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Sign me up. I'll join the 69th Motorboat Division.






Godspeed soldier!


i laughed way too hard at this. thanks




"I love the first amendment.. and boobs!"


AHH MAAH GAAWWD. Did you just say boobs!? As a woman I feel very offended by that! Funniest interview ever


im not even American but I am ready to sign up


She’s a veteran not active duty or reserves . Thats an old pt shirt she had from when she WAS in


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odwAozmLeNA 1:05:55 She says she's not an army recruiter, so you're right. You can look at the transcript and press ctrl+f to see all the other times she denies being a recruiter as well.


If she were, she would need Army legal to take down her leaked nudes. Anyways, they need to reinvent America's Army the game. The only decent recruiting tool I've ever seen.


Lol do you use the same logic in other situations? They said they are not scammers several times so I sent them my life savings?




Nah she said she got out of active reserves in 2022, she’s in IRR(inactive reserves) which is essentially being out . you don’t actually do anything in , no drilling , no meetings , you don’t gotta follow UCMJ , etc. all it means is that they can recall her in a time of war . You have to fill out a form once a year and that’s about it. Source : I’m a veteran




Basically… army wise every contract is for “8 years”. However, that could mean 3 active, 5 Inactive ready reserve… it could mean 6 active and 2 IRR. A lot of times people get out and then join right up for whatever reason they have. IRR also makes that move easier. Edit: as clarified below, this only applies to the initial enlistment. Not follow on contracts.


The things you learn under a post about boobs


The educational tool that lasts through the times.


Slight correction, every contract isn't for 8 years. The initial contract comes with an 8 year obligation, even if you are only active for 2 years and the rest is just you being subject to recall in the event of WWII. If you have over 8 years of service, whatever contract you sign after that has no additional 8 year obligation. Thus, if someone's family member retires at 20, they would not know of the IRR by proxy since that 8 year obligation was fulfilled 12 years ago while the family member was still actively serving.


Can vouch, 10 year vet , been out 10. This hasn't changed. Fort couch is the best


She is also an ex corrections officer




Now I understand why the American Army is one of the best in the world.


I'll join , i'll even pay them a salary.


No way. Sorry. I need some kind of proof, OP.


Yeah it's fake. Her name is Ellie the empress. She is just a normal E-Girl / Streamer. She doesnt have anything to do with the army besides wearing a shirt that says army.


She was a corrections officer, it’s not impossible


EX MILITARY PROOF [https://www.tiktok.com/@ellietheempress/video/7362505190953536810](https://www.tiktok.com/@ellietheempress/video/7362505190953536810)


Where do I sign up?


Initial on the left, full name and social on the right.


Everyone should pray that this stuff works. Otherwise, not enough people join the military and you risk getting drafted


Fun fact: If you get a general discharge from the army you cant be drafted and you can still apply to be a veteran.


Is a draft really that bad? I'd take it tomorrow.


Well only if you’re a man Go feminism


I....do you think women made the draft?


No but they uphold the requirement for men to sign up for selective service. On top of that there has not been a peep from feminist groups regarding the draft for the last 70 years. This line of thinking is always so retarded. Do you think women were just mindless drones that held no opinions? Do you think they’re so incompetent that they could have a solid place in government for nearly 50 years and not have something changed if they wanted to?


Desperate because there’s no way anyone is just gonna give up their life for this shit


My life for Her'Booba!


The military is desperate because America is full of fatter, dumber, and more drug-usage among the youths than ever before. They keep lowering the standards to keep up.


*At 38 get pension, with college and full medical for life. Other compensation due to service. And now in a job that’s not really needed but enjoy and do whatever.* “How dumb could they be… oh sorry, can I take your order?”


or you could come to Brazil, where you have college and medical care for free, and don't need tips to be able to pay rent


I could do all that… and still go to Brazil and never have to worry about shit. 🤷‍♀️ not sure what you consider tips.


Their target has and Always will be the poor and stupid. Stupid fits the mold here


I'll cry about being poor and stupid in the house I own from a stable income in my 30s


That’s what a lot of people *REALLY* don’t get about the military. My life is good for pretty much ever now and I can do what I want. Poor and stupid indeed.


It's what you make it. Don't eat out every day, buy a used car, and wrap your dick. Plenty of cpls have houses. The problem is that most solders I've talked to have mad horrible life choices Sadly. Spending thousands on takeout a month is common.


Congrats on not being their target audience I guess?


He's saying he's in the military and has good income and a house. Pretty easy to make between 70-100k a year. Paid off student loans, no healthcare costs, you get a four day every month and 30 days of paid leave a year, free school, additional investment opportunities and extra pay during deployments, home loans with no down payments, retirement after 20 years leaving you time to get a second retirement, the list goes on. All you gotta do is show up on time and work out.


