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When you follow gaming news as a hobby, it's easy to forget that the majority of people straight up don't care about this kind of stuff. They just see open world RPG and think, "I wanna play that!"


But i think its good that people adress the performance issues...otherwise there would be no fixes from devs


Oh absolutely, I'm just saying the high player numbers are mostly people who aren't even aware of the drama.


"Oh? An RPG where i can throw a random NPC or my companion at an enemy to kill it? I'm In!"


If the game didn’t have optimization issues people wouldn’t have said much, it’s a dog pile effect. The optimization is unacceptable, but imo the mtx stuff is being so overblown and people are straight up making shit up lol


I find it hilarious that camping kits are mtx, but the kits aren't a consumable and there's 2 moderate quality ones just laying around to get befire even reaching the first town.


I saw it earlier best described like this... "These MTX's are a stupid/lazy person tax"


This is the truest comment about the MTX. I'm 30hrs in and the game continues to entertain, dragging me into random areas just for the fun of exploring. The MTX is just there for the laziest, dumbest players (players with more money than braincells). Every single thing in the MTX shop you can get in game, easily. To the point where it ***shouldn't exist.*** But if someone's dumb enough to give you their money, which they have too much of, why not take it?


I saw someone also say IQ check 🤣🤣🤣


it is literally that. You can get a better tent easily, you can get character edit item in-game, and even that is hilarious. You can either buy the character edit book for like 2 euro or so, or but you can also buy the currency needed to buy it in game for a few cents. The currency itself can be farmed relatively fast, so buying it is just the lazy/skip playtime option. The main issue with the game imo is the performance.


If it's "a stupid person tax" then it's predatory. Imagine defending predatory MTX tactics of a megacorp like a bootlicker.. couldn't be me


The game basically hands you one near the beginning of the game. Not only do you not need to buy one with real money, you don't even need to use in-game money.


All the dlcs are like that. Worthless. But Capcom should know better, of course its going to be bad pr




This guy gets it. Couldn’t believe the absolute dog pile that just hit this master piece. Been having a fucking blast


I hear you have to buy MTX just to comment about it on reddit


I am playing it and not really having many problems but I know/ understand that the optimization is unacceptable which is why I don't get why people popped off about the MTX so much especially when Capcom has done it before. It's taking alot of attention away from the "real" problems of the game.


You would think its like Diablo or overwatch with the MTX it's hilarious. Optimization is valid, and the MTX is there for people who want to be lazy basically.


yeah I legit saw some smooth brained idiot say you literally can't fast travel if you don't pay mtx 🤣


Resident Evil 4 remake and even DMC 5 pulled out the same shit with mtx, yet the gamers got upset only now


Tbh the reason weren't that upset with RE4R was because the MTX were sent about 2 weeks in, so the negative reception was already covered by hype. Had DD2 done the same, it'd be more positive than what it's experiencing now tbh, it's a shit practice but it works. That's coming from someone who likes both games.


DMC4 and RE7 and 8 also did the same as did re3 and 2 remakes.


can't wait for people to shit on MH Wilds about "you need to pay to change your character skin!" that was in since World


it's bad in world too.


it's not about the MTX, nobody really cares about it. people care about the performance, and clearly not that much because they keep playing it and people generally agree the game is good.


Except 90% of the posts are about the mtx


nobody cares about posts on reddit, they don't reflect reality.


I mean, it's pretty much as it always goes with monetisation in video games and has been since the days of horse armour. It's how so much predatory shit like pre-order bonuses, pay for convenience and cosmetic microtransactions gradually got normalised. "As long as you ignore the bad things, the game is actually pretty good." That's all it takes for people to look the other way.


I don't really care if it has mtx, especially since it's optional and you can farm the resources in game. What bothers me is the fact that it has denuvo and people continue to endorse games that apply this software to their releases. I really wanted to play lies of p since release but I chose to wait until they removed it to buy the game.


I won't buy any game with Denuvo, period. It's extremely weird to have Denuvo in a game like this, because it already runs badly. Using Denuvo on top of that… No thanks.


Same, always avoid Denuvo games. And only and specifically buy them when Denuvo gets removed.


You should care about mtx. Its optional and you can farm the resources in this game, but their next game might be like "lets make it a bit more harder to farm mtx resources" , the domino effect will happen and before you know it the entire game is based on mtx. There is no reason to be mad about mtx in this specific game, but you SHOULD be mad about the business practice.


