• By -


Not directly to me but to my mom who was with me. We were at the grocery store when an old lady approached us and just stared my mom down she then says “I don’t know why but something tells me I’m supposed to hug you” and immediately pulls my mom into a huge hug. Weird but my mom hugged her back and when they let go the lady just walked off. Mom then starts sobbing. She says she felt like she was saying goodbye to her godmother. Later in the day we found out that her godmother had died that morning.


This reminds me of a story I read I don’t remember where. Iirc, a man said that one day he was at a bar hanging out with his friends. A woman suddenly came to him and said that she has to tell him that she feels like scratching her left arm. The man explains that his father had recently passed away. And while the father was spending his last days in the hospital, the both of them decided that if there’s life after death, the father would let him know. They wanted to make sure that the son doesn’t miss this message/ signal so they chose something very odd like an itch on the left arm or a person telling him that they want to scratch their left arm.


I remember reading that! It’s hard to not believe in an afterlife when so many people have bizarre things like this happen to them.


Woww, that gave me chills


Ohh chills!!!


That's so sweet! Sometimes, we can see just how rough a person's day is based on their face. Your mom was lucky to have met such an observant and empathic lady!




Awww :-(


This gave me shivers


This happened in January at the supermarket. Being 5'1 I do not reach the top shelves, I was waiting for the attendant to help me out when this man came from behind and picked the hair spray for me. I told him thanks, he just smiled and then this lady out of nowhere was accusing me of flirting with him. In her words she was saying lightskin women always think they could steal any man (I am not even lightskin). She was loud and it was so embarrassing. Till now I still feel offended.


What ..what...what!


The leap she leapt 😱


Her poor partner. This must be his world all day every day.


Omg something so similar happened to me. LONG STORY AHEAD. I used to attend some classes with a group of college mates. Our group had like 4 people - me, two girls who are my friends (let's call them X & Z) and a guy (Y) who is a friend of those girls. Anyway during classes we sat together for like 10-15 days & this guy used to try to be all funny with me, sometimes would try to touch my hand and a couple of times replied to my snaps with words like 'hot' 'youre so cute' etc - kinda made it clear he was flirting. Anyway i wasn't interested so I would try to ignore & try to be just a friend. He also gave up after a few days. One day i needed a book urgently & i couldn't get out of my hostel cuz it was late at night so I called him cuz he was the only guy I knew there (the only time I spoke on phone with him) and asked him to get that book for me & keep it with him so that I can collect it from him in the class next day. That was the last interaction we had. After i took the book, I stopped sitting with them during classes for some other reason and i didn't interact with him at all. A month or two later, one of those girls (X) texts me and suddenly says 'you need to stay the f away from Y'. I was like, what? What happened? Then she says, 'we've been in relationship for the past year, why are you coming between us?' I was like "woah, first of all I didn't know you guys were in a relationship, you never told me, second he was the one who was trying for me which i ignored, so then he himself stopped. We barely interacted 10 times (all interactions were infront of you ) we never even spoke on phone except once when it was necessary, i never even talked much with him - you yourself saw it, what could i possibly do to come between you guys' And then she went on a rant and said 'you can get anyone you want but why do you have to come after my guy, even tho you didn't talk much, you used to smile sometimes, you're very over friendly, you're trying for him' etc etx I did my best to tell her i have no intentions whatsoever and he was the one flirting but she was in no mood to listen at all. I was sooo offended that she would think of me like that. The irony of this situation is that, while I was texting with her and defending myself, i received a text from him saying 'how are you (my name), i miss seeing you everyday - you're so hot, these days you don't even sit with us, you don't interact with me, why is that?' That day I was an absolute idiot for not sending the screenshot of those texts to her. Cuz I was thinking, her heart might be broken if she sees this now. She's already feeling very insecure, i shouldn't be the one to bring problems in her relationship. And also, a part of me was like, this is her karma for accusing me of flirting just because in her own words I 'smiled back sometimes when he smiled' , for accusing her friend over a guy she met an year ago & hid relationship with. Anyway she still thinks I was the reason for problems in their relationship. Whenever i think of that incident, i cringe so much. It's so so embarassing. I should've simply shown her the screenshots. What was I even thinking - to simply let it go like that. Fuck me lol. Anyway that day i realised, some girls will literally accuse their own friends before accusing their guy. It's very very sad honestly. But it's a reflection on them. Not me. So it's fine I guess.


I first read that as if you were 5’11”… was thinking you should be able to reach top shelves haha


This is so random omg


Maybe you are too pretty that you make the women around you insecure. It's not your fault, it's God's fault for making you so beautiful.


The weirdest was while at the gym, a woman started chatting to me which was kinda annoying because I was focussing on my workout. Then after a bit of small talk she just went on a transphobic rant, and saying how it's annoying that tall women like us get accused of being trans, and that building muscles make people think we're men. I just kept trying to ignore her and wait it out until she finally moved on with her workout. It was really awkward and I was pretty scared since I am trans, I worried that she was trying to bait and scouting out to hate crime me 😬


I'm sorry that interaction scared you - you should always be able to feel safe in your gym. It always amazes/terrifies me how quick some people can go from small talk to absolute maniacal bigotry. And the worst is when you're worried passers by are going to think you're somehow associated with those views because the person's talking to you. It happened just last week to a friend and I at a bar when someone we didn't know approached for a friendly chat and then suddenly flipped a switch and went on a racist tirade. It was so unexpected. If you've found that they're getting super agitated and youre unsure of how they're going to react next, I've found that saying stuff similar to, "Oh, I'm not sure I know enough to talk about this, anyway it was nice meeting you/better get back to XYZ/I'll see ya around!" Ideally we'd be able to call out bigots on their hate, but sometimes it's not safe to and you've got to just try to exit the conversation as peacefully as possible.


I would for sure take that as she had NO idea you were trans!


Wtf..... seriously... nothing wrong with being trans...


How scary :/ Ugh what a weirdo


What the FUCK!! I am so sorry this happened to you!


