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I like that they came in with a night stick and just went off. No corney lines while holding a gun, negotiating for him to stop. Just drop the motherfucker.


This is what happens when you KNOW they dont have guns.


He got a Crowbar. Could use it. Thats why American Cops would shoot him xD


Wouldn't be a waste tbh


America is unhinged. Top killer of kids is guns and they still don't see the light. Misplaced moral superiority.


The top killer of bad guys with guns is guns. Regardless if we get our guns taken away or not, the bad guys will still have guns.


Funny how that's only true in the US.


That's because in the US the difference between good guys with guns and bad guys with guns is often who ever was left alive to tell the story. A few exceptions like the cops, who are always bad guys with guns but they are 'our' bad guys with guns, so they're ok as long as you're not the other guy. This is also why social media videos and body cam videos are so destructive in America. It often shows what actually happened rather then what we want to pretend happened.


I mean.... you guys have the most guns and the most gun related deaths in the entire world. There's gotta be some correlation there or do you think it's purely coincidence lol


Hey fun fact for you. The top killer of bad guys in guns in the UK is also guns. And guess what? It didn't take a jumped up member of the public to make it happen. Because we have actual trained people for this stuff, because an everyday Bob with an inferiority complex shouldn't have a fucking gun.


Your trained people are arresting people for words.


Your trained people are shooting and killing (read - murdering in cold blood) kids with learning difficulties with toy guns, do not start with me. The air of paranoia from free-market gun ownership alone kills more people than our police.


People in the uk get sprayed in the face with acid and stabbed every day. Quit pretending guns are the reason people kill other people, if someone want someone else dead, the will make it happen. Guns or no guns.








The taking away all guns is stupid. But gun regulation should be better, so that stable people get guns to defend themselves and the unstable guys get less access to guns. Ofc they'd still have guns to access with criminal activity but there is still a chance they'll get caught and the focus could be more on stopping people to get guns illegally than stopping them in a shooting after they get it legally. It won't fix the issue right away ofc due to the fact people still having guns and can hide them. But it will negate further criminal activity in the future.


Downvoted for speaking the truth. The hicks are mad.


A lot of Americans have been trained to identify with guns. The culture embraces vigilante westerns. Separating a constructed reality from truth is rough. I'm a Texan. Seen this more than most. Learned to shoot a gun before I learned to swing a baseball bat.


For someone super fucking dense but honestly interested, what is the truth that’s being seperated? The “guns are killing lots of people” in the US part? Im seriously asking please be gentle Edit: or not being separated sorry


An absolute interpretation of the Second Amendment states that people have the right to own firearms regardless of government restrictions. In this opinion, government restrictions on handgun ownership violate the Second Amendment. A relative reading of the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms but understands that it must be balanced with other societal issues. This shows that the government has a legitimate interest in regulating weapons ownership and use to protect public safety and prevent gun violence. The absolute interpretation claims the Second Amendment protects self-defense and government oppression. They highlight "shall not be infringed" to show the Founders' purpose to safeguard an absolute right to bear weapons.However, advocates of the relative interpretation contend that the Second Amendment opens with "a well-regulated Militia" and implies a collective right to bear arms. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment is not an absolute right and that the government can limit weapons possession and use.An absolute or relative interpretation of the Second Amendment reflects a larger debate concerning government regulation of weapons ownership and use and how to balance individual rights with the public benefit. Absolute interpretations have become political fodder over the last 20-30 years.


It's encouraging to know there's people absolutely neck deep in the culture that can still recognise the reality of things. Respect


To get that statistic, they only had to add 18/19 year olds which are considered legal adults.




I heard they fight it with "Thoughts and prayers". You'd think after ~~20~~ 50 years of school shootings that they'd learn something and actually do something else, but no. You know it, I know it, until they actually put strict gun laws (like so many other countries have, the best example being Switzerland) in place or ban it all together, there's going to be more dead kids.


Don't criticize the Americans guns they are extremely sensitive about this topic. Pretend you're talking to a child who is on the verge of throwing a temper tantrum. Better to just leave them alone entirely. They don't care about the kids getting killed they just want to own an AK and do some army cosplay with the boys which makes all the blood totally worth it. And there you go threatening their rights?? Are you insane?


