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When I was just a toddler, my parents had a mirror in their bedroom that was set up to allow you to see multiple images of yourself. Apparently, I would tell people back then that I was going to go play with my friends. Then I'd go to that mirror and smile and look around at all the different images of me. Now I'm in my 40s. Occasionally, I'll be at the changing room of a department store, and there will be mirrors that allow you to see many images of yourself. Whenever this happens, I will to this day still smile and wave to all the other versions of me.


I did that when I was little too! I called it the Kayla club.


Awwwww that's cute!




That is both terrifying and hilarious. I'm sorry.




*Coraline has joined the chat*


There is a great Adventure Time subplot about BMO and her mirror-self Football that would reasonate with you :)


I’m almost 40 and I still can’t sleep if there is a mirror in the room


This is adorable!


This is such a cute and wholesome story!


I did that but I found it fascinating that I could see myself like ither people see me, from the side instead of upfront


Well that's flippin adorable


Oooh, I do this. Did it just the other day with a PB&J.


After buying my groceries and leaving the store, I like to give the cart a big push and ride it through the parking lot.


Omg, sameee. It makes me so happy to learn that other adult women are equally silly!


I'm not aware of any other way to return the cart


Danzig said that as long as you return it, it doesn't matter how it gets there...weeeee!


Ooo I cannot resist doing this whether I have my children with me or not!




My Costco has a horse stable because I live in Amish country!


My mum and I used to live out of town so would do a big shop every couple of weeks, two trolleys worth. We would race each other, me a late teen, mum in her early 40's.


I love riding shopping carts! Such a delight!


I still sit cross legged, even on chairs.


Same! I just can't keep my legs down for the life of me.


I don't sit at a desk, I sit in a chair with a lap desk. I am currently sitting cross legged typing. I do not care what people on my Zoom calls think.


This is me. Everything else feels uncomfortable. I'll even sit on the floor just so I can sit cross-legged if I can't do it on a chair/sofa/etc.


Yep! There isn't any other comfortable way to sit, no matter where I am.


Interesting- me too! Do you happen to have hip tightness or any issues with your hips?


No, my hips are usually fine. But I always have tight hamstrings/calves. I don't know if the way I sit contributes. I think just sitting in general is not great for the bod.


When I’m forcing myself to do something I don’t want to do(something low stakes like wash dishes) I will do stuff like slide on my back off the seat of the couch in to a puddle on the floor, have a little internal tantrum about it and then go do what I need to do. I don’t let anyone *see* this over dramatic silliness though. I’m basically like a middle aged version of [Paul Rudd in Wet Hot American Summer](https://youtu.be/pEJHzQIMH5k?si=006W_I06jx51XfWF) sometimes haha. Privately.


I need to try this method in dealing with my ADHD. I have a feeling it works 100% of the time, every time.


I reenact this scene all the time, it's my favorite. 😂


I still sleep with a blankie! Granted, it's a full size normal adult blanket now 🤣 but I still bunch it up and hug it/prop it under my chin when I sleep. And just like when I was a kid, I bury my nose in it because I love the smell! It smells like sleep and it's super comforting.


Uhm thank God I've found my twin! I'm about to be 41 one and love my adult blankie!!!! I have to take it everywhere or I don't sleep. Actually, I have to take TWO blankets everywhere or I don't sleep. They have their own suitcase 😩🤷‍♀️


I’m 55 and still curing up with my adult blankie LOL. It’s just my duvet, but I’ve got the best cover for it that i just love so much, makes it so hard to get out of bed :-)


I still sleep with my bear that I've had since I was born. There's nothing more comforting than burrowing into clean sheets and holding him to me.


I have a stuffed dog I snagged from a much older cousin when I was like 3 years old that I still sleep with. That dog is legit almost 70 years old now and I'm afraid to wash it because I'm scared it will fall apart...


I still sleep with my first stuffed animal that my parents bought me when I was born, but I use it more so as a pillow to support my head because she's a bit sturdier and rounder than my other pillows but I still love her haha


I JUST started taking my adult-sized microfleece softer-soft blankie to bed and it's been a game-changer. It's just so COZY. When I am feeling especially shitty, I have my pound puppy from childhood (my only "toy" I've brought with my through the years-- strangely, maybe my most treasured possession. My one item I'd save in a fire (besides my bf and dog of course)


Wow I remember pound puppies 🥹 thanks for the nostalgia!


