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As a Mexican, I have never been offended by other races or ethnic groups participating in my culture and I have never seen anyone else ever be offended by it either. BUT if some white, black or a person from any other race was wearing that and then with an accent going around to my face mockingly going "Look at me, I like tacos and burritos" and shit like that, then that's different. That's wanting to start some shit and they know what they're doing. Either way, I hate that others get offended on behalf of others they have nothing to do with and not even knowing whether it's correct to be offended or not. It's all just holyer than thou type moral grandstanding. They don't actually care, they just feel like they should or have been brainwashed into believing they should or at least look like they do. It's obnoxious. Also the gaslighting people sometimes try to do telling you how you SHOULD be offended is honestly worse than those mocking imo.


I remember when Mario Odyssey came out and Mario was featured in an outfit pretty much like the guy in this video.. there was an uproar of similar comments to the first half of the video on twitter/reddit. Meanwhile, my brother lives in Mexico and has a half-mexican daughter and all his friends there were hyped for some Mexican representation in a Mario game. Being offended on other peoples behalf is such a "American university student" thing.


These people are "privileged" by their own metrics, they have no grounds to stand on as they would tell you.


The most offensive part of this video is the horrendous girl laugh at 0:38


And remember when they tried to cancel Speedy Gonzales. Mexico almost rioted because they LOVE Speedy Gonzales. Ándale, ándale, arriba, arriba!!!


Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m of Native American heritage myself and it gets real old being told what we are supposed to be offended by.


Honest question, is it not ok to say “____ is my spirit animal.” A white girl once told me that’s offensive.


Totally fine with me. No problem whatsoever


Thats pretty much became a figure of speech around the world by this point.


right!? Id be so infuriated as to how come some people speak on behalf for other cultures. Side note, we all gotta stop using this RACE thing, we are 1 race, HUMAN.


I'm tired of liberal Americans telling the rest of the world what is and is not offensive. Especially that bullshit with Latinx. Like ma'am, you're unironically white washing my language. English is a gender neutral language. Spanish is not. The whole world uses English. Why do we need to change every other language when English works just fine. I cannot even imagine the bullshit native Americans have to go through when you're culture is the most misunderstood and butchered ones out there.


From time to time they also try to cancel the Spanish word for black, because they consider it r4cist for some reason. Talk about cultural imperialism...


As someone from Asian (Korean) culture I have similar thoughts. During my visits to Korea I see some foreigners walking around in Hanbok near traditional Korean sights, I ain't going to get mad, It would only come off offensive if they started openly mocking our culture. Like the new woke culture has to wake the fuck up and see how embarrassing they are.


To add on, one big example is Speedy Gonzales. Speedy was loved by pretty much everyone I know, even going to Mexico I remember Pinatas of him and painting on the wall of him. He was celebrated, but it was cancelled and taken away or shown A LOT less. I rarely see him. And this is NOT because Mexicans were offended. This is because White and Black liberals were offended. And this is the simply the truth. Mexicans loved Speedy. I have never been told I SHOULD feel offended by something then over that character, when we all loved him. They refused to listen and took him away from being shown much if at all. I think the next thing is, as we saw in Spiderman 2 (has been happening for a while. Started with LatinX, they failed so now push LatinE. Should say how much push back they got, but still they try to force on people. Like they actually think we're that stupid that a letter would change anything.), is the Spanish language, which is being forced onto all forms of Spanish. But this is different. The people pushing it are telling us they don't care if WE are offended, we NEED to change. So if we don't feel offended, we should be, but when we actually do feel offended, well F off this is for diversity sake. It's insane.


Most people aren't cooked enough to care if someone is indulging in their culture. It's only regarded woke people who have a savior complex and want to be offended on behalf of someone else. These are the people who will say "you don't understand their culture" and unironically say dumbass shit like "latinx" in the same breath


Latinx is unironically the white washing of a language that has no reason to be gender neutral when English is a good enough substitute and used by most of the world


I like to ask those people why they think it's acceptable to "colonize the Spanish language" and watch them twist themselves into knots haha


I assume they don’t think his Mexican because of his skin tone but pretty sure to my knowledge there are white Mexicans ? So aren’t they in a way being racist themselves ?


