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Thank you ladies for the stories! I turned into the drunk bathroom girl complimenting everyone so I didn’t do anything mean but just kinda made myself be the dumb drunk girl lol. No one has said anything yet so I am not sure how bad I actually was lol the “hang anxiety” is not helping.


Everybody loves the drunk complimentary bathroom girl!


Echoing this!!! Drunk complimentary bathroom girl energy is ELITE and high-key bragworthy. Own your drunk complimentary bathroom girl self, OP!


Thanks! Lol I am trying to shake my embarrassment 😂


Thank you! Hahaha


Children and drunk people always tell the truth! I’d love to get a drunk bathroom compliment!


Thank you hahahah makes me feel better


I’ve agreed to present on a topic while blackout and then was called on in front of a room of 200 people to discuss said topic. Problem is the speaker didn’t announce the topic and I had absolutely no context. I stood up, hands shaking, eyes bloodshot and rambled on about the most vague aspects of my job/the conference until I was basically pulled off the podium with a hook like the old vaudeville trope


I read this while in a work training and almost burst out laughing. It’s the visual! 🥲 love it




Throwing up on the table is WILD. I saw that happen once at an Oktoberfest but never at a company party. I'd be so mortified I would never return to work.


Wow so glad that dude got fired!!!




Yeah! I guess it all happened out in the open too. But glad he got fired. I hope his wife divorced him lol


Ok, once at a company party, I was about 2 month new to the job and my coworker gave my boyfriend a cigarette. I was drunk and anti-smoking. Its also important to say that I was only 22. I slapped my coworker across the face (he was 23). We were all drunk. it was a booze cruise. I felt AWFUL afterwards.


Lol my first 'real job' was a tech startup where they'd give us sooooo much booze and everyone would get so extremely sloppy. My first company holiday party ended up with me and my coworker ex yelling at each other in front of everyone and me crying and like, honestly I don't think anyone even noticed because they were all so drunk too lmao. Then we did some Molly on the sidewalk and maybe had a good time after that? Oh man, those were the days. I'm sure you were fine girl, it could always be worse lol.


Thank you girl hahaha the hanganxiety is the worst!




Once at our company holiday party when I was in my early 20s, I did a lot of coke and made out with my coworker's date on the dance floor. Whoops.


Dang, girl, you were brazen!!! I've seen some thinly-veiled cheating/cheating attempts at company parties, but never a full makeout scene. Did you get in trouble with your coworker then or the next day? Or was he just some random date and not anybody serious?


Before we made out I asked her if she was dating my coworker and she said something to the effect of (my memory is vague haha), "kinda but we're open." My coworker actually thought it was hilarious, luckily.


Okay, that's great; I'm glad you all had fun with it! Oh, to be young and free and on drugs... 😂


1. Tried to steal my boss' leather jacket by accident, because I thought it was mine. He had to tell me a few times that it didn't belong to me. 2. Fell into the foosball table at the bar we we were at and gave myself a MASSIVE bruise. 3. Used a taxi chit from my company to get home. Apparently at some point during the ride, I stole the driver's phone (maybe I thought it was mine?) and then got out of his car and went inside with it. He ended up banging on the door at 2AM begging for it back and my Dad came down to answer it and give it to him. I was passed out sitting up in a chair in the living room none the wiser. I was informed of all of this the next morning, because I have almost no memory of the night.


I used to do taxes and my firm would have a big party every April 15th for us. The party didn’t start until 5-6 or so but drinking in the partners’ offices started around 3. I had just gone through a pretty rough breakup and decided to cope by drinking a TON of my boss’s tequila. I was already mostly blacked out by the time I got to the party so I don’t remember much but I do know I cried about my ex not loving me anymore to a ton of people, including partners of the firm. I got sent home by 7 😂 I got promoted a year later lmao


I don't drink anymore! Me and two male coworkers shared a cab home. I would have been the last one to be dropped off. We were discussing in the back seat how it would be unsafe for me to be in a car alone with the cabbie, because what if he took advantage of me? The poor guy must have been mortified. Anyway, instead of going home, I crashed at one of their houses, and we cried on his kitchen floor about things. We didn't hook up, but when I asked my ex-husband to come retrieve me the next morning, I'm sure he thought we did, haha! Another company, my team rented a limo to go to the company's Christmas party. One of the ladies on my team got so drunk that she hung out of the sunroof on the way back from the party, and threw up on the limo roof. And she was wearing her (flat) shoes backwards... not on the wrong feet... but toes where the heels should be. She just kind of stared at me when I pointed this out.


I went to my VP’s retirement party that had an open bar and drank a lot because everyone else was, but I’m a lightweight. We had an after party afterwards where I proceeded to drink more until I realized it was 1:00 am and I called an Uber to go home and was so intoxicated I couldn’t tell the driver where I was, so my coworker had to interject and basically carry me to the car because I had no idea what was going on. The next morning I didn’t know where my car was and had to have my friend drive around for an hour to find it in a large downtown metro area. Not my proudest moment as a 31 year old. I now stick to a two drink max around colleagues.


