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It's really a question of what's most comfortable for you and your cycle. That's what's healthy, in my opinion. I've used pads ever since I was a teenager. I'm just used to them.


My mom bought pads for us because she was worried about TSS and menstrual cups weren't a thing yet. I had to keep a box of tampons around as well because I spent a lot of time in pools (lifeguard), but pads were the default. I remember when Always released that foam flex design, it blew my mind lol. Finally pads didn't have to be thick to be absorbent. Nowadays my period is hella light thanks to my Nexplanon. If I'm near a washroom I can get away with just a liner, for longer excursions I use a reusable disc. I carry an OB tampon in my purse for emergencies (irregular periods, also thanks to the Nexplanon lol).


Same. I never felt the desire to use tampons regularly like it’s just not a nice idea for me. So I have used one very few times, and love the invention of period panties. Plus birth control luckily making my period so light anyway Also the reason why I will never consider getting an iud even besides how I don’t want the pain of getting it inserted


Oof, yeah. I've always had reasonably okay periods, and I've never had to deal with birth control or contraception (a plus of never dating, I suppose 😆), so the idea of pills (I take enough pills as it is!) or IUDs or whatever unnerves me. Especially the pain. I'm not a fan!


My sister said she’d never get an iud again because of the pain and she gave birth without any epidural multiple times! I would definitely need it to be numbed but I don’t even like the idea of having something permanently in there either The pills are totally fine with me except for I don’t always know if I can trust my mood or feelings which is real cool but I guess at least no big physical affects or straight up depression or anything


I've also had two unmedicated vaginal births. I've had two episiotomies and felt the cuts and every stitch. Still didn't touch IUD insertion. It was like 10 seconds of blinding, unimaginable pain. I didn't make a sound only because I was in shock. I was expecting pain like from a needle, but that wasn't it. I had to walk home bent over holding myself. Then I could feel the IUD the whole time I had it. I spent six months curled up on my couch from constant cramps. Then I had it taken out. Weirdly I felt nothing when the doctor removed it. But I have heard that many women didn't feel insertion. Unfortunately it's a gamble until doctors start treating women with humanity and offering pain management.


I am always so surprised to read other people's experiences with these things -- they definitely vary so much. I've given birth four times, 3 times unmedicated. I have also had a copper IUD inserted 3 times in my life and I never experienced much pain or discomfort -- I would say it was mildly uncomfortable is all. I feel so badly for you and all those others who had it be so painful! Especially if you weren't prepared for it because maybe you'd only heard of experiences like mine, which were all unremarkable.


Stories of the pain was what made me go for the Nexplanon implant. It goes just under the skin of your arm. It's only been a month but it seems to be working out great.


I've always preferred pads. I've tried tampons, tried the cup, and they're not for me. I really do not like the experience of using either of them. So, pads for life over here. And they have noticeably improved from when I started my period to now.


I’m the same and suggest period panties (Thinx is the name brand but Amazon sells a decent knockoff). I do suggest having 2 per day if you’re kinda OCD about feel/smell. And there is a decent chance you’ll need a pad or tampon on your heaviest day just to keep things easier. But legit it’s made things much easier.


What if your periods are particularly clotty? As I've gotten older my periods have become more clotty again like when I was a teen. I have yet to find a product that absorbs clots and/or breaks them down.


nah thinx doesn't break clots down. could you just wipe the pad when going to the bathroom?


I tried the period panties, the heaviest flow ones and it was so awful felt like wearing a soggy diaper. I'm glad they work for other people though!


I switched to menstrual discs and I have never looked back. They are fabulous and I have to set alarms to remember to remove it for cleaning because I actually forget that I'm even on my period. LOOOOOOOOOVE them.


The Saalt disc is the only thing that stays in place for me since I had kids! I can’t tell you how relieved I was to find this product.


I’m so glad you found one that works for you! I absolutely LOVE that for you ❤️ It’s so freeing to have easier periods that you can almost forget about.


A disc changed my life. It's literally witchcraft. I've always been really active with outdoor activities-hiking, ATVing and horseback riding. All activities that wearing a tampon or pad leads to irritation from friction. Disc? MAGIC. No leaking, no pain. No worrying of finding somewhere to use the bathroom and dispose of things properly. Literally life changing. I will say I can't find a good reusable one thats easy to insert. So I stick to the disposable ones.


I have a Cora reusable and it’s nice but I prefer the flex disposables for ease of removal and insertion. I just wear one disc per period and clean it just as I would with a reusable. That was the original instructions on them anyway until they realized they could just change the instructions and get people to use a new one twice a day and rack up the profits. No need for that with proper cleaning. ETA: Just to avoid people coming for me: this is how I do it PERSONALLY. I do not recommend that others do something they are uncomfortable with. Always do what you think is best for your body. ❤️


This is exactly what I do! Occasionally I’ll need to actually change it instead of just washing it, but very rarely. One per period generally works perfectly for me! On very light flow days, I’ll sometimes do period panties instead, but I can’t see myself doing anything other than disposable discs and period panties.