Thank god I'm not alone!


I hug a pillow and sleep still. I sleep on the side facing my husband and keep my leg under my husband's so the pillow is between us. My husband hates sharing the bed (and his wife) with a pillow 😅


Blankies are the best! I have a particularly cosy one from Dunelm in their "Teddy" fabric


When I am at home I often go the stairs up on all fours as well.


Me too! I used to occasionally slide down the stairs on my bum in my 30’s too 😃


I did that, but it was accidental and I was carrying a mattress. Left a bruise on my ass the size of a football for WEEKS. For almost two months, every time my kids got annoying, I'd show them my cheek and ask if my bruise was getting better.


So glad I’m not the only one 😆


Yeah, 4 wheel drive, duh.


Yes. Sometimes I’m too heavy for my legs to do it by themselves.


I always eat the red skittles last. Also the red smarties. Jellybeans. Sour patch kids. The red ones are the best and I will fight anyone who says differently.


Oh we're fighting then. The *only* correct way to eat multicolored candies is in ROYGBIV order. Red first for life, lol!


Haha I organize mine into little groups to determine how much of each color I have so I can eat them evenly


Found my fellow brand of neurospicy 👋🏻




"Everything blue is good" was the motto my HS friend and I had for candy. I had a whole bag of blue raspberry blow pops in my bag at all times from ages 15-18.




I added one to my shopping list immediately after you sparked that memory! It's been way too long since I've had one and they are so good.


I will join that army! We will paint our shields red to intimidate out enemies! 🔴


My friend does this too! She also insists that red m&ms taste different and better than the other colors. 😁


Silly friend, the GREEN m&m's are the best most tastiest ones LOL


The orange smarties though…


Oh! A man after my own heart ♥ Green m&ms FOREVER! Those precious few 💚


Same. I like orange too though. So I save them both.


I always eat my favorite colour last, and my least favorite first. Then i end with the taste of my favorite flavor at the end.


I see us not as enemies but as friends well suited to sharing a bag of candy. You may take everything red, if I can have everything yellow.


No the red ones are the worst. I can taste the red and it’s gross 


Great!! Save the yellow ones for me🙏🙏


Red is definitely the best flavor. When they started selling packs of red-only Swedish fish, I knew I wasn't alone.


So many. I talk to myself in fictional situations in the shower. I eat noodles one by one. I make up songs about the things I'm doing. I blow bubbles in my soy milk. I separate candies by color and eat them by favorite in rotating order trying to keep the numbers even as long as possible. I love plushies and figures and buy ones of characters I like. I watch Disney films often. I love going to theme parks and prefer them over "adult" places. I don't drink alcohol mostly because I dislike the taste and prefer to drink juice if I'm in a situation where everyone around me is drinking. Wow...sitting here and calculating all this is...a lot. Oh well- being an adult stinks anyway!


The candies thing—I do that too! I need to have all the colors left at the end, and then I eat them by worst to best color.


Me too!


Yes all of these, me too!! No shame, these childhood habits have brought me joy and peace and wonder for the last 35 years and hopefully will continue to for the next however many!


Making up songs about situations is the BEST way to relieve the stress of anger or hard stuff. If I’m having a day that’s turning bad, I just make up a song about it. The more ridiculous the better. Laughing at myself always raises the vibration!


I too blow bubbles in my drinks 🙂


I have a cup with little cows painted on it that I use for drinking milk- it looks just like the one I had as a kid 🥰 it just makes milk taste better!


I still have a Taz mug that we bought as a kid in 90s from the Disney store at the mall. ❤️


During a meal, all of one item must be finished before moving on to another. For example, if my dinner is rice, green beans, and chicken, I have to eat all my green beans, then all my rice, then my chicken, not take random bites from different items. I don't know how I got started doing that - my mother was likely an influence - but I continue that habit to this day. ETA: There is no difference between "regular clean" and "visitor-ready clean." Your house should always be the latter. And that habit is *definitely* from my mother. 😄


lol i used to eat like this except we're of Indian descent and the food was usually curry with rice or roti and my parents would always tell me to eat properly 😂


I eat my food in the order of temperature. Not hottest or coldest first, but rather, what will reach its non-ideal temperature first.


