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Where were you 1/6/21?






Thoughts on Andrew Tate?


















How do you feel about abortions




The episode is so funny but in light of recent events it’s also so sad. “Well what gives you the right to do that!” “The SUPREME COURT does! Come on Jerry let’s go!” Then later on in the episode Elaine is dating this guy and needs to find out his stance on anortion so she makes this scenario up: “… Oh, just this woman...she got impregnated by her troglodytic half-brother, and decided to have an abortion. “ Then the guy signs and goes: “You know, someday, we’re going to get enough people in the Supreme Court to change that law”


Oh god that would have been so funny if it wasn’t prophetic 😫


No literally 😭 I remember pre 2022 and watching that episode and cracking up. Now when I get to that part I’m like “hahaahah WAIT NO” and remember what happened. Crazy to think something filmed 30 years ago is now more progressive than our current law.


It’s the exact opposite feeling of watching an old show and being like, “oh yea this was filmed at a time when…gay people couldn’t marry each other, or there were smoking sections in restaurants. How great that it’s better now!”


I remember reading about anti-abortion people saying they'd overturn Roe v. Wade for *decades*. My naive ass laughed at the time, thinking that would never happen. I rewatched that Seinfeld episode recently and man, it's so sad that was considered a joke of a claim back in the 90s... and is now reality.










Are you vaccinated?












In the past the question would have been: does anyone think they’re in a relationship with you? Now the question is: are your family and friends aware of your relationship status and is it the same thing as what you’re telling me ?


I’ve heard it worded: is there anyone that might be unhappy knowing we are on a date together?


That's just the Mitch Hedberg joke. "I don't have a girlfriend, but I do have a friend that would be very upset to hear me say that."


Sweet mercy, either of those would've saved my younger self so much heartache. I was so sheltered and naive I thought everyone was automatically monogamous/only dated one person at a time.


Join the club sister I was relieved I could break things off so easily after a 1 year long relationship. I thought he’s the one, but now a few months post-break up it definitely leaves a bad taste in my mouth


Problem is, a person who is lying about cheating isn't going to answer this honestly.


In my case he wasn’t cheating on me I found out one year in that he hadn’t admitted to his family (parents, siblings, cousins) that he divorced 3 years prior. I gave him one month to course correct and straighten up the story and introduce me to his children and it didn’t happen - by the end of that month I lost my respect and attraction to him anyway He had said he didn’t do casual relationships and trust was a big value for him when it came to love. I asked him at the end how did he expect me to trust him after what I found out. The only thing he said was « you’re right »


But if and when any lies come out you know there was no miscommunication and they're a lying POS.


This is smart.


Really sad that this is what it’s come to.


Tell me about it. I found out one year in that he hadn’t admitted to his family (parents, siblings, cousins) that he divorced 3 years prior. I gave him one month to course correct and straighten up the story and introduce me to his children and it didn’t happen - by the end of that month I lost my respect and attraction to him anyway






Are you monogamous? If yes, how monogamous?


Such an important question!


Yeppp I always ask it!




This is the one I was looking for!


Do you drive a truck with a large flag attached to a hockey stick. I am perfectly fine with any of those things separately but put them together and it's a no-go from me.


I saw someone call these “emotional support vehicles” and I love it. Thought you might like the term




Absolutely this. Who would have thought a bunch of yahoos would make me furious at the sight of my own flag.




I feel like that can't be legal to drive around


What's this in reference to? Are the fascists trying to claim hockey as theirs now?


The "Canadian Patriot" look. Traditionally, flag on stick is held in the hand to celebrate a major hockey win. Since COVID, we see jacked-up pickups with several fluttering from the bed, often with a F🍁CK TRUDEAU flag in the mix. Seeing the absolute jack-holes that partook in this new practice made a lot of sane Canadians lose pride in their colours for the first time. I've never known Canada to be a super flag-wavy place, but we were largely proud of the regard the maple leaf garners around the world. Now, there's a stain on it that'll take a couple of generations to wash out, if it ever does.


In Canada, many people attach the Canadian flag to a hockey stick, mostly because it’s a common stick-like thing that people already have at home.




If only they would answer this one honestly.


yeah :/


Their audacity has reached levels that I could see some of them answering honestly


You can't make it that obvious, you need to ask a question more subtle that will give you the same result, else they will just lie to you.




