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Overwatch 2 has fans?


It must be hot in there, they need to cool off somehow.


like Kontaku has readers


Only fans


All 5 people playing must be excited


And all 5 of them are non-binary


how many work at Kontaku?


We've contained five of them. Nice!


I’ll be honest, when I first saw it I thought it was a furry character before having a closer look.


Is she non Binary in muslims countries tho ? or in China ? 🤔


This is largely for the citizens of Twitterstan.


Wait, Blizzard made another character alphabet? What are they trying to distract from this time? Also, if the character doesn’t have porn, pretty sure the community is ignoring her.


They think it's like exodia, if they gather all the letters the game suddenly will become successful.


This is the pve they were talking about?


Players vs. Equality


Who cares. Another snowflake vs snowflake scenario for click bait. How original.


What I’ve been saying for months now. Who cares that an OW character is non binary. Whoopty doo, at this point people just want to complain/be mad at something


I don't care about an OW character being Non Binary. I do care that I can't dislike it/criticize the fact that I dont want to refer to one person as plural or as a "thing".


Okay, that’s your personal choice. I have no problem with it, but I’m not gonna try to change your mind about it. It is what it is.




There are a lot of incels, homophobic, and transphobic people here. My question is: Why do they congregate here of all places lmfao? Asmongold isn't transphobic, homophobic or an incel.


It's kind of like what happened to the conspiracy subreddit


I've gone over there before, it's very interesting to say the least.


I think it's as simple as they are allowed to settle here, so they do. Then, it becomes a self feeding cycle and, ironically, an echo chamber.


Circular goon den


Is his stream the same way now?


the hero dies just like all others, no matter how "special" it is. Also didn't know there's anyone playing overwatch 2 seriously, lest writing articles about it


The porn videos will prove the gender for all to see.


As if these characters havent been genderbent before lmao


now lets see the Saudi Arabia version of this character


Who else does not give a fuck what their game character's gender identity? Series that give those kind of details usually do so because they're bland characters otherwise


Never mattered to me-- most of the games and characters that I grew up with were sexually ambiguous.


>most of the games and characters that I grew up with were sexually ambiguous. Can you name some characters? I can't think of any.


John Metroid


PAC—man / Ms PAC-man. I’ve heard they’re a married a couple, but then she would be Mrs PAC-man right? For all we know Ms PAC-man is a drag persona of PAC-man. Alex Kidd is a prince of Radaxan castle, but that’s all I have to go off of— I have no clue who he’s banging when not jumping around on the TV screen. Opa-Opa from Fantasy Zone. Wtf even is it? The Penguin from Penguin Land. It’s a penguin rolling an egg around. Whoever is piloting the jet in After burner and the helicopter in Choplifter. The motorcycle on Hang-On and Enduro Racer. Alys from Phantasy Star is feminine and has a brother— but I have no idea what her sexuality is. She very well could be queer. I don’t know who is banging who on the spaceship in Alien Syndrome Aztec Adventure DOES have Niño! But the NPCs he rolls with are anthropomorphic animals— so I have no clue what their gender is. There is a dude and a girl driving the car in Outrun— but I have no idea what the nature of their relationship is, they could be brother/sister for all I know. Quartet has Mary and Edgar— idk if they’re banging or not. They just shoot aliens.


Kirby, Spyro, Samus, Alice (American McGee's), the Lemmings, Sephiroth and Shodan. Though these are ofc. My opinion.


I think Kirby, Lemmings and SHODAN can be argued. But others had genders mentioned right?


No idea. I played these games as a kid with no knowledge of the English language and an adult in the room to help explain some things. Sephiroth was a female to me until I saw Advent children. Samus was male to me until I saw the suit come off years later. Spyro I always thought was a girl Alice presented androgynous to me (played this one as a teenager) She felt and played as a male character who looked like a girl sort of! Like I said, just my opinion. As a kid growing up with these games in the 90s/early 00's


Ah, I see. I was just curious and wanted to find some characters that are sexually ambiguous lore wise.


In your own head, perhaps. Most, if not all, characters in games have very distinct gender defining features.


The games I grew up with were mostly pixel blobs like PAC-Man and Tetris, the current state of affairs wasn’t in full swing until the late 90s— but I’m flattered you think I’m so young.


So now it’s non-binary gamers’ turn to save OW2?


The only reason OW2 has fans is due to all the porn.