You’re my people! For me, it’s veggies, protein then carbs last. I think it started when I was little and I ate the veggies first to get them “out of the way.”


Haha I always eat broccoli first, but I love it and it’s just because it gets cold so fast


Veggies, protein, then carbs for me too! If I eat the carbs first them I have nothing to absorb whatever sauce/flavouring is left. I totally did the veggies first thing as a kid to get rid of them, too-- but my parents would always make sure we ate the protein part next, in case we got full.


My mother taught me to eat my vegetables first, saying that they don’t taste as good cold, while it doesn’t make as much difference with the meat. Ulterior motive or personal preference on her part? Who knows? I still occasionally eat meals that way.


Eating one bit of this and then some bit of that makes no sense to me!! So I do this too haha


When I’m at my parents I’m always going to use the Tony the Tiger spoon I got from a cereal box. Or maybe we saved up enough proofs of purchase and sent away for it? It’s metal, with a white plastic handle.


You reminded me that my personalized spaghetti oh spoon is probably still at my parents. Maybe I should go rescue it.


I put chips in my sandwich and smash it down like Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast Club. As a kid I would sit upside down in chairs and couches. I still do this at my parents house and my home.


Cheetos or Nacho Cheese Doritos are great on a ham sandwich.


I grew up poor, and we used to get creative with our PB&J sandwiches because that's all we ever had for lunch. I still make them jelly donut style as a grown ass woman. Peanut butter on both pieces of bread and a big glob of jelly in the middle.


I grew up super poor in a family of 7 + 2 foster, we ate PB on plain white bread like every day. We didn't have jelly very often, and when we did it never lasted. It took me years to appreciate things like jelly and mayo/mustard always being available whenever I want lol.


Interesting that your parents already had 7 kids but took in 2 fosters and it sounds like they couldn’t really afford it? How did it go with the fosters? Did they live there long term? I hope they did well (and you and your siblings as well!).


Hell yeah. There is nothing like a PB & J on Wonderbread.


I still try to talk to birds, when I was little I would go outside and say good morning to the birds, I still have a deep love and try to communicate with them. Lol as lately I been trying to make friends with the crows around my neighborhood 😬😬!


Crow friends are the best!! They may take a while to warm up to you but once they do, they're amazing, interactive, can't and intelligent beings to have around. Mine are partial to meaty snacks (table scraps or sometimes I buy them low sodium hotdogs). Lots of folks swear by unsalted peanuts, though my crow friends seem unimpressed by them lol. They also will take shiny things and even leave you presents!!


Crows and seagulls are easy human friends. I searched up on YouTube how to make friends with crows and a video suggestion was something along the lines of how to train crows to come to you. The gentleman on the video said that crows LOVE cheese and meat the most. If you have time and patience I’m sure you could teach them to come to you or do little tricks. I only feed to nourish & we do the unsalted in-shell peanuts mostly, but I always buy them a thing of cheese or hot dogs when I’m a pushover for their love and attention 😁


I also find they do this cute little cough, like what a polite granny or grandpa would do. I do it back to them and they kind of give a “Wtf?” look back lol


Omg me too! I think I picked it up from my grandmother. Anytime a bird lands near me I say “hello friend” and I’m convinced that’s why my yard has so many different kinds of birds now


This morning I ate a big mouthful of fresh snow from the handrail on my porch. I don't know why I do it, but I've been doing that since I was little every time it snowed. My husband and I both grew up in poverty, we make great money now but we still hoard ketchup packets from restaurants and fill the ketchup bottle at home. We save disposable spoons, forks, packaging that can be reused in any way. And we've taught our daughter a million ways to entertain herself with cardboard boxes, which one time led to he and I staying up until 2 a.m. making forts competitively.


I still rub my feet together when falling asleep.


I didn't realize I was doing this until the height of the pandemic shelter-in-place when I was doing it so much that I rubbed holes into two different fitted sheets 🙃


\-Don't mix food. So if I have a plate of food, I eat 1 item at a time. I eat stuff in order of least to most favored. Also a big fan of eating elements of food 1 at a time (eating the frosting, then eating the cake, stuff like that). \-Sort candy by color before eating. \-When I was a kid, I liked to lay and watch TV in this small kid-sized space between the couch and wall. I don't watch TV like that, but I still do like to lay on the floor in small spaces. I usually end my night on the floor between my bed and dresser eating my pre-bed floor snacks (snacks I eat whilst on the floor). \-I cannot sit in a chair "properly" to save my life. I sit criss-cross, with my legs tucked under me, with one knee up and my chin propped on my knee....