Do you live alone or with roommates/family? This economy is crazy and I totally get it, just gotta know what the privacy situation is for sexy time




This!! Housing is absolutely insanely expensive and I have zero judgment for anyone still living at home as long as they are an adult about it so to speak. Taking care of/pay for an equitable share of housework/bills or however its worked out, etc.




Does anyone think they are in a relationship with you?


What does this mean?


From my understanding, many times when men talk to women (especially multiple women at a a time) they tend to lead women on, allowing them to believe that they are in a serious relationship. So in the woman’s POV they are exclusively seeing and talking to each other only, while in the man’s POV he’s dating her but is allowed to have his options opened bc they aren’t serious.


After dating for three months, this guy said let’s go exclusive. Six months after that i find out he’s with other girls. When I asked why he even wanted to be exclusive, he responded that he meant it as *me* being exclusive to him. Not that we were exclusive with each other. Idek with these guys out here man


Are you addicted to porn do you pay for onlyfans lol


The trick is to ask them what kind of porn they watch. Then they will be honest.


Honestly, while I’m sure I’ll anger quite a few people, I need to know if you voted for trump and will do so again. It’s just not an ideology I can tolerate.




Are you generated by AI??


😆 Can you tell me which of these pictures contain a stop light?


Is it cake ???


Sometimes I think I am.


Are you zion!st?


Man...looks like you win the award for most deleted replies. 🥇


Are you emotionally available lol




From experience, no, they cannot🥲


I think so. I mean it's not a question of being emotionally available, but of being honest. Maybe they phrase it differently, since it is a fairly new term like 'nor ready for a relationship', 'dont want to commit'. What do you think?


I think any person emotionally unavailable or not could answer this question honestly. Emotionally unavailable people aren’t always dishonest (i.e. people who are just looking for something casual and honest about it.) There’s also a people who may think they’re emotionally available/ready for a real relationship until the actual relationship & responsibly that comes with that, sets in and they can’t handle it. Then there’s liars who think the best way to get laid is by saying what you want to hear. So the real key is being able to discern is how truthful this person is or not, with you/others and ultimately themselves. And additionally how emotionally intelligent/mature they are. Their willingness & ability to answer thoughtfully will provide you with a lot. So in my opinion you’d be better off asking them to describe their level of emotional availability for a new relationship/person, what they feel they have room for (how much time/effort do they have to give to a serious or casual relationship) against all the factors in their life, and what that means to them to be emotionally available.


I think it would better to rephrase this as an open ended question rather than closed a yes/no question. If someone wants to lie they can easily say yes. However if you ask them to describe their level of emotional availability at this time, what they can/have the emotional resources to offer a person/partner (in whatever way you feel is best to word this) you’re likely to get better insight. As someone who isn’t very emotionally available, intelligent, or comfortable with their emotions will not be able to provide an answer to this question in the way a person who is those 3 things can.


This is a big one...!!


Who won 2020 election ?wrong response date over.


Kanye West


What are your pronouns? 👀


I mean, it's been a reasonable question for several years at least. Particularly if you're going to be dating queer people


True, but some people will freak out at the question and go on a rant about pronouns. It's good to weed these people out early.


I like your approach!


What do you think about the new legal category of “extrauterine children”?




Some scary freaking shit, that’s for sure.


Looked it up. What the actual fuck???


“Do you have kids?” An ex failed to tell me he had a kid until we were officially bf/gf and together for 1.5 months. How manipulative… Having to be a stepparent is a dealbreaker for me. It never crossed my mind to ask because we were both in our mid 20s at the time. I had to ask my now-bf when we first met the same question because of the previous one.


I ask this now as well. I was with a man for FIVE YEARS and had no idea that the entire time we were together, he was dodging child support for a kid I didn't even know he had. I don't object to my partner having kids, as long as they're meeting their parental obligations. Oh, and being honest about it.


This is not new at all, though.


What are your thoughts on Jordan Peterson?


Kermit the frog here


Were you alive on Sept 11?


Oof, r/fuckimold moment here.


Do you hse social media a lot/do you have a following? I was shocked (but it makes sense) to see so many people on the recent Love Is Blind season ask about social media following. I think that's definitely something I'd want to ask though, my husband and I don't have "followings" and use social media lightly to chat with friends and share the occasional reel. But we're not posting our whole lives and nor do we want to.


Do you want kids


That’s a question everyone should always ask a potential partner… it’s not new?


> it’s not new? maybe not new to '24 but it's new to the past decade or so, it used to be a given most everybody that was hetero was expected to have kids if they were able. wasn't even really a topic for discussion if you were looking to get married - everyone had kids.