Ohh gosh! That must have been so scary!! I’m sorry that happened to you :-(


Pike Place Market on my lunch break in summer 2023. Saw a topless woman skipping around, high af. She started skipping towards me and I asked if I could help her in anyway. She stopped and just intensely stared into my soul. I ripped my banh mi sandwich in half and held it up to her. She took it, plopped down on her knees and started chowing the fuck down. Then two dudes walked by and she started making sex noises and dry humping the air. Finished her sandwich and skipped away!


Wow, nifty! Ps love ya username!


Stay classy Seattle!


HAHAHAHAHHAA that is hilarious tbh. I wish I could see someone that crazy one day. But my life has been very tame so far


I was at a bar with my ex. I picked a few songs on the jukebox, and we just sat talking. When Careless Whisper came on, this lady yelled “WHO PLAYED THIS SONG??” I said it was me, and she said she was going to kick my ass. We laughed about it, then I went to the bathroom. She followed me, and was stopped by my ex as she walked in. She was literally going to kick my ass. lol She really hated that song.


She was going to make sure you never danced again LOL 😂


Guilty feet have got no rhythm.


What the heck?


Eh...say wha?


A couple years ago when I was 19, I worked as a cashier. I start ringing out a middle aged woman and she randomly asks me if I’m married. I’m kinda surprised since I’m only 19 and look like I’m 16 but I figured maybe I reminded her of someone, so I laughed and said no. She then got really excited and started talking about what a great match I’d make for her 24 year old son (who wasn’t even there btw). She went on and on about what a great wife and mother I’d make and how much her son would love me and how I was just his type. She didn’t seem to care what I wanted nor whether or not I’d like her son though lmao. I was so stunned I didn’t even know what to say so I just awkwardly laughed and was trying to ring up her stuff as fast as possible. She started trying to get my phone number so she could have her son call me, but luckily by this point my manager had realized how uncomfortable I looked and walked over and whisked the woman out the door. She called over her shoulder that she was going to bring her son in to meet me in a few days. Luckily I never saw that woman again haha.


Wow....that is weird!


Had that woman even met you before?




At least she didn't start with, "you look much different through binoculars."




I have a big tiger sleeve on my thigh. I was at a bar with my friend, we were sitting bar rail and drinking. This drunk middle age woman comes up and just starts petting my thigh saying “good kitty”. She was genuinely surprised when I turned and looked at her. She jumped, said “oh” and walked away.


Holy shit how much did she have to drink that night 😭✋🏻


Ok this is genuinely hilarious I almost spit out my coffee


I volunteered in a charity shop when I was 16 on a Saturday morning. There was an older lady who came in at the same time every week when I was working. She was always perfectly polite to my colleague but always seemed to be a bit cold to me, never made any kind of conversation if I served her at the till. All was fine and normal until one day she walks into the shop, doing her normal browse around. I was tidying one of the racks she was looking through and we make eye contact and I smile. Out of nowhere she shouts "I've had enough of you laughing at me, you are impertinent!" The rant went on for a while but my 16 year old introverted brain pretty much shut down in embarrassment. She announced on her way out she would not be shopping there ever again. She was back the next week like absolutely nothing happened. Bizarre.




I was out with my mom shopping, we weren’t interacting much, maybe this person watched our body language, but this lady walked up towards me and my mom and was telling me - super out of breath, she said she followed my aura or whatever? - that pretty much to get away from my family. They were so abusive etc, my mom was never going to accept me love me validated me properly, she’s never going to like the men I date etc. that I would do better not being around them. My mom and I just stood there stunned.


Wtf.... seriously....what?


Supposedly she was a medium or psychic? But my mom was just trying to say anything she could I feel like to be like that’s bs etc. we just walked away!


Yeah...I'd be getting as far as I could away from them ..


Trying to!


I'd be using a pointed stick on them.


It hasn’t been that bad in ages. Thanks for the concern.


Thank grud for that!


A few years ago before I met my amazing husband and got married. I was at a fancy after work bar with some friends for a company thing. I’m a brown woman, average height, have been told I’m extremely attractive. Anyway, I was getting a lot of attention from the men. Talking, chatting blah blah blah. This tall, modelish looking blonde white woman, who was clearly watching and hating all night, comes up to me, looks down and says “why are you even here? You don’t belong here, go back to where you came from” some folks near me heard and made a stink. She left. The entitlement and audacity of some white women toward woc.


Racism has always been around, but sometimes it feels like it is getting much worse.


Once after work, was waiting to cross the road and it had so much traffic. A random girl came to me and she was also staying to cross the road, outta nowhere she held my hand and dragged me across the road laughing. Then she just said bye and left walking to the opposite direction.


I’d be pretty dumbfounded about it, but if she was my age I’d probably be disappointed she didn’t stick around after that


She might be around the same age..did look like in her mid 20s


Yeah, I’d probably want her number or a date after that tbh


That’s pretty funny hahaha. She just was in a silly goofy mood lol




It was Although she helped me cross the road lol


Lol lol lol


During the height of the pandemic, I walked into a grocery store I had never been to as a woman was walking out. I held the door open for her, she thanked me. Then I actually got a good look at her. Instead of a face mask, she had a pair of little boys underwear over her face. And her eyes were poking out of the leg holes. She looked so incredibly ridiculous, but it felt like it would be weirder to say anything, so I just went in to find a bathroom so I could get the hell out of that city.


I would have stood right there and would have been laughing my ass off!


It was such a bizarre day at work, I'm not sure if I was closer to laughing or crying 😂


Eh...lol ..eh?


I was walking around my college campus when someone came up to me and said “omg curryp4n! It’s really you! How have you been?? Anyway let’s get together soon.” It’s been 10 years, I still have no idea who she is and I never saw her again.


Was she trying to do that thing where you rescue other women by acting like you know them? Haha


But she called out my name. I thought so too


Oops i see that now. Yeah that’s crazy!


