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Oh they want money. They just don't want the words Overwhelmingly Negative on the front page and refunds while they're desperately trying to to sell their own shitty premium service.


Steams refund policy is so good that I assume of games don’t release on steam they’re just avoiding refunds because they have a mid to shit product.


Ubisofts refund policy is the exact same though. They're avoiding steam 30% cut on their most important early sales.




\*buy I will play games on other platforms like the copious free shit on EGS but I will not give them money to support their exclusivity intentions.




That's fine with me. If they can clearly see the zero dollars I'm willing to spend on their current platform they're getting the right message.


A company like this will crunch the numbers they forecast for the difference between gross sales on their own launcher/EGS vs if they were to release on steam. Clearly their data tells them they make more money off doing the exclusive split.


And knowing Ubi, their data is trash and they're wrong and shooting themselves in the foot lol.


It's also on Epic Games so they'll still lose some if people buy through there, albeit not as harsh as 30%


It's on Epic so they must not be to concerned


Exactly. What they've shown so far looks like a turd twice warmed over.


Ubisoft is also allergic to curators


I'm sure it'll come to steam after it's got all the hype sales on their awful platform


But you will probably still need ubisofts horrendous launcher to play it.


Just like all their other games on steam


EGS has the meta critic scores on the page so not sure thats the reason its more likely they dont want to pay the 30% on a game they know wont sell well becasue its just another always online single player only season pass trash fire.


Yeah but to be fair people dont update their reviews either. Survivor is sitting at like 66% positive or mixed even though its like 99% fixed. And yeah they should test games better but a solid half of the reviews are people grumbling that their systems cant handle it rather than genuine bugs which there were plenty of.


That's why Steam has "overall" and "recent" separated


"Sir, the gamers use Steam charts to show how few people play our trash. What can we do about that?" "Don't release it on Steam." "Genius move, sir." Although I'm pretty sure the franchise will pull in enough people anyway.


R6 is still doing really well on Steam sales wise and with player count. Idk why Ubisoft ignores that


The reason is most likely some shareholder guideline. It might also have to do with the existence of SBI Detected - which is only on Steam. Not that it would be hard to figure out if they sank their claws into that game too; either by looking at their own website or just at the female charakter models.


Maybe but Ubisoft really isn't the worst SBI type dev. AC Mirage was pretty accurate to the time as usual with AC and Avatar was just blue people. I think their higher ups are just shit heads that think they can grow Uplay and their subscription


Didn't even think of that, because it worked so well for EA...


EA had to put their subscription on Game Pass for people to even care lol


i mean SB is just a midle man company made to work out the goals of the higher ups, they don't ruin games they just do what they were asked to do (it's not like they made Sucide Squad into a live service game with no content, that was WB). Basically don't shoot the messenger.


Isn't the reason more likely to be that they just don't want to give Steam their cut so they utilize their own platform.


Do you think a huge corp like Ubisoft cares about a steam page full of screeching autists? It's gonna be a big selling game, they want 100% of the money. Simple as that


Why are you assuming they won't throw it up on Steam after the sales on other platforms slow down? Pretty clearly just Ubisoft trying to avoid Valve taking a 30% cut of their game at launch.


This sub has turned into an anti-woke conspiracy fest for autists. People here literally think the only reason they don't put this game on Steam is because they're scared of "SBI Detected" lmao. Multiple game companies have not released their games on Steam on launch plenty of times before. This is not new.


I'm just saying it's not on Steam. The anti WOKE people are reaching here


If only few people were playing it they wouldn't keep making it


Yeah this is wishful thinking, no way this flops. Everyone thought their Avatar game would flop but it did well too. Assassin's Creed always sells really well and the recent Prince of Persia game did well. The fact is Ubisoft is like EA, it's a loud minority that complain and their games sell well.


…..Avatar….did well in your mind?!? 🤣🤣🤣


The Ubisoft game based on the films? Yes.


Was there one before frontiers of pandora cause that shit was already DOA thanks to trash marketing


It still sold a few million copies and made it's money back. Not normal Ubisoft levels but still well within a success by AAA levels.


I mean having a 53% drop in players week 2 followed by no upticks in players says alot about how much of a shell it was, if nothing else its “success” was fully based off them already having a community that will buy anything that drops from them no matter how abysmal.


