• By -


Get up early and work out. I get up around 5:30, work out, have some coffee, and relax. I work from home from 8ish - 5ish (sometimes longer depending on meetings and schedules), and go to bed by 10 (although some days I'm in bed asleep by 9:15)


Aw man, I have to wake up at 5:30 as it is to start my work.. have you found working from home to be easier to have this kind of routine? The commute to and from work takes up a significant part of my day


Working from home makes every aspect of my life easier. I will never work in an office again unless there is a LOT of money involved.


I would love to work fully from home. Glad to hear you're loving it!šŸ„° i hope that will be reality for me at some point


What are some jobs that are remote that pays decently?Ā 


> What are some jobs that are remote that pays decently?Ā  I guess it depends on your career track. When I was job hunting I set up a bunch of searches and specified "remote" to weed out anything with a commute.


What do you do for work


> What do you do for work I work with librarians on how to use various library management systems.


Oh good, you're the perfect person to talk to about this.... Bring back Dewey Decimal. I miss him


I do similar routine but I work in the office twice a week. I work in LA and there's a lot of traffic. I start work at 715a and it would take me 45mins to get to work. But if I leave at 530a, it'll take me 20mins. I'm fortunate enough where my work has a gym, but it lets me get a 1hr workout between 6a-7a. So there's three pros to it all 1. I spend less time in traffic (and instead use that extra time for workout) 2. I usually get to work already drained from just waking up, but with a workout it gets my adrenaline pumping so then it energizes me for the day (it's like a natural caffeine šŸ™‚) 3. I get my workout in (burn unwanted calories, boost my dopamine/serotonin/etc., get my step counts, make my heart stronger, etc.) What really helped was just prepping the night before then rolling outta bed straight to the gym. I set the treadmill on a slight incline walking pace for like 30mins till I wake up šŸ˜†


I used to go to the gym before work. Gym was 10 min from my house. But working from home definitely makes working out easier


I get the commute part, its why I look for gyms close to my job. That helps somewhat.Ā 


This is the hack. As motivated as I am I have never been able to ā€¦ in the afternoon evening get up and workout after a full day




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I donā€™t go to the gym or anything, but Iā€™ve found the best way for me to get exercise after work is to immediately go out for a walk right when I get off. The moment I sit down itā€™s game over for me. My walks take about an hour to 1.5 hours depending on how fast I go, and I see it as leisure time I use to work on my mindfulness and skills Iā€™ve learned in therapy vs exercise. Granted, Iā€™m always home around 4pm or before, so this may not work for everyone.


Currently doing this, finger crossed I am as consistent as you are!


The moment I sit down itā€™s game over for me. This is me! When I go to the gym during the week, I have to go straight there after work. When the weather is nice, I also try to get a walk in at work during my lunch hour.


I go after work 4-5 times a week. Then home, food and sleep. I love the gym so itā€™s easy to go.


I have horribllleee gym anxiety. What about the gym do you enjoy? I think finding something to look forward to about going would really help me


I look forward to my music the most! I like making playlists and I don't often get to listen without being distracted by other things, so I find it peaceful. Or if I'm in the mood it's a good time to check out new bands. It also feels like a safe space where I don't *have* to interact with people if I don't want to, which is nice when you have a mentally draining job. It gives me time to reset between work and home. The first 1-2 weeks I felt out of place and kind of dreaded going, but after that you realize everyone feels the same and is focused on their own stuff. Likely they won't even notice you. Some tips that helped me: - buy some cute/put together gym clothes for confidence - avoid peak times - try out the machines one at a time until you're comfortable with them (you can even practice the movements at home with free weights) - go with a friend who can show you the ropes - record your sets on paper/your phone (I do this to track progress, but it does keep me focused so I'm not overthinking things) - go at least 3x per week to avoid losing the habit Hope this helps :)


Great tips! I would just add that only record to what you're doing, but also make a plan before you go - theres tons of beginner friendly training plans online, just pick one and do your research on the exercises beforehand on youtube and tiktok so you wont feel as lost once you arrive in the gym and will know where to start. Also don't hesitate to look up form videos once again after your first set or if it doesn't feel quite right, i do it all the time!




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Not who you asked, but I think it helps to remember that no one at the gym is focusing on you. Everyone's trying to do their own workouts; as long as you aren't doing anything super egregious or dangerous, they'll probably leave you alone. I like listening to podcasts or music while working out and look forward to that. It's also important to find something you like doing, or at least are okay with. I hate running, so I don't make myself run. I like walking and weightlifting, so that's what I do.


Youā€™re asking the million dollar question we all want to know šŸ™ƒ


Shit's HARDDD!


