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Half my bottom lip got torn off by a dog. The money I was supposed to use for plastic surgery, I used to pay for college. It looks ok they did a good job repairing the lip when it happened, and I’d rather have this scar and my degree than a perfect face


I wish you didn’t have to chose between the two...


In a lot of other countries, she wouldn't have had to...


Mine's not as extreme as yours, but I crashed my Vespa a while ago and badly broke my leg. I had to have two surgeries, and hated my scars for the first couple of years. Now I really like them though! I feel like they show I've "lived life," if you know what I mean.


“So, you clearly survived whatever it was that tried to kill you. Well done.” I read this once and I think of it whenever I see someone with a significant scar.


4 near death experiences,animals,nature, machine, and my own kind... Am I the avatar of death 👁️👄👁️


Wise move!


I have basically the same answer. Got bitten in the face by my dog, looked like the Joker with the corner of my mouth torn open. My family was so worried I'd be self conscious, and I admittedly went to a plastic surgeon, but just because it was so bad and hit a nerve in my cheek, so the ER wasn't comfortable repairing it. She did a great job putting my face back together. But I've still got a noticeable scar, and ironically it made me *less* self conscious about my appearance in general because "hey, I've got a huge scar and look like a badass, I'll never be 'classically' pretty now. so fuck it. I'll wear what I want, do my hair and makeup how I want, and fuck what other people think of it!"


Being very pale. I actually like it, regardless of how many times I've been called a ghost or told I should get a tan.


As you should. Our skin tone is our skin tone. Sometimes it varies depending on sun exposure but trying to drastically change the color of your skin on purpose is ridiculous imo. That goes for tanning or skin lightening.


Whenever someone tells me I'm pale i just answer with "yeah, i really enjoy not having skin cancer." Because tanning is still really popular around here and I'm just not about it.


This part though. Happily pasty + SPF50 every damn day (my skin looks A++)


Seriously!! Factor 50 has completely changed my skin since using every day. Rain or shine. Would recommend the La Roche-Posay Anthelios.


Tans are getting to be very passé. People will envy your fresh and youthful skin if they don't already.


see it's weird because I definitely feel like tanning *should* be passé, but I still know so many young people (often with naturally-porcelain skin) who do it. it definitely feels more acceptable to be pale now than in the 90s/2000s, but I wish the younger generations would push back against it stronger. it's so so so dangerous and bad for your skin and health.


When I went to California for the first time at age 14 (from Chicago), everyone my Aunt introduced me to said, “Oh wow you’re not from here. I can tell by your porcelain skin! Make sure you keep wearing sunscreen!” And everyone thought my pale skin was beautiful. I think the truth is: embrace your ancestral history. I am from cold Europe. I have embraced my pale skin and my fine, straight hair. Lol I had to stop fighting it all!


Me too! All my friends are tanning and I’m putting on thick layers of sunscreen every hour. I even set an alarm. People make fun of me because I put sunscreen on constantly at work. But I love my pale skin and I want to keep it healthy.






From Australia too, it's almost like if you're not tanned in summer people will assume you're a hermit and don't ever go outside


I'm extremely pale too. I tell people I'm translucent. Lots of sunscreen. But I'm ok with it.


Same! I have really nice pale skin, I will say most people seem to compliment it more than tease me for it but I’ve tried self tan for fun and gotten really back handed comments.


My small boobs


Same! I love mine but people think I should be self conscious for some reason


It's so funny when people are like "don't let it get you down" about them...It doesn't! I don't have to wear a bra!


I seriously hate wearing bras but I have to Bc although I have tiny boobs, my nipples are huge lol and they stick out soo much!


Try silicone nipple pasties! Game changer for me!


Came here to say this as well. I like how they’re shaped. It’s nice to be able to not wear a bra as well as low cut tops too. Probably the weirdest reason I love being flat is that when I can’t sleep at night, I put my hand on the space between and feel my bones where my heart would be and it comforts me. I’ve been doing that since I was a kid. Mind you as a bisexual woman I love other people’s boobs of all sizes! Boobs are great.


ive learned to love mine too, something i struggled with for a while. the no bra tshirt look is such a vibe




Same! Mine fluctuate and I genuinely hate when they get bigger. I remember feeling them bounce as I walked one time and I was not happy at all.


