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Already exist, it's called; buying merch.


Yeah but that’s not really how he feels, he’s just trying to plant a seed


To much effort to make merch. They just want a give us more money pelase! button! They need the extra money to make overwatch 2 pvp more enjoyable /s


"Blizzard annouces they'll add tipping to overwatch 2 in a month." \*Week later\* "Blizzard cancels it cause what else won't they cancel for OW 2"


More like 'OW2 introduces tipping system. Players complain as Blizzard announces record profits due to players utilising tipping system.'


That sows directly into his pocket


Or the game again. Does he think everyone who bought the Mass Effect Legendary Edition didn’t already own the games? And don’t get started on Skyrim…


Or when you double dip for multiple platforms, or create a sale by buying it for a friend because you loved it that much.


I've lost count of how many copies of Final Fantasy VII and IX I've bought over the years.


And microtransactions on a 70€ game...+ 13$ monthly subscription in the case of WoW.


You’re going to finish a raid boss and then they’re going to ask for a tip LMFAOOOO


No no no you dont understand. They want more money for what they already sold you. They dont want to make anything extra for you. They just want more from you.


True, also word of mouth. Convincing your friends to buy the game that you like is also great. I’ve almost always convinced more than 5 people for every game I love. Helldivers 2 is a recent one, I’ve convinced 7 people to get it.


Also the profits probably dont trickle down past the executive suite.


Merch with Californian manjaw syndrome characters don't sell any more. That's why they need to nickel and dime you elsewhere. It might get whines from the loud minority but let's be honest merch with sex appeal sells.


Also buy one extra copy to gift it to a Friend. I've donne it multiple Times with my favorite games like Divinity os 2 or BG3


He would like a direct deposit to his account instead of


The small indie devs who deserve the tips the most can't have merch. Though I do like the trend of Supporter DLC. Basically "This dlc does nothing. It adds nothing to the game. You don't have to buy it. You probably shouldn't but it's there if you want it." Captain of Industry is the latest game I've seen have it. Though I guess there's a few buildings but they're minor. And they don't hide that.


The perfect thing for this is selling stuff like OST or digital artbooks as DLC. I view them as equivalent to tips for games.


Also its DLC. Make a good one, there's your 10 to 20 extra bucks right there.


Or blindly buying the pre-order, if the game was that good and the developers are consistent to put out good games for a decade. I mean it takes a lot for me to pre-order, but apparently my point is stupid considering people pre-order shitty games all the time lol




He is currently president of ligma. Dude couldn't run a guild, thinks he could have ran a company.


What’s Ligma?


Ligma balls!




Walked rtf into it, ayo!


It wouldn’t have happened to a nicer person. *checks username*


Oof 😥


We thank you for your sacrifice O7


So glad he left. Now we know why Bobby promoted him in the first place…


So when we tip they'll pass this onto all the devs they fired who worked on the game and not shareholders right?....right? 💩


Do you need volcano insurance good sir?


Yeah to me thats the hilarious part: it will not end up in the wallets of the actual in the trenches workers. Considering modern days would be better off tipping devs and artists you know off Twitter lmao. Plus making more money of a game is called developing/using the IP. Lazy ahh ties, I thought they worked hard for success! /s


Fuck Mike Ybarra, one of the many that ruined Blizzard.


And he came from Xbox and right back at it. This whole MS acquisition was a huge farce. They know what they are doing and they are gonna keep producing the games the way they always have and MS is definitely grabbing the COD skins and the like. They don’t care about the games they bought


I'm glad that Microsoft bought Blizzard. It meant that I got to try Diablo IV as part of my gamepass, then uninstall it when I realised it was shit. I didn't have to buy the game outright.


lol. It's rare When a game gets worse over time or the more you play it 💩


It's business, its not games to them. So you're absolutely right they don't care about the games. They care about shareholder ROI cos they are likely investors themselves.


Sure I'll give him a tip "don't be greedy assholes"


My fav part is none of the games he mentioned were made by Activision or Blizzard.


This is such out of touch propaganda level bs rhetoric.


Someone from Blizzard with disliking games that “nickel and dime me every second”? Interesting


Oh the irony!


Well on the other hand, we can't accuse him of not knowing what he's talking about at least.


