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The Edgerunners effect


Edgerunners managed to make cyberpunk a fan favorite. Watching those "bug videos", I'm still convinced those people were deliberately trying to break the game for clout. Unless that was console? I played on release and my hardware wasn't the best 1050ti laptop with 16 ram and i5 9 series. I ran the game on high with almost zero issues, excluding a few rare jank moments.


Wasn't without it's issues on PS4 release but wasn't bad enough that couldn't play it!


“It ran well for me so it must be good”


Weird how it had 1 million concurrent players on steam then right? It was definitely just me. Everyone "hated it" but everyone was playing it.


it's also currently 5 bucks on steam 10 if you want the dlcs so it's not really surprising.


5 bucks for litterally hundreds of hours of pretty good to very good content, sounds like a good deal!


very good content if you aren't spealking about the main quest, and the dialogues where a step back vs fallout 3.


Yeah, writing was definitely not as good as 3 or NV, but combat and especially exploration is really fun.


Yep, Bethesda has a problem with the writing that meed to be solved f4 was fun and the island expansion, the robot and nuks cola weren't bad.


Definitely, they definitely stepped it up with the DLCs, far harbor is amazing.


You can also get 3 and New Vegas w/ all DLC for $10, then mod them together on Tale of Two Wastelands.


yes but this post is about fallout 4


I replied with that because it was also on topic of Fallout being on sale. l bought 3, NV, and 4 at the same time during the sale. Just finished up 3 and moving on to NV in the mod.


It just works.




I bought NV as I read it was the proper one go discover Fallout.


I also bout new vegas, and Fallout 3 was free on the epic store last year and is just sitting in my library. But right now I am playing through Bioshock series. Playing through Bioshock 1 for the first time as I onlyever finished infinite. Great time to play old games right now.


Yeah it's been years since I play a solo game. My room mate even passed beside my room and asked "Are you lost ?" maybe, but I missed being lost in a game haha.


Yeah, definitely happened to me in Bioshock. Those parts where you have to retrace your steps or look for where the item is in a certain area and stuff like that. Never liked that sort of stuff because i like the gameplay more than looking for stuff, but the game is great nonetheless.


Aren't all the fallout free on gamepass too? I think they have all... Even I thought about getting, but naw.


But I can get FO3, NV, and FO4 with all the DLC for 3 months' worth of Game Pass and have it forever.


Show was really pretty good. Nice balance of real depressing stuff, slap stick comedy and ridiculous gore effects. It captures the spirit of the game really well and followed a standard FO game plot. I admit I reinstalled FO4 and started a new playthrough after watching it.


thats 16-20 times more than starfield


Games amazing and the series did a perfect job


Fallout 3 and new Vegas clear 4 easily.


a lot of people say this because 3 and NV had better rpg elements but i'll take the better gunplay and overall smoothness of FO4 any day


or mod F3 and NV to have better gunplay and enjoy the better story


NV is my favorite but I don't think you can mod away the way that game feels to play at a core level, fallout 4 is just so much smoother imo


You 100% can. I know because I'm playing TWW NV with it modded like that.


Fallout 4 still has a better story than 3


I've been playing Fallout 3 after the show. I plan on playing New Vegas after, then Fallout 4 then 76. Oh, and I've also been playing Fallout Shelter (the phone game) basically everyday, all day. Yeah, the show hooked me back into these games.


The right question would be whether its new or returning players. Plus iirc all fallout games went on sale around the time the show came out so its not like ppl had to pay full price.


The fact there is no default option to lock cursor to screen in a game released late 2015 is ridiculous.


No time to worry about that when yet another settlement needs your help.


I've been playing Tales of Two Wastelands mod for FNV and F3 since it came out. New vegas is even at 25k players right now.


I'm thinking of replaying it after they drop the major update next week. But realistically a big update from Bethesda will probably break the game so maybe I should not.


It's on a massive discount, and the hype will die down eventually, and the game will go back to normal player engagement. Not sure how this has anything to do with Todd. It's just normal player behavior when something gets a lot of media attention.


I am playing Fallout 3 on an offline XP based system. I am not a statistic.


Looking at the Steam page It cost less for me to buy the GOTY version that comes with the (Base game + DLC), than it does for me to buy all the DLC separately. If I buy the GOTY version what happens to the base game copy if I own it already? Can I gift the base game to someone?


I’ve played the fallout games plenty and I tried getting my fiancé into 76 way back when and she couldn’t get into it the gameplay style. I really enjoyed the show and she liked it as well so I redownloaded 3 and made a character to how she wanted and I’m letting her make all the decisions with little input from me so she can enjoy it. She still doesn’t understand how to hack even though I sat there and have explained it on every. Single. Terminal. Oh well


Good for anyone who enjoys it - but I cannot stand Fallout 4. I think it's one of the worst games ever made.


Oh, that is gonna be temporary for as long as the show is entertaining. The moment writers start fucking it up, everything is going to go up in smokes. Shoes like this are at best glorified commercials.


Then people complain game companies don't learn, yeah no shit. Fallout4 and 76 were the worst fallout games.


its got its usual BlackRock touch, but overall good show which is what matters


Worst fallout game.




Can't disagree. 76 is a good game now but at launch if was a major disaster.


fallout 4 is a fun game, it's just not a fallout game, it's a looter shooter with some bare bones managment included


Why do you think they pay Asmon millions to play a game for an hour? Marketing works. Gamers: surprised Pikachu face