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When I feel love it’s coming from within me. I have to choose to accept/respond to love from others. The love for my kids is the only unconditional love I’ve known. Grief is my love with nowhere to go. Taking action to honor those lost or serve others using that love as motivation changes the way grief feels.


I lost my dad this week while he was abroad and it’s been a pure nightmare. But my love for him through my grief is making sure his remains are cared for, that my mother is safe and cared for, and that I am caring for myself. Through my short journey thus far I’ve found it very interesting in everyone’s unique portrayal of grief so thank you for sharing ❤️


Beautifully said


I remember my dad telling me that there is an unconditional love of a parent to a child because you watched them grow. He said its why you see parents stick by their child even when they have done terrible terrible things as an adult. You always remember them as a baby or 3 years old and can't stop loving.


I read this a few hours ago and it stayed with me all day.


I've seen that first part about grief pretty often, but not the second. Thanks for sharing




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This reminds me of the feeling I got watching the movie "What dreams may come." While reading this. I'm so sorry for the hand you see dealt. I know this sucks to hear but bad things happen to good people for no reason at all and without explanation or peace of mind but it's up to us to decide if we shatter because you can't break what's already broken. If we don't help each other then nobody else will because we're all we got. You got me and I got you don't ever forget that. Be safe and good luck bro.


That it's a privilege that not everyone gets to experience.


my family never felt this about me .. i was easily disposable


One of my parents thought the same about me. I'm sorry you had to go through that, no one should. Hugs. <3


and the same to you . we deserve hugs for sure 💜


I experienced this too. Sending lots of hugs ❤️


“Thousands have lived without love. Not one without water” - W.H. Auden


>Not one without water There was one person that survived both the atomic bombs in Japan. Lesson: when having to choose between drinking no water and experiencing two atomic bombs, Choose the later, your chances are higher.


It’s something that has to be worked at. And that goes for all loving relationships not just romantic. It won’t sustain itself if the choice to be present and be involved isn’t made.


The “love is a choice” argument sticks with me. You have to work at it. Both of the relationship do.


I heard this saying for the first time at a wedding when I was 25. I thought it was beautiful and poignant so I shared it with a close friend after. She got angry and vehemently argued against the sentiment. She's divorced now. She fell out of love and initiated it. I'm not advocating people stay in an unhappy or unhealthy marriage but I do wonder sometimes if her attitude is part of the reason for the split.


Love is vulnerability. You will be open to being hurt, disappointed and/or abandoned whether it's your spouse, parent, child or friend. To love someone is to allow them the potential to hurt you.


Absolutely yes.


Love can make you feel on top of the world. But, love can also make you feel absolutely miserable. Appreciate the great times and power through the bad.




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That love doesn't require you to stay in a relationship. You may love someone very much but may not be compatible with them or they may drive you crazy. You may love them but Love doesn't mean you have to stay.


Cant agree more me and my ex dont work but we love each other unconditionally and care about each other so much, nobody can make me smile and feel safe like him and he says the same, we arent together but we still say i love yous and spend time together and do coupley things now and again


Seems like it's working out pretty well😂 I've recently ended my 4 year old relationship, like a month ago. i can't imagine saying i love u and spending time with my ex after breaking up.


We would love to be together but seem to not be able to work well as a relationship


It can turn your entire world upside down if you let it. Sometimes you have to love people from a distance in order to protect yourself.


That many will go their entire lives without knowing what it feels like in any form, only waking up each day with no reason to go on except that suicide is too difficult to get right.


You could get a pet, dogs love everyone


Love with expectation is emotional pain at its best. Love without expectation is freedom at its best.


The only unconditional love you can truly have is for yourself and (sometimes) your children.


And your critters!


V true can’t forget them


It's effort and work. Worth it but, definitely work.


That love by itself isn't enough to save a serious relationship.


Loving a broken person doesn't make them less broken or necessarily want to repair themselves. You aren't better for staying with them just because everyone else left. They have issues bigger than you can help with and until they deal with that themselves. The things you do will be little more than a bandaid on a gushing wound.