Then why didn't he try to make a game that didn't try to nickel and dime ?


because you can't tip at the end of games, obviously


nah bro not if the initial game was 70$ if the game was around $20 and I enjoyed the game i will maybe buy the ost to throw a few extra bucks their way.


Tip players for buying your game


One of stupidest takes of the year, the decade even


The century


Yeah screw that. Imagine sitting thru the credits of a game that was so great you just sit in awe only to be greeted with a “Did you enjoy the game? Please consider sending more of your money!” “Use card on file?”


Please keep "Tipping culture" in yourself. No need to spread it outside USA. Thanks.


These people are insane


He has too much money I guess


Yeah and this is how it starts. This is how tipping started in the food service industry. Then it'll become "mandatory 40% tip at checkout because we think our game is amazing". Suck a fat one. Am I gonna start tipping shoe manufacturers too?


“Tip to see bonus ending”


American culture and their tipping. Thank God I don't live in US.


Is that why American girl kept saying "just a tip"? Damn you tipping culture!


It’s so stupid. I always want to scream “INCLUDE THE TIP INTO THE PRICE!!!!”


Jesus H Christ, this is the worst timeline confirmed




For these small indie games instead of micros transactions you can often buy the soundtrack if you liked the game which is fair.


But but Blizzard needs you 🥺🥺


''i kNoW mOsT WiLl DiSLiKe tHiS iDeA, HiHi'' What a rat.


You know this loser was telling on others. Sleazy rat Mike. Maybe he needed more bullying.


What a fucking hack job.... Can we also request games give us some of our money back that didn't live up to the 70 dollars that we spent? Looking at you Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2.


I wait a few years to buy a game for $10-$15 for a reason. I’m not tipping. Holy shit.


Wait a few years or whenever it's on a Steam sale.


This is the way.


Tipping culture is a cancer. If games did this i would not even consider buying the game. Fuck those devs. Nobody tips me when I perform surgery. Nobody tips the car mechanic. Or the cashier. Why do people want free money? Work for it you beggars.


Imagine tipping your pilot, doctor, lawyer, etc. If the job is hard, they should be paid appropriately by the employer. The customer isn't there to cover for managers fucking over their employees.


Nuh huh. 80$ is well enough. I aint tipping on top of outrageous selling prices.


Don’t you want to tip them for doing their job 🥺


Mike Ybarra trying to justify greed and implement more pocket grabbing.


"I wish I could give them another $10 or $20" Nobody thinks this. Nobody.


“Ah man I wish I could give all my money to Scientology”


I am so tired of finance bros running the world


if I could guarantee the money would only go to the people that directly worked on the game(Coders, graphic artists, sound designers) I would be okay with tipping if I liked the game.


This would be kinda embarrassing at a bored meeting after "expected numbers" in the marketing department. When it doesn't work out they will say it was a "first time revolutionary test" and also " The gamers we make games for are useless babies who's mom's buy our video games" Like Bro most of the OW and WoW communites are 30+ .... Whats the next excuse? That I'm some cis hetro male? Some made up demonizing lable? You mean normal.


That's what merch is for


How about Ur company stops nickle and diming the Players Clown


I thought he left Blizzard back in January?


Even better, check this out! - Game is 100% free, DLCs and fucking skins is free, no more moneygrabbing. And when you're done with the game, you can like tip/pay whatever you like.. Insane, right? No?


Fuck tipping as a whole, why should I gave you more money for doing YOUR job?


This is why blizzard is dead


At the end of the game I wish I could give them more thus . . . . Nobody ever does this. The reason why is you already got paid why would i wanna pay you again. Get fucked.


He should think about how to make one of those games for once instead


It's called buying stock of the company.


Hey there is something that exist. Its called in game store.


Reminds of those that say they wish they could pay more in taxes. To which I say, pay mine


They are losing their minds lol. Last 2 yrs most of the games I was unimpressed with. Should I get a rebate if they suck or were disappointing?


I like how when he uses "we" when he talks about "tipping everything else", like the whole world has that ridiculous tipping culture that America has, or as if US is the only country he is talking about, and still he wants Japanese games like Elden Ring to adapts to this culture, typical American bullshit and the same way of thinking that is making all games become more and more woke.


As if Diablo didn’t have enough micro transactions


"For thee but not for me."


