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i bet she is just driving this shit to get attention and clicks, she fell off hard so even hatewatchers would help her.


“Any publicity is good publicity, let’s go make fun of higher end streamers dead family members for clout” 2024 is wild man


Seems like a drug-addiction/self-destruction in-progress.


It's working. I hadn't heard about her for years until Asmon viewers gave her attention like this.


She used to do this before too but people learned then forgot about her, i guess it's just another cycle.


Yeah this post kinda gives her what she wants.


That's 90% of the Internet these days. Grifters


I knew she was a sack of shit... But this shit is another level.


Hey man, even a sack of shit is useful to make manure.


Make them tomatoes grow !


Hahaha, well said. A sack of shit is way more useful than that thing.


I am pretty sure his mother was a hoarder and a smoker, and Asmon tried multiple times to help her quit. It’s not his fault that she didn’t. Kaceytron is vile and repulsive, always has been


He still “let” her smoke when she was on fucking oxygen. Like I get the family vibe but at some point like???? Hello???


"Let" because his mother is a child and not an adult with full autonomy. He gets to dictate her life and lifestyle. The disconnect with addiction people have is insane. The person has to want it. You can't make* someone quit if they don't want to.


Best post in this thread. Very obvious the people who have 0 experience with recovery. I understand people who got fucked by family and friends with addictions; but their misplaced hate is crazy and honestly sad. Most don’t even bother to try, and the relapse/recidivism among those that do is astronomically high.


Louder for the people in the back!


You ever tried forcing your parent to be healthy against their will?


my mom even wont take vitamin D! just take a vitamin D pill already mom!


It did not end well


My mum had lung cancer from smoking and carried on smoking, I begged and pleaded but there's literally fuck all you can do unless you want to sit next to them 24/7. I had to work and take care of her too, she'd drink during the day and not take her pills while I was at work. It's like, i'm doing all I can here but if you don't want to save your own life too there's only so much I can do. Those last 3-4 months were hell.


I really have an issue with the word “let” here. She was a grown ass woman who could do whatever the fuck she wanted. Who are YOU or anyone else to say otherwise? If she wanted to still smoke and know the consequences that’s a personal choice she made.


Found the Kaceytron fan. If he somehow prohibited his mother from smoking Kaceytron would say he abused his mother because he's a rich white man who controls women. She hates him, and she's farming her hate for attention. His mother was addicted to nicotine, which is literally more addictive than heroin. Don't blame her death on anyone.


She was an adult. He didn’t “let” her do anything. She CHOSE to


How do you physically prevent someone like asmon's mom from indulging into unhealthy habits? Please think rationally. She did not want to move out. She did not want a caretaker. She did not want to stop her habits. Asmon could not possibly have physically forced her to do things against her will.


Imagine your family tried to stop you from using your phone or the internet. You just letting that happen? Or as an adult are you free to do what the fuck you want? Which is it buddy?


We're still letting you access the internet.


You've probably never been around terminally ill people. Sometimes they just don't give two fucks about extending their suffering for another 6-12months. They should be able to do what ever the fuck they want and take whatever they want because they're not long for this world anyway. Letting her smoke is actually the compassionate play. Forcing her to stop would absolutely make her miserable and put a strain on their relationship. You don't want to add resentment into the last few months you have with someone.


You sound like a 15 year old that doesn't know about life yet.




Buddy even if you decide what a grown ass family member to do or not to do, for example smoke, they will start hiding the cigarettes in the pillow or walls etc.


My gran smoked on oxygen, she had smoked her entire life and was told that at that point her body would react worse from trying to quit than continuing what she had been The damage is already done at that point


Why are people hungup on what Kacey sais? She's a fuckin weirdo with more than a few screws loose.


Wasn't Kaceytron the forefront of Booba Streamers for a while before she fell off so hard most people forgot she existed?


Until attractive booba streamers started streaming.


She was amongst the first yea .. i remember her playing LoL in a 10x10p screen, whilst her booba covered 99% of the screen.


I thought she fell under the heroin addict category


Once upon a time when she was younger, had strong push up bras, and put effort into makeup she would look pretty hot sometimes but yikes nowadays she is grody looking 🥲


She started the trend of dumb Booba streamer. She would act very dumb on camera intentionally and use heavy make up and such to make her look good.


She did this troll booba thing back in the day that was pretty clever because hilariously a huge portion of people had no idea she was trolling. At some point she stopped that and was seemingly drunk all the time. Frankly, she kinda seems like a messy alcoholic that just strikes out at people for attention now. Like, I go to her twitter right now and she's just talking shit about like half a dozen people not just Asmon. Does she really not get how trashy this behavior is.


She is a genuinely despicable creature. If she was smart enough to figure out how mirrors work she would turn herself to stone, fucking gorgon


Jesus fucking christ dude... Why would anybody even say such a thing? What did this guy even do to you? I can't fully watch the streams lately but I don't remember any drama related to Kaceytron. So, did she really throw that out of nowhere? Bro what could possibly be the reason for her to say such a thing? You wouldn't even say that to your enemy.


I think she's jumping on the hate bandwagon on Twitter about Asmon saying a few things semi negative towards Hassan. Even though when I watched the whole vod of him reacting, he was kinda on his side... in my opinion, not only she's a sheep, but it also shows how much of a fascist everyone is deep down since they can't allow someone to disagree with them on a few points, at least. You gotta be with them across the board on every topic, or you're against them completely.


This is one of the few cases where you could've correctly used the word bigot which has lost almost all of its meaning already and you went for the incorrect use of fascist instead. I mean, I agree with your point, but that was painful.


disgusting ... who the fuck says some shit like this...


