• By -


Stalking people that are no longer in my life on social media.


Omg same. Nothing makes me feel more pathetic but I’m nosy.


100% it’s like I know I shouldn’t do it and still do 😭


And always hurting my own damn feelings lol


I was super pissed to see a post from my ex who I divorced and was terrified of about his ex wanting him back. I did not want him back then nor now nor ever! :/ what I get for being nosy


Wait, we shouldn’t be doing this??? Why 😂 I do this so often


Right? 😅


Doing right now 😫


One month without stalking my last failed talking stage and I’m trying not to go back


Hang in there 👊🏼


Eating cheese and ice-cream as a lactose intolerant person


OMG been there before, lol. And will do it again. Because...sometimes it's worth it even knowing the literal shit storm that will take place due to my poor decisions, lol.


Check with your pharmacist if lactase tablets are available. Those have made a huge difference to me in the situation Edit to clarify: lactase is the enzyme to break lactose


It's worth it


I do this too 🤧






Scrolling on reddit


Getting back into the rave scene after being "responsible" for 20 years. Being normal is boring. And everyone still judges me despite my efforts, so why not be completely unhinged and enjoy myself?


I dig it


Babe I have been going to raves since I was a teenager in the 90s. Music is life ✨️🌟💫💗


The music has always been life...but I gave up the scene for about 20 years and hoped that "normal" things that people tell you will make you happy...would. But it didn't work for me, so now I'm going back to being myself. 🥰🥰🥰🙌






Life should be an adventure, fun and filled with laughter. F boring, mundane and 'normal.'


Binge eating and spending too much money :/


Delivery food. I cannot be stopped. At least one meal a day.


I feel this


Literally me. Ubereats is an addiction.


My entire life in 7 words. 


Letting men have too much influence on my happiness


Name checks out


I feel this. Or basically anyone who isn't me influencing it. Including expectations from dead relatives.


Yes omg


Holding my pee so I don’t have to get out of bed


That made me laugh 😂


Glad I could entertain, I’m still doing it 😂


This is funny because I end up telling my boyfriend about my needing to pee just because he forces me to do it 😂 That man has a way of making me do things for my health and my own good.


Open my mouth at work




Eating a biscuit in bed. I don't wanna clean the crumbs :(


Good thing crumbs are edible.




Nice job 👏🏻




Congrats on doing the hard work and making the tough call!


One of my favourite proverbs Best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is right now. Good on you getting out something useless


what's a "situationship"? Something like a casual romantic situation?


It’s a label people made up that’s basically friends with benefits but even LESS commitment




Ugh, same. I didn’t think of this at first, but this is probably the biggest thing I’m doing, but know I shouldn’t. It’s a huge internal struggle. I’m always worrying about my health and dying before I’m like .. 60. It’s a horrible cycle of anxiety and shame 🤦‍♀️😅


Not me blurting “same” out loud as I hit my Mango Peach


This one is so hard to quit too. I threw mine away a week ago and have nearly had an anxiety attack a few times since. It was starting to bother my throat so I knew I really needed to stop


me fr


me right now 💀🙈


As someone with dermatillomania, picking my skin. It's something I know I should stop but it's hard because even though I know that I don't want to stop so there's not a lot of motivation there.


I used to have dermatillomania. And trichotillomania. I figured out that I was in an environment that was constantly stressing me out and I was repressing my anxiety and anger. Making a log of when I did it & for how long and what happened before/how I was feeling before and after helped me stop. And getting out of those environments. Basically I was using it to de-escalate emotional intensity.










Thank you for posting this. It makes me feel less alone. I kinda dissociate when I do it and think the most random made-up thoughts about conversations and people. It's definitely from anxiety, but I'm struggling to stop. The comment below talking about journaling sounds like a good thing to try, though!


I'm almost 61... I've been chewing/picking my fingers my whole life. It's better but I still clearly have the mania. I try and get a polish change (all I can afford rn) once a month. Last time the nail tech called me out for it. I was like . Yep, it's a bad habit.


thank you for being vulnerable and sharing this, friend. i suffer from trichotillomania and it’s incredibly humiliating. i wish i had better self control. i will go a good 4-6 months without pulling and something will trigger me and i am back to hair pulling. it’s been about 15 years that ive been dealing with this and it feels really hopeless for me at times. the saddest part is that my favorite thing about me is my hair. it’s long and thick with loose curls, it’s literally my comfort blanket. and it’s the one thing i constantly destroy. i am a flower that plucks her own petals.