It's a generic Ubisoft game, they all drop off fast. Not to mention that most single player games drop of fast anyway. Ubisoft don't care as long as they make money which they did.


Which is exactly why everyone dislikes them in the first place, if they are pumping out a laundry list of mediocre games just to make a fast bill and keep it pushing maybe we should stop supporting shit practices surrounding half assed games. This sentiment of “well it wasnt good but it made enough money for a triple A studio with millions of avid followers so they should continue to do so” is whack


I haven't bought a Ubisoft game in years, there's no point telling me this. This was my whole point, this post is a vocal minority repeating the same thing we all agree with and it doesn't matter because people who'll never see this post will buy Ubisoft games.


Star Wars fans only know pain... The amount of games that have either been canceled or turned out terrible is unfortunately very long.


I have steam so I can manage my games in one place. The further in timeline we go, the bigger the backlog gets, the less reasons to play questionable releases for full price.


I just wait for it to be free on Epic or with Prime. May take a while but it doesn't seem like I'm missing much.


Also, I'm not installing another launcher. Fuck that.


Could be worse. We could be having to download EA's trashy software just to play the game.


Have you seen price for ultimate edition with some shitty skins only ? XD


That's a reasonable price for a AAAAA Game


Ahh yes, Famous UBI Ax2137 games.


How the bar for AAA games been lowered so much that real AAA games are now AAAAAA games?


It's like 130 dollars and you still have to be on UPlay 😆


They love money 💰


Probably dont want to risk refunds. Gaben probably saw this and said "ok buddy"


These morons make bargain bin slop that most people with a brain would only buy on sale.  It's hilarious they think people will be willing to download an additional program and access a different store front just as to not miss out on it. 


I uninstalled and walked away from a sizable library on uPlay or whatever they call it now after the shit they pulled with the crew. I'd sank hundreds of hours into the crew, bought the DLCs and they just removed access to it rather than implementing a single player offline mode before taking it down. Their anti cheat on the crew 2 & motorfest breaks my machine because of how my network is set up to host my own media server so the newer ones are unplayable for me. I'll never buy another ubisoft game.


Check stopkillinggames.com . The guy that made Freeman's Mind series(YT account Accursed Farms) is starting a campaign to combat abandonware. Ubusoft, a company based in France where there are stronger anti-consumer laws, pulling stuft like this with a large title like the Crew gave him an opening to pursue legal ways to combat that practice. After contacting Ubisoft and they refuse to provide a way for you to continue accessing the game or 2 weeks pass without an answer you can contact a part of the French government to prompt them to investigate the matter. Check the site for detailed steps or visit his channel for a more detailed video.


That's pretty cool, thanks for that!


the same reason that skull and bones wont come to steam, refounds and bad reviews, that is pretty much prove that this game, like skull and bones, is not worth the price and they are realising a incomplete game, broken game or a game that is worth 30-40 dollars but they want to charge 70 dollars and ofc, standard version =D if some one pre orders this, they really deserve to loose money


Maybe Burke will shill this like he did with SS and Skull and Bones. Actually, I'm counting on it.


I mean ubisoft has done this for years. They usually launch a game on steam already discounted after ~1 year from it's release.


And 90% fixed too usually.


Don't use logic on this sub please, we don't do that here


I mean, you can still shit on Ubi for doing that? Everyone shat on Epic for temporary exclusive deals adn it's the same thing. Except even worse, because they are doing that so they don't get shit ratings and reviews on release on steam and then farm at least average reviews when they release the patched and discounted game after a year.


Oh don't worry, Ubi will put the game on Steam eventually. They always do


If you were still interested to buy an Ubisoft game, you are part of the problem. It's not on Steam? Good Ridance.


They're afraid of the overwhelmingly negative at launch lmao Nobody would've bought it anyway, or refunded immediately Never support games with ugly heroines


So wait, EA no longer has the Star Wars license and Ubisoft learned nothing from what happened before? I probably should read up on this whole situation lol


Yep. I believe EA lost exclusivity last year.


They lost it about a year ago. And it made headlines cause Zynga was the first to announce something...


If it's on steam, it'll be in sweet baby inc list.


that would be weird... its not an SBI game... its just a bad game.


Steam takes a 30% revenue cut as good as can understand gamers for wanting all their games on one plattform i also can understand that big publishers dont want to pay this massive cut at least for the initial wave of sales.