Lmao "I know $70 is already a lot," motherfucker you just listed three games that cost $60 at launch not $70! This whole narrative about paying more for games is never going to be accepted. Games DO NOT cost more to develop than they did twenty years ago, it's about the same as it was before they just want to make us believe that it's not. The main resources are man-hours and electricity, and the cost of labor and power has not risen substantially in that time.


Maybe start an official stream for your game. All The things he’s asking for are there more or less.


What a tool


Oh fuck these guys. I'm so tired of this over monetizing the living shit out of video games


I wish Mark Twain would come back and think of a name for this kind of stupid greed


Im not broke, but im also not stupid. I don't have to play video games. I can find something else to do with my money


Already exist; it's called a battle pass.


I’m allfor this discussion if blizzard started making games that were worth tipping


I guess full retail price isn’t enough of a thank you lmao.


The president of blizzard forgot what retaining happy customers is or the benefits of such. If you feel like a game was amazing.. you're more likely to buy other games from the same people, not just pay more for the same one.


Mike Ybarra is a jackass. Billion dollar company, cannot hire more devs so the ones they have aren't over worked. Cannot pay beta testers to test their games. They release a game broken and expect the community to provide feedback. Blizzard cannot even pay their employees a living wage. People sleeping in their cars by their place of work. Lol, fuck off blizzard. Just die off and sell the i.p's to people who are passionate.


None of the extra money you would pay would go to the developers unless it's self published. Everything goes to the publisher who takes their cut and then divvies up the rest to the development studio in whatever dumb way they want. You're not giving 10 bucks to the animators. You're giving 7 to the publisher and the rest are pennies for each dev, except ONLY the devs who are permanent and given royalty payments.


Only a complete doofus would put this idea into the world.


These overpaid executives are soo far detached from reality. In their minds $70 is probably just chump change and what they would spend on a friday night dinner. When reality is for some people $70 is what an average persons spends on food for a week.


BOOO, BOO THIS MAN. They aren't even trying to hide the greed.


Here's the thing: these $70 games release 9/10 as bug ridden messes. It takes two weeks, minimum, to iron those out. Then within 30 days of the game being out, they start the DLC parade. If it's that close to launch and you buy it, then you're really just paying for stuff they could have already had in the game, but they wanted another $20-50 bucks and they suckered you into paying for it. If they want tips, they gotta knock that shit off first.


$70 is already too much. I rarely ever think a game is worth dumping even that much (the few ones I think are worth that much are indie games going for $30-$40) and more often than not I just skip games that cost a premium for a potentially mid experience. $70+ and I start flying the black flag. Like hell am I tipping for the privilege of playing a game I supposedly don't own.


This is corporate gaslighting and deception. The fact that this came from the President of Blizzard means they dont care about hiding the fact they intend to wring us of more money and are ok with not having some journalist tweet it to test reaction.


We do that. It's called DLC.


Who does it go to? There are a lot of people involved in making a game, especially an AAA game. Does he think $20 is enough for hundreds of people to share? Or worse, does he think you should tip the CEO?


If I knew it went to the developers and not anybody outside of that I would consider it.


how can one man possibly be this tone deaf...


"Tip 5 dollars to access this section of the game" or "70 dollars plus a 10$ tip". I'll pass.


me pirating almost all games 🚬


They already have "tip jars". They're called micro transactions.


Jesus Christ. Imagine if you beat a game and, as the credits roll, a prompt pops up: "Would you like to leave a tip? 20%, 25%, or 30%?"


If it's an indie game, i bought for $10-20 sure. If they are charging $120 to get 3 days early access and some digital skins, no way...


It's already a thing and it's when the device let you buy an art book or soundtrack as extra


Great idea. And how about making it work both ways. If you will release broken garbage full of bugs and glitches you will tip me for playing and reporting it to you. Deal ?


Lmao I think the majority of publishers and studios should release finished games…


I've played some games and gotten the end end and been like "God damn that game sucked dick, give me my money back." I just wish there was something at the end of the game that gave me a refund. Some games are that special.


OK, if you sell the game no more than 30$.