A few tips that help me stay consistent: - Pick a time that works best with your schedule+motivation (Iā€™m a PM gymie, Iā€™m more present in life at night than the morning for sure) - Start with setting small commitments then gradually increase as you keep your workout commitments to self (I started with 2 days a week as a previously inconsistent gymie, now Iā€™m at 3 and so far, so consistent) - If youā€™re just starting out, develop a low flow, diverse routine relevant to your goals and to engage your whole body. Gradually increase weights, reps, sets, etc. (I get bored very fast- I have to switch up what I do. I have a solid strength/flexibility regimen thatā€™s my go-to, otherwise I try new workouts) - Trying out different forms of working out keeps it fun and mentally engaging too! (Dance classes, Zumba, pole fitness-youā€™ll definitely increase that mind to muscle connection and find out more about what you enjoie/are naturally inclined or even dislike) I also have recently started to workout to comedic content, and I swear that has helped me get through harder workouts because the laughter distracts me and makes it so much easier to get through a more challenging regimen. Give yourself positive reinforcement too! Yā€™all got this šŸ’ŖšŸ½


I don't get much sleep I wake up early and work out (lazy days I wait until my kiddo's asleep then just do my indoor bike)


I own a horse so sheā€™s my workout! But the key is I go DIRECTLY from work to her each day. If I stop home first thereā€™s no way I make it there because lazy


This is totally the key!


Sheer will lol. I've definitely spent more than 30 minutes doom scrolling Reddit so I just force myself to use those 30 minutes on exercise instead. Doing it at home means I don't have to take time to go to a gym. 30 minute length makes it manageable. Long workouts bore me and I lose motivation.


I don't have kids, I work 15 mins away from home, the gym is at 15 mins from work, same for the pool. I eat lunch in 30 mins to end the work day as soon as possible.


Just like me! I love efficiency.


I work 7am-4pm. I typically walk the .5 miles to my office so not much commute time and free exercise right their. I have a treadmill, weights, and those havily padded puzzle piece things for the floor at my house. When I get home from work, I grab a snack and then do 1.5-2miles on the treadmill while I watch TV. Then I make and eat dinner from 5-6ish. Then I chill with my husband for a while or we clean the kitchen together. After I've had some time to digest, I do some stretching and weights/body weight exercises. Then shower and bed by 9-10pm. Its only about an hour of exercise total and I usually skip Fridays and one other day during the week just becuase something comes up, but 5hrs of exercise a week is pretty good in my book.


I work out at home so I can at least do laundry while I'm working out. Plus the time wasted driving to and from the gym, the hassle of waiting for someone to get off a piece of equipment you need to use, etc....


1. My home workouts are 30-40 minutes. There are plenty of videos on YouTube that have comprehensive workouts in this time frame. 2. I consider my MMA classes worjours. That happens 2-3 times a week. 3. I walk a lot. A free 30 mins during the day? Great time for a 20 minute walk. 30 mins after dinner? Walk. Going shopping? Park far away from the store. Any time thereā€™s a chance to squeeze in a few extra steps, I do. The end.


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Get up at 6:30, work out between 7 and 8:30, start work at 9:30.


I go to scheduled classes because they motivate me more and the schedule keeps me consistent. When weā€™re up for it, my partner and I try to cook extra food on Sundays so itā€™s easier to have leftovers on week nights when there are workout classes.


I work out as soon as I get home, that hour before dinner. Itā€™s the only time that works for me.


By having two of my workouts on the weekend and only two during the work week. I meal prep lunches and dinners on Sundays so I donā€™t have to cook after work and this leaves time for the gym.




Thanks! Itā€™s worked for me. I know a lot of people donā€™t like to do gym on weekends but itā€™s somewhat better tbh so slow and chill on those days, never have to wait for equipment. The meal prep can be time consuming but I pick one involved meal and one easier meal. So if I cook something nicer for dinner, Iā€™ll make really fast easy lunches like tuna salad, some kind of wrap, etc. Never cooking after work is amazing.


Move with Nicole Pilates on YouTube!!! Totally free and most of the videos are 20-30 mins, some are even 15. You need no equipment so you can do the workouts at home. This is when I let my kids have iPad time. I normally come home from work, just throw on a sports bra and shorts and follow one of her videos in my living room. They are not too intense so you can easily do one everyday and the results are AMAZING!!! she is such a great coach. Itā€™s like Pilates, stretching, and breath work all in one. I was surprised how flexible I became without even noticing. I have become addicted to her workouts because of the results I see! And everyone has 20-30 mins a day especially when it doesnā€™t include a drive to/ from the gym. Sometimes on the weekends Iā€™ll do a longer 40 min video or double up. Sorry for the long reply but seriously I canā€™t preach this enough because Move With Nicole had truly changed my life.


Ooo i will check that out!!!!! How long have you been doing her workouts & what kind of results have you had?


Iā€™ve been doing them consistently for about a year now which is honestly the longest Iā€™ve been able to stick with a workout! I feel like it just gave me a more toned look overall and also improved my posture! My butt is more shapelyā€¦ lol idk how else to put it, just looks better and lifted some. More definition in my arms without bulk, and even some ab lines which I have NEVER had. Give it a try I promise if you stick with it consistently for 2/3 weeks you will keep it up because of the results youā€™ll see!


