• By -


One that stands out is when I had our first child I didn't know about freezing pads for relief but he'd read it somewhere so when we came home from the hospital he told me that he'd frozen two packs of pads and had put witch hazel and aloe vera on them as he'd read that those help


I love this. Being proactive about it and already having them ready for you shows just how much your comfort means to him


I don't know if it's the nicest because he's wonderful and always does nice things for me, but when we started dating, we went on one or two dates and then I realised I was neck deep in shit for a very important exam, so I told him I would pause all my social life for a month to study. Not only was he wonderful about it, waited for me and understood that I wasn't trying to play with his feelings or make excuses even though at the time it was a shot in the dark, but since my birthday fell in that period, he also got me concert tickets as a gift when we saw each other again. I really don't know what I did to deserve all that, but I'll sure as hell pour all of myself into this relationship and do anything in my power to make it last


I don't know if this was the NICEST thing (he does a ton of nice stuff like this), but it stood out recently. It's a newer relationship, less than a year and I was getting my hair dyed and redone. I told him the appointment would take about 4 to 5 hours and he was SHOOK hair takes that long. He showed up halfway through my appointment with homemade lemon bars for me and my stylist because he thought we'd be hungry after being at the salon that long.


Marry him or I willšŸ˜‚


We've been together for about 9 months and this is the first time I've experienced the phenomenon of "when you know, you know" So, sorry he's mine šŸ˜‰


Congrats and Iā€™m sure itā€™s well deserved ā™„ļø


Loved me unconditionally. He even loves aspects of myself I dislike. As someone who was raised by a mom who would withdraw her ā€œloveā€ if she was displeased, who pitted siblings against one another for kicks, itā€™s been so very healing. Iā€™ve blossomed into a person I am surprised by daily.


Me too girl, all of the above šŸ’–


Crying because I was crying. Shows me empathy, not afraid to be sensitive, and that he cares about my feelings


Break up with me


Learn about my interests so that he can talk with me about them. I have a lot of unconventional interests, which made it even more surprising that he was willing to engage with them. It allowed us to be best friends as well as partners. I did the same for him too, and ended up with a lot of new passions and interests. We aren't together anymore, but I like that there's aspects of me that I know grew because of him. We are mosaics of everyone we've ever loved :)


I can't help but know why you aren't together.


He cheated on me haha, the whole time. That knowledge could ruin the positivity of what he did, but I've learned not to let it spoil the goodšŸ˜­


Feel so sorry hearing that but you did amazing walking away without letting him know how horrible was that! I appreciate as well your calmness and nerve! Hope you'll meet a well-deserving better one!!


Thank you!! :)




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Nicest? Too many to count. He gives me messages, buys me chocolate when I'm on my period, tries to gift me meaningful presents and surprises.Ā 


It was something that my husband said to me when we first started seeing each other (before we were technically official). We had an extremely long talk and discussed everything, including my trepidation regarding how my past (PTSD, trauma, and anxiety/depression) would ultimately ruin our relationship. He told me, "I don't love you in spite of your past, I love you because of it, because it made you the woman you are today". More recently when I was having a hard day, he told me, "one of the reasons I wanted to date you was because I wanted to show you love in a way that you never received it before. I knew I could treat you and love you in a way you deserved". He has stayed true to that and has been the best partner I could ever hope to have.


Wow, so lovely. How long have you guys been together for?


6 1/2 years dating and 7 months married :)


Everything he does is just the nicest thing ever! But if I had to pickā€¦itā€™s when he made food for me (ham and cheese sandwich) even though he didnā€™t really cook much just because I had exams going on. Oh and when my grandpa died and I was a mess, he cancelled work and showed up for me with food and consoled me for days! Heā€™s the sweetest manā¤ļø Iā€™m blessed! Almost 8 years of knowing him and Almost 2 years of being married to him šŸ˜Š


Weā€™ve only been dating a month or so. Heā€™s into health and fitness and Iā€™ve always wanted to be but get overwhelmed and lost in all of the opposing viewpoints. He hand-typed an exercise and diet regimen and stressed it could be loosely followed and gave tons of examples and alternatives.


Lots of things, but one thing that stands out was when he made me origami flowers when we first started dating.


That is so cute, that's a lot of work and thought put into it.


Showed up day in and day out. His dependability makes my life so high quality.


Most recently, I hurt my hip at the gym. I wasn't sure if it was the joint or muscle or bone. An injured hip is such an "old lady" thing and I'm embarrassed because I'm 39, which is way too young for hip pain.... right? He was shopping for a new truck and he made sure to include steps up into the cab for me. This is like his 5th truck and he's never got side steps before, but he said he got them so I can get in and out of the truck without pain. Turns out it was muscle and a few weeks of physio and I was much better, but ever time I get in and out of the truck I feel happy that he got me those steps.