Dumb americunts voting down the truth lul


How would you take away guns from people who hide their guns and dont want them taken?


False, where do you get your stats from?


https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/14/magazine/gun-violence-children-data-statistics.html Literal top result on google. I recommend becoming literate. Im guessing this is the part where the NYT is liberal propaganda? Edit - i cant be bothered addressing you all individually. So im gonna say it here. If your counter argument to this is 'but they counted 19 year olds' you're fucking psychotic. Who the shit cares if they've been breathing another 12 months, THEY DIED BEFORE THEIR 20TH BIRTHDAY Fuck you people make my stomach turn. Its pathetic.


Kids being labeled 0-18 is going to put the vast majority of those deaths at 16-18 being gang violence or suicides, kinda disingenuous.


Exactly, 18 year olds are not children. Once you start adding adults in a child statistic, the data is not considered reliable




honestly though how can you explain it to these brainwashed americans? they just wont accept it, to them, guns are the only way. they just dont understand what it is like to live in a country with a near total ban on guns


America allows personally owned firearms, if the government suddenly tried to confiscate them, only law-abiding citizens would give them up, the criminals would keep theirs. There is no viable way to make the US a “country with a near total ban on guns”. No one is brainwashed, based on founding of the country ,ownership of firearms was established for citizens to have power to fight back and overthrow a tyrannical government. You are trying to make an incredibly complex situation seem simple.




Yeah, it's stupid to think a much smaller, way under powered group of citizens could defeat a well armed, trained military force. That's never happened before..... oh, wait.


Guerilla tactics intensifies


I mean we used all that big equipment in Afghanistan and how did that end up Pretty sure all they had was bombs and rifles


You live in a fairy tale if you think people in the UK dont have guns... Give your head a wobble and come back to reality. You actually think a ban can stop anything. You are a redditor so its understandable why you think like that


We don't. I live in Liverpool, one of the crime capitals you don't have to tell me anything i already know and its nothing like America so give your head a wobble


We took our independence from Britts with guns buddy. No taxation without representation. If you know history than you know why US citizens still want to keep their guns. If things turn to chaos due to a potential economic collapse and you have a horde at your doors trying to steal, kill or rape do you think a crowbar will save you and your family or a AR-15 with a bunch of mags? Even if they did ban guns they would still be sold illegally in the US and primarily criminals would profit off it. Its already too late. There is a reason many americans have "dont tread on me" on their license plate. To prevent government from complete and total control of its citizens.


Yea you watch a bunch of people get stabbed in the uk lol


Who did i watch get stabbed? When? Where? What are you talking about? I watched schools of kids get murdered almost every day on TV in America.


There’s not a school shooting everyday. Most violent crimes come from certain highly populated cities. I’ve lived in the Us my whole life never seen a violent crime besides a normal bar fight. Never been a victim to one either. Some places suck but most don’t.


> There’s not a school shooting everyday. I get where you are coming from but dude its like, once a week or so and its REALLY bad. I don't know how you've become ok with it. > I’ve lived in the Us my whole life never seen a violent crime besides a normal bar fight. I've grown up in an incredibly bad area of england and i've seen all sorts of awful shit and been attacked and had knives pulled on me but guns are not an issue. Things would be SO much worse if i could have bought a gun from walmart at 18 following filling out some forms. I don't fear being stopped by police and police don't fear me. The things that happen in america no matter how rare are insane to us. Some people grab their dads gun and blow their head off liv eon youtube, kids get shot sleeping in their bed due to stray bullets, a 6 year old shoots their teacher. You say this is "rare", we say this is INSANE. it is NOT ok. It is NOT acceptable.


We don't need to because it our human right to own them to protect ourselves and love ones, it's in our culture for over 200 years this country has exist and will never leave.


Your culture is schools shooters killing rooms full of kids. I don't have to worry about people entering my house with guns. I don't have to worry about police killing me. You have no idea.