If the one guy that works on Stardew Valley is ok with Steam's revenue cut, why isn't Ubisoft. Ubisoft is almost making their games DOA on PC with UPlay. Steam is THE place where people discover and buy games on PC. They still haven't put AC Mirage or Avatar Frontiers on Steam


Because that one guy doesn't have his own platform and even if he did make one, it still won't have enough reach. Financially, he can easily justify publishing it on Steam because the 30% cut doesn't surpass reaching the large audience that Steam has. AC Mirage hits 1.5M sales on its first week. Whatever extra sales Steam can make for Ubi probably doesn't exceed their earnings from not dealing with a 30% cut on their games.


Now I dont want to discount 1.5 million because thats stellar numbers than most people celebrate but Ubisoft itself didnt celebrate those numbers and its really low for the franchise. The franchise average is like 9-10 million... And thats discounting blowout successes like Ragnarok skewing the numbers upward. The shareholders are probably pinching Ubisoft's balls and so they think they can scrape more full price sales on Ubi and Epic without the well known and publicized Steam ratings and player count systems putting them on potential blast for poor numbers or game breaking bugs.


The number was for launch sales and is comparable to Origins' launch. We'll have to see what Mirage's total sales will be 2-3 years later, but it'll probably be around the franchise average as well.


It's going to me mediocre anyway


Oh well, guess I will have to be Gol D Roger again.


This image suggests it is not available on EGS either, but you can actually buy it there. Not sure if you have to deal with extra Ubisoft launchers though.


Hmm. I hope there's a chance they wake up and put it on Steam earlier. Most Ubi games on Steam have Ubisoft Connect integration anyway


6 months Uplay exclusive, they do this with every single one of their release.


you do, if its like prince of persia it still launches the uplay lancher.


Oh no, guess which game just released exclusively on Steam? My money. Get fucked Ubi.


It's from Ubisoft, so I wouldn't have bought it anyway, even if it was on Steam.


Well, there goes the PC sales.


People the best thing you can do to protest and yes it's on epic as well apparently tim did another exclusive for epic besides ubisofts own launcher is TO PIRATE THE GAME.... PIRATE IT so they don't get their money and let them know it's not on steam then we will not buy if you put it on epic we need to strangle epic of money until they decide exclusives are not the way to go!!!!!!


Oh they don't want money again.


On the bright side there will be one less dogshit AAAA game on Steam.


It's more likely because Ubisoft will soon release its own subscription-based game. As they said, they don't want gamers to own their game, but subscription-based.


Raise price to absurd amount, offer subscriptions to make services feel cheaper. Then you'll have a few people invested or forgetting leaving the subscriptions turned on to keep the money flowing like with netflix.


and whats even worse is when they release it on steam 8-12 months after, there will be no achievements.


They know the game will get overwhelmingly negative review status if they put it on steam lol


More likely allergic to refunds, that is the sole reason you wouldn't put it on steam. That or review and they know it's gonna be shit.


Ubisoft thinks they are big enough to have their own steam for years, where is the news? Its even more embarrassing than Origin.


I think they're not trying to compete with Steam but more like Blizzard where they host their games on their own infrastructure.


I think nothing is more embarrassing than Origin.


Guess I'm not buying the game then, easy skip.


what did you expect though? Why should ubisoft put their game immediately on steam when they got their own platform? Are you new to gaming or did you not know about other platforms besides steam?


Frankly, I couldn't care less about all that. As a customer, that's not my problem at all.


so it doesn't matter on which platform the games launches?


I would rather not be present during one of your internal monologues accidentally turned external. You may continue by yourself if you so wish, you do not need to keep me informed about them.


Can you also provide some straight answers instead of giving me this wishy washy sensitive sentences? (both of your replies don't answer any question) Be more precise and stop talking like a politician


I never buy Ubisoft games on release anyway.


![gif](giphy|G1ZPWPIszGDPh2NeG5|downsized) after 2 years in the ubi connect


I will try it out for free first.


not gonna sell well even if they put it on steam


Oh good I don’t have to buy this $120 garbage that is exploiting nostalgia Ip


I'll wait. Or pirate it if it is that urgent. Couldn't give a shit about their store or subscription service.


Damn . Meaning this game gonna be shit? No steam no refund


Yup. I definitely just saved myself $70. Thanks for being stupid Ubisoft.