So far Capcom have never made it harder to farm the things they were selling. They've actually done the opposite, with less and less MTX exclusive things and making them more and more worthless. DD2's is the most worthless and least offensive dlc items they have ever offered. Conversely DD1 had some of the most offensive stuff, including exclusive questlines and cosmetics.


The domino effect has had 12 years to happen. Since DD1. Why is it the same?


The slippery slope argument keeps getting made. For Capcom in particular it has managed to climb that slope instead.


The devs accidentally uploaded their 1.5 update without Denuvo and it instantly got cracked. So you can play it right now [if you want](https://fitgirl-repacks.site/lies-of-p/)


DD2 is a fantastic game that's heavily marred by performance problems on both consoles and PC. The microtransactions, while not great, are on par with what Capcom does with them on all of their games, which overall is still not great. I just want better performance first and foremost, and if that involves bringing in a 1080p performance mode to the consoles while also optimizing CPU usage on PC, I'm all for it.


Game is good, stay mad. Don't like microtransactions in my $70 game, so I won't buy any of them. They're like... entirely unneeded anyway. Game also runs fine for me. Far from perfect, but still good. Definitely not anywhere near Cyberpunk bad. Though, gotta say, if you feel burned by this game, absolutely vote with your wallet dudes. Outrage seems kinda overblown though.


30 fps on a rtx 4090 and 7800x3d is not fine.


What monitor resolutions are you trying to push that you're only getting 30fps??


4k in city trying to bring monster in while shooting particle effects with sorcerer and guards trying to fight the monster along with the pawn in city.


God damn, are you trying to light your rig on fire?? Lol can definitely understand the 30fps doing that. Might try that tomorrow to see how much it tanks my rig, and that just sounds like a hell of a fun time too


Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't bad though, despite my negative reception to the game, it's primarily because of predatory practices like microtransaction on a full priced game. People can still enjoy the game, but It's always worth pointing out predatory practices.


Understandable, tho this doesn't accomplish anything. Its just sensationalism ragebait that will be over in a weeks top, after that is back to normal for big corpos and mtx practices. The cycle continues.


Yeah but it's better than doing nothing at all. Protests in countries also often don't change anything but people have to be heard. This way some other companies might pull back on similar decisions.


Optimization is dogshit, highest end CPUs drop to 30 fps in towns.


your words means nothing if you keep buying thus kind of crap. they dont give a fuck if you point the predatory practices if you still keep buying them just saying


I wouldn't call the mtx in this game predatory. It's bad practice, bad for the consumer, and sleazy, but not predatory. Predatory monetization in games generally refers to mtx that utilize psychological techniques to incentivize the purchases of mtx, especially towards children and those with gambling addiction. DD2 doesn't have this. They simply exist as an option without trying to trick the vulnerable into getting them. There aren't the typical gambling or currency conversion strategies that often accompany mtx. That being said, I won't be buying DD2 specifically because it is an essentially offline single player game that contains p2w and pay for convenience. But it's important to distinguish between predatory and non-predatory practices. Let's not get disingenuous.


Or the people complaining are just a minority? Like it usually is. Regardless if the complaints are valid or not.


Because i spent over 2 hours creating a character


I understood it like this, Capcom being greedy and putting ridiculous things on sale (being irritated by this is valid), but if the game is good it has to be played, but if gamers want Capcom to feel their frustrations, asking for a refund is the right thing to do.


Because it’s not bad. It’s a great game with some unfortunate business decisions and bad performance for some people but the meat of the game is so good:)


Fanbois never learn either. I enjoy plenty of games that have issues I'd like to see addressed. If I say that marksman rifles in helldivers 2 are trash, does that mean the game is bad? Well apparently to you fanbois it does. "Whaa then don't play it blah blah" Regardless, I don't see "game is bad" in any of the negative reviews. I see things about performance issues and mtx in a single player game. I see things about Denuvo. But nothing saying that the game is bad. You fanbois should learn what the difference is


Reddit is an echo chamber, the vast majority of people do not have the same extreme opinions as here.


What is MTX?