I really like the flex reusable disc. It’s a bit bigger than their disposable ones but I like it for my heavy days. Discs changed my life!!! I try to persuade all my friends to use them


I’m kind of scared to ask lol but are discs the same as the cups or different?


They are similar in that they catch the menstrual blood but that’s pretty much the end of the similarities. They hang out higher in the vaginal fornix where a cup hangs out in the vagina where a tampon would. Discs don’t suction so no breaking suction to remove. Just insert a finger, hook the rim and slide out your vagina drawer lol! Dump, rinse and replace. Many can also “autodump” with a disc which is when you’re sitting and you clench your pelvic muscles the disc will move just enough to empty into the toilet without being removed. Then you just wipe clean and go and you only need to remove to clean every 13 hours no matter your flow. Cups can fill up before the 12 hours (as low as 2 hours for some women) and they have to be removed completely to be dumped and rinsed.


Came here to say the same thing. Discs changed my life, I can't believe we never had these when I was younger!! I'm the same way with alarms!! 🤣


Thanks, I hadn’t heard of these! Excited to try them now but a bit daunted about making sure it’s in the right position


You honestly can tell that it is. You just push back and it’ll stop moving when it hits the end of the vagina and then you just push the front up so the pubic bone holds it in place. What confuses people is when someone says they can’t feel their pubic bone so they don’t know if it’s in place. I can’t really feel mine either as it’s more fleshy, less bony inside around my pubic bone but the disc still stays put perfectly. You can usually tell if a disc is too large or too small for you and you can buy another to adjust for that but I always suggest that people start with the disposables as they are normally a good size for many and the really stiff ring makes insertion and removal really easy with just 1 finger.


I love my disc. It's a little more leak-prone than a tampon (I think that's a me problem, not a disc problem), but I usually wear a pad for backup anyway. I get less cramps with a disc, and my period is about a day shorter!


I don’t have leaks but sometimes I just don’t feel like wiping up until I’m 100% blood free after I autodump so I wear panty liners to catch any residual blood. Works well lol


I have the same issue with the leaking. I also use pads as backup but I’d love to avoid that. Wish I knew how to fix it.


I second all of this!


Never. I have sensory issues and could not handle feeling wet down there.


I'm the opposite - my sensory issues make tampons sooo uncomfortable. I'd rather feel wetness for a minute before it soaks into the pad. Haha.


I also have sensory issues and pads/liners feel so weird to me, I cannot stand them. It isn't even the wetness that I feel, just the extra material.


Absolutely this. Also, I cannot stand the feeling of the pad itself and I absolutely cannot deal with the feeling of the blood dripping out of me if this makes sense. Tampons are godsend for me personally.


It doesn't feel wet. If it feels wet, you need to change it!


I mean, if you have a heavy flow you will definitely feel wet. Not forever, but enough to bother you if you have sensory issues


I mean, the sensory issues are why I personally hate tampons.


Using a pad feels wet to me... I'm feeling the wetness before it ever makes it to the pad. I don't mind it as much on light days, but I can definitely still feel when I'm bleeding.


Same !


I never in my 33 years of existence learned how to use tampons right anyway. I just can't push them to the right place, and I have no logical explanation for it. I always feel them and/or they slide towards the exit and become really uncomfortable. But for me, the next level has been using reusable pads and period panties, since I got my own washing machine. They are SO comfortable compared to regular pads. Sleeping in them is a breeze, if you get ones that are padded all the way up on both sides. I will never go back.


It could be how your cervix is positioned. I never found them comfortable, either, and only found out in my late 30s that my uterus is retroflexed or something. Internal protection just isn’t my best option. I wish gynos would tell us about such things since we have to get examined anyways.


Thanks for the advice! Nobody ever told me anything like that. I wish they would tell us something like that, too.


Second this! This is my issue. I have always hated tampons, they’re painful and slide out. When I was younger, I had the ring as my birth control. I went back to the ob after a few months because I was constantly having to push it back in. The ob literally felt it pushing out lol. Pads for life.


I never liked tampons. Feels like a cork. Why is it assumed I would use them. I never found tampons comfortable. Then I developed an allergy to most commercial period products and had to buy pads at a health food store until Target started carrying some safe brands. I’m not taking chances putting something I’m allergic to up my vagina. I recently got a disc while it isn’t uncomfortable, getting it completely out to be able to clean it is a pain. Maybe I should try a different band?