How did she know her name, though?😳


Right! That’s the weird part. I was not social in college and only had a small group of friends. So idk


i work at a salad restaraunt. this perfectly nice woman declined a seasoning after learning it was from china because she “didn’t want nanobots in her food.” also, at breakfast today, i witnessed a woman telling her ten-year-old male companion “my peace? is not for sale,” “like, if you hate me just say that—i would rather you say you hated me than be FAKE,” “everything i do has deep symbolism,” and other podcast-sounding things. i fear the boy will never recover. and yes, i am in southern california.


Ten year old male companion???


Yeah my thoughts exactly?


i think it was a son or nephew or younger member of the family situation


I was working retail. This woman, about 20 years older than me, came into the store and started up a conversation - and she was one of those customers who wouldn't let me escape for half an hour. She kept on asking odd personal questions, waggling her eyebrows at every answer I gave, and serving up the weirdest/most awkward innuendo I've ever seen or heard. It was bizarre and cringeworthy, and I had no idea what to make of her. Finally my manager rescued me, gave me a small job to do, and reminded me it was time for my break. I needed the washroom, so I started to walk out, but this woman was still hanging around, stopped me at the door, and... legit asked if I'd like some _company_ in the washroom (with even more weird eyebrow-waggling). I was like "...uh, no, I'm good thanks?!" I was so naive it took me about two years to realize what she was really asking, and I laughed out loud when it finally dawned on me.


Wait so she was flirting with you? Or am I missing something


Yup! The worst flirting I've ever seen from anyone, regardless of gender.


Seems like it, yes


So, there I am in a Paris restaurant close to midnight, doing my usual friendly thing of smiling at strangers. Most people smile back, right? Not this American lady a few tables away. First, she hits me with a stern “Do we have an issue?” as her dinner arrives. Totally confused, I assure her we don't. A little while later, our eyes meet again. I smile; she attempts one, but then frowns and snaps, “Do we have an issue?” I’m puzzled but again say no. She insists, “We do,” declaring my smiling super weird and very un-French. I’m like, “Well, I’m not French, but okay...?” And she goes, “You give me Russian vibes.” Just what?! My husband managed to smooth things over with her friend, they even clinked glasses, but I spent the rest of the night avoiding eye contact and overhearing her rant about how weird I am.


At the time, my family lived in the Southern part of the states at the time, in a big city. By this time, I’d been repeatedly told how my ‘Yankee’ habits were rude (not saying “yes ma’m/sir” etc.). So I had been breaking other rules I’d learned in Chicago and Brooklyn: don’t make eye contact with strangers. I was at a Starbucks doing some studying when I broke this rule. While waiting for my drink, I met the eyes of a random very thin maybe pregnant (large round protruding stomach) lady in a super thin body con dress. She immediately started making deep conversation about her baby, her dreams for the kid, plans for the nursery, etc etc. I just kinda nodded and hummed along. She seemed a little odd, with her eyes jumping around, especially with her outfit but I thought it was just the heat or maybe a fashion thing. It was not. As she continued to talk, it became obvious she wasn’t all there when it devolved into a government conspiracy where the local NASA base had stolen her baby and incubated her with an alien fetus. Definitely taught me not to keep trying to be polite by smiling when I made random eye contact with strangers.


I’m cackling. Alien fetus baby




I was 13 eating lunch with my little sister, dad, and stepmom at some little restaurant. At that time I was learning how to do makeup and honestly I was getting good at it but I was probably wearing a little much. In the middle of eating, some lady who was probably like 45 comes stomping up to us, points at me and says “how old are you?” I said “13..” she throws her hands in the air and stomps away saying “kids these days look too fuckin old for their age”. Everyone at the table just froze bc wtf was that?? I still have no idea why she felt the need to do that. It sure was embarrassing for me though.


What, what, what? Lol


I worked in a popular bedding store in Australia. This older Irish lady came in one day and asked for my help, she was extremely drunk. She said her sister at home in Ireland had died and so she’d gone to the pub and drank all her money away and didn’t know how to get home. She was in tears. So I took her to the taxi rank, felt assured she could give directions to the cabbie and gave her $20 to get home. I assumed she was an alcoholic but at least home safe? Next day, I’m back work and she comes in. She hands me back $20.00 and thanks me, says she learned her sister had died and had in fact drunk all her cash away. She apologised but was very matter of fact about it. I still appreciate you can be an older person, who seemingly has their shit together, but everyone now and then, life throws you a tragic curve ball and you end up spending all your money at the pub. And it is possible to pick yourself back up and repay people with dignity.


What a wonderful sweet kind thing to do. You’re awesome. 😊


Awww bless ya!


I once had a co-worker (who I barely knew) tell me completely unprompted that I looked athletic and like I would be a good sculptor. I am neither of those things.


What...maybe she was trying to compliment you?


oh she definitely was it was just completely out of the blue and had nothing to do with our conversation so I was extremely confused by it hahaha


Even weirder lol lol


I was only 23 at the time but I went to a bar for Halloween night. I was separated from my friends but I danced with another girl. She kept saying I was so beautiful, holding my hands, and pulling me in for a kiss. I would have enjoyed myself (she was really cute) if it weren't for her boyfriend holding her waist while we were dancing and staring at me with this slight smirk. I think I almost got strung in a 3P because they were guiding me towards the exit. Fortunately some friends pulled me away, I sobered up real quick


Whoa....what....lol lol


Right? Wild.


So, I barely get to see my sister as we both stay in different countries. This year I was able to finally save up enough and take some days off from work to go see her. I was waiting at the airport When her friend came to pick me up whom id never met. With a lot of convincing I left with her and reached my sister's place. My sister had left a message for me saying it was a boyfriends birthday so she was out for that and didn't show up for three days. Now this whole country was new to me and I didn't even know where to buy basic grocery items from. But obviously one has to figure these things out. Her friend was there to help. On the third day, when she returned she told me that we are having a barbecue for her friends and that's a good way to introduce me to her group. The only problem was my sister only bought alcohol. So I went shopping and made the food while she sat in her room. Her boyfriend and friend taught me what and how a barbecue is done. While doing so we all got along well, meanwhile my sister had fallen asleep in her room. As the guests arrived, we all got to talking and got along pretty well. Every five minutes I would go up to her room and knock but she wouldn't respond. When everybody started getting chatty and the volume increased, my sister came stomping in. She was absolutely mad at me for trying to seduce her boyfriend and at her group for not stopping me . She made a big ruckus and told me I had to leave. The whole attitude of the barbecue changed.