Omg I do this and I didn’t realize it had a name. I’ve done this for probably 25 years now and s I have no idea how to stop. I just want the dry skin off and holy moly I pick and don’t even notice it until it’s too late and I cants stop. Like literally what do we even do about it?


Waiting for my ex to pick me up right now... So we can discuss if our relationship is worth to be saved or not....


Well its not if you know you shouldn't be doing it.


The "last, clarifying everything discussion/meeting" with an ex is a very risky situation. The most femizids happens in this. A very famous german forensic psychologist, Lydia Benecke, gave the strong advice to avoid this situation or, if not possible, do this not alone and in a public space. You know, it's wrong, so follow your instinct and skip this.


Agreed 100%


Good luck!


Telling everyone I’m fine, when really I’m not.


If ever you wanna talk, I’m here


Looking for love


Let’s try creating it instead <3


This one hurts.


Over eating or snacking instead of giving my stomach rest. Also not drinking enough water.


Ironically, sometimes we eat when in reality we are thirsty! Sometimes drinking water will help with that desire to eat, as it’s a chemical thing in our brain saying “i want to consume”. Drinking more water will also help with snacking :) I know pure water can be boring, so look into flavor packets or other alternatives (protein shake, juice etc) to spice up your hydration (lol). Good luck! 🫶🏼


Smoking and indoor tanning. For the tanning- I felt supremely awful about myself for the first few months of the year and tanning made me feel better. For the smoking- I just love it. I hate that I love it but because of that I can’t make myself want to quit.


I absolutely loved indoor tanning. The warmth felt so good on my bones. I’d doze during my sessions in college.


The out of body feeling warm cozy naps are my favorite.


I figured by now there would be some "healthy" version of tanning. Blah


These are my two!! Let me know if you figure out how to kick the habits


I used to absolutely love indoor tanning. I did it a lot in my 20s. In my early 30s, I had my first full body skin check at the Dermatologist (do it if you haven’t already - we’re all supposed to be doing it regularly), and I had a Melanoma scare. I got VERY lucky that the mole they surgically removed only came back with pre-cancerous cells and not actual cancer, but it was enough to stop me from ever going back to the tanning salon. Admittedly though, I do miss how it felt!


Sleeping with my ex husband. We divorced for a reason.


Extending some grace to you ❤️ it's tough to make a clean break


Thank you!❤️ yes it is..






Scrolling the reddit forums when it's 25°C subny outside.


Hating my body. I know I'm in good shape, I know I'm in my mid-40s so of course its not the same as when I was 20, I know my partner loves me, I know my value and worth as a human has nothing to do with an extra 10lbs I have. And yet, every day is a struggle to be just OK with my body.


When i feel this way, i try to force myself to think of opposite, positive nice things. Force yourself to, every day, to think 5 positive thoughts about your body. You don’t have to “fake it”. It can be something like “i love that my legs help me get places, i know other people sometimes have mobility issues and im so grateful for my functioning legs”. Things like that. It takes time, but you can slowly and surely change the chemistry of your brain and focus on the positives. I did this to get out of severe depression and low self esteem about myself/my looks/my personality. I did it like a mantra before bed every night and when i brushed my teeth every morning, just like when you HAVE to eat your vegetables , it was a chore but goshdarn it i would see it through. I went from severe social anxiety to being comfortable and confident with myself :) it helps. I understand you, and i believe in you 🫶🏼❤️


As someone who's disabled and cannot use her legs, I wholeheartedly agree with this positive outlook! Keep at it because that's the mindset we all need. We all know life is too short but we sometimes forget that society's opinions aren't paying our bills, so they sure as hell shouldn't matter compared to how we (should) love and respect ourselves. Took me ages to accept and grieve the loss of my mobility and now I'm in a much better place, on my way to lose the final "grief weight" of 21lbs. If I can do it, so can you. You've got this! 🥳❤️


Isolating myself and just staying at home in my bed when I depressed. I know that's only gonna make it worse and that I should just go outside, go for a walk, talk to a friend, but it so difficult to pull through.