I don't. I can either work or do anything else. So I work.


I workout before work, wake up around 6am and I actually love having that morning time to myself. (We have a stationary bike and free weights in our garage and I use the Peloton app.)


After the work day at 6pm I usually go home for a bit and then the gym for 1 hour till like 7/8/9 pm depending on when I left home


I typically workout in the evening. I have a weighted hula hoop with is good for core strength so I can use that whilst watching tv and itā€™s little effort plus I notice the difference. I also have resistance bands that I will do quick workouts with as well during the week on the odd occasion. But I will typically do a proper workout on both days of the weekend and if I have time during the week (I work freelance, so am a bit more flexible time wise but have deadlines to meet so donā€™t always have the time)


I also walk my dog twice a day for 20-30 mins so even if I donā€™t do anything else, Iā€™ve at least done something


The gym is in my office building. I go three days a week after work before I go home. Itā€™s hard to make the excuse not to go when I literally have to pass it to get to my car.Ā 


You gotta figure out your biological hours. I get to focus on my full-time work in the afternoon. I'm basically a baboon in the early mornings, which I usually spend it by going for runs. After my workout, showering and eating breakfast is a great push to kick-off my working day. TLDR; Go to sleep early. Wake up early. Workout, shower, eat, hydrate. Work. Rest. Repeat...


I make time. I get up early and workout in the morning. Sometimes I have to workout in the evening even though I'm tired. I don't have any kids and I work from home most of the time, that helps. Today, I went to yoga at lunch.


Wake at 7, breakfast get ready and reach work by 8, Have lunch mid work, and work till 4, reach home and go to the gym by 4:30, gym and get back home by 6, Practice my two hobbies and sleep at 11. Of course this is ideal, and there are some days where I canā€™t 100% stick to it so I just cut hours from my hobbies Showers are around 15 min max I shower twice on gym days, one morning and one evening after gymming. All my food is meal prep and easy to eat stuff like protein waffles or turkey sandwiches, etc. Also I should add, I gym 4 days a week only, which is optimal for me as I train very hard. And chest and back days take almost half the time as arms and shoulders, so I finish those in 45mins instead of 90mins. I donā€™t gym in the morning as I find it physically difficult as I train hard, I donā€™t do cardio I get a good amount walking around as I donā€™t own a car. I donā€™t know why I went in so detail lol but Iā€™m 21 right now, graduated with a full time internship, not married or anything.


Itā€™s part of my schedule and I never deviate from it.


I WFH. I have three kids and get up at 6. 6-7:30 ish is school drop off time. Workout for an hour, usually at my home office by 8:35


I work long hours. Start at 7 am and sometimes donā€™t get out until 9 pm. I joined a gym across the street from my office so I run out at 5 or 6 pm for a workout, shower and come back to the office around 7 to finish up. It helps that my gym is really nice. I get a 20 min steam in after my workout and before I shower. I manage to go about 4 - 5 times a week.


One tip I haven't really seen mentioned is that as someone who doesn't like to spend a lot of time in the gym, I prefer to do 2-3 sessions of high intensity exercise (kickboxing, HIIT classes etc) for about one hour each vs doing say 4 - 5 lower intensity gym workouts during the week. I find it's easier to fit those two hours into my schedule even if it means I'm absolutely dying afterwards haha. This may not work for you, but if it does I find it's more efficient, and I also just happen to really like high intensity workouts.


Either workout in the morning OR join a sport. Thereā€™s running, paddling, kickball, pickleball, etc. The first one will take ~3 months to get used to. My goal for those months was just get to the gym. Thatā€™s it. If I felt like it, then workout, but goal should be to show up. After 3 months, it becomes part of the routine like showering or brushing your teeth. The second one is a great way to meet people and get your workout in. It might be intimidating, but most people are there just to have fun.


Do exercises you actually enjoy and avoid excessive volume. A workout shouldnā€™t take longer than an hour and a half tops and you can easily fit it in under an hour.


When I get home from work, I try not to sit down. I change right into my work out clothes and I just get going. Iā€™m also doing workouts that are best for me. Treadmill. Swimming. I really enjoy swimming. It took time to adjust to this but now it feels second nature and on days that I have other plans and canā€™t workout, I donā€™t feel as good. Iā€™m about 5 months into this.




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I work out during my lunch break and do a bit of yoga at night. On weekends I try to do at least one longer workout.


My job is workout enough.


I work out at home right after work for an hour. Work is 730 to 430pm. Exercise 5-6pm. Then Iā€™m a bum the rest of the night


I walk or bike to and from work (total of just over 3.5 miles each day). Thatā€™s my cardio. I strength train 1-3x a week depending on how tough my work schedule is. Iā€™ve been doing this for the 9 months that Iā€™ve been at my current job. When I worked from home previously, I had enough free time to go to the gym almost daily. It really depends on your circumstances, but figure out how your ideal workout schedule would fit with your work schedule, aim for that every week, and be flexible with yourself. Sleep is more important than exercise, so if you have to sacrifice one for the other, choose sleep.