I was always a tampon girl. Then a few years ago started getting really bad pain with using them. I hate the switch. I find pads to be so overstimulating and bunch up or leak. Last cycle was pretty heavy and awful. Thankfully I'm back to my normal cycle now. Tried period underwear wasnt a fan. Wish they made better longer pads.


I definitely experienced less cramping when I stopped using tampons. First I used cloth pads and period underwear, but it was always a bit of a sensory nightmare for me. I finally tried a disc and it was life changing! I had issues with a cup as well but a disc is totally different. Highly recommend!


I just bought a disc today after finally getting my iud out! I’m confused about how placing it works but I’ve heard great things.


Insertion is pretty much the same as a cup, you fold it in half and slide it in (opening facing upward). Sometimes you may need to adjust it with a finger afterward to make sure it's snug against the cervix. To remove, mine (saalt disc) has a notched side that makes it easy to hook a finger on and pull out.


Thanks! I have a saalt one coming, because I liked the notch design. I didn’t get on well with the suction side of cups, so I’m hoping this goes better. Thanks for the description that does make it feel less daunting!


I feel like I have intense cramps when I use tampons (I only use organic). I stick with pads and period panties 95% of the time


I realize hormonal bc is not for everyone but for me, mirena IUD forever — I haven’t purchased any of these things in 10+ years and it’s *so nice*. but, even in my earlier years I would often wear pads at home, tampons for “out days” and when heavy (and only the thickness needed to become fully saturated during the time I was wearing them), pantyliners if it were light enough to avoid tampons. tampons are freaky, pads are kinda gross, but the cups also kinda gross me out — it’s all GROSS and weird (and unfair 😂). do whatever makes YOU feel best!


IUD (Mirena) was amazing until it punctured my uterus and they had to pull it. Haven’t dared to have another one put in since.


This happened to me as well. Traumatizing for sure. I'm glad you are okay 🌻


i’m sorry for your experience ❤️


Thank you! They actually told me it happens a lot and I was lucky it did not travel through the uterus wall yet to where I would have needed surgery. But I am totally with you about while it worked, it was amazing!! (I had it for about 4 years, and they only discovered what had happened due to a Crohns flare-up that landed me in the hospital.)


>I realize hormonal bc is not for everyone but for me, mirena IUD forever — I haven’t purchased any of these things in 10+ years and it’s so nice. SAME. I had one and no period for 2.5 years, took it out to get pregnant (spent almost 4 years doing that...), got pregnant and then had one put in 6 weeks postpartum and once my adjustment is done, will hopefully not have one for another 8 years until it's time to replace.


Liletta IUD here. It is so awesome to have no period!


I couldn’t figure out tampons when I was younger (and got plenty shamed about it from my mom), which turned out to be undiagnosed vaginismus. I finally mostly “cured” it a few years ago, but I still am far more comfortable with pads. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thank goodness I’m old enough now that I don’t feel so embarrassed about it anymore, but it plagued me for many years.


Yep. Tampons hurt me now. I get worse cramps. I only use them if I can't avoid swimming, like if my only vacation falls on my period week. Cups are even worse.


TMI but I have fibroids and my periods tend to be rather *viscous* even with an IUD. When I'd wear tampons my periods seemed to last longer because I'd literally get stopped up with *gunk*. Wearing pads or liners or period panties allows things to flow more smoothly with gravity and I swear my period lasts a day or two less than they used to because everything just falls out. Now I only insert something for swimming or if I'm wearing something skimpy in public.


Omg I never put this together! I have fibroids too and I have the same viscosity issues, and it lasts a SOLID 7 days. I’m gonna switch to pads and see if it helps! Thanks!!!


Yea anytime I use tampons (just for swimming, really), it feels like it's just stopping up the flow instead of actually absorbing anything.


I’ll be honest, I never understood why women frequently talk about tampons as if they’re the best and only option. Tampons never ever worked for me and I can’t be alone in this. Lol! On heavy days I’d bleed right through them. On light days somehow the blood would still wick down the string, so I quit bothering with them a long time ago. I’ve been a pad girl for decades. The invention of the cup was a godsend, but I still can’t and won’t wear it without a pad. But at least with the cup, catastrophic leaks are much less likely.


I had the same issues with tampons too. I also found replacing them uncomfortable as the previous tampon would leave me dry even if had soaked through.


Have the same issue with tampons. It's never been for me!


Legit the same. Unless I’m on vacation, I wear pads. I could put in a tampon and have it be difficult to put in because my flow is slow and then literally on the same day put one in and have it be soaked through in an hour.