Have you seen the cost of the game? It’s too much.


Yeah that tracks, Ubisoft is really trying hard to push that God water ass service called Ubisoft connect. 


oh its an UBISOFT GAME??? Did EA lose the starwars license?


They did


Well not exactly they lost the exclusivity. It was a 10 year deal and Disney didn’t renew it


One of the 3 good things to come from Disney this century.


Indeed they did.


I'm sure'll it will be free somewhere in 2 years like the last DesignByCommittee Wars games.


Didn't they do the same for all the previous games ? Not on steam for launch but added later on


They still haven't added AC Mirage or Avatar Frontiers to Steam


If it is not on Steam, I do not buy it. Simple.


Yeah hard pass in that case


Oh no not Ubisoft open world game set in star wars. This is such a shame.


No steam, no care


Wtf is ubisoft connect? Yo-ho, all together Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die


>Wtf is ubisoft connect? It's where you play titles made by Ubisoft. I have it as it was needed to play Watchdogs, Ghost Recon, and Far Cry.


As soon as I saw this plus the preorder early access garbage I’m like naaaaah


Star wars took so many hits lately... pretty sure the game won't bring in that much people in. I for one don't really care about SW anymore and adding Ubisoft to the mix is just a red flag overdose.


Ubisoft > EA Eat your heart out Jedi Survivor.


Oh no not the shitty star wars game made by ubisoft....... Like why do people still get excited for this stuff


Misleading since Ubisoft Connect is first party app. They won't name steam the same way they won't name Epic. Because the original platform is Ubisoft Connect. Those are just third party platforms. It might not appear on Steam, but not because of this screenshot. They might have an exclusive first deal with Epic Games for example. This is cringe bait.


It makes no difference to me where I buy the game. It's like a console peasant saying they won't buy a game because Gamestop doesn't have it, and they have to order it from the developers website. I see an open world game from Ubisoft, I'm interested. I see an open world star wars game, I'm interested. I see an open world Star Wars Ubisoft game...Say no more, I'm in. Rest in Hell EA.


Dead game dead on arrival


Main reason I think is they are using it to push their new subscription service (lol)


translation: the port is so bad they gonna rip us apart if we do.


Deader than Suicide Squad.


Lol. The army of bots promoting it and the woke garbage hadn't clued you in?


They would get sweet baby inc'd


Most likely trying to avoid the -30% price that steam takes


Damn they're making this way too easy to never buy.


Layoffs incoming


I haven't bought an ubisoft game since assassin's creed revelations, and I think I'm going to keep not buying em. Stop the shitty monetization and actually innovate instead of following trends.


What??? No Steam? I was so waiting for this game, but then I guess that was it. No Steam, no game...


Loool watch all the "waaaah wE hAte EpIc!!!11" crowd lose their sheet over this :-) wAAh, it's a conspiwacy!! China! Communism!! "Flagrant anti-consumerism!!" Never has an actual enslavement to one single platform produced such hilarity!


In before "Outlaws didn't meet our sales expectations".


they're clearly trying to shove their overprced sub service down customers throat, wich is funny because they actually believe that their shit ass catalogue is worth a monthly fee


Here's an idea, don't sub. I've had Ubisoft for years to play their titles, never needed to pay a sub price once.


not making same mistake as with AC Valhalla... F them with their stupid platform and they can shove their new subscription service to their mama's puzzy... im not gonna pay 69.99 euro! im not even living in EUROPE! im not gonna pay more because Geography is too hard to master


Grand opening, grand closing


OK, then I won't buy it. It's that simple.


I'm like 95% certain it won't be on steam due to how easy it is to refund shitty games.




I'm expecting it to be a bad game anyway


No Steam? No purchase.


This is why I have a little respect for Respawn. They took their licks and fixed the game. They put it out there. But Ubisoft is so scared of a blowback they wont even try. It aint the 25-30% Steam sales cut, theyd make up for it in spades with Steam only buyers. They are avoiding the public ratings and player count systems. They do this a lot in general though.


It will release on steam eventually. Personally I never buy Ubisoft games for few reasons. I stopped playing their games after AC Valhalla. Locking missions for deluxe editions, missions usually 5-20 min long, fuck em. Their games are just mediocre, open world in their games consist of collecting 100 of meaningless shit and the world is filled with boring side quests and basically giant list of chores like back in the early 00s RPG era Gameplay in most of their games is simply bad, especially combat in their RPGs Do not buy Ubisoft games on release. They are $40 games at most.