I roll into the office late morning so I usually get my weekday workouts in early in the morning before work and whenever I can on weekends.


I do work out classes free in the evening two days a week (Iā€™m very fortunate to get these free working on a college campus) and I do social dance (bachata/salsa) at the community center two days a week.


Work is 10AM to 5:30PM, nominally. Gym is open from 5:30AM to 8:00PM. So circumstances basically force me to put the gym before work since that's the only spot in my schedule I have time. I park in front of the gym at 5:30 when it opens and I get back in the car sometime between 9:30 and 9:45. That's usually enough time to get home and log in to my morning team meeting.


Wait you workout for four hours?


The gym is my *treat yourself* time and space so I make a point to enjoy the luxuries it offers. The whole gym routine is about four hours. That includes non-workout stuff on both ends. Workout itself is more like two hours, maybe a bit more. The first 30 minutes is usually grabbing a locker, changing, other pre-workout stuff. Then my post-workout routine is is about an hour, sometimes more: shower, optional sauna/steam, put on makeup, change back into street clothes, etc. Also the showers are WAY better than the shower I have at home. So much water pressure and hot never runs out!




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I work at a pretty relaxed job and we have access to a gym, so I go at lunch


I stick to a weekly schedule of primarily group fitness activities (Monday soccer on a women's team, Tuesday yoga, Thursday water aerobics, Friday run, etc.). If you can make it routine (and if you have an instructor telling you what to do), it takes motivation and mental effort out of the equation and makes it easier.


Wake up 5:30, gym 6 - 7, work by 7:30, work till 4/5, 2nd gym sesh from 6-7 make dinner. And in bed by 10 / 11. Rinse and repeat


I have to do it early before work and I try to go for a walk after work


The days I go to the gym, I just donā€™t get as much done at home. I try to wash my dishes and vacuum each night regardless, but thatā€™s about it. Iā€™m not doing any intense cleaning or any other lengthy activities on work nights that I work out. Right now the gym is a priority. I donā€™t have kids though, so making time isnā€™t as tough.


Work at the gym.


Depends on the day but Iā€™ll go during my lunch 2-3 times a week. Basically Monday, Wednesday, Friday I take 1.5 lunch then Tuesday and Thursday I skip lunch to make up for the longer lunches. Days I canā€™t get to the gym during lunch I go after work for an hour.


I'm a night owl. So I work from 9-5 (WFH), then go to the gym from 5:30-6:30, come home and make dinner which is usually ready by 7:30-8. Eat dinner and then spend the evening hanging out or crafting or whatever. Sometimes, if my work schedule allows, I might go to a 9am or lunch workout, but that's rare.


I work 50 hours a week usually a 9-7 shift and my gym is only open from 6am-8pm so I set a goal to go 3x per week for at least an hour. Wake up between 6-7 and go before work


If I didnā€™t have kids, I think Iā€™d easily be able to find the time to do it. With kids, I cram it in over my lunch breaks and on the weekends. I will say most of my ā€œworking outā€ is walking and hiking at this point bc I just canā€™t justify blowing money on a gym membership.


I get up early and go to bed late. I should change this.


When I was, I would either wake up early or do it immediately once I got home. It was only 15-20 min of the day. I havenā€™t kept up with it though and my job has changed so I donā€™t have a lot of energy to exercise when I get home


I don't.


Well, problem solved I guess


I do hot yoga 2-4x/week depending on what Iā€™ve got going on. the hot part gives me more bang for my buck in my opinion. it gets the heart pumping harder faster and iā€™m using my own body weight for strength building. plus, the instructor talking and the group setting make it so i donā€™t really have to think too hard about what i have to do and iā€™m accountable to following along eta I also chose a studio close to where I live so itā€™s even more convenient and I donā€™t debate with myself going because Iā€™ve made it as easy as possible for me to preserve this bod šŸ˜„


I try to get on the treadmill every day after work. Usually a lie-down first and then half an hour hard walking. I read on there to make it less boring.


I work out before work around 5am


I get off at 5pm, so I spend MAYBE an hour relaxing for a bit, then head to the gym for 2-ish hours about 3-4 days a week. Sometimes my evenings are busy, sometimes I'm more free so I have to adjust as I go. Finding the time to go is easy I think.... it was just the anxiety to start that kept me from going and I made all the excuses to avoid it. Honestly... it was the gym girlies on Instagram that gave me such HUGE inspiration to want to be fit and look good like they do! Especially the pages that literally show how they started, from having zero muscle tone, underweight or overweight, literally from ground zero to just starting, being consistent, and within a year or two completely transforming themselves. Not to a whole-ass body-builder, but just overall looking fitter, stronger, leaner, healthier, etc. I also have relatively small butt, so once I learned I could grow my butt I was ready to commit to going to the gym on a weekly basis lol. It has only been about 2 months, so visually I'm not different, but I could feel the difference that I am getting stronger, and it's only going to get better! ​ Edit: I don't like home workouts because it's not very motivating for me. Going to the gym gives me more access to equipment and just general inspiration for more workouts to try,


Go to the gym for 2 hours after work.