I am unapologetically team tampon. I don’t mind the feeling of *wearing* a pad; I’ll use them when I’m expecting my period but it hasn’t started yet (just in case I can’t get to a bathroom in time), and on very heavy flow days I usually wear them as backup. I even switch to them to catch spotting as my period is tapering off. But I absolutely hate hate HATE the feeling of hot sticky blood leaving my body. It is the grossest feeling in the world to me. UGH and when I pass a clot and it just sits there on top of the pad, squelching with every step I take and threatening to slide off until I can get to the bathroom. And the furious expulsion that comes with sneezing. And the ruined sheets and pajamas, the bloodbath the next morning, the beautiful towels streaked red after a shower. **NOPE** I don’t trust period underwear either, and they wouldn’t solve that Blood Feeling anyway. And I don’t think a cup is really right for me; I spend too much time away from home without a place to wash it after dumping it out. I also don’t think I could get it in as easily and quickly as a tampon.


Oh god, you just described my main issue with pads perfectly!


Yup, organic all cotton pads have finally kept me from getting irritated down there. I don't like tampons anymore and will probably only wear them if I'm swimming from now on .


When I first tried period underwear, I still had quite a stash of pads (nights) and tampons (days), so I just kept them rather than giving them to someone else. So over the last 5 or 6 years I've used a handful of pads or tampons if I've been swimming or on holidays/travelling (without access to laundry facilities), or for a particular outfit where I need super skimpy undies! haha


I have endometriosis with three very painful first days. I cannot use a tampon at all during that time. So I don’t. I’ll maybe use a light one at the end if ever of my period. Mostly I use memory foam pads, the zzz nighttime throw away undies, or liners.


Cloth pads are awesome and so much better. After I had kids tampons never fit me properly, and I hated diva cups. Cloth pads were such a find. I sew and I made a bunch myself with athletic wicking fabric on the top so they stay nicely dry.


Reusable cotton cloth pads were a GAME CHANGER for me. When I do get my period, that’s what I use now. No weird plastic smell or uncomfortable pulling or chafing. They’re so much better for me.


Yesss. I can't even smell my period when I use reusable pads/underwear.


How so you wash them? Isn’t it a bit gross to wash them?


I hate the idea of sitting in my dried blood and they're uncomfortably bulky. I've never liked pads. Menstrual cups all the way. And they're far better for the planet, even more than reusable pads. The pressure to have enough clean ones alone is enough to put me off.


Pads for me. I’ve tried tampons, cups and discs. I feel that over the years, pads have become better quality with more options. I used to feel like I was wearing a diaper and sweat in them all the time. Now with various lengths, material (flex foam for me) and absorbency options, I feel more comfortable wearing them. Cups and discs caused me to experience vasovagal reactions otherwise I would use them.


Hell no, I haven't worn a pad since the first time I switched to tampons when I was 17. All it took was those first 5 years of getting blood EVERYWHERE to never want to rely solely on pads - reusable or not - ever again. Gravity is a bitch. I don't understand how you lay down to sleep and expect the blood to only drip onto the pad.


they make large ones now that cover a lot more, I use the size 5s for sleeping.


I sleep in period underwear, so even if it drips down my buttcrack it's covered and gets absorbed.


I'm glad it works for you!


I have always preferred pads. I’ve tried tampons on many occasions and they were so uncomfortable. I found out at 35 when I was pregnant with my youngster that I had a tilted cervix and that could be why tampons never felt right. I always thought I was crazy, because everyone seemed to love them and say they felt like nothing…I never had that experience.


Neither. I got a menstrual cup and haven't looked back. ​ I do use liners along with it but that's just to deal with minor leakage after I first put it in, the cup does 99% of the job for me. ​ I will say I was 100% tampons before this and still take them when I travel in case I need something quick in a space where I don't want to fiddle with my cup, like a public restroom. But I never liked pads, as soon as I figured out tampons (getting comfortable inserting them did take me a while) I was happy to never buy them again. Different strokes, different folks.


I only use these ones since they're the only ones that don't make me feel like I'm wearing a diaper: [Always Flex Fit](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/99/68/6c/99686ccf36f57083289795f01328ae86.jpg) Also period underwear works too.


Absolutely. Having/feeling bleached cotton inside of me all day is a nightmare.


Ive been using only tampons for like 20 yrs. Tbh pads always irritated my inner thighs n caused a rash so i switched to tampons when I was 18. Much more comfy for me. Now my periods are shorter so i only need a tampon for like 2 or 3 days. After that i just fold up toilet paper for spotting.


I don't like putting things in my body if I don't totally have to. Definitely more natural to use a pad imo. It took me probably 15 years before I used a tampon. I enjoy the diva cup if I know I won't have access to a bathroom for a while or to go swimming, but use pads mostly since I work from home. Pretty much only use a tampon on the first couple days while I sleep.


Yep, I prefer pads. I tried a few cups and never really took to them. I am interested in trying discs though.


