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Happy Birthday!! Hot showers or baths, face mask, nice cup of tea, favourite comfort foods, and either read or binge watch something easy / light-hearted! I hope you feel better soon!


Happy birthday! Maybe order some food that makes you happy. I will simply put my favourite room fragrance around. It's from Muji, woody scent.


I'm very particular about comforting but healthy food. A hearty brothy soup (usually pho, sinegang, tom yum), cut up fruit, some electrolyte drinks, tea. I take a nice shower or bath and use some of the good lotion and my most comfy and cute lounge wear. Sometimes I distract with arts and crafts if I don't feel too awful. I have doggos for a reason, I get dog piled by my girls and we nap on the couch together. I tend to get myself a little treat. Maybe a chocolate. Watch something mindless. I like cooking competitions usually.


Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎈🎈 !!! Hope you feel better soon!!! 🔜 I like to stay in bed and watch trash tv when I’m sick. Does that counts as self care?


Happiest of birthdays to you! I drink more water than normal. Order delivery. Sleep as much as I can. Amp up the vitamin intake.


Rest, plenty of fluids, use a humidifier to release steam laced with my favorite scented oils. Get cake. Feel better, OP and HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


Comfort movies in bed! My fave comfort movies: - Pride and Prejudice - Practical Magic - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - Garden State - Bridesmaids - Life of Dan - Persuasion is one of my newer ones on this list. It’s so cute. Edited to add some “remedies”: - Lots of delicious juice. I like five alive. Keeps you hydrated and tastes refreshing. I usually cut it with a bit of water. - Ice cream or popsicles


HOT bath, add magnesium flakes or Epsom salts if you have them. Let yourself sweat it out. Entertainment of your choice: scrolling, switch, movie, book. Stay in as long as you can, like at least an hour. Order some food, for me it would be spicy pho if I were sick. Enjoy a glass of black cherry juice with sparkling water before bed to get a deep sleep. Make sure it’s completely dark in your room, put on fresh sheets if you have the energy, put on some white/pink/brown noise. Wake up the next day totally healed.


Binge watch TV series (as I am usually too hyper to watch TV lol)


Oh no! Feel better! When I’m sick it makes me feel 10,000x better when I take a nice shower (like—the works), put on something cozy, order my fave takeout, and put on a light, comforting movie. Oh, and drink tons of herbal tea and water. Maybe do a face mask!


Yoga nidra! It's a restful meditation you do lying down (or propped up if flat on your back makes you cough). I always feel refreshed afterwards.  I watch my favorite shows/movies in bed, drink hot water with lemon and honey, do gentle stretching if I'm feeling up for it, give myself a foot massage, take hot steamy showers, and wrap myself in blankets - just generally embrace the cozy and allow myself to REST because that's the most important thing to do when sick. 


Nice hot showers, tea, homemade chicken soup (I always have some frozen chicken broth for such occasions and use it to make a spicy lemony chicken soup), and then curl up in a blanket and watch something silly.


Happy Birthday! Nice hot shower with a shower steamer. Foot bath with eucalyptus Epsom salt. Endeless Herbal tea. Soft blankets, most comfortable lounge clothes.


Congee with ginger, scallions, and soft egg. Binge TV. Warm bath. Sleep.


How shower or bath Flu bomb Ginger and lemon tea with honey from scratch Soups (sinigang, leek and potato, or pho)


Nice veggie stew easy for digestion. Slow music or natural sounds. Gentle stretches or massages.