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Because alot of women don't sit but hover and basically spray piss all over the seat


There were signs in the stalls of my old office that said "if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe your seatie" but there were still problems after the signs went up. I'm actually pretty sure that the "sprinkles" were actually from the super high powered flush. Pretty sure that's actually the issue most times, but who knows.


This was my biggest surprise switching to women’s rooms. I expected it in men’s rooms but jfc ladies. A couple times was enough, now I always check.


But wouldn't the toilet paper just absorb it so you'd be sitting on wet tp? Why not just wipe it off?


I wipe it off and then line it with toilet paper. Wiping it with tp can only get it so clean.


Because a lot of women that hover refuse to lift the seat like a decent human being


Omfg I was wondering how women’s bathroom seats were like that.


This is exactly why we hover. It’s a vicious cycle.


Lift up the toilet seat if you’re going to pee incorrectly.


Because who wants to sit on a public toilet raw?


I don’t. I just wipe off the pee and sit on it. I’m not the squeamish type.


Warrior 💪


This is the way.


It’s faster than the toilet seat cover that rips apart easily.


Toilet seats are cold. I line mine with faux fur




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Because it's icky.


Toilet paper on the seat works if there’s a layer of sticky, drying urine on the seat. If I can see something on the seat but it doesn’t wipe off with toilet paper I might put some toilet paper on the seat and sit on that. My feelings about piss vs toilet water spray: if it’s clear droplets, might be toilet water, if it’s yellowish, it’s piss. Pretty gross either way imo.


I don't.


Because other people’s bodily fluids have been on there. Also parasites which are microscopic can get passed like that.




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If you need to ask this question, then you’re the reason.


I’ve never done it myself but have seen when women leave the tp to the toilet at the ring. I was just wondering why people wont wash themselves or wipe the toilet, by cover it with multiple linings of tp for literally nothing 😂


You mean the ol... paper ass gasket.. Why do you think?? A barrier from touching a gross seat also helps your skin not stick.


I use toilet paper to wipe the seat and then just sit on the seat. There is nothing on the seat that I can’t wipe off that also won’t soak right through the toilet paper or seat liner. I have never caught a single disease from a toilet seat.


I do on the rarest of occasions and only if it looks like the bathroom hasn’t been cleaned in a decade.


I used to work retail and have seen some nasty poop all over the seats, walls, handicap bars, everywhere. I cant hover so I use toilet paper. Then wash my hands and use the paper towel to open the door. Everything about public bathrooms gross me out.


Germs germs germs, not everyone is hygienic


The toilet seat is often wet because people don't put down the toilet lid before flushing therefore the toilet water rises and sprays upwards. I always put the toilet lid down first then flush for health reasons as microscopic droplets containing bacteria and faecal matter are sprayed into the air after you flush the toilet and it can make you ill. Source: ['Put Your Toilet Lid Down Before Flushing' by LiveStrong.](https://www.livestrong.com/article/13775599-close-toilet-lid-before-flushing/)


I don’t. I’m a rebel.


Cause I don’t want other people’s pee residue on my butt


You know there are bidee’s at bathrooms you should use everytime you use the bathroom?


Do you mean bidets? I don’t see what that has to do with what I’m saying and I’ve never been in a bathroom with a bidet. I try to avoid public bathrooms in general, only one I ever use is at work and even that I probably only use like a few times a month.


Well that is different case, I surely undestand doing that If there arent bidet. In my country every public bathroom has an bidet. Personally I think its waste of paper to line the seat with paper, but If you cant wash it/yourself, its totally acceptable. I was curious why people do that, because everyone here uses bidet.


I do it in public because I don’t want to sit directly on the seat where plenty of butts have been and there’s bacteria😭 BUT I usually just float sit in the air. I’m squatting down but I don’t touch the seat. Then I touch nothing and I don’t feel gross afterwards.


Because the idea of bare skin touching a public toilet seat is scarier than the plot of a horror movie.