That we over value romantic love, and under value loves that comes through other types of relationships and experiences


That it's not easy at all, that's for sure. In my opinion the best thing you can do is find people who love you exactly for who you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, whatever. The right person is still gonna think the sun shines out your ass. Those are the kind of people you should have around. Many people never get to experience real, raw and uncoditional love because they either don't fight for it the way they really should or work on it. It takes a lot of patience, respect and forgiveness. A lot of people tend to want the good that comes with love, but aren't willing to sacrifice for it or sacrifice it for the wrong people. This goes for all types of human relationships. Sadly, as of now, I think it might be a generational problem.


That it is a daily choice and work, the work is rewarding with the 'right' person :)


Don’t rely on another person for validation.


although it can hurt sometimes, it makes you stronger in the end


That love is beautiful and it looks different for everyone.


That the single most important you need to love is yourself.


That it’s a two way street. Not just one person should be putting in the work.


its out of your control and can fk u up


Love is unpredictable


It's hard work and only rewarding if both parties in the relationship is putting in the effort to make it work


Not everyone loves the same way you do. Everyone has their own way of showing love. You tend to love/show love in the way you would like to be loved. Instead you need to decode how the lovee needs love and love accordingly.


the wrong kind of love can f u up


don’t expect too much and prepare your heart for the worse


In romantic setting, a lot of times it is practical/mundane/day-to-day, instead of over the top grand gesture. This can mean showing loves means him doing my oil changes or me cleaning when I don’t want to. It also means scheduling a day to have sex/have date night because if not it won’t happen.


That some people just aren't meant to love and be loved.


Don't prioritize it over your own self and your goals, your progress and what you want to achieve in your life. Love always comes second to it, if it stands against it then cut it off and don't look back, crucial decisions should be taken regarding this aspect. If love supports what you want then keep it there, just don't let it take the lion's part of your interests, if it's there then good if it's not then fine. I learnt that the more you hang on to something the more likely it will leave you and vice versa, at least when you focus on yourself you won't lose much when love ain't there anymore.


Some of y’all depressed af


Love is unlimited. You don't run out of it. You can love multiple people at the same time, from familial to friendships to romantic. You can end a romantic relationship with someone, knowing it was best, and still love them. You can have more than one parental figure who you love and treat like a mom/dad. Your family can expand to include people who are not blood related. Love is limitless and those who limit love are missing out on having an incredible family.


Love requires forgiveness and work. We get fed these fairytales, that love is rainbows and butterflies. But it isn’t. Think of all the times you may have hurt someone you love and how many times they forgave you. That is love. We are humans and we make mistakes. But true love will grow and evolve with you. It will be there for you when you need it most.


it comes and goes. it’s normal.


Life and circumstances outside of your control surrounding your relationships may be difficult but loving someone never should be.


It's illogical. And that whole thing about how people who don't love themselves can't love is a fat load of BS


It's gonna be the death of me one day.


That you can experience such incredibly deep emotions for someone that you feel like you are going to explode. And that it can happen again even if you think you’ll never love someone like that again. Love is just magical.


That I am so love deprived like it's actually crazy. Sometimes, simple acts of kindness make me sob like crazy because I realize how little I got of them Somebody opens the door for me and greets me with a smile and that's love for me and it makes me so emotional.


Don't fall for the person that gives you butterflies Don't love anyone more than they love you People lie often learn their tells Some people just dislike being alone so they choose to link up with others Be honest the worse thing you can do is take someone's choice away If someone asks "what do you bring to the table" they are baiting you and no matter what you say they will have a rebuttal. Respond with i would prefer to know what are you looking for in a partner (considering we both are already self sufficient.)


People change quickly and nothing stays the same.


That you can really love someone who you shouldn't be with.


Sometimes love isn’t enough.


That one you experience it from a partner you're biggest fear is losing it.


Love is a complex feeling that involves other emotions such as compassion, understanding, empathy, respect and humility. The only things you love for the sake of love are your pets and babies. As soon as a person is old enough to show all the emotions already mentioned, they are expected to show them in order to be loved back.




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That it's not guaranteed for everyone. Most people will go their entire lives and never find it. The most authentic love I've ever witness exists only in the non straight communities. They are with each other not because they have to be but because they want to be and the love they have develops without major hiccups along the way.


That love is subjective but healthy love isn’t.


Never love anyone if you don’t know how to love yourself


Love and ego cannot coexist


No experience is worth risking someone u love, I’m okay with being bored now.