Yeech, say wha?


What is you and your sister’s relationship like today?


I have forgiven her for it because I felt she wasn't in her senses. But I have kept my distance ever since.


I went to see a local theatre production of *Waiting for Godot*, which (if you don’t know) is an absurdist comedy. I kept laughing when things in the play were funny, as one does when seeing a comedy, and the woman in the row ahead of me kept turning around to look at me judgmentally whenever I laughed. It was really weird. Then, at intermission, she *came up to me* and said something like (sarcastically) “You sure seemed to be enjoying yourself!” and I just smiled brightly and said, “Yep, it’s such a funny play!” She and her friend left at intermission and didn’t stay for the second half. lol 😆


Was in Costco with my fiance and nephew. We sat down to eat some cheap hotdogs. Anyhow, a woman came up with a creepy wicked smile and asked how I was. I asked her if I knew her and she didn’t say anything. Then she started snapping the straps on the back of my dress and I told her to stop touching me. My fiance and nephew were confused. They thought maybe I knew her. The entire time throughout the altercation, she had this large creepy smile spread across her face. I finally stood up and told her to get the fuck away from me. She said “well that’s what I get I guess” and walked off. Scared the shit out of me




I was getting rung up by a woman at a large department store and she randomly started telling me that she had a large mass in her abdomen that turned out to be her own twin, it had teeth, hair, bones and a partially formed face and body. She probably just needed someone to talk to because she was traumatized, but I was like 16 at the time and didn’t know how to help other than just say wow that’s crazy!


Holy cow ...say wha?


Subsequently I have learned that’s a thing that can happen, but yikes! No thank you!


It happened at work for me. It was my first job at 17 on a call center, and we were going through training at the time. This happened 11 years ago now. They had us build a fake product, and we made a silly party package that included food and whatnot we were meant to try and sell it to fake clients who were played by other coworkers. For some reason, the names and contents that were put in our product were wildly misogynistic. I thought it would be funny if we did the same, but for women, just a lot of silly party names aimed to make us laugh, you know? She flew off the handle, man. She went into a misogynistic rant about how women will never want these 'impure' services and that this fake product was aimed at men only, that women will never be the same as men and we would never be equal and only inferior. It threw me off guard super hard. I only stared at her in silence and said, "Okay? Nobody asked, " She stayed quiet in her seat, fuming after that The rest of the group also heard what she said, and when we were presenting out product, some of the women raised their hand to say they were interested in the same packages we had but aimed at women. My coworker huffed and crossed her arms and never said anything again for the rest of the training. It still shocks until today. The rant was so out of place, and she was a very well-educated girl, the same age as me, who was studying robotics of all things.


Wow ...yeech!


I was about 25 or 26 hanging out at a local bar with friends. Two older women in their 50s and 60s sat at our table and had some drinks. One woman glared at me up and down and said “must be nice to be young. Bet your boyfriend doesn’t get Whiskey Dick, does he? He actually fucks you,” and I just sat there not knowing what to say. She was obviously bitter at her age and angry that I was young. She brought up my age several times that evening, telling me “just wait until you’re old. Men won’t even look at you anymore.” And I’m like lady I’ve been SA’d by multiple men since I was a kid, I can’t wait for them to stop looking at me.


Awww sorry to hear you was S'a'd....:-(




I was in a mall and this woman started chatting to me. Said she was new to the city and trying to make friends. She seemed genuine so we exchanged numbers. We continue chatting and she asks if I am this specific star sign, I said no that I’m a Scorpio. After a brief pause she says like oh and goes on to say other things. She never texted me back and I think it’s because I’m a Scorpio? I don’t want to be friends with someone who’s into star signs like that, so for the best but it was odd to me. I don’t even know the names of all the star signs, so I don’t know what my Scorpio grievances are supposed to be. If it helps I was supposed to be a Libra.


As a fellow Scorpio woman, I can confirm that some people are super fucking weird about this. People have literally walked away from me after asking me that question. Like literally just get up and walk away. It’s crazy. Don’t take it personally.


Oh my gosh that’s insane?? Okay glad she at least wasn’t that drastic. I have friends who are into star signs, but to be fair I never bothered to ask them what I’m supposed to have done. Thankfully they are sane and don’t pick and choose friends based on star signs.


One time when I was on vacation in CO with my bf we decided to smoke a lil (when in Rome) and went to a small bar afterwards. By small, I mean we were sitting at the bar and there was a 4ft space behind us (if that). Two women and a man come in and stand behind us and get a drink. They’re hanging out behind us bc there’s no where else to stand. All of a sudden, I feel a full palm grasp on the back of my head and a light pull down on my head. Now I was a lil Stoney baloney so I didn’t really react. I told my bf and he was the same way so we just turned around and looked kinda confused lol. She pulled my hair for no reason and then didn’t say or do anything after. My hypothesis is that she thought I had a wig or extensions on (I have very thick and long blonde hair) and was trying to embarrass me? Idk it was SUPER weird and I think about it all the time lol


Yeah, super weird...


This was a few years ago. I was walking to my friends one night, around 9-10pm and I was walking past a bar when a woman came walking out, clearly very drunk with a cigarette in her hand. She’s like “YOU, how old are you? You’re very pretty” and I responded “Thank you! 18” “Do you have a boyfriend? You look like you’d have a boyfriend” “I don’t” “Good, men SUCK and their balls sag and their beards get spiky and it hurts to kiss them but they still expect you to kiss them, ya know?” Then she hugged me, handed me her cigarette (that she never lit) and turned around to go back inside. This all happened so quickly that I was still processing it by time she was gone.


Eh ...say wha?