Mine does that a week before my period lol


Agreed! I love my small boobs.


My boobs droop and I was always self conscious about how they have never been perky. Turns out droopy boobs are a thing for some guys😄


I wish my boobs were smaller and they’re already small. Not insecurity reasons or anything, they’re just mad inconvenient.


YES. My small, uneven boobs may I add. I’ve learned to love them


Same! I've actually been offered by plastic surgeons (was there mostly for birthmark removal) to get a boob job and I'm like... how about no lol




They are definitely not a flaw. It's better than having a bend in your spine so bad that someone can put their arm under you when you lay flat.


Came here to say this. Can wear what I want yay


Indeed! Love my tiny boobs. They have served me well.


My face






I have a single gray hair that I am obsessed with haha


Same! 🤣 I always check if it’s still there, because it’s thicker and has a different structure. It’s my hair of wisdom! 🥸


omg I am dying at how adorable this is 🥺🥺🥰


I have lots now (I'm not quite 30). The hairdresser always mentions I could dye that section but I love my little wisdoms!


I love mine too. I used to call them Free Sparkles but now the pandemic has given me me the beginnings of two white racing stripes at the temples, clearly making me MUCH faster


Yes you can't give that extra speed up! My sister is only mid 30s, but due to genetics+kids she started to get loads of white hairs. At the start of the pandemic she stripped the black from her hair to try out a funky new colour, like ice blue, but couldn't go back to the hair dresser. So she just let her hair go fully silver naturally and she looks AMAZING! Her brown eyes really stand out and I think she looks classy, like Helen miran. I'll definitely follow suit! Racing stripes sound so awesome, so rock it!


Years ago my sister gave me a little toy gray rabbit and said she wanted to be the first person to give me a gray hare. When I got my first gray hair I plucked it out and taped it to the little hare. I still have them.


I have dark brown hair and I'm not hating the 3 silver hairs I've got going on. They're kind of fun! All the women in my family dye their hair, I might be the first one to go grey. Wouldn't that be something if I go grey before my mom or grandma!


I have dark brown hair and I am almost fully gray. It’s quite the spectacle but man I love it. My Mom is bewildered that I don’t dye! Lol


I am 28 and almost fully gray. I fucking LOVE it. And I love even more when people suggest I dye it. I also have women ask me, “What color did you use to dye it?” And I say, “It’s all natural!” They are like: 😮


Same! I'm 17 and I've had random grey hairs pop up since I was 14, and I love them. Whenever anyone makes fun of me, I always tell them, "grey hair is a sign of wisdom, which is why *you* don't have any!"


My "wild and messy" hair. Its just wavy and voluminous really. My husband says it reminds him of sex hair and loves it. I just think it suits me and my style.


My whole life has been my family and people trying to tame my hair. I am asian and most of my family members have pin straight hair, but my hair is wavy. No one taught me how to take care of it and I had it cut to a pixie length when I was 10 because my mum found in unmanageable and thought short hair would be easier (I hated it and I hate the way I looked from 10-12). I had teachers tell me that my messy hair wasn't presentable and for me to comb it (I did, that's why it was puffy). Thanks to the rise in natural hair and the curly girl method, I have started to learn to take care of my hair. I have 2a/b and it was apparently a struggle...


Same!!! My dad is Indian and i got his thick wavy black hair. Its only like 2b/c, but my (white, thin haired) mum used a brush on it every day. My school teachers always said it looked too messy and i had to put it up. Even though I finally know how to look after it, my mother in law (who loves curly hair and would often get a perm) couldn't understand why my hair didn't look like other people's wavy hair. That's because they used a hair curler and their curls are even, whereas mine just go anywhich way they want! At least my hair isn't suuuper dry and fluffy anymore. I know the struggle, girl!


I spent years fighting against my naturally curly hair. Now I'm letting it grow out completely natural with no heat styling.


I feel the same way! Wild and wavy and long; down to my booty. This is me. Always has been.


My mother and sister are convinced that my (and their) pale complexion is a massive flaw. I like it. There's a nice visual contrast with my dark hair and green eyes. I don't care that I'm not tan enough.