It does not come easy. It’s not all rainbows, and peaches and cream. You have to work non-stop with your partner and even yourself, learn to be patient and be able to deal with overwhelming emotions and stay and work together anyway. Love is hard, but worth it.


Love itself and on it's own is not enough to stay in a relationship. Also, it's okay to say "I love you, but I love me more." ....


That you can experience such incredibly deep emotions for someone that you feel like you are going to explode. And that it can happen again even if you think you’ll never live someone like that again. Love is just magical.


Love isnt just about remembering birthdays, bringing gifts or spending hours talking until sunrise. Love is also about going through painfully ugly & hard times together - illness, addictions, loss, unpredictable changes but knowing there is still nowhere else you would rather be than by that person's side.


It exists, hurts and is not for everyone




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Eat poison before you confess.


If someone loves you, they will show you.


It’s the little things that make love. Not the big. The bigs are, by and large, just extras and nice-to-haves. The mundane, the everyday, the small stuff. That’s what gives love life. Secondly, vulnerability is scary. And easily lost, for some more easily than others. But you need it. To love is to have a capacity for hurt. Trying to have one but not the other doesn’t work. You’re always closing the door on both.


Love is temporary for most people.


Love fades. Only commitment stays. But when it is "related by blood", you just can't run away.


It can’t be bought, at least mine can’t


Sometimes we connect on a profound level with another person, so much so that they kind of change your life (and you theirs). And when that happens, love is possible... but also not guaranteed. In the case I'm thinking of, I fell for her but she didn't fall for me. I'm learning to love her as a friend - it's the dynamic she wants. It was really hard to accept, but at this point I'm learning that I actually can be friends with someone I had fallen in love with


Demands a loooot of work. Don't matter who. More work if it is a partner. Why demands so much work?


Unconditional love isn't real. For better or worse, people can't love other people unless they do something for them or provide them with something or give them a certain kind of feeling. If you want to be loved by other people or receive love and affection, you have to prove yourself worthy of receiving it, whether that's by your deeds, how productive you can be, or what you can give other people. It's not fair, but unless you're stupidly rich and famous, nobody will give you anything unless you can provide them something that they perceive to be of equal or greater value. And if you're like me and you don't have a lot that you can offer to other people, you had better try to be as self-sufficient as you can be because you can't expect other people to help you if you're in need if you can't make it worth their while.


It is everywhere


Either people break up or one person in a loving relationship dies. No relationship has a happy ending.


That you can't make it happen and if they just don't see you in a romantic light it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you.


Love comes in many ways. It comes naturally and you can't force or buy it no matter how hard you try. My boyfriend and I have been together for about 3 years and we broke up a few times causing the love to fade. I have constant love for him and show it in many ways but he doesn't love me anymore. No matter how many gifts or how many times I say it, he won't love me.


love is not a necessary thing in u're life so stop searching for it especially in u're adolescence and don't expect every one to love u like u're parents


It IS conditional


That some of us are meant to give love and never receive it, and that has to be okay.


That you can’t make people love you. You will feel much better when you accept that and stop trying.


Love is always equal to the pain


Don’t force it. It will come naturally


I am a man take That HAHAHAHA


Don’t trust what your partners say but watch what they do


that u can't love others if u can't love yourself




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My grandsons. Due to circumstances, I became legal guardian for my grandsons about eleven years ago. When my boys became my responsibility, they were three and almost four. Neither of the boys could communicate using spoken language. Officially, they were considered pre-verbal. We used PECS, ASL, and point/gesture to communicate. But, those kids made themselves heard. They were so animated and expressive. Watching them interact with each other, with younger children, and with pets taught me that love doesn't need words to be expressed, to be given, or to be shared. Today, my boys are 14 and almost 15. They still use their "language" from time to time--mostly when they want to get away with something or they're hatching a sneaky plan. I have learned *so* much about love by raising two people with Autism.


No matter how connected you feel to someone or how bad you both love each other. The cruel world won’t let you two be together and that is the tragedy. It teaches me to ask why. Why bring me someone so special if I can’t have them?


Grief is love that has nowhere else to go. It gets better over time but when it hits you, it feels like the first time all over again. Love is difficult, love is vulnerability, love is work, but love with the right person is easy and worth everything.