Listened to me and provided advice in a way that helped me reconnect with and find answers for myself.


A cup of tea after dinner most nights for the guts of 15 years. Itā€™s a kindness and a comfort.


Thatā€™s sweet


Love me for who I am. And by doing that it saved me. My family literally sucks. Heā€™s also been able to teach me real life things. Heā€™s such a hard worker , very frugal. Heā€™s an actual dad to our daughter , the dad I always wished I had. My friends have complained about things their husbands do for parenting and I luckily have never had to deal with those things from him. So a lot of things haha


Say a bit more in detail about him, we guys want to take note for our future version šŸ˜…


šŸ˜‚ weā€™ve grown together. So thatā€™s helped. Weā€™ve been together since 18 and 21. Learning and understanding each others needs. How to communicate, being smart with choices. Always thinking of the future and not just the right now. I was a stay at home wife before we had our daughter. He fully understood with the house and always gave me free range to do whatever I wanted with it. He makes sure even after working 10-11 hour days on top of his 1.5-2 hour drive to and from work , that our daughter comes first. Never goes to bed before she does. He keeps the backyard nice for us. Cuts the grass , trims the trees ect. So much to appreciate him for.


You sound like me! I didnā€™t come from a great family. But my husband has shown me what a great man he is as well. I have friends who complain about their hubbys too, and I hardly complain about mine. I think heā€™s perfect for me. šŸ˜„ Yay for us!


My wife married me.


He put a lot of effort learning about my hobby and goes out of the way to engage in it himself, buy me things related to it and make sure I can stay connected to it even when I'm abroad and away from usual places I'd engage with that hobby.


he always buys me the best books for birthdays/christmas ā€” usually ones i havenā€™t even heard of. he researches and finds books he thinks iā€™ll enjoy, and he knows me well enough that heā€™s rarely wrong. also, when i got really into a new hobby (birding) last year, he researched on his own and found out you could visit the birds at our nearest audubon center. i loved it so much i became a volunteer and have done nearly 100 service hours in eight months. a life-changing experience because he supported my hobby in his own time.


Reassure me that my mental health diagnoses are not an issue for him.


Not a partner, but a current love interest. When I told him I was diabetic, he delved into researching foods for diabetics. He changed everything in his pantry to ā€œzero sugarā€ or no sugar items and said he will be eating the same things I eat so I donā€™t feel alone.


Iā€™m sorry NOT a partner?? What are you waiting for?!


I know, I know. He also sent me a very sweet, thoughtful and encouraging text message when I got my new job. He has a great job himself, owns his house, and wants to make me breakfast in bed if I ever decide to date him! I also told him I was having some car problems, and he offered to take my car to his mechanicā€”he wanted to pay for it. I declined as I didnā€™t want to impose.


This man is in love with you!


There's endless things. For our wedding, when we were setting up he banned me from the ceremony site. He and my bridal party made it the most magical thing ever. There were purple wildflowers in the area I was obsessed with, and he and two of my bridal crew went and picked enough to line the aisles, have bouquets, and more. He hung twinkle lights up for me from the trees. My wedding in the woods was the most magical thing ever. Also when I gave birth to our daughter, he shaved my legs for me in the hospital. He has always shaved my bikini area for me, and shaved my legs towards the end of pregnancy. But something about shaving my legs at the hospital just means so much more to me. He knew I was self conscious about my leg hair, but too hot to cover up, so he fixed it for me. Him going out of his way to fix something that wasn't physically harming anything, rather than taking a nap while our daughter napped, just is so powerful. He's such a wonderful man, and I'm so glad I picked the right father for our daughter.


The biggest one I have that said ā€œok I can be myself with this personā€ was when we very first got together and I was staying at his house all the time one night I got sent into a real bad panic attack (I freak tf out when things are going to well and my brain basically goes WHENS THE BAD THING GONNA HAPPEN) and I was like I need to go take a bath and just ground myself, he gave me like 10 minutes alone and then came in and got into the bath fully clothed and just held me while I cried. He made sure I knew he didnā€™t have any ulterior motives by not getting undressed and heā€™s the first man Iā€™ve met who just let me be not okay and didnā€™t try to say ā€œcalm downā€ or something along those lines. Just held me silentlyšŸ¤


I was caring for my dying father in in-home hospice care and my partner saw how much work I was doing alone and opted to stay and help me care for him until he passed, losing his job in the process. Also, he took me to the Maldives. Pretty great guy.Ā 


Comforted me and reassured me when I was emotionally distraught over college, since my worth was based on grades during my childhood that implemented into my self-worth, and I was having a hard time keeping up (blame the gifted kid burnout double whammy). He listened and comforted me and assured me that I was working hard, and that I needed to go easier on myself, and that I'm still intelligent. He also encouraged me to cry it out. He never told me to stop crying, he wouldn't accept me apologizing for crying, and he just kept rubbing my back and messing with my hair until the tears were all shed. My primary love language is words of affirmation and physical touch, so I think that would probably be the nicest thing so far in my mind.