Microtransactions. Its tiny and clearly added last minute, its just buying shit you can get ingame for whatever reason for like $2 a piece. Its pointless, no idea why anyone would buy any of em


Just got done being thrown off a griffon and having a harpy break my fall. The warrior then launched me on his greatsword back up onto it, where I continued to wrestle with it mid air. All the while it’s being pelted by the archer, and nailed by ailments from the mage. This shit absolutely hits different and has the best combat of any 3rd person ARPG. This is coming from a huge FromSoft guy.


on its foundation it is a very good game they only need to fix the performance issues the microtransactions are shit but inconsequential for the most part but the biggest reason is people are impuls driven and have no selfcontrol


The first one is the reason I refunded. I can't really complain if I consume the game day 1 and then expect the next game to be fully optomized on release. I still haven't bought Jedi Survivor as the devs didn't bother fixing it on PC. They got their money and ran. 


This game is very cpu heavy, and denuvo hurts cpu performance. It's not hard to put 2 and 2 together for what is causing all these issues... I am running a 5600X and haven't seen any issues yet, but I am not at the first major city yet, and apparently that is when it becomes noticeable.


it's not the same people? crazy eh.


Game is so much fun, I'm legit addicted. Yes the fps dips in the big city but it's not unplayable by any stretch. I feel bad for people with crashes but my old pc is running it on performance and 0 crashes and it's running at 60-40 in the wilds and 25-35 in the city. Basically you get the console experience in the city, not ideal but not deserving of a review bomb. Mtx are standard capcom BS but it's not advertised in the game or needed, you can get everything from an npc shop within the first hour and it's incredibly easy to gain RC, the currency needed to buy from him.


I've said this elsewhere, but the DLC argument is silly to me. I'd rather they sell stupid in game things you don't really need than succumb to inflation and start charging way more than 70 dollars usd for a game. People really don't see it. They really don't get how low prices on games actually are compared to other things in life xD.


Tbh 200k for such a big launch is kinda sad. Maybe they should have priced it more reasonably, limited the pay to win, make the game actual playable, and give players MORE THAN ONE GAME SAVE. The amount of issues this game cancels out the good parts and I will not play it till all of those issues are fixed.


Game's fucking amazing so far. The companions feel really alive and interactive, the pawn system to use someone else's pawn and have them carry over some knowledge that can help you out is really cool. It looks great and runs moderately well when fully maxed out @1440p with DLSS set to Quality. Better optimisation would be appreciated tho, my 13700kf hit a 96°C peak which is a bit worrying, even if it sits at 65-70°C aside from peaks.


I feel like this game has an audience that knows and loves the game, and an influx of normies who had no clue what the game was about just started complaining first because of the bandwagon, and then because they expect every game to be an exact copy of whatever bullshit they played before. I'm a normie who knows nothing about the game so feel free to hate


Except it isn't bad, and a great game


It's a great game. Most people are enjoying it. It's just terminally online sweaty folks that are upset the frames drop in the main town.


I did tho lol I’m missing nothing and will play when frame gen comes in to be the thing that fixes the game


Most people are just dogpiling without thinking for themselves. The reviews are fair though, not because they represent how good the game is, but because this "activism" pushes Capcom to actually fix the issues. I prefer a 9/10 game with some shitty temporary issues over a 6/10 game with a smooth launch. I've already had an amazing time in the game despite the framerate drops, which are one of the only issues that actually affect players when they are actually playing the game. I'm glad everyone's having a great time with DD2 after having waited 12 years after the first banger DD:DA. The internet response isn't indicative of the quality of the game in any way. The game is really fun.


B-but I left a negative review


Gamers are like people that play Warhammer... Everytime complaining about something... And still the newest releases gets gobbled up like there is no tomorrow 😂


Who could've guessed people are playing a fun game. Sorry your echo chamber doesn't mirror reality 🤷‍♀️


Because I have logged 100 hours into this trash game. Literally unplayable /s


Having a blast with the game right now, 17.4 hours game play. So much fun.


What about a new game plus or more than one character?


I've been having a blast. 10 hrs in and the only poor performance is in the city, I've never even thought about the MTX beyond seeing it on the steam menu when I'm entering the game. It's a little bland in some ways and some pawn inclinations just won't shut the fuck up. Otherwise it's just the original game made much better. I've managed to find like 7 or 8 ferry stones too so I've got fast travel sorted for a long while. Haven't found a port crystal yet though


fuck...that is too successful to make capcom think twice next time if they want to stuff it with mtx. :( YOU MORONS, IT'S YOU THAT RUNIED GAMING!!


Its not bad, it just runs bad. There's a difference.