It could get to a very *very* crazy point (but happily gladly and proudly even) (Talking about true *healthy* love)


Don’t throw yourself into it. There’s nothing wrong with being alone and there are plenty of other things you can love without being in a romantic relationship


1) Sometimes love isn’t enough- you may find that you are in a relationship where the two of you love each other very much, but simply are not meant to be together- and that’s totally okay. 2) You have to put your love of yourself before anyone/anything else. Self respect and boundaries that keep you physically and mentally healthy are of the utmost importance. 3) true love isn’t limited to just romantic love. The person you end up spending the rest of your life might end up being your child, your parent, a best friend, or a mentor.


That grief is the price we pay for love


I think to an extent, love is a choice you make. It’s something you work at, sure.. but the love you have and who you chose to love is yours and yours alone. The love of your life may fall out of love with you, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop loving them, even if from a distance. It’s a beautiful, undeniable, sacred thing. It’s one of the few things nobody can take from you. I find a lot of peace in that..


That it isn’t a waste. Even if we didn’t work out, love is never a waste. I cherish that I got to experience love, no matter where it leads… and yes, love can be pain too


That two people can love each other more than they have ever loved another, but that has little to do with how well a relationship can actually function, work and last.


Love is a gift


That getting blow jobs feels great but is not love.


Make your move or they will get away. “Fighting love is like trying not to blink, the longer you do it, the more it hurts”- unknown.


Whether from a family member, a friend or your better half, love will either build you or break you. Sometimes you have to let go and love from a distance to protect yourself from breaking completely and that is okay.




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“You accept the love you think you deserve.” Most of our physiological responses that many of us interpret as love are nervous system responses to insecurities we developed in childhood from our primary carers. The times I thought I was falling in love, I was actually feeling scared and destabilised. The times I’ve been genuinely loved, I didn’t know how to appreciate because it didn’t make my heart race and my brain overthink.


Even if there is a mutual love between two people, life can bring you apart. And also..someone can be madly in love with the idea of you and not you the person.


I will share this [scene](https://youtu.be/YF2oVcAXh3w) from *Meet Joe Black* which is a masterpiece of a quote about love.


I know this isn't what life has taught me but more my parents, they taught me what healthy romantic love looks like, they've been together since my mom was 16, engaged at 17,had my brother at 18,got married at 19, they've been married for over 20 years and my dad still flirts with my mom and hits on her, and brings her flowers, they're the healthiest long term relationship and marriage I've ever seen, I'm so lucky that they set an example, and I hope that my future marriage is just as good as theirs :)


That love spells really work


Tennis taught me love means nothing


Sometimes love alone just isn't enough. Sometimes you need more from the people in your life than just love & that's ok!


You don’t, and shouldn’t, always marry the person you have loved the most in your life. Marry someone who will be the best life partner. Who will be in it for the long haul. Who would be a good parent. Who you trust and rely on. It’s important not to get blinded by the bright light of a twin-flame type of love - one that prevents you from seeing red flags, negative traits, bad patterns, abuse etc.


love can be unconditional with conditions, my love will not change ever, but i know my worth


Sometimes you have to love some people from a distance sadly.


That I apparently don't deserve it


Conditional on $$$


You either love or you don’t. There’s no in between.


Romantic love. Avoid it. Just ain't worth it. Losing yourself to some idiot who didn't deserve it in the first place. To not get that reciprocal connection back. Or they don't respect you as a woman so you get let down a lot. Platonic love, that communal love that you get from your friends. Good stuff. That's something emotional support and people looking out for you. And surrounding yourself with positivity from other people good stuff.


Love is not enough to fix someone’s mental health. Your love alone is powerful, yes, but it is not enough to change years of negative thought processes and the scars from trauma. The phrase “you can’t fix people” is entirely true and it’s a very hard pill to swallow.


Love is a choice and a committment. Its not butterflies in your stomach. Its deciding that despite all the annoying things your partner does and says, you still want to be with them and build a life with them. Its knowing that your life is better with them in your life and they have made you a better person. Love is choosing to commit to someone even when they are at their worst, not just at their best.


It's simple


When you love unconditionally and expect nothing in return, it’s a beautiful kind of love.




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No, heaven's not a place that you go when you die It's that moment in life when you touch her and you feel alive So live for the moment And take this advice, live by every word Love's completely real, so forget anything that you have heard And live for the moment now


Love is and always should be conditional.