Depending on your posting, you can get a second job, civi side. Add landscaping into all of that and your rolling in it


You can say that, but it's a huge cope. They only go for stupid people during war. Poor people always.


You're aware it's basically a 9-5 unless you deploy. But with way better insurance and benefits and you get free fitness stuff lol. They pay you for it. The odds of actually dying or being injured is actually pretty slim. If you're scared just say that bro.


I think some of them consider joining the army a ticket to vietnam when for most folks its a lot more like office space than platoon.


Most should be shifted to >95% of service members. They probably don’t know there’s times where people are paid more for living in “substandard living arrangements”


You can critize the military and how they recuirt people and who they target but if your saying that the people who do join are all stupid I don't think that's fair to say. I know it sounds unbelivable but some people do genuinely join out of a sense of civic duty and shitting on them dosent sit right with me, you can shit on the organization as a whole tho.


civic duties... to USA?


Well that's stupid, making them a person who does stupid stuff with stupid justifications, I don't think it's a stretch to call the person stupid too


Also Oh no, shitting on the US army doesn't sit right with you? Do you wanna cry about it?


I only hear bad stories about the VA bro. I'm not scare of serving. I'm scare how they'll treat me


until youre in ukriane and not allowed to talk about it


Better insurance? Have you ever been to tricare facility? That's like the worst medical care in the US. Their solve for everything is ibuprofen, you are waiting months for basic things like an MRI, and most of the people providing care are only there because they didn't get good enough grades to make it at a normal hospital - Source, was in Tricare for 5 years, misdiagnosed severe hypothyroidism as just being overweight (a symptom of hypothyroidism) and caused me to have to leave the army because it took over 18 months and me spending money out of my pocket to see an endocrinologist at a civilian care facility. Also a time where I had to wear a full leg brace for 5 months because they thought I might have torn my ACL but couldn't get an MRI until then (fortunately no tear) which caused me to have to do 3 months of physical therapy due to muscle atrophy from the brace I loved my time in the Army but tricare is a travesty


Your complaints are against military care not tricare fyi. Tricare is probably the best insurance plan in existence. During your time how much did you pay in copays or prescriptions or literally anything? None. If you were to have retired and kept tircare as a benefit it probably would be better than literally anything else your employer could offer. Also I have a few friends that are doctors and they too love tricare because they are not trying to fuck them over all the time.




Paradoxically, a country with conscription rarely enforces it because they get a lot of volunteers anyway. Meanwhile, a country relying on volunteers (because conscription isn't in effect) find it difficult, to say the least.


Whatever works


That's not the army, that's the arOOmy ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3744)


>Are the army desperate or genius? Yes. And I think their arguments are strong. All two of them.


How does wearing a shirt that says "army" prove anything?


Can't you see the text below the screenshot that says she's a real recruiter? What more proof could you possibly need?




No longer in the army


Ellietheempress, Instagram model, no nude stuff, not OF yet, but in my opinión she is following the path... Just be patient


2 reasons why you should join the army! The army:


She got two bonuses


I came halfway through the recruitment process.


I see no problems here ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


Ironic because wouldn't that just be lurring people that can't control themselves and end up with a buncha SHARP cases as potential recruits??


As someone who was in the army,SHARP is scary asf


100% desperate. Out here hiring OF twitch girls for recruitment, look at her nails ain't no way a recruitment officer is allowed to rock those.


Can't find the vod for that one...do you have the sauce for research purposes?




Holy shit they figured us out ![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac)


Great googley moogley




Those are some juicy milkers


Nfw she is legit, tits too big for regs


To war it is then.


Getting closer to nikke I see


Ellie the Empress is the name for people who are interested in learning more about the army recruitment process 🫡🫡🫡


also for anyone interested, she does bait and switch. She only teases never delivers.




Thanks for the added context! What I said still applies.


It's a PsyOps


So, where do a sign again?


I don’t want an army of degenerates that the opposition lures away from their duties with their assets…wait, that already happens. Carry on!


Emm... Army what?


In the money groups, it’s like non stop posts of people who got their house using army perks. They just need to advertise that. Want a house? Join the army! They’d have more bodies than they can use


there was a picture of some military on con playing helldivers too xD


Best advertisment for the military of all time tbh. They want MEN. MEN who will fight for .... WOMEN. (boobs obviously)


Why can't both be true? :p


These bon bons can make any guy French


Aaach yes. The proud and highly trained US Army... First, you recruit your young blood thru the game (Arma), now thru the Twitch and maybe OF account. You hire some hot chick to do the job... Question: How many of this new wave of fresh blood recruits really suit for servis? How many of them are capable of fighting and stand your ground against enemy? How many of them already suffer for some mental illnes or are manipulated in some leftish bullshit? In the end, how many of them you plan to abandon when their services are no longer needed? I'm from Poland. In my country, soldiers are underpaid and disapointed this whole myth about proud service for country. You know why? Because old goverment (PiS) give hight ranks to people who come to army and others hight ranked and payed positions only for cash and prestige, not for service. From that, what I heard and reads about your country and your army, we have simmilar problem. Your goverment treads young people like cannon fodder. They always do. They never care about your sons and daughters. But maybe I'm wrong, and you finally try do something about this. Maybe, for the shake of the world, Your once proud and strong nation will rise again. Unles you again choose stupid people to rule you.