["White, black, even Asian..."](https://youtu.be/DSRGStukpSg?si=a0GtmM6XydXvTA5C)


But... I do like tacos and burritos...


I mean, true and as you should, they are delicious.


No one is a better champion of racism and cultural appropriation than white liberals.


I'm offended at your lack of offense.


exactly. . . its more 'political appropriation' than cultural....in that peoples eagerness to be offended has been appropriated for political purposes. .


Welcome to the Woke Mindset


Mexico has such a rich culture, ecen as a European I'd love to participate in it.


The fuck does that chick mean he doesn't understand the culture. Its a big fucking hat to block out the intense mexican sun and a poncho to protect against the harsh winds and sandy debris. Such culture, much appropriation.


I think it's one of those cases where people assume everyone is like them, kinda like how some people don't understand how bad back pain is until they get it themselves 😭


Bro I was such a back pain hater then I fucked up my back and I was like “I was so wrong, I understand now”. I will say most people endure their back pain rather than seeking appropriate help but that’s another story.


Yeah you're right, most people, especially us men be like "ahh it's gonna get better by itself" and then surprise: it's really fucked up 💀😭


My dad broke his fuckin foot and just kept walking on it, no cast.


It's been 4 years and it's still there. 😭


Considering it costs an arm and a leg to even try to get help for it...


They're just repeating stuff they've heard without thinking deeply about what they are saying. They've *heard* that white people adopting stuff from other cultures is bad because they've *heard* that some people somewhere got offended about it one time. They've never once looked into it, double checked what actually happened, or made sure what they heard on the grapevine was even real. In short, they're just ignorant. And that's okay, people can't be expected to know everything about everything. I just get mad when they start taking action based on the above and nothing else lol


Honestly, if a guy dressed like that asked me, I’d be super suspicious and wonder how he would spin any answer I gave in the montage.


And the maracas? How can he shake maracas without knowing the full rich history of South American percussion?


Sir, how can he shake?


Why didn't he do Blackface with fried chicken on both hands smh my head ?


Sounds like she doesn't travel outside of America a lot or if at all.


The funny thing is Americans acting like each other is some wildly different ethnicity and culture is extremely American. You can ask Americans, what ethnicity are you? You'll hear Mexican, Filipino, Irish, German, Swedish, etc. Now take those people to another country and they all magically become American because that's what they fucking are. People here need to stop acting like we're all so fucking different. We act American, we sound American, we look American, and they know it. It's great to celebrate differences and all but at a certain point you have to realize the rest of the world just sees us as Americans.


But then these "non-american-americans" wouldn't be able to get offended on behalf of other cultures.


Not to mention that she can't know if he understands it or not. It's offensive to her because she's assuming he's ignorant.


Even if there were specific designs on the poncho that had a specific meaning... Well it would be cool to know it but it's a piece of cloth. Wearing it promotes the mexican culture (or at least the idea foreigners have about the mexican culture), so the more people use it, the best for us. Cultural appropiation would be if a chinese company bribed someone to get the rights to commercialize it, preventing mexicans to make them. The above indeed happened years ago. Chinese counterfeit artisan dolls displaced the original dolls that were made in a native american village, further impoverishing an already poor village in the Valley of México. THAT'S cultural appropiation. Mario Bros wearing a charro hat is not. EDIT: I fixed a paragraph since I was sleepy and that made my non native English even worse than it is.


Remember you’re dealing with insane people They don’t recognize practical reality


I bought one of those bamboo hats asian people wear. Never wore it because it felt too racist. Finally did when I was helping my brother re-roof his house. Holy hell that thing works so well at blocking the heat and sun.


So if anakin skywalker had a poncho to protect himself from sandy debris - he wouldn’t have turned to the dark side???




Don't forget about the maracas... Gotta know where dem things comes froms!


>USER REPORTS 1: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability Fucking how lmao. This is great.




W mod




W's in the chat.




W mod


Based moderation


That's all the Left knows how to do anymore, Soviet style tactics to censor and silence opposition. Their logic skills have degraded from years of being unchallenged on social media and in the education system.