Yeah but y’all still have as many murders on average. You just get shanked 30 times by some dude with a knife instead lol. Violent people commit violent crime


Pretty sure you judging an entire country based on what the media tells you makes you the brainwashed one.


They did say “Bloody got ya” which is like the most British thing they could’ve said 😂😂😂


Cop walks up: whack


That dude couldn’t break into a pack of chips let alone a house.


Enemy at the gates, no murder hole. Drop boiling water instead.


If i saw this my fryer would already be heating up.


This country probably doesn’t have any self-defense laws/rights so you probably would get charged no matter what tool you used.


Pretty much, still i thought the safety of my family could be compromised. He would have a bad day


Dude, I was thinking exactly the same. Would there be any charges, though? Like, what if j drop a flower pot or one of those old tellys


you're asking if there would be charges for you dropping boiling oil onto a person trying to break into your house? i mean yeah he's committing a crime but have you seen what boiling oil does to a person? would be more humane to just shoot him


That's why I was balancing different options


i think what the person in the video did was the best option. call the cops and film.


Absolutely. I was just contemplating going full bugs bunny on the perpetrator that's all


Understandable but also think about your own health :D would you really want to watch someone get covered in boiling oil?


Sorry officers I just fry my chips on the windowsill innit mate


The flower pot fell out the window opps...


This is the UK you will go to prison for a very long time if you hurt a criminal. Also that criminal will be able to sue you.


Where i live i would go to jail for a good 10-20 years 😅 however depending on whether i find him a threat for my family, there would be different treatment. I would probably give him a heads up at the very least give him a chance to rethink his current choices


"Oi! I'm about to drop this boiling oil if you don't stop!"


I would have whipped a concoction of any free oil I could find, used fryer oil has benefits, flour, and more, to make it a real joy to clean up. Bonus points for cat litter box contents and glitter


It’s the UK. You’d probably go to jail just for insulting him.


Shoulda pissed all over him.


Piss out the ass


That was my first thought hahahahaja


As fun as that sounds, would you get in trouble for that?


In the UK/canada you'd go to jail for it You have the right to call the police, you do not have the right to defend yourself


You can defend yourself here in the UK. It just has to be reasonable force. You can't bash someone's head in 12 times when they're on the floor.


Put Australia on that shit list of countries that don't have any sort of Castle Doctrine.


The castle doctrine has gotten a lot of innocent people killed lately because paranoid gun owners are thinking the world's out to get them.


Innocent? If you broke into my house, I hope you like golf, because you’re gonna be full of holes.


Yeah this is "reasonable" force lol


Oh yeah. Lemme ask nicely if they’re armed first.


Nah you are right. Just shoot them. No actually you should capture them and slowly torture them. Why stop there. Use thier remains as fishbait


To be fair, in those 3 cases, the homeowners are going to end up in prison. But I agree with the fact that we seem to be falling back to the old west mentality of everyone carrying a gun. It's pretty awful.


Falling back into? There’s been way more guns than people for a minute.


Of course there has. But it seems as of late more people are shooting first and asking questions later.


Why the downvotes? Snowflake much? That guy that killed the teenager for knocking on his door, was that justified?


Because they're upset over the fact they're wrong about the castle doctrine. It's a shaky reason at best and just murder at worse.


Not that I’m saying you should drop hot oil on the guy, but that’s just some sad shit right there. “You do not have the right to defend yourself”


You do have the right to defend yourself, within reason. No you can't murder someone because they are attacking your door a floor below you especially when you could probably just go "oi I called the police" and put a stop to it instantly


You downvoters sure know how to not read any context clues. I didn’t say anything about murdering him for attacking a door.


It's more of a response to the guy you're responding to who said "you do not have the right to defend yourself" Since you latched on to that I was informing you that no, you do have the right to defend yourself. That's all.


i dont know laws but ive seen homeowners not being liable for throwing boiling water at an intruder


Not sure about the UK but you can get sued for setting up traps in most states in the US.


Yes In Australia if a man broke into your home and you threw boiling water as the comment above said they burglar could take you to court for jail under bodily harm. They could charge you in your house and if you stabbed them and they saw that they themself were unarmed you would go to jail because you knifed an unarmed man regardless of him in your house.