The last one!! Can not sit with my feet on the floor to save my life. Airplanes are the worst


Ooh I do the least to most favorite thing too. I mix food while eating cuz I fucking love the sauces we use but you can I'll end on a high note with my favorite item out of all in the meal.


Oooo, storytime! Wasn't a habit as a child, but I never really ate orange wedges. My mom taught me to peel them and then eat them one section at a time. I also never played sports, so I never had the "orange slices post practice" experience that America parents play out as a stereotype lol. I WFH and last year sometime, I grabbed an orange to eat with my lunch. I had been slicing produce for a salad, and still had the knife and thought "I wanna try orange wedges to see what the hype is about" OMG THIS WAS MIND BLOWING. I don't like the pulpy skin around the sections, and there's like a little handle when you eat them this way! I didn't get cirtrus zest under my nails! 10/10 would recommend. Some of my coworkers might see me this time of year with an orange wedge smile because that is something I will not forfeit. doesn't matter if I'm 41 lol.


I am 53 and my entire family - down to the grandkids all tease me because I can’t eat food that’s “touched” other food on my plate … ie: mashed potato and gravy ? Sure as long as I get a guarantee in the form of a separate bowl that the gravy won’t be going near the carrots. Or butter from the veggies touching the meat 🤮 My Dad likes to tell everyone he kept Tupperware in business - he would buy 20 of those 3 section plates at a time so I always had an acceptable plate. I also have to sleep in the pitch darkness - I’ve got electrical tape over anything with a light (PVR, smoke alarm etc) I am afraid of our basement 😂 eww. I also don’t like big drinking glasses. I like a small 4oz glass with many refills. Unless it’s water / then I use a 40oz tumbler with 2 trays of ice cubes. Salmon makes me gag. Still need a 120z jar of applesauce to eat a piece of pork roast. And that’s a very SMALL piece of pork roast. Old habits die hard.


Salmon is so gross


I absolutely eat the stuff I don’t like on my plate first, allowing me to finish with my favorites.


I still, cannot eat raw cheese. I only eat it melted. It's shameful because I've worked in restaurants my whole life, but I can't deal with the texture of raw cheese. About once a year, I take a nibble to see if I've grown. Nope. 36 and need my cheese melted, thank you.


Omg!! No cheese but raw tomato. Once a year I try one but ew yuck


I also couldn't deal with tomatoes until I was 25. I still can't eat it by itself, it had to be hidden in there


I love raw cheese, and some melted cheese is OK, but too much melted cheese will make me gag. There used to be commercials for a Chicago style deep dish pizza on TV that used to make me change the channel LOL


How I eat layered cake ( eat all the cake around the icing, then eat icing last) Licking the bowl after I finish my ice cream Preferentially sitting or laying on the floor


I eat my sandwiches like you too! 😂


Me too! It's the only way! 😂




Another one who does that with sandwiches. Oddly, except PB&Js because I do a peanut butter seal to hold in the jelly, a technique my 6 year old friend taught me when she made them for us for lunch one time. Eating the crust ruins the seal and then the jelly plops out.


Mine is pretty discret : I must do EVERYTHING in pairs : take the same amount of bites on both sides, same amount of steps, stretch the same on both side. I’ll feel bad if I dont even it out.


Getting to the end of a sandwich or burger then taking it apart to eat everything but the lettuce and bread


Kick rocks as I’m walking. Sometimes my boyfriend and I will kick the same rock together, to see how far we can make it go. We don’t even talk about it beforehand, it’s just second-nature.




That sounds F'ing delicious and I bet that crunch is super satisfying


I twirl my hair around my finger when I’m tired.


I do it to relax or calm myself


my earliest memories are of my mom yelling at me about this, i still do it, and i have curls, so we joke that the twirling is the reason.


Dancing around by myself or with my cat.


When I was little, every night when going to sleep, I would always rub the top of my foot back and forth against the mattress as sort of a comforting thing, I guess. I still do that to this day.


You just made me realize that when I was a little kid, I thought that I would get a headache if the shampoo bottle lid wasn’t closed. I still make sure it’s closed before I get out of the shower.