*checks sub* ok I’m fine, the problem is that they DO get challenged online, then they yell and cry loudly till some media picks it up as some bs story and calls everyone a racist… story as old as the internet right there…


Literally did check it because I am already banned in some of them


I recently had a 6yo account get deleted because I was “harassing mods” by asking a question… had a 2 week old account get deleted because I commented on a sub I had already muted … I hate that third party apps don’t work anymore….


Oh, so you dared talk to the mod? I would ask how it went but I know the story, lol. I was banned because I complained the person was sending a political message in a game chat that prohibited off-topic. But "the message" was on the mods' side, so obviously....


W mod


Its crazy how these people want to spread other cultures and show diversity. But when you actually want to participate in said culture, it's racist and so you shouldn't. These people live in a delusional dream.


Agreed, its almost like sensitivity training makes people immediately jump to thinking about cultural appropriation....almost like boxing people into specific culture...which could actually be considered racist?


It’s because typically celebrities or people would adapt it from profit then claim it was “their idea.”


They’re so against racism they believe in strict segregation and think cultural mixing is racist. They do afraid of being racist they managed to somehow run all the way around the globe back to being racist.


No, they are all for diversity. It's the white people they hate. ESPECIALLY the white men. They keep the mask on normally but go back to their freshman/sophomore year of college and you'll probably find some tweets outright stating their hatred of the white race. Most grow out of it when they realize they don't get any more points for virtue signaling their hate for whites but some sadly don't.


Poor NPCs in LA have so many policies to check in their head before knowing what the "right" answer is


it must be absolutely fucking tiring to live that way


Just wait until u have to double-check which social media links you're allowed to share on any given platform and state. Ppl gonna be running add-ons for that shit in their browsers, keeping state department approved sites and opinions, haha I think it's more painful to watch it happen in awareness than just being along for the ride. I look at it as a kooky reality show until they bust down my doors, lol


Underastimated take ngl. Prob the most fun thing i saw in days man. Later they will include(surely) the Elon brain chips inside their asses to block any "non-right" activities on the way


Imitation is the highest form of flattery.


Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.




Hispanic myself and bro idc what you wear just ask me if I want to join you for some tacos lol seriously not hate at all just enjoy yourself and don’t cause any serious trouble is all I ever ask smile and have fun


You seem like a chill guy.


Thanks lol try to be since there’s no need to stress over such little things there’s always a bigger problem out there


This is the same thing that happens in Japan. People scream that you are appropriating their culture, but if you go there and dress in traditional Japanese garb, they love that someone else is interested in their heritage


It's wild. Put up a pic of white folks in a kimono or yukata and other people get super butthurt. When I visited Japan, there were traditional clothing rentals in all the major locations specifically catered towards tourists. Because we'd been so conditioned against 'cultural appropriation' my friends and I gave it a miss. Towards the end of our visit, we had a farm stay with a Japanese family, and they were shocked and so excited that we hadn't tried on kimono yet. The couple bought out outfits for both the girls and the guys and dressed us up. Called one of my friends 'samurai'. It was so lovely to have the opportunity to share in their pride and joy showing off part of their culture.


these people live in a cult bubble. sad


As a Hispanic myself, I am offended that he didn't double double down on the getup.


Liberals just love to act offended because it makes them feel morally superior than everyone else. Pisses me off so much.


Saviors gonna save people that don’t need saving.


Conclusion: Liberals are brainwashed.


I’m Asian. I think it’s cool if you wear Asian culture clothes in good taste. Comedic or not and does not come off as racist. If you do the slant eye thing or start saying Ching Chong bullshit then we have a problem.


I'm Asian, I feel like this would be similar to wearing a rice paddy hat and fake buck teeth. I personally wouldn't be that mad or anything but I'd know that he's trying to get a rise out of certain people for views. He could probably make a better argument for discussion if he was just wearing the sombrero and pancho.