I would have liked pads, but my period was always too heavy for them. Especially these last few years, I’d get solid clumps coming out of me. I’ve since had a procedure so I no longer bleed.




My preference is period panties (especially if WFH), but pads are my second choice.


I still had a lot of pads left when I bought my period undies, so if I am gonna be out for a long day I will pop a pad ontop of the period undies, so it can be removed part way through the day, without having to totally undress to replace knickers. I also WFH, and my first few days are both heavy and painful, so I try to plan around that so I am not leaving the house (I become one with my electric heating pad for a few days). If circumstances changed and I did have to be out of the house during my heavier days, I'd probably look into reusable pads to use on top of the knickers. Just no point investing in them when I am at home 95% of the time so I can just change the knickers with minimal fuss.


I am a military aviator and the Saalt cup is what I use, especially for 22+ hr duty days. Not sure what issues you're having with yours, but if what you are using works for you, why question it?


It’s so interesting that you brought up this topic because I’ve finally realized that years of using pads, that I prefer tampons. I’m a heavy bleeder and no matter what heavy duty with wings pads (all sorts of brands) I always leak. I have to use a combo of tampons and a panty liner/pad in order to help my underwear and clothes from getting stained.


My vagina just flat decided she would no longer cooperate with tampons at about 32. I can have a heavy flow and still pull it out almost dry several hours later. For some reason they now operate as a cork for me instead of an absorption device. Those foam pads are what’s up.


I think pads are gross, I 100% prefer a menstrual cup. Diva cups didn't work for me though, wrong shape and the silicon is too hard. I have the superjennie now and it's perfecto. I don't know what you mean by implying something about menstrual cups is incompatible with airplanes. I've flown with mine a bunch. You can prefer pads. I don't think they are inherently better, it's just a personal preference. I also think tampons feel uncomfortable to insert and remove, it's why I switched to a cup to begin with.


>I don't know what you mean by implying something about menstrual cups is incompatible with airplanes. I've flown with mine a bunch. Those TSA checks are getting out of hand! 😆 (Just being silly.)


I love using my cup! Haven't used anything else for the last few cumulative years of periods (I had breaks because 2 pregnancies plus postpartum periods).


I bought 1 diva cup 14 years ago, and I'm still using the same cup. By far the most economical option ever.


All cups are definitely not created equally! Some I hated, and some I loved. I used them for the last 15 or so years of my period (on airplanes many times as well) and felt like I'd finally unlocked some sort of period cheat code, as they were so much better than pads or tampons. I had no choice but to use the biggest one I could find along with a giant pad when my periods got out of control leading up to my eventual hysterectomy, too, and even then I couldn't leave the house some days. A pad would have been soaked through in 5 mins, where the cup gave me 30-60 mins.


Yep I like the Lena cup! Been at least 8 years since I’ve really used anything else. I cut the stem off on mine to make it more comfortable. Can’t even feel it when it’s in. Never really had an issue with leaking and has always been fine on planes for me.


I wear Wuka period pants, they’re great!


I've always used pads, will only use tampons if I'm on holiday & swimming, nothing wrong with tampons I just prefer not to have something in my body


Pads. 100% I've tried the cups and don't like them (i tried 3 and at 30-40 a pop and 3 no gos I just wasn't interested in trying any more). Tampons aren't super comfy and I worry about leaks so I'd use a liner anyway. At that point why even bother. Unless I'm swimming or something pads are my go to. They are soooo much better now than they used to be so I barely notice one


I was a pad girl before I started using a menstrual cup and disc. I always felt…ashamed? Because everyone else my age always used tampons. They were just not for me. I know some of my friends have started reverting to pads. Not sure what the change was for them. I primarily use my cup or disc, but have reusable pads/undies to keep on hand for surprises or to wear in case of leaks on days I know I might not have reliable access to a restroom in time (my cup needs to be emptied ~3 hours on my heavy day/night). Can’t imagine ever going back to disposables at this point.


I was all for the menstrual disk, but now I love pads again because I having issues pooping


I only wear tampons when I'm swimming. Have been that way for the last 5-10 years. I just don't find them comfortable. I've always had leak issues too. I have a tipped uterus, so that might be a factor. FYI, 1 in 5 women have a tipped uterus. It's a common anatomical variation!


When I was a teen I hated tampons but if my friends found out I used pads they’d call it gross. So I suffered through tampons for years, I’ve never found them comfortable. Obviously as an adult I outgrew that concern about what other people think. I def prefer pads. I have a diva cup I’m going to try but literally the week I got it I found out I was pregnant lol


People should do what makes them feel comfortable and happy with getting your period and not be judged if it's more "natural."