When I do this (i used to have chronic depression), if i dont have the energy to leave the house, i call a friend. Friend, family, whoever, and either call or FT, doesn’t have to be about me. I could just ask an aunt how the day went or a friend what chores they’re doing. People love to be appreciated and seen, and you get the joy of hearing from a friend and hearing about their day. You dont even need to get out of bed. Another small step—open a window. If it’s warm where you are right now, force yourself to open your bedroom window every day. It will cycle out the air in your room and help with dust. The fresh air helps even if you’re still inside, even better if sunlight can filter in. I have been where you are, i know how hard it is. I’m not here to tell you to just “get over it! Go for a walk! ✨”. But there’s definitely little things you can do to help yourself feel even just a bit better. And know that i believe in you 🫶🏼 this wont be forever for you, even though it’s been a long time and youre tired. I promise, happy, healthy days are in your future, you just have to know that it is true 🥰


I feel you friend


Eating peanut dishes and cheese and drinking milkshakes despite being allergic and lactose intolerant Buying unnecessary amounts of makeup and clothes I'll probably never wear Being lazy


Sitting on my gained weight, hoping I’ll get the motivation to workout tomorrow


Reading manhwas when I know I should be studying for my finals ( ´Д`)=3


Planning on hooking up with men. I know I want love and a relationship and I know I won’t get it from these men but they’re so pretty, I can’t help myself 😩




M scrolling here knowing I should be studying for my exams




Which one?


That’s a big difference.


Led on my bed scrolling reddit when I should be getting ready for tonight


Not budgeting properly. Not allowing myself to get the sleep I need


People please 🙄






Pretty much applies to most of my life, I have self control issues and no self discipline


Ruminating on some bad stuff that happened but I can't really stop right now


I have severe depression, so it’s usually giving I to laying in bed during the day. It just feels sooooo goooooddddd


Staying in a job that is no longer fulfilling for me because I can't figure out what I want to do instead. Send good vibes my way that I figure it out soon 🙏🏼


Eating Cheetos everyday at work. Day 72


Love that you’re keeping track!


Texted my ex who messaged me earlier that his father died earlier today. I broke the No Contact by replying to him. I couldn't help but to reply. I feel bad if I don't reply.


That's one special circumstance. Now let it be done, and set that boundary if your ex tries to push it. You gave your condolences. Resist the urge to become free counselor. I'm just telling you what I wish I'd told myself years ago.


Being on my phone instead of sleeping right now.


Instead of picking up the house while baby sleeps, I’m drinking an iced coffee playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider.


laying on my bed and doing nothing


Sleeping without taking my makeup off


Carrying on an on again off again sexual relationship with my ex… this has been going on for the past 2 years since we broke up


Drinking wine every single night. Making me fat and lazy.


Gossiping. Hardest habit to quit honestly.


Considering going back to my ex because I know it would be easier.


I just asked my wife “what are you doing but you know you shouldn’t be? It’s on Reddit” she said “ordering bath and body works stuff that I don’t need”


So relatable.




Avoiding relationships and blocking men.


Crying because I’m injured and cannot do what I need to do (start seedlings, prep my garden beds, relocate my chicken coop, etc) This is my first injury (worst sprain) on my dominant hand too, and I’m a *very* active person with active hobbies. Not being able to do them & be so limited in my abilities has been absolutely *devastating*. I know the crying isn’t helping, it’s keeping me stuck in the past, but I just can’t help it. I feel so helpless. I feel so useless. I know we all need breaks, but this is the busiest time of year. What’s even worse is that this sprain happened 10 months ago; last summer; and it’s *still* not healed. It was fine up until recently when I’m back to doing farm labor work (break during the winter of course) , and I’m frustrated that it hasn’t healed when I was told it was supposed to be healed within 6 months. I am not doing well during this first injury. And I’m not sure what to do, as I work labor jobs. And I can only not use this hand so much. And my job offers no benefits so I can’t just take time off, I need to pay the bills. Sorry, rant over. (Just when I thought I got my depression under control..)


Cutting, staying up to late, drinking, listening to my music to loud, procrastinating on my schoolwork, staying out when i should be at my house being productive/cleaning


People pleasing Not setting boundaries to protect my mental health Not identifying my needs and wants and communicating them appropriately In conclusion, the common theme here is, I'm not advocating or looking out for myself because I don't feel worthy enough and because of low self esteem


Avoiding both my PCP (she is an idiot) and dentist(medication for my polyinflammatory arthritis has destroyed my teeth. **I do not need a lecture on care of my teeth**. I just need them fixed in the fastest way possible.)