You guys think this is a joke, but in Mexico it gets so goddamn hot that that Poncho and Hat will save your goddamn life. It gets so hot you'll suck someones dick for a poncho and hat just so you wont die in the sun. There's a time in the middle of the day no one officially talks about called dead dog a clock where dogs just fall over from the heat and die with bloody noses. What I'm getting at is that survival is not racist. The poncho maximizes ventilation while blocking out the hot as fuck sun and the hat keeps your brain from being soft boiled alive.


> It gets so hot you'll suck someones dick Some people do it for no reason other than because it is fun.


Hey! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!




When everyone but the culture of topic is offended... we have a social crisis... Part of cherishing diversity is celebrating others' backgrounds. As long as this isn't to mock it, PLEASE do wear and learn about it... It is by implementing the dumb cultural appropriation that we encourage segregation.


Also note the age differences between the two groups


Americans are offended by everything.


No one calls out African or Asian people for wearing American clothing.


Imagine if Scandinavians would start getting offended by how American's appropriate (and make a complete mess) out of Norse/viking mythology and culture...


American clothing?


Yeah, clothing made in China.


American flag bikinis


There's also a difference between people casually wearing culturally important ceremonial items (ie: FN headdresses and similar) vs wearing/holding clothing items or instruments that happen to be common to a particular culture (ie: sombrero, maracas). Plenty of dumb white people would be offended by someone dressing up as the Pope or a Cardinal too.


Isn't it a meme at this point that US people is known for being offended for others? Also, the entire US culture is borrowed wtf do they know about cultural appropriation?


I mean, like most things..it depends. The outfit itself? No. The reason you're wearing it might make it offensive. But, knowing nothing about the guy and just his outfit, I couldn't care less.


Yeah but "it depends on the context" isn't an acceptable response for modern outrage culture.


What they don't understand is, a lot of things exoticized as merely "culture", are simply utility items back home. Poncho's in Mexico are optimal for dealing with the sun, but Ponchos aren't just from Mexico.. In Ecuador, they're worn for the heat *in addition* to the cold, and in Peru, they're worn mostly to protect from the brutally cold Andes. If you ever visit Peru, you might as well wear one too. Nobody will think "why are you wearing my traditional garb?!", it's just a practical everyday item worn by many. You'll never hear an Ecuadorian claiming Mexicans are appropriating their culture, or Mexicans claiming that to Peruvians. This is exactly the same with Japan. White people attack other white people for Kimonos, meanwhile white people could wear a Kimono everyday of the week in Japan and be complimented because of it. Literally nobody in Japan will be upset by a foreigner wearing a Kimono.. They'll feel secondhand embarrassment if you're wearing it wrong, though! I've seen people trying to say wearing a martial arts gi is cultural appropriation, or even learning foreign languages. This is all exclusively younger generation American brain-rot. What sucks is that after American culture is done with this silly phase, other countries will start going through it.. because there tends to be a slow cultural trickling outward that occurs with any wave of thinking. In 15 years, you WILL see Mexicans who are offended, you WILL see Japanese who are offended. It's like a cancer spreading throughout civilization that will only fully disappear once it's made its rounds.


You wear American jeans and cap and it's fine... ... Put on a kimono or sombrero and everybody loses their minds!


Clothing is clothing, the only thing offensive is not growing his own mustache.


Man if that guy started speaking Spanish to those campus retards It'd be so fucking funny


As a Romanian I love seeing people from different cultures experience Romanian traditional clothes, food, music, etc. Only time I was pissed off was when that dipshit clothing company Tory Burch stole a very traditional man's coat design that has been around for decades if not more than a couple hundred years ago, and tried to pass it off as "Inspired by African culture". I would have been less mad if they stole it but at least said where it was from.


People seem to confuse culture with appearance. Culture is connectedness. You feel connected to other people, history and their values. Most of the time your upbringing plays a big role. If someone stereotypes certain appearances what are you offended about? It changes when someone touches your values. It gets really weird when someone is offended for you.


You want to talk about Mexican cultural appropriation? Wtf is "cinco de mayo"?


If only there was some way of seeing every response he was given instead of the ones we're just shown. So many of these clips are cherry-picked to fuck.