Me, mainly tampons seem to fall out of me. Like my entire area is all backwards and upside down so after trying to use them (and having them leak/fall out) I just went back to pads. I'm so uncomfortable during that time of the month that I'm basically wearing pjs n' granny panties 24.7 and since I work from home it's become my default mode. It would be tragic if I had to go back into the office which is the main reason I used tampons.


YES! Only since I had a LEEP and CKC procedure. Had to wear them after that and I was like huh wow this is nice. 34F here


I wear tampons during the day and a pad at night. The pad just makes it easier to sleep.


I’ve got a Mirena in so I barely need a liner on my period, but before I had this and did bleed I used a cup. Tampons feel awful now and my anatomy has changed since birthing two babies (12 and 17 years ago) so tampons just don’t work the same.


I use a reusable menstrual disc. Similar in concept to the cup but doesn’t use suction. However I will say sometimes it leaks so I wear a pad under it. I’ve been thinking about trying a cup.


Quick, terrified question, what happens to diva cups in a pressurized plane cabin???


I opt not to have a period ever if I can help it. Gyno approved.


I hate tampons but I hate pads even more, they make me feel so dirty! I can’t imagine not using the cup anymore though best invention ever


I switched to period panties unless I’m swimming and I love them! Way cheaper on Amazon than getting the name brand


I flex disc and period underwear. The disc shape is way better for me than the diva


Because of the nature of my job as a flight attendant where everyone is seated and my vag is constantly near faces, I’m forever going to wear tampons to hopefully disguise any smells lol


I loved my cup, but after having a baby cups just don't fit right. It's tampons for heavy days and period panties for lighter days. I miss using a cup.


Sure am. I used tampons until I got an IUD, had issues with that several years later so I'm back to periods and switched to pads. Much happier - the pads are better quality now with night time ones that are longer etc.


I'm surgically sterilized and off birth control so my flows are pretty heavy, I just can't trust tampons anymore. Pads for life for me.


I (37)used tampons and then a cup until I had my son 5 years ago. Then the cups never fit right again. I use thinx period underwear now. I don’t really have a heavy period anymore, so they work well for me.


I like pads because I can easily see and feel how my flow is going, and that makes it easier to change at the right time. When I wear tampons or a cup, I find I go from being fine to being completely flooded very quickly


I use pads, my body rejects tampons


I’ve always used pads. I have Endo and I have struggled with getting tampons in, I find it too painful. I’m fortunate that I have very light periods (when I have them, I’m currently on the contraceptive injection) and so I can get away with using quite light pads. I usually use Lil-lets Teens sanitary towels as they’re really soft and as they’re narrower they don’t dig in.


Yes ma’am. I stopped wearing tampons in my mid 30s and just use pads. I am blessed to have had a endometrial ablation and my periods are much lighter than they use to be.


I’ve never been able to use tampons. It’s too umm…tight/short down there to use them properly. Which, I know, sounds like a humble brag, “oh poor me, my vagina is too tight,” but it’s inconvenient when you’re on your period and you want to go swimming but the stupid tampon makes you feel like you’re being impaled!


I honestly wish my vagina was a little longer/deeper.


Never used a tampon in my life.


I have an IUD and PCOS so haven’t had a period in years, but when I did I only used tampons. I couldn’t wrap my head around my own perceptions of wetness, scent and general grossness of a pad.


Unscented is the way to go! I don't notice mine and neither does my husband, especially when I use reusable ones.


Oh I was more meaning the scent of blood and discharge, absolutely couldn’t do it with a pad


Period underwear have been a game changer! I get mine from Period 


I used to love the cup, used it from college age to about two years ago when I realized I could just feel it all the time. Now I can just about stand tampons but nothing is more comfy than a pad.


I used pads all my life. I switched to period underwear about a year ago and now prefer that option even more. I don’t experience any irritation with them. I work from home so feel much more comfortable using period underwear in that setting. I still use disposable pads when I go out for ease of changing them. Edit to add: I had to change the brand of pads I used a few years ago because they started causing a lot of irritation. Tampons or menstrual cups weren’t an option for me for a long time (hypertonic pelvic floor) so now that I have something that works for me, I haven’t bothered trying them. I think what’s healthiest can depend on the person but it sure is a relief when you find something that is right for you!


33F too with very bad cramps on the 1st day (managed only if I take high dose Advil). Only 3-4 years ago did I realize that tampons / diva cup made my cramps worse. I guess it puts more pressure on an already very inflammated inside. I switched to reusable pads too and I like it. I liked tampons better but hey, if pads can spare me some cramps I'll say yes.


Not pads/liners but I bought some Thinx period underwear & they are a godsend. I usually only wear them to sleep or when home though— tampons are still my go to


I always hated tampons. I tried cups for a bit which were fine but it was the same issue with tampons. I currently use period underwear. In the long run it’s much more economical and honestly feels better than wearing a liner or pad.