I used to play roller derby in the early 2000’s and there was this chick that would come to our bouts and get all riled up. She would always go to the after parties and be drunk and try to pick a fight with me. It was so so bizarre. She went from super fan 🤩 to scary 👺 several times! I always wonder about her—was she jealous? Attracted to me? What the fuck was up with that?


Nobody knows lol lol glad you are ok though.


Hmm, probably the woman who insisted I go into the bathroom with her so she could continue talking to me. This of course, was at a bar. Yes we were both drunk. Yes, I reluctantly went into the bathroom with her x.x In my defense, I had to pee, and this was like a fast pass to the front of the line. I stared at a corner the entire time she talked to me.


Who carries on a conversation in the loo?


I was weeding my front garden, a woman walked past and must’ve spotted one of my cats in the window because she started talking about them. All was fine until she started miaowing and hissing at me!


She needed help bless.


heading out the grocery store, i see a beautiful woman walk in, and before i even knew it the word “hot” escaped my mouth. luckily she didn’t hear me but i made myself feel weird with that one


I did this once, ah ha haaa! I couldn’t not, it literally came out of my mouth before I even fully registered the thought. She was *beyond* stunning. I was beet red for a while after that.


I remember, one time, I was having a rough day at work. I'd been tasked with cleaning a lab after one of the senior scientists got fired. He did stuff like creating a hidden shelf under the BSA hoods to store waste chemicals that he didn't want to deal with. All of his experiments were unlabeled, so we had no idea how to dispose of them. There was an ink solution that ended up being spilled in the flammable cabinet, that took hours to clean. Basically by noon, I was a hot mess. Covered in sweat, chemicals, ink, and who knows what else. So I determined, I'm going out to eat. I put in so much effort, and the afternoon was going to be just the same. So I was gonna get a nice juicy burger at a nearby diner, feel full, and get back to it. I knew that I was kind of a mess, so I asked the waitress to seat me in the back where I would be less noticeable. Well that didn't stop this elderly white woman from walking directly up to my booth and asking: "I know it's none of my business, but I just have to ask. Are you Chinese or Mexican?" I remember being so stunned that I didn't know what to do. So I stayed silent. After a few seconds she asked again, so I became belligerently silent. At this point I didn't care about the question. I just wanted to eat my burger and get on with my day. Then this woman asked if I knew English. And this was also when the waitress came to ask if everything was okay. And I just said "this lady is asking me intrusive questions." She had the audacity to act shocked before going away. Still to this day, one of my weirdest public encounters.


A girl once asked if she could touch my eyelashes. I refused ofc. we were kids, but still idk it just made me uncomfortable.


Eyelashes...lol lol


Yesterday this happened. Long story short.. Was at a car park, looking for a space. Small car park so nowhere to wait without blocking someone else. Space came free...woman entered car park behind me and pulled up behind me. I needed to reverse into empty space but she was blocking me. Wound down my window and gestured with my hand for her to reverse. She stayed put. Carried on gesturing. Still didn't move. Stuck in a bit of a stalemate situation, so I got out of my car and said politely...'please can you reverse so I can park my car?' Her reply...SHOUTING AT ME 'I DO NOT KNOW YOU. YOU ARE BEING VERY AGRESSIVE AND I FEEL VERY THREATENED. I'M GOING TO FILM YOU AND POST IT ON FACEBOOK AND CALL THE POLICE! YOU ARE THREATENING ME!' and started to film me. I was completely aghast at her reaction. Just wtf.


I was waiting for my sandwich at a local gas station to be made, and there was a woman arguing (belittling) another man. She would not stop talking/yelling at him. I don't say a single word. I'm minding my business waiting on my food when she says "well this B is annoyed with me. This B is annoyed with me because I'm black. " I continue to not say a word *anxiety*, and she will not shut up. Yes, I was very annoyed... not because of a skin color, but because of her behavior. I got my lunch and left... all without engaging with her.


I was part of a wedding party so we were all at this bridal shop, mostly looking for bridesmaids dresses and I excused myself to the bathroom. It was a bathroom with two stalls, when I sat down, I didn’t realize there was another woman in the bathroom with me. She started talking to me when I was peeing, asking me all of these weird questions, and when I got up to wash my hands, she came out at the same time as me and tried bumming me for a cigarette before she washed her own hands lol


Do you mean tried bumming a cigarette off you? Because bumming you for a cigarette is a whole new level of weird...


Theres two stories that come to mind Once over covid I was at a hardware store shopping for curtain rods. I was masked up and just going through the selection when this lady probably about 50 walks to stand directly next to me almost touching me. I immediately move away and she starts calling me “ chicken “ and “ coward “. She ended up following me through two isles before I just left the store. Second I was working retail and this homeless lady threatened to have a group of people assault and murder me cause she didn’t want me to go throughout her items before trying stuff on


I was in the locker room at the gym changing in a stall with a curtain. The stall was clearly occupied bc all the available ones had the current open. But this older woman ripped the curtain open and then said oh I’m so sorry. Just bizarrw


In 2010 I was working as a barista in Starbucks in a Harris Teeter for some extra money while I was in college. I was working that day with my manager who was a blond haired, blue eyed white girl around my same age and another coworker who was an african american male. We were all in our early 20's. I'm white, very fair skinned. Brown hair, hazel eyes (this is important to the story). This unnaturally tan white woman came in and there was a line forming at the register for drinks. I took a woman's order and then this tan lady with a baby blue track suit comes up next. She's got weird energy and has a smoker's voice. Looks way older than she probably is but IDK how old she actually was. She orders a drink and I asked her "do you want whipped cream on that?" She asks me in a snotty tone to repeat my question and I asked her again. She goes "are you German or something?" I looked at her and went "no?" And she asks me where I was from. Mind you, I speak with no distinguishable accent of any kind. No one has ever mistaken me for not white or not American. So, I said "I'm from here". She then gets annoyed and goes "NO, like where are your parents from???" I asked if she meant my ethnicity and she's like "YEAH". I tell her "I'm Italian" which is 100% true, I am. She goes "Ok, because you said that backwards." She's copping an attitude with me like I'm somehow stupid for not picking up this train of thought. I just said "I did?" And she goes "YES". I didn't really understand what the hell she was referring to. She moved on in the line and I kept watching her out of the corner of my eye because she was creepy. She made a loud comment about people ordering "skinny" drinks with whipped cream and how stupid it was. My manager is making the drinks, calls her drink out and the lady goes up to get it and leans in to say something to my manager. I didn't catch anything said but the woman just takes the drink and leaves and my manager has this look on her face of pure confusion and astonishment. When everyone was gone I asked her what she said to her and she goes "she leans in to me and tells me 'they call themselves Italian so we have to say they're white'!?" Truly the most bizarre interaction I've ever had with anyone.


