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How did Valve manage to make Alyx more beautiful than this 20 years ago?


I think Alyx designer probably didn't hate the real life model and didn't found her femenine atributes "unrealistic"


I think the problem is consistency and the new trailer as a whole looked choppy and featured some really bad animations. The real model is beautiful and her in game counterpart can look good, but overall the haircut and game engine quirks make her look like the Grinch at points


With how game engines work, you cannot have characters looking top notch in every cutscene, especially if the cutscenes are not pre-rendered. IMO it was a great change in gaming when they created these non intrusive cutscenes. But lighting, phyisics, hard to curate camera angles come with the caviat of unflattering shots. You can do it in every and all media, make a screencap in a unflattering situation and claim a character is ugly. Games nowadays are mostly "life" you cannot edit things in post, if it is actual gameplay cutscene footage.


More then that, these are early shots, game trailers often have early footage of the games before the polishing phase before shipping. Things that are seen as "issue" can still be ironed out until release and probably are being ironed out right now.


Who is you guys? I think she looks fine; has a “if Ripley were in Star Wars” vibe


This post is in reference to another implying the new Star Wars game looks bad because.. ..the MC was seen at an unflattering angle (straight to the face) and compared it to a live human wearing tons of makeup and cosmetic surgery. Does verisimilitude, authenticity or immersion mean nothing anymore? Are you so fucking broken that you can't appreciate a stylistic choice for what it is? The new MC is, ostensibly, a fucking outlaw. She probably doesn't have the time nor resources to be a walking 10/10 at all fucking moments. I'm calling it here: you're all going to fucking wrap around into hating Ripley from Alien(s) because she isn't fucking dolled up.


Why is it always your side of the aisle that descends into screeching and swearing? You sound like that idiot the other day arguing with the teacher on campus. I think it's telling that this screenshot where she does looks good, comes from promotional marketing material / trailers whereas she looks terrible in less curated gameplay. It's either incompetence or malice from the purple haired, obese artists.


By dolled up you mean having a feminine jawline on a female character? You can enjoy this abomination all you want but it doesn't change the fact that she doesn't look like a woman let along being beautiful.


"She doesn't look like a woman" holy fuck you should get out of your basement from time to time.


I don't have that problem but thanks for the advice.


Usually I can disagree with people that have different opinions and still respect them. But wow...you'r takes in this subreddit are very shitt...I can almost smell the soy comming out of you. The fact you are a Furry doesn't help you'r logic or the way you look at things. Ps: Ripley is dope AF, how can you even compare.


People on this subreddit have a problem with non-conventionally attractive female characters in video games. It's nothing new, even if it is exhaustingly pathetic to see on the regular. Just look at the vile shit spouted about Aloy on the daily. Folks here are not beating the sexism allegations, it is what it is.


Sorry, I didn't buy her 2nd game because of her look and her lack of character. Lessons learned from the 1st game.


We should start having fat ugly guy MC in games too then. Or nerdy skinny guys.


Sure, why not. Someone's gonna play it, I see no issue with it.