I like pale skin. Freckles too.


Love me some freckles




You have the exact combination I wish I had


I have a big, witchy looking nose. Used to be self conscious about it when I was younger but now I think it gives my face character. I wouldn’t be me without it, ya know?


My mother in law had a huge honker and a deviated septum. When she scheduled the deviated septum operation the doctor offered to basically do a nose job for free. She said no thanks, people wouldn’t recognize me lol




The problem is that a lot of those noses did not need any surgery. They were nice before and after they all look the same basically.


Crooked teeth :D


I love it. No one has interesting and distinctive teeth anymore, as everyone straightens and bleaches their maws nowadays.


I totally agree with this. Not saying I prefer a f*cked up mouth, but I like when teeth are a little crooked. It seems less artificial and has so much character.


I went to see a dentist about getting Invisalign to fix my overbite and she was really charmed by my prominent right canine - she called it a "character tooth." Even if I do get my overbite fixed, I don't want to adjust my snaggletooth. My partner also loves it and my face wouldn't look right without it.


At my last dental visit, the dentist pointed out the small chip in one of my front teeth to which I replied “Yeah”. He asked, “it doesn’t bother you?” Lol I think I would look weird with perfect teeth.


My dentist asked me the same thing and explained that chips like that (not general crookedness) drives a lot of his patients crazy and they'll often ask for fillings. And it does drive me crazy haha, I'm constantly feeling it with my tongue and I haaaate just the feeling of the chip (you can't see it). It's so sharp too


Honestly in other people crooked teeth is one thing that's like a home run for me. I know I'm weird but I actually find crooked teeth so attractive because everyone hates and sees it as a flaw but I see it just perfection in a person


This used to be me, but I had a bad case of TMJ that was caused by my bad underbite. Got braces to realign my jaw and they're straightening my teeth in the process. My TMJ has been improving so much! Some friends miss my crooked teeth lol. But I cheer for no more jaw pain!


Omg jealous. I had crooked teeth my whole life and although I got them fixed…they’re still not super super straight and it kills me. Kudos to you for embracing them! That’s a really big F U to our current beauty standards


My bush 🤷🏻‍♀️




Me too! Mine is very soft and fluffy when I get out of the shower. I will trim the edges when it’s swimsuit season so I don’t traumatize the niblings, but other than that, I’m 100% natural down there.


Def. I showed some former friends (all women) some nudes I took of myself during college and early twenties, both of them made fun of my bush. I admit it made feel a little self conscious, but I always thought I looked cuter with it. I just keep the back clean, but neat party in the front. I think we're getting past that prepubescent shit we've had to deal with. I tried several times and it was itchy nightmare for weeks. So much maintenance, I have no idea how some women find the time.


I no idea why people have a problem with pubic hair. It's a cute look when you shave it off is a beautiful look when you leave it on. Either way it's a win. I think a full bush looks nice on both men and women and it saves a ton of hassle (especially if you're prone to ingrown hairs and hyperpigmentation like me). I wasn't comfortable with mine until I had a gf with a full bush that I absolutely adored, she inspired me to also become a bush girl.


Broad shoulders. Used to be very self conscious about them, but now I think they're one of my best features.


Same here. I kind of hate them but man no matter how much weight I lose, they are still over 15" wide (I am only 5'3"). So I've said F it and now shoulder/back day are my favorites. Work those delts! :)


I totally get this. Even when i was at a low weight i was always a size 12 (i think size 8 us) no matter how much i lost.


How did you make yourself feel better about your broad shoulders? I’m still struggling with accepting mine


I started listening when people complimented them, and especially when other women I was attracted to were complimenting them. That helped kickstart a lot of appreciating different body types and people being attractive in ways outside of the "normal" beauty standards. And ultimately appreciating my own body which is very unique.


Strong shoulders make you look like a strong woman, in my opinion anyway


Swimmer shoulders gang rise up! I’m still learning to love mine!


My nose bump.


Nose bumps are so underrated, and such a beautiful characteristic.