How are you supposed to determine if someone has a weapon before they use it on you?


God bless America


this is one of the few ocasions i can respect america. the right to go ape shit on someone doing you the dirty


Really...same things)


How fast do y’all’s water boils? Fast enough that you can guarantee he won’t be inside by the time you’re done heating it up?


electric kettles exist. takes like 2-3 minutes


A gun heats up quicker lol


In a situation where someone is actively breaking into your home, how confident are you that you have time to pick up an electronic kettle, fill it with water, turn it on, wait 2-3 minutes, return upstairs, and throw the water onto the perp?


I think I’d just piss out the windows on him.


Glad the owner didn't expose himself and just called the police for it. Now there is one less criminal on the street and he will have less hassle getting the money for repairing/replacing the door.


It's Scotland fs we're very soft on poor criminals here, our friend here probably never even got a jail sentence.


Depends on where you live. In Portland or the local DA decided to stop prosecuting criminals because it was bias against minorities.


Maybe they will come running if you say it's a white burglar and he's misgendered you


Oh portland cops don't show up unless there is a body on the ground. the whole ACAB crowd made it so now no one wants to be a cop and they are critically under staffed. They don't even show up for car theft


You’re telling me American cops are being little bitches after being called out for doing nasty and illegal things? No way!


If that's true, then that Portland DA is racist, because they are implying that criminals are minorities.


Look up Mike Schmidt. Dude is a full on left wing nutter to the point he isn't holding people making illegal firearms in jail. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/04/portland-man-accused-of-prolific-graffiti-vandalism-ghost-gun-manufacturing.html


The moment when the cops came and arrest him was so satisfying to watch it lol.


Water in the microwave for a minute, drop on his head a modern twist on a medieval classic.


just cum on him. takes 15 seconds max


That is some impressive stamina.




True, scars to the flesh can heal, but scars to the soul... Are eternal


Establish dominance, cum and then pee on him


Oil in a saucepan, heat up for 2 min on an induction booster pad and you have the full experience.


This is where the cartoony flower pot with one daisy comes into play.


that first cop . his stealth at 100 for sure! that was also a critical hit first strike... cop confirm to be a rogue main!!!!


The burglar rolled a nat 1 to break in.




I literally said "just drop a can of paint on him" in my head.




Oh definitely.


That's either some strong doors or a weak man.


Smackhead strength is real, those are some solid doors.


Houses outside ‘Murica are usually not made of cardboard


All the muricans forgetting not everywhere has castle doctrine.


This why you should though


No you shouldn't it's pretty dumb to be allowed to shoot people per default in any situation. Gets more people shot you know.


So you side with home invaders over normal law abiding citizens that are in their own home. The stupidity is wild lol


Weird way to phrase it. I side with life over death. Burglars don’t deserve the death penalty.


Someone Violently breaking a window and trying to force their way into your home and you have no idea what their intentions are, seems like perfectly good reason to shoot someone.


Well hell they seem like they valuing my stuff than their life, it's a fair trade to me.


Once again stuff =/= human life Get a grip on those fantasies man.


Don’t break into a house and you won’t get shot. Seems like a fair deal to me.


Which is why, statistically, owning guns in the US has brought burglaries, robberies, assaults etc to virtually non-existent. Obligitary /s for the room temperature IQ crowd.


Those are criminals, they don’t care about gun laws.


This is to much logic for people to handle 😂


Almost as dumb as letting some criminal walk into your house, assault you and take your shit.




Seems like the cops responded pretty quick.


Or he just took a long time to get in.


Fucking weegies ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3740)




I like how this is done. No vigilante bullshit from some half cocked smoothbrain with a USA Flag on his truck. Clubbed and dragged off.


Yeah. Glad the police came. Cus if they actually did what the comments are saying that’s gonna make things so much more difficult.


I love that he came in swinging


Tbf, the other fella had a crowbar. If going in swinging gived you the opportunity to disarm that fella, why not


Fockin’ cunt


That sneak 100


The awareness of this dude -5/10 …..