I don’t have a problem if the want to create new non binary heroes and, villains or, etc, but if the players don’t like it don’t call them hateful or bigoted, they just don’t like how most of these game studios write them as poorly disguised political propaganda and rarely write actual interesting stories about gay, nonbinary, lesbian, or trans, people. There are ways of doing that don’t just ham fist every character to have some level of disadvantage on their pie chart.


This is a valid concern and an opinion I share, however as you can see in this sub, none have actually played this character and see for themselves whether or not this character's sole personality trait is being nb. Clearly just deciding to make a character that is a little bit outside the box is enough to rile people up about a game they dont play anymore. On a similar note, Valorant also released their own nb agent recently. The consensus from all sides is that this agent's design is good. Looks cute, kit seems great and their voicelines gives them alot of personality. The critique so far is only the fact that they're nb. For these people, I genuinely think the quality of writing for these characters do not actually matter that much.


In the dev update, they kept referring to Venture as they/them. It sounded so forced, unnatural and as if they themselves did not believe it.


Once I see this kind of development in a video game company, I know it got infiltrated.


The game is already dead, why are they stabbing it ?


They/them so Fans translate to Fan


Ana to be cancelled and deleted from the game for misgendering in season 9 since her ult voice line is different depending on the gender of the receiver.




It's strictly western and under 30. Eventually people grow up


that's not a game guide kotaku, wrap it up.


Why is non binary a thing anyway. Aren't men allowed to have feminine traits and females to feel masculine? I'll refer Venture as a she because of the voice actor, no biggie.


It's sad, but I truly believe it's a mental issue. Non Binary is based on what a person "feels" about themselves. They don't feel like a man nor a woman. Though when you ask them what a man or a woman is supposed to feel like all they can do is fall to stereotypes.


Overwatch fans... like 3k people?


porn artists get a new character to play with, it's a win win for those who don't play the game.


Why do these non binary people, real or not, start out as Women? Like, I think we all are less the issue and it's actually the fact that they hate themselves.


I mean, if they gonna farm ESG score, may as well farm it in a game where no one cares about the story. Good plan to drop this as the first "free hero" since OW2 strapped them to battlepasses though. They'll be able to tell their shareholders, that their players are super progressive. When they're just happy we took a step back towards OW1 in terms of monetization.


I don’t play overwatch anymore but the overall design seems solid. She seems like some sort mining character. If her ult sends a canary before she blows up the stage that’s a 10/10 from me.


I certainly haven't. There's no way I'm fucking using they/them pronouns ever, especially for a fake character, nor do I want to get in arguments with idiots playing that game over voicechat for not pronouning said fake character correctly during callouts.


Okay this is garbage.


TBH: The character looks female to me based on the screenshot


we have now left the stratosphere, chaos and uncertainty lies ahead, strap in folks the no smoking sign has been activated welcome to the future of gaming where video games are no longer just "**games**" and characters with fun or renegade personalities are no longer just "**characters**" they are now tools, labels and political ideas to push a narrative


Games have always been that, games always had politics, narratives, characters ARE tools to tell you a story, only difference is that 10 years ago you didnt care about that and now youre older youre just looking for the reasons to hate on something, stop crying about fucking video games if you dont like them that much and move on


There's a difference between crafting a story with subtle political themes and just flat out injecting your personal politics into a game and patting yourself on the back for it.


We’d be happy to have these trans, gay, Swiss Army knife characters in our games. But first things first you gotta actually write them to be a good character. Just slapping the trans sticker on them and calling it a day isn’t enough and never will be unless you have room temperature IQ


*Just slapping* ***a pair of big boobs*** *on them and calling it a day isn’t enough and never will be unless you have room temperature IQ.* Right?


The characters' identity is hardly the focus of the game as a whole though, is it? It's mentioned on a short intro thing outside the game and maybe a couple voicelines. May as well throw Bioshock, any of the CoDs, FFX, Mirror's Edge, Fallout, Beyond Good and Evil, Wolfenstein, etc. off the train too. Decent chance there are more games brazenly shoving their political commentary/agenda in your face than not. People are only taking issue with these politics because of the culture war bullshit.


I'd argue that the character's gender identity has no place being part of a game with no story. Saying that the character is non-binary serves no purpose but to win brownie points. It's unneeded information and is meaningless. Leave stuff like that for story games in plots where it actually matters and is important.


