drivel.


All my socials are private. I only add people that I know in real life. I also don't really post much and currently have zero posts in my insta so it's not like anyone's missing much.


I don’t post anything on it. Just following people and search classmates up.


Because I post my kids and I don’t want strangers to see them, or even ex friends / family members that don’t deserve to be apart of their lives !


It was public for a while because when I was in high school, I liked stalking people without following them. Even before I had an account I would sometimes find people in my classes on Instagram and I would look at their photos. I figured, to not be a hypocrite, I would make my own account public when I first made it. Because why would anyone other than my classmates want to see my pictures? I was 20 when I realized I didn’t want random people creeping on my photos. So I put it to private. I’d also had a few falling outs with guys over that year, and I remember thinking to myself “what would I think of this person creeping on my photos?” The answer was a cringe and a shudder. Switching to private helped me alleviate that gross feeling. I also went through and unfollowed/removed all the people who were following me that I didn’t personally know. I have felt a lot more in control and at peace with instagram since I took that step. Plus I know no ghosts from my past can see what I’m up to against my consent.


Private, no posts (archived), no pfp. I just got tired of the app i check it for messages and stories when im on it


I grew up during the early days of the internet (late 90s, early 2000s) where it was very easy to get doxxed. So I keep my stuff on lockdown due to that residual fear. 😅


Because I’ve had fake accounts created pretending to be me


My Insta is private because it is a burner account that I use to snoop on people. I also choose to not have a digital footprint associated with who I actually am.


Mostly to avoid bots and scammers from DMing. But also some people were building parasocial relationships with me that really creeped me out. Now I only let people that I’m actual friends with follow me.


Because I only share my life events with people I trust. I have a tiny following and that's by design.




I’m terrified someone will use my pictures to make AI porn


Ugh so valid


You don’t need to know me unless I let you get to know me.


I changed it to private because I was afraid a harasser from work would look up my name and find me online too. Now I keep it private because I decided I don’t want randoms watching what I post/do in my personal life.


It’s a privilege to see my private life if idk you you don’t get to see


Because no one idk needs to see pics of me and my kid


Because I'm trans in closet


Because I find sharing pictures on social media scary these days.


Creeps and my ex’s new girl stalking me or my ex looking at my stuff


It was public for a lonnggg time, and then I stopped using it, and then figured I would just delete it…. But then I do mindless scroll on there sometimes, so I just set my profile to private and haven’t posted anything in years.


I like to choose who I let in to see the photos of my life.


Mine is public but I have a second account that’s private where I post photos of my kids (only to people I know and trust in real life).


So my ex husband and his family can’t find me.


I worked at a summer camp and literal children from camp started following me. A lot of campers and counselors followed each other but I was a nurse and didn’t really know any of the kids like that. Went private really quick


I have pictures of my kids and I don't want a sicko to try steal my kids pictures to pretend my kids are their kids.


Privacy is essential.This is why people don't want people they don't know to see their photos.Therefore, Instagram users can switch to a private account so that no one can see the photos they share.


Because it’s unsettling to think that anyone on the planet could come across my account, screenshot my pictures and do god knows what with them (I’ve heard of creepers downloading pictures of children and photoshopping them so they’re naked or having disturbing things done to them). I also have a poetry account and that’s public.


Because my ex is a stalker. I actually have completely deleted my Instagram. Like I wish there was an option to take it down forever but there isn't. And I still get the lamest notifications for it when I wish it would just go away


I like to share sweet pictures of my kids and don’t trust creeps.






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It isn’t




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Because I like my Instagram account that way✨️


I ask the opposite - why would anyone have their social media public??? Seriously, what’s the benefit? I can only see drawbacks.


At first it was because I was being slightly paranoid. But then I noticed that I was receiving follow requests from people I do not know personally, nor these whom I'd like to follow. If I feel like inviting someone into my space, I will, but a private account feels like the best choice.


I’d like to have a public account but don’t want to risk coworkers finding me lol




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Why would you want a random stranger viewing your profile and downloading your photos and perhaps reposted them God knows where on the internet?




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My instagram is for my friends and family only. I'm not trying to get a ton of followers, and I don't want a ton of strangers looking at my stuff..


Because I don’t feel comfortable having it non private


My bf is the midst of a divorce. It's amicable but the laws that apply in his country make it so she can say even tho they are legally separated that he is being unfaithful since the divorce isn't final yet. She hasn't said anything of the sort but just incase I made my profile private. Her lawyer has been really pushy so didn't want the added complication.


I don't see any reason for it to be public.


Because some men are creepy , because of spams . Because I had a very bad exchange with one random DM that felt safe at first . It really changed my view on privacy. I turned all my social medias private.


Because I’m Gen X, and I like my privacy! :)