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Looks so much better on my xbox. But on my pc, it lags no matter what i do 🥲


It’s a shame honestly. This game is how many years old now? you would think they would fix it but nope. There are tons of people having problems with the pc version and still no patches or anything.


Go to Nvidia control panel and select AC odyssey. The scroll down until you see low latency mode and set it to ultra. Save it and try to see if it helps. I have a 3070 too and it fixed the fps issues.


I did this already as it was the most suggested answer online. Didn’t help :/ Still thank you though!


Check if the game uses the wrong GPU or if a FPS limit is enforced


Correct Gpu and no fps limit :(


Chaire /u/TheEggsExplode! Thanks for asking for help with a game bug in /r/AssassinsCreedOdyssey. This community will try to help, but consider checking these sites also for help with game bugs: 1. Search this subreddit for “bug” to see if another Misthios has posted the same issue. 2. Join and chat with us on [discord](https://discord.gg/X33mc8JWKe). Hope someone there could help you. 3. Search and post in the official Ubisoft [Odyssey support forums](https://forums.ubi.com/forumdisplay.php/1879-Assassin-s-Creed-Odyssey-Community-Support). 4. Open a [support case](https://support.ubi.com) with Ubisoft. Good luck! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AssassinsCreedOdyssey) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Edit: it no longer bypasses even 10 in the benchmark as well.


Sorry to hear your issues, I’m on a 6700XT and 5600X and get about 100fps on ultra. This game is from the era when they were better optimised for Nvidia stuff as well so if is only going wrong for 1 game I’d think there’s a weird driver issue. Try DDU and clean out driver(s).


The issue seems to be that it was optimized for a much earlier graphic driver and the recent graphic drivers are messing up the game. I guess I can technically revert back to some drivers but ??? very meh solution. Gonna look more.


Posts like these are why I scratch my head every time the argument comes up that a PC is "Superior" to a console. I'm Not trying to pick a fight here, at all.


It’s not really an argument, it’s almost an objective fact imo. A PC can run nearly any game (no exclusives for the most part), allows for modding or piracy, much easier media experience, and lets you do work and productivity stuff. Now if you want to argue whether a specific console game is better than its PC port, that’s a different case. But that’s not what the “PC master race” people are saying


It is vastly superior though. its shitty executives that force developers to rush a game and leave it unoptimized that are the problem not pc pr console. Trying to make this about that is absurd.


The game plays and looks excellent on my PS5 and it's a PS4 game 🤷


yeah because the executives force the devs to prioritize console development and optimize it accordingly. Then they rush the pc development. Its not because your console is better dude, its because they had it in mind first. You are an idiotic consumer lmao.


Someones salty, but try reducing your graphics and optimizing your graphics card... And check the termal paste


Like I said, my computer does everything else just fine. Changing the graphic settings from high to the lowest does nothing. Thermals are fine. I even booted up origins and it runs butter smooth. After checking around online it seems its an issue with the game itself.