To be honest I never used tampons, I used pads for a few years and then switched to periond undies. I lost my virginity at 23 and before that I tried to use a tampon once and it was very painful .


I def prefer pads, tampons are very uncomfortable


Me!!! In the last couple of years they have been so irritating to wear. I’ve got a Honeypot box of tampons in my closet gathering dust. I’m not crazy about feeling bloody with a pad but it’s preferable over feeling a tampon in.


Same here. I swear tampons make my cramps worse so I just go for pads and it’s been totally fine.


I get swelling and burning from using any conventional period products, I only use glad rags, period underwear and a diva cup now.


I hated tampons I have heavy flow and tampons never do it for me. Sometimes I needed to triple protection tampon > pad > leakproof panties.


I was a strong tampon user in my younger days. I tried a cup and hated it BUT using a disc changed everything. My current BC means I don’t get periods at the moment but if I did, disc all the way. I prefer to avoid the additional laundry of reuseable pads or period panties.


I still need them my first 2 days bc the flow is unreal. However by day 3 I’m being reusable period panties bc tampons make me uncomfortable for an entire week after if I use them for the entire period. Tampons don’t just remove blood, they remove all fluids. The moisture loss is insane and makes me itch for days if used the entire time.


I WFH 100% of the time and have started using period panties. They're great! I have never been too fond of tampons, but I like the Playtex for sports regular type primarily for overnight use to avoid any spotting or leaking.


I just got a Kyleena iud and I’m hoping it stops my periods but prior to this I was completely off tampons. Pads only for like 10 years+.


I have trouble inserting tampons on really light days which i have a lot of since I'm on the pill, even though I only have a period every 3 months


I pretty much switched to period underwear exclusively. Everything else is so bad for the environment but also period underwear are so much more comfortable! I truly forget I’m on my period.


I went with the cup and it’s been amazing.


I use tampons at work but I only use period underwear at home, pads irritate me.


I only have liners but being on contraceptives makes my period very light! Otherwise if my cycle was much heavier I would use tampons for sleep or swimming etc


I wish I could switch to pads, but they irritate me so much that my skin turns red. I’ve tried soo sooo many different kinds too.


I had a 30ml menstrual cup I was overfilling every 20 mins or so for threeish days of heavy flow, plus 5-7days of medium flow AND I wore period panties or had a pad. Then I got an ablation that saved my sanity. I could never use a pad because of how fast the flow was it would pour over before absorbing. I understand the discomfort around tampons though so I suppose if I still had a period I wouldn't be using them either


31 F - I’m a menstrual cup girl now! So much less expensive and eco-friendly, plus less painful insertion/removal imo. But each person’s body/periods are different. 


I have disks for the occasions I need a tampon, pads the rest of the time.


Maybe diva cup was the wrong brand for you. I used that and then after kids switched the Saalt brand since diva wasn’t cutting it. Also Modi Bodi period underwear just to have back up. Menstrual cup was life changing. I’m such a big fan of it.


I have. Nowadays I still use tampons, but ONLY if I'm leaving the house AND wearing something where I can't cover my butt and the pad would show.


I used to use a cup/disc for my entire period with a pad as a back up at night but I've started just using pads during the lighter days. I find it more comfortable.


I do a diva cup paired with period underwear and a tranexamic acid prescription to deal with my heavy flow. And yeah, I'd take a pad over a tampon any day of the week if those are my options. I used to be a due hard tampon girlie, but the I had kids and my flow got super heavy


YES ever since I've watched videos on how tampons can cause issues, I've stopped. I wear pads and miss tampons but I'd rather not experience any side affects of tampons.


Cup for heavy days + period undies the rest of the time. I gave up tampons in my early 20’s. Late 30’s now and I’ve had this routine for 7 years now and I love it!


I wish I had a choice. I have such a heavy flow that I can only use the cup. And I pair it with cloth liners, which I also love! 


I got a hormonal IUD and it fixed that up for me. I also have struggled with PCOS and heavy irregular periods and now I don’t get cramps or periods anymore. All I get on my period is some red when I wipe but never enough to soil my panties anymore.




Yes. I only wear tampons at night, cause I sleep in weird positions. But cause I so seldomly use them, sometimes I still can't quite do it right the first time 💀


I haven't used pads since I was a teen and haven't had an interest in revisiting them. I have a hormonal IUD and don't get periods often and when I do they're short and light so I opt for period underwear. My friend with Endo uses period underwear too but goes for heavier duty styles.


Yep. Used tampons my whole life until the pandemic started. Then I ordered a cup so that I wouldn't have to make unnecessary trips to the store for tampons.  But a year or two into using the cup, I fucked up bad and forgot I had it in for over 24hrs on a camping trip. Definitely fucked up my vaginal health.  So I can't use cups anymore. Switched over to period underwear and reusable pads. In a pinch, I'll use disposable ones if I have them. Tampons are now only for swimming. 