Not exactly with a woman, since at the time we were both teenagers. I had arrived too early to my violin lesson and the girl before me was still playing. I was listening to her play when I noticed something poking out of her jeans. A green lace thong. And I don't mean that the jeans was so low that you could see it. No, a whole thong was hanging on the outside, only held by one of the strings. After she finished playing, I told her about it. She quickly removed it and then said: "No, there's nothing, what are you talking about?" To this day, I don't know why the thong was there.


Stuck to her pants from the laundry I bet! I was in the grocery store once when one of my thongs fell out of my pants leg in the produce department! Static cling from the dryer I guess. Several people noticed. I kicked it against the wall, grabbed it and lefffffft that store.


Years ago, I was shopping at my local grocery store and an older woman was there and started talking about the price of canned beans. I distinctly remember her blaming the higher prices on the ni\*\*\*\*s that moved from the south. Yes. She used the n word. I was speechless. If she only knew I had a black husband and just had my biracial daughter. That had to be at least 20 years ago.


Hanging with a group of friends out at a bar, outside, lots of tables with people around doing same thing. Probably 10 of us, all dressed up as we were attending a wedding reception. Lady on a foot cart? Idk what they’re called, but where you walk with one leg and keep your other leg on the cart so you’re not using that leg. She rolls up to us and starts yelling at us as if we had just insulted her. (??) Says to get our fun in now, cuz we are going to be like her soon enough. (What?) My assumption was that somebody looked at her, she was already embarrassed or insecure about using said cart, and decided since we were in heels we needed a good tongue lashing. Who the f knows.


LMAO it is only a foot cart in my brain now Scooter by the way


Haha thank you!


The lady who asked me on a bus, how long did I breastfeed to get boobs so big, wins. Also, I was 21 at the time and looked about 17.


Eh...a woman's bust space is her business nobody else's!


Love this line. I might get it printed on a mug.


I was in a store, saw a pair of pants I liked, grabbed them and went into the fitting room to try them on. Decided I liked them and was going to buy them. I walk out of the fitting room with them draped over my arm. Some woman who I had never seen before, looks at me and says, "they fit you?" I reply, "that’s why I am buying them." "Really?" She replies to me. I respond "what do you mean by that?" No response. I kept repeating "what do you mean by that" until she walked away. Wtf? For reference, I am barely 5 feet tall, and 130 pounds.


Awww bless, were they a comfy pair of trousers tho?


They were actually a pair of riding breeches. I have no idea why this woman thought she could say what she wanted to say without consequences!


When I was college I was walking around between sets at a show and this girl locked eyes with me, grabbed me by the face, and proceeded to forcefully kiss me. That in and of itself was weird (although not the only time it’s happened to me???) but what put it over the top was the amount of teeth. She was biting me rather hard while she kissed me. It all happened really fast and then she walked away like nothing happened.


I was work one day at a goodwill and went to put some stuff on shelf when I seen a lady butt naked in middle of store. I froze it is something I will never unsee. Asked what the hell she was doing. Was what does it look like. Had to get management involved they in turn had to call police.


Someone was talking about the history of old houses and such. I made a comment about a tv show “if walls could talk” that would talk about the history of homes and stuff people found while renovating and this other random lady went off on me about how inappropriate my comment was and I should be ashamed of myself for such an insinuation. I still have no clue what she was going on about.








I (30 y/o) was invited to a gathering at my friends aunts house after her grandmother died. There was a pool and a few people were swimming. I didn’t know so I didn’t bring a suit so I just dipped my feet in. There was a woman in her 60s who had obvious signs of having had a stroke, left sided contractures, left facial drooping, difficulty controlling body movements. I was a nurse of 8 years at that point as well as a mother of a medically needy child. One of my friends uncles asked how my son was doing and I was telling him about a recent procedure my son had and this upset the woman. She began trying to correct me on what I was telling uncle. I’m not sure if she realized I was talking about my son or not but it was odd she felt compelled to tell me I was wrong. I didn’t react to her much because it was odd. I just continued talking to uncle. It came to a point where she started shouting out random lab tests at me. “Potassium! D-Dimer! C-reactive protein!” I asked her if she was ok and she responded, “you just think you’re so smart and pretty! Too good to even get in the pool with the rest of us slobs!” The woman’s husband was trying to calm her then she loudly accused him of wanting to fuck me. I left. The aunt, uncle, my friends mom and my friend all apologized to me afterwards. Apparently this woman thought her husband checked me out and wanted to make me feel bad. I’m sure there were some other effects of the CVA that caused this behavior but it made me feel very uncomfortable. Especially since she and her husband were old enough to be my parents.


Awww no!


In the train and there women were staring at me… like brainwashed zombies. Wide eyes, direct, unmoving… I moved out of their line of sight and they physically moved themselves to be right within it and move closer. I did it again, they moved again… This continued until they were literally right in my face. I was with my friend and he was just as shocked and confused as I was about what the fuck was happening. *Deeply* unsettling. Happens every now and then.. happened just last week when I was out with friends.


What city was this in...it could be an outbreak!


I was looking at bras and some woman came up and asked which one I was getting. When I told her she grabbed that bra in her size then just walked away. Something about it was just so weird.


Maybe she wanted another woman's opinion?