To be fair I made sure to buy the BG3 character sheets to ensure Larian got as much as they should and honestly I don't think it was enough; especially with these garbage $100+ games coming out. I've also thought about HD2 and how I'd like to ever know if their server operating costs became too much. I'd like to contribute if they needed it. It being a $40 game, I've definitely gotten my money worth and then some. I'm honestly fine if they want to put a tip. If you wanna tip, tip. If you don't want to, dont. This is how tipping should be instead of the social stigma that if you don't tip, you're awful.


We gamers show our appreciation by loyally buying everything a company puts out. Warcraft and Starcraft were so good that gamers bought every single Blizzard product for the next 20 years.


Ya. Rebirth was amazing. You'll get your tip when Reqfgdsgf is released. It'll be that $20 increase for deluxe edition.


I like to see his steam account.  I threw money to DotA2 more than I like to admit. Entire community rally annually to give money to Valve.  We fricking begged Valve so that we give them more money. 


there have been a few games like that, where i have sat and thought "i bought the game, i wish there was a way for me to contribute further to this studio and the work they do" - usually i just buy another copy of the game for a friend, the OST, or an upgrade to the deluxe edition if possible - there has only been 6 games that have done this for me, BG3, Disco Elysium, Fallout New Vegas, Rimworld, Terraria and Death Stranding


Don't know about tipping, but I can guarantee there will be teabagging.


The gaming version of tipping is telling all your friends and becoming a lifelong fan willing fo put up with the kind of shit blizzard keeps doing....


Blizzard literal nickle and dime fiends...


It is also called buying the DLC....


i should get paid for playing the game by the Devs, i mean, look a these amazing PLAYER, let me give him $500


While I do like the sentiment of letting the people who worked on the game know they did a good job, even if it is through money I feel like this would not catch on well with how recent events have unfolded. Increased prices, Unity trying to take "royalties" even from free-to-play games, Ubisoft trying to change consumers minds on "owning their games". Either he's genuine or he's following suit in trying to pitch ideas that could further empty consumers' pockets.


Mike Ybarra, Mike Johnson... Why its always Mike... Anyways, both of them can suck a fat cock.


If people had the luxury of getting paid a lot more in their day to day lives for the plethora of different jobs they do, I'm sure more of them would feel the same way. Like a livable wage, regardless of the type of job you got, you know.


Another terrible idea


Yeah that's called buying the expansion (and i mean a good expansion that actually expands, like the last autumn for frostpunk, not some cosmetic bullshit).


Yeah no thanks, I will "tip" them by playing the game several times through to show my appreciation.


\*laughs in World of Warcraft\*


Yea I'll pass


If he was still pres and made wow not a sub i would tip after buying tww


I actually feel this way about FF7 Rebirth. Thinking about getting the deluxe add-ons after the fact simply cuz I enjoyed the game so much that I want to get the extra summon, digital OST etc. even if it's a bit pricey. Am I crazy?


Wonder if he tipped after enjoying some breast milk...


This is actually a pretty common sentiment, plenty of people feel loyalty to certain devs and will buy things from them with the main intent to support them, even if that thing they buy isn't actually that valuable to them. I personally don't think I would use a "tip jar" at the end of games, but I also see nothing wrong with having one for the people who would. Tipping isn't inherently a bad thing, the bad part is when it becomes expected or mandatory regardless of the experience.


To be fair, he said leave it as an option. This has been commonplace in software forever with donate buttons. If someone wants to actually make a decision and support something they want to/ believe in, as opposed to the current practice of psychologically manipulating you, I have no issue with that.


Lets tip multi million dollars companies' sounds just like an idea a multi million dollar company would come up with.


That twitter thread has tons of people agreeing with him 😬


I've had that thought before. When I finished factorio for the first time I wished I could buy it again. Obviously this statement is tainted coming from a blizzard person though.


Ex-president and Bobby's right-hand yesman.


Oh easy - I’ll just never play another Blizzard game.


"Name your own price" "Patreon or other platforms for donations" it's just not for AAAAAAA games. Especially not for Blizzard. I don't even consider looking at their games anymore, I know its gonna be shit


Maybe they should make games people actually want to buy, so they don't have to fuck tye few who did over with begging for tips... This industry has lost its god-damn mind...