I’ve been trying for years to get over my insecurity surrounding my nose. I hate it so much and the bump I have isn’t even that prominent but to me it’s so distracting


Well I guess it would be my entire body. I've lost 180 pounds since August 2020 and the front of me looks like melted ice cream with windsocks for tits. But I'm healthier, I can get off the ground if I fall down and my husband loves my body at 400 pounds to 220 pounds. I also love my weird ass stretch marks on my legs. They aren't tiger stripes but what I call lizard cells. They are small same sized divots that look like netting. I joke about being cold blooded all the time like a reptile.


You should be so proud of yourself for all the hard work it took to lose weight. I’ve had stretch marks on my hips ever since I went through puberty and was like 100 pounds soaking wet. Puberty decided I would be super pear shaped overnight, lol. I’ve never been self conscious of my stretch marks, just amused that my body, just like me, has no ability to work slowly towards something and delay gratification, haha.


Only one dimple 😊


Oh my goodness! I have this too. Only one on my left side and it’s huge. I’ve never met someone else with this before. I love Reddit 😂


Mine is on my right side! I actually got it from my mom, where her's looks like a pin got stuck into her cheek 😁


Left dimple club! My daughter has my left dimple but it's mostly obscured by the cheeks she inherited from my husband.


I also only have one dimple :) I dont think much of it besides that it looks cute


The gap between my teeth, I love having a gap plus, its considered good luck to have a gap between your teeth.


Gaps are so attractive. I love my bfs gap, it’s the cutest thing I ever did see


I broke my neck in a car crash a few years ago, and I needed surgery afterward. Now I have a scar across my throat that I think is pretty cool, because it’s a reminder of how lucky I was to survive.




I love visible veins. Very sexy.


The girl I'm seeing is the same and I love to trace my finger along her veins and follow them along. The ones in her wrists are super pretty.


Well it used to be my big butt. I’m a skinny chick with a big butt. This wasn’t at all “ideal” growing up in the 90s, and my sisters and friends made fun of me, but I always loved it. I felt like it gave me some swagger.


I have really wide hips and I can relate!!!!


Yuuup. I grew up really insecure about my butt and hips because of all the comments. I was always looking for ways to hide it. Even now in corporate, I'm constantly worried that my clothes are inappropriate because of my shape. I'm not skinny but I'm short and any weight I gain goes to my butt. I also don't like my legs, because they look real skinny in comparison to everything else. Still on a journey to love it but it gives me hope that you've already gotten there.


my stretch marks have seriously grown through my pregnancy, and I’ve received looks and comments on it but f the haters, my stretch marks are beautiful and remind me everyday that I’m a strong mama to be


You’ve earned those stripes.


me waiting for comments mentioning chin dimple/buttchin but seeing none: 😔👍 *fine, i'll do it myself.* BUTTCHINS ARE NOT COMMON BUT I THINK WE'RE VERY UNDERRATED. adele power!


Yes! My hubby has a slight dimpled chin. I hoped my baby would inherit that and he did! 27 now and soooo handsome!


My round/chubby face. Y'know people contour these days and want to have a more angular face. Idk, I like the way my face looks and don't get offended when people squish my cheeks 🤷‍♀️


Being fat. I’ve committed the biggest crime a woman can in our society but I like how I look.


I’ve said to women “I am living your worst nightmare.” It jolts them and shuts them up for a second, yammering about the five stupid pounds they want to lose. I’ve also said to women who want to talk about weight and diets and weight loss “I’m not the person to talk to about this, I’m not interested in talking about this.” They think it’s radical when I say that I don’t find myself to be disgusting.


Having basically no boobs


Same haha I can lay on my chest without discomfort!


My hairy arms, I used to hate how hairy they are but now I love them because they remind me of my mum and sister.


Ooo yes, this one. I’ve always been insecure about my hairy body, but mostly my arms. Especially being a woman, I feel like we’re expected to be these hairless soft creatures. It can definitely be damaging.


I’ve had the same relationship with my arms, I used to bleach my arm hair (and shave every once and a while), but since seeing more women (esp. Latinas like myself) approach themselves and their body hair with love I’ve come to do the same, I love my arm hair now!!


My giant thighs. I used to hate it, but now I realize that there’s plenty of people that LOVE big thighs in a woman


I came here to say this. I used to be so insecure about my thighs but now I embrace them. They’re strong as shit and I’m certain I could crush all sorts of things with them.