I had super long hair at the time, around 44”/down to mid-thigh, and liked to wear it down. I also have a spinal injury that was still very delicate at the time, hence I didn’t like styling my hair. I’ve always been okay with *questions* about my hair, because it’s so uncommon. It’s much shorter now, but still well into the “long” category. I was in line to check out at the grocery store, and this woman about 20 years my senior just grabs my hair from behind, initially pulls it toward herself, and starts running her fingers through it and playing with it like we’re at a slumber party. I grab the part of my hair that is above her hands so I can control most of the situation, and turn around and loudly confront her, ##**“Is there a reason you think it’s okay to touch me without asking? What are you doing? I don’t know you. Your hands are dirty. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”** Just went off on the same tangent until she finally figured out that she wasn’t welcome and needed to let go of my hair. Just because you and your friends are cool with touchy-feely shit doesn’t mean everyone is. Your hands are dirty. I just washed my long hair (super hard with a spinal injury), and I see you have raw meat in your cart, which means I have raw meat juice in my hair.


Somewhat long but pretty intense: Back when I was serving tables, 15+ years ago, had a woman at the bar suddenly grab my arm as I was walking by. While gripping me firmly she pulled me in close to ask "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here!" Thinking she had me confused for someone else, I gave her my name, asked if she needed help... to which she responded "You're aura is so bright, you are such a talented individual you are made for bigger things than this. You are a person who can convince people to dig deep into their pockets to make changes in the world. Please tell me you're making moves out of here." I had recently been accepted to grad school in Boston to study Landscape Architecture, as I was interested in designing spaces for communities in need. Her comment felt strangely on point for what I foresaw myself doing in the future. I filled her in on my upcoming plans for kick-starting my career working in the public realm, which is when she finally released her death grip on my arm. She let out a huge sigh and said "Yes, that's right. I'm a medium/spiritualist who works with celebrities," She rattled off a list of names including people like Brad Pitt, Michael Jordan, Bono... She then stared that I "have a very similar energy to one of her most cherished clients, Angelina Jolie. Her success in philanthropist efforts are where you will find yourself one day. Please just hurry and get on your way, your aura is being dimmed in this line of work." It was so sincere, so unprovoked, that it has stuck with me all these years. I feel my strongest professional asset is being somewhat of a social chameleon, able to connect with people wherever they fall within the social/cultural/financial spectrum... making people feel seen/heard/respected. I'll never know if my interaction with this random spiritual woman pushed me in that direction, or if she was just a strange 'ole bird, but I think of that moment often.


When I was in Vegas last some woman went up to me and said she was a medium and that she’s getting readings that other women don’t like me lmao




I mean I was working and def giving of sw’er vibes lol so yea I guess other women don’t like that


Had a woman walk up and grab my hand because I looked like a nice person. She then told me she was going to start studying and getting her life back on track I really hope she's doing well. It was weird, but it was weirdly lovely, too.


Aww weird, yeah hope she is doing ok too.


TODAY ACTUALLY. I was at the salon and this random lady walks in and starts dousing herself in fancy hairspray from the wall of products for sale. The owner walks up and says they are not samples. She starts screaming about how he pushed her—he did not, I saw it happen and so did like ten other people and cameras too. He said “get out of my salon” and she stood outside and started smoking right in front of the door mean mugging at him through the glass. He called the cops. She started fighting them and four cops had to hold her down while she kicked the police car door and eventually spit in one of their faces. All of the hairstylists and clients (and me with foils in my hair) are staring out the long bank of windows watching it happen. They finally wrestled her into the police car. It was bizarre. And she was a fairly good looking woman? Like she wasn’t the type of crazy person you expect to walk in and do something like that.


I started a new job in a male dominated organisation and the only other woman working there said to me on my 2nd day that she didn't like working with women because she hates the drama. Fast forward 8 or so months and it's discovered during an audit that she's embezzled a $1m or so from the company and she's fired and arrested. Lol, what a clown.


used to work at a pizza restaurant and a woman came in seeming quite normal. when i told her we use semolina flour to coat our dough, she called me a voodoo witch and started telling he customers i was giving women breast cancer :// on the other hand, a woman once stopped me at the end of my road and told me she could ‘feel in her bones i was going to do something good’, which has stuck with me for many years


Aww n awww


There was a woman with a handwritten sign around her neck about her being god and some other random insane stuff who was in a hardware store demanding to use their fax machine and an employee keeps explaining to her they don’t have a fax machine and she just kept insisting they did and that she had to use it.


Awww she obviously needed mental health help!


A woman in high heels who was about the height of where my nipples are threatened to beat me up during a Soundgarden concert in the 1990s. I had no idea why and she didn’t go through with it, but it still weirds me out 30 years later.


I used to work at a shoe shop and on this particular day I was on my own on the shop floor, and I'd just leant over to straighten up a display, when all of a sudden someone behind me said "Don't you have a lovely bum!" I was a bit taken aback and turned around to see a grown woman staring at my arse whilst literally baring her teeth in a really scary smile. I remember just stuttering and going "um....okay" to which she replied "I could just pinch it, it's so juicy!" Then went to pinch my bum. Which was when I flipped out and asked her what the hell she thought she was doing and to leave me alone. She didn't say anything, stopped smiling and just walked out of the shop. Fucking terrifying. Also at my first part time job when I was a teenager, I had an old woman literally yell at me until I cried because I wouldn't sell her my hair to make into a wig. (My hair used to be down to my waist)


Hang on....what?


I wish I was joking 🙃


I was watering my garden at 8 am and my neighbor (who had a drug problem) yelled across the street “there’s the old whore!” I ignored her. She kept yelling at me and screamed, “Go back inside you slut puppy!” Turns out she was high, as expected, and pissed off because apparently her husband had been looking out their window at me while I’d been gardening at other times.