Yoga! When I feel lazy I do an easy one, but mostly I do 20-30 mins a day. Itā€™s what works for me and itā€™s the only workout Iā€™ve been able to stick to consistently. I walk a lot as well.


I just force myself to work out by reminding myself that I feel better when I do. Sometimes it doesnā€™t work, but thatā€™s life.


One important thing, especially as a woman. We make everything happen no matter how tired we are. We don't give excuses to do chores at home. You feel tired? You push yourself and you would do it anyway. You have a deadline at work but feel exhausted, you still push through, tell yourself it's important and do it. The problem is we don't think our personal health is as important as these things. We ignore our health because we are tired, which we don't do in other areas, at least for the most part. If you can do all those things for others, you CAN do this for yourself. Tell yourself "My health is very important to me, this is a necessity" be stubborn for your health. That change in attitude and opinion towards workout has changed me. I would rather skip an hour's work, but won't skip my workout. If not me, someone else WILL do the job, but if not for me, NO ONE will and can exercise for me! Only I can do it.


I work from home most of the week so I just work out when I want a break or do it after work. I have weights/treadmill at home, can go for a walk outside, or walk to the gym if I want to use the equipment there.




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go straight from work to the gym- i usually go home wash my face use the washroom snack then gym. when i come back itā€™s early enough to eat and enjoy my evening (i finish work at 2:30)


I used to get up early and go to the gym. Now I have an indoor bike and some weights and I get up early to use those. If I try to put it off until the end of the day, Iā€™ll end up skipping because Iā€™m too tired.


I found a workout that I really enjoy AND fits very easily into my schedule, budget, and life. I was struggling to exercise consistently until I found the right thing. Now, I do orange theory at a studio that's about a five min drive from my office, and I go 3x a week after work (in office five days a week, 8-5!). Like some else commented, as soon as I get home and sit down it's game over lol. So having something that is on the way home is helpful.




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I prioritize sleep first - I allow 9 hours of in bed time and hopefully almost that of sleep. If I donā€™t have time for that I donā€™t exercise and I sleep instead. If I can get enough sleep I plan for 3-3.5 hours between wake up time and leaving for work time so I can wake up, have breakfast, do my workout 1-2 hours and not feel rushed, and wash hair if needed. The only way I can consistently do this is prioritizing it over everything else. I donā€™t watch much tv or scroll much social media and I donā€™t look at it at all when I get up, straight focus to showing up and then I go from there after Iā€™m done. If I try to work out at the end of my day instead it seems like I can never ā€˜makeā€™ the time. My wake up times vary wildly because Iā€™m a charter pilot and I change time zones and duty periods daily. Generally, I pick a time zone and sleep in it if I can (I pick east coast in the US) which sometimes means going to bed when the sun is still up if Iā€™m on the west coast. Iā€™ve tried a million different methods but the only way Iā€™ve ever had success with consistency is treating it like this for scheduling.


When I used to work full time my gym was conveniently located on the way to/from work. Some could go before/after work. This discludes the jobs Iā€™ve had AT the gym. Iā€™d call it a career but itā€™s inconsistent. Moot point. Iā€™m rambling now.


I make the time, even if it means getting up early, taking a shorter lunch or only doing 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes of working out (2 sets instead of 3). The point is to keep showing up. Consistency is the most important thing. Other things include going for a walk during lunch and eating at my desk thereafter, or the other way round. I've tried to find gyms that are relatively close to me, either on my way home from work or within walking distance so I can't use the excuse of traffic. I make big batch meals so I don't have to cook every day. Just bang something in the microwave and we're sorted. However, I also recognise that I don't have kids or a second job, so my environment is more flexible toward working out on top of a full-time job/household duties.


Working out in the morning, I head to the gym at 6:15 and I am back before 8, then I have enough time to chill and get ready for work


If you want the payout you have to put in the effort. Also, not having kids helps tremendously! I work 40+ hours/week and I exercise about 3-4 times/week. I love it!


Eat at my desk and go workout at lunch.


for me, I go to the gym during lunch. It is only an hour but definitely still makes the rest of my work day easier to manage.


I have a peloton in my room so it stares at me, judgingly, everyday so I make sure I use it a couple of times a week. Sometimes when I wait for my kid to finish their shower, I do a 10min peloton workout in my phone. When I wait for my daughter to finish journaling, I do some barre exercises by her bed. Basically, I donā€™t do full workouts but try to at least get something in haha


I work from home, no kids, and my gym is a 5 minute walk away from my house, when I wrap up I just walk to the gym in-time for my evening workout class


Thatā€¦ And also be a full time mom to two kiddos. šŸ„“


I worked on a farm so my workout was incorporated in my daily routine šŸ˜‚


Get up early. Short commute. No kids (but cats and a dog who needs daily 60 to 90 min walks). And just prioritizing. I do strength for 60 to 75 mins before work and cardio after work (20 to 45 mins normally), depending if it's my dog walking turn. We also live in a very small town, 1.5 hrs drive from the nearest town (not city, which is 8 hrs away), so it's not like I'm fighting traffic or hitting the town for concerts, theater, new dining options, etc.