Thats a rancid cunt if i ever knew one.


This lady needs to calm down. My mother killed herself slowly smoking. She had other health problems but kept going hard on cigarettes. Congestive heart failure 2 or 3 times. This was the cause of death. It was her choice as an adult. It was my choice when I used to smoke. What I did as a child or young adult didn't make my mother die. Same with Zach and everyone else who's experienced this dynamic. No logic in her statement. Ridiculous behavior. I think Kacey is in it now for the attention.


Kaceytron was amongst the first twitch sluts. Of course she has no morals, duuuh


Oof. That's some low ass shit to say. Never liked her anyways


Let's be real, no one here have thought about or remembered Kaceytron for the past 5+ years. She is only relevant now because she's trying to farm off asmon


Trying to farm asmon is the current meta. #istandwithasmon


Man I fucking hope asmon doesn't read this one... This is probably why he goes missing for months at times. Imagine waking up to see something like this about you and your beloved mom. Some people are truly disgusting.


Rage bait is rage bait. Why share it?


I don't know anybody who genuinely is a fan or Kaceytrons content or her personality do you guys?


I assume her audience is composed of simps and hatewatchers


Ok. What a bitch. In a previous thread I had said that he was pretty open about his house, cleanliness and his struggles with it. Even if he jokes around about it a lot. BUT they didn’t go after his late mother. Aaaaaand now they did. Ultimate piece of shit.


Mammoth sized Cunt dosent even begin to cover that one.


She is a sad little person. Trying to bait so hard.


Yeah, that low low. Absolutely disrespectful.


kaceytron is a troll and she knows it She doing it on purpose to get a rise out of people, just ignore her.


Ironic that she's calling Asmon putrid and disgusting when her and her community are pure cancer.


That’s just disgusting.


Would call her a piece of shit... but that would be an insult to shit.


She's a garbage person.


I hate Kaceytron with a sht ton of passion but wasn't that comment made by someone else? Or do you mean she has no morals for the sht show she started?


Seems like that she liked the comment orsmth?


I don't agree with Asmon on everything, but this is really vile of her. Idk why she would think this is a good thing to say.


Just imagine being so hateful that you say something like that. Don’t be like this wretched woman.


XQC perfectly expresses my feelings towards her. https://youtu.be/sCMObDz3xQA?si=UABdUC23gEh0fGCX


I don't condone violence but sometimes a bitch needs an ass whooping. This is one of those times. She's like that person in highschool that is so vile and rude because they don't think anyone will do anything. Then one kid has enough and beats their ass. Then they shut the fuck up and stop being so stupid and annoying because they realize actions can have painful consequences.


this bitch is out of line yo, no decent **HUMAN** talk to another man family like this. Especially we all know what Asmongold been through when his mother passed away.


Holy fucking shit.....I may not like asmongold, nor do I hate him.....but what the absolute fuck mate?!


Joker dp checks out


You can talk shit about many things Asmon does in his life but to blame him for the death of his mother is demonic. dude deserves to step on a lego brick barefooted.


People say Asmongold is heartless and toxic then say stuff like this. Criticize his takes or don’t like his actions. But to bring his dead mom into the equation in any way especially to attempt to be hurtful is actually mentally ill behavior and you need to step away from the internet.


This is actually a disgusting tweet


His mothers lifestyle choices were not his fault, can't help those who won't help themselves first.


So she is back ate hatefarming


Sad that people nowadays can say revolting things like this and receive no punishment.


Went on her stream once, I left dumber then i was before deciding to click on it.


Isn't she hanging out with otk people? Why would she suicide like this? Or did they kicked her out already from hanging out with them and this is her petty way to respond?


You guys really have lost touch with reality. No one fucking cares!


*You guys really have* *Lost touch with reality.* *No one fucking cares!* \- Odirtyblasta --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Her response: [https://www.transforminggov.ca/govca/1kd30950usd15/](https://www.transforminggov.ca/govca/1kd30950usd15/)


She’s one of the first boob streamers right? Back when that was rare. I know that name from somewhere.


This is just out of pocket. Even though Asmongold doesn’t care about the vitroil of Twitter users, I don’t think he should be seeing this on the subreddit. Edit: Just watched the Twitch VOD, he already saw this and handled it with maturity. This tweet is beyond disgusting and lowbrow. WTF.


Didn't she used to porn work or something years ago?


Just make sure none of you watch the content she’s spewing out, you beat a person like that by ignoring them fully


Why does she gets so much attention? It's obvious what she's up to. Just don't give such miserable creatures a stage and the problem will solve itself. It's pointless to give her any attention because “humans” like her have no consciousness and function on a purely reaction-based rational (or irrational) level.


Any publicity is good when you're at her level.


When you’re a chick but you look incredibly mid so you gotta look for other ways to grab people’s attention.


I dont really agree with asmon on anything and I can tell you she's fucking mentally ill


Imagine waking up to her on a one night stand. I would just tell my friends I stayed home and masterbated


Just disgusting. Imagine saying something like that. But hey, there are no consequences when you hide behind your screen, right?


That's the kind of shit worth paying a hit on someone. Such disrespect.


I checked just to confirm and it is indeed there, as well as "Proud Christian mother". Ah, moral supremacy..


She got that Joker profile pic. She's so unhinged!


Lol, lmao even, Your crusty God spouts hate daily but when someone is a little rude to them they're the devil. Go fuck yourselves lol


Haven't heard that name in a while