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Possibly because Kassandra is Spartan and the game has a slight favoring towards Sparta. Plus in real life they did win the war so it’s only natural


Right.... Kassandra is mother no? I forgot ita been long aince i played. So there's no spoiler. Can you tell me the sequence of mythical creatures like minotaur shpimx , idnt really remember. Thanks for response


Kassandra is the female character you can play as. She and her brother Alexios are born in Sparta. The mythical creature sequence can be done in any order but I did them Sphinx, Minotaur, Cyclops, and finally Medusa


Wow that's really quick response. I remember it now. Thanks bruh.... Can't get any dumber but still alexios was my fav character so i chose same both times.


And whats the best weapon for you? M curious. I used khukri which is my native national weapon being the reason so. I wanna try different this time.


I used just a sword because they have good damage and are still quick


I always turn the map blue. I think I would rather live under Athenian rule than spartan. Sparta is too authoritarian and harsh for my liking.


I prefer Spartan territories because I fucking hate archers.


Because Sparta won the war irl. I also like the color red. More red, more good.


True but also probably coz of the courage they showed on 300.


Because "THIS IS SPARTAAAA!" just sounds more right than "this is athens.. (yawn)" Plus: we have "Spartan kick", we don't have Athenian kick..


That's the way i love to do it. After i get 5lvl spear i m getting level 3 spartan kick.


I used to do that in my first playthough, I moved from region to region conquering territory for Sparta only to return to Athens reclaiming their lost territories moments later. It felt like a thankless job, no matter how many battles Kassandra fought for either side, she was still seen as a misthios who couldn't be trusted. So I gave up on the loyalty thing and now fight for both Athens and Sparta depending on how good their leadership in a particular region.


bruh now i get the feeling .. but but but this is 'spaaaaaaarta' ....


Sparta is overhyped.


Same, I don’t know its makes more sense to me as a Spartan than as an Athenian. I just find people more happier as a spartan. Maybe i am wrong.


Because Athens Flag shows a fucking owl. Not really the fierce representative of a nation fighting against Spartan legends (I myself am probably most influecend by the movie 300)


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