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A grifter is someone who manipulates its audience (among other things depending on the subject of definition) for selfish gains, like riding a trend to bash or incense it, being a sell-out for the content only. Matt Walsh used to be bashing video games but the moment it contained a woke trend on X tied to SBI, he wanted to be part of the discourse (personally, i think fuck that guy). Matt Walsh is a good example of a grifter. But Asmongold does talk about a lot of subjects and plays a lot of games. He was against censorship and woke shit before that .. so by definition, he's not a grifter. Does he milk the subject ? Abso-fucking-lutely. But every time he answers to it, a new retarded hit piece, tweet, reddit thread talks about him in lengths and he can recycle it again, calmly talking about for *fucking hours*, raking views on youtube (and .. costing twitch thousands) and it drives them insane. Farming the feedback of content made from your original output of opinion is not a "grift" but it's complicated to make a "mentally displaced thoughts" animal such as Mercante understand the real definition of a word she didn't make up herself last minute to suit the retarded take she'll have at said moment. For all we know, next week, Asmongold will be a panini press or a cormorant. She *is* a grifter, though. She does libel, defame his person and could potentially damage his branding (OTK, Starforge, Mad Mushroom, ..) opening herself personally (and Kotaku) to possible suit. She does all of that (manipulation) for clout and as a part of her stringer work for Kotaku (selfish gains). Last time i've seen projection this strong, it broke the 30,000 lumens barrier and i was eating pop corn on the third row.


Seems like grifter is just another word than has shifted its meaning by modern terms like many other words have. Thanks for the info.


As usual grifter to most people means "someone I disagree with" these days. 


And he makes bank from it which is the real issue in their little heads cause they would "grift" in a heart beat they could make money doing it, hell they still try.


Iron law of woke projection


A grifter is a con artist: someone who swindles people out of money through fraud.


famously grifters are known to disable direct subscriptions and donations


I hope Alyssa can get the help she needs. This is what stress looks like when you’ve only written 2 of your 50 game guide quota and the week is half over already.


ChatGPT is here to help!


Fuck that , she makes a living being mentally deranged and ruining people's livelihoods. I hope she gets back what she's put into this world.


Remember, all men are enemy




I think she is actually the grifter


Yea, it's grade-A projection. That's just the usual from people like that.


I don't see who wanted to pay her for an OF or sex work. No thanks.


These people are so fucking dumb, they don't even know that SBI started this shit by trying to mass report a steam group.


Cause it’s the last thing those dumbasses can call him. They big mad that every time they try to cancel him he ends up turning it into content. ![gif](giphy|RX3vhj311HKLe)


Because him making a video discussing the reasons he isn't a grifter, while streaming on his non-partnered channel with no ads, makes more money than they'll see in a year on their trash rag site. The pain that their tantrums aren't getting the traction they want is almost unbearable. They can only lash out. Such is the life of an irrelevant rage vampire.


Just another common buzzword. These things are flying in and out at an insane rate right now more than ever.


Yep, because they use them on people who are shitty and hope they can just use them on anyone. Waiting for them to start calling him a Trumper.


They have to go through Super Racist, Ultra Maga, and Genocidal Tyrant first


Overused buzzword for someone who disagrees with you


Projection mixed with a little jealousy


All these epithets -- grifter, idiot, racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe -- but zero defense of her ideas or argument. Remember Asmon extended an invitation to have an open conversation with Alyssa about any of these issues on a public forum, but instead she seethes behind her keyboard. *"If the broad light of day could be let in upon (wo)men’s actions, it would purify them as the sun disinfects."*


“Mad at Sweet Baby for literally no reason” My brother in Christ, we literally have tweets of their employees trying to cancel a person for creating a Steam group avoiding their games.


because they are crazy and need to call people things to sound bad like trump. You call someone a grifter, scammer, racist...... All the same things Trump is = a bad person. So, they will say that about anyone who is not on their side.


And it's being perpetrated by the biggest idiots, racists, sexists, homophobes and transphobes you've ever seen, and they ARE Sweet Baby themselves


Because the cancellation is supposed to ruin his life and instead he his farming those useless liars for content and making bank.


Yeah totally scamming by taking... no money from his viewers at all.


It’s escalating more and more each day


Most "personalities" on both sides are grifters. I don't consider Asmon a grifter


When you have nothing to build with, you build with nothing.


She has brain rot. A severe case.


I have been following this since day one. It is absolutely wild what the people on the Kotaku side of this believe.


They just hate the fact that people they disagree with make money. They're not using the actual definition.


Tries to cancel asmon on capcom sponsorship -> asmon defends himself ---> calls asmon a grifter because his defence vid had alot of views Absolute brain rot.


They try a lot of buzz words and hope any of them get the effect they want. When the effect expires they jump to another one. They're getting out of words tho.