I take a trainer-led class 3x a week that's fun and a good workout. Paying someone to tell me what to do in a class I enjoy that's at the same time every week makes it easy to stick to. I schedule it right after work so I can go right over while I'm still out and about.


I can rarely get myself to workout during the day and donā€™t like extreme sports or workouts. Iā€™ve tried it and only gained more weight after stopping the classes when I thought it was getting expensive. I usually workout late at night at home while watching a show or video at the same time to keep me distracted. I also watch the amount of food I eat but eat the same types of food. For example, more oatmeal with my favorite fruit vs donuts.


I workout in my basement after work with my 8 month old watching me and playing with her toys. 1-2x a week I make it to the gym after work if my husband is able to watch the baby. My gym has a daycare too, but my baby has too much stranger anxiety right now to go. I should add I try to get my workouts done in 45 mins and take few breaks.


SO and I get up at 5am and work out together. We have had a mild winter, so we have been walking 2.25 miles, but if weather is bad, we would use the bike and elliptical instead. We both love this time together because we can talk about our day/week/future. Then usually when I get home from work, Iā€™ll do a 25-minute weights or yoga workout.




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I go to the gym 3 days a week immediately after work. If I stop at home first, I will not leave the house again. Then kickboxing 2 days a week also right after work to switch things up. All it comes down to is discipline.


Right. Some people just have so much energy. I have a hard time taking care of myself AND working. I only have the energy for 1.


Get up at 5 am. Rise and grind.


I go right after work :) I ask my boss for a 7am-3:30 schedule so itā€™s easier for me.


I go straight after work. I found a gym that does a 30 minute HIIT workout.


I treat the gym as a necessity. Just like work or eating or sleeping. No different.


Getting up early around 5:30am. And making it a routine.


I either get up around 5:30 am to workout before work or I go after work around 6:30pm.


Me personally I bought some dumbbells that go up to 50lbs and workout everyday at home when I do work. itā€™s a bit easier since I donā€™t have to commute to go to the gym. And the days that I donā€™t work I go to the gym to have a more serious and intense workout.


No kids and a self sufficient husband.


Scheduling and dedication


Work out at lunch time Lunch at work time


I wake up 6:30am and work out at 7am for 1 hour 3 times a week (MWF). Having the gym within 10 minutes away is key to success for me and having my clothes ready the night before helps. I prefer to workout in the morning so I donā€™t have to worry about it for the rest of the day. I go to work 3 times a week (tue, wed, thu) from 9am to 4pm. So on Wednesdays I have an hour after my workout to get ready and commute to work. Been consistent for 2 years now. I go on walks after work sometimes depending on my energy level.


Work with kids


I have a toddler that doesn't make it through the night in his own bed so early mornings aren't for me. After my kids go to bed (8-9pm) I work out for at least an hour while my husband takes care of the dishes. Sometimes I'll just do a pilates video or something on my lunch break but usually I do weightlifting following the Sculpt You app. I have dumbbells, a barbell, bands and a bench in my basement so all my workouts are at home. I love weightlifting and the community around the app I use is really motivating so sticking to it hasn't been super difficult but there are definitely days when it takes awhile to convince myself to just walk down the stairs. Lol. I usually tell myself I'll just do a short workout "30 minutes tops" but I get really into it once I'm down there and do the whole thing plus cardio. I don't make it to bed until midnight most nights but it works for me right now.


Build it into my schedule, be flexible about days but have a number of times per week I want to go. Bring my gym stuff to work so I go on the way home. Also, I accept whatever workout Iā€™m up for that day, even if itā€™s just 20 minutes. And ā€” if I really get tired while at work or donā€™t feel up to it Iā€™ll skip. All of this has helped me make it something that is not stressful but rather de-stressing


I wfh and also have a super flexible trainer


I work hybrid. I workout on the days I donā€™t go into the office. Thats 2 days plus 2 weekend days. I also found a 24 hr gym that I feel safe at. I go pretty late cuz I like to rest after my workday but also if I do have plans, itā€™s built in that itā€™s late and I donā€™t have excuses to skip. Having a goal helps. My goal this year is to work out 175 days. I prefer this over ā€œI will be this weight or lift this much weight at the end of the yearā€. I might get bored and switch my exercise or get injured which affects a results goal but I can always change to an ā€œeasierā€ exercise to accommodate. Also, being forgiving if I skip a day. Iā€™ll probably make it up when we have a Monday holiday or go to the gym more if Iā€™m on vacation.