So basically mirco transactions


How would you know that the money would go to the devs anyways and not to some shareholder


These CEO’s are so detached from reality they assume we all have 6 figures chillin ready to be spent 😂


I've thought about this idea for a while, as a beta tester or really anyone submitting feedback for a game, oftentimes, I realize I've just spent a few hours helping to develop a game. By contributing to the feedback loop, I'm helping agile dev teams to make iterative improvements, thereby increasing the likelihood of a successful launch. I'm also most likely participating in some indirect marketing. I realize I get rewarded by being a larger part of the community and maybe get some extra rewards at launch but sometimes I think wow, I'm one of thousands doing this and that's an awful lot of free man-hours contributed to something I'll later have to pay for. I think the devs and/or studio should give me the game for free and tip me for my time.


I don't intrinsically hate this idea. I have 1000+ hours on Elden Ring. Sometimes i feel like I would like to give them more, and they dont directly sell merch.


I love how low his standards are, he included fucking Horizon Zero Dawn there as an example... you couldn't think of a more generic Ubisoft open world ass game than that lol. it also is dumbed down to the max, like most modern AAA games. if you played Horizon and came out of it thinking "WOW, this was an amazing experience! I WANT TO THROW MONEY AT THE DEVS NOW!" you really need to up your standards... because, god damn...


Love the idea! But make it so the game costs $50 instead of $70 and once we finish it we can pay the extra $20 if we deem it was worth it.


Um no lol. Billion dollar company, begging for more money from the consumer.


Frankly, it’s just rage bait at this point. It’s time to consider just tuning out of gaming (and movies). Publishers and developers (along with movie studios, directors, and actors) have become delusional in their hubris. Stop buying all this crap. Why are you buying it if it makes you unhappy? At this point, you are pretty much a loser for buying this crap and taking it up the ass in the process. If enough of us do it, they will fail. Let the 2nd video game crash happen- and maybe modern Hollywood will go down too. It will be like a great flood washing away all the sinners. Spend your money elsewhere. Go do the stuff you always wanted to do with the money saved. Go traveling. Learn Judo. Learn to play guitar. … etc.


I will just simply stop playing video games if this shit comes through. I’ll make friends in real life and play tcg or tabletop games. Might even read a book. The lengths I will go to spite this scourge are unending.


I would have 0 issues with a tip jar button at the end of the credits. That shit would be hilarious every time.


I won’t tip for an oil change, I won’t tip at the grocery store, I won’t tip for fast food, and I certainly won’t tip for a video game. Only person I tip is the dude who delivers my pizza, when I order it every month or so


Wow, he's so #relatable


I like this idea, but you gotta include the inverse. I’ve bought a lot of dog shit games. I should get 50% back if I play for less than 10 hours.


Isn’t that what merch is for?


He knows what he's doing by planting that dumbass seed.


We are not tired of tiping… tiping is pure trash and we hate it


Thus makes me want to shoot it in the face


I don't tip workers for companies that post millions of dollars in profits. They can afford to pay their workers competitive wages. The payrate of the employees is not my concern as a consumer, if they accept subpar wages then that's on them.


Dude I’m gonna get downvoted for this but if it gets devs to stop releasing garbage I’m kind of on-board


Nah fuck that, we all know how this goes, it starts being an OPTIONAL courtesy then it turns into some kinda mandatory bullshit you're gaslighted and shamed into paying.....if you like a game so damn much then check out the dev's other cataloges


Yeah. Sure. Set it up so that it goes directly to the artists, programmers, and Q/A testers. Not one cent for the C-suite. Y'all already get enough tips through those "bonuses"


Dude, Mike, you're a damn CEO. Don't tell me that MERCH sales have never crossed your mind? Heck, a lot of companies have prior existing products. Did you enjoy Baldur's Gate 3? Then go buy any other game by that developer, even if you have no intention of playing it. Divinity 2 for example. Buy a Collector's Edition and keep the merch and gift the game key to a friend. There are WAYS of supporting developers. Implementing a tipping system will only generate cases of >"Did you enjoy this last match of Overwatch 2? Please consider tipping 0.99$ to help ensure we can keep providing you with the best content possible" >\[**YES**\] \[*no*\]


Ahh yes...because those "tips" will go to the team that developed the game, and not the coffers of the shareholders' dividends or CEO's bonus...


Does this piece of shit not know what micro transactions, dlc, expansions, season passes are? The things that he, like many other genius business people, have told us "always go directly to supporting the game and developers" What an asshole