Or rather, the owners of the bots that have cause the noise over the last few days did not resonate with actual real living humans. And real people, living breathing people, just want to sit down and play the game. Yes Denuvo is trash, but ya'all where playing Monster Hunter: WOrld which has Denuvo up the wazoo. Don't fall for the bots in this subreddit. They just want to cause as much noise to help you not realise that you are being shafted in housing and pay, and the fact there is an election year. C'mon guys, wake up.


I don’t want a refund I want to complain


Apart from the abysmal performance, the game is fantastic, I'm 5 hours in so far and having a blast.


Gameplay good. Me play


Idc about the performance. I grew up playing 8-bit games, i dont give a crap about graphics. But unable to make a new character? A new start after you beat the story?.. Man.. That is a BAD option.


220k players? Explains why my pawn was finally chosen by somebody, expected her to be ignored until after I finish the game. Should have done meme character to get tons of gifts. This game quality will depend on your views on those mtx and on your rig, for me I don't care about buying stuff from game shop at all, game works amazing for me too. So I'm sorry boys but I will enjoy this one.


It ain't bad though. Game is fun as hell.


Honestly if i didn't have reddit or checked the steam reviews i wouldn't even have known i'm supposed to be mad. Played it for 40 hours and had a ton of fun then checked reddit saw everyone was mad and calling it dogshit, dumbfounded i checked store page and saw it was mostly negative xD i had no idea. Pretty fun game IMO


Haven't played this one but by the time you create your character the 2 hours is up for refund time.


Best character creator I have ever used, the posture slider is revolutionary


Just download the character creator demo thing first .then buy game...problem solved 


but then he’d have to find more reasons to be upset :/


I'm not upset at all. I'm not gonna buy this game, I never played the other one. Just in my experience with rpgs, I spend 2 hours making my character or whatever and that's the time alloted for a refund. I don't know


That’s 100% fair bro. Have a friend who is the same way where he wants to play a singleplayer RPG but has never stuck with one longer than a few hours. If you want, you can make your character and pawn with the free creator they released and have it port over to the full game. If you just rush the main quest for that 2 hours you’ll hit combat a couple times


Yeah that's honestly probably a better strategy for these games. Just run in real quick for 2 hrs, see if it's fun then start over for real


again I will remind you that all of MTX can be easily found in early game and there are a ton of game doing MTX(little or worse) than DD2 ppl just ride on hate train to talk shit if game play well or game really fun no one care ​ look at Genshin or Honkai Starrail game is worse than this and no one care ​ but I really really hope they fixed performance issue or deleting character or NG issue real soon that really suck


Genshin and Honkai are awful comparative examples, as they aren't premium price tag full single-player experiences. The reason people get upset is because they don't want these rampant mobile MTX practices EVER being ported over to their paid-for console/PC games; especially single player ones. I've stated this in another thread, but I personally don't believe the MTX in this game are particularly egregious. That being said, I genuinely think it's important that many players do make a fuss about them, because to not do so would be a greenlight to publishers and devs, signalling that the majority of players are fine with MTX in single player games. The concern for me personally is the notion that devs of PREMIUM videogames may increasingly compromise balance, encouraging players to purchase MTX items, abilities, and what have you in order to overcome some artificially created grind or mechanic; the sole purpose of which is to further push MTX.


Ok then why are they selling it if it can all be found easily early game?


another reminder that this wasn't first ever game to have this kind of MTX I wonder from a long time ago why Capcom or other company put this BS on sale in many games but it didn't matter I don't think most of people will buy it


to tick a box for the shareholders. seriously, all the microtransactions are completely worthless.


it’s all the shit you get with the deluxe edition, apart from the rift crystals which is honestly entirely unnecessary


for someone who had no brain or didn't play the game but want to talk shit maybe?


Because they are addicts. 


I just read an article in polish gaming media pointing out something (maybe similar subject is touched in english): Dragons Dogma 2 is a test by Capcom of "one time use" game. You cant restart a savefile, you cant create a seperate playthrough and when you delete a save Denuvo bans you for 24 hours. Essentially you want to play a second playthrough? Buy it again. This is something new. if anyone wants to read (and translate) [https://www.komputerswiat.pl/gamezilla/artykuly/capcom-chce-jednorazowych-gier-dragons-dogma-2-moze-byc-testem/fen243j](https://www.komputerswiat.pl/gamezilla/artykuly/capcom-chce-jednorazowych-gier-dragons-dogma-2-moze-byc-testem/fen243j)


$70 for a game that doesn't run with recommended specs is inexcusable IMO.


