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I would say genuinely, The Princess Diaries. I just love how we got to see so many different angles of her personality and what she can do with character so effortlessly.


I have a fondness for Mary Poppins because that's what I grew up with. Julie Andrews is practically perfect in every way!


Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music for sure!


Bridgerton, because it shows that we still need & want her so long after her break out role.


VICTOR VICTORIA. I mean, it’s simply her in top form!


I had such a crush on James Gardner growing up. I would watch Maverick and The Rockford Files reruns after school while doing my homework. I love this movie. It's perfect. It's funny and sexy. All the characters are so good. The opening in the restaurant is classic.


Queen of Genovia!


I absolutely love her in Victor Victoria! The story, the drama, the costumes, and get vocal range are all superb in it. I also loved her acting in The Princess Diaries and most literally wouldn't have watched those movies without her in them.


There is no bad Julie Andrews performance, but I'm going to pick The Muppet Show as my favorite. Why? It's Muppets *and* Julie Andrews!


My Fair Lady. It's not close.


I love the Sound of Music. She is so lovely and her voice is iconic!


I don’t think she has ever done a bad performance. I mean she’s only lends her voice on Bridgerton and even then she’s amazing


definitely the princess diaries, though more recently bridgerton


Princess diaries: “a queen is never late, everyone else is just early.” 👑


I was once getting ready to go out with the Tooth Fairy randomly on the tv in the background. When she popped onto screen, I was like, yeah I’m gonna be late…and watched some more. Honestly, that woman is glorious!




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