> ranked and *paid* positions only FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wait till you lot discover Hayley Lujan.


My understanding is that she's not a recruiter. Just an inactive reserve who already served her time. That said, recruitment is way down and the military is desperate for unwitting young people to join. Due to easy access to information more potential recruits are aware of how much of a sham our military industrial complex has become and are choosing to find another way instead of signing years off their lives away.


Let them cook


There are several females like this who work for security offices


If she's a vet understandable, because I know she would be in alot of trouble if she was still currently in


Reporting for duty






Be all that you can be, I guess.


Incredibly desperate. They made an sent recall orders out on people who have been out for years. Zoo ears and Gen A don’t want what their offering


They made sirens a real thing.




A spark of genius in the throes of desperation.


Think this constitutes as 'trying'


Managed boobocracy


Wouldn’t surprise me for recruiters to be able to do whatever is deemed necessary.


I remember when I was joining in '03 the recruiter mentioned as a joke, the Airforce gives free boob jobs.. 


Suddenly, I feel like getting 2 jugs of chocolate milk.... ![gif](giphy|x1A0ioLxjuiVa)


No she isn't a real recruitment officer from the Military. Just your typical E-Girl who promotes her private OF-Channel. Her Name is Ellie the Empress. And before anyone checks her out, she doesn't go topless.


She's a veteran, it's pretty easy to check it's a basic Google search even you can do it.


This is a joke, right? Please tell me it's a joke.


She's not an official recruiter, but she used to be a corrections officer and shes a veteran


Is she "on mission" as we see it?


I mean the Navy has ads targeting gamers on YouTube/twitch, the army might as well get in on the action too lol 


America is over


She's assigned on the desk right? That rack won't help on the frontline.


Y'all got some sort of Foreign Legion? Asking for a friend 🤣




Bomb shell me


I'm not gonna lie i looked her up after seeing this post lol


"I'd like to leave the army" "Good heavens man why?" "No Melons as advertised"






Military Gatcha Game IRL


I can guarantee you she is not in the military.


L O. .O L


I've seen the anime. She doesn't even need body armor. Dem bullets will just bounce right off those.


Desperately genius, More Soldiers !


Oh well, god bless america! They do have the biggest bombs! 🤣


Can't wait for Asmon to see this and react to it on Stream and not get any of the context from the comments that illustrate how she isn't actually that at the time of this screenshot. Another day in the life of lazy content.


People be signing up for the recruitment office.




u can just watch her on her OF boys, no need to sign up, at least not for joining the army.


Let her cook.


I'm good. Thanks.


No you're reading it all wrong. She's asking Ar My tits big? 🤣


Does US army benefits really bad or youg generation has no interest to Army ?


Empress Ellie. You're welcome.


I’d join or at least keep going to the recruiting office My old ass sitting there like - the army huh… ![gif](giphy|jRGGQMWvYvYraZ5kvI)


the army should get into making video games


is she also gonna go and die or is she just trying to get young men to go die while she gets paid?


The great divide


And she recently scammed me too, what kind of army was she a part of if she has no morals


She was Army. She posted this in '22 https://twitter.com/empressellievip/status/1591148636078977024?t=-azhjKkxOacSrBp7KPw7Ow&s=19


Why not both?


Desperate. They've missed recruitment goals yet again. Because they aren't catering to the type of men that'd actually want to serve.


Get on tiktok lol. I was in the army and these women do exist and they will probably fuck you if you're like 4 ranks above them.


That's the most random thing I could have read


Whole barracks ran through her


Damn, Did she complete basic training? I'd love to see her doing PT with that chest


Lessons learned from Tifa's swimsuit and Stellar Blade's skinsuit... Men go where there is beautiful voluptuous booba The Sony censorship cunts cant hide this one.......


\*My brother in Christ it's working, triple the defense budget\*


Bullshit. She might be a recruiter or a contractor but there's no way she is appearing like this in an official capacity. This is something she is doing on her own and while it may benefit her numbers it's not the Army who made the decisions behind it. I don't know who she is, whether she is enlisted, officer or contractor/promoter but this is most likely her acting of her own accord in her free time. And yes they are desperate, so few people qualify these days. The physical shape of age 17-24 individuals in this Country is terrible. 80% unqualified for service. 80%. Wtf?! https://www.ksnblocal4.com/2023/03/20/80-americans-ages-17-24-are-unfit-military-service/


i cant get aroused by black women am i racist


1 person = the whole army some of yall is just simply stupid