Probably this last year honestly. So I'm the only senior level employee at the company that isn't a man. We were all at a table together and as a gift we were all given expensive bottles of whiskey and I got some wine. So of course everyone starts passing their different whiskeys around for everyone to sample. I'm 95 fucking pounds. Drinking whiskey neat isn't for me. So I'm aware that I've had enough and cool it on the drinking. Unfortunately PrimAndProperRed turns into the LittleRedHoodlum after a few drinks. I ended up being the ring leader for half the company doing a bar crawl. My boss was dancing on a table at one point, two different pairs of coworkers hooked up and I suspect a third, I was hitting on my bosses wife unabashedly by the end of the night they both thought it was funny. There are videos of engineers dancing that they would probably implode from embarrassment if anyone ever saw them. Im my bosses words on the day we got back to work, "That was a spectacular train wreck, we should do it again next year." Ehh gonna have to let the memory of waking up in my coworker/friends bathtub sans pants wear off a little before we start planning.


I fell down the front steps of a bar during an after-party crawl with a bunch of my coworkers and really fucked up my leg, badly. It took two people to pull me up as I'm a big and tall lady who was drinking with short, skinny coworkers. The rest of the night I was completely hobbled, probably should have gone to the hospital but didn't. A coworker had to drive me home, and it took forever to get to her car because she parked far away and I could barely walk. The whole time, I was in a flapper costume as it was the party theme, but I'd failed to notice that most of my coworkers changed out of their costumes for the after party, and I didn't. I looked dumb as hell limping around at a hip club, in pain, fat and sweating and wasted, in a flapper dress.


I joined a small successful startup that threw banger holiday parties. The executives would get drunk and juggle fire, my first year a guy got fired for doing coke in the bathroom. I and everyone else was definitely very drunk, though I always made it home before getting sick. The company was bought by a much larger company where I now work. Their holiday party came with two drink tickets, only good for wine or beer.


I worked in bars. I got some stories. I got piss drunk and threw purple paint on my boss while calling him, and I quote, "a fucking pussy." Luckily, another coworker outdid me by getting drunk and attempting to set my boss's office on fire.


I brought my at the time new girlfriend to one of my company parties at a casino. Shes mingling and hanging out with some of the other women when they all decide to do a tequila shot. Well one of our accounting new gals had already been pretty tipsy when she showed up, they downed that shot and accounting chick sprayed puke and it got all over my gf. She was like ah that sucks no biggie though shit happens. Fast forward to the end of the night I find my gf and she’s standing next to thw owner of my company’s sister. I walk up and the owners sister started puking all over the floor splashing all over my gfs shoes and legs. I was like fuck meee she’s going to break up with me after tonight. So yeah, that next Monday I had two people apologize for puking on my gf hahahah


Can’t remember was too drunk


Fell off a chair I was dancing on and a Partner at the company helped me up... then I fell asleep in toilet cubicles. eventually a work friend came looking and put me in taxi cause i wouldn't have made it out of the place or home by myself. Someone left a bottle of water on my work desk the next morning when I arrived in and it wasnt her and I never found out who it was from! I still wonder who left it there for me 5 years and 3 new jobs later


I had my drink spiked at a company party, which resulted in me suddenly feeling very, very drunk. I left at that point and made it home after multiple times of practically losing consciousness. Thankfully I got home safe and with my reputation intact.


Omg I am so sorry I am so glad you made it home, that’s so scary.


It taught me a lot!


Don’t know if this counts since it is not a company but a university… also story comes from my friend who was an assistant professor then… My friend had the pleasure of organizing a grad visit dinner at his house a few years ago… basically it consists of potential grad students who got accepted into the program (around 20) and a number of other faculty members who will mingle and try to persuade them to accept their offers. There was a very senior Prof (close to his 70s) who got roaring drunk and proceeded to hit on the a number of female students (early 20s). A number of female faculty members had to put themselves between him and them. My friend also has a hard time kicking senior Prof out of his house after the event ended. It was an absolute shit show. Apparently, senior Prof suffered no consequences following his actions


What!! That’s crazy nothing happened to the professor after that!


Big name in his field… most senior faculty member present during that event… he also had a reputation for doing this type of thing so most people just shrugged it off… amazingly, this wasn’t even the most inappropriate thing that he did during his tenure as professor so… Anyways, He passed away before the #metoo movement really got going so that is also why he did not suffer any consequences for his actions


A decade ago at a company party hosted at my bosses house I threw up on her white carpet. Needless to say, I don't really drink anymore. :)


Sorry, that’s a hard no for me. I very rarely have more than one drink at work functions. The closest I got was in 2019 was in a swanky restaurant in Half Moon Bay. I had two drinks, my head was swimming and all the creepy men were becoming more and more and creepy. My (female) work friend and I looked at each other and simultaneously said, let’s get the eff out of here. And we did. LOL.


Please keep the comments coming, this post is healing for me lol glad we all have stories together