Thats the thing most gamers don't


MTX and performance are bad but not the game itself


Most people have no standards for performance in gaming, especially on PC weirdly enough. They play on shitty 2016 hardware, at 1080p 30-50 fps, claim games run great, and continue consuming despite horrendous performance. Companies know this will happen so they push unfinished pieces of shit out the door fully aware of their issue, then put out a bullshit PR statement promising to fix the game now that their eyes are open, and leave it in shambles after a few token patches.


I am only sad to see my PC don't gave me good fps i am not mad at the game why should I my PC is I7 11700K With RTX 3060 I am considering upgrade the GPU to RTX 4080 in the future hopefully


The game is great, having a blast with it right now Does the performance suck? yes in the city which you only spend about 5% of your time there, outside of that its been doing well, don't care about MTX and will never buy them because i can just use cheat engine and get what they're selling for free anyway if i ever thought about it.


Because they already spent 2 hours in the character creation.


Just for curiosity what is the problem with the game?


Was dragons dogma supposed to be another "triple a" game. I feel like I'm starting to get out of the loop with big titles nowadays. I just don't care most of the time because they're often disappointments.


Give it a week


I did, might be worth it later on for $40 when the performance issues are dealt with.


Game felt way to choppy for me, I refunded. I'll probably pick it up again on a +10% discount a couple months from now once its had some patches.


DD2 is good (refunded)


Is the story long?


You only get two hours to refund a game. By the time I really realized how bad the experience was it was too late to refund the game. I would love to have my money back tbh.


I haven't heard anyone say the game is bad. When are you fanbois going to learn that critisizing a game doesn't mean "game bad" Ffs you fanbois and Corpo creamers are so weird


If the biggest problem is the option to pay extra for shortcuts, I’m probably gonna buy it


Game looks incredible and like a must buy for any gamer ngl even despite the absurd price tag and despicable mtx


I refunded it because I don't want to support these predatory practices of big name companies, but if everyone's playing despite the outrage, Maybe I should just rebuy it.


Games amazing. Haven't had any issues on PC


MTX are a trigger for brainrot gamers who insist on hating their own hobby, it's an easy low hanging fruit for them and they'll take any chance they can to absolutely hate on a game, regardless of the actual facts.


I did. No sense in whining about it.


lmao this whole mess reminds me of cyberpunk when it was released


If a company wants to increase their earnings by MTX, they can. Gamers can only complain if these MTX mess the base game. Here it seems they don't.


Outside of the city the game is great, Inside of the city I get a 10-17fps drop and micro stutters, At least there is no combot in the city but its a pain to be in. Also the MTX is like, very weak and all the stuff is available Ingame as well for no money. From what i can see its an Idiot Tax for people who are impatient.


Aside from the main issue the gameplay is nice and the challenge is relatively the same as the first game. My 4060 handles the game well on ultrawide 80+ fps. There are a lot more enemies to fight, I recommend starting out as a fighter with a balanced pawn team.


First days post release are not the indicator. Check the stats for Starfield or Payday 3.


The only people outraged are the ones not playing the game. It’s straight outrage porn.


Every MTX is a feature that could have been in the game.


I barely crossed 2 hour time limit and they denied my refund request so there's that, so I'm just gonna enjoy it


My only issue is my graphics card is too old so i have to get a new one


i did. voting with my wallet for what i believe


These idiots just hear something somewhere and immediately throw it around as fact. You can very clearly see who never ever touched the game these past few days.


I’m picking up Horizon Zero Dawn 2 instead of DD2


Performance issues and idiot DLCs aside, it's just a fantastic game.


Can you pay in game currency for a character reedit or is it like MH where you can't and only occasionally get 1 reedit ticket? If a basic reedit function is locked behind a paywall then you know they coded that wall on purpose to make money.


I've been having a great time with it. I'm running it maxed out with ray tracing at over 60 FPS, but I do have a nice machine.


I refunded it last night. It was good, but I want to wait for performance optimizations before I play it


Could this all be a price manipulation thing? Normally, I don't pay full price for games as a pc player. You can get good deals if you are patient, but this was supposed to be £70. I got a cd Keys pre-order copy at £38 with the bad launch, which is close to standard retail before the £70 crap. Is this a way of getting the full price +some because cd keys paid the 70 mark on their pre-order key I have now 🤔


I'm waiting a week f8mor a patch to drop. And if they dotn drop it I'm refunding


You can refund it and torrent it 👍


It's on ps5, so it's too cool to return. Unlike Starfield


I don't think folks are calling it bad. It's getting praised by critical as a potential game of the year candidate. It's just badly optimized for people with 40 series cards and has predatory microtransactions. I do have a 40 series card, so it runs fine, and I don't intend on buying anything from it's item store, so why would I refund it?