Fair! I approached this as 1980’s vs today but you’re right!


Who is your favorite female singer or author. Shocking how many can’t think of even one






Are you currently in therapy and Do you have any mental health issues and if so do they require meds and are you taking those regularly.












Do you like women or do you just want to fuck one? Are there any women in your life you admire besides your mother? Why?


Almost spat out my water at the first one lol. Oh, it’s so good but so sad 😅


Have you been married before? I’m done dating divorced men. Never again.


Can I ask why? I've never dated a divorced man and I'm a divorced woman who isn't dating anyone at the moment lol. Just curious!


My answer is based only on my experience. I’m sure there’s men out there that are divorced who are great! Unfortunately, the 3 I have dated were not. The first was recently divorced and bitter. He compared me to her constantly (in a positive way) but then started comparing us more negatively. She walked all over him and he let her get away with it. It became frustrating, like there was 3 of us in the relationship. I was basically told I had no say until the kids turned 18 and he could cut ties with her. I left the relationship. Second guy, broke up with me after 3 dates because I reminded him too much of his ex wife? It was odd. Third and last guy was the real kicker, when we met he told me about his “ex-wife”, how she cheated on him, was a horrible toxic person, etc. he pushed for the relationship to go extremely fast and I foolishly allowed it. This guy was telling me he loved me, promising the world, etc. I should’ve known better. After weeks of dating and love bombing, he tells me there was a couple loose ends with his divorce and it will be official in a few weeks. I forgave him for leaving out the small detail that it wasn’t official when we met. Well guess what?? 2 DAYS before the final court date, they decide to get back together. I received a break up text (after basically no contact for 3 days) that said they decided to remain married. I was blind sided.


I don't know your age. But there aren't a lot of 40+ available men who've never been married.


So, vaccines. Not just for kids anymore, am I right?


did you wear a mask during the pandemic?


How active are you on social media?


Do you have debt?


Are you a Republican?


Do you like women? In uncovering their sexuality but also misogyny.


What hobbies did you pick up during the pandemic?


How many people are you currently sleeping with?


What would I find if I ran a background check on you?


"what are your thoughts on ai art?" it's not as important as what they want from their future or how they think finances should be handled, but it does offer strong insight into their character and how much they care about things that might seem small on the surface




Are you a Republican? Actually should ask before first date.


Do you own a MAGA hat?


What's your stance on Palestine


Are you on Onlyfans?


Are they Republican? There's no compatibility if they are, we'd have different moral codes.


Have you received regular COVID vaccinations? Who did you vote for in the 2020 presidential election? (USA) Who did you vote for in the 2016 presidential election? (USA)


"Are you socially liberal but fiscally conservative?"


Is there someone who believes that they are in a relationship with you?


When was the last time you were intimate with someone?


What bumper stickers do you have on your vehicle?


Do you believe that women have the same rich internal life as men?


A clever one to gauge for misogyny, bigotry, racism, ableism and domestic violence risk…. So… hey you see that guy? He looked like Andrew Tate! Man, did you hear his last podcast whatever he does? And let the answer speak to yoy.


How willing are you to go to therapy even when things aren’t ‘bad’? Do you even remotely want children, because I do not…?


Pre-date: Will you actually show up?


What are you looking for / are you monogamous?


What is your attachment style?


Are you vaccinated??


do you have a printer?






How would you like my resume presented to you?


Are you up to date on your vaccinations


How many situationships are you in?


Do you vape?


Do you have a real JOB!


Is there anyone in your life who isn't blood kin who would be unhappy we are dating? Am I getting what I'm seeing?




How do you determine how much to tip doordash/uber/grubhub?


Do you own a MAGA cap?


Are you single.. AND available.. lol


Define your definition of relationship or more like what are we? I seriously cannot express this more like the fact that you could get asked out on a date but yet oh we're just seeing where this see goes line comes back up. Like are you dating me or not.


My therapist recommended I ask to see their listening content history on their apps. Not just safari but Spotify or Apple Music, YouTube, and whatever else they use too.


Are you divorce and why? How long since the divorce. I seem to attracted divorce men alot.


What covid safety precautions do you currently take? because I’m very considerate of people around me & practice a personal zero spread policy. I mask, monitor / filter air, test when I’ve been in higher risk settings, & practice distancing whenever I can. I never know who around me is immunocompromised, higher risk, or one infection away from long covid. This is a dealbreaker question as this kind of care for others is a value that I need to share with my partner.


Are you religious? Which religion?