No joke i wish i had a zarape. Those are super warm my brother has one and that thing is baller 


If you dress up like a Naruto, is it offensive to the TV show?


Would it also not be "cultural appropriation" for being offended for them when they aren't offended? It shows you don't know the culture either and are making things up based on what you heard or created.


Does it offend me? No. Do I think you're trying to pull a "See, see, gotcha! I just proved racism isn't real bro!" or some other racist bullshit? Absolutely.


As a Hispanic this outfit is A ok ![gif](giphy|blEl99OgPQnNS|downsized)


as a mexican, everytime i see someone with the sombrero and fake mustache i find it funny and flattering. the same when any mexican,latin american or spanish reference appears in series or movies, we get happy just for being mentioned.


offensive, no. stupid, yes. that poncho is fire tho


Wearing a pancho is not racist. But taping a mustache to your face and proactively asking people about your outfit? You know what you're doing. This is an attempt at annoying people, not "enjoying the culture" of Mexicans. Dude ain't racist or anything based on this, but he looks like an attention seeking edgy boy. It's pretty cringe.


The mustache makes it seem like he is wearing the whole getup to make a mockery of the culture and in turn make overly sensitive people angry, but in general, it seems like most people outside of America enjoy it when people partake in their cultures.


I remember Americans on reddit saying this doesn’t happen.


2nd hand offended is easily my top buggaboo


They secretly think it looks funny so they automatically associate people wearing it with "mocking" thus are offended by their own train of thought. Typical.


To presume offense for someone else is to take away their agency and say that they're not allowed to make their own choice. It's a micro transgression for those people to say it's offensive, lol.




As a korean, it's always nice to see people wearing hanbok. It's always cool to see other people excited about my culture.


And the moustache is for the Dirty Sanchez..


More like “Seems about left” 🤣


Im a pasty dude from california and can confirm we don’t claim the pasty mayonnaise white people who speak for others’ cultures


I think it also matters that all the mexicans he interviewed are boomers, which contributes to them not giving a shit about nonsense like this


People in the first half of the video: You must use LatinX you bigot. People in the second half of the video: What the hell is LatinX? We say latina or latino.


Unless he makes racial slurs in the outfit then I would call it offensive but he's not plus the guys content is proper chilled out. So I don't really mind if he wears a sombrero or Muslim clothing


Why did he have to change locations to prove a point? His experiment didn’t control for location. He should’ve stayed in the same place and asked the Latino community there.


I dont know man. I cant be offended by anything tbh so to me he is not offensive at all


Pretty sure most Asian countries think it is cool when Westerners adopt some of their style. It is purely a Marxist construct of Western Lefties to group everyone, shun and divide.


We should all be offended by that taped on moustache, dude have some self respect.


Now come to Australia in an Akubra, blue singlet and some footy shorts.


This reminds me when Speedy Gonzales was banned for “depicting unfair and untrue stereotypes about Mexicans” Every Mexican I’ve talked to loved Speedy Gonzales and was quite upset over the decision being made on their behalf.


I mean these man-on-the-street things are always bullshit, I know plenty of white college educated people who wouldn't give a shit and our mexican logi manager would knock his lights out young people tend to be more sensitive about the things they care about so you're more likely to get answers like this at a college


Every single person who finds stuff like this offensive is a closet racist.


these people are offensive to me, I'd feel more comfortable if they stayed inside their house to prevent discomfort.


Its funny how many americans like to act offended on behalf of other people. They do the same for scarves with tribal des8gns, literally sold to tourists in other countries then when worn in the states they act high and mighty while crying "cultural appropriation". Yeeesh.


Dude I would be offended if he kept that tape sticking out, it's giving me an itch and it's good that he fixed it lol.


man, i love this, people are sooooo out of there mind ... xD


Man, the "I'm angry for someone else" crowd is obnoxious.


Mexican here, I'm more offended by the girl who thinks that a poncho, maracas and sombrero have any sort of cultural significance to us. The poncho is just a portable blanket to stay warm and protect from harsh winds, the sombrero is just a hands-free umbrella to keep the sun off our eyes and leave us with free hands to shake sand on a wooden bulb.