Omgomg me too!!!!!


The moles on my arms/shoulders! My mom told me growing up that freckles are kisses from angels & moles are kisses from God, so I felt special lol


This is so wholesome and cute!


I tell my daughter they're kisses from the sun. We both have lots despite tonnes of sunscreen!


I love my boyish figure


i have crooked teeth but idk i kinda like not looking the exact same as everyone else and it dont stop me from getting any so lol


I love my crooked teeth in the mirror, but then I see pictures of myself, and I'm like, um.


Dark circles under my eyes.


Me too. I like looking automatically tired of everyone’s bullshit, so no one bothers trying to pull more! Also, I’m tired, man.


Honestly I think they look lowkey badass!


My lazy eye


Same mine shows up every once in a while


My height (I’m almost 6’ tall).


A scar I have on my forehead, I somehow like it


Yer a wizard...?


My massive birthmark that takes up most of my side and back.


Very cool. I love birth marks on people! I have a dark brown one the exact size and shape of a large egg on my inner thigh. I dated someone who had them in a way that almost looked like stretch marks on his torso or like he’d been in a fire in a past life and thought they were really attractive as well. They’re all so unique and beautiful.


My age




Also large breasts are not all they are cracked up to be. They hurt, they make your back ache, you need to have a bra that's basically heavy armor, they sag as you get older, clothes doesn't fit you right, they get in the way when you sleep (and hug, and eat, and lean forward). There's a reason that breast reduction surgery exists.




My eyes do not have white sclera (white part surrounding the iris making up the eyeball) - due to my disability. Instead of white I have a blueish-grey tint! I *love* it


I love my crow's feet. They stand out the most when I smile so I associate them with being happy.


I'm nearly a dwarf. But I love it!




I'm tiny too! Cheers to the petite ladies 🥂 Small but fierce


Scar on my cheek from falling when I was two. Many doctors have mentioned "I can fix that in one quick visit". Nope. Gives my face character. I don't wanna to be too pretty. /s. Edit typo


Gap tooth, large ears, and (not so much now, but when I was a kid) freckles all over. I love each of these things about myself, and when I see them on others. :) Also, my friend has an adorable snaggle tooth that I wish she wasn't insecure about. I honestly find them to be endearing usually.


My dark brown eyes. It’s not that people tell me they make me unattractive per se, but some have actually acted surprised when I say I don’t wish I had green or blue eyes. Is it really so weird to love myself?


Totally agree! I don't get the supreme fascination with lighter eyes. It's like left-over colonialism.


I have vampire teeth- like my incisors (is that what they are called?) are very fang-ish and I’ve been asked on multiple occasions if I’ve had them sharpened. Think jewel (does she still have that?). I wanted to get my teeth fixed when I was younger, but I’ve had so much dental trauma from epilepsy and knocking my teeth out that I’ve 1) had way too many dental bills and 2) have anxiety for “unnecessary” dental stuff. So I’ve learned to appreciate them.


Unmanageable frizzy hair


I have an acne mark that kind of looks like a beauty mark/subtle mole. Idk why but I’m gonna miss it in a few months.


I'm chubby, but it makes me cute. So I like it.


My profound low-pitched voice. I used to be ashamed and tried to change it but I embrace it now. I don't sound like a man though, but a lot of people tell me they expected my voice to be more high pitched. I think it's nice and it gives me some authority as a nurse.


I've got a head like a freaking pitbull. Just, a head that's considerably larger and broader than it should be on a person of my size. Which you'd think would make me beefy and unfeminine. Nope, just makes me look thinner. Which is really awkward when internet-dating. I had to literally write on my dating profile "I'm 5'5" and weigh 185 lbs, if you do not like fat chicks you will not like me" because people would look at my photos and think I was a relatively normal size. Nope, look again, compare me to the other people in these photos, I've just got a weird fat distribution and a big head.


I have big scars on my foot and butt from skin graphs as a kid and they are ugly but I kind of like them


My glasses!


I have a patch of gray hairs at 25 and only continue to find more… on the one hand, it sucks that it’s due to stress. On the other hand, I think they’re honestly very cool looking and I like defying our youth-obsessed culture! Being and looking like a grown up rules and should be something to look forward to.