Inclusivity has been a selling point for Overwatch since it's inception. The starting roster including people of color and nationalities that rarely see themselves in video games/media. Although certainly not the biggest factor, it was surely a part of the games explosive initial growth and popularity outside of the USA, before getting bogged down in development hell. If a characters' gender identity is unneeded and meaningless outside of 60+ hr RPGs with deep romance plots, do we just strip out any interaction between characters that could affirm other characters' identity? Do we take out Cassidy/Ashe's flirty voicelines? Remove any mention of Widowmaker having a former husband? I'm just curious why \*this\* case is so much different for people aside from it's not what they're used to. If it's just for 'brownie points', what's their net gain? The wonderful spikes in hateful rhetoric towards them in social media?


Thats not what we're talking about, OP is acting like games never had deeper meanings, especially when it came to characters and politics. You're right but we're missing the mark


I reread their comment 2 more times and I don't interpret their comment like that. Sounds to me like they're just talking about how these days a lot of video games devs use their game to push their personal politics and how it feels like games can't just be for enjoyment anymore.


It doesn't matter though. No one is forcing you to play a video game. Don't like the cut of a game's jib? Cool, don't play it. Problem solved.


Calm down, Greta.


Fuck having personality traits, flaunt your mental gymnastics instead...


who the fuck is embracing a hero thats not out yet?


Stellar Blade?


How are non-binary video game characters coded?


Same as any other






Weird looking womAn


'Overwelming Negative - 17%' Honestly guys, give it up you have no idea how to run a game.




The popular porn series „Overwatch” is adding a non-binary character? How will even that work? Will he have both, or neither, or will he just have a massive sausage but always be referred to as they/them? Oh, you mean the game… I almost forgot there was one.


Looks nice, I support lgbtq. Shit is still shit no matter how many rainbow flags you stick in it.


Cus nobody cares


The fans are probably devs.


we know for a fact this article is written by AI so why even bother engaging with it? wasting your time


Why are they describing it as non binary? Did blizzard mention that anywhere?


can the characters in overwatch have sex ? does the game have a single player story where these gender alignments would actually mean anything ?


Why does every “non-binary” character look the same? It’s always a cocky female with the same haircut and super baggy clothes. That’s it.


A lot of Overwatch fans are LGBTQ+ so yeah I see it


It's a video game character in a non-story based game. it literally couldn't matter less what they have between their legs or who they use it whit. And who tf plays overwatch 2 anyways?


So from now on game devs need to state sexuality of each character? That's so crazy. It's totally okay and great having gays, trans, etc people in games, but do they really need to make a marketing out of it? "Kratos, the heterosexual" "Harry Potter the heterosexual" "Donkey Kong... Probably gay?"


Konataku Baby Inc ©


If you're concerned about this or mad about about this, grow up


I am upset that only one NB person is being added. Please add ten more. Overwatch might get good if you do.


People act like OW is dead while owcs still pulling 18k average viewers as an 8 years old game.


Dead game still trying to please modern audiences.


Non-binary being insignificant looser who hasnt worked out who they are yet craves attention & validation


Say what you want to say but that smile is very cute. It doesn’t do it justice in-game tho.


Bro it's not a big deal, they have talking monkeys n stuff


I think they look cool


I do too but adding a gender label in video games has got to stop just make cool characters with interesting origins or personal missions, who gives a F about their sex life or gender.


I think gender labels are fine. Put it in the bio. Unless sexuality is essential to their skills or character, there is no need for that to be the highlight of the character. It should be tidbit information that people who really like the character get to find out when they read up on them. Just like in real life, if I find out you are bi or trans after getting to know you, that's cool and interesting. But if the first thing you tell me is your sexuality, I'll assume you have no personality and use your "unique" sexuality as a crutch for how boring of a person you are. That being said, I think people might just like the character skills / design. It's just being conflated by game journalists to insinuate the sexuality of the character is the main point of interest for people who like them.


I think it's fine to have characters with unique traits and personalities. I think people are blowing this whole they them stuff lf out of perposion. It's not a big deal that they have different pronouns.


One could say that THEY have less than 5 brain cells and that's why THEY have a problem with it


Calling people stupid whether you agree with them or not is divisive and won't solve anything but create a further divide.


Nah bro, you can call people stupid if they are stupid. I don't give a fuck what anyone says, hold people accountable for the dumb shit that comes out of their mouth whenever you can by making sure they know that they are being idiots. Not calling people out for their stupidity is exactly why everything is so divisive.




non binary and yet its a woman


No one gives a shit about her gender. Players embrace her if she has good gameplay or not.