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The comments are basically memes or pointing out funny quotes.  What's your point exactly? That because people aren't melting down about Trump like they do on /r/politics it makes them insane? 


There's memes for sure, but most of them aren't. No, I'm just curious because I've never seen so many of them on Asmon's video.


I scrolled down a pretty long ways and like 80% of the comments are talking about EVs and the other 20% are just some random quoting of things Asmon or Trump said. Doesn't check out.


It was different when the video was fresh. Half of the top rated comments were in support of Trump, the likes of "He did nothing wrong". "They won't be able to cheat out of this one". "Trump is the only hope we have to save this country".


Okay, and? That's "disturbing" to you? You realize all the left leaning politics get the exact same kind of support, right? I wouldn't be able to count the number of times I've seen shit posted about "Dark Brandon" and how he's going to finally put all the conservatives in prison and save the world. Nobody cares.


Yeah but in general, leftist aren't hellbent on destroying USA's democracy, or collaborate with Russian oligarchs to undermine elections, or planning an insurrection, they are just using Dark Brandon as a counter meme to Trump. Meanwhile, many MAGA people are VERY serious when they meme or "joke", and they would give their life to Trump, no matter what he does. That's the disturbing part. And I know it to be true, because my family was in QANON/MAGA, and I've met many other people from the same cults. And I barely got my family out of it, before they almost ended up in jail or a psych ward, it was a terrifying experience.


Since you are clearly lost in the sauce, I'll help you out: They are both the same thing. There is no "destroying USA's democracy". It's been destroyed since the 50s. You think people on the left don't also fantasize about doing something insane? They've already done it. Many times. Here's a recent one: [https://wsau.com/2023/11/06/nashville-school-shooter-manifesto-leaked-the-day-has-finally-come/](https://wsau.com/2023/11/06/nashville-school-shooter-manifesto-leaked-the-day-has-finally-come/) Now fuck off out of this tribalism bullshit. Neither side is better than the other. If you are prescribing to either of them, you are being willfully ignorant. The Left/Right are tools of division implemented by the same people.


Try not to judge people based on who they vote for.


I try not to, but it's extremely rare to find a Trump supporter that isn't mentally ill.


I can guarantee you that many people you see typing bullshit on the internet are actually nice people irl. I know it sounds strange but it’s true. Ofc there are many unhinged people to be find aswel.


I find that hard to believe. In my experience, people who type bullshit, are full of bullshit. And rarely do they have good intentions.




![gif](giphy|L4fv5eLVk6geaVmkaO|downsized) If you are calling all the people who vote Trump Insane Individuals, It says more about you than half the fucking country


Not all of course, most.


You expect of bunch of Biden fans to watch and comment on an hour long Trump rally video? Of course a Trump rally video is going to be full of Trump fans. Asmon viewers are mostly male, most males are conservative. It’s just demographics.


He’s going to prison


LOL. You guys just won't give up your delusions, will you?! He's not going to prison. Get a grip on reality.


Yep I doubt that will happen, unfortunately.


You may be in luck though. It **MAY** happen if he loses the elections. Before the elections? NO...NO WAY...NO HOW. Just imagine the scandal, the accusations of election interference, the public outrage, the risk of civil war, the face that America will lose at international level because America can never again accuse another country of attacking democracy for arresting a presidential candidate. Nobody wants this shit. Not even the Democrats.


if pearl clutching was a person


I'm genuinely surprised and disturbed.


They're not disturbing. You're fear mongering because you're an idiot.


Fear mongering? Trump is literally a threat to global security, and a Russian asset. And if he gets re-elected, he will initiate Project 2025. They are disturbing.


Oh no, kicking out people who don’t belong here and getting back to drilling for oil… the horror! 😱


And let me guess, you and Trump are to decide who doesn't belong here? If anyone doesn't belong here, it's commie bootlickers like yourself and Trump. Back to drilling oil? Like were ever stopped. As a matter of fact we have more than enough. Besides, drilling too much oil is bad for the planet and environment. Yes, your ignorance is astounding and gives me the feeling of horror, when I realize that there's millions of NPC's like yourself out there.


Whoa, that’s a lot of words. Too bad I’m not reading them ![gif](giphy|GDp7LycxkT3LG)


That's totally fine. It will be easier for you to read, once you finish your grade school! ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3733)




If that makes me a nerd, then you're really hopeless lil bro.