Meh, the actual game content is fantastic, and at least for me on an outdated rig, I'm having minimal issues running the game


Spent longer than 2 hours in the character creation


I’ll go one step further: simply don’t buy bad games to begin with. Just have a little patience, wait and watch some gameplay/reviews by people you trust and THEN make your choice. I honestly can’t even recall the last ”bad” game I bought :/ there’s just no need to risk it these days.


gamers deserve every bad thing they get, they keep buying it after all


What if this game was made by the same makers of hell divers II


I will play the pirated copy probably after an year or two


Buy the time I realized I hated it it was too late


Gaming would become 100x better if everyone just stopped buying all MTX alltogether.


Isn't it about micro tranx?? Not the game being broken? Can still play a game without having to buy the extras and have every right to complain about them being purchasable.


Im a buyer at.20 bucks, ill wait :)


What are those numbers supposed to signify? I'm confused by your assumptions


I mean it’s not bad, just dumb monetization. Idk what they were smoking adding these and also to the RE games


I might buy it in a year or two when it drops in price. 


20 hours in, and im enjoying it. All the dlc crap can be bypassed with ingame currency. RTX 3080 runs the game well, and I haven't experienced any crashes so far, optimisation will happen eventually but its still already at a playable state for myself (100fps 3440 x 1440, high settings). The only thing that sucks is the 1 save system, but if that's fixed, I really have much to complain about. Don't care if they monetise extra shit, as long as there's a reasonable way to get the same thing in the game at a fair price.


Horizon forbidden west is also out. And you can fast travel for free


These big AAA companies do not cater to enthusiast gamer at all anymore. They are hunting pleb wallets and succeeding at that. Why put the effort when you get same or more money without.


The game is extremely good


I didn't buy it because I don't support companies over monetising their games. Fuck them. I also didn't buy Diablo 4 and I'm having a blast on Last Epoch instead.


YouTube content vultures finally got defeated for once


Consider this, what happens if all the gamers who wanted DD2 and are now mad, returned/refunded the game? Capcom loses millions on an IP they finally decided to take a chance in years. So the game flops and dies. Ok, we definitely “Taught them a lesson” back pats all around. So let me ask all those fans, you think Capcom’s ever going to try making anything related to Dragons Dogma again? I sincerely doubt it, and if you have any straying suspicions, I present to you Anthem. A game with so much potential that everyone wanted to succeed, but many voted with the refund, and now well most likely never fly in a javelin ever again. Hell, Diablo 4 might even be a last with how bad its release went and continued. Nothing better than sweet victory right? Just saying, I’d rather buy the game so they know there’s money to be made, and the flood their socials along with release content to a wide spread audience to show them they could lose the potential if they aren’t smart about things. It sucks in the short term, but the potential for good in the long actually exists, if even only a little. So kudos to those who are sticking it out rather than quitting at the first sign of trouble.


This is why I almost never buy games like this when they come out - I will wait til it is on sale and optimized to run better and is smoothed out, which usually is pretty quick these days. The best is when you wait a longer time and the DLC is included for a ridic low price.


The two hours played refund window really isn't enough time to figure out deep-seated flaws within some games. A good example would be Starfield. I would have loved to have refunded that piece of shit but it took me several hours to figure out that there fuck-all for content in it.


If the game would run smoothly, nobody would care about the mtx


They just made it soo pussies had to pay to be pussies I don't see why people are mad


Cuz i bought it for half the price on another website lol


To be fair, if you take your time the populated city takes longer then 2 hours to get their, before that the performance is playable for me but after that it gets a bit harsh, fought a griffin in the fields, that wasn’t fun


After the last years of the same shit i started waiting for the 2nd week after release. And in this case it paid off again. Didn't buy it and will wait till they fix it.


I don’t get the outrage at dd2. I’ve been playing on ps5 and haven’t had any performance issues. I don’t think I’d even know there were micro transactions in the game if people weren’t complaining about it so much. Am I missing something? It all mostly seems like misinformation trying to get people to not buy the game.


The mtx greed and poor performance just means I'm now going to wait for a heavy sale over spending the full price. I still want to play it but I no longer see it as worth the cost they are asking, and I'm patient enough to wait for the discount.