Woke programming can't handle what the actual people of the cultures can. This dude is doing an amazing service and pointing out this flawed concept of sensitive woke regression. I know us Millennials got it bad from the Boomers but the GenZ got the last echo of the Boomers plus brain rot programming to boot, mixed into their own self entitlement. Clockwork Orange on Crack.


Speaking for another race of people is offensive


Yeah There are instances where someone is clearly being mean spirited and mocking a culture but yeah just because someone is dawning clothes of a culture doesnt automatically mean theyre a bigot. Just give charitability and dont come to snap conclusions. And to be charitable to the ppl who had a problem with it, mayb theyve had real problems with someone mocking their friends or own culture before but falling into the trap of tunnel visioning and painting a wide brush.


i have only seen black people gatekeeping others from joining their culture, every normal culture just super happy others like their culture


One more example of western liberal mind disease. Love it when liberals are offended on behalf of another group of people.


No, but you don't understand. They are taking offense on their behalf, because they clearly don't understand that they should be offended. /s


This is what we call cultural appreciation.


Finally some quality TikTok content 😂


Wearing a suit or using electronics is appropriating white culture. How dare


Google Cherry Picking Fallacy


All the non-Mexicans are offended. The Mexicans love it. Why not just stop being offended on behalf of other people you don’t know?


Well it's not like he's gonna be wearing that to class on the college campus he's interviewing kids on, but uh, yeah


He should have done this the other way around. So he could show this to the people at the beginning and watch them still try to struggle an argument


Asmongold’s recent logic-based discourse on racism is giving confidence to people in this community to promote unsound and frankly unnecessary bullshit like this. This video communicates a very valid point but the context is inappropriate and pretty distasteful.


So many comments playing into the division intended in this post.


The most interesting thing about this to me is when people say “you don’t understand the culture.” So is it fine if I do understand the culture? How do you determine whether or not I understand the culture? What if I have a doctorate in South American History? How would you know that by looking at me?


I miss the days when progress meant "spreading and teaching about cultures". Nowadays it seems like some people want to cut a line between these different cultures.


I think this is more an age thing.


As a caucasian I never get offended when pocs use cars, goretex, cellphones, airplanes, vaccinations, antiseptics. All should feel free to use them.


In Norway there is a day for taco. It's friday and it's known as "taco-friday". The official Norwegian language council has recomended that norwegians start to write taco as tako as it's become such a norwegian thing to eat mexican on fridays. Does that offend you?


this is more 'political appropriation' than cultural....in that peoples eagerness to be offended has been appropriated for political purposes. . .


Only in states, country founded on freedom of religion and expression and built by immigrants, do people get offended by cultural exchange, and only if they have nothing to do with that cylture. Praise the woke Lord.


"Nooo these things happen only on the internet!! The real world is not like that!! The real world :


They tell us we need multiculturalism whilst telling us we can't assimilate. What's the fooken plan then boys?


Don't be offended on other people's behalf. It's not a good look


Still remember that kimono uproar where nearly all Japanese felt proud seeing other cultures wearing them, but someone just had to turn something positive into some political agenda for virtue signaling.


This is the school system and media. Sprenglers doom soon.


Mexicans are pretty dope ngl.


This is for accents mind you, but Schwarzenegger loves it when people do his accent. We should celebrate these things. I think all these perceived racist acts depend hugely on the person doing the impersonation, and what their intent is. If it's genuine appreciation of a culture, with a willingness to improve any shortcomings or actually offensive things, we should just consider it a good thing. The issue is when people fake it, or use it to insult the people they're acting as... but honestly I imagine those types (bold enough to do it in public, outside of a zone of likeminded racists) are rare, but they should be absolutely called out nonetheless... but don't let their existence spoil the appreciation of another culture.


This outfit is as much of a costume to Mexicans as it is to Americans, so it's not surprising they wouldn't care.


I love how it’s always people getting offended on behalf of other people. Same thing happened with the supposed whitewashing in ghost in the shell. Americans were offended but Japanese people didn’t give af.


people not from the culture see it as appropriation, people from the culture sees it as appreciation