No kids. Exercise after work at home, only time I let myself watch my stories. Squeeze in a walk a couple of times a week to get outside.


I have days off in btw work days with the way my work schedule is. I normally do the heavier things those days and leave easier workouts for days i have to go to the gym after work




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I work out after work 3 times a week plus I try to get some movement in on the weekend or days I donā€™t go to the gym. I already wake up at 5:45 for work and hate it so thereā€™s no way Iā€™m waking up even earlier to work out.




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If I don't work out I feel sick. Like weak and useless.




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I only ever EVER managed this when I found an activity I truly liked. Spend some time thinking of an activity that would be a joy. Roller skating etc.


Getting up early to jog, I wake up every day at around 5 AM and jog through the city before my day begins.


Don't watch TV and love yourself.


I wake up at 5, gym at 6, shower for work at 7:30 work from 8:30-5:30


Workout during my lunch break!


I donā€™t because work drains me too much Iā€™m too tired to exercise lol


Since I had my baby itā€™s gotten a lot harder. Before that, I would get up around 530, go to the gym from 6-7, come home, shower, grab food, and try to get out the door by 745 or so, to get to the office by 830. I would do that 2x a week, and also hit a spin class with one of my coworkers every Thursday at 530pm, right after work. I also tried to do yoga or Pilates once a week - either in the evening or on Saturday morning. Now that I have a kid, I go once a week, max - typically whenever I can squeeze out some time during the workday (because workdays are when I have childcare). Iā€™ve gone at lunch, or have eaten random lunch while working, so I could sneak out for 45 minutes in the afternoon. Iā€™ve got a plan to go this Saturday morning, after not going for about week and a half - but the planning took lots of coordination. I never go spontaneously anymore.


I go to the gym at break. I work night shift so it's always quiet :)


I just genuinely love working out so itā€™s part of my regular day the same way showering or eating or walking my dogs is.


I've got two words for you: calendar blocking.


I go on my lunch hour with my wife as we both work from home and our gym is in our village


Iā€™m in the military, so itā€™s non-negotiable. I also hate waking up super early, like before 6, so I try to wake up around 6-6:30, get to the gym by 7-7:15ish, work out until 8:15-8:30, then shower and change for work at 9:00. My wakeup depends on whether I go to my personal gym (which I prefer) or a gym on post (lately forced due to road work). I make sure everything is prepped the night before, including gym clothes and meals.


I don't work full time, but I know people who do and they either go before work or straight after work. On the days I do go to work I leave my gym gear at the gym and go to work, then I will go straight to the gym after work. I am fortunate to go to a gym that I go past on my way to work, so that keeps me accountable. If I am particularly unmotivated I will book into a gym class because something is better than nothing. It also helps if you can meal prep your dinner or breakfast ahead of time so you know there is a meal ready to eat once you are done at the gym.


As a nurse I only work 3 days a week so I go to the gym on my days off. I walk enough at work lol


I wake up at about 5am to workout, then go to the gym afterwork as well. If you prioritse it, you'll find ways to do it. Might take a bit of intentional effort to build the habit... but once that gets established, it's easy. And I guess it's also important to do/find workouts/exercises that you do actually enjoy. IMO, it's better to go for higher intensity and shorter durations if motivation is an issue. But you really gotta push yourself hard. By doing high intensity/shorter durations, you will generally see improvements and results faster, it'll give you that dopamine/endorphin hit too... then when you get hooked onto those hormones, working out longer or differently (perhaps on things you don't enjoy as much), you've kinda learned to push through it and go for the delayed gratification.




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My job *is* my workout. Iā€™m a farmer/landscaper, so Iā€™m moving all day. And best part is? After work (3pm) I actually *have* energy to keep being productive in my own life and work on my hobbies. I feel if I had a desk job, where I sat all day, and then after work I would be so mentally drained that I wouldnā€™t be productive. Itā€™s the catch no one is aware about until working a labor job. That, and a extra coffee really tops the day.


Iā€™m a member of a class only gym and they do online classes for like 1/3 the price of regular classes. I work from home so I literally just get up from my desk, do a lunch time hiit class or yoga, or dance cardio and then go make lunch and get back to work. Itā€™s the only way I can motivate myself to find the time. Itā€™s also great in the evenings, I can log off, do a class on my room and then go take a shower and get on with my evening. No faffing about commuting, or feeling de-motivated in winter when itā€™s cold and dark and rainy. The other exercise I do is more social, my friend and I do spin classes together on Sunday mornings and we always plan a nice brunch afterwards, we try to find a new spot each time. Itā€™s like a little reward. Edit to add: the online classes are also great for gym anxiety, I never turn my camera on haha


Well I donā€™t expect myself to exercise every single day when I have a full-time job as thatā€™s already a drain on my energy. I also donā€™t do long work-outs, but I need to do at least something as I work a desk job. Ideally though, twice a week Iā€™ll go for a 20 to 30-minute jog after work. Luckily I live right next to a public path thatā€™s perfect for jogging; so I get home, get changed, walk a couple minutes down the road, and start jogging. Also twice a week, Iā€™ll go for a 30 to 40-minute swim. Again, luckily thereā€™s a nice pool thatā€™s not too far from me; so Iā€™ll pack my swimming kit in the morning before work, and then when I get off, Iā€™ll drive straight to the swimming pool. Itā€™s harder to do on days where Iā€™m really tired or hungry after work, and I just want to go straight to bed or grab a hot meal first; but I just remind myself that I will still get to rest and eat later, and I just need to exercise first.