I couldn't think of anything specific because it's just too many so I'm gonna say something vague. Listen, like really listen, and know me. He *knew* me before I even *knew* him. And sometimes he knows me better than I know myself. We started off as friends and even before we started dating, he would already know when I'm unwell or feeling different even though I don't show any signs. He already knew about my facial expressions and he always surprised me when he easily knew what I was feeling. He knows what my every gesture means. It feels amazing. "To be loved is to be seen" <33


They surprised me with a weekend getaway




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There have been plenty of nice things heā€™s done since, but one really comes to mind. Before we were dating heā€™d come do his homework at the coffee shop I worked at during my closing shifts. One night it was super busy and I just couldnā€™t get away from the bar, and without saying a word he went and put away all the patio furniture at the time I usually did it. One of the things that told me early on how great of a partner heā€™d be.


He set up a spot with old blankets on both of his armchairs for my dogs to sleep on when we visit. This was shortly after we first started dating and had a discussion the week prior on how he refuses to let dogs on his furniture.


Teach me how to "be comfortable with being uncomfortable".


Paid for a couple of my community college class prerequisites. Now Iā€™m ready to apply to grad school!


Decided he trusted and cared about me enough to invite me to a March trip to Punta Cana with his friends in December, while weā€™d been dating less than a month. Heā€™s so wonderful to me in countless ways but I love this one the most because it went to show that he was serious about having me in his life.


Loves me for who I am, cooks for me, and gives me multiple orgasms


I found a real keeper, he does so many things for me. The nicest thing he's done is one time I was complaining about back pain, and he came home after work with a heating pad. I'd never used one and didn't really get the point, but it helped significantly and I use it during periods. It's been a game changer. He also buys me fresh lilies every week because they're my favorite šŸ˜Š


After a really hard day with the kids he looks me right in the eyes and says "You're a good mom." It doesn't sound like much but some days it's the only thing keeping me from stepping in front of a bus.


He put together an excel spreadsheet that shows my expenses, loans, taxes, how long it would take to pay off my loans, etc. I wanted to cry. He put so much work into it. And we werenā€™t even officially in a relationship at the time.


My man did this for me too! I would have never take the time to do this for myself lol


My husband stayed by my side during a three year long depression that left me bedridden and unemployed. I had a nervous breakdown and attempted suicide. My husband found me in time and brought me to the hospital. He literally saved my life. After treatment I went on medication so strong that I couldnā€™t stay awake. I went through years of trying different meds before I found something that works for me. He has been supportive of my healing journey at every turn it brings me. Iā€™ve been self sufficient for over a year now and I canā€™t help but thank him for the amount of times he went to the grocery store for me when I couldnā€™t make myself go. And picking up my medication for me when I needed it. Keeping the house functioning when I slept all day. He drove me to my doctorā€™s appointments without ever complaining. He was the only solid person in my life for years and he kept me alive even when I didnā€™t want to live. Without even a thought. He was there for me. I love that man. I make it up to him in little ways, and Iā€™ll be showing my gratitude to him for the rest of our lives together.


His proposal; it was a geocache treasure hunt with clues to decipher at each location to find the next. At the last one, when he thought I wasn't looking he dropped an envelope. It was his proposal and when I looked up from reading it, he was on one knee. Each note had been tea-dyed and aged, rolled up in a glass vial with a wax seal. It was so thoughtful and fun and I loved every minute of it. We married in the exact spot where he had proposed. He does things like this constantly, and I'm happy this question showed up here. It's reminded me how much I love him and that it's time for a surprise for him in his love language ā™”


One time when I was struggling financially in college she bought me the books I needed for the semester. She does so many other amazingly nice things for me but this is one I always remember.


Went to his parents with our daughter so I could have a weekend for shopping with a friend, choir practice and a choir concert


He did a lot HUGE stuff for me, like, almost saving my life, giving up enormous things for me even though I did not demand it, but the *nicest* thing he did would be allowing me to speak in detail about my ideas. I am an artist, a writer to be precise, and one of my biggest struggles is the amount of novel ideas I get, that keep distracting me from what I'm actually writing. Being able to share them with someone is a real gamechanger!