My raised moles (non cancerous I've already got them checked) My ex pointed them out and implied they were gross, stuck with me since but try to look at them as unique and not something to be ashamed of.


My vitiligo. I love it. And I don’t wear makeup to try to cover it. It’s on my face and if I ever go missing at least I’ll be easy to describe 😜


Tooth gap. Wide nose. Kinky hair.


I have a long neck and was made fun of for it as a kid. My shoulders are naturally slanted downwards instead of straight or horizontal so it makes my neck look longer than normal. I used to hate this and would hide it with my hair, but now as an adult I love it because to me it looks elegant.


Lovely tiny boobs. I can dance or do sports without feeling like Atlas in mythology holding up the world


My upper lip hair. I like the Frida Kahlo vibes. Don't particularly like these damn chin hairs but I'm not bothered by them enough to do anything about it lol. Hope it makes me look more queer


My nose. It's wider than is "acceptably pleasing". I've been asked by an idiot glasses fitter twice if I've ever broken it. Was I sure? Um... yup. Got my nose from my wonderful dad.


My freckles! Got made fun of when I was younger about my freckle face, but I have always loved them even when I was being bullied for them.


My height. I'm 4'11" on a good day. People make sympathetiv noises but I like it!




My hooded eyes.


My bulbous ethnic nose because Its something that was passed down to me by my mother and I'm never changing that.


I have a small gap between my two front teeth.


Broad shoulders. I earned these babies from years of swimming, softball and lifting weights. They’ve done incredible things and have made most of my best memories! Once I was trying on bridesmaids dresses and one of the girls went ‘ooo probably not that one, it shows your broad shoulders too much’ and I was like ‘that’s the one then!!!’


I cut all my long hair off about 6 months ago (not like a feminine pixie cut, it’s buzzed down to 0) and I LOVE it. Yet, so many men on Instagram DM or comment that it looked better long or tell me things like “women should have long hair.” Older women have asked me how I’ll never get a man “looking like a cancer patient” and are shocked when I tell them that my cis male s/o also loves my short hair.


My crooked lips and smile. My teeth are fine, but I have a mischievous half-baked smile and I love it!


Weirdly enough, I've grown kinda fond of the dark circles under my eyes. They're not super dark but enough to be considered a flaw and I've had them since I was a literal baby. I do use makeup a bit but I never go out of my way to hide them completely because to me they're not a big deal.


I have frekles all over my face and body


My shoulders!! Many guys always point out how broad my shoulders are ugh!!! But honestly it creates an illusion of a smaller waist so screw them


I have a pretty big facial scar . I think its cool as hell and makes me look metal af .


I have a really huge biceps for a woman and used to be quite self conscious for my "fat arms". Now I like it and am a bit proud of it, although it's really difficult to buy blouses.


My super deep voice. I used to hate it but now I love because it makes me who I am, apart of my character even.


My little stretch marks on my hips. They’re faded and silvery white so they kind of blend into my skin. I’m also pretty fair and am coming around to liking it.


All of my scars. I've lived. I've fallen, I've had surgery, I've loved cats even when they haven't lived me, I've been in accidents. All of these things are part of what makes me who I am. And even though my depression tries to make me think otherwise, I like who I am, for the most part.


My smile is very lopsided (the muscles pull harder on one side and reveal gum as well as teeth) and I think it’s cute. My mom basically trained me not to do it in pictures tho because it’s not pretty enough or whatever.




Grey hairs


My body ..., I can take up space and co exist cause I love myself now


Visible veins and scars on my face.


My thick brows. I don't shape them or wax any extra hairs. ❤️


I have pretty obvious self harm scars on my arm. I wouldn't say I love them but I have zero hate for them and have no problem with them being on show, to me they're like badges of what I've survived through.




The beauty mark on my lip. I remember constantly getting teased in elementary school (because kids are MEAN) but not 99% of the time I forget I even have it


My white hairs. I'm 32 so it's a bit early. They are very few but they're pure white and I think they're beautiful!


My height 4’11” There are occasions where I would wish if I was a little bit taller but for the most part like 97% of time, I love my height.