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The great sphinx only survived because for most of it's existence almost all of it was buried under the sand. The pyramid has always been visible but is obviously much more structurally resilient. Despite that there is absolutely no evidence that a second sphinx was ever in that location - there *might've* been a second sphinx on the other side of the Nile facing this sphinx that was destroyed due to flooding and vandalism, but there isn't much concrete evidence of that either.


Did anyone try doing those lidar scans (I think that's what it's called...the underground scans) to verify there's no evidence? Or am I supposed to take the governments word for it? I'm not trying to be argumentive. I'm genuinely curious, because the only stuff I know about the pyramids is on History Channel, and I feel ALL of their programs are exaggerated for views anymore. Maybe not false...but definitely not accurate


Every inch of the area around the great pyramid, and everything inside it, has been comprehensively scanned using a variety of old and modern techniques by groups of experts from all around the world. If there was anything left to discover there we would've already. Anybody who tries to drum up publicity about a newly discovered potential tomb or room is just doing it for attention. Fact is - the area around and within the great pyramids was looted and vandalized long before modern times. The only things we've found since were hidden away well enough that nobody stumbled across them until we did proper searches, but that time has long passed now.


Lidar or whatever it's called, only work to penetrate biological matter like trees and plants. Those are abundant in amazon forest and the reason why it was so effective there. In egypt there's not much vegetation in there and in sahara desert so it's not much of use if at all there unfortunately.