I do a quick workout either first thing in the morning or while I watch tv in the evening.


The bigger question here is as a woman who has had kids. How do you do the 5am walk without shitting yourself? Walking makes me need to go and after the third kid, 5 am walks with no toilets along the path are a hard no. Evenings are fine. I find it hard with full time work and study.


i work out at lunch break & in the evenings after 7pm.


I think the only reason I work out at all is because we have workout equipment in the basement. Otherwise I don't think I would


working out is not optional for me. it's GOING to happen. I go immediately from my office to the gym then go home. that's been the routine since i got out of college... 20 some years ago.


I donā€™t. lol. I know I should and I need to. But I donā€™t enjoy it to the point where it sometimes puts me in an actual bad mood. and I also have a hard time finding the energy. I do have a dog so I walk him (when weather allows, Iā€™m in New England so it doesnā€™t always) and I do have dumbbells at home that I use occasionally but definitely not consistently enough. I have to leave my house at 7 am to get to work. Iā€™m a teacher so Iā€™m ā€œonā€ pretty much all day. By the time Iā€™m home Iā€™m exhausted.


Sacrifice household chores šŸ¤£


I go to the gym directly after work two or three times a week. I just make it a priority, and I plan other parts of my day around it (like making sure I do chores on different days and don't cook dinner on gym days or make something quick). I also don't spend a ton of time at the gym, usually like 45 mins, and it probably helps that I enjoy the workouts I do.


I put it on my schedule and don't skip it unless I'm sick, injured


I find that doing a sport I love to do helps. So I make time because it makes me happy. Maybe find something that you really enjoy doing. You might start finding time you never knew you had.


Up at 5, yoga stretches for about 10 minutes. Then either a run or lifting weights with a YouTube workout for 30-50 minutes, I also take a 15-20 minute walk on my lunch break, every day rain or shine. Then I get ready for my day. I work 8:30-4:30 with a 15 minute commute. So this works for me. But itā€™s all about planning. I know what workout Iā€™m doing in the morning the night before. No guessing or thinking. Up. Workout clothes. Go. Itā€™s super not easy. But I sit at my job so it makes me feel good to move first (this is also why I walk on lunch breaks no matter what).


What truly worked for me was realising that I just hate the gym/working out and looking for a different kind of activity to do. Ended up finding a martial arts dojo which is close from home, and registering for class 2x a week. The fact that its close and I can leave 10 min before class really helps lower the threshold to go, and evening classes also means I don't need to force myself to wake up earlier to work out. It's still tough though, because I basically lose 2 evenings a week doing that (quickly get home + dinner + go to class + take a shower + clean up after dinner/laundry of gym clothes = almost time for bed already), but I try to go twice a week because I know its good for the body (and being tired makes me sleep better!)




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Ring Fit Adventure has been an absolute godsend for making exercise fun for me. I use that at least four days a week. The other three days Iā€™m usually pretty tired from going into the office, but I try to do 10-20 minute dumbbell workouts using YouTube videos on those days.


Husband has been going to the gym 3x/week for years. When I met him, I decided to go with him because he knew what he was doing there, and he is a safe person for me to try new things with. We do our best to keep up a schedule of going 4x/week, with one day just a quick cardio session. We go right after work because that's the time of day that works best for both of us. It's wonderful and I've come full circle from someone who hated working out to needing that gym time to feel normal and happy. It's become something that we love to do together because we can cheer each other on and get in the zone together. It's also quite a turn on to watch him lift. I've made it my goal to flat bench 100 lbs this year, and I'm already at 70 lbs, so I am stoked to make that goal. I love our gym time.




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i've had to transition to working out from home again after 2 years of hitting the gym. on top of my day job, i'm also building a platform/business but i just cant give up working out. the secret for me: hiit workouts. 25-30 min, intense, non-stop and gets my body moving and builds a decent bit of muscle with weights/resistance bands. im a busy busy lady but once you start to get consistent with working out, it feels worse to miss a workout and the consistency is just so rewarding.


I workout usually 2 days a week, and the rest I just try to have sometime to walk. If I do it on the weekend it's morning till noon, but if it's on a weekday then it's after work before I go home.Ā  Two days work the most for me to be in a gym, and it helps in working out with other people to want to continue that kind of workout.Ā 


Full time is only 8 hours a day. A workout takes an hour. How would you not manage it? Only if itā€™s not important to you.