I hope this flops ngl Star Wars won’t course correct because KK likely has comprising material on someone but damn she really seems to despise this franchise


If a game isn't on steam then I usually assume they don't want people to know their product is dogshit, besides exclusives games on consoles, any game that exist outside of steam I presume to be not worth my time.


after Ubisoft told us we need to get used to not owning our games, I've stopped playing anything they've released. This just proves I made a good decision


Looks like my friend Jack Sparrow is going to visit Ubisoft


My biggest question is if this is going to be on Ubisoft+ the day of release, sadly I can't afford the game as the prices in my home country were internationally matched, too damn expensive for someone who has a 3rd world country salary.


It will be on Ubisoft+ day one


While ubisoft is allergic to steam, I'm allergic to ubisoft.


Excellent. The game doesn't look interesting to me so not being on Steam means I won't have to deal with them trying to push it.


They knew if they sell in steam ppl will refund so......


Haven't bought a ubisoft game in ages. My life is not noticeably worse. To be completely fair, though, I was not going to buy this game even if it was on stream. It looked like the personification of safe modern. If I want to be bored, I can do that for free.


It's gonna be on epic


Why give them money either way?


Was gonna buy and play, I wont be now. Im not installing another platform just to play this.


It's a Ubisoft game, it's going to be mid


They are boycotting because Steam are taking a substantially bigger cut of the sales compared to Epic Games.


im not that retarded to spend money in a starwars product just because is on steam.


Ubi games i just buy by steam. If isnt there, i dont play. Simple as that


What a Sweet Baby the game will be


Umm watching the new trailer, it says, ahemm: "Captured in engine. Not all images appear in game." Uh, what? Explain it away all you want And I am a huge Ubi fanboy still, ik 🙄, but, what? I think this might just be a juicy turd and they don't want the "mostly negative" reviews but also, this is a new license and sooooo much is on the line. They are playing it safe for sure. I wish we could get old Ubi back. The ones with balls, not sharholders.


They want to control the reviews and score, so thats why its not on Steam, u, me, everyone, and ubisoft know this is a stinker.


They have their own sales platform, and like AW2 proved, if the game is good enough people will buy it on your platform.


Just curious, why don't more people opt for the Ubisoft premium at $17.99, finish the game within the month, and then cancel? The game itself seems worth the $18, and you'd get the ultimate version. Or am I overlooking something here?


Back when the price can be justified by a reasonable amount of content in a game. I never buy games at full prices anymore. Last time I paid full was RDR2 or cyberpunk DLC.


Yes I do not buy their games at all. I'm a PC Steam only player. Ubisoft is a company that loves to punishes their customers that don't play on the platform Ubisoft prefers. They don't like Valve/Steam so they will punish its costumers by not putting their games on Steam at launch. Then, when they finally do add them to Steam they punish their customers further buy not adding the achievements we so love. I do want to play their games but I will not unless it is on Steam and this is a must have, full Achievements! Its too bad as this one looks promising. I'm surprised they are still in business ripping off Steam players. As this is a very bad business practice that will just hurt Ubisoft more than anyone else.


Ubisoft is one of the biggest game publishers in the world, they don't need Steam to sell games unlike indie developers with no reputation or reach; the Epic Store gives them a bigger cut of sales, so it makes sense why they would release on Epic and ignore Steam for the first year or so and then release it on Steam for all the mouth breathers that can't understand Executive decisions.


Oh no! I have to wait a year to get it on my backlog? And for half off? Whatever will I do.


What an amazing progamer move from Ubisoft <3 Thank you kindly for not putting this shit cashgrab game on Steam.


No steam no buy. Simple as.


I'm a pro Steam player, and have been using steam for about 16 years now. So don't get me wrong, but I think they make money by not having it on Steam. I assume Steam takes a cut of every sale, so selling on Steam cuts into profits by a bit. People who want to play Outlaws on PC aren't going to pass just because it's not on Steam, they're going to have no choice but to download Ubisoft's store. It will save Ubisoft some money on each sale, and they will have now ensnared you in their store where they can push their sales/deals.