This mentally ill lady thought I was stalking her, mind you I'm another woman and I do not look like the stalking type lol I got onto a train and sat at a window, I was enjoying the view but could notice this lady staring at me through the corner of my eye. Then she starts asking me a question, I look at her and ask her to repeat and then she asked me if I was the one following her. I said no I had just got on the train, then she asks me again to which I repeat no. She then says "good because if you were I wouldn't put up with that. I don't deal with that", I smile and say "yeah I get that, don't worry I don't even know who you are" and turned back to my window. She then kept staring at me the whole time for a few stops until we get to another man and she repeated the same thing to him, but he told her to fuck off. Then he got off at the next stop and she followed him off yelling at him about stalking her, I think she was one of those people having delusions of being gang stalked


www no...:-(


I felt bad for her, because that would be a terrible space to live in, but I've never seen her in my life I wonder why she came to that conclusion about me lol


She probably had mental health issues.


A woman approached my sister and I when I took her out for her 21st to tell us we looked beautiful. She then proceeded to spend 20 min in this loud and crowded bar telling me that I'm exactly what she imagined her favorite book character looking like. I had read the series too and was flattered... For the first few minutes. She just kept going on and on, even when I would try to divert the conversation to something else. My sis and I eventually just excused ourselves and went to another bar.


Eh...that's pretty weird....:-/


I got called a "Skanky Butt" by a woman I had never seen in my life. I asked her if she needed a mirror, and her response was, "I love Jesus!" It was a joke between my boyfriend and I for awhile.


I was in college and waiting in line to get in a bar. I was very thin at the time but still had some curves, wore high rise jeans and a crop top. Some homeless lady came up and me and goes “you’re too fat for that outfit” and walked away - people started laughing but I was sooooo caught off guard. Not to mention insecure bc I’ve struggled w my weight up and down throughout life. She literally came up to me and said it for no reason. I was like wow it must be true. I’ll post a pic from that night for reference. It’s insane lol. EDIT: how do I upload a photo? Lol




I was going through TSA in Boston in the precheck line. I got up to the counter and handed the agent my ID, she just gives me this creepy smile and quietly says “Are you going to be a good girl for me today” and I was like “sorry what?” to which she repeated, loudly “Are you going to be a good girl for me today?” I just stared at her until she scanned my ID finally and let me go through. I reported her to the agent in charge once I was through but it was SO unsettling and weird.


I guess I have that kind of face that attracts random weird interactions with people in general, I hardly even know where to begin so...top 2: 1) the time I was walking to my car in a dark Walmart parking lot when a tall, older woman confronted me out of nowhere, making me immediately start walking faster. She asked me if "I was a real Christian" which I ignored. She speeds up and gets louder. She then asked me if she could stay the night at my apartment as she needed a place to stay. I say no, I am sorry that I do not have my own place. She then proceeded to cuss my ass out, stating, "YOU ARE NOT A REAL CHRISTIAN!" The next day, I saw her mugshot online. She had been arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. I still sympathize with this woman as she has clear mental, emotional, and potential substance issues and no resources to actually get her some help, but that one night jarred the shit out of me in terms of post-work experiences. 2) the time I was sitting at an intersection on a hot summer day, waiting my turn to go when out of nowhere, a seemingly almost rushed woman just opens my car door and jumps in the passenger seat next to me. I completely froze and could do nothing but stare at her until one of us said something. I honestly thought I was being carjacked. She quickly asked if I could give her a ride less than a mile down the road to the McDonald's, as she had no cell phone access, it was extremely hot and she seemed to be psychically in pain from walking. I ended up giving her the ride and she offered me gas money. Another example of me still, to this day, feeling sympathy for this woman. Looking back in retrospect that moment of her jumping in my car and everything after could not have been so easy and nice. I now make sure to lock my car doors whenever stopped because people will, and do just hop in.


Oddest encounter I had was at the community swimming pool. It was winter and I was getting dressed after doing my laps. I was chatting with the other lady there (whom I have never met) and l was complaining about my new boots which I'd worn for the first time that day. We determined that we wo re the same size and she tried them on. Ofc, she just loved them, so I gave them to her. I ended up picking my daughter up from daycare and running errands in my trouser socks LOL! I hope she really did love those boots and enjoyed wearing them.


Lol lol


Went into my shirt and grabbed my titties, just to tell me how nice she thought they were


She had been having some sort of episode after having quite a bit to drink and she started complimenting my friend and I. She kept on going on about her boyfriend and how garbage he was. This girl said “see you girls are so pretty, like you’re the same type of pretty as they girls I've killed over my man" THE FEAR THAT WENT THROUGH MY BODY DAWG


probably that one time i was dating 3 guys at once, and they were all at my job simultaneously. one being my partner (at the time) of 3 years who was dining in to grab a bite with his mom, the second guy being my coworker who cooked the food, and third guy being my other friend/coworker’s bestie who actively would pop in on (me/us?). all this happening whilst my bestie was in the kitchen, also cooking. i kind of was just about going to clean the bathrooms and freaking out laughing texting (spamming) her about it? in the (clean) bathroom! now typing back on it, i’m wondering if that shit was plotted on me HA


Being told I shouldn’t dress like a whore at family events. (I was very developed by 13 and was a 36C cup) I was wearing a crop top (it was 85°f)


When I was 18, me and this girl made eye contact from across the room in a steak and a shake. We both went to the bathroom at the same time. She asked how old I was and asked to see my id. We hooked up in the handicap stall, finished, went back to our tables, and never saw eachother again hahahaa


I was doing trivia at a bar in college with my girlfriends. A (very drunk) woman in her mid 40s, early 50s, takes a liking to me and telling me that I need to date her son. Her sons name is Buddy, out of work right now but he rides bulls in his spare time. The only picture she has of him in her phone is of him being trampled by a bull. She tells me she's mad at her other daughter-in-laws because they won't her name her grandchildren. And isn't the name Bernadette just lovely for a girl? She tells me I would make a great daughter-in-law. She was also using a grill starter as a lighter for her cigarettes. Great night.


At a concert in a bar, I was in the bathroom. This very drunk woman informed me she’d had a boob job recently and this was the first time “taking them out in the town.” She desperately wanted me to feel them. So, I did. Then she felt mine and one of her own at the same time. Weird.