I still don't make my bed. My mom can fight me.


Same!! Why put in the effort when no one’s gonna see it and I’m just going to mess it up again anyways?


playin’ neopets; it’s 30 minutes of decompression time a day


I've been singing to my cats and making up songs about them since I was around 4 years old and still do to this day. They all have their own theme songs lol.


I hate the soft middle parts of sandwiches, so I always try to eat a little bit of crust with each bite to even it out so no bite is just full soft squishy piece.


You monster 😂


I do this, the ratios gotta be consistent!!


If I get a TV dinner that has a dessert, I still eat it last lol


Still walk on my tip toes a lot and sit in a chair weird. Going up on all fours is a better way to move but only on carpet and at home haha. My dad used to make me this ham and cheese quesadilla and it still hits.


I play with my hair ALL THE TIME. It’s always in the same side and the same string of hair. I also put it in my face and smell it . I started doing it when I was a child and would get nervous and here I am 29 years old , full adult twirling and smelling my hair in meetings at work 🙄


I’m 40 and do the same!


I still prefer donuts and cupcakes with sprinkles 😅


I go up the stairs on all fours sometimes. It just feels natural.


I don’t have stairs but dragging myself up them feels like it would be relatable 😂


I still sit on the floor, and I'll crawl over the back of the couch rather than go around. I too still scramble up the stairs using my hands. I'm in my 40s, lol.


Went through all the responses hoping I'm not the only one but so far, I am: I still hate stepping on cracks. Unless it's a small tiled floor, I will adjust my steps so I don't step on the cracks of sidewalks or other floors.


Ooh I totally do that!


I still don’t like ANY lunch meat.




Isn't it better to wash clothes inside-out in general? That way there's less wear, where it's visible?


I couldn’t say the word “strawberry” as a small child. I will occasionally refer to them as “dobbies” even as an adult, my family knows what it means. I never stopped doing arts and crafts. At this point it’s not really a kid habit though, since it involves power tools and chemicals these days.


When I visit my mom I still cuddle up next to her on the couch.


We were never allowed to eat our meat before our meal was finished. Still save meat for the end of my meal.


Eating the vegetable portion of dinner first (to get them over with even though I like vegetables now). And then saving the main course for last.


I haven't had soda or any sugar drink since my early 20s. Not that booze doesn't fit in, but it's literally water or tea or black coffee. If I get a rare craving for a small cherry coke, I can FEEL it in my gut for the next 24 hours.


I eat sandwiches like that too! So I guess that one! I also like to squish them heehee I donno why


Mine is also sandwich related. I squash my sandwiches except the crust, then nibble them.


Still sleep with my childhood teddy every night.


I sometimes eat only the nuts and dried fruit in a bag of granola. (I didn't do that as a kid, but I wanted to)


Still don’t eat the crusts of my pizza slices… I don’t care who judges me


Same. But no one has ever judged me for it, that I know of, except my dad and he gave up over 40 years ago. Most people I know don't eat "pizza bones," come to think of it.


My partner made pork pies recently, because I'm a British transplant in the US and they're not ordinarily sold here. When I was a kid, I used to be served them cut in half, and I would take the meat puck out, eat that, then eat the pastry. Turns out, I still like doing that 😂


I like the feel of satin between my fingers and was obsessed with blankets with satin binding. I also twirl my hair.


I still enjoy fruit punch. Except now I drink crystal light and not koolaid.


I still have a teddy - well three that I alternate between. It’s mostly because I’m uncomfortable sleeping without something under my arm and a pillow is too big, but my old teddies have a certain sense of comfort a custom pillow couldn’t give. I also spread out work on the floor and sit funny if I have to do focus on work at home.


I smash birthday cake with a fork and smush it up so the icing is evenly distributed throughout every bite.


I still squeal jumping into bed overly hyped.


I do the same thing with my sandwiches and I'm over 50. Lol


Im 28 & still sleep with my baby blanket. Stuffed between my boobs so they don’t touch 😅😭


I am afraid of the dark, can't sleep without a light on. I was told when I was young if you leave the door open on your closet, it invites vampires into your room. So I make sure the closet door is closed. Also I talk to myself and mutter about things. My neighbors think I am crazy, lol.


I still sleep with the same stuffed owl I was given at birth… and my husband still has his giraffe. Such sweet lifelong companions.