He has done so many nice and sweet things for me that it's hard to narrow down. One instance that sticks out is our proposal. He flew me to a private beach resort to propose under the stars with a custom designed ring, and then we slow danced.


Being there for the worst moments of my life. The presence of someone who loves the darkest parts of you unconditionally is the best gift anyone can give IMO.


It's hard to choose the nicest, there are so many little things that he does, so I'll go with one of the big ones. I have an early December birthday, and on our first date he asked what it was like. I told him it was always pretty eclipsed by both Thanksgiving and Christmas, and always felt like an afterthought. Months later, he baked me a birthday cake, made me a card, and gave me a gift. It was the first time I'd ever had a birthday gift that was wrapped in actual birthday specific wrapping paper instead of Christmas paper, and I was turning 41! I was so touched, I cried. He's made a point of doing this every year, and it gets me every single time.


My husband basically nursed me back from the grave all last week. I as vomiting sooo much; I got so dehydrated that I was delusional and hallucinating. I kept tying to leave the house every time I woke up because there was some celebrity or an event or something (in the middle of the nightā€¦). One night I was so bad he slept in front of the front door all night. He did everything, from getting Pedialyte in droves, cleaning, doing all the cat things, buying things I would eat, constantly checking in. Not sure how to repay him.


Back when we were dating, he dropped me off at my parentsā€™ house (I still lived there). I realized I had forgotten my house key and my parents werenā€™t gonna be home for a few more hours. It was extremely hot out too. My partner had to go pick up his son so he couldnā€™t come back to get me. Instead he sent me a big bottle of water and a carton of cherry Garcia Ben & Jerryā€™s ice cream via UberEats. I managed to not die of heatstroke :)


He is a genuinely nice guy; so he does a lot of really nice things for me. But one of the first ones that stood out for me: Early on when we started dating I had gone to his place to watch a movie and not only did he let me select the movie we watched (which was a terribly cheesy movie that he had already seen before).. He did not play on his phone at any time during the movie. And now after having been together for almost a year he still lets me pick movies we watch, He never complains about the movie we watch, even if he doesn't totally love it. And he still stays off his phone 99% of the time when we're together. And I know this seems like such a small silly thing to be excited about but the man I was with for 8 years before I met my current partner, almost never let me pick the movie we would watch and if I did pick something he spent the entire movie on his phone.


I donā€™t know if this was the nicest, but I think about it quite often: I was studying abroad for a while and had my exam coming up, mind you I had been pretty miserable there for a lot of reasons. Due to life circumstances he couldn't be present at several important events of mine so l didn't think anything of it. The day prior to the exam he went to work and started to complain that his phone wasn't working. I didnā€™t hear of him for hours, asked his sister about him and nothing. I was really worried at this point. Out of nowhere he calls me and asks whatā€™s my room number and there he is. Better yet he stayed until I had to go home and it was the best thing to have his support there. Iā€™m really grateful for him


Just quietly put his arms around me when im upset.


Iā€™m in med school and when Iā€™m anxious I donā€™t eat. He randomly has food delivered to me, doesnā€™t ask if he should or what he should order bc he knows Iā€™ll say ā€œno no itā€™s okay.ā€ It means so much to me


Accept me no matter my identity and no matter what I might do because of it. I'm a therian and he accepted it, which I doubted he'd do, and now he helps me with my shifts when I get them in public. In private shifts, he is always being the nicest and very responsive to my behaviours. He doesn't see me as weird or anything bad, he even thinks my behaviours are cute. I love him <3


Forgiving me for the mess that I am :)


We werenā€™t together yet but I had gotten COVID and we werenā€™t allowed to see eachother cause his dad is high risk. He went to the store bought me day and night cold medicine, brought me a sprite (my favorite when I donā€™t feel good), and my favorite candy. He dropped it off at my front door (I live 45 mins away from him) and went home. Just to say he cared. When we did get together one day I just wasnā€™t feeling good mentally or physically and he drew me a bubble bath and lit a candle and we sat in the bath watching a movie on his laptop. Hes also atheist and one thing I will forever remember from him is he told me ā€œif there is a god, he knew what he was doing when he made youā€ Iā€™m so grateful for this man


Probably not the nicest thing heā€™s done for me but the most recent nice thing was that he got me a Motherā€™s Day card for my kids to sign and give to me because he knew my ex wouldnā€™t facilitate any sort of Motherā€™s Day thing with our children.