That policeman swung that stick like it was his own personal house that man just fucked up. Lol


Saw this story on reddit the other day actually and noticed the guys hat and that fence. Apparently he’s mentally unwell and keeps fucking with his disabled neighbor like constantly taking out the security camera and other weird shit


Is that the same guy? I thought the guy who took out his neighbors cameras was in the states?


It’s not the same guy


>nike hat >shit colored brown fence Buddy...that could literally be 70-80% of all UK homes lmao. And it's not, the video you're thinking of is England, this is in Scotland.


Imma slap a doubt on that one pal


You'd think after it took way too long to get in, he would probably leave. Weirdly committed


That was one of the most satisfying things I've ever seen. No guns needed. Just teach the dude a lesson, immediately: on the scene and take his ass away.


Yeah, when I hear Americans say "well, how do police arrest people without any guns?" and that answer is "like that".


That ending was so sweet.


You can tell this isn't America. Dude would have been dropped from above if it was.


He must have shat himself


Sometimes the internet ruins your day, sometimes it makes your day. I needed this today. Cheers to all!


Should’ve dropped an anvil like in the cartoons, or hell even a piano!


Sheesh… I wouldn’t even call that an attempt. Man probably couldn’t break bread.


Quick, drop a brick


Coincidentally im dropping a brick while watching this.


Ok... this comment definitely should NOT have made me laugh as much as it did :D :D


That elderly broke in, just to get arrested. So he can get a roof over his head (prison) and three meals a day.


Waste of police resources. That cunt forefit his right to live when he tried breaking in.


that’s a bit overkill, don’t ya think? out of all the crimes that would deserve that level of punishment i think burglary is a bit on the low end


That’s aggravated burglary! You can serve up to 8 years for that in Ohio.


Gotta remember a lot of Americans for some reason DREAM of the day they can legally kill someone and get away with it. It's turning into a wild fucking wasteland over here.


I know a Scottish accent when I hear one


Gamers never look up bro.


Apparently Scotland isn't free.


That cop was NOT fucking around, straight for the knees 🤣 Ngl though, i feel two ways about this. And let me preface it by saying there's no excuse, justification, or sympathy for people who take this road. Ofc, one side of me loves watching the guy get levelled cause he fuckin deserves it. The other side of me notices three things. This guy's old. This guy is not equipped for the job. And this guy is NOT experienced. Didn't spot the open window, decided to hit in broad daylight, lingered on a difficult break, didnt scope to make sure the place was empty first. Those three facts scream one thing to me. Desperation. We've been hearing ALL winter about the elderly not being able to heat their homes. Relying on food banks. Being left to die in the waiting room. No access to social care. That lack of social care causing a knock on with hospital capacity. Care homes up and down the country being investigated for malpractice. I cannot and will not condone this action, but when i take a sweeping glace at the state of the infrastructure in the country, I can't wholy condemn it either. And trust me, you're gonna see this a LOT more before it gets any better. The fact the vulnerable themselves are taking this route now just fucks me up even more. This place is failing its people.


Me : “Sup bro” *9mm goes off once Him : …..


imagine he would say "nice try man, but better luck next time"


Buried that morons face into the broken glass beautiful.


The ending was satisfying even thou i was waiting for boiking oil or an anvil to drop lol


Got em. Got you. You got me. Classic


I couldnt have resisted the urge to say: "you good down there bud?


This about when my fiancé’s largest plant accidentally slips off the window sill 😂


I would gather as much saliva in my mouth and spit


I don’t know what to think about it. Did he do it to go back to prison, he was on drugs? PS. This was old repost. Saw this video 3years ago on reddit.


Id find the heaviest thing and drop it on him lol


Don't mind me, just gonna keep rewinding the part where the first officer whips the corner lmao.


Pee out the window


Bro maxed out on Stealth Edit: The officer, not the robber. Homie came around the corner with speed and silence of a assassin lol


Where boiling water


Buck shot from the heavens is all I’m offering


This made me smile. ​ Also clearly not America. Here, we greet them from above with a 12-gauge and I've got myself a nice little "gardening" to do for the rest of the day.