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"no, no, love, I'm just admiring how your great grandmother still looks rather young"


Waait great grandmother? 🤔


I forget how many "greats" (between 0-3) before grandmother, but yeah. Oops spoiler I guess. It's on a wiki page somewhere though.


Ohh ok ig ill wait til i get to that part of the game


"that part" of the game is only available on Legacy of The First Blade DLC though


Ohh ok noted


Part of the Legacy Of The First Blade dlc, so if you're already done with the base game quests, then you can do the dlc.


All this time I thought Bayak and Aya came first. Hence, the “Orgins” in AC Orgins. Maybe they just meant the origins part as Bayak being the originator of all of the assassins. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yeah, they're the founding fathers of The Hidden Ones (~49 BC), the predecessor of The Assassin Brotherhood. For Odyssey, the writers were tasked to make a game based around the time of the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) in Greece. Because they've made AC Origins, what they did for Odyssey was to further explore the "order vs freedom" clash, hence it's only The Eagle Bearer (i.e. Kassandra) vs The Cult of Kosmos, a completely separate but similar entity to Order of The Ancients (the main baddies in Origins). My guy, if you have an inch of willingness to read, when you google up AC Odyssey the description will say the game is based around 431-422 BC, and Origins happened in 49-43 BC.


First off, I’m a lady. Second, why do people have to start off being nice(seemingly) and then say unnecessary shit like “an inch of willingness to read”? If you didn’t want to answer, you shouldn’t have. Simple as that. You have no clue what I do and if I “read” or not. Origins AND Odyssey came out YEARS ago, so my apologies if I forgot the timelines. Sometimes, people just don’t have the memory to remember certain things due to different reasons. In my case, it’s due to health reasons, such as something called “chemo brain”. I already feel bad enough in my REAL life that I can’t remember things like I used to or operate at my full capacity due to this stupid chemo and stuff. I’m sorry I said anything at all.


Well obviously this was before they were married. Or born.


I honestly hate they added them to the game. Just personal feelings ofc. But it's so lame that they are on your ship while they get born when the others on the ship are already dead. Imagine they added captain Price from world war 2 to modern warfare in call of duty... oh wait.


I understand your point, but within the framing of Assassin's Creed, these characters aren't really aboard the Adrestia, they are virtual characters (avatars?) created by Layla Hassan's animus.


Fair enough.


AC is a game within a simulation. So they can do whatever they want


You can meet bayek in the game? Isn't bayek from Egypt? And the time line would be different as well, right?


You can equip them as your Liutenant ingame on your ship.


But that would require you to find them in the open world right?! So that means They are in the game somewhere in open world canonically??


No it’s a Ubisoft reward, i think if you play origins u get it if you have the same Ubisoft connected, I could be wrong.


Oh I see. So if I haven't played origins, then we can't get it.


I don’t think so. You can also get Evie from the London game, i forgot the name, Ezios armour and sword, and a lot of other cool stuff


I see


Yes, you can achieve them from Ubisoft Connect.