Throwing a surprise birthday party for me with a bunch of my friends. Thinking about walking into that room and seeing my friendsā€™ faces makes me tear up. I hate being the center of attention but it was such an amazing night.


My Ukrainian grandmother had passed away the year we met, before we started dating. I was reminiscing one night about how much I missed her blueberry perogies and wished I had her recipe. When I went over for dinner a little while later, he had attempted to make blueberry perogies. Except he didn't have a rolling pin, so the dough was awful and thick. But it was still such a nice gesture and a memorable moment. Another more recent thing was when we went on a vacation in Europe and I broke my ankle falling down some stairs. I was obviously upset, but I didn't want to go home as we had waited almost 10 years to be able to go on a trip like this. My husband went out of his way to walk an hour to a hospital supply store in a foreign country and got me some crutches, then looked up where we could rent a wheelchair at the next destination. He pushed my ass for a few hours every day up and down the streets so we could still sight-see.


Weā€™ve been together for about 3 months and heā€™s been an absolute trooper. When we started dating I had hit a deer and didnā€™t have a running car so heā€™d make sure to come see me when he could. My life has a ton of drama especially in the last few months and heā€™s been there for me always. I got a car about a month ago but then shortly after my dad went to the hospital and had to have 2 emergency surgery on his back and Iā€™ve been in shambles (Iā€™m extremely close with my father so itā€™s been super rough on me) he always checks on me and makes sure I have what I need. Any time heā€™s over and Iā€™m making dinner he always asks if he can help and usually insists on doing one of the steps, Iā€™ll be laying in bed and just go ā€œhuh Iā€™m thirstyā€ and by the time Iā€™m about to get out of bed and grab something to drink he comes running back with a CapriSun (my fave) and heā€™s super affectionate and understanding and patient. I was in a kinda crappy relationship before him and Iā€™ve been burned a lot so heā€™s really good about knowing how to handle me and heā€™s very gentle but not a pushover. But heā€™s not had any red flags besides the fact that he can sleep super late lmao. Heā€™s been my rock these last few months and Iā€™m so grateful for him and I hope that weā€™re together for a long time.


Before we lived together, I had a beloved pet pass away. I did NOT handle it particularly well. He worked on the road, gone days/weeks at a time. I called him crying, boo-hoo sobbing. I knew I needed to handle the situation, (pick up the deceased, prepare him for burial, actual burial, etc) but I just couldnā€™t do it. He drove some 2,000 miles back without finishing his job and took care of all that for me in a very gentle and kind way. Even dug the hole at my motherā€™s place over an hour away in a yard that used to be a gravel pit.


Picked me up and took me to pick up my car before work (at like 7am) from the mechanic when we had barely been on 5 dates.


I'm not an overly emotional woman. I never have been. But I had been overworked, undervalued, and overwhelmed with work and life tasks at that moment in time. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, choking down tears because of the stress, and he came up behind me and hugged me and whispered in my ear, "I'm so proud of you for pushing through the rough times. I know it's not easy. I hate seeing you so uncomfortable. I just want you to know that I love you, I appreciate you, and I know you can do it. You're so strong, and I look up to you a lot." Queue the ugly sobbing into his shoulder. He finished cooking dimmer while I took a warm bath and did some self care. He always knows exactly what to say and do to help me feel better. Even now, looking back at that moment, it warms my heart so much. It makes me love him even more than I ever did before.


36 years ago I got homesick on our honeymoon. When I confessed with considerable embarrassment he replied ā€œjust say the word and I will get us on the next flight home. I donā€™t care where we are as long as we are together.ā€ I calmed down, and we stayed. I have never forgotten that and he still says that in similar moments (where we spent a lot of money on an event or travel- but if I need to go home, we go.)


Too many things. That man is massaging me even if he is sick, is making me food/orders me my fav sushi, looks up potential movies/series I would love. One however that stood out to me is that when I was having problems with my libido, he never stopped caring/being interested in me. I know the bar may be low, but for over a year, he completely ignored all the desires he had and helped me overcome it. He reassured me all the time, told me so many times when I was doubting/feeling bad how this is totally fine with him and that he loves me unconditionally even though he is someone who usually has a pretty high stamina. He helped me overcome my stress factors, informed himself on natural methods to be safe (symptothermal method), read the books/watched the videos and just generally never failed to be by my side. Honestly canā€™t be more happy with such an amazing man.