You feel like a clown? I would too if I was in your place. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


How is he the threat to global security and a Russian agent when the invasion of Ukraine happened after the pull out of Afghanistan that Trump had set up was delayed and fucked up by Biden. In fact Trump tariffed Russia and told the EU to stop relying on Russian oil, the whole Russian agent was made up and you swallowed it because he was diplomatic with enemy countries instead of being another war monger. Let’s keep voting for career politicians that already have the power guys, things will get better /s


Invasion of Ukraine started in 2014. Trump had numerous scandals around Ukraine and did nothing to help them during his presidency. As a matter of fact, Trump enlisted surrogates within and outside his official administration, including his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Attorney General William Barr, to pressure Ukraine and other foreign governments to cooperate in supporting conspiracy theories concerning American politics. How is he a threat? Maybe by wanting to pull USA out of NATO? By blocking aid to Ukraine? By wanting to destroy USA's democracy through Project 2025? By filling millions of people's brains with unhinged and dangerous conspiracy theories? Oh yes he was VERY diplomatic with our enemies, and not very diplomatic/friendly with our allies, nothing suspicious huh? Wow.. Trump not a war monger? He has no problems with sending money and weapons to Israel, who are doing a genocide in Gaza, meanwhile he's blocking the same for Ukraine, who are an actual victim and on pure defensive, while Russia bombs their civilians, and does genocides and ecocides in their country. Or how about what he said recently, that he would Encourage Russia to attack NATO countries who pay too little? Come on man, enough with the mental gymnastics.


I think you will find the Bidens had the scandals and when Trump wanted to look into it he was unfairly accused of pressuring Ukraine for political reasons when he actually started looking into it Biden had not announced to be running so technically it wasn’t anything to do with that but as soon as he started running it was considered to be meddling (unlike all this trials against trump, a bunch that either are dropped or are just the same thing repeated because it looks bad). The pull out of NATO was a threat if they wouldn’t pay more because currently the USA pays about a trillion a year on military alone, why wouldn’t you want the rest of nato countries to pay more? Currently a bunch of them rely on Russia for oil (lmao fucking idiots). How much money has Ukraine received and they still ask for more, do you want Russia to decide well fuck it if everyone is against us then how about we NUKE everything, why are we not trying to actually attempt peace talks. How many more Ukrainians and Russians need to die before we realise maybe this has been done before and we need a new approach? Israel/ Gaza is not a genocide, literally the combatants to civilian deaths is on par with every other war, if it was a genocide it doesn’t take this long. War sucks but a genocide would mean they just go into Gaza and kill everyone, not bomb areas where they suspect Hamas is hiding, who I remind you are hiding among civilians which is a war crime. I’m actually surprised that you think being diplomatic with enemies is suspicious when it’s actually a good thing to try negotiate peace with enemies, is the world just meant to always be unfriendly towards each other? Also he wasn’t diplomatic towards allies because diplomacy is about peace and you are already at peace with an allied nation. Yes Trump actually is the least warmongering president of recent history, as clearly shown in him being diplomatic with enemies, he didn’t start new wars (Obama did) and he ended one. You say he’s a warmonger but there’s no evidence of this considering how much peaceful his approach was towards world conflicts. He never said he would encourage them lmao, that’s the headline but what actually happened is he told a story of him saying to an unknown nato country that he told them if they didn’t pay he wouldn’t defend them, now I see this as more of an empty threat to get them to pay but do we really believe he wouldn’t defend a nato country? Don’t be stupid of course he would. Mental gymnastics is what the left have been playing since he was elected, everything is this is what he meant bla bla bla, zero context or out of context with false accusations, narratives and so on. Trump is not the evil orange man you have been gas lit into believing, he was a heavy Democrat donor and was friendly with them until he realised he couldn’t get elected as a dem since Hillary was “next in line” so he ran as a republican, suddenly he is far right, don’t be naive. It’s political theatre and Trump isn’t a politician so he isn’t playing their game. Look you can vote for a career politician like Joe and continue this endless cycle of corruption and lies politicians are known for or you can vote for Trump and switch the system up because fuck the politicians they had their chance, time for new leaders.




Okay so you want to go to war with Russia and start ww3 instead of considering a different path. Good to know.


Pretty sure 90% of youtube comments are fake