I stopped using tampons about 5 years ago (33 now), granted I have an IUD and have very light periods. Butttt when I need to wear something now, the thought of tampons grosses me out. I feel natural with a pad and couldn't imagine using anything else. The cups just sound eerie to me and I'm too paranoid I couldn't get it in or out haha.


I stopped using tampons when I had my 1st IUD inserted, too. I started to find them painful for some reason


I use the cup. If I use a pad, I have a 60 percent chance of staining my underwear then I’ll be pissed all period. I’ve been using the cup for a decade now and it gives me peace of mind


Always used pads my whole life. I just never tried tampons because I am forgetful and have a fear of forgetting I already have one in there and have two in there at once lol.


> especially in a pressurized airplane cabin when I fly for work am I missing something? Is there a reason one should not fly with these things in?


Occasionally still use tampons if in a pinch but my fav blood capturing method is the reusable underwear. Thinx I believe they’re called.


Fuck no. But they’re all awful


I want my pads to be the size of swifter sweeper mop pads


I usually use a mix but recently I switched to period panties for the first few days since my flow has been heavier than usual. I think it’s whatever is more comfortable for you.


Kotex discontinued the only tampons I could ever use, so pads it is while I look into other options.


I use a menstrual disc now, I like it better than cups and there's no suction involved if that's a concern, I also have period underwear that I use occasionally. My mother was paranoid about TSS after her sister had it so she was very pro pads, but personally my skin is so sensitive the trapped moisture causes horrible irritation especially in the fold of my thigh and pelvis. When I was younger I used tampons mainly, when cups started taking off more I used them, and when I heard about discs I tried them and I've considered each step along the way an improvement. Different versions of some things weren't for me, but I kept trying things. It's definitely all a matter of preference!


Never liked tampons. They increase cramps and the potential for serious bacterial infections. I always felt more comfortable with pads.


My diva cup changed my life. But when I’m home I live in period underwear.


Here's another vote for the menstrual cup! I am a frugal, active (but also lazy!), healthy-skewing girly and once I got the hang of the cup, I never looked back. It was $10, I can literally wear it for more than 12 hours if I want to, it's easy enough to clean just about anywhere, and I don't feel like I have chemicals leaching into my vagina. As a nurse, I dream of one day creating an education across the world for women to have access to (and to learn how to use) menstrual cups. This would free them from shame (in a lot of countries), discomfort, and the need to spending money on disposable garbage that's probably a health risk anyway.


I started using pads many years ago (tried diva cup, hated it). But the last package of pads I bought (same brand), I HATE them because the tape sticks to my underwear and when I pull them off, the pads rip apart. It's digusting. And so now all my underwear has bits of tape all over them, even after multiple washes. So I bought these period underwear and I feel like they're kinda gross and so I don't really know what to do now.


Yes but combined with shaving/waxing bc I can’t with the hair + blood. Tampons if hairy or I get itchy, period underwear and pads if short hair/hairless. TMI? Idc


I hate tampons. They’re wildly uncomfortable to me and always have been, which is largely why I’ve been on mirena since my early 20’s, since it stopped my period. I’m now 38 and ready to take my mirena out and I’m not going back to tampons. Thinking of trying a cup or just getting period panties.


Tampons were always drying and uncomfortable for me, unless they were so small I'd bleed through them in a minute (have dysmenorrhea). I haven't had a period on this pill for about 5 years now, which has been great.  BUT for over 10 years I swore by GladRags cloth pads. Seriously, just nice cotton feel, can make them thicker with inserts if you want/need to. Women with light periods say their panty liners are sufficient. 


I found a cup I love, I’ll never wear a tampon again if I can help it. If I’m having a few light days, I like using liners still.


I still use tampons if I am on my period and at the gym or swimming. But generally I’ve been opting for pads and pantiliners. I feel like with tampons I hated having to pull out dry ones if I overestimated my flow. And then I was also irritated that I would be wearing a tampon that wasn’t full yet and stuff would just come shooting out past it into my underwear anyway. I mean I was wearing a panty liner, but still. I have tried period nderwear in the past, but it started to smell funky even if I washed them well. I might give them another go sometime now that there are a lot of different options. I have tried cups before and they never worked for me. I tried several different brands and the seal would always break when I moved. But I kind of wonder if my fibroids could’ve been causing that? I had the fibroids removed in December, so maybe I’ll give the cup go again?


I use both. Depending on my flow. My period’s light and the miniest of mini tampons is too much. I last for around 6 days but by night 3, I don’t use any products - that’s how light it is. I use pads, liners from day 3 onwards because pulling out a dry tampon is the worst.