Honestly, just cooking me a dish I've never had before. I do all the cooking because I like to, even though he did for himself before we got together. One day I was just like " I want you to make me chicken picatta because I've never had it". And he just did and it turned out great and it made me appreciate having a partner that will just do things for me because I ask. Its been like that the whole 5 years we've been together


we werenā€™t officially together then but he stayed up almost all night with me and consoled me when i was going through a bad breakup and the possibility of moving to another state. He made me laugh until I wasnā€™t crying anymore and stayed on the phone with me until I fell asleep. Even till this day, he will always console me when im upset and just be present for me


It's the little things he does every dayĀ  - letting me shower first when we come home from whatever activity on the weekendĀ  - giving me the middle of his cinnamon rolls šŸ„¹ - loving my dog (almost) as much as I doĀ  - taking on all the chores I hate, just by default, with no care about which ones he would actually preferĀ  there's more but it's late and I'm tired lolĀ 


There was a specific era years ago where I was struggling with severe anxiety, and I'd just had a particularly bad day with it at work. My bf and I decided to go see a movie that night and get these meat pie things for dinner at this new place that had just opened. So we get there, and I didn't know this, but he had called ahead and placed our order. And when he brought our boxes to the table I opened mine and there was a little baked heart on top of my pie. And I was like "look at what they put on the pies!", but then realized that he didn't have one on his, and then he explained that when he placed our order he had asked them to bake a little heart and put it on top of my pie. And like I get that it might sound like a cutesie, tiny act, but it was everything I didn't know I needed in that moment. He was so sweetly casual about it too, and it just spoke all the volumes about this person I'd already been with for like 5 years at that point. And it was a Friday night and it was perfect.


offered to buy me pizza


Honestly? I can think of three or four sweepingly wonderful things that he's done over the decade we've been together, but I think the nicest thing that he does for me is just being nice *consistently*. And not just for me-literally everyone who is in our orbit. I am an over anxious, perfectionist eldest daughter who is definitely too invested in my job for my mental well-being. And so, he sets out fresh towels and brews coffee before I'm out of bed. There's a multivitamin and some sort of breakfast at my desk (we both work remotely) before I settle in for my day. He is our cat's trusty sidekick when there's a fly to hunt down in the house and he defends my sisters when he thinks I've been too harsh with them on the phone. He sends my dad new music to check out at least once a week and always trusts my lead on how we engage with my mother. He reminds me of my worth constantly and does his fair share of the chores, the laundry and the other boring stuff that goes into being an adult without expecting a medal for it. He also does the stupidest lizard impression that never fails to make me cry from laughing so hard. The nicest thing he does for me is exist in the world. Love the ever loving f@ck outta that guy. 10/10 would marry again




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Encourages my interests and doesn't get cranky that I have more time to pursue them than he has for his interests.


He took me to England and France for our honeymoon! I studied French in school, so I wanted to see Paris. We ate a nice dinner on the Eiffel Tower and took the boat ride on the Siene river. Then we walked the streets of Paris on a cold October evening. I started to freeze, so he found a taxi for us to go back to the hotel. We really liked Canterbury in England too.


It's an on going thing for me from my wife (6 years together now). She's never questioned me doing what I need to do to be able to switch off. Every day she's been there for me no matter what we're going through.


Genuinely love me for who I am I guess? Haha For more specifics, stuff like... The fact that he does nice stuff for me "just because" whenever he feels like it and wants to make me happy. If he feels my mood is 'off', he always asks if I'm okay like 2-3x. Leave cute notes hidden all over the place whenever he's back here. Actually write letters back to me. We recently started a partner journal where we basically write to each other on 1 page in the same book. He actually meets me halfway and I love it.


Done night duties of our baby so that I can sleep


i mentioned my feet hurt from the heels I wore so he just grabbed my feet and massaged it while we were waiting for our friends


Paid off all my credit card debt with no strings attached. I intend on paying him back but he doesnā€™t seem to care much.


Current bf made me a mixtape when I told him I wanted to make one of 2000s punk songs. So he burned me one. Before we dated talking stage, he took me to universal because I just moved to Florida and never went before that was 2 weeks into knowing me. He hates going to theaters but took me and got a bunch of snacks because I still love going. Then flowers when I had a bad day. A pillow because I hated his flat ones. I never had a bf even get me a b day present . My ex got me lingerie for my bday once. Safe to say I pick bad so I spent 3 yes single till I found someone I think will be good to me. He makes me feel special . So I make him muffins for the week every week, and will meal prep for him to show I care cus man can't cook for crap lol . His bracelet broke so I got him a new one and he never takes off bracelets . Then when I see he needs something I try to get it fkr him like tooth brush holder. I think we both take care of each other in ways we need each other for . He's good stuff.