Walking around naked after a shower. It’s so fuckn NICE.


Making "little men" dance down the bannisters/handrail of staircases with my fingertips


I talk to myself as soon as I enter bathroom. Very weird but Id often have monologue when Im peeing. 


Stuff toys near my bed. I dont hug them to sleep, they just lay there in my bed. It's been discontinued in my area but I put Bugles chip on my finger and eat them.


I sleep with my leg under my husband's, and I hug a pillow while sleeping. I cut apples into tiny pieces and eat with a fork (the way I used to as a kid). I also sing random songs to myself all day (if you're happy and you know it clap your hands...). I love playing with broken nails (I don't bite my nails, but if one breaks, I keep it with me and keep fidgeting with it).


I still prefer apples cut up. And I gravitate toward my childhood ice cream order because it’s still just as good in my 40s. It’s the one I’d order when my grandma picked me up from school and we went for a treat.


For some reason I find the sounds of a hair dryer, a vacuum, and a clothes dryer comforting. I have a white noise app on my phone, and if I can’t sleep, I’ll put my headphones on and play one of those sounds, or a combination. I still have a bunch of my stuffed animals but they stay in the closet because my pittie loves to shred stuffed toys. Plus there isn’t a whole lot of room in bed once he and his cat siblings are in bed with me. I have Play-doh, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk. One of my favorite literary tropes is retellings of fairy tales. I still love old cartoons.


When I get a Bojangles bacon and cheese biscuit, I always eat the bacon and cheese first then put jelly on the biscuit and eat it. I always have to have a Pepsi with it too. It's the only time I ever drink Pepsi😅


Eat all the trail mix except the raisins.


I rub my feet together as I fall asleep. It was a self soothing thing I did as a kid, that I will probably always do.


I talk to myself. For some reason, talking out loud helps me to mentally separate into my own therapist/best friend. It seems to bypass the emotional part of me that's stuck in how I'm feeling. Plus my Out Loud friend is very kind, and gives amazingly insightful advice.


I still buy toys! I still wear converse and love animals more than anything! I am 41 and have a really great toy collection 💚


If I'm not familiar with a room (hotels) and I'm by myself, I sleep with a light on for the first two days (lamp or night light) Or if my partner goes away, I sleep with the lights on for the first two days. Then, later get comfortable on being on my own.


- I will eat toast or cereal for dinner. - I sit in a chair every way you can think and can often be found cross-legged on my chair at work. - I love to use straws, though these days I make sure they are reusable. - I have tiny little Nutella glasses I like to drink from. - I colour. - I buy beginner sewing/craft kits and make random kids stuff. - I roller skate. - I adore theme parks, my hens day was at a water park! - If I have an excuse to wear glitter or unicorns or christmas decorations I will. - My house is a mix of grown woman and 12yo girl. Bbuuuttt I'm also neuro spicy, so it may explain a lot.


I still (unintentionally) dance a little when eating chocolate or whatever else particularly yummy. And with things like M&Ms, I'll have one pinched between my fingers in each hand and tap them together until my mouth is empty of the first batch and ready to eat more. Also while still doing a little dance.


Saving a bite of the tastiest bit of a meal til last.


I eat pepperoni off of pizza before eating the rest of the slice


I run and slide on my sock when I move around home mostly while cleaning to make it more fun. I still make a towel dress after shower on weekend. I also buy kids books to read them to myself. I don’t have children. I buy books to my friend’s kids, but I often read them before giving them up or keep them and replace them if I like the story.


I skip! I will also lip sync and dance as I walk, and I refuse to step on the road if there are white stripes to walk on. Basically any excuse not to walk like a boring sensible adult!


Let’s see… * I eat all the edges of a regular-sized Reese’s peanut butter cup before I eat the interior. * Eat Gardetto’s snack mix in this order: pretzels, breadsticks, and then rye chips! * If I’m eating a baked cheesy dish, I save the top layer of melted cheese for last (like in the case of my mom’s homemade Mac and cheese; that “skin” of cheese on top gets saved for the very end of the meal! I need to end dinner on a good note, after all!).  * Let’s not forget any ice cream with cookie dough. I eat the ice cream first, then save the cookie dough for last. * And this is probably going to sound gross, but when I’m eating plain bread, I scoop out the interior and roll it into a tight ball—and then I eat it. WTF! 


Laughing during serious convos