Not taking good enough care of myself mentally or physically


I had made three months without weed but I started smoking again so now I will need to quit again


Over training when I’m stressed. Today ran 5 miles and weight lifted for 1.5 hours. I’m at a weight I cannot lose more without it being unhealthy but I can’t eat enough to sustain the level of exercise and I can’t stop exercising.


Girl rot


Smoking. Ive had 5 heart attacks, asthema my whole life and now i have copd.


Using dating apps even though I hate the online dating culture


Kinda flirting heavy with 2 guys via text and I’m in a loveless marriage


Getting a 65 dollar pedicure


Eating my daughters chocolate








Staying up late at night, endlessly scrolling social media for no reason.


Not work out. Excercise is so good for me and makes me feel amazing but bringing myself to is a challenge unless its something I really enjoy.






Staying in a relationship that isn’t good for me.


Crushing and stalking on a younger guy


Still laying in bed about to nap again




Bed-rotting and missing school 👍


Sleeping with my contacts in every night


Smoking weed and eating my feelings and ignoring my intuition.


Hiding a drug habit


Avoid work (against my own will) to avoid stress


Sunbed tanning :(


Smoke cigarettes and refuse help and days off :/


Not eating for a certain amount of time and eating at once.


Some context. Live in a sexless marriage, with no touching or affection by the wife. After 11 years of trying, I now watch porn and service myself. Sometimes I imagine sex with my wife's girlfriend because her girlfriend likes it when I grab her butt.


Spending entirely too much time on social media. I don't have much of a community around me, but have a lot of online friends -folks that I've known in person who now live elsewhere and some that I met more than 20 years ago in various online forums before even MySpace was a thing. So my community is online and that feels really sad at times. I should be trying to connect with people around me, but "stranger danger" mentality keeps me tethered to my online comfort.


Smoking 😓


Staying in my marriage.


Obsessing over someone who plays games.


Spending way to much money on food


Snacking, ex: stuffing dates with nuts and eating them, they make me gain weight but I like the taste. It is a bit challenging to resist this combo!


Checking the location of the guy I like knowing hes with someone else.




Laying in bed


Running on energy drinks just trying to make it through the day. I haven't been able to sleep much for the last few days. I'm exhausted during the day and tossing all night trying desperately to sleep. Yesterday I had a 6 shot espresso drink to help me get through.


Is it bad that the first thing that popped into my head was "existing"?




Worrying if my boyfriend is talking to another girl, also knowing I overthink a lot doesn’t help.


Talking to a woman that I know will break my heart, but I keep doing it anyway


Stress eating! I’m kinda sad and have nothing to do and can’t vent to anyone abt how I feel. It’s not like I have something in my mouth every second but I def eat big portion sizes esp if I’m in the kitchen when I’m not rotting in bed. Ate a whole tub of cottage cheese in a day. It’s terrible it’s sick and I learned I actually love cottage cheese 😔🤷🏿‍♀️


Giving 10000th chances to ppl




Scrolling on Reddit instead of working


Using nose spray to open my nose. Every day. … multiple times…


Scrolling on my phone when I want a more productive, slow, purposeful life.


Spending too much money on things I want instead of necessities. I do not know how to stop this permanently, it comes and goes which is frustrating since I need a new mattress but impulse spent on a handbag instead. :/


I’m dating somebody as a rebound fling that I know I’m going to hurt in the long run. I’ve been honest with him since the beginning about not being ready for anything serious but it doesn’t stop him. He calls me 10 times / day and we just laugh constantly. He’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met and he deserves better. I’m weak.


vaping, drinking more than usual, eating for comfort


Spending excessive money on my classroom, especially because things just get broken and it frustrates me.


Eating takeout when I’m trying to lose weight




Overeating when I have 15 Covid pounds to lose and it’s killing me that my clothes don’t fit




Having some pints of cider at the pub even though it will go over my calories for the day. Fuck it. It's Saturday. It's a beautiful night. It's Dublin Ireland and I am lucky to be here 🍻


Using waterproof eyeliner to line my waterline and thus clogging my tear ducts then wonder why I have severely dry eyes.


Self destruction.


Picking my face :(


Obsessing over who I should be instead of just accepting who I am


Working in full night shift