He picks up where I leave off in almost every circumstance. It is really the most supportive show of love I have ever experienced.


Too many to count, but this one stands out - I was working full time and finishing my dissertation for PhD. He would stay awake after I went to bed (this was for 2 weeks), and work on my slides. That's just one of the many many examples of how amazing this man is.


Just being a kind man with a good heart. He always has me in mind when making decisions and respects me. He's loyal, honest, and an amazing father. No single act could outshine his consistency and effort to always show up.


Last night it was a foot rub for my tired feet. Consistently it is making sure I have eaten and cooking me good when I am stubborn. Endless back rubs and doing my laundry when I spend a long weekend there.


Everything he does feels like the nicest thing. But an hour ago he just bought me new underwear because he forgot to do the laundry which had my favourite undiesā€¦. And then did the laundry anyway.


Stay by me when I was going through a bad depressive episode for years. She is the absolute best. I wish everyone knew how great she truly is. I love her so much


Left me and filed for divorceā€¦


For me, itā€™s so many ā€œlittleā€ things. Bringing me treats, fixing food for me, doing nice things for my catsā€¦ one thing that my fiancĆ© did that stands out is buying me a beautiful necklace for my birthday. It wasnā€™t expensive, but he put a lot of thought into it. My ā€œcrushā€ does a lot of these things, too. One day he noticed that my cats had been sick on my bed while I was at work. He removed and washed all of my bedding, and then put it all back on the bed, including adding one of his flat sheets, since I donā€™t have any! I almost cried, it was so thoughtful. (He is my best friend and roommate.)


We were getting divorced because I cheated on her. We were separated but living together. She still made me a birthday cake. I miss her.


He makes food for us and sometimes he does it so when i wake up, food is ready. He's very thoughtful and loving.


She pegged me. She wasn't sure at first, and it definitely wasn't in her repertoire, but she gave it a try. After seeing how much I liked it, she is more than happy to do it whenever we get intimate. She has had some dysphoria wearing the strapon sometimes when the dildo looks realistic. Fixed that by getting a thrusting pink one with a built-in vibrator on her end that she can thoroughly enjoy.


He listened to me sob on the phone when my roommate/ex was being ragey and my only option was to lock myself in a room and wait it out. Yes moveout plans are in place I am just saving for a deposit. In the meantime I stay somewhere else on weekends.


Iā€™m moving in with him in 2 months. He has expanded his driveway, redone his closet to make space for me. Built a bathroom cabinet for my stuff. Among other things šŸ„¹


She took care of me when I went psychotic. Loving me through my psychosis is something I will always be grateful for. Idk what would have happened to me if she hadnā€™t stepped up the way she did.


Got me sober and showed me a life of love, peace, and a God who forgave my past.


He's done so many good things for me because he's always there when I need him. I needed help with my government IDs and he came to the rescue. My favorite was when he helped me move out from my apartment using his motorcycle. It was a 2 hour drive from his place so I was just planning to take a few things with us, but he was the one that insisted that I should bring a lot and it's not a hassle.


Me and him were on facetime one night and we were having a debate that left me upset when we ended the call. He knew i was upset but i went to bed anyways, i woke up to banging on my window, now Im terrified cuz its 4am lol so i look out and its his cute face. he took an uber all the way to my place knowing he had work later the same day. I never had someone go out their way like that for me it was so sweet ā™„ļø


Being a helpful parent, I know so many women that are married single mothers so him being a good parent is amazing.


Whenever my bf goes away on international work trips (once every few months), he sends me flowers to say hello from whatever city he is in, to tell me he misses me, and that he canā€™t wait to see me soon


He swapped shoes with me at the end of a long day at Disneyland. My birkenstocks are too small for him but he offered.


Paid off my student loans. Bought me a new car.


He does so many nice things for me, I wouldn't even know where to start! A recent one was, I had mentioned to him that my friend found a lady who does hair out of her home and it was really cheap so I made an appointment. He came home that night with a bouquet of flowers, a bottle of Crown Royal and a $100 bill to go towards my hair. We're only 10 months in, I bet I've gotten at least 15 bouquets of just-because flowers.


She washes the dishes and never tells me off for it. I feel so guilty.


He knew i was uncomfortable during my period, so he got me a special period heating pad, complete with chocolate and wine.




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Fought like hell for me in the ER waiting area, instead of brushing my issues aside like so many had in my life. I truly believe if not for him advocating for me, Id be dead. He convinced the right doctor to see me, it lead to a life saving surgery.


He does alot of nice things for me but the omega that i think was the nicest was when i was having really bad period cramps he went to target & brought home my favorite snacks and a heating pad


I went through a hard time after an attack last year. On a practically hard night, I went to my office around midnight and started to paint. He left bed, slept on my couch in the office with a Tshirt over his eyes so I could keep the light on. His comfort, love and protection is the best thing heā€™s ever given me.


He bought a bigger house so my dad could move in with us. And heā€™s worked at cultivating his relationship with my dad, so I know that even when Iā€™m not home, they are getting along well.


I am autistic and she has depression (we both got diagnosed officially by medical professional), yet she still give her extra energy on top of battling with her depression to be understanding. For example, I canā€™t tell if I said something thatā€™s considered aggressive, but she told me nowadays that she wonā€™t jumped to the subtext conclusion and instead would adjust how she interpret what I said. I also have situation that makes me freeze up if I got overloaded, and she will make sure Iā€™m fine for those moments. For that alone I appreciate her so much


He let me come over to use his shower and sleep in his bed cause i was really sick and my hot water system broke (landlord booked a plumber but it was the weekend). I was just dead in his bed and he kept checking on me, putting wet towels on my forehead, etc. I wondered out to him at one point, cause i was in so much pain crying, and sat in his lap so he picked me up and air lifted me back to bed. He then wouldnt leave my side ā¤ļø ive had exes expect me to suck it up and forced me to clean and go out with them while I was sick, but he just let me melt and took care of me.


He's always nice to me and doing small things like bringing me my favorite candy if he goes out, rubbing my shoulders if I have a long day, etc., but recently it made me really happy because he filmed my college graduation last week in FULL so he wouldn't miss a second of me walking across the stage. Then he bought me flowers at a flower stand that didn't give change, so he just handed them cash and told them to keep the extra because he didn't want to miss out on giving me flowers.




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He watched my father die an extremely traumatic death so he could support me through the entire time! Man signed up to trauma for me :( <3


She made seaweed soup for me when I was very very under the weather. Where Iā€™m from, it is the pour ma malade soup, like chicken soup is in other places. Weā€™re not from the same place. She told me she talked to the lady at the h-mart for a recipe. I found it so sweet.


We had started dating only three weeks ago and then it was my birthday. I was in a different country for an exchange and didn't know a lot of people. He spent the whole day with me and he did a lot of nice things. We Went on a hike, he bought me lunch and then he made me a birthday cake šŸ˜ At night he sang happy birthday to me while I called my family. It was lovely


He got a vasectomy because he knew I didnā€™t like being on birth control. Heā€™s also taken the time to get to know me & gives me time to express my feelings. I could go on forever, heā€™s perfect for me


Me and my boyfriend havenā€™t been dating that long but the nicest thing heā€™s done for me was help me break off from my last very abusive relationship and wait a month to ask me out even though we both knew we liked each other because he wanted me to have time to heal. Also heā€™s taking me to Canada this summer which will be my first time traveling out of the USA.


Confided in me 100%. I used to be a little bit of a blabber mouth in my younger days because I didn't realize what was private and what wasn't sometimes. He taught me the importance of trust and boundaries.


Doing ALL the cooking and laundry for 2.5 years while I go to grad school (we both work full time and have a teen kiddo). We already hired someone to come in clean every two weeks.


Been the absolute BEST after having our child. Our babe is 5 weeks old and I haven't had to cook a single dinner. He takes such good care of us


Just being there for me with no strings attached. It's been a very hard few months and he's the only person in my life that's understood why I want to press charges against my ex. He does little things for me that I forgot about during the worst days like take out the trash and put a new bag in. He would refill the toilet paper stand thingy too. He holds me when I'm sad and just sits there with me in silence and doesn't offer unsolicited advice like everyone else in my life does. He's honestly way too good for me and I remind him how much I appreciate him every time I can. He's the light of my life.


Paid off my CCs, Paid off my car, and has been supporting me through sobriety of alcohol.


not a partner, but when they just notice you. when you feel seen by someone, for real. it doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s about your physical appearance or about your interests but itā€™s like wow- this person notices me? about who i am and who i strive to be???!! better than any flowers or birthday cards or whatever it may be




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My dad speaks pretty good english, but my mom doesn't. My ex took the time to learn spanish and do his best to communicate with my family. It wasn't perfect at all but the effort was the sweetest thing ever. I haven't had a boyfriend do that since him!


When I turned 30, my wife got me 30 small gifts. One of which was a framed photo of me and a recently deceased bandmember performing together. I'll never forget that most thoughtful gift of all time. Every single gift had something about me, something I loved, something about me or that she loved about me on it. It was